/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _TD_PLANN_NODES_H_ #define _TD_PLANN_NODES_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "querynodes.h" #include "query.h" #include "tname.h" typedef struct SLogicNode { ENodeType type; int32_t id; SNodeList* pTargets; // SColumnNode SNode* pConditions; SNodeList* pChildren; struct SLogicNode* pParent; } SLogicNode; typedef enum EScanType { SCAN_TYPE_TAG, SCAN_TYPE_TABLE, SCAN_TYPE_STABLE, SCAN_TYPE_STREAM } EScanType; typedef struct SScanLogicNode { SLogicNode node; SNodeList* pScanCols; struct STableMeta* pMeta; SVgroupsInfo* pVgroupList; EScanType scanType; uint8_t scanFlag; // denotes reversed scan of data or not STimeWindow scanRange; SName tableName; } SScanLogicNode; typedef struct SJoinLogicNode { SLogicNode node; EJoinType joinType; SNode* pOnConditions; } SJoinLogicNode; typedef struct SAggLogicNode { SLogicNode node; SNodeList* pGroupKeys; SNodeList* pAggFuncs; } SAggLogicNode; typedef struct SProjectLogicNode { SLogicNode node; SNodeList* pProjections; } SProjectLogicNode; typedef struct SVnodeModifLogicNode { SLogicNode node;; int32_t msgType; SArray* pDataBlocks; SVgDataBlocks* pVgDataBlocks; } SVnodeModifLogicNode; typedef struct SExchangeLogicNode { SLogicNode node; int32_t srcGroupId; } SExchangeLogicNode; typedef enum ESubplanType { SUBPLAN_TYPE_MERGE = 1, SUBPLAN_TYPE_PARTIAL, SUBPLAN_TYPE_SCAN, SUBPLAN_TYPE_MODIFY } ESubplanType; typedef struct SSubplanId { uint64_t queryId; int32_t groupId; int32_t subplanId; } SSubplanId; typedef struct SSubLogicPlan { ENodeType type; SSubplanId id; SNodeList* pChildren; SNodeList* pParents; SLogicNode* pNode; ESubplanType subplanType; SVgroupsInfo* pVgroupList; int32_t level; int32_t splitFlag; } SSubLogicPlan; typedef struct SQueryLogicPlan { ENodeType type; int32_t totalLevel; SNodeList* pTopSubplans; } SQueryLogicPlan; typedef struct SSlotDescNode { ENodeType type; int16_t slotId; SDataType dataType; bool reserve; bool output; bool tag; } SSlotDescNode; typedef struct SDataBlockDescNode { ENodeType type; int16_t dataBlockId; SNodeList* pSlots; int32_t resultRowSize; int16_t precision; } SDataBlockDescNode; typedef struct SPhysiNode { ENodeType type; SDataBlockDescNode* pOutputDataBlockDesc; SNode* pConditions; SNodeList* pChildren; struct SPhysiNode* pParent; } SPhysiNode; typedef struct SScanPhysiNode { SPhysiNode node; SNodeList* pScanCols; uint64_t uid; // unique id of the table int8_t tableType; int32_t order; // scan order: TSDB_ORDER_ASC|TSDB_ORDER_DESC int32_t count; // repeat count int32_t reverse; // reverse scan count SName tableName; } SScanPhysiNode; typedef SScanPhysiNode SSystemTableScanPhysiNode; typedef SScanPhysiNode STagScanPhysiNode; typedef struct STableScanPhysiNode { SScanPhysiNode scan; uint8_t scanFlag; // denotes reversed scan of data or not STimeWindow scanRange; SNode* pScanConditions; } STableScanPhysiNode; typedef STableScanPhysiNode STableSeqScanPhysiNode; typedef struct SProjectPhysiNode { SPhysiNode node; SNodeList* pProjections; } SProjectPhysiNode; typedef struct SJoinPhysiNode { SPhysiNode node; EJoinType joinType; SNode* pOnConditions; // in or out tuple ? SNodeList* pTargets; } SJoinPhysiNode; typedef struct SAggPhysiNode { SPhysiNode node; SNodeList* pExprs; // these are expression list of group_by_clause and parameter expression of aggregate function SNodeList* pGroupKeys; // SColumnRefNode list SNodeList* pAggFuncs; } SAggPhysiNode; typedef struct SDownstreamSourceNode { ENodeType type; SQueryNodeAddr addr; uint64_t taskId; uint64_t schedId; } SDownstreamSourceNode; typedef struct SExchangePhysiNode { SPhysiNode node; int32_t srcGroupId; // group id of datasource suplans SNodeList* pSrcEndPoints; // element is SDownstreamSource, scheduler fill by calling qSetSuplanExecutionNode } SExchangePhysiNode; typedef struct SDataSinkNode { ENodeType type; SDataBlockDescNode* pInputDataBlockDesc; } SDataSinkNode; typedef struct SDataDispatcherNode { SDataSinkNode sink; } SDataDispatcherNode; typedef struct SDataInserterNode { SDataSinkNode sink; int32_t numOfTables; uint32_t size; char *pData; } SDataInserterNode; typedef struct SSubplan { ENodeType type; SSubplanId id; // unique id of the subplan ESubplanType subplanType; int32_t msgType; // message type for subplan, used to denote the send message type to vnode. int32_t level; // the execution level of current subplan, starting from 0 in a top-down manner. SQueryNodeAddr execNode; // for the scan/modify subplan, the optional execution node SQueryNodeStat execNodeStat; // only for scan subplan SNodeList* pChildren; // the datasource subplan,from which to fetch the result SNodeList* pParents; // the data destination subplan, get data from current subplan SPhysiNode* pNode; // physical plan of current subplan SDataSinkNode* pDataSink; // data of the subplan flow into the datasink } SSubplan; typedef struct SQueryPlan { ENodeType type;; uint64_t queryId; int32_t numOfSubplans; SNodeList* pSubplans; // Element is SNodeListNode. The execution level of subplan, starting from 0. } SQueryPlan; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /*_TD_PLANN_NODES_H_*/