/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef TDENGINE_MGMT_H #define TDENGINE_MGMT_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "os.h" #include "sdb.h" #include "tglobalcfg.h" #include "thash.h" #include "tidpool.h" #include "tlog.h" #include "tmempool.h" #include "trpc.h" #include "tsdb.h" #include "tskiplist.h" #include "tsocket.h" #include "ttime.h" #include "ttimer.h" #include "tutil.h" // internal globals extern char version[]; extern void *mgmtTmr; extern void *mgmtQhandle; extern void *mgmtTranQhandle; extern int mgmtShellConns; extern int mgmtDnodeConns; extern char mgmtDirectory[]; typedef struct { uint32_t privateIp; int32_t sid; uint32_t moduleStatus; int32_t openVnodes; int32_t numOfVnodes; int32_t numOfFreeVnodes; int64_t createdTime; uint32_t publicIp; int32_t status; uint32_t lastAccess; uint32_t rebootTimes; uint32_t lastReboot; // time stamp for last reboot uint16_t numOfCores; // from dnode status msg uint8_t alternativeRole; // from dnode status msg, 0-any, 1-mgmt, 2-dnode uint8_t reserveStatus; uint16_t numOfTotalVnodes; // from dnode status msg, config information uint16_t unused; float diskAvailable; // from dnode status msg int32_t bandwidthMb; // config by user int16_t cpuAvgUsage; // calc from sys.cpu int16_t memoryAvgUsage; // calc from sys.mem int16_t diskAvgUsage; // calc from sys.disk int16_t bandwidthUsage; // calc from sys.band uint32_t rack; uint16_t idc; uint16_t slot; int32_t customScore; // config by user float lbScore; // calc in balance function int16_t lbStatus; // set in balance function int16_t lastAllocVnode; // increase while create vnode SVnodeLoad vload[TSDB_MAX_VNODES]; char reserved[16]; char updateEnd[1]; void * thandle; } SDnodeObj; typedef struct { uint32_t ip; uint32_t publicIp; int32_t vnode; } SVnodeGid; typedef struct { int32_t sid; int32_t vgId; // vnode group ID } SMeterGid; typedef struct _tab_obj { char meterId[TSDB_METER_ID_LEN + 1]; uint64_t uid; SMeterGid gid; int32_t sversion; // schema version int64_t createdTime; int32_t numOfTags; // for metric int32_t numOfMeters; // for metric int32_t numOfColumns; int32_t schemaSize; short nextColId; char meterType : 4; char status : 3; char isDirty : 1; // if the table change tag column 1 value char reserved[15]; char updateEnd[1]; pthread_rwlock_t rwLock; tSkipList * pSkipList; struct _tab_obj *pHead; // for metric, a link list for all meters created // according to this metric char *pTagData; // TSDB_METER_ID_LEN(metric_name)+ // tags_value1/tags_value2/tags_value3 struct _tab_obj *prev, *next; char * pSql; // pointer to SQL, for SC, null-terminated string char * pReserve1; char * pReserve2; char * schema; // SSchema schema[]; } STabObj; typedef struct _vg_obj { uint32_t vgId; char dbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN]; int64_t createdTime; uint64_t lastCreate; uint64_t lastRemove; int32_t numOfVnodes; SVnodeGid vnodeGid[TSDB_VNODES_SUPPORT]; int32_t numOfMeters; int32_t lbIp; int32_t lbTime; int8_t lbStatus; char reserved[16]; char updateEnd[1]; struct _vg_obj *prev, *next; void * idPool; STabObj ** meterList; } SVgObj; typedef struct _db_obj { /* * this length will cause the storage structure to change, rollback */ char name[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN + 1]; int64_t createdTime; SDbCfg cfg; int32_t numOfVgroups; int32_t numOfTables; int32_t numOfMetrics; uint8_t vgStatus; uint8_t dropStatus; char reserved[16]; char updateEnd[1]; STabObj * pMetric; struct _db_obj *prev, *next; SVgObj * pHead; // empty vgroup first SVgObj * pTail; // empty vgroup end void * vgTimer; } SDbObj; typedef struct _user_obj { char user[TSDB_USER_LEN + 1]; char pass[TSDB_KEY_LEN]; char acct[TSDB_USER_LEN]; int64_t createdTime; char superAuth : 1; char writeAuth : 1; char reserved[16]; char updateEnd[1]; struct _user_obj *prev, *next; } SUserObj; typedef struct { int32_t numOfUsers; int32_t numOfDbs; int32_t numOfTimeSeries; int32_t numOfPointsPerSecond; int32_t numOfConns; int32_t numOfQueries; int32_t numOfStreams; int64_t totalStorage; // Total storage wrtten from this account int64_t compStorage; // Compressed storage on disk int64_t queryTime; int64_t totalPoints; int64_t inblound; int64_t outbound; TSKEY sKey; char accessState; // Checked by mgmt heartbeat message } SAcctInfo; typedef struct { char user[TSDB_USER_LEN + 1]; char pass[TSDB_KEY_LEN]; SAcctCfg cfg; int32_t acctId; int64_t createdTime; char reserved[15]; char updateEnd[1]; SAcctInfo acctInfo; SDbObj * pHead; SUserObj * pUser; struct _connObj *pConn; pthread_mutex_t mutex; } SAcctObj; typedef struct _connObj { SAcctObj * pAcct; SDbObj * pDb; SUserObj * pUser; char user[TSDB_USER_LEN]; uint64_t stime; // login time char superAuth : 1; // super user flag char writeAuth : 1; // write flag char killConnection : 1; // kill the connection flag char usePublicIp : 1; // if the connection request is publicIp char isCluster : 1; char reserved : 3; uint32_t queryId; // query ID to be killed uint32_t streamId; // stream ID to be killed uint32_t ip; // shell IP uint16_t port; // shell port void * thandle; SQList * pQList; // query list SSList * pSList; // stream list uint64_t qhandle; struct _connObj *prev, *next; } SConnObj; typedef struct { char spi; char encrypt; char secret[TSDB_KEY_LEN]; char cipheringKey[TSDB_KEY_LEN]; } SSecInfo; typedef struct { char type; void * pNode; short numOfColumns; int rowSize; int numOfRows; int numOfReads; short offset[TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS]; short bytes[TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS]; void * signature; uint16_t payloadLen; /* length of payload*/ char payload[]; /* payload for wildcard match in show tables */ } SShowObj; extern SAcctObj acctObj; extern SDnodeObj dnodeObj; // dnodeInt API int mgmtInitDnodeInt(); void mgmtCleanUpDnodeInt(); int mgmtSendCreateMsgToVgroup(STabObj *pMeter, SVgObj *pVgroup); int mgmtSendRemoveMeterMsgToDnode(STabObj *pMeter, SVgObj *pVgroup); int mgmtSendVPeersMsg(SVgObj *pVgroup); int mgmtSendFreeVnodeMsg(SVgObj *pVgroup); int mgmtSendOneFreeVnodeMsg(SVnodeGid *pVnodeGid); // shell API int mgmtInitShell(); void mgmtCleanUpShell(); int mgmtRetriveUserAuthInfo(char *user, char *spi, char *encrypt, uint8_t *secret, uint8_t *ckey); // acct API int mgmtInitAccts(); SAcctObj *mgmtGetAcct(char *name); int mgmtCreateAcct(char *name, char *pass, SAcctCfg *pCfg); int mgmtUpdateAcct(SAcctObj *pAcct); int mgmtDropAcct(char *name); int mgmtAddDbIntoAcct(SAcctObj *pAcct, SDbObj *pDb); int mgmtRemoveDbFromAcct(SAcctObj *pAcct, SDbObj *pDb); int mgmtAddUserIntoAcct(SAcctObj *pAcct, SUserObj *pUser); int mgmtRemoveUserFromAcct(SAcctObj *pAcct, SUserObj *pUser); int mgmtAddConnIntoAcct(SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtRemoveConnFromAcct(SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtGetAcctMeta(SMeterMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtRetrieveAccts(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int rows, SConnObj *pConn); void mgmtCheckAcct(); void mgmtCleanUpAccts(); int mgmtAlterAcct(char *name, char *pass, SAcctCfg *pCfg); int64_t mgmtGetAcctStatistic(SAcctObj *pAcct); // user API int mgmtInitUsers(); SUserObj *mgmtGetUser(char *name); int mgmtCreateUser(SAcctObj *pAcct, char *name, char *pass); int mgmtDropUser(SAcctObj *pAcct, char *name); int mgmtUpdateUser(SUserObj *pUser); int mgmtGetUserMeta(SMeterMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtRetrieveUsers(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int rows, SConnObj *pConn); void mgmtCleanUpUsers(); // metric API int mgmtAddMeterIntoMetric(STabObj *pMetric, STabObj *pMeter); int mgmtRemoveMeterFromMetric(STabObj *pMetric, STabObj *pMeter); int mgmtGetMetricMeta(SMeterMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtRetrieveMetrics(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int rows, SConnObj *pConn); // DB API int mgmtInitDbs(); int mgmtUpdateDb(SDbObj *pDb); SDbObj *mgmtGetDb(char *db); SDbObj *mgmtGetDbByMeterId(char *db); int mgmtCreateDb(SAcctObj *pAcct, SCreateDbMsg *pCreate); int mgmtDropDbByName(SAcctObj *pAcct, char *name); int mgmtDropDb(SDbObj *pDb); /* void mgmtMonitorDbDrop(void *unused); */ void mgmtMonitorDbDrop(void *unused, void *unusedt); int mgmtAlterDb(SAcctObj *pAcct, SAlterDbMsg *pAlter); int mgmtUseDb(SConnObj *pConn, char *name); int mgmtAddVgroupIntoDb(SDbObj *pDb, SVgObj *pVgroup); int mgmtAddVgroupIntoDbTail(SDbObj *pDb, SVgObj *pVgroup); int mgmtRemoveVgroupFromDb(SDbObj *pDb, SVgObj *pVgroup); int mgmtAddMetricIntoDb(SDbObj *pDb, STabObj *pMetric); int mgmtRemoveMetricFromDb(SDbObj *pDb, STabObj *pMetric); int mgmtMoveVgroupToTail(SDbObj *pDb, SVgObj *pVgroup); int mgmtMoveVgroupToHead(SDbObj *pDb, SVgObj *pVgroup); int mgmtGetDbMeta(SMeterMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtRetrieveDbs(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int rows, SConnObj *pConn); void mgmtCleanUpDbs(); // vGroup API int mgmtInitVgroups(); SVgObj *mgmtGetVgroup(int vgId); SVgObj *mgmtCreateVgroup(SDbObj *pDb); int mgmtDropVgroup(SDbObj *pDb, SVgObj *pVgroup); void mgmtSetVgroupIdPool(); int mgmtGetVgroupMeta(SMeterMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtRetrieveVgroups(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int rows, SConnObj *pConn); void mgmtCleanUpVgroups(); // meter API int mgmtInitMeters(); STabObj *mgmtGetMeter(char *meterId); STabObj *mgmtGetMeterInfo(char *src, char *tags[]); int mgmtRetrieveMetricMeta(SConnObj *pConn, char **pStart, SMetricMetaMsg *pInfo); int mgmtCreateMeter(SDbObj *pDb, SCreateTableMsg *pCreate); int mgmtDropMeter(SDbObj *pDb, char *meterId, int ignore); int mgmtAlterMeter(SDbObj *pDb, SAlterTableMsg *pAlter); int mgmtGetMeterMeta(SMeterMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtRetrieveMeters(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int rows, SConnObj *pConn); void mgmtCleanUpMeters(); SSchema *mgmtGetMeterSchema(STabObj *pMeter); // get schema for a meter bool mgmtMeterCreateFromMetric(STabObj *pMeterObj); bool mgmtIsMetric(STabObj *pMeterObj); bool mgmtIsNormalMeter(STabObj *pMeterObj); // grant API void grantActiveSystem(const char* cfgFile); void grantSendMsgToMgmt(); void grantReset(); void grantUpdate(void *pGrant); bool grantCheckExpired(); void grantRestoreTimeSeries(uint32_t timeseries); void grantAddTimeSeries(uint32_t timeseries); int grantCheckTimeSeries(uint32_t timeseries); void grantResetCurStorage(uint64_t totalStorage); int grantCheckStorage(); int grantCheckDatabases(); int grantCheckUsers(); int grantCheckAccts(); int grantCheckDnodes(); int grantCheckConns(); int grantCheckStreams(); int grantCheckCpuCores(); int grantCheckQueryTime(); // dnode API int mgmtInitDnodes(); SDnodeObj *mgmtGetDnode(uint32_t ip); int mgmtCreateDnode(uint32_t ip); int mgmtDropDnode(SDnodeObj *pDnode); int mgmtDropDnodeByIp(uint32_t ip); int mgmtUpdateDnode(SDnodeObj *pDnode); int mgmtGetNextVnode(SVnodeGid *pVnodeGid); void mgmtSetDnodeVgid(SVnodeGid vnodeGid[], int numOfVnodes, int vgId); void mgmtUnSetDnodeVgid(SVnodeGid vnodeGid[], int numOfVnodes); int mgmtGetDnodeMeta(SMeterMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtRetrieveDnodes(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int rows, SConnObj *pConn); void mgmtCleanUpDnodes(); int mgmtSendCfgDnodeMsg(char *cont); void mgmtSetDnodeMaxVnodes(SDnodeObj *pDnode); int mgmtGetMnodeMeta(SMeterMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtRetrieveMnodes(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int rows, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtGetModuleMeta(SMeterMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtRetrieveModules(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int rows, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtGetConfigMeta(SMeterMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtRetrieveConfigs(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int rows, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtGetConnsMeta(SMeterMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtRetrieveConns(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int rows, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtGetScoresMeta(SMeterMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtRetrieveScores(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int rows, SConnObj *pConn); int grantGetGrantsMeta(SMeterMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, SConnObj *pConn); int grantRetrieveGrants(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int rows, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtGetVnodeMeta(SMeterMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, SConnObj *pConn); int mgmtRetrieveVnodes(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int rows, SConnObj *pConn); // dnode balance api int mgmtInitBalance(); void mgmtCleanupBalance(); int mgmtAllocVnodes(SVgObj *pVgroup); void mgmtSetDnodeShellRemoving(SDnodeObj *pDnode); void mgmtSetDnodeUnRemove(SDnodeObj *pDnode); void mgmtStartBalanceTimer(int mseconds); void mgmtSetDnodeOfflineOnSdbChanged(); void mgmtUpdateVgroupState(SVgObj *pVgroup, int lbStatus, int srcIp); bool mgmtAddVnode(SVgObj *pVgroup, SDnodeObj *pSrcDnode, SDnodeObj *pDestDnode); void mgmtSetModuleInDnode(SDnodeObj *pDnode, int moduleType); int mgmtUnSetModuleInDnode(SDnodeObj *pDnode, int moduleType); extern int (*mgmtGetMetaFp[])(SMeterMeta *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, SConnObj *pConn); extern int (*mgmtRetrieveFp[])(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int rows, SConnObj *pConn); extern int tsDnodeUpdateSize; extern int tsVgUpdateSize; extern int tsDbUpdateSize; extern int tsUserUpdateSize; extern int tsAcctUpdateSize; extern int tsMnodeUpdateSize; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // TDENGINE_MGMT_H