################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. # No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, # disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as # expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao # ################################################################### # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import taos import os from util.log import * from util.cases import * from util.sql import * from util.dnodes import * class TDTestCase: def init(self, conn, logSql): tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__) tdSql.init(conn.cursor()) self.ts = 1627750800000 self.numberOfRecords = 10000 def pre_stable(self): os.system("gcc -g -O0 -fPIC -shared ../script/sh/abs_max.c -o /tmp/abs_max.so") os.system("gcc -g -O0 -fPIC -shared ../script/sh/add_one.c -o /tmp/add_one.so") os.system("gcc -g -O0 -fPIC -shared ../script/sh/sum_double.c -o /tmp/sum_double.so") tdSql.execute("create table stb(ts timestamp ,c1 int, c2 bigint) tags(t1 int)") for i in range(50): for j in range(200): sql = "insert into t%d using stb tags(%d) values(%s,%d,%d)" % (i, i, self.ts + j, 1e2+j, 1e10+j) tdSql.execute(sql) for i in range(50): for j in range(200): sql = "insert into t%d using stb tags(%d) values(%s,%d,%d)" % (i, i, self.ts + j + 200 , -1e2-j, -j-1e10) tdSql.execute(sql) def test_udf_null(self): tdLog.info("test missing parameters") tdSql.error("create aggregate function as '/tmp/abs_maxw.so' outputtype bigint;") tdSql.error("create aggregate function abs_max as '' outputtype bigint;") tdSql.error("create aggregate function abs_max as outputtype bigint;") tdSql.error("create aggregate function abs_max as '/tmp/abs_maxw.so' ;") tdSql.error("create aggregate abs_max as '/tmp/abs_maxw.so' outputtype bigint;") tdSql.execute("create aggregate function abs_max as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint;") tdSql.error("select abs_max() from stb") tdSql.error("select abs_max(c2) from ") tdSql.execute("drop function abs_max") def test_udf_format(self): # tdSql.error("create aggregate function avg as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint;") tdSql.error("create aggregate function .a as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint;") tdSql.error("create aggregate function .11 as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint;") tdSql.error("create aggregate function 1a as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint;") tdSql.error("create aggregate function \"1+1\" as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint;") # tdSql.error("create aggregate function [avg] as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint;") tdSql.execute("create aggregate function abs_max as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint;") # tdSql.error("create aggregate function abs_max2 as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint;") tdSql.execute("drop function abs_max;") tdSql.error("create aggregate function abs_max as '/tmp/add_onew.so' outputtype bigint;") def test_udf_test(self): tdSql.execute("create aggregate function abs_max as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint;") tdSql.error("create aggregate function abs_max as '/tmp/add_onew.so' outputtype bigint;") sql = 'select abs_max() from db.stb' tdSql.error(sql) sql = 'select abs_max(c2) from db.stb' tdSql.query(sql) tdSql.checkData(0,0,1410065607) def test_udf_values(self): tdSql.execute("drop function abs_max") tdSql.execute("create function add_one as '/tmp/add_one.so' outputtype int") tdSql.execute("create aggregate function abs_max as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint bufsize 128;") tdSql.execute("create aggregate function sum_double as '/tmp/sum_double.so' outputtype int bufsize 128;") # UDF bug -> follow 3 cases about this bug ; # tdSql.error("create aggregate function max as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint bufsize 128;") # tdSql.error("create aggregate function avg as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint bufsize 128;") # tdSql.error("create aggregate function dbs as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint bufsize 128;") tdSql.execute("drop database if exists test") tdSql.execute("create database test") tdSql.execute("use test") tdSql.execute("create stable st (ts timestamp,id int , val double , number bigint, chars binary(200)) tags (ind int)") tdSql.execute("create table tb1 using st tags(1)") tdSql.execute("create table tb2 using st tags(2)") start_time = 1604298064000 rows = 5 tb_nums = 2 for i in range(1, tb_nums + 1): for j in range(rows): start_time += 10 tdSql.execute( "insert into tb%d values(%d, %d,%f,%d,%s) " % (i, start_time, j, float(j),j*100, "'str" + str(j) + "'")) tdSql.query("select count(*) from st") tdSql.execute("create table bound using st tags(3)") epoch_time=1604298064000 intdata1 = -2**31+2 intdata2 = 2**31-2 bigintdata1 = -2**63+2 bigintdata2 = 2**63-2 print("insert into bound values(%d, %d , %f, %d , %s)"%(epoch_time,intdata1,float(intdata1),bigintdata1,"'binary"+str(intdata1)+"'")) tdSql.execute("insert into bound values(%d, %d , %f, %d , %s)"%(epoch_time,intdata1,float(intdata1),bigintdata1,"'binary"+str(intdata1)+"'")) tdSql.execute("insert into bound values(%d, %d , %f, %d , %s)"%(epoch_time+10,intdata1+1,float(intdata1+1),bigintdata1+1,"'binary"+str(intdata1+1)+"'")) tdSql.execute("insert into bound values(%d, %d , %f, %d , %s)"%(epoch_time+100,intdata2,float(intdata2),bigintdata2,"'binary"+str(intdata2)+"'")) tdSql.execute("insert into bound values(%d, %d , %f, %d , %s)"%(epoch_time+1000,intdata2+1,float(intdata2+1),bigintdata2+1,"'binary"+str(intdata2+1)+"'")) # check super table calculation results tdSql.query("select add_one(id) from st") tdSql.checkData(0,0,1) tdSql.checkData(1,0,2) tdSql.checkData(4,0,5) tdSql.checkData(5,0,1) tdSql.checkData(9,0,5) tdSql.checkData(10,0,-2147483645) tdSql.checkData(13,0,None) # check common table calculation results tdSql.query("select add_one(id) from tb1") tdSql.checkData(0,0,1) tdSql.checkData(1,0,2) tdSql.checkData(4,0,5) tdSql.error("select add_one(col) from st") sqls= ["select add_one(chars) from st", "select add_one(val) from st", "select add_one(ts) from st"] for sql in sqls: res = tdSql.getResult(sql) if res == []: tdLog.info("====== this col not support use UDF , because datatype not match defind in UDF function ======") else: tdLog.info(" ====== unexpected error occured about UDF function =====") sys.exit() tdLog.info("======= UDF function abs_max check ======") sqls= ["select abs_max(val) from st", "select abs_max(id) from st", "select abs_max(ts) from st"] for sql in sqls: res = tdSql.getResult(sql) if res == []: tdLog.info("====== this col not support use UDF , because datatype not match defind in UDF function ======") else: tdLog.info(" ====== unexpected error occured about UDF function =====") sys.exit() # UDF bug -> values of abs_max not inconsistent from common table and stable. # tdSql.query("select abs_max(val) from st") # result is 0 rows # tdSql.query("select abs_max(val) from tb1") # tdSql.checkData(0,0,0) # this is error result # UDF bug -> values of abs_max will error for boundary number # check super table calculation results # tdSql.query("select abs_max(number) from st") # tdSql.checkData(0,0,9223372036854775807) # check common table calculation results tdSql.query("select abs_max(number) from tb1") tdSql.checkData(0,0,400) tdSql.query("select abs_max(number) from tb2") tdSql.checkData(0,0,400) # check boundary # tdSql.query("select abs_max(number) from bound") # tdSql.checkData(0,0,9223372036854775807) tdLog.info("======= UDF function sum_double check =======") tdSql.query("select sum_double(id) from st") tdSql.checkData(0,0,44) tdSql.query("select sum_double(id) from tb1") tdSql.checkData(0,0,20) # UDF bug -> values error while two function work : it is limit that udf can't work with build-in functions. # tdSql.query("select sum_double(id) , abs_max(number) from tb1") # tdSql.checkData(0,0,20) # tdSql.checkData(0,0,400) # tdSql.query("select sum_double(id) , abs_max(number) from st") # tdSql.checkData(0,0,44) # tdSql.checkData(0,0,9223372036854775807) # UDF not support mix up with build-in functions # it seems like not support scalar_function mix up with aggregate functions tdSql.error("select sum_double(id) ,add_one(id) from st") tdSql.error("select sum_double(id) ,add_one(id) from tb1") tdSql.error("select sum_double(id) ,max(id) from st") tdSql.error("select sum_double(id) ,max(id) from tb1") # UDF function not support Arithmetic =================== tdSql.query("select max(id) + 5 from st") tdSql.query("select max(id) + 5 from tb1") tdSql.query("select max(id) + avg(val) from st") tdSql.query("select max(id) + avg(val) from tb1") tdSql.error("select abs_max(number) + 5 from st") tdSql.error("select abs_max(number) + 5 from tb1") tdSql.error("select abs_max(number) + max(id) from st") tdSql.error("select abs_max(number)*abs_max(val) from st") # UDF bug -> values of sum_double not inconsistent from common table and stable. # tdSql.query("select sum_double(val) from st") # result is 0 rows # tdSql.query("select sum_double(val) from tb1") # tdSql.checkData(0,0,0) # this is error result tdLog.info("======= UDF Nested query test =======") tdSql.query("select sum(id) from (select id from st)") tdSql.checkData(0,0,22) #UDF bug -> not support Nested query # tdSql.query("select abs_max(number) from (select number from st)") # tdSql.checkData(0,0,9223372036854775807) # tdSql.query("select abs_max(number) from (select number from bound)") # tdSql.checkData(0,0,9223372036854775807) # tdSql.query("select sum_double(id) from (select id from st)") # tdSql.checkData(0,0,44) # tdSql.query("select sum_double(id) from (select id from tb1)") # tdSql.checkData(0,0,10) tdSql.query("select sum_double(id) from st where ts < now and ind =1 interval(1s)") tdSql.checkData(0,1,20) tdSql.error("select sum_double(id) from st session(ts, 1s) interval (10s,1s) sliding(10s) fill (NULL) ") tdSql.error("select sum_double(id) from st session(ts, 1s)") tdSql.query("select sum_double(id) from tb1 session(ts, 1s)") tdSql.checkData(0,1,20) # UDF -> bug : intervals sliding values calculation error # tdSql.query("select sum_double(id) from st where ts < now and ind =1 interval(3s) sliding (1s) limit 2") # tdSql.checkData(0,1,20) # tdSql.checkData(1,1,20) # scalar_function can't work when using interval and sliding ========= tdSql.error("select add_one(id) from st where ts < now and ind =1 interval(3s) sliding (1s) limit 2 ") tdLog.info(" =====================test illegal creation method =====================") tdSql.execute("drop function add_one") tdSql.execute("drop function abs_max") tdSql.execute("drop function sum_double") tdSql.execute("create aggregate function error_use1 as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint bufsize 128") tdSql.error("select error_use1(number) from st") # UDF -> bug : error return values when create aggregate functions as an scalar_function # with no aggregate # tdSql.execute("create function abs_max as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint bufsize 128") # tdSql.query("select abs_max(number) from st") # this bug will return 3 rows # tdSql.checkRows(1) # tdSql.execute("create function sum_double as '/tmp/sum_double.so' outputtype bigint bufsize 128") # tdSql.execute("select sum_double(id) from st") # tdSql.checkRows(1) # UDF -> bug : give bufsize for scalar_function add_one; # UDF -> need improve : when outputtype is not match datatype which is defined in function codes tdSql.execute("create function add_one as '/tmp/add_one.so' outputtype bigint bufsize 128") # tdSql.error("select add_one(val) from st") # it should return error not [] for not match col datatype # tdSql.query("select add_one(id) from st") # return error query result # tdSql.checkData(0,0,1) # tdSql.checkData(1,0,2) # tdSql.checkData(5,0,1) # tdSql.checkData(10,0,-2147483645) # tdSql.checkData(13,0,None) # UDF -> improve : aggregate function with no bufsize : it seems with no affect # tdSql.execute("drop function abs_max") # tdSql.execute("drop function sum_double") tdSql.execute("create aggregate function abs_max as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype bigint ") tdSql.execute("create aggregate function sum_double as '/tmp/sum_double.so' outputtype int ") tdSql.query("select sum_double(id) from st") tdSql.checkData(0,0,44) tdSql.query("select sum_double(id) from tb1") tdSql.checkData(0,0,20) # tdSql.query("select abs_max(number) from st") # tdSql.checkData(0,0,9223372036854775807) tdSql.query("select abs_max(number) from tb1") tdSql.checkData(0,0,400) #UDF bug -> create function datatype of outputtype not match col datatype tdSql.execute("drop function abs_max") tdSql.execute("drop function sum_double") tdSql.execute("drop function add_one") tdSql.execute("create function add_one as '/tmp/add_one.so' outputtype bigint") tdSql.execute("create aggregate function abs_max as '/tmp/abs_max.so' outputtype int bufsize 128;") tdSql.execute("create aggregate function sum_double as '/tmp/sum_double.so' outputtype double bufsize 128;") # tdSql.query("select sum_double(id) from st") this bug will return 0.000000 # tdSql.checkData(0,0,44) # tdSql.query("select sum_double(id) from tb1") # tdSql.checkData(0,0,20) this bug will return 0.000000 # tdSql.query("select add_one(id) from st") this bug will return series error values # tdSql.checkData(0,0,1) # tdSql.checkData(1,0,2) # tdSql.checkData(5,0,1) # tdSql.checkData(10,0,-2147483645) # tdSql.checkData(13,0,None) # tdSql.query("select add_one(id) from tb1") this bug will return series error values # tdSql.checkData(0,0,1) # tdSql.checkData(2,0,3) # tdSql.query("select abs_max(id) from st") # tdSql.checkData(0,0,9223372036854775807) tdSql.query("select abs_max(number) from tb1") # it seems work well tdSql.checkData(0,0,400) # UDF bug -> follow test case will coredump for taosd and let data lost # tdSql.query("select add_one(id) from st group by tbname") # UDF -> bug : give aggregate for scalar_function add_one ,it will let taosd coredump as data lost # tdSql.execute("drop function add_one") # tdSql.execute("create aggregate function add_one as '/tmp/add_one.so' outputtype bigint bufsize 128") # tdSql.query("select add_one(id) from st") # UDF bug -> follow test case will coredump for taosc # tdSql.query("select add_one(*) from st ") # tdSql.query("select add_one(*) from tb1 ") # UDF bug -> follow test case will coredump for taosc # tdSql.query("select abs_max(id),abs_max(number) from st ") # tdSql.query("select abs_max(number),abs_max(number) from st ") # tdSql.query("select sum_double(id),sum_double(id) from st ") def run(self): tdSql.prepare() tdLog.info("==============step1 prepare udf build=============") self.pre_stable() tdLog.info("==============step2 prepare udf null =============") self.test_udf_null() tdLog.info("==============step3 prepare udf format ===========") self.test_udf_format() tdLog.info("==============step4 test udf functions============") self.test_udf_test() tdLog.info("==============step4 test udf values ============") self.test_udf_values() def stop(self): tdSql.close() tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__) tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase()) tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())