/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "tsdb.h" #define MEM_MIN_HASH 1024 #define SL_MAX_LEVEL 5 #define SL_NODE_SIZE(l) (sizeof(SMemSkipListNode) + sizeof(SMemSkipListNode *) * (l)*2) #define SL_NODE_FORWARD(n, l) ((n)->forwards[l]) #define SL_NODE_BACKWARD(n, l) ((n)->forwards[(n)->level + (l)]) #define SL_NODE_DATA(n) (&SL_NODE_BACKWARD(n, (n)->level)) #define SL_MOVE_BACKWARD 0x1 #define SL_MOVE_FROM_POS 0x2 static void tbDataMovePosTo(STbData *pTbData, SMemSkipListNode **pos, TSDBKEY *pKey, int32_t flags); static int32_t tsdbGetOrCreateTbData(SMemTable *pMemTable, tb_uid_t suid, tb_uid_t uid, STbData **ppTbData); static int32_t tsdbInsertTableDataImpl(SMemTable *pMemTable, STbData *pTbData, int64_t version, SSubmitMsgIter *pMsgIter, SSubmitBlk *pBlock, SSubmitBlkRsp *pRsp); int32_t tsdbMemTableCreate(STsdb *pTsdb, SMemTable **ppMemTable) { int32_t code = 0; SMemTable *pMemTable = NULL; pMemTable = (SMemTable *)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(*pMemTable)); if (pMemTable == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _err; } taosInitRWLatch(&pMemTable->latch); pMemTable->pTsdb = pTsdb; pMemTable->pPool = pTsdb->pVnode->inUse; pMemTable->nRef = 1; pMemTable->minKey = TSKEY_MAX; pMemTable->maxKey = TSKEY_MIN; pMemTable->nRow = 0; pMemTable->nDel = 0; pMemTable->nTbData = 0; pMemTable->nBucket = MEM_MIN_HASH; pMemTable->aBucket = (STbData **)taosMemoryCalloc(pMemTable->nBucket, sizeof(STbData *)); if (pMemTable->aBucket == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; taosMemoryFree(pMemTable); goto _err; } vnodeBufPoolRef(pMemTable->pPool); *ppMemTable = pMemTable; return code; _err: *ppMemTable = NULL; return code; } void tsdbMemTableDestroy(SMemTable *pMemTable) { if (pMemTable) { vnodeBufPoolUnRef(pMemTable->pPool); taosMemoryFree(pMemTable->aBucket); taosMemoryFree(pMemTable); } } static FORCE_INLINE STbData *tsdbGetTbDataFromMemTableImpl(SMemTable *pMemTable, tb_uid_t suid, tb_uid_t uid) { STbData *pTbData = pMemTable->aBucket[TABS(uid) % pMemTable->nBucket]; while (pTbData) { if (pTbData->uid == uid) break; pTbData = pTbData->next; } return pTbData; } STbData *tsdbGetTbDataFromMemTable(SMemTable *pMemTable, tb_uid_t suid, tb_uid_t uid) { STbData *pTbData; taosRLockLatch(&pMemTable->latch); pTbData = tsdbGetTbDataFromMemTableImpl(pMemTable, suid, uid); taosRUnLockLatch(&pMemTable->latch); return pTbData; } int32_t tsdbInsertTableData(STsdb *pTsdb, int64_t version, SSubmitMsgIter *pMsgIter, SSubmitBlk *pBlock, SSubmitBlkRsp *pRsp) { int32_t code = 0; SMemTable *pMemTable = pTsdb->mem; STbData *pTbData = NULL; tb_uid_t suid = pMsgIter->suid; tb_uid_t uid = pMsgIter->uid; SMetaInfo info; code = metaGetInfo(pTsdb->pVnode->pMeta, uid, &info); if (code) { code = TSDB_CODE_TDB_TABLE_NOT_EXIST; goto _err; } if (info.suid != suid) { code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_MSG; goto _err; } if (info.suid) { metaGetInfo(pTsdb->pVnode->pMeta, info.suid, &info); } pRsp->sver = info.skmVer; // create/get STbData to op code = tsdbGetOrCreateTbData(pMemTable, suid, uid, &pTbData); if (code) { goto _err; } // do insert impl code = tsdbInsertTableDataImpl(pMemTable, pTbData, version, pMsgIter, pBlock, pRsp); if (code) { goto _err; } return code; _err: return code; } int32_t tsdbDeleteTableData(STsdb *pTsdb, int64_t version, tb_uid_t suid, tb_uid_t uid, TSKEY sKey, TSKEY eKey) { int32_t code = 0; SMemTable *pMemTable = pTsdb->mem; STbData *pTbData = NULL; SVBufPool *pPool = pTsdb->pVnode->inUse; TSDBKEY lastKey = {.version = version, .ts = eKey}; // check if table exists SMetaInfo info; code = metaGetInfo(pTsdb->pVnode->pMeta, uid, &info); if (code) { code = TSDB_CODE_TDB_TABLE_NOT_EXIST; goto _err; } if (info.suid != suid) { code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_MSG; goto _err; } code = tsdbGetOrCreateTbData(pMemTable, suid, uid, &pTbData); if (code) { goto _err; } // do delete SDelData *pDelData = (SDelData *)vnodeBufPoolMalloc(pPool, sizeof(*pDelData)); if (pDelData == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _err; } pDelData->version = version; pDelData->sKey = sKey; pDelData->eKey = eKey; pDelData->pNext = NULL; if (pTbData->pHead == NULL) { ASSERT(pTbData->pTail == NULL); pTbData->pHead = pTbData->pTail = pDelData; } else { pTbData->pTail->pNext = pDelData; pTbData->pTail = pDelData; } pMemTable->nDel++; if (TSDB_CACHE_LAST_ROW(pMemTable->pTsdb->pVnode->config) && tsdbKeyCmprFn(&lastKey, &pTbData->maxKey) >= 0) { tsdbCacheDeleteLastrow(pTsdb->lruCache, pTbData->uid, eKey); } if (TSDB_CACHE_LAST(pMemTable->pTsdb->pVnode->config)) { tsdbCacheDeleteLast(pTsdb->lruCache, pTbData->uid, eKey); } tsdbInfo("vgId:%d, delete data from table suid:%" PRId64 " uid:%" PRId64 " skey:%" PRId64 " eKey:%" PRId64 " since %s", TD_VID(pTsdb->pVnode), suid, uid, sKey, eKey, tstrerror(code)); return code; _err: tsdbError("vgId:%d, failed to delete data from table suid:%" PRId64 " uid:%" PRId64 " skey:%" PRId64 " eKey:%" PRId64 " since %s", TD_VID(pTsdb->pVnode), suid, uid, sKey, eKey, tstrerror(code)); return code; } int32_t tsdbTbDataIterCreate(STbData *pTbData, TSDBKEY *pFrom, int8_t backward, STbDataIter **ppIter) { int32_t code = 0; (*ppIter) = (STbDataIter *)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(STbDataIter)); if ((*ppIter) == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _exit; } tsdbTbDataIterOpen(pTbData, pFrom, backward, *ppIter); _exit: return code; } void *tsdbTbDataIterDestroy(STbDataIter *pIter) { if (pIter) { taosMemoryFree(pIter); } return NULL; } void tsdbTbDataIterOpen(STbData *pTbData, TSDBKEY *pFrom, int8_t backward, STbDataIter *pIter) { SMemSkipListNode *pos[SL_MAX_LEVEL]; SMemSkipListNode *pHead; SMemSkipListNode *pTail; pHead = pTbData->sl.pHead; pTail = pTbData->sl.pTail; pIter->pTbData = pTbData; pIter->backward = backward; pIter->pRow = NULL; pIter->row.type = 0; if (pFrom == NULL) { // create from head or tail if (backward) { pIter->pNode = SL_NODE_BACKWARD(pTbData->sl.pTail, 0); } else { pIter->pNode = SL_NODE_FORWARD(pTbData->sl.pHead, 0); } } else { // create from a key if (backward) { tbDataMovePosTo(pTbData, pos, pFrom, SL_MOVE_BACKWARD); pIter->pNode = SL_NODE_BACKWARD(pos[0], 0); } else { tbDataMovePosTo(pTbData, pos, pFrom, 0); pIter->pNode = SL_NODE_FORWARD(pos[0], 0); } } } bool tsdbTbDataIterNext(STbDataIter *pIter) { SMemSkipListNode *pHead = pIter->pTbData->sl.pHead; SMemSkipListNode *pTail = pIter->pTbData->sl.pTail; pIter->pRow = NULL; if (pIter->backward) { ASSERT(pIter->pNode != pTail); if (pIter->pNode == pHead) { return false; } pIter->pNode = SL_NODE_BACKWARD(pIter->pNode, 0); if (pIter->pNode == pHead) { return false; } } else { ASSERT(pIter->pNode != pHead); if (pIter->pNode == pTail) { return false; } pIter->pNode = SL_NODE_FORWARD(pIter->pNode, 0); if (pIter->pNode == pTail) { return false; } } return true; } TSDBROW *tsdbTbDataIterGet(STbDataIter *pIter) { // we add here for commit usage if (pIter == NULL) return NULL; if (pIter->pRow) { goto _exit; } if (pIter->backward) { if (pIter->pNode == pIter->pTbData->sl.pHead) { goto _exit; } } else { if (pIter->pNode == pIter->pTbData->sl.pTail) { goto _exit; } } tGetTSDBRow((uint8_t *)SL_NODE_DATA(pIter->pNode), &pIter->row); pIter->pRow = &pIter->row; _exit: return pIter->pRow; } static int32_t tsdbMemTableRehash(SMemTable *pMemTable) { int32_t code = 0; int32_t nBucket = pMemTable->nBucket * 2; STbData **aBucket = (STbData **)taosMemoryCalloc(nBucket, sizeof(STbData *)); if (aBucket == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _exit; } for (int32_t iBucket = 0; iBucket < pMemTable->nBucket; iBucket++) { STbData *pTbData = pMemTable->aBucket[iBucket]; while (pTbData) { STbData *pNext = pTbData->next; int32_t idx = TABS(pTbData->uid) % nBucket; pTbData->next = aBucket[idx]; aBucket[idx] = pTbData; pTbData = pNext; } } taosMemoryFree(pMemTable->aBucket); pMemTable->nBucket = nBucket; pMemTable->aBucket = aBucket; _exit: return code; } static int32_t tsdbGetOrCreateTbData(SMemTable *pMemTable, tb_uid_t suid, tb_uid_t uid, STbData **ppTbData) { int32_t code = 0; // get STbData *pTbData = tsdbGetTbDataFromMemTableImpl(pMemTable, suid, uid); if (pTbData) goto _exit; // create SVBufPool *pPool = pMemTable->pTsdb->pVnode->inUse; int8_t maxLevel = pMemTable->pTsdb->pVnode->config.tsdbCfg.slLevel; pTbData = vnodeBufPoolMalloc(pPool, sizeof(*pTbData) + SL_NODE_SIZE(maxLevel) * 2); if (pTbData == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _err; } pTbData->suid = suid; pTbData->uid = uid; pTbData->minKey = TSKEY_MAX; pTbData->maxKey = TSKEY_MIN; pTbData->pHead = NULL; pTbData->pTail = NULL; pTbData->sl.seed = taosRand(); pTbData->sl.size = 0; pTbData->sl.maxLevel = maxLevel; pTbData->sl.level = 0; pTbData->sl.pHead = (SMemSkipListNode *)&pTbData[1]; pTbData->sl.pTail = (SMemSkipListNode *)POINTER_SHIFT(pTbData->sl.pHead, SL_NODE_SIZE(maxLevel)); pTbData->sl.pHead->level = maxLevel; pTbData->sl.pTail->level = maxLevel; for (int8_t iLevel = 0; iLevel < maxLevel; iLevel++) { SL_NODE_FORWARD(pTbData->sl.pHead, iLevel) = pTbData->sl.pTail; SL_NODE_BACKWARD(pTbData->sl.pTail, iLevel) = pTbData->sl.pHead; SL_NODE_BACKWARD(pTbData->sl.pHead, iLevel) = NULL; SL_NODE_FORWARD(pTbData->sl.pTail, iLevel) = NULL; } taosWLockLatch(&pMemTable->latch); if (pMemTable->nTbData >= pMemTable->nBucket) { code = tsdbMemTableRehash(pMemTable); if (code) { taosWUnLockLatch(&pMemTable->latch); goto _err; } } int32_t idx = TABS(uid) % pMemTable->nBucket; pTbData->next = pMemTable->aBucket[idx]; pMemTable->aBucket[idx] = pTbData; pMemTable->nTbData++; taosWUnLockLatch(&pMemTable->latch); _exit: *ppTbData = pTbData; return code; _err: *ppTbData = NULL; return code; } static void tbDataMovePosTo(STbData *pTbData, SMemSkipListNode **pos, TSDBKEY *pKey, int32_t flags) { SMemSkipListNode *px; SMemSkipListNode *pn; TSDBKEY *pTKey; int32_t backward = flags & SL_MOVE_BACKWARD; int32_t fromPos = flags & SL_MOVE_FROM_POS; if (backward) { px = pTbData->sl.pTail; if (!fromPos) { for (int8_t iLevel = pTbData->sl.level; iLevel < pTbData->sl.maxLevel; iLevel++) { pos[iLevel] = px; } } if (pTbData->sl.level) { if (fromPos) px = pos[pTbData->sl.level - 1]; for (int8_t iLevel = pTbData->sl.level - 1; iLevel >= 0; iLevel--) { pn = SL_NODE_BACKWARD(px, iLevel); while (pn != pTbData->sl.pHead) { pTKey = (TSDBKEY *)SL_NODE_DATA(pn); int32_t c = tsdbKeyCmprFn(pTKey, pKey); if (c <= 0) { break; } else { px = pn; pn = SL_NODE_BACKWARD(px, iLevel); } } pos[iLevel] = px; } } } else { px = pTbData->sl.pHead; if (!fromPos) { for (int8_t iLevel = pTbData->sl.level; iLevel < pTbData->sl.maxLevel; iLevel++) { pos[iLevel] = px; } } if (pTbData->sl.level) { if (fromPos) px = pos[pTbData->sl.level - 1]; for (int8_t iLevel = pTbData->sl.level - 1; iLevel >= 0; iLevel--) { pn = SL_NODE_FORWARD(px, iLevel); while (pn != pTbData->sl.pTail) { int32_t c = tsdbKeyCmprFn(SL_NODE_DATA(pn), pKey); if (c >= 0) { break; } else { px = pn; pn = SL_NODE_FORWARD(px, iLevel); } } pos[iLevel] = px; } } } } static FORCE_INLINE int8_t tsdbMemSkipListRandLevel(SMemSkipList *pSl) { int8_t level = 1; int8_t tlevel = TMIN(pSl->maxLevel, pSl->level + 1); const uint32_t factor = 4; while ((taosRandR(&pSl->seed) % factor) == 0 && level < tlevel) { level++; } return level; } static int32_t tbDataDoPut(SMemTable *pMemTable, STbData *pTbData, SMemSkipListNode **pos, TSDBROW *pRow, int8_t forward) { int32_t code = 0; int8_t level; SMemSkipListNode *pNode; SVBufPool *pPool = pMemTable->pTsdb->pVnode->inUse; // node level = tsdbMemSkipListRandLevel(&pTbData->sl); pNode = (SMemSkipListNode *)vnodeBufPoolMalloc(pPool, SL_NODE_SIZE(level) + tPutTSDBRow(NULL, pRow)); if (pNode == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _exit; } pNode->level = level; tPutTSDBRow((uint8_t *)SL_NODE_DATA(pNode), pRow); for (int8_t iLevel = level - 1; iLevel >= 0; iLevel--) { SMemSkipListNode *pn = pos[iLevel]; SMemSkipListNode *px; if (forward) { px = SL_NODE_FORWARD(pn, iLevel); SL_NODE_BACKWARD(pNode, iLevel) = pn; SL_NODE_FORWARD(pNode, iLevel) = px; } else { px = SL_NODE_BACKWARD(pn, iLevel); SL_NODE_BACKWARD(pNode, iLevel) = px; SL_NODE_FORWARD(pNode, iLevel) = pn; } } for (int8_t iLevel = level - 1; iLevel >= 0; iLevel--) { SMemSkipListNode *pn = pos[iLevel]; SMemSkipListNode *px; if (forward) { px = SL_NODE_FORWARD(pn, iLevel); SL_NODE_FORWARD(pn, iLevel) = pNode; SL_NODE_BACKWARD(px, iLevel) = pNode; } else { px = SL_NODE_BACKWARD(pn, iLevel); SL_NODE_FORWARD(px, iLevel) = pNode; SL_NODE_BACKWARD(pn, iLevel) = pNode; } pos[iLevel] = pNode; } pTbData->sl.size++; if (pTbData->sl.level < pNode->level) { pTbData->sl.level = pNode->level; } _exit: return code; } static int32_t tsdbInsertTableDataImpl(SMemTable *pMemTable, STbData *pTbData, int64_t version, SSubmitMsgIter *pMsgIter, SSubmitBlk *pBlock, SSubmitBlkRsp *pRsp) { int32_t code = 0; SSubmitBlkIter blkIter = {0}; TSDBKEY key = {.version = version}; SMemSkipListNode *pos[SL_MAX_LEVEL]; TSDBROW row = tsdbRowFromTSRow(version, NULL); int32_t nRow = 0; STSRow *pLastRow = NULL; tInitSubmitBlkIter(pMsgIter, pBlock, &blkIter); // backward put first data row.pTSRow = tGetSubmitBlkNext(&blkIter); key.ts = row.pTSRow->ts; nRow++; tbDataMovePosTo(pTbData, pos, &key, SL_MOVE_BACKWARD); code = tbDataDoPut(pMemTable, pTbData, pos, &row, 0); if (code) { goto _err; } pTbData->minKey = TMIN(pTbData->minKey, key.ts); pLastRow = row.pTSRow; // forward put rest data row.pTSRow = tGetSubmitBlkNext(&blkIter); if (row.pTSRow) { for (int8_t iLevel = pos[0]->level; iLevel < pTbData->sl.maxLevel; iLevel++) { pos[iLevel] = SL_NODE_BACKWARD(pos[iLevel], iLevel); } do { key.ts = row.pTSRow->ts; nRow++; tbDataMovePosTo(pTbData, pos, &key, SL_MOVE_FROM_POS); code = tbDataDoPut(pMemTable, pTbData, pos, &row, 1); if (code) { goto _err; } pLastRow = row.pTSRow; row.pTSRow = tGetSubmitBlkNext(&blkIter); } while (row.pTSRow); } if (key.ts >= pTbData->maxKey) { if (key.ts > pTbData->maxKey) { pTbData->maxKey = key.ts; } if (TSDB_CACHE_LAST_ROW(pMemTable->pTsdb->pVnode->config) && pLastRow != NULL) { tsdbCacheInsertLastrow(pMemTable->pTsdb->lruCache, pMemTable->pTsdb, pTbData->uid, pLastRow, true); } } if (TSDB_CACHE_LAST(pMemTable->pTsdb->pVnode->config)) { tsdbCacheInsertLast(pMemTable->pTsdb->lruCache, pTbData->uid, pLastRow, pMemTable->pTsdb); } // SMemTable pMemTable->minKey = TMIN(pMemTable->minKey, pTbData->minKey); pMemTable->maxKey = TMAX(pMemTable->maxKey, pTbData->maxKey); pMemTable->nRow += nRow; pRsp->numOfRows = nRow; pRsp->affectedRows = nRow; return code; _err: return code; } int32_t tsdbGetNRowsInTbData(STbData *pTbData) { return pTbData->sl.size; } void tsdbRefMemTable(SMemTable *pMemTable) { int32_t nRef = atomic_fetch_add_32(&pMemTable->nRef, 1); ASSERT(nRef > 0); } void tsdbUnrefMemTable(SMemTable *pMemTable) { int32_t nRef = atomic_sub_fetch_32(&pMemTable->nRef, 1); if (nRef == 0) { tsdbMemTableDestroy(pMemTable); } } static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tbDataPCmprFn(const void *p1, const void *p2) { STbData *pTbData1 = *(STbData **)p1; STbData *pTbData2 = *(STbData **)p2; if (pTbData1->suid < pTbData2->suid) { return -1; } else if (pTbData1->suid > pTbData2->suid) { return 1; } if (pTbData1->uid < pTbData2->uid) { return -1; } else if (pTbData1->uid > pTbData2->uid) { return 1; } return 0; } SArray *tsdbMemTableGetTbDataArray(SMemTable *pMemTable) { SArray *aTbDataP = taosArrayInit(pMemTable->nTbData, sizeof(STbData *)); if (aTbDataP == NULL) goto _exit; for (int32_t iBucket = 0; iBucket < pMemTable->nBucket; iBucket++) { STbData *pTbData = pMemTable->aBucket[iBucket]; while (pTbData) { taosArrayPush(aTbDataP, &pTbData); pTbData = pTbData->next; } } taosArraySort(aTbDataP, tbDataPCmprFn); _exit: return aTbDataP; }