--- sidebar_label: SHOW Statement title: SHOW Statement for Metadata --- In addition to running SELECT statements on INFORMATION_SCHEMA, you can also use SHOW to obtain system metadata, information, and status. ## SHOW ACCOUNTS ```sql SHOW ACCOUNTS; ``` Shows information about tenants on the system. Note: TDengine Enterprise Edition only. ## SHOW APPS ```sql SHOW APPS; ``` Shows all clients (such as applications) that connect to the cluster. ## SHOW BNODES ```sql SHOW BNODES; ``` Shows information about backup nodes (bnodes) in the system. ## SHOW CLUSTER ```sql SHOW CLUSTER; ``` Shows information about the current cluster. ## SHOW CONNECTIONS ```sql SHOW CONNECTIONS; ``` Shows information about connections to the system. ## SHOW CONSUMERS ```sql SHOW CONSUMERS; ``` Shows information about all active consumers in the system. ## SHOW CREATE DATABASE ```sql SHOW CREATE DATABASE db_name; ``` Shows the SQL statement used to create the specified database. ## SHOW CREATE STABLE ```sql SHOW CREATE STABLE [db_name.]stb_name; ``` Shows the SQL statement used to create the specified supertable. ## SHOW CREATE TABLE ```sql SHOW CREATE TABLE [db_name.]tb_name ``` Shows the SQL statement used to create the specified table. This statement can be used on supertables, standard tables, and subtables. ## SHOW DATABASES ```sql SHOW DATABASES; ``` Shows all user-created databases. ## SHOW DNODES ```sql SHOW DNODES; ``` Shows all dnodes in the system. ## SHOW FUNCTIONS ```sql SHOW FUNCTIONS; ``` Shows all user-defined functions in the system. ## SHOW LICENSE ```sql SHOW LICENSE; SHOW GRANTS; ``` Shows information about the TDengine Enterprise Edition license. Note: TDengine Enterprise Edition only. ## SHOW INDEXES ```sql SHOW INDEXES FROM tbl_name [FROM db_name]; ``` Shows indices that have been created. ## SHOW LOCAL VARIABLES ```sql SHOW LOCAL VARIABLES; ``` Shows the working configuration of the client. ## SHOW MNODES ```sql SHOW MNODES; ``` Shows information about mnodes in the system. ## SHOW MODULES ```sql SHOW MODULES; ``` Shows information about modules installed in the system. ## SHOW QNODES ```sql SHOW QNODES; ``` Shows information about qnodes in the system. ## SHOW SCORES ```sql SHOW SCORES; ``` Shows information about the storage space allowed by the license. Note: TDengine Enterprise Edition only. ## SHOW SNODES ```sql SHOW SNODES; ``` Shows information about stream processing nodes (snodes) in the system. ## SHOW STABLES ```sql SHOW [db_name.]STABLES [LIKE 'pattern']; ``` Shows all supertables in the current database. You can use LIKE for fuzzy matching. ## SHOW STREAMS ```sql SHOW STREAMS; ``` Shows information about streams in the system. ## SHOW SUBSCRIPTIONS ```sql SHOW SUBSCRIPTIONS; ``` Shows all subscriptions in the current database. ## SHOW TABLES ```sql SHOW [db_name.]TABLES [LIKE 'pattern']; ``` Shows all standard tables and subtables in the current database. You can use LIKE for fuzzy matching. ## SHOW TABLE DISTRIBUTED ```sql SHOW TABLE DISTRIBUTED table_name; ``` Shows how table data is distributed. ## SHOW TAGS ```sql SHOW TAGS FROM child_table_name [FROM db_name]; ``` Shows all tag information in a subtable. ## SHOW TOPICS ```sql SHOW TOPICS; ``` Shows all topics in the current database. ## SHOW TRANSACTIONS ```sql SHOW TRANSACTIONS; ``` Shows all running transactions in the system. ## SHOW USERS ```sql SHOW USERS; ``` Shows information about users on the system. This includes user-created users and system-defined users. ## SHOW VARIABLES ```sql SHOW VARIABLES; SHOW DNODE dnode_id VARIABLES; ``` Shows the working configuration of the parameters that must be the same on each node. You can also specify a dnode to show the working configuration for that node. ## SHOW VGROUPS ```sql SHOW [db_name.]VGROUPS; ``` Shows information about all vgroups in the system or about the vgroups for a specified database. ## SHOW VNODES ```sql SHOW VNODES [dnode_name]; ``` Shows information about all vnodes in the system or about the vnodes for a specified dnode.