#!/usr/bin/python ################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. # No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, # disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as # expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao # ################################################################### # install pip # pip install src/connector/python/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import getopt import subprocess import time import base64 import json import platform import socket import threading import toml sys.path.append("../pytest") from util.log import * from util.dnodes import * from util.cases import * from util.cluster import * from util.taosadapter import * import taos import taosrest def checkRunTimeError(): import win32gui timeCount = 0 while 1: time.sleep(1) timeCount = timeCount + 1 print("checkRunTimeError", timeCount) if timeCount > 600: print("stop the test.") os.system("TASKKILL /F /IM taosd.exe") os.system("TASKKILL /F /IM taos.exe") os.system("TASKKILL /F /IM tmq_sim.exe") os.system("TASKKILL /F /IM mintty.exe") os.system("TASKKILL /F /IM python.exe") quit(0) hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library") if hwnd: os.system("TASKKILL /F /IM taosd.exe") if __name__ == "__main__": fileName = "all" deployPath = "" masterIp = "" testCluster = False valgrind = 0 killValgrind = 1 logSql = True stop = 0 restart = False dnodeNums = 1 mnodeNums = 0 updateCfgDict = {} adapter_cfg_dict = {} execCmd = "" queryPolicy = 1 createDnodeNums = 1 restful = False replicaVar = 1 opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt( sys.argv[1:], "f:p:m:l:scghrd:k:e:N:M:Q:C:RD:n:", [ "file=", "path=", "master", "logSql", "stop", "cluster", "valgrind", "help", "restart", "updateCfgDict", "killv", "execCmd", "dnodeNums", "mnodeNums", "queryPolicy", "createDnodeNums", "restful", "adaptercfgupdate", "replicaVar", ], ) for key, value in opts: if key in ["-h", "--help"]: tdLog.printNoPrefix("A collection of test cases written using Python") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-f Name of test case file written by Python") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-p Deploy Path for Simulator") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-m Master Ip for Simulator") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-l logSql Flag") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-s stop All dnodes") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-c Test Cluster Flag") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-g valgrind Test Flag") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-r taosd restart test") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-d update cfg dict, base64 json str") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-k not kill valgrind processer") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-e eval str to run") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-N start dnodes numbers in clusters") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-M create mnode numbers in clusters") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-Q set queryPolicy in one dnode") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-C create Dnode Numbers in one cluster") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-R restful realization form") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-D taosadapter update cfg dict ") tdLog.printNoPrefix("-n the number of replicas") sys.exit(0) if key in ["-r", "--restart"]: restart = True if key in ["-f", "--file"]: fileName = value if key in ["-p", "--path"]: deployPath = value if key in ["-m", "--master"]: masterIp = value if key in ["-l", "--logSql"]: if value.upper() == "TRUE": logSql = True elif value.upper() == "FALSE": logSql = False else: tdLog.printNoPrefix("logSql value %s is invalid" % logSql) sys.exit(0) if key in ["-c", "--cluster"]: testCluster = True if key in ["-g", "--valgrind"]: valgrind = 1 if key in ["-s", "--stop"]: stop = 1 if key in ["-d", "--updateCfgDict"]: try: updateCfgDict = eval(base64.b64decode(value.encode()).decode()) except: print("updateCfgDict convert fail.") sys.exit(0) if key in ["-k", "--killValgrind"]: killValgrind = 0 if key in ["-e", "--execCmd"]: try: execCmd = base64.b64decode(value.encode()).decode() except: print("execCmd run fail.") sys.exit(0) if key in ["-N", "--dnodeNums"]: dnodeNums = value if key in ["-M", "--mnodeNums"]: mnodeNums = value if key in ["-Q", "--queryPolicy"]: queryPolicy = value if key in ["-C", "--createDnodeNums"]: createDnodeNums = value if key in ["-R", "--restful"]: restful = True if key in ["-D", "--adaptercfgupdate"]: try: adaptercfgupdate = eval(base64.b64decode(value.encode()).decode()) except: print("adapter cfg update convert fail.") sys.exit(0) if key in ["-n", "--replicaVar"]: replicaVar = value if not execCmd == "": if restful: tAdapter.init(deployPath) else: tdDnodes.init(deployPath) print(execCmd) exec(execCmd) quit() if stop != 0: if valgrind == 0: toBeKilled = "taosd" else: toBeKilled = "valgrind.bin" killCmd = ( "ps -ef|grep -w %s| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -TERM > /dev/null 2>&1" % toBeKilled ) psCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w %s| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" % toBeKilled processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True) while processID: os.system(killCmd) time.sleep(1) processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True) for port in range(6030, 6041): usePortPID = "lsof -i tcp:%d | grep LISTEN | awk '{print $2}'" % port processID = subprocess.check_output(usePortPID, shell=True) if processID: killCmd = "kill -TERM %s" % processID os.system(killCmd) fuserCmd = "fuser -k -n tcp %d" % port os.system(fuserCmd) if valgrind: time.sleep(2) if restful: toBeKilled = "taosadapter" # killCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w %s| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -TERM > /dev/null 2>&1" % toBeKilled killCmd = f"pkill {toBeKilled}" psCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w %s| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" % toBeKilled # psCmd = f"pgrep {toBeKilled}" processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True) while processID: os.system(killCmd) time.sleep(1) processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True) port = 6041 usePortPID = f"lsof -i tcp:{port} | grep LISTEN | awk '{{print $2}}'" processID = subprocess.check_output(usePortPID, shell=True) if processID: killCmd = f"kill -TERM {processID}" os.system(killCmd) fuserCmd = f"fuser -k -n tcp {port}" os.system(fuserCmd) tdLog.info("stop taosadapter") tdLog.info("stop All dnodes") if masterIp == "": host = socket.gethostname() else: try: config = eval(masterIp) host = config["host"] except Exception as r: host = masterIp tdLog.info("Procedures for tdengine deployed in %s" % (host)) if platform.system().lower() == "windows": fileName = fileName.replace("/", os.sep) if masterIp == "" and not fileName == "0-others\\udf_create.py": threading.Thread(target=checkRunTimeError, daemon=True).start() tdLog.info("Procedures for testing self-deployment") tdDnodes.init(deployPath, masterIp) tdDnodes.setTestCluster(testCluster) tdDnodes.setValgrind(valgrind) tdDnodes.stopAll() key_word = "tdCases.addWindows" is_test_framework = 0 try: if key_word in open(fileName, encoding="UTF-8").read(): is_test_framework = 1 except Exception as r: print(r) updateCfgDictStr = "" # adapter_cfg_dict_str = '' if is_test_framework: moduleName = fileName.replace(".py", "").replace(os.sep, ".") uModule = importlib.import_module(moduleName) try: ucase = uModule.TDTestCase() if (json.dumps(updateCfgDict) == "{}") and hasattr( ucase, "updatecfgDict" ): updateCfgDict = ucase.updatecfgDict updateCfgDictStr = ( "-d %s" % base64.b64encode(json.dumps(updateCfgDict).encode()).decode() ) if (json.dumps(adapter_cfg_dict) == "{}") and hasattr( ucase, "taosadapter_cfg_dict" ): adapter_cfg_dict = ucase.taosadapter_cfg_dict # adapter_cfg_dict_str = f"-D {base64.b64encode(toml.dumps(adapter_cfg_dict).encode()).decode()}" except Exception as r: print(r) else: pass if restful: tAdapter.init(deployPath, masterIp) tAdapter.stop(force_kill=True) if dnodeNums == 1: tdDnodes.deploy(1, updateCfgDict) tdDnodes.start(1) tdCases.logSql(logSql) if restful: tAdapter.deploy(adapter_cfg_dict) tAdapter.start() if queryPolicy != 1: queryPolicy = int(queryPolicy) if restful: conn = taosrest.connect(url=f"http://{host}:6041") else: conn = taos.connect(host, config=tdDnodes.getSimCfgPath()) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("create qnode on dnode 1") cursor.execute(f'alter local "queryPolicy" "{queryPolicy}"') cursor.execute("show local variables") res = cursor.fetchall() for i in range(cursor.rowcount): if res[i][0] == "queryPolicy": if int(res[i][1]) == int(queryPolicy): tdLog.info( f"alter queryPolicy to {queryPolicy} successfully" ) else: tdLog.debug(res) tdLog.exit(f"alter queryPolicy to {queryPolicy} failed") else: tdLog.debug( "create an cluster with %s nodes and make %s dnode as independent mnode" % (dnodeNums, mnodeNums) ) dnodeslist = cluster.configure_cluster( dnodeNums=dnodeNums, mnodeNums=mnodeNums ) tdDnodes = ClusterDnodes(dnodeslist) tdDnodes.init(deployPath, masterIp) tdDnodes.setTestCluster(testCluster) tdDnodes.setValgrind(valgrind) tdDnodes.stopAll() for dnode in tdDnodes.dnodes: tdDnodes.deploy(dnode.index, {}) for dnode in tdDnodes.dnodes: tdDnodes.starttaosd(dnode.index) tdCases.logSql(logSql) if restful: tAdapter.deploy(adapter_cfg_dict) tAdapter.start() if not restful: conn = taos.connect(host, config=tdDnodes.getSimCfgPath()) else: conn = taosrest.connect(url=f"http://{host}:6041") # tdLog.info(tdDnodes.getSimCfgPath(),host) if createDnodeNums == 1: createDnodeNums = dnodeNums else: createDnodeNums = createDnodeNums cluster.create_dnode(conn, createDnodeNums) try: if cluster.check_dnode(conn): print("check dnode ready") except Exception as r: print(r) if queryPolicy != 1: queryPolicy = int(queryPolicy) if restful: conn = taosrest.connect(url=f"http://{host}:6041") else: conn = taos.connect(host, config=tdDnodes.getSimCfgPath()) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("create qnode on dnode 1") cursor.execute(f'alter local "queryPolicy" "{queryPolicy}"') cursor.execute("show local variables") res = cursor.fetchall() for i in range(cursor.rowcount): if res[i][0] == "queryPolicy": if int(res[i][1]) == int(queryPolicy): tdLog.info( f"alter queryPolicy to {queryPolicy} successfully" ) else: tdLog.debug(res) tdLog.exit(f"alter queryPolicy to {queryPolicy} failed") if ucase is not None and hasattr(ucase, "noConn") and ucase.noConn == True: conn = None else: if not restful: conn = taos.connect(host="%s" % (host), config=tdDnodes.sim.getCfgDir()) else: conn = taosrest.connect(url=f"http://{host}:6041") if is_test_framework: tdCases.runOneWindows(conn, fileName) else: tdCases.runAllWindows(conn) else: tdDnodes.setKillValgrind(killValgrind) tdDnodes.init(deployPath, masterIp) tdDnodes.setTestCluster(testCluster) tdDnodes.setValgrind(valgrind) tdDnodes.stopAll() is_test_framework = 0 key_word = "tdCases.addLinux" try: if key_word in open(fileName).read(): is_test_framework = 1 except: pass if is_test_framework: moduleName = fileName.replace(".py", "").replace("/", ".") uModule = importlib.import_module(moduleName) try: ucase = uModule.TDTestCase() if json.dumps(updateCfgDict) == "{}": updateCfgDict = ucase.updatecfgDict if json.dumps(adapter_cfg_dict) == "{}": adapter_cfg_dict = ucase.taosadapter_cfg_dict except: pass if restful: tAdapter.init(deployPath, masterIp) tAdapter.stop(force_kill=True) if dnodeNums == 1: tdDnodes.deploy(1, updateCfgDict) tdDnodes.start(1) tdCases.logSql(logSql) if restful: tAdapter.deploy(adapter_cfg_dict) tAdapter.start() if queryPolicy != 1: queryPolicy = int(queryPolicy) if not restful: conn = taos.connect(host, config=tdDnodes.getSimCfgPath()) else: conn = taosrest.connect(url=f"http://{host}:6041") # tdSql.init(conn.cursor()) # tdSql.execute("create qnode on dnode 1") # tdSql.execute('alter local "queryPolicy" "%d"'%queryPolicy) # tdSql.query("show local variables;") # for i in range(tdSql.queryRows): # if tdSql.queryResult[i][0] == "queryPolicy" : # if int(tdSql.queryResult[i][1]) == int(queryPolicy): # tdLog.info('alter queryPolicy to %d successfully'%queryPolicy) # else : # tdLog.debug(tdSql.queryResult) # tdLog.exit("alter queryPolicy to %d failed"%queryPolicy) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("create qnode on dnode 1") cursor.execute(f'alter local "queryPolicy" "{queryPolicy}"') cursor.execute("show local variables") res = cursor.fetchall() for i in range(cursor.rowcount): if res[i][0] == "queryPolicy": if int(res[i][1]) == int(queryPolicy): tdLog.info( f"alter queryPolicy to {queryPolicy} successfully" ) else: tdLog.debug(res) tdLog.exit(f"alter queryPolicy to {queryPolicy} failed") else: tdLog.debug( "create an cluster with %s nodes and make %s dnode as independent mnode" % (dnodeNums, mnodeNums) ) dnodeslist = cluster.configure_cluster( dnodeNums=dnodeNums, mnodeNums=mnodeNums ) tdDnodes = ClusterDnodes(dnodeslist) tdDnodes.init(deployPath, masterIp) tdDnodes.setTestCluster(testCluster) tdDnodes.setValgrind(valgrind) tdDnodes.stopAll() for dnode in tdDnodes.dnodes: tdDnodes.deploy(dnode.index, {}) for dnode in tdDnodes.dnodes: tdDnodes.starttaosd(dnode.index) tdCases.logSql(logSql) if restful: tAdapter.deploy(adapter_cfg_dict) tAdapter.start() if not restful: conn = taos.connect(host, config=tdDnodes.getSimCfgPath()) else: conn = taosrest.connect(url=f"http://{host}:6041") print(tdDnodes.getSimCfgPath(), host) if createDnodeNums == 1: createDnodeNums = dnodeNums else: createDnodeNums = createDnodeNums cluster.create_dnode(conn, createDnodeNums) try: if cluster.check_dnode(conn): print("check dnode ready") except Exception as r: print(r) if queryPolicy != 1: queryPolicy = int(queryPolicy) if restful: conn = taosrest.connect(url=f"http://{host}:6041") else: conn = taos.connect(host, config=tdDnodes.getSimCfgPath()) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("create qnode on dnode 1") cursor.execute(f'alter local "queryPolicy" "{queryPolicy}"') cursor.execute("show local variables") res = cursor.fetchall() for i in range(cursor.rowcount): if res[i][0] == "queryPolicy": if int(res[i][1]) == int(queryPolicy): tdLog.info( f"alter queryPolicy to {queryPolicy} successfully" ) else: tdLog.debug(res) tdLog.exit(f"alter queryPolicy to {queryPolicy} failed") if testCluster: tdLog.info("Procedures for testing cluster") if fileName == "all": tdCases.runAllCluster() else: tdCases.runOneCluster(fileName) else: tdLog.info("Procedures for testing self-deployment") if not restful: conn = taos.connect(host, config=tdDnodes.getSimCfgPath()) else: conn = taosrest.connect(url=f"http://{host}:6041") if fileName == "all": tdCases.runAllLinux(conn) else: tdCases.runOneLinux(conn, fileName, replicaVar) if restart: if fileName == "all": tdLog.info("not need to query ") else: sp = fileName.rsplit(".", 1) if len(sp) == 2 and sp[1] == "py": tdDnodes.stopAll() tdDnodes.start(1) time.sleep(1) if not restful: conn = taos.connect(host, config=tdDnodes.getSimCfgPath()) else: conn = taosrest.connect(url=f"http://{host}:6041") tdLog.info("Procedures for tdengine deployed in %s" % (host)) tdLog.info("query test after taosd restart") tdCases.runOneLinux(conn, sp[0] + "_" + "restart.py", replicaVar) else: tdLog.info("not need to query") if conn is not None: conn.close() sys.exit(0)