################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. # No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, # disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as # expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao # ################################################################### # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import random import string from util.log import * from util.cases import * from util.sql import * from util.sqlset import * from util import constant from util.common import * class TDTestCase: def init(self, conn, logSql): tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__) tdSql.init(conn.cursor(),logSql) self.setsql = TDSetSql() self.ntbname = 'ntb' self.stbname = 'stb' self.binary_length = 20 # the length of binary for column_dict self.nchar_length = 20 # the length of nchar for column_dict self.column_dict = { 'ts' : 'timestamp', 'col1': 'tinyint', 'col2': 'smallint', 'col3': 'int', 'col4': 'bigint', 'col5': 'tinyint unsigned', 'col6': 'smallint unsigned', 'col7': 'int unsigned', 'col8': 'bigint unsigned', 'col9': 'float', 'col10': 'double', 'col11': 'bool', 'col12': f'binary({self.binary_length})', 'col13': f'nchar({self.nchar_length})' } self.tag_dict = { 'ts_tag' : 'timestamp', 't1': 'tinyint', 't2': 'smallint', 't3': 'int', 't4': 'bigint', 't5': 'tinyint unsigned', 't6': 'smallint unsigned', 't7': 'int unsigned', 't8': 'bigint unsigned', 't9': 'float', 't10': 'double', 't11': 'bool', 't12': f'binary({self.binary_length})', 't13': f'nchar({self.nchar_length})' } self.tag_list = [ f'now,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.9,10.1,true,"abcd","涛思数据"' ] self.tbnum = 1 self.values_list = [ f'now,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.9,10.1,true,"abcd","涛思数据"' ] self.column_add_dict = { 'col_time' : 'timestamp', 'col_tinyint' : 'tinyint', 'col_smallint' : 'smallint', 'col_int' : 'int', 'col_bigint' : 'bigint', 'col_untinyint' : 'tinyint unsigned', 'col_smallint' : 'smallint unsigned', 'col_int' : 'int unsigned', 'col_bigint' : 'bigint unsigned', 'col_bool' : 'bool', 'col_float' : 'float', 'col_double' : 'double', 'col_binary' : f'binary({constant.BINARY_LENGTH_MAX})', 'col_nchar' : f'nchar({constant.NCAHR_LENGTH_MAX})' } def alter_stable_check(self): tdSql.prepare() tdSql.execute(self.setsql.set_create_stable_sql(self.stbname,self.column_dict,self.tag_dict)) tdSql.execute(self.setsql.set_create_normaltable_sql(self.ntbname,self.column_dict)) for i in self.values_list: tdSql.execute(f'insert into {self.ntbname} values({i})') for i in range(self.tbnum): tdSql.execute(f'create table {self.stbname}_{i} using {self.stbname} tags({self.tag_list[i]})') for j in self.values_list: tdSql.execute(f'insert into {self.stbname}_{i} values({j})') for key,values in self.column_add_dict.items(): tdSql.execute(f'alter stable {self.stbname} add column {key} {values}') tdSql.query(f'describe {self.stbname}') tdSql.checkRows(len(self.column_dict)+len(self.tag_dict)+1) for i in range(self.tbnum): tdSql.query(f'describe {self.stbname}_{i}') tdSql.checkRows(len(self.column_dict)+len(self.tag_dict)+1) tdSql.query(f'select {key} from {self.stbname}_{i}') tdSql.checkRows(len(self.values_list)) for i in range(self.tbnum): tdSql.error(f'alter stable {self.stbname}_{i} add column {key} {values}') tdSql.error(f'alter stable {self.stbname}_{i} drop column {key}') #! bug TD-16921 tdSql.error(f'alter stable {self.ntbname} add column {key} {values}') tdSql.error(f'alter stable {self.ntbname} drop column {key}') tdSql.execute(f'alter stable {self.stbname} drop column {key}') tdSql.query(f'describe {self.stbname}') tdSql.checkRows(len(self.column_dict)+len(self.tag_dict)) for i in range(self.tbnum): tdSql.query(f'describe {self.stbname}_{i}') tdSql.checkRows(len(self.column_dict)+len(self.tag_dict)) tdSql.error(f'select {key} from {self.stbname} ') for key,values in self.column_dict.items(): if 'binary' in values.lower(): v = f'binary({self.binary_length+1})' v_error = f'binary({self.binary_length-1})' tdSql.error(f'alter stable {self.stbname} modify column {key} {v_error}') tdSql.execute(f'alter stable {self.stbname} modify column {key} {v}') tdSql.query(f'describe {self.stbname}') result = tdCom.getOneRow(1,'VARCHAR') tdSql.checkEqual(result[0][2],self.binary_length+1) for i in range(self.tbnum): tdSql.query(f'describe {self.stbname}_{i}') result = tdCom.getOneRow(1,'VARCHAR') tdSql.checkEqual(result[0][2],self.binary_length+1) tdSql.error(f'alter stable {self.stbname}_{i} modify column {key} {v}') #! bug TD-16921 tdSql.error(f'alter stable {self.ntbname} modify column {key} {v}') elif 'nchar' in values.lower(): v = f'nchar({self.binary_length+1})' v_error = f'nchar({self.binary_length-1})' tdSql.error(f'alter stable {self.stbname} modify column {key} {v_error}') tdSql.execute(f'alter stable {self.stbname} modify column {key} {v}') tdSql.query(f'describe {self.stbname}') result = tdCom.getOneRow(1,'NCHAR') tdSql.checkEqual(result[0][2],self.binary_length+1) for i in range(self.tbnum): tdSql.query(f'describe {self.stbname}_{i}') result = tdCom.getOneRow(1,'NCHAR') tdSql.checkEqual(result[0][2],self.binary_length+1) tdSql.error(f'alter stable {self.stbname}_{i} modify column {key} {v}') #! bug TD-16921 tdSql.error(f'alter stable {self.ntbname} modify column {key} {v}') else: for v in self.column_dict.values(): tdSql.error(f'alter stable {self.stbname} modify column {key} {v}') tdSql.error(f'alter stable {self.ntbname} modify column {key} {v}') for i in range(self.tbnum): tdSql.error(f'alter stable {self.stbname}_{i} modify column {key} {v}') def run(self): self.alter_stable_check() def stop(self): tdSql.close() tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__) tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase()) tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())