/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "os.h" #include "query.h" #include "tglobal.h" #include "tmsg.h" #include "trpc.h" #include "tsched.h" #define VALIDNUMOFCOLS(x) ((x) >= TSDB_MIN_COLUMNS && (x) <= TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS) #define VALIDNUMOFTAGS(x) ((x) >= 0 && (x) <= TSDB_MAX_TAGS) static struct SSchema _s = { .colId = TSDB_TBNAME_COLUMN_INDEX, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, .bytes = TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE, .name = "tbname", }; const SSchema* tGetTbnameColumnSchema() { return &_s; } static bool doValidateSchema(SSchema* pSchema, int32_t numOfCols, int32_t maxLen) { int32_t rowLen = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfCols; ++i) { // 1. valid types if (!isValidDataType(pSchema[i].type)) { return false; } // 2. valid length for each type if (pSchema[i].type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) { if (pSchema[i].bytes > TSDB_MAX_BINARY_LEN) { return false; } } else if (pSchema[i].type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) { if (pSchema[i].bytes > TSDB_MAX_NCHAR_LEN) { return false; } } else { if (pSchema[i].bytes != tDataTypes[pSchema[i].type].bytes) { return false; } } // 3. valid column names for (int32_t j = i + 1; j < numOfCols; ++j) { if (strncasecmp(pSchema[i].name, pSchema[j].name, sizeof(pSchema[i].name) - 1) == 0) { return false; } } rowLen += pSchema[i].bytes; } return rowLen <= maxLen; } bool tIsValidSchema(struct SSchema* pSchema, int32_t numOfCols, int32_t numOfTags) { if (!VALIDNUMOFCOLS(numOfCols)) { return false; } if (!VALIDNUMOFTAGS(numOfTags)) { return false; } /* first column must be the timestamp, which is a primary key */ if (pSchema[0].type != TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) { return false; } if (!doValidateSchema(pSchema, numOfCols, TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW)) { return false; } if (!doValidateSchema(&pSchema[numOfCols], numOfTags, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN)) { return false; } return true; } static void* pTaskQueue = NULL; int32_t initTaskQueue() { int32_t queueSize = tsMaxShellConns * 2; pTaskQueue = taosInitScheduler(queueSize, tsNumOfTaskQueueThreads, "tsc"); if (NULL == pTaskQueue) { qError("failed to init task queue"); return -1; } qDebug("task queue is initialized, numOfThreads: %d", tsNumOfTaskQueueThreads); return 0; } int32_t cleanupTaskQueue() { taosCleanUpScheduler(pTaskQueue); return 0; } static void execHelper(struct SSchedMsg* pSchedMsg) { assert(pSchedMsg != NULL && pSchedMsg->ahandle != NULL); __async_exec_fn_t execFn = (__async_exec_fn_t)pSchedMsg->ahandle; int32_t code = execFn(pSchedMsg->thandle); if (code != 0 && pSchedMsg->msg != NULL) { *(int32_t*)pSchedMsg->msg = code; } } int32_t taosAsyncExec(__async_exec_fn_t execFn, void* execParam, int32_t* code) { assert(execFn != NULL); SSchedMsg schedMsg = {0}; schedMsg.fp = execHelper; schedMsg.ahandle = execFn; schedMsg.thandle = execParam; schedMsg.msg = code; taosScheduleTask(pTaskQueue, &schedMsg); return 0; } int32_t asyncSendMsgToServerExt(void* pTransporter, SEpSet* epSet, int64_t* pTransporterId, const SMsgSendInfo* pInfo, bool persistHandle, void* rpcCtx) { char* pMsg = rpcMallocCont(pInfo->msgInfo.len); if (NULL == pMsg) { qError("0x%" PRIx64 " msg:%s malloc failed", pInfo->requestId, TMSG_INFO(pInfo->msgType)); terrno = TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return terrno; } memcpy(pMsg, pInfo->msgInfo.pData, pInfo->msgInfo.len); SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {.msgType = pInfo->msgType, .pCont = pMsg, .contLen = pInfo->msgInfo.len, .ahandle = (void*)pInfo, .handle = pInfo->msgInfo.handle, .persistHandle = persistHandle, .code = 0}; assert(pInfo->fp != NULL); rpcSendRequestWithCtx(pTransporter, epSet, &rpcMsg, pTransporterId, rpcCtx); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t asyncSendMsgToServer(void* pTransporter, SEpSet* epSet, int64_t* pTransporterId, const SMsgSendInfo* pInfo) { return asyncSendMsgToServerExt(pTransporter, epSet, pTransporterId, pInfo, false, NULL); } char* jobTaskStatusStr(int32_t status) { switch (status) { case JOB_TASK_STATUS_NULL: return "NULL"; case JOB_TASK_STATUS_NOT_START: return "NOT_START"; case JOB_TASK_STATUS_EXECUTING: return "EXECUTING"; case JOB_TASK_STATUS_PARTIAL_SUCCEED: return "PARTIAL_SUCCEED"; case JOB_TASK_STATUS_SUCCEED: return "SUCCEED"; case JOB_TASK_STATUS_FAILED: return "FAILED"; case JOB_TASK_STATUS_CANCELLING: return "CANCELLING"; case JOB_TASK_STATUS_CANCELLED: return "CANCELLED"; case JOB_TASK_STATUS_DROPPING: return "DROPPING"; default: break; } return "UNKNOWN"; } SSchema createSchema(int8_t type, int32_t bytes, col_id_t colId, const char* name) { SSchema s = {0}; s.type = type; s.bytes = bytes; s.colId = colId; tstrncpy(s.name, name, tListLen(s.name)); return s; }