################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. # No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, # disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as # expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao # ################################################################### # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import taos import threading from util.log import * from util.cases import * from util.sql import * from util.dnodes import * class QueryCountMultiThread: def initConnection(self): self.records = 10000000 self.numOfTherads = 50 self.ts = 1537146000000 self.host = "" self.user = "root" self.password = "taosdata" self.config = "/home/xp/git/TDengine/sim/dnode1/cfg" self.conn = taos.connect( self.host, self.user, self.password, self.config) def insertData(self, threadID): cursor = self.conn.cursor() print("Thread %d: starting" % threadID) base = 200000 * threadID for i in range(200): query = "insert into tb values" for j in range(1000): query += "(%d, %d, 'test')" % (self.ts + base + i * 1000 + j, base + i * 1000 + j) cursor.execute(query) cursor.close() print("Thread %d: finishing" % threadID) def run(self): tdDnodes.init("") tdDnodes.setTestCluster(False) tdDnodes.setValgrind(False) tdDnodes.stopAll() tdDnodes.deploy(1) tdDnodes.start(1) cursor = self.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("drop database if exists db") cursor.execute("create database db") cursor.execute("use db") cursor.execute("create table tb (ts timestamp, id int, name nchar(30))") cursor.close() threads = [] for i in range(50): thread = threading.Thread(target=self.insertData, args=(i,)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() for i in range(50): threads[i].join() cursor = self.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("use db") sql = "select count(*) from tb" cursor.execute(sql) data = cursor.fetchall() if(data[0][0] == 10000000): tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%d == expect:%d" % (sql, 0, 0, data[0][0], 10000000)) else: tdLog.exit("queryCount.py failed: sql:%s failed, row:%d col:%d data:%d != expect:%d" % (sql, 0, 0, data[0][0], 10000000)) cursor.close() self.conn.close() q = QueryCountMultiThread() q.initConnection() q.run()