const CTaosInterface = require('./cinterface') const errors = require ('./error') module.exports = TDengineCursor; function TDengineCursor(connection=null) { this._description = null; this._rowcount = -1; this._connection = null; this._result = null; this._fields = null; = null; this.fieldNames = null; this.chandle = new CTaosInterface(null, true); //pass through, just need library loaded. if (connection != null) { this._connection = connection } } TDengineCursor.prototype.description = function description() { return this._description; } TDengineCursor.prototype.rowcount = function rowcount() { return this._rowcount; } TDengineCursor.prototype.callproc = function callproc() { return; } TDengineCursor.prototype.close = function close() { if (this._connection == null) { return false; } this._connection.clear_result_set(); this._reset_result(); this._connection = null; return true; } TDengineCursor.prototype.execute = function execute(operation, params=null) { if (operation == undefined) { return null; } if (this._connection == null) { throw new errors.ProgrammingError('Cursor is not connected'); } this._connection.clear_result_set(); this._reset_result(); let stmt = operation; if (params != null) { //why pass? } res = this.chandle.query(this._connection._conn, stmt); if (res == 0) { let fieldCount = this.chandle.fieldsCount(this._connection._conn); if (fieldCount == 0) { return this.chandle.affectedRows(this._connection._conn); //return num of affected rows, common with insert, use statements } else { let resAndField = this.chandle.useResult(this._connection._conn, fieldCount) this._result = resAndField.result; this._fields = resAndField.fields; this.fieldNames = =>; return this._handle_result(); //return a pointer } } else { throw new errors.ProgrammingError(this.chandle.errStr(this._connection._conn)) } } TDengineCursor.prototype.executemany = function executemany() { } TDengineCursor.prototype.fetchone = function fetchone() { } TDengineCursor.prototype.fetchmany = function fetchmany() { } TDengineCursor.prototype.fetchall = function fetchall() { if (this._result == null || this._fields == null) { throw new errors.OperationalError("Invalid use of fetchall, either result or fields from query are null"); } let data = []; this._rowcount = 0; let k = 0; while(true) { k+=1; let blockAndRows = this.chandle.fetchBlock(this._result, this._fields); let block = blockAndRows.blocks; let num_of_rows = blockAndRows.num_of_rows; if (num_of_rows == 0) { break; } this._rowcount += num_of_rows; for (let i = 0; i < num_of_rows; i++) { data.push([]); for (let j = 0; j < this._fields.length; j++) { data[data.length-1].push(block[j][i]); } } } this._connection.clear_result_set(); = data; return data; //data[i] returns the ith row, with all the data } TDengineCursor.prototype.nextset = function nextset() { return; } TDengineCursor.prototype.setinputsize = function setinputsize() { return; } TDengineCursor.prototype.setoutputsize = function setoutputsize(size, column=null) { return; } TDengineCursor.prototype._reset_result = function _reset_result() { this._description = null; this._rowcount = -1; this._result = null; this._fields = null; = null; this.fieldNames = null; } TDengineCursor.prototype._handle_result = function _handle_result() { this._description = []; for (let field of this._fields) { this._description.push([, field.type, null, null, null, null, false]); } return this._result; }