/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "index_fst.h" #include "indexInt.h" #include "index_fst_automation.h" #include "tchecksum.h" #include "tcoding.h" static void fstPackDeltaIn(FstCountingWriter* wrt, CompiledAddr nodeAddr, CompiledAddr transAddr, uint8_t nBytes) { CompiledAddr deltaAddr = (transAddr == EMPTY_ADDRESS) ? EMPTY_ADDRESS : nodeAddr - transAddr; fstCountingWriterPackUintIn(wrt, deltaAddr, nBytes); } static uint8_t fstPackDetla(FstCountingWriter* wrt, CompiledAddr nodeAddr, CompiledAddr transAddr) { uint8_t nBytes = packDeltaSize(nodeAddr, transAddr); fstPackDeltaIn(wrt, nodeAddr, transAddr, nBytes); return nBytes; } FstUnFinishedNodes* fstUnFinishedNodesCreate() { FstUnFinishedNodes* nodes = malloc(sizeof(FstUnFinishedNodes)); if (nodes == NULL) { return NULL; } nodes->stack = (SArray*)taosArrayInit(64, sizeof(FstBuilderNodeUnfinished)); fstUnFinishedNodesPushEmpty(nodes, false); return nodes; } void unFinishedNodeDestroyElem(void* elem) { FstBuilderNodeUnfinished* b = (FstBuilderNodeUnfinished*)elem; fstBuilderNodeDestroy(b->node); free(b->last); b->last = NULL; } void fstUnFinishedNodesDestroy(FstUnFinishedNodes* nodes) { if (nodes == NULL) { return; } taosArrayDestroyEx(nodes->stack, unFinishedNodeDestroyElem); free(nodes); } void fstUnFinishedNodesPushEmpty(FstUnFinishedNodes* nodes, bool isFinal) { FstBuilderNode* node = malloc(sizeof(FstBuilderNode)); node->isFinal = isFinal; node->finalOutput = 0; node->trans = taosArrayInit(16, sizeof(FstTransition)); FstBuilderNodeUnfinished un = {.node = node, .last = NULL}; taosArrayPush(nodes->stack, &un); } FstBuilderNode* fstUnFinishedNodesPopRoot(FstUnFinishedNodes* nodes) { assert(taosArrayGetSize(nodes->stack) == 1); FstBuilderNodeUnfinished* un = taosArrayPop(nodes->stack); assert(un->last == NULL); return un->node; } FstBuilderNode* fstUnFinishedNodesPopFreeze(FstUnFinishedNodes* nodes, CompiledAddr addr) { FstBuilderNodeUnfinished* un = taosArrayPop(nodes->stack); fstBuilderNodeUnfinishedLastCompiled(un, addr); // free(un->last); // TODO add func FstLastTransitionFree() // un->last = NULL; return un->node; } FstBuilderNode* fstUnFinishedNodesPopEmpty(FstUnFinishedNodes* nodes) { FstBuilderNodeUnfinished* un = taosArrayPop(nodes->stack); assert(un->last == NULL); return un->node; } void fstUnFinishedNodesSetRootOutput(FstUnFinishedNodes* nodes, Output out) { FstBuilderNodeUnfinished* un = taosArrayGet(nodes->stack, 0); un->node->isFinal = true; un->node->finalOutput = out; // un->node->trans = NULL; } void fstUnFinishedNodesTopLastFreeze(FstUnFinishedNodes* nodes, CompiledAddr addr) { FstBuilderNodeUnfinished* un = taosArrayGet(nodes->stack, taosArrayGetSize(nodes->stack) - 1); fstBuilderNodeUnfinishedLastCompiled(un, addr); } void fstUnFinishedNodesAddSuffix(FstUnFinishedNodes* nodes, FstSlice bs, Output out) { FstSlice* s = &bs; if (fstSliceIsEmpty(s)) { return; } size_t sz = taosArrayGetSize(nodes->stack) - 1; FstBuilderNodeUnfinished* un = taosArrayGet(nodes->stack, sz); assert(un->last == NULL); // FstLastTransition *trn = malloc(sizeof(FstLastTransition)); // trn->inp = s->data[s->start]; // trn->out = out; int32_t len = 0; uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(s, &len); un->last = fstLastTransitionCreate(data[0], out); for (uint64_t i = 1; i < len; i++) { FstBuilderNode* n = malloc(sizeof(FstBuilderNode)); n->isFinal = false; n->finalOutput = 0; n->trans = taosArrayInit(16, sizeof(FstTransition)); // FstLastTransition *trn = malloc(sizeof(FstLastTransition)); // trn->inp = s->data[i]; // trn->out = out; FstLastTransition* trn = fstLastTransitionCreate(data[i], 0); FstBuilderNodeUnfinished un = {.node = n, .last = trn}; taosArrayPush(nodes->stack, &un); } fstUnFinishedNodesPushEmpty(nodes, true); } uint64_t fstUnFinishedNodesFindCommPrefix(FstUnFinishedNodes* node, FstSlice bs) { FstSlice* s = &bs; size_t ssz = taosArrayGetSize(node->stack); // stack size uint64_t count = 0; int32_t lsz; // data len uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(s, &lsz); for (size_t i = 0; i < ssz && i < lsz; i++) { FstBuilderNodeUnfinished* un = taosArrayGet(node->stack, i); if (un->last->inp == data[i]) { count++; } else { break; } } return count; } uint64_t fstUnFinishedNodesFindCommPrefixAndSetOutput(FstUnFinishedNodes* node, FstSlice bs, Output in, Output* out) { FstSlice* s = &bs; size_t lsz = (size_t)(s->end - s->start + 1); // data len size_t ssz = taosArrayGetSize(node->stack); // stack size *out = in; uint64_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < lsz && i < ssz; i++) { FstBuilderNodeUnfinished* un = taosArrayGet(node->stack, i); FstLastTransition* t = un->last; uint64_t addPrefix = 0; uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(s, NULL); if (t && t->inp == data[i]) { uint64_t commPrefix = MIN(t->out, *out); uint64_t tAddPrefix = t->out - commPrefix; (*out) = (*out) - commPrefix; t->out = commPrefix; addPrefix = tAddPrefix; } else { break; } if (addPrefix != 0) { if (i + 1 < ssz) { FstBuilderNodeUnfinished* unf = taosArrayGet(node->stack, i + 1); fstBuilderNodeUnfinishedAddOutputPrefix(unf, addPrefix); } } } return i; } FstState fstStateCreateFrom(FstSlice* slice, CompiledAddr addr) { FstState fs = {.state = EmptyFinal, .val = 0}; if (addr == EMPTY_ADDRESS) { return fs; } uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(slice, NULL); uint8_t v = data[addr]; uint8_t t = (v & 0b11000000) >> 6; if (t == 0b11) { fs.state = OneTransNext; } else if (t == 0b10) { fs.state = OneTrans; } else { fs.state = AnyTrans; } fs.val = v; return fs; } static FstState fstStateDict[] = {{.state = OneTransNext, .val = 0b11000000}, {.state = OneTrans, .val = 0b10000000}, {.state = AnyTrans, .val = 0b00000000}, {.state = EmptyFinal, .val = 0b00000000}}; // debug static const char* fstStateStr[] = {"ONE_TRANS_NEXT", "ONE_TRANS", "ANY_TRANS", "EMPTY_FINAL"}; FstState fstStateCreate(State state) { uint8_t idx = (uint8_t)state; return fstStateDict[idx]; } // compile void fstStateCompileForOneTransNext(FstCountingWriter* w, CompiledAddr addr, uint8_t inp) { FstState s = fstStateCreate(OneTransNext); fstStateSetCommInput(&s, inp); bool null = false; uint8_t v = fstStateCommInput(&s, &null); if (null) { // w->write_all(&[inp]) fstCountingWriterWrite(w, &inp, 1); } fstCountingWriterWrite(w, &(s.val), 1); // w->write_all(&[s.val]) return; } void fstStateCompileForOneTrans(FstCountingWriter* w, CompiledAddr addr, FstTransition* trn) { Output out = trn->out; uint8_t outPackSize = (out == 0 ? 0 : fstCountingWriterPackUint(w, out)); uint8_t transPackSize = fstPackDetla(w, addr, trn->addr); PackSizes packSizes = 0; FST_SET_OUTPUT_PACK_SIZE(packSizes, outPackSize); FST_SET_TRANSITION_PACK_SIZE(packSizes, transPackSize); fstCountingWriterWrite(w, (char*)&packSizes, sizeof(packSizes)); FstState st = fstStateCreate(OneTrans); fstStateSetCommInput(&st, trn->inp); bool null = false; uint8_t inp = fstStateCommInput(&st, &null); if (null == true) { fstCountingWriterWrite(w, (char*)&trn->inp, sizeof(trn->inp)); } fstCountingWriterWrite(w, (char*)(&(st.val)), sizeof(st.val)); return; } void fstStateCompileForAnyTrans(FstCountingWriter* w, CompiledAddr addr, FstBuilderNode* node) { size_t sz = taosArrayGetSize(node->trans); assert(sz <= 256); uint8_t tSize = 0; uint8_t oSize = packSize(node->finalOutput); // finalOutput.is_zero() bool anyOuts = (node->finalOutput != 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) { FstTransition* t = taosArrayGet(node->trans, i); tSize = MAX(tSize, packDeltaSize(addr, t->addr)); oSize = MAX(oSize, packSize(t->out)); anyOuts = anyOuts || (t->out != 0); } PackSizes packSizes = 0; if (anyOuts) { FST_SET_OUTPUT_PACK_SIZE(packSizes, oSize); } else { FST_SET_OUTPUT_PACK_SIZE(packSizes, 0); } FST_SET_TRANSITION_PACK_SIZE(packSizes, tSize); FstState st = fstStateCreate(AnyTrans); fstStateSetFinalState(&st, node->isFinal); fstStateSetStateNtrans(&st, (uint8_t)sz); if (anyOuts) { if (FST_BUILDER_NODE_IS_FINAL(node)) { fstCountingWriterPackUintIn(w, node->finalOutput, oSize); } for (int32_t i = sz - 1; i >= 0; i--) { FstTransition* t = taosArrayGet(node->trans, i); fstCountingWriterPackUintIn(w, t->out, oSize); } } for (int32_t i = sz - 1; i >= 0; i--) { FstTransition* t = taosArrayGet(node->trans, i); fstPackDeltaIn(w, addr, t->addr, tSize); } for (int32_t i = sz - 1; i >= 0; i--) { FstTransition* t = taosArrayGet(node->trans, i); fstCountingWriterWrite(w, (char*)&t->inp, 1); // fstPackDeltaIn(w, addr, t->addr, tSize); } if (sz > TRANS_INDEX_THRESHOLD) { // A value of 255 indicates that no transition exists for the byte // at that index. (Except when there are 256 transitions.) Namely, // any value greater than or equal to the number of transitions in // this node indicates an absent transition. uint8_t* index = (uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * 256); memset(index, 255, sizeof(uint8_t) * 256); /// for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) { // index[i] = 255; ///} for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) { FstTransition* t = taosArrayGet(node->trans, i); index[t->inp] = i; // fstPackDeltaIn(w, addr, t->addr, tSize); } fstCountingWriterWrite(w, (char*)index, 256); free(index); } fstCountingWriterWrite(w, (char*)&packSizes, 1); bool null = false; fstStateStateNtrans(&st, &null); if (null == true) { // 256 can't be represented in a u8, so we abuse the fact that // the # of transitions can never be 1 here, since 1 is always // encoded in the state byte. uint8_t v = 1; if (sz == 256) { fstCountingWriterWrite(w, (char*)&v, 1); } else { fstCountingWriterWrite(w, (char*)&sz, 1); } } fstCountingWriterWrite(w, (char*)(&(st.val)), 1); return; } // set_comm_input void fstStateSetCommInput(FstState* s, uint8_t inp) { assert(s->state == OneTransNext || s->state == OneTrans); uint8_t val; COMMON_INDEX(inp, 0x111111, val); s->val = (s->val & fstStateDict[s->state].val) | val; } // comm_input uint8_t fstStateCommInput(FstState* s, bool* null) { assert(s->state == OneTransNext || s->state == OneTrans); uint8_t v = s->val & 0b00111111; if (v == 0) { *null = true; return v; } // v = 0 indicate that common_input is None return v == 0 ? 0 : COMMON_INPUT(v); } // input_len uint64_t fstStateInputLen(FstState* s) { assert(s->state == OneTransNext || s->state == OneTrans); bool null = false; fstStateCommInput(s, &null); return null ? 1 : 0; } // end_addr uint64_t fstStateEndAddrForOneTransNext(FstState* s, FstSlice* data) { assert(s->state == OneTransNext); return FST_SLICE_LEN(data) - 1 - fstStateInputLen(s); } uint64_t fstStateEndAddrForOneTrans(FstState* s, FstSlice* data, PackSizes sizes) { assert(s->state == OneTrans); return FST_SLICE_LEN(data) - 1 - fstStateInputLen(s) - 1 // pack size - FST_GET_TRANSITION_PACK_SIZE(sizes) - FST_GET_OUTPUT_PACK_SIZE(sizes); } uint64_t fstStateEndAddrForAnyTrans(FstState* state, uint64_t version, FstSlice* date, PackSizes sizes, uint64_t nTrans) { uint8_t oSizes = FST_GET_OUTPUT_PACK_SIZE(sizes); uint8_t finalOsize = !fstStateIsFinalState(state) ? 0 : oSizes; return FST_SLICE_LEN(date) - 1 - fstStateNtransLen(state) - 1 // pack size - fstStateTotalTransSize(state, version, sizes, nTrans) - nTrans * oSizes // output values - finalOsize; // final output } // input uint8_t fstStateInput(FstState* s, FstNode* node) { assert(s->state == OneTransNext || s->state == OneTrans); FstSlice* slice = &node->data; bool null = false; uint8_t inp = fstStateCommInput(s, &null); uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(slice, NULL); return null == false ? inp : data[-1]; } uint8_t fstStateInputForAnyTrans(FstState* s, FstNode* node, uint64_t i) { assert(s->state == AnyTrans); FstSlice* slice = &node->data; uint64_t at = node->start - fstStateNtransLen(s) - 1 // pack size - fstStateTransIndexSize(s, node->version, node->nTrans) - i - 1; // the output size uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(slice, NULL); return data[at]; } // trans_addr CompiledAddr fstStateTransAddr(FstState* s, FstNode* node) { assert(s->state == OneTransNext || s->state == OneTrans); FstSlice* slice = &node->data; if (s->state == OneTransNext) { return (CompiledAddr)(node->end) - 1; } else { PackSizes sizes = node->sizes; uint8_t tSizes = FST_GET_TRANSITION_PACK_SIZE(sizes); uint64_t i = node->start - fstStateInputLen(s) - 1 // PackSizes - tSizes; // refactor error logic uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(slice, NULL); return unpackDelta(data + i, tSizes, node->end); } } CompiledAddr fstStateTransAddrForAnyTrans(FstState* s, FstNode* node, uint64_t i) { assert(s->state == AnyTrans); FstSlice* slice = &node->data; uint8_t tSizes = FST_GET_TRANSITION_PACK_SIZE(node->sizes); uint64_t at = node->start - fstStateNtransLen(s) - 1 - fstStateTransIndexSize(s, node->version, node->nTrans) - node->nTrans - (i * tSizes) - tSizes; uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(slice, NULL); return unpackDelta(data + at, tSizes, node->end); } // sizes PackSizes fstStateSizes(FstState* s, FstSlice* slice) { assert(s->state == OneTrans || s->state == AnyTrans); uint64_t i; if (s->state == OneTrans) { i = FST_SLICE_LEN(slice) - 1 - fstStateInputLen(s) - 1; } else { i = FST_SLICE_LEN(slice) - 1 - fstStateNtransLen(s) - 1; } uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(slice, NULL); return (PackSizes)(*(data + i)); } // Output Output fstStateOutput(FstState* s, FstNode* node) { assert(s->state == OneTrans); uint8_t oSizes = FST_GET_OUTPUT_PACK_SIZE(node->sizes); if (oSizes == 0) { return 0; } FstSlice* slice = &node->data; uint8_t tSizes = FST_GET_TRANSITION_PACK_SIZE(node->sizes); uint64_t i = node->start - fstStateInputLen(s) - 1 - tSizes - oSizes; uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(slice, NULL); return unpackUint64(data + i, oSizes); } Output fstStateOutputForAnyTrans(FstState* s, FstNode* node, uint64_t i) { assert(s->state == AnyTrans); uint8_t oSizes = FST_GET_OUTPUT_PACK_SIZE(node->sizes); if (oSizes == 0) { return 0; } FstSlice* slice = &node->data; uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(slice, NULL); uint64_t at = node->start - fstStateNtransLen(s) - 1 // pack size - fstStateTotalTransSize(s, node->version, node->sizes, node->nTrans) - (i * oSizes) - oSizes; return unpackUint64(data + at, oSizes); } // anyTrans specify function void fstStateSetFinalState(FstState* s, bool yes) { assert(s->state == AnyTrans); if (yes) { s->val |= 0b01000000; } return; } bool fstStateIsFinalState(FstState* s) { assert(s->state == AnyTrans); return (s->val & 0b01000000) == 0b01000000; } void fstStateSetStateNtrans(FstState* s, uint8_t n) { assert(s->state == AnyTrans); if (n <= 0b00111111) { s->val = (s->val & 0b11000000) | n; } return; } // state_ntrans uint8_t fstStateStateNtrans(FstState* s, bool* null) { assert(s->state == AnyTrans); *null = false; uint8_t n = s->val & 0b00111111; if (n == 0) { *null = true; // None } return n; } uint64_t fstStateTotalTransSize(FstState* s, uint64_t version, PackSizes sizes, uint64_t nTrans) { assert(s->state == AnyTrans); uint64_t idxSize = fstStateTransIndexSize(s, version, nTrans); return nTrans + (nTrans * FST_GET_TRANSITION_PACK_SIZE(sizes)) + idxSize; } uint64_t fstStateTransIndexSize(FstState* s, uint64_t version, uint64_t nTrans) { assert(s->state == AnyTrans); return (version >= 2 && nTrans > TRANS_INDEX_THRESHOLD) ? 256 : 0; } uint64_t fstStateNtransLen(FstState* s) { assert(s->state == AnyTrans); bool null = false; fstStateStateNtrans(s, &null); return null == true ? 1 : 0; } uint64_t fstStateNtrans(FstState* s, FstSlice* slice) { bool null = false; uint8_t n = fstStateStateNtrans(s, &null); if (null != true) { return n; } int32_t len; uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(slice, &len); n = data[len - 2]; // n = data[slice->end - 1]; // data[data.len() - 2] return n == 1 ? 256 : n; // // "1" is never a normal legal value here, because if there, // is only 1 transition, // then it is encoded in the state byte } Output fstStateFinalOutput(FstState* s, uint64_t version, FstSlice* slice, PackSizes sizes, uint64_t nTrans) { uint8_t oSizes = FST_GET_OUTPUT_PACK_SIZE(sizes); if (oSizes == 0 || !fstStateIsFinalState(s)) { return 0; } uint64_t at = FST_SLICE_LEN(slice) - 1 - fstStateNtransLen(s) - 1 // pack size - fstStateTotalTransSize(s, version, sizes, nTrans) - (nTrans * oSizes) - oSizes; uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(slice, NULL); return unpackUint64(data + at, (uint8_t)oSizes); } uint64_t fstStateFindInput(FstState* s, FstNode* node, uint8_t b, bool* null) { assert(s->state == AnyTrans); FstSlice* slice = &node->data; if (node->version >= 2 && node->nTrans > TRANS_INDEX_THRESHOLD) { uint64_t at = node->start - fstStateNtransLen(s) - 1 // pack size - fstStateTransIndexSize(s, node->version, node->nTrans); int32_t dlen = 0; uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(slice, &dlen); uint64_t i = data[at + b]; // uint64_t i = slice->data[slice->start + at + b]; if (i >= node->nTrans) { *null = true; } return i; } else { uint64_t start = node->start - fstStateNtransLen(s) - 1 // pack size - node->nTrans; uint64_t end = start + node->nTrans; FstSlice t = fstSliceCopy(slice, start, end - 1); int32_t len = 0; uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(&t, &len); int i = 0; for (; i < len; i++) { uint8_t v = data[i]; if (v == b) { fstSliceDestroy(&t); return node->nTrans - i - 1; // bug } } if (i == len) { *null = true; } fstSliceDestroy(&t); } } // fst node function FstNode* fstNodeCreate(int64_t version, CompiledAddr addr, FstSlice* slice) { FstNode* n = (FstNode*)malloc(sizeof(FstNode)); if (n == NULL) { return NULL; } FstState st = fstStateCreateFrom(slice, addr); if (st.state == EmptyFinal) { n->data = fstSliceCreate(NULL, 0); n->version = version; n->state = st; n->start = EMPTY_ADDRESS; n->end = EMPTY_ADDRESS; n->isFinal = true; n->nTrans = 0; n->sizes = 0; n->finalOutput = 0; } else if (st.state == OneTransNext) { n->data = fstSliceCopy(slice, 0, addr); n->version = version; n->state = st; n->start = addr; n->end = fstStateEndAddrForOneTransNext(&st, &n->data); //? s.end_addr(data); n->isFinal = false; n->sizes = 0; n->nTrans = 1; n->finalOutput = 0; } else if (st.state == OneTrans) { FstSlice data = fstSliceCopy(slice, 0, addr); PackSizes sz = fstStateSizes(&st, &data); n->data = data; n->version = version; n->state = st; n->start = addr; n->end = fstStateEndAddrForOneTrans(&st, &data, sz); // s.end_addr(data, sz); n->isFinal = false; n->nTrans = 1; n->sizes = sz; n->finalOutput = 0; } else { FstSlice data = fstSliceCopy(slice, 0, addr); uint64_t sz = fstStateSizes(&st, &data); // s.sizes(data) uint32_t nTrans = fstStateNtrans(&st, &data); // s.ntrans(data) n->data = data; n->version = version; n->state = st; n->start = addr; n->end = fstStateEndAddrForAnyTrans(&st, version, &data, sz, nTrans); // s.end_addr(version, data, sz, ntrans); n->isFinal = fstStateIsFinalState(&st); // s.is_final_state(); n->nTrans = nTrans; n->sizes = sz; n->finalOutput = fstStateFinalOutput(&st, version, &data, sz, nTrans); // s.final_output(version, data, sz, ntrans); } return n; } // debug state transition static const char* fstNodeState(FstNode* node) { FstState* st = &node->state; return fstStateStr[st->state]; } void fstNodeDestroy(FstNode* node) { fstSliceDestroy(&node->data); free(node); } FstTransitions* fstNodeTransitions(FstNode* node) { FstTransitions* t = malloc(sizeof(FstTransitions)); if (NULL == t) { return NULL; } FstRange range = {.start = 0, .end = FST_NODE_LEN(node)}; t->range = range; t->node = node; return t; } // Returns the transition at index `i`. bool fstNodeGetTransitionAt(FstNode* node, uint64_t i, FstTransition* trn) { bool s = true; FstState* st = &node->state; if (st->state == OneTransNext) { trn->inp = fstStateInput(st, node); trn->out = 0; trn->addr = fstStateTransAddr(st, node); } else if (st->state == OneTrans) { trn->inp = fstStateInput(st, node); trn->out = fstStateOutput(st, node); trn->addr = fstStateTransAddr(st, node); } else if (st->state == AnyTrans) { trn->inp = fstStateInputForAnyTrans(st, node, i); trn->out = fstStateOutputForAnyTrans(st, node, i); trn->addr = fstStateTransAddrForAnyTrans(st, node, i); } else { s = false; } return s; } // Returns the transition address of the `i`th transition bool fstNodeGetTransitionAddrAt(FstNode* node, uint64_t i, CompiledAddr* res) { bool s = true; FstState* st = &node->state; if (st->state == OneTransNext) { assert(i == 0); fstStateTransAddr(st, node); } else if (st->state == OneTrans) { assert(i == 0); fstStateTransAddr(st, node); } else if (st->state == AnyTrans) { fstStateTransAddrForAnyTrans(st, node, i); } else if (FST_STATE_EMPTY_FINAL(node)) { s = false; } else { assert(0); } return s; } // Finds the `i`th transition corresponding to the given input byte. // If no transition for this byte exists, then `false` is returned. bool fstNodeFindInput(FstNode* node, uint8_t b, uint64_t* res) { bool s = true; FstState* st = &node->state; if (st->state == OneTransNext) { if (fstStateInput(st, node) == b) { *res = 0; } else { s = false; } } else if (st->state == OneTrans) { if (fstStateInput(st, node) == b) { *res = 0; } else { s = false; } } else if (st->state == AnyTrans) { bool null = false; uint64_t out = fstStateFindInput(st, node, b, &null); if (null == false) { *res = out; } else { s = false; } } return s; } bool fstNodeCompile(FstNode* node, void* w, CompiledAddr lastAddr, CompiledAddr addr, FstBuilderNode* builderNode) { size_t sz = taosArrayGetSize(builderNode->trans); assert(sz < 256); if (sz == 0 && builderNode->isFinal && builderNode->finalOutput == 0) { return true; } else if (sz != 1 || builderNode->isFinal) { fstStateCompileForAnyTrans(w, addr, builderNode); // AnyTrans->Compile(w, addr, node); } else { FstTransition* tran = taosArrayGet(builderNode->trans, 0); if (tran->addr == lastAddr && tran->out == 0) { fstStateCompileForOneTransNext(w, addr, tran->inp); // OneTransNext::compile(w, lastAddr, tran->inp); return true; } else { fstStateCompileForOneTrans(w, addr, tran); // OneTrans::Compile(w, lastAddr, *tran); return true; } } return true; } bool fstBuilderNodeCompileTo(FstBuilderNode* b, FstCountingWriter* wrt, CompiledAddr lastAddr, CompiledAddr startAddr) { return fstNodeCompile(NULL, wrt, lastAddr, startAddr, b); } FstBuilder* fstBuilderCreate(void* w, FstType ty) { FstBuilder* b = malloc(sizeof(FstBuilder)); if (NULL == b) { return b; } b->wrt = fstCountingWriterCreate(w); b->unfinished = fstUnFinishedNodesCreate(); b->registry = fstRegistryCreate(10000, 2); b->last = fstSliceCreate(NULL, 0); b->lastAddr = NONE_ADDRESS; b->len = 0; char buf64[8] = {0}; void* pBuf64 = buf64; taosEncodeFixedU64(&pBuf64, VERSION); fstCountingWriterWrite(b->wrt, buf64, sizeof(buf64)); memset(buf64, 0, sizeof(buf64)); pBuf64 = buf64; taosEncodeFixedU64(&pBuf64, ty); fstCountingWriterWrite(b->wrt, buf64, sizeof(buf64)); return b; } void fstBuilderDestroy(FstBuilder* b) { if (b == NULL) { return; } fstCountingWriterDestroy(b->wrt); fstUnFinishedNodesDestroy(b->unfinished); fstRegistryDestroy(b->registry); fstSliceDestroy(&b->last); free(b); } bool fstBuilderInsert(FstBuilder* b, FstSlice bs, Output in) { OrderType t = fstBuilderCheckLastKey(b, bs, true); if (t == Ordered) { // add log info fstBuilderInsertOutput(b, bs, in); return true; } indexInfo("fst write key must be ordered"); return false; } void fstBuilderInsertOutput(FstBuilder* b, FstSlice bs, Output in) { FstSlice* s = &bs; if (fstSliceIsEmpty(s)) { b->len = 1; fstUnFinishedNodesSetRootOutput(b->unfinished, in); return; } // if (in != 0) { //if let Some(in) = in // prefixLen = fstUnFinishedNodesFindCommPrefixAndSetOutput(b->unfinished, bs, in, &out); //} else { // prefixLen = fstUnFinishedNodesFindCommPrefix(b->unfinished, bs); // out = 0; //} Output out; uint64_t prefixLen = fstUnFinishedNodesFindCommPrefixAndSetOutput(b->unfinished, bs, in, &out); if (prefixLen == FST_SLICE_LEN(s)) { assert(out == 0); return; } b->len += 1; fstBuilderCompileFrom(b, prefixLen); FstSlice sub = fstSliceCopy(s, prefixLen, s->end); fstUnFinishedNodesAddSuffix(b->unfinished, sub, out); fstSliceDestroy(&sub); return; } OrderType fstBuilderCheckLastKey(FstBuilder* b, FstSlice bs, bool ckDup) { FstSlice* input = &bs; if (fstSliceIsEmpty(&b->last)) { fstSliceDestroy(&b->last); // deep copy or not b->last = fstSliceDeepCopy(&bs, input->start, input->end); } else { int comp = fstSliceCompare(&b->last, &bs); if (comp == 0 && ckDup) { return DuplicateKey; } else if (comp == 1) { return OutOfOrdered; } // deep copy or not fstSliceDestroy(&b->last); b->last = fstSliceDeepCopy(&bs, input->start, input->end); } return Ordered; } void fstBuilderCompileFrom(FstBuilder* b, uint64_t istate) { CompiledAddr addr = NONE_ADDRESS; while (istate + 1 < FST_UNFINISHED_NODES_LEN(b->unfinished)) { FstBuilderNode* bn = NULL; if (addr == NONE_ADDRESS) { bn = fstUnFinishedNodesPopEmpty(b->unfinished); } else { bn = fstUnFinishedNodesPopFreeze(b->unfinished, addr); } addr = fstBuilderCompile(b, bn); fstBuilderNodeDestroy(bn); assert(addr != NONE_ADDRESS); // fstBuilderNodeDestroy(n); } fstUnFinishedNodesTopLastFreeze(b->unfinished, addr); return; } CompiledAddr fstBuilderCompile(FstBuilder* b, FstBuilderNode* bn) { if (FST_BUILDER_NODE_IS_FINAL(bn) && FST_BUILDER_NODE_TRANS_ISEMPTY(bn) && FST_BUILDER_NODE_FINALOUTPUT_ISZERO(bn)) { return EMPTY_ADDRESS; } FstRegistryEntry* entry = fstRegistryGetEntry(b->registry, bn); if (entry->state == FOUND) { CompiledAddr ret = entry->addr; fstRegistryEntryDestroy(entry); return ret; } CompiledAddr startAddr = (CompiledAddr)(FST_WRITER_COUNT(b->wrt)); fstBuilderNodeCompileTo(bn, b->wrt, b->lastAddr, startAddr); b->lastAddr = (CompiledAddr)(FST_WRITER_COUNT(b->wrt) - 1); if (entry->state == NOTFOUND) { FST_REGISTRY_CELL_INSERT(entry->cell, b->lastAddr); } fstRegistryEntryDestroy(entry); return b->lastAddr; } void* fstBuilderInsertInner(FstBuilder* b) { fstBuilderCompileFrom(b, 0); FstBuilderNode* rootNode = fstUnFinishedNodesPopRoot(b->unfinished); CompiledAddr rootAddr = fstBuilderCompile(b, rootNode); fstBuilderNodeDestroy(rootNode); char buf64[8] = {0}; void* pBuf64 = buf64; taosEncodeFixedU64(&pBuf64, b->len); fstCountingWriterWrite(b->wrt, buf64, sizeof(buf64)); pBuf64 = buf64; taosEncodeFixedU64(&pBuf64, rootAddr); fstCountingWriterWrite(b->wrt, buf64, sizeof(buf64)); char buf32[4] = {0}; void* pBuf32 = buf32; uint32_t sum = fstCountingWriterMaskedCheckSum(b->wrt); taosEncodeFixedU32(&pBuf32, sum); fstCountingWriterWrite(b->wrt, buf32, sizeof(buf32)); fstCountingWriterFlush(b->wrt); // fstCountingWriterDestroy(b->wrt); // b->wrt = NULL; return b->wrt; } void fstBuilderFinish(FstBuilder* b) { fstBuilderInsertInner(b); } FstSlice fstNodeAsSlice(FstNode* node) { FstSlice* slice = &node->data; FstSlice s = fstSliceCopy(slice, slice->end, FST_SLICE_LEN(slice) - 1); return s; } FstLastTransition* fstLastTransitionCreate(uint8_t inp, Output out) { FstLastTransition* trn = malloc(sizeof(FstLastTransition)); if (trn == NULL) { return NULL; } trn->inp = inp; trn->out = out; return trn; } void fstLastTransitionDestroy(FstLastTransition* trn) { free(trn); } void fstBuilderNodeUnfinishedLastCompiled(FstBuilderNodeUnfinished* unNode, CompiledAddr addr) { FstLastTransition* trn = unNode->last; if (trn == NULL) { return; } FstTransition t = {.inp = trn->inp, .out = trn->out, .addr = addr}; taosArrayPush(unNode->node->trans, &t); fstLastTransitionDestroy(trn); unNode->last = NULL; return; } void fstBuilderNodeUnfinishedAddOutputPrefix(FstBuilderNodeUnfinished* unNode, Output out) { if (FST_BUILDER_NODE_IS_FINAL(unNode->node)) { unNode->node->finalOutput += out; } size_t sz = taosArrayGetSize(unNode->node->trans); for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) { FstTransition* trn = taosArrayGet(unNode->node->trans, i); trn->out += out; } if (unNode->last) { unNode->last->out += out; } return; } Fst* fstCreate(FstSlice* slice) { int32_t slen; char* buf = fstSliceData(slice, &slen); if (slen < 36) { return NULL; } uint64_t len = slen; uint64_t skip = 0; uint64_t version; taosDecodeFixedU64(buf, &version); skip += sizeof(version); if (version == 0 || version > VERSION) { return NULL; } uint64_t type; taosDecodeFixedU64(buf + skip, &type); skip += sizeof(type); uint32_t checkSum = 0; len -= sizeof(checkSum); taosDecodeFixedU32(buf + len, &checkSum); CompiledAddr rootAddr; len -= sizeof(rootAddr); taosDecodeFixedU64(buf + len, &rootAddr); uint64_t fstLen; len -= sizeof(fstLen); taosDecodeFixedU64(buf + len, &fstLen); // TODO(validate root addr) Fst* fst = (Fst*)calloc(1, sizeof(Fst)); if (fst == NULL) { return NULL; } fst->meta = (FstMeta*)malloc(sizeof(FstMeta)); if (NULL == fst->meta) { goto FST_CREAT_FAILED; } fst->meta->version = version; fst->meta->rootAddr = rootAddr; fst->meta->ty = type; fst->meta->len = fstLen; fst->meta->checkSum = checkSum; FstSlice* s = calloc(1, sizeof(FstSlice)); *s = fstSliceCopy(slice, 0, FST_SLICE_LEN(slice)); fst->data = s; return fst; FST_CREAT_FAILED: free(fst->meta); free(fst); } void fstDestroy(Fst* fst) { if (fst) { free(fst->meta); fstSliceDestroy(fst->data); free(fst->data); } free(fst); } bool fstGet(Fst* fst, FstSlice* b, Output* out) { FstNode* root = fstGetRoot(fst); Output tOut = 0; int32_t len; uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(b, &len); SArray* nodes = (SArray*)taosArrayInit(len, sizeof(FstNode*)); taosArrayPush(nodes, &root); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { uint8_t inp = data[i]; Output res = 0; if (false == fstNodeFindInput(root, inp, &res)) { return false; } FstTransition trn; fstNodeGetTransitionAt(root, res, &trn); tOut += trn.out; root = fstGetNode(fst, trn.addr); taosArrayPush(nodes, &root); } if (!FST_NODE_IS_FINAL(root)) { return false; } else { tOut = tOut + FST_NODE_FINAL_OUTPUT(root); } for (size_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(nodes); i++) { FstNode** node = (FstNode**)taosArrayGet(nodes, i); fstNodeDestroy(*node); } taosArrayDestroy(nodes); fst->root = NULL; *out = tOut; return true; } FstStreamBuilder* fstSearch(Fst* fst, AutomationCtx* ctx) { return fstStreamBuilderCreate(fst, ctx); } StreamWithState* streamBuilderIntoStream(FstStreamBuilder* sb) { if (sb == NULL) { return NULL; } return streamWithStateCreate(sb->fst, sb->aut, sb->min, sb->max); } FstStreamWithStateBuilder* fstSearchWithState(Fst* fst, AutomationCtx* ctx) { return fstStreamBuilderCreate(fst, ctx); } FstNode* fstGetRoot(Fst* fst) { if (fst->root != NULL) { return fst->root; } CompiledAddr rAddr = fstGetRootAddr(fst); fst->root = fstGetNode(fst, rAddr); return fst->root; } FstNode* fstGetNode(Fst* fst, CompiledAddr addr) { return fstNodeCreate(fst->meta->version, addr, fst->data); } FstType fstGetType(Fst* fst) { return fst->meta->ty; } CompiledAddr fstGetRootAddr(Fst* fst) { return fst->meta->rootAddr; } Output fstEmptyFinalOutput(Fst* fst, bool* null) { Output res = 0; FstNode* node = fstGetRoot(fst); if (FST_NODE_IS_FINAL(node)) { *null = false; res = FST_NODE_FINAL_OUTPUT(node); } else { *null = true; } return res; } bool fstVerify(Fst* fst) { uint32_t checkSum = fst->meta->checkSum; int32_t len; uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(fst->data, &len); TSCKSUM initSum = 0; if (!taosCheckChecksumWhole(data, len)) { return false; } return true; } // data bound function FstBoundWithData* fstBoundStateCreate(FstBound type, FstSlice* data) { FstBoundWithData* b = calloc(1, sizeof(FstBoundWithData)); if (b == NULL) { return NULL; } if (data != NULL) { b->data = fstSliceCopy(data, data->start, data->end); } else { b->data = fstSliceCreate(NULL, 0); } b->type = type; return b; } bool fstBoundWithDataExceededBy(FstBoundWithData* bound, FstSlice* slice) { int comp = fstSliceCompare(slice, &bound->data); if (bound->type == Included) { return comp > 0 ? true : false; } else if (bound->type == Excluded) { return comp >= 0 ? true : false; } else { return false; } } bool fstBoundWithDataIsEmpty(FstBoundWithData* bound) { if (bound->type == Unbounded) { return true; } else { return fstSliceIsEmpty(&bound->data); } } bool fstBoundWithDataIsIncluded(FstBoundWithData* bound) { return bound->type == Excluded ? false : true; } void fstBoundDestroy(FstBoundWithData* bound) { free(bound); } StreamWithState* streamWithStateCreate(Fst* fst, AutomationCtx* automation, FstBoundWithData* min, FstBoundWithData* max) { StreamWithState* sws = calloc(1, sizeof(StreamWithState)); if (sws == NULL) { return NULL; } sws->fst = fst; sws->aut = automation; sws->inp = (SArray*)taosArrayInit(256, sizeof(uint8_t)); sws->emptyOutput.null = false; sws->emptyOutput.out = 0; sws->stack = (SArray*)taosArrayInit(256, sizeof(StreamState)); sws->endAt = max; streamWithStateSeekMin(sws, min); return sws; } void streamWithStateDestroy(StreamWithState* sws) { if (sws == NULL) { return; } taosArrayDestroy(sws->inp); taosArrayDestroyEx(sws->stack, streamStateDestroy); free(sws); } bool streamWithStateSeekMin(StreamWithState* sws, FstBoundWithData* min) { AutomationCtx* aut = sws->aut; if (fstBoundWithDataIsEmpty(min)) { if (fstBoundWithDataIsIncluded(min)) { sws->emptyOutput.out = fstEmptyFinalOutput(sws->fst, &(sws->emptyOutput.null)); } StreamState s = {.node = fstGetRoot(sws->fst), .trans = 0, .out = {.null = false, .out = 0}, .autState = automFuncs[aut->type].start(aut)}; // auto.start callback taosArrayPush(sws->stack, &s); return true; } FstSlice* key = NULL; bool inclusize = false; if (min->type == Included) { key = &min->data; inclusize = true; } else if (min->type == Excluded) { key = &min->data; } else { return false; } FstNode* node = fstGetRoot(sws->fst); Output out = 0; // void* autState = sws->aut->start(); void* autState = automFuncs[aut->type].start(aut); int32_t len; uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(key, &len); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { uint8_t b = data[i]; uint64_t res = 0; bool null = fstNodeFindInput(node, b, &res); if (null == false) { FstTransition trn; fstNodeGetTransitionAt(node, res, &trn); void* preState = autState; // autState = sws->aut->accept(preState, b); autState = automFuncs[aut->type].accept(aut, preState, b); taosArrayPush(sws->inp, &b); StreamState s = {.node = node, .trans = res + 1, .out = {.null = false, .out = out}, .autState = preState}; taosArrayPush(sws->stack, &s); out += trn.out; node = fstGetNode(sws->fst, trn.addr); fstNodeDestroy(node); } else { // This is a little tricky. We're in this case if the // given bound is not a prefix of any key in the FST. // Since this is a minimum bound, we need to find the // first transition in this node that proceeds the current // input byte. FstTransitions* trans = fstNodeTransitions(node); uint64_t i = 0; for (i = trans->range.start; i < trans->range.end; i++) { FstTransition trn; if (fstNodeGetTransitionAt(node, i, &trn) && trn.inp > b) { break; } } StreamState s = {.node = node, .trans = i, .out = {.null = false, .out = out}, .autState = autState}; taosArrayPush(sws->stack, &s); return true; } } uint32_t sz = taosArrayGetSize(sws->stack); if (sz != 0) { StreamState* s = taosArrayGet(sws->stack, sz - 1); if (inclusize) { s->trans -= 1; taosArrayPop(sws->inp); } else { FstNode* n = s->node; uint64_t trans = s->trans; FstTransition trn; fstNodeGetTransitionAt(n, trans - 1, &trn); StreamState s = {.node = fstGetNode(sws->fst, trn.addr), .trans = 0, .out = {.null = false, .out = out}, .autState = autState}; taosArrayPush(sws->stack, &s); return true; } return false; } } StreamWithStateResult* streamWithStateNextWith(StreamWithState* sws, StreamCallback callback) { AutomationCtx* aut = sws->aut; FstOutput output = sws->emptyOutput; if (output.null == false) { FstSlice emptySlice = fstSliceCreate(NULL, 0); if (fstBoundWithDataExceededBy(sws->endAt, &emptySlice)) { taosArrayDestroyEx(sws->stack, streamStateDestroy); sws->stack = (SArray*)taosArrayInit(256, sizeof(StreamState)); return NULL; } void* start = automFuncs[aut->type].start(aut); if (automFuncs[aut->type].isMatch(aut, start)) { FstSlice s = fstSliceCreate(NULL, 0); return swsResultCreate(&s, output, callback == NULL ? NULL : callback(start)); } } SArray* nodes = taosArrayInit(8, sizeof(FstNode*)); while (taosArrayGetSize(sws->stack) > 0) { StreamState* p = (StreamState*)taosArrayPop(sws->stack); if (p->trans >= FST_NODE_LEN(p->node) || !automFuncs[aut->type].canMatch(aut, p->autState)) { if (FST_NODE_ADDR(p->node) != fstGetRootAddr(sws->fst)) { taosArrayPop(sws->inp); } streamStateDestroy(p); continue; } FstTransition trn; fstNodeGetTransitionAt(p->node, p->trans, &trn); Output out = p->out.out + trn.out; void* nextState = automFuncs[aut->type].accept(aut, p->autState, trn.inp); void* tState = (callback == NULL) ? NULL : callback(nextState); bool isMatch = automFuncs[aut->type].isMatch(aut, nextState); FstNode* nextNode = fstGetNode(sws->fst, trn.addr); taosArrayPush(nodes, &nextNode); taosArrayPush(sws->inp, &(trn.inp)); if (FST_NODE_IS_FINAL(nextNode)) { // void *eofState = sws->aut->acceptEof(nextState); void* eofState = automFuncs[aut->type].acceptEof(aut, nextState); if (eofState != NULL) { isMatch = automFuncs[aut->type].isMatch(aut, eofState); } } StreamState s1 = {.node = p->node, .trans = p->trans + 1, .out = p->out, .autState = p->autState}; taosArrayPush(sws->stack, &s1); StreamState s2 = {.node = nextNode, .trans = 0, .out = {.null = false, .out = out}, .autState = nextState}; taosArrayPush(sws->stack, &s2); size_t isz = taosArrayGetSize(sws->inp); uint8_t* buf = (uint8_t*)malloc(isz * sizeof(uint8_t)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < isz; i++) { buf[i] = *(uint8_t*)taosArrayGet(sws->inp, i); } FstSlice slice = fstSliceCreate(buf, taosArrayGetSize(sws->inp)); if (fstBoundWithDataExceededBy(sws->endAt, &slice)) { taosArrayDestroyEx(sws->stack, streamStateDestroy); sws->stack = (SArray*)taosArrayInit(256, sizeof(StreamState)); free(buf); fstSliceDestroy(&slice); return NULL; } if (FST_NODE_IS_FINAL(nextNode) && isMatch) { FstOutput fOutput = {.null = false, .out = out + FST_NODE_FINAL_OUTPUT(nextNode)}; StreamWithStateResult* result = swsResultCreate(&slice, fOutput, tState); free(buf); fstSliceDestroy(&slice); return result; } free(buf); fstSliceDestroy(&slice); } for (size_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(nodes); i++) { FstNode** node = (FstNode**)taosArrayGet(nodes, i); fstNodeDestroy(*node); } taosArrayDestroy(nodes); return NULL; } StreamWithStateResult* swsResultCreate(FstSlice* data, FstOutput fOut, void* state) { StreamWithStateResult* result = calloc(1, sizeof(StreamWithStateResult)); if (result == NULL) { return NULL; } result->data = fstSliceCopy(data, 0, FST_SLICE_LEN(data) - 1); result->out = fOut; result->state = state; return result; } void swsResultDestroy(StreamWithStateResult* result) { if (NULL == result) { return; } fstSliceDestroy(&result->data); startWithStateValueDestroy(result->state); free(result); } void streamStateDestroy(void* s) { if (NULL == s) { return; } StreamState* ss = (StreamState*)s; fstNodeDestroy(ss->node); // free(s->autoState); } FstStreamBuilder* fstStreamBuilderCreate(Fst* fst, AutomationCtx* aut) { FstStreamBuilder* b = calloc(1, sizeof(FstStreamBuilder)); if (NULL == b) { return NULL; } b->fst = fst; b->aut = aut; b->min = fstBoundStateCreate(Unbounded, NULL); b->max = fstBoundStateCreate(Unbounded, NULL); return b; } void fstStreamBuilderDestroy(FstStreamBuilder* b) { fstSliceDestroy(&b->min->data); tfree(b->min); fstSliceDestroy(&b->max->data); tfree(b->max); free(b); } FstStreamBuilder* fstStreamBuilderRange(FstStreamBuilder* b, FstSlice* val, RangeType type) { if (b == NULL) { return NULL; } if (type == GE) { b->min->type = Included; fstSliceDestroy(&(b->min->data)); b->min->data = fstSliceDeepCopy(val, 0, FST_SLICE_LEN(val) - 1); } else if (type == GT) { b->min->type = Excluded; fstSliceDestroy(&(b->min->data)); b->min->data = fstSliceDeepCopy(val, 0, FST_SLICE_LEN(val) - 1); } else if (type == LE) { b->max->type = Included; fstSliceDestroy(&(b->max->data)); b->max->data = fstSliceDeepCopy(val, 0, FST_SLICE_LEN(val) - 1); } else if (type == LT) { b->max->type = Excluded; fstSliceDestroy(&(b->max->data)); b->max->data = fstSliceDeepCopy(val, 0, FST_SLICE_LEN(val) - 1); } return b; }