/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "querynodes.h" #include "plannodes.h" #include "taos.h" #include "taoserror.h" #include "taos.h" #include "thash.h" static SNode* makeNode(ENodeType type, size_t size) { SNode* p = calloc(1, size); if (NULL == p) { return NULL; } setNodeType(p, type); return p; } SNode* nodesMakeNode(ENodeType type) { switch (type) { case QUERY_NODE_COLUMN: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SColumnNode)); case QUERY_NODE_VALUE: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SValueNode)); case QUERY_NODE_OPERATOR: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SOperatorNode)); case QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_CONDITION: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SLogicConditionNode)); case QUERY_NODE_FUNCTION: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SFunctionNode)); case QUERY_NODE_REAL_TABLE: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SRealTableNode)); case QUERY_NODE_TEMP_TABLE: return makeNode(type, sizeof(STempTableNode)); case QUERY_NODE_JOIN_TABLE: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SJoinTableNode)); case QUERY_NODE_GROUPING_SET: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SGroupingSetNode)); case QUERY_NODE_ORDER_BY_EXPR: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SOrderByExprNode)); case QUERY_NODE_LIMIT: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SLimitNode)); case QUERY_NODE_STATE_WINDOW: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SStateWindowNode)); case QUERY_NODE_SESSION_WINDOW: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SSessionWindowNode)); case QUERY_NODE_INTERVAL_WINDOW: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SIntervalWindowNode)); case QUERY_NODE_NODE_LIST: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SNodeListNode)); case QUERY_NODE_FILL: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SFillNode)); case QUERY_NODE_RAW_EXPR: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SRawExprNode)); case QUERY_NODE_SET_OPERATOR: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SSetOperator)); case QUERY_NODE_SELECT_STMT: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SSelectStmt)); // case QUERY_NODE_SHOW_STMT: // return makeNode(type, sizeof(SShowStmt)); case QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_PLAN_SCAN: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SScanLogicNode)); case QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_PLAN_JOIN: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SJoinLogicNode)); case QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_PLAN_FILTER: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SFilterLogicNode)); case QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_PLAN_AGG: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SAggLogicNode)); case QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_PLAN_PROJECT: return makeNode(type, sizeof(SProjectLogicNode)); default: break; } return NULL; } static EDealRes destroyNode(SNode* pNode, void* pContext) { switch (nodeType(pNode)) { case QUERY_NODE_VALUE: tfree(((SValueNode*)pNode)->literal); break; default: break; } tfree(pNode); return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } void nodesDestroyNode(SNode* pNode) { nodesWalkNodePostOrder(pNode, destroyNode, NULL); } SNodeList* nodesMakeList() { SNodeList* p = calloc(1, sizeof(SNodeList)); if (NULL == p) { return NULL; } return p; } int32_t nodesListAppend(SNodeList* pList, SNode* pNode) { if (NULL == pList || NULL == pNode) { return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } SListCell* p = calloc(1, sizeof(SListCell)); if (NULL == p) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } p->pNode = pNode; if (NULL == pList->pHead) { pList->pHead = p; } if (NULL != pList->pTail) { pList->pTail->pNext = p; } pList->pTail = p; ++(pList->length); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t nodesListAppendList(SNodeList* pTarget, SNodeList* pSrc) { if (NULL == pTarget || NULL == pSrc) { return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } if (NULL == pTarget->pHead) { pTarget->pHead = pSrc->pHead; } else { pTarget->pTail->pNext = pSrc->pHead; if (NULL != pSrc->pHead) { pSrc->pHead->pPrev = pTarget->pTail; } } pTarget->pTail = pSrc->pTail; pTarget->length += pSrc->length; tfree(pSrc); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } SListCell* nodesListErase(SNodeList* pList, SListCell* pCell) { if (NULL == pCell->pPrev) { pList->pHead = pCell->pNext; } else { pCell->pPrev->pNext = pCell->pNext; pCell->pNext->pPrev = pCell->pPrev; } SListCell* pNext = pCell->pNext; nodesDestroyNode(pCell->pNode); tfree(pCell); --(pList->length); return pNext; } SNode* nodesListGetNode(SNodeList* pList, int32_t index) { SNode* node; FOREACH(node, pList) { if (0 == index--) { return node; } } return NULL; } void nodesDestroyList(SNodeList* pList) { SNode* node; FOREACH(node, pList) { nodesDestroyNode(node); } tfree(pList); } void *nodesGetValueFromNode(SValueNode *pNode) { switch (pNode->node.resType.type) { case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: return (void *)&pNode->datum.b; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: return (void *)&pNode->datum.i; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT: return (void *)&pNode->datum.u; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: return (void *)&pNode->datum.d; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARBINARY: return (void *)pNode->datum.p; default: break; } return NULL; } bool nodesIsExprNode(const SNode* pNode) { ENodeType type = nodeType(pNode); return (QUERY_NODE_COLUMN == type || QUERY_NODE_VALUE == type || QUERY_NODE_OPERATOR == type || QUERY_NODE_FUNCTION == type); } bool nodesIsArithmeticOp(const SOperatorNode* pOp) { switch (pOp->opType) { case OP_TYPE_ADD: case OP_TYPE_SUB: case OP_TYPE_MULTI: case OP_TYPE_DIV: case OP_TYPE_MOD: return true; default: break; } return false; } bool nodesIsComparisonOp(const SOperatorNode* pOp) { switch (pOp->opType) { case OP_TYPE_GREATER_THAN: case OP_TYPE_GREATER_EQUAL: case OP_TYPE_LOWER_THAN: case OP_TYPE_LOWER_EQUAL: case OP_TYPE_EQUAL: case OP_TYPE_NOT_EQUAL: case OP_TYPE_IN: case OP_TYPE_NOT_IN: case OP_TYPE_LIKE: case OP_TYPE_NOT_LIKE: case OP_TYPE_MATCH: case OP_TYPE_NMATCH: case OP_TYPE_IS_NULL: case OP_TYPE_IS_NOT_NULL: case OP_TYPE_IS_TRUE: case OP_TYPE_IS_FALSE: case OP_TYPE_IS_UNKNOWN: case OP_TYPE_IS_NOT_TRUE: case OP_TYPE_IS_NOT_FALSE: case OP_TYPE_IS_NOT_UNKNOWN: return true; default: break; } return false; } bool nodesIsJsonOp(const SOperatorNode* pOp) { switch (pOp->opType) { case OP_TYPE_JSON_GET_VALUE: case OP_TYPE_JSON_CONTAINS: return true; default: break; } return false; } bool nodesIsTimeorderQuery(const SNode* pQuery) { return false; } bool nodesIsTimelineQuery(const SNode* pQuery) { return false; } typedef struct SCollectColumnsCxt { int32_t errCode; const char* pTableAlias; SNodeList* pCols; SHashObj* pColIdHash; } SCollectColumnsCxt; static EDealRes doCollect(SCollectColumnsCxt* pCxt, int32_t id, SNode* pNode) { if (NULL == taosHashGet(pCxt->pColIdHash, &id, sizeof(id))) { pCxt->errCode = taosHashPut(pCxt->pColIdHash, &id, sizeof(id), NULL, 0); if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == pCxt->errCode) { pCxt->errCode = nodesListAppend(pCxt->pCols, pNode); } return (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == pCxt->errCode ? DEAL_RES_IGNORE_CHILD : DEAL_RES_ERROR); } return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } static EDealRes collectColumns(SNode* pNode, void* pContext) { SCollectColumnsCxt* pCxt = (SCollectColumnsCxt*)pContext; if (QUERY_NODE_COLUMN == nodeType(pNode)) { SColumnNode* pCol = (SColumnNode*)pNode; int32_t colId = pCol->colId; if (0 == strcmp(pCxt->pTableAlias, pCol->tableAlias)) { return doCollect(pCxt, colId, pNode); } } return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } int32_t nodesCollectColumns(SSelectStmt* pSelect, ESqlClause clause, const char* pTableAlias, SNodeList** pCols) { if (NULL == pSelect || NULL == pCols) { return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } SCollectColumnsCxt cxt = { .errCode = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS, .pTableAlias = pTableAlias, .pCols = nodesMakeList(), .pColIdHash = taosHashInit(128, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), true, HASH_NO_LOCK) }; if (NULL == cxt.pCols || NULL == cxt.pColIdHash) { return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } nodesWalkSelectStmt(pSelect, clause, collectColumns, &cxt); taosHashCleanup(cxt.pColIdHash); if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != cxt.errCode) { nodesDestroyList(cxt.pCols); return cxt.errCode; } if (0 == LIST_LENGTH(cxt.pCols)) { nodesDestroyList(cxt.pCols); cxt.pCols = NULL; } *pCols = cxt.pCols; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } typedef struct SCollectFuncsCxt { int32_t errCode; FFuncClassifier classifier; SNodeList* pFuncs; } SCollectFuncsCxt; static EDealRes collectFuncs(SNode* pNode, void* pContext) { SCollectFuncsCxt* pCxt = (SCollectFuncsCxt*)pContext; if (QUERY_NODE_FUNCTION == nodeType(pNode) && pCxt->classifier(((SFunctionNode*)pNode)->funcId)) { pCxt->errCode = nodesListAppend(pCxt->pFuncs, pNode); return (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == pCxt->errCode ? DEAL_RES_IGNORE_CHILD : DEAL_RES_ERROR); } return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } int32_t nodesCollectFuncs(SSelectStmt* pSelect, FFuncClassifier classifier, SNodeList** pFuncs) { if (NULL == pSelect || NULL == pFuncs) { return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } SCollectFuncsCxt cxt = { .errCode = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS, .classifier = classifier, .pFuncs = nodesMakeList() }; if (NULL == cxt.pFuncs) { return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } nodesWalkSelectStmt(pSelect, SQL_CLAUSE_GROUP_BY, collectFuncs, &cxt); if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != cxt.errCode) { nodesDestroyList(cxt.pFuncs); return cxt.errCode; } if (LIST_LENGTH(cxt.pFuncs) > 0) { *pFuncs = cxt.pFuncs; } else { nodesDestroyList(cxt.pFuncs); *pFuncs = NULL; } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; }