/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "executorInt.h" #include "filter.h" #include "function.h" #include "operator.h" #include "os.h" #include "querynodes.h" #include "querytask.h" #include "tcompare.h" #include "tdatablock.h" #include "thash.h" #include "tmsg.h" #include "ttypes.h" typedef struct SJoinRowCtx { bool rowRemains; int64_t ts; SArray* leftRowLocations; SArray* leftCreatedBlocks; SArray* rightCreatedBlocks; int32_t leftRowIdx; int32_t rightRowIdx; bool rightUseBuildTable; SArray* rightRowLocations; } SJoinRowCtx; typedef struct SJoinOperatorInfo { SSDataBlock* pRes; int32_t joinType; int32_t inputOrder; SSDataBlock* pLeft; int32_t leftPos; SColumnInfo leftCol; SSDataBlock* pRight; int32_t rightPos; SColumnInfo rightCol; SNode* pCondAfterMerge; SNode* pTagEqualConditions; SArray* leftTagCols; char* leftTagKeyBuf; int32_t leftTagKeyLen; SArray* rightTagCols; char* rightTagKeyBuf; int32_t rightTagKeyLen; SSHashObj* rightBuildTable; SJoinRowCtx rowCtx; } SJoinOperatorInfo; static void setJoinColumnInfo(SColumnInfo* pColumn, const SColumnNode* pColumnNode); static SSDataBlock* doMergeJoin(struct SOperatorInfo* pOperator); static void destroyMergeJoinOperator(void* param); static void extractTimeCondition(SJoinOperatorInfo* pInfo, SOperatorInfo** pDownstream, int32_t num, SSortMergeJoinPhysiNode* pJoinNode, const char* idStr); static void extractTimeCondition(SJoinOperatorInfo* pInfo, SOperatorInfo** pDownstream, int32_t num, SSortMergeJoinPhysiNode* pJoinNode, const char* idStr) { SNode* pMergeCondition = pJoinNode->pMergeCondition; if (nodeType(pMergeCondition) != QUERY_NODE_OPERATOR) { qError("not support this in join operator, %s", idStr); return; // do not handle this } SOperatorNode* pNode = (SOperatorNode*)pMergeCondition; SColumnNode* col1 = (SColumnNode*)pNode->pLeft; SColumnNode* col2 = (SColumnNode*)pNode->pRight; SColumnNode* leftTsCol = NULL; SColumnNode* rightTsCol = NULL; if (col1->dataBlockId == col2->dataBlockId) { leftTsCol = col1; rightTsCol = col2; } else { if (col1->dataBlockId == pDownstream[0]->resultDataBlockId) { ASSERT(col2->dataBlockId == pDownstream[1]->resultDataBlockId); leftTsCol = col1; rightTsCol = col2; } else { ASSERT(col1->dataBlockId == pDownstream[1]->resultDataBlockId); ASSERT(col2->dataBlockId == pDownstream[0]->resultDataBlockId); leftTsCol = col2; rightTsCol = col1; } } setJoinColumnInfo(&pInfo->leftCol, leftTsCol); setJoinColumnInfo(&pInfo->rightCol, rightTsCol); } static void extractTagEqualColsFromOper(SJoinOperatorInfo* pInfo, SOperatorInfo** pDownstreams, SOperatorNode* pOperNode, SColumn* pLeft, SColumn* pRight) { SColumnNode* pLeftNode = (SColumnNode*)pOperNode->pLeft; SColumnNode* pRightNode = (SColumnNode*)pOperNode->pRight; if (pLeftNode->dataBlockId == pRightNode->dataBlockId || pLeftNode->dataBlockId == pDownstreams[0]->resultDataBlockId) { *pLeft = extractColumnFromColumnNode((SColumnNode*)pOperNode->pLeft); *pRight = extractColumnFromColumnNode((SColumnNode*)pOperNode->pRight); } else { *pLeft = extractColumnFromColumnNode((SColumnNode*)pOperNode->pRight); *pRight = extractColumnFromColumnNode((SColumnNode*)pOperNode->pLeft); } } static void extractTagEqualCondCols(SJoinOperatorInfo* pInfo, SOperatorInfo** pDownStream, SNode* pTagEqualNode, SArray* leftTagEqCols, SArray* rightTagEqCols) { SColumn left = {0}; SColumn right = {0}; if (nodeType(pTagEqualNode) == QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_CONDITION && ((SLogicConditionNode*)pTagEqualNode)->condType == LOGIC_COND_TYPE_AND) { SNode* pNode = NULL; FOREACH(pNode, ((SLogicConditionNode*)pTagEqualNode)->pParameterList) { SOperatorNode* pOperNode = (SOperatorNode*)pNode; extractTagEqualColsFromOper(pInfo, pDownStream, pOperNode, &left, &right); taosArrayPush(leftTagEqCols, &left); taosArrayPush(rightTagEqCols, &right); } return; } if (nodeType(pTagEqualNode) == QUERY_NODE_OPERATOR) { SOperatorNode* pOperNode = (SOperatorNode*)pTagEqualNode; extractTagEqualColsFromOper(pInfo, pDownStream, pOperNode, &left, &right); taosArrayPush(leftTagEqCols, &left); taosArrayPush(rightTagEqCols, &right); } } static int32_t initTagColskeyBuf(int32_t* keyLen, char** keyBuf, const SArray* pGroupColList) { int32_t numOfGroupCols = taosArrayGetSize(pGroupColList); for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfGroupCols; ++i) { SColumn* pCol = (SColumn*)taosArrayGet(pGroupColList, i); (*keyLen) += pCol->bytes; // actual data + null_flag } int32_t nullFlagSize = sizeof(int8_t) * numOfGroupCols; (*keyLen) += nullFlagSize; (*keyBuf) = taosMemoryCalloc(1, (*keyLen)); if ((*keyBuf) == NULL) { return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } static int32_t fillKeyBufFromTagCols(SArray* pCols, SSDataBlock* pBlock, int32_t rowIndex, void* pKey) { SColumnDataAgg* pColAgg = NULL; size_t numOfGroupCols = taosArrayGetSize(pCols); char* isNull = (char*)pKey; char* pStart = (char*)pKey + sizeof(int8_t) * numOfGroupCols; for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfGroupCols; ++i) { SColumn* pCol = (SColumn*) taosArrayGet(pCols, i); SColumnInfoData* pColInfoData = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, pCol->slotId); // valid range check. todo: return error code. if (pCol->slotId > taosArrayGetSize(pBlock->pDataBlock)) { continue; } if (pBlock->pBlockAgg != NULL) { pColAgg = pBlock->pBlockAgg[pCol->slotId]; // TODO is agg data matched? } if (colDataIsNull(pColInfoData, pBlock->info.rows, rowIndex, pColAgg)) { isNull[i] = 1; } else { isNull[i] = 0; char* val = colDataGetData(pColInfoData, rowIndex); if (pCol->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSON) { int32_t dataLen = getJsonValueLen(val); memcpy(pStart, val, dataLen); pStart += dataLen; } else if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pCol->type)) { varDataCopy(pStart, val); pStart += varDataTLen(val); } else { memcpy(pStart, val, pCol->bytes); pStart += pCol->bytes; } } } return (int32_t)(pStart - (char*)pKey); } SOperatorInfo* createMergeJoinOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo** pDownstream, int32_t numOfDownstream, SSortMergeJoinPhysiNode* pJoinNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo) { SJoinOperatorInfo* pInfo = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SJoinOperatorInfo)); SOperatorInfo* pOperator = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SOperatorInfo)); int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; if (pOperator == NULL || pInfo == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _error; } int32_t numOfCols = 0; pInfo->pRes = createDataBlockFromDescNode(pJoinNode->node.pOutputDataBlockDesc); SExprInfo* pExprInfo = createExprInfo(pJoinNode->pTargets, NULL, &numOfCols); initResultSizeInfo(&pOperator->resultInfo, 4096); blockDataEnsureCapacity(pInfo->pRes, pOperator->resultInfo.capacity); setOperatorInfo(pOperator, "MergeJoinOperator", QUERY_NODE_PHYSICAL_PLAN_MERGE_JOIN, false, OP_NOT_OPENED, pInfo, pTaskInfo); pOperator->exprSupp.pExprInfo = pExprInfo; pOperator->exprSupp.numOfExprs = numOfCols; extractTimeCondition(pInfo, pDownstream, numOfDownstream, pJoinNode, GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo)); if (pJoinNode->pOnConditions != NULL && pJoinNode->node.pConditions != NULL) { pInfo->pCondAfterMerge = nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_CONDITION); if (pInfo->pCondAfterMerge == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _error; } SLogicConditionNode* pLogicCond = (SLogicConditionNode*)(pInfo->pCondAfterMerge); pLogicCond->pParameterList = nodesMakeList(); if (pLogicCond->pParameterList == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto _error; } nodesListMakeAppend(&pLogicCond->pParameterList, nodesCloneNode(pJoinNode->pOnConditions)); nodesListMakeAppend(&pLogicCond->pParameterList, nodesCloneNode(pJoinNode->node.pConditions)); pLogicCond->condType = LOGIC_COND_TYPE_AND; } else if (pJoinNode->pOnConditions != NULL) { pInfo->pCondAfterMerge = nodesCloneNode(pJoinNode->pOnConditions); } else if (pJoinNode->node.pConditions != NULL) { pInfo->pCondAfterMerge = nodesCloneNode(pJoinNode->node.pConditions); } else { pInfo->pCondAfterMerge = NULL; } code = filterInitFromNode(pInfo->pCondAfterMerge, &pOperator->exprSupp.pFilterInfo, 0); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto _error; } pInfo->inputOrder = TSDB_ORDER_ASC; if (pJoinNode->inputTsOrder == ORDER_ASC) { pInfo->inputOrder = TSDB_ORDER_ASC; } else if (pJoinNode->inputTsOrder == ORDER_DESC) { pInfo->inputOrder = TSDB_ORDER_DESC; } pInfo->pTagEqualConditions = pJoinNode->pTagEqualCondtions; if (pInfo->pTagEqualConditions != NULL) { pInfo->leftTagCols = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(SColumn)); pInfo->rightTagCols = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(SColumn)); extractTagEqualCondCols(pInfo, pDownstream, pInfo->pTagEqualConditions, pInfo->leftTagCols, pInfo->rightTagCols); initTagColskeyBuf(&pInfo->leftTagKeyLen, &pInfo->leftTagKeyBuf, pInfo->leftTagCols); initTagColskeyBuf(&pInfo->rightTagKeyLen, &pInfo->rightTagKeyBuf, pInfo->rightTagCols); _hash_fn_t hashFn = taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY); pInfo->rightBuildTable = tSimpleHashInit(256, hashFn); } pOperator->fpSet = createOperatorFpSet(optrDummyOpenFn, doMergeJoin, NULL, destroyMergeJoinOperator, optrDefaultBufFn, NULL); code = appendDownstream(pOperator, pDownstream, numOfDownstream); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto _error; } return pOperator; _error: if (pInfo != NULL) { destroyMergeJoinOperator(pInfo); } taosMemoryFree(pOperator); pTaskInfo->code = code; return NULL; } void setJoinColumnInfo(SColumnInfo* pColumn, const SColumnNode* pColumnNode) { pColumn->slotId = pColumnNode->slotId; pColumn->type = pColumnNode->node.resType.type; pColumn->bytes = pColumnNode->node.resType.bytes; pColumn->precision = pColumnNode->node.resType.precision; pColumn->scale = pColumnNode->node.resType.scale; } static void mergeJoinDestoryBuildTable(SSHashObj* pBuildTable) { void* p = NULL; int32_t iter = 0; while ((p = tSimpleHashIterate(pBuildTable, p, &iter)) != NULL) { SArray* rows = (*(SArray**)p); taosArrayDestroy(rows); } tSimpleHashCleanup(pBuildTable); } void destroyMergeJoinOperator(void* param) { SJoinOperatorInfo* pJoinOperator = (SJoinOperatorInfo*)param; if (pJoinOperator->pTagEqualConditions != NULL) { mergeJoinDestoryBuildTable(pJoinOperator->rightBuildTable); taosMemoryFreeClear(pJoinOperator->rightTagKeyBuf); taosArrayDestroy(pJoinOperator->rightTagCols); taosMemoryFreeClear(pJoinOperator->leftTagKeyBuf); taosArrayDestroy(pJoinOperator->leftTagCols); } nodesDestroyNode(pJoinOperator->pCondAfterMerge); pJoinOperator->pRes = blockDataDestroy(pJoinOperator->pRes); taosMemoryFreeClear(param); } static void mergeJoinJoinLeftRight(struct SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SSDataBlock* pRes, int32_t currRow, SSDataBlock* pLeftBlock, int32_t leftPos, SSDataBlock* pRightBlock, int32_t rightPos) { SJoinOperatorInfo* pJoinInfo = pOperator->info; for (int32_t i = 0; i < pOperator->exprSupp.numOfExprs; ++i) { SColumnInfoData* pDst = taosArrayGet(pRes->pDataBlock, i); SExprInfo* pExprInfo = &pOperator->exprSupp.pExprInfo[i]; int32_t blockId = pExprInfo->base.pParam[0].pCol->dataBlockId; int32_t slotId = pExprInfo->base.pParam[0].pCol->slotId; int32_t rowIndex = -1; SColumnInfoData* pSrc = NULL; if (pLeftBlock->info.id.blockId == blockId) { pSrc = taosArrayGet(pLeftBlock->pDataBlock, slotId); rowIndex = leftPos; } else { pSrc = taosArrayGet(pRightBlock->pDataBlock, slotId); rowIndex = rightPos; } if (colDataIsNull_s(pSrc, rowIndex)) { colDataSetNULL(pDst, currRow); } else { char* p = colDataGetData(pSrc, rowIndex); colDataSetVal(pDst, currRow, p, false); } } } typedef struct SRowLocation { SSDataBlock* pDataBlock; int32_t pos; } SRowLocation; // pBlock[tsSlotId][startPos, endPos) == timestamp, static int32_t mergeJoinGetBlockRowsEqualTs(SSDataBlock* pBlock, int16_t tsSlotId, int32_t startPos, int64_t timestamp, int32_t* pEndPos, SArray* rowLocations, SArray* createdBlocks) { int32_t numRows = pBlock->info.rows; ASSERT(startPos < numRows); SColumnInfoData* pCol = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, tsSlotId); int32_t i = startPos; for (; i < numRows; ++i) { char* pNextVal = colDataGetData(pCol, i); if (timestamp != *(int64_t*)pNextVal) { break; } } int32_t endPos = i; *pEndPos = endPos; if (endPos - startPos == 0) { return 0; } SSDataBlock* block = pBlock; bool createdNewBlock = false; if (endPos == numRows) { block = blockDataExtractBlock(pBlock, startPos, endPos - startPos); taosArrayPush(createdBlocks, &block); createdNewBlock = true; } SRowLocation location = {0}; for (int32_t j = startPos; j < endPos; ++j) { location.pDataBlock = block; location.pos = (createdNewBlock ? j - startPos : j); taosArrayPush(rowLocations, &location); } return 0; } // whichChild == 0, left child of join; whichChild ==1, right child of join static int32_t mergeJoinGetDownStreamRowsEqualTimeStamp(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, int32_t whichChild, int16_t tsSlotId, SSDataBlock* startDataBlock, int32_t startPos, int64_t timestamp, SArray* rowLocations, SArray* createdBlocks) { ASSERT(whichChild == 0 || whichChild == 1); SJoinOperatorInfo* pJoinInfo = pOperator->info; int32_t endPos = -1; SSDataBlock* dataBlock = startDataBlock; mergeJoinGetBlockRowsEqualTs(dataBlock, tsSlotId, startPos, timestamp, &endPos, rowLocations, createdBlocks); while (endPos == dataBlock->info.rows) { SOperatorInfo* ds = pOperator->pDownstream[whichChild]; dataBlock = ds->fpSet.getNextFn(ds); if (whichChild == 0) { pJoinInfo->leftPos = 0; pJoinInfo->pLeft = dataBlock; } else if (whichChild == 1) { pJoinInfo->rightPos = 0; pJoinInfo->pRight = dataBlock; } if (dataBlock == NULL) { setTaskStatus(pOperator->pTaskInfo, TASK_COMPLETED); endPos = -1; break; } mergeJoinGetBlockRowsEqualTs(dataBlock, tsSlotId, 0, timestamp, &endPos, rowLocations, createdBlocks); } if (endPos != -1) { if (whichChild == 0) { pJoinInfo->leftPos = endPos; } else if (whichChild == 1) { pJoinInfo->rightPos = endPos; } } return 0; } static int32_t mergeJoinFillBuildTable(SJoinOperatorInfo* pInfo, SArray* rightRowLocations,SSHashObj* buildTable) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(rightRowLocations); ++i) { SRowLocation* rightRow = taosArrayGet(rightRowLocations, i); int32_t keyLen = fillKeyBufFromTagCols(pInfo->rightTagCols, rightRow->pDataBlock, rightRow->pos, pInfo->rightTagKeyBuf); SArray** ppRows = tSimpleHashGet(buildTable, pInfo->rightTagKeyBuf, keyLen); if (!ppRows) { SArray* rows = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(SRowLocation)); taosArrayPush(rows, rightRow); tSimpleHashPut(buildTable, pInfo->rightTagKeyBuf, keyLen, &rows, POINTER_BYTES); } else { taosArrayPush(*ppRows, rightRow); } } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } static int32_t mergeJoinLeftRowsRightRows(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SSDataBlock* pRes, int32_t* nRows, const SArray* leftRowLocations, int32_t leftRowIdx, int32_t rightRowIdx, bool useBuildTableTSRange, SArray* rightRowLocations, bool* pReachThreshold) { *pReachThreshold = false; uint32_t limitRowNum = pOperator->resultInfo.threshold; SJoinOperatorInfo* pJoinInfo = pOperator->info; size_t leftNumJoin = taosArrayGetSize(leftRowLocations); int32_t i,j; for (i = leftRowIdx; i < leftNumJoin; ++i, rightRowIdx = 0) { SRowLocation* leftRow = taosArrayGet(leftRowLocations, i); SArray* pRightRows = NULL; if (useBuildTableTSRange) { int32_t keyLen = fillKeyBufFromTagCols(pJoinInfo->leftTagCols, leftRow->pDataBlock, leftRow->pos, pJoinInfo->leftTagKeyBuf); SArray** ppRightRows = tSimpleHashGet(pJoinInfo->rightBuildTable, pJoinInfo->leftTagKeyBuf, keyLen); if (!ppRightRows) { continue; } pRightRows = *ppRightRows; } else { pRightRows = rightRowLocations; } size_t rightRowsSize = taosArrayGetSize(pRightRows); for (j = rightRowIdx; j < rightRowsSize; ++j) { if (*nRows >= limitRowNum) { *pReachThreshold = true; break; } SRowLocation* rightRow = taosArrayGet(pRightRows, j); mergeJoinJoinLeftRight(pOperator, pRes, *nRows, leftRow->pDataBlock, leftRow->pos, rightRow->pDataBlock, rightRow->pos); ++*nRows; } if (*pReachThreshold) { break; } } if (*pReachThreshold) { pJoinInfo->rowCtx.rowRemains = true; pJoinInfo->rowCtx.leftRowIdx = i; pJoinInfo->rowCtx.rightRowIdx = j; } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } static void mergeJoinDestroyTSRangeCtx(SJoinOperatorInfo* pJoinInfo, SArray* leftRowLocations, SArray* leftCreatedBlocks, SArray* rightCreatedBlocks, bool rightUseBuildTable, SArray* rightRowLocations) { for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(rightCreatedBlocks); ++i) { SSDataBlock* pBlock = taosArrayGetP(rightCreatedBlocks, i); blockDataDestroy(pBlock); } taosArrayDestroy(rightCreatedBlocks); for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(leftCreatedBlocks); ++i) { SSDataBlock* pBlock = taosArrayGetP(leftCreatedBlocks, i); blockDataDestroy(pBlock); } if (rightRowLocations != NULL) { taosArrayDestroy(rightRowLocations); } if (rightUseBuildTable) { void* p = NULL; int32_t iter = 0; while ((p = tSimpleHashIterate(pJoinInfo->rightBuildTable, p, &iter)) != NULL) { SArray* rows = (*(SArray**)p); taosArrayDestroy(rows); } tSimpleHashClear(pJoinInfo->rightBuildTable); } taosArrayDestroy(leftCreatedBlocks); taosArrayDestroy(leftRowLocations); pJoinInfo->rowCtx.rowRemains = false; pJoinInfo->rowCtx.leftRowLocations = NULL; pJoinInfo->rowCtx.leftCreatedBlocks = NULL; pJoinInfo->rowCtx.rightCreatedBlocks = NULL; pJoinInfo->rowCtx.rightUseBuildTable = false; pJoinInfo->rowCtx.rightRowLocations = NULL; } static int32_t mergeJoinJoinDownstreamTsRanges(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, int64_t timestamp, SSDataBlock* pRes, int32_t* nRows) { int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; SJoinOperatorInfo* pJoinInfo = pOperator->info; SArray* leftRowLocations = NULL; SArray* rightRowLocations = NULL; SArray* leftCreatedBlocks = NULL; SArray* rightCreatedBlocks = NULL; int32_t leftRowIdx = 0; int32_t rightRowIdx = 0; SSHashObj* rightTableHash = NULL; bool rightUseBuildTable = false; if (pJoinInfo->rowCtx.rowRemains) { leftRowLocations = pJoinInfo->rowCtx.leftRowLocations; leftCreatedBlocks = pJoinInfo->rowCtx.leftCreatedBlocks; rightUseBuildTable = pJoinInfo->rowCtx.rightUseBuildTable; rightRowLocations = pJoinInfo->rowCtx.rightRowLocations; rightCreatedBlocks = pJoinInfo->rowCtx.rightCreatedBlocks; leftRowIdx = pJoinInfo->rowCtx.leftRowIdx; rightRowIdx = pJoinInfo->rowCtx.rightRowIdx; } else { leftRowLocations = taosArrayInit(8, sizeof(SRowLocation)); leftCreatedBlocks = taosArrayInit(8, POINTER_BYTES); rightRowLocations = taosArrayInit(8, sizeof(SRowLocation)); rightCreatedBlocks = taosArrayInit(8, POINTER_BYTES); mergeJoinGetDownStreamRowsEqualTimeStamp(pOperator, 0, pJoinInfo->leftCol.slotId, pJoinInfo->pLeft, pJoinInfo->leftPos, timestamp, leftRowLocations, leftCreatedBlocks); mergeJoinGetDownStreamRowsEqualTimeStamp(pOperator, 1, pJoinInfo->rightCol.slotId, pJoinInfo->pRight, pJoinInfo->rightPos, timestamp, rightRowLocations, rightCreatedBlocks); if (pJoinInfo->pTagEqualConditions != NULL && taosArrayGetSize(rightRowLocations) > 16) { mergeJoinFillBuildTable(pJoinInfo, rightRowLocations, pJoinInfo->rightBuildTable); rightUseBuildTable = true; taosArrayDestroy(rightRowLocations); rightRowLocations = NULL; } } size_t leftNumJoin = taosArrayGetSize(leftRowLocations); code = blockDataEnsureCapacity(pRes, pOperator->resultInfo.threshold); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { qError("%s can not ensure block capacity for join. left: %zu", GET_TASKID(pOperator->pTaskInfo), leftNumJoin); } bool reachThreshold = false; if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { mergeJoinLeftRowsRightRows(pOperator, pRes, nRows, leftRowLocations, leftRowIdx, rightRowIdx, rightUseBuildTable, rightRowLocations, &reachThreshold); } if (!reachThreshold) { mergeJoinDestroyTSRangeCtx(pJoinInfo, leftRowLocations, leftCreatedBlocks, rightCreatedBlocks, rightUseBuildTable, rightRowLocations); } else { pJoinInfo->rowCtx.rowRemains = true; pJoinInfo->rowCtx.ts = timestamp; pJoinInfo->rowCtx.leftRowLocations = leftRowLocations; pJoinInfo->rowCtx.leftCreatedBlocks = leftCreatedBlocks; pJoinInfo->rowCtx.rightCreatedBlocks = rightCreatedBlocks; pJoinInfo->rowCtx.rightUseBuildTable = true; pJoinInfo->rowCtx.rightRowLocations = rightRowLocations; } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } static bool mergeJoinGetNextTimestamp(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, int64_t* pLeftTs, int64_t* pRightTs) { SJoinOperatorInfo* pJoinInfo = pOperator->info; if (pJoinInfo->pLeft == NULL || pJoinInfo->leftPos >= pJoinInfo->pLeft->info.rows) { SOperatorInfo* ds1 = pOperator->pDownstream[0]; pJoinInfo->pLeft = ds1->fpSet.getNextFn(ds1); pJoinInfo->leftPos = 0; if (pJoinInfo->pLeft == NULL) { setTaskStatus(pOperator->pTaskInfo, TASK_COMPLETED); return false; } } if (pJoinInfo->pRight == NULL || pJoinInfo->rightPos >= pJoinInfo->pRight->info.rows) { SOperatorInfo* ds2 = pOperator->pDownstream[1]; pJoinInfo->pRight = ds2->fpSet.getNextFn(ds2); pJoinInfo->rightPos = 0; if (pJoinInfo->pRight == NULL) { setTaskStatus(pOperator->pTaskInfo, TASK_COMPLETED); return false; } } // only the timestamp match support for ordinary table SColumnInfoData* pLeftCol = taosArrayGet(pJoinInfo->pLeft->pDataBlock, pJoinInfo->leftCol.slotId); char* pLeftVal = colDataGetData(pLeftCol, pJoinInfo->leftPos); *pLeftTs = *(int64_t*)pLeftVal; SColumnInfoData* pRightCol = taosArrayGet(pJoinInfo->pRight->pDataBlock, pJoinInfo->rightCol.slotId); char* pRightVal = colDataGetData(pRightCol, pJoinInfo->rightPos); *pRightTs = *(int64_t*)pRightVal; return true; } static void doMergeJoinImpl(struct SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SSDataBlock* pRes) { SJoinOperatorInfo* pJoinInfo = pOperator->info; int32_t nrows = pRes->info.rows; bool asc = (pJoinInfo->inputOrder == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) ? true : false; while (1) { int64_t leftTs = 0; int64_t rightTs = 0; if (pJoinInfo->rowCtx.rowRemains) { leftTs = pJoinInfo->rowCtx.ts; rightTs = pJoinInfo->rowCtx.ts; } else { bool hasNextTs = mergeJoinGetNextTimestamp(pOperator, &leftTs, &rightTs); if (!hasNextTs) { break; } } if (leftTs == rightTs) { mergeJoinJoinDownstreamTsRanges(pOperator, leftTs, pRes, &nrows); } else if ((asc && leftTs < rightTs) || (!asc && leftTs > rightTs)) { pJoinInfo->leftPos += 1; if (pJoinInfo->leftPos >= pJoinInfo->pLeft->info.rows && pRes->info.rows < pOperator->resultInfo.threshold) { continue; } } else if ((asc && leftTs > rightTs) || (!asc && leftTs < rightTs)) { pJoinInfo->rightPos += 1; if (pJoinInfo->rightPos >= pJoinInfo->pRight->info.rows && pRes->info.rows < pOperator->resultInfo.threshold) { continue; } } // the pDataBlock are always the same one, no need to call this again pRes->info.rows = nrows; pRes->info.dataLoad = 1; if (pRes->info.rows >= pOperator->resultInfo.threshold) { break; } } } SSDataBlock* doMergeJoin(struct SOperatorInfo* pOperator) { SJoinOperatorInfo* pJoinInfo = pOperator->info; SSDataBlock* pRes = pJoinInfo->pRes; blockDataCleanup(pRes); while (true) { int32_t numOfRowsBefore = pRes->info.rows; doMergeJoinImpl(pOperator, pRes); int32_t numOfNewRows = pRes->info.rows - numOfRowsBefore; if (numOfNewRows == 0) { break; } if (pOperator->exprSupp.pFilterInfo != NULL) { doFilter(pRes, pOperator->exprSupp.pFilterInfo, NULL); } if (pRes->info.rows >= pOperator->resultInfo.threshold) { break; } } return (pRes->info.rows > 0) ? pRes : NULL; }