/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #include "tname.h" #include "tcommon.h" #include "tstrbuild.h" #define VALID_NAME_TYPE(x) ((x) == TSDB_DB_NAME_T || (x) == TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T) #if 0 int64_t taosGetIntervalStartTimestamp(int64_t startTime, int64_t slidingTime, int64_t intervalTime, char timeUnit, int16_t precision) { if (slidingTime == 0) { return startTime; } int64_t start = startTime; if (timeUnit == 'n' || timeUnit == 'y') { start /= 1000; if (precision == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO) { start /= 1000; } struct tm tm; time_t t = (time_t)start; taosLocalTime(&t, &tm); tm.tm_sec = 0; tm.tm_min = 0; tm.tm_hour = 0; tm.tm_mday = 1; if (timeUnit == 'y') { tm.tm_mon = 0; tm.tm_year = (int)(tm.tm_year / slidingTime * slidingTime); } else { int mon = tm.tm_year * 12 + tm.tm_mon; mon = (int)(mon / slidingTime * slidingTime); tm.tm_year = mon / 12; tm.tm_mon = mon % 12; } start = mktime(&tm) * 1000L; if (precision == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO) { start *= 1000L; } } else { int64_t delta = startTime - intervalTime; int32_t factor = delta > 0? 1:-1; start = (delta / slidingTime + factor) * slidingTime; if (timeUnit == 'd' || timeUnit == 'w') { /* * here we revised the start time of day according to the local time zone, * but in case of DST, the start time of one day need to be dynamically decided. */ // todo refactor to extract function that is available for Linux/Windows/Mac platform #if defined(WINDOWS) && _MSC_VER >= 1900 // see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/daylight-dstbias-timezone-and-tzname?view=vs-2019 int64_t timezone = _timezone; int32_t daylight = _daylight; char** tzname = _tzname; #endif int64_t t = (precision == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI) ? MILLISECOND_PER_SECOND : MILLISECOND_PER_SECOND * 1000L; start += timezone * t; } int64_t end = start + intervalTime - 1; if (end < startTime) { start += slidingTime; } } return start; } #endif SName* toName(int32_t acctId, const char* pDbName, const char* pTableName, SName* pName) { pName->type = TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T; pName->acctId = acctId; memset(pName->dbname, 0, TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN); strncpy(pName->dbname, pDbName, TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN - 1); memset(pName->tname, 0, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN); strncpy(pName->tname, pTableName, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN - 1); return pName; } int32_t tNameExtractFullName(const SName* name, char* dst) { assert(name != NULL && dst != NULL); // invalid full name format, abort if (!tNameIsValid(name)) { return -1; } int32_t len = snprintf(dst, TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN, "%d.%s", name->acctId, name->dbname); size_t tnameLen = strlen(name->tname); if (tnameLen > 0) { /*assert(name->type == TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T);*/ dst[len] = TS_PATH_DELIMITER[0]; memcpy(dst + len + 1, name->tname, tnameLen); dst[len + tnameLen + 1] = 0; } return 0; } int32_t tNameLen(const SName* name) { assert(name != NULL); char tmp[12] = {0}; int32_t len = sprintf(tmp, "%d", name->acctId); int32_t len1 = (int32_t)strlen(name->dbname); int32_t len2 = (int32_t)strlen(name->tname); if (name->type == TSDB_DB_NAME_T) { assert(len2 == 0); return len + len1 + TSDB_NAME_DELIMITER_LEN; } else { assert(len2 > 0); return len + len1 + len2 + TSDB_NAME_DELIMITER_LEN * 2; } } bool tNameIsValid(const SName* name) { assert(name != NULL); if (!VALID_NAME_TYPE(name->type)) { return false; } if (name->type == TSDB_DB_NAME_T) { return strlen(name->dbname) > 0; } else { return strlen(name->dbname) > 0 && strlen(name->tname) > 0; } } SName* tNameDup(const SName* name) { assert(name != NULL); SName* p = taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(SName)); memcpy(p, name, sizeof(SName)); return p; } int32_t tNameGetDbName(const SName* name, char* dst) { assert(name != NULL && dst != NULL); strncpy(dst, name->dbname, tListLen(name->dbname)); return 0; } const char* tNameGetDbNameP(const SName* name) { return &name->dbname[0]; } int32_t tNameGetFullDbName(const SName* name, char* dst) { assert(name != NULL && dst != NULL); snprintf(dst, TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN, "%d.%s", name->acctId, name->dbname); return 0; } bool tNameIsEmpty(const SName* name) { assert(name != NULL); return name->type == 0 || name->acctId == 0; } const char* tNameGetTableName(const SName* name) { assert(name != NULL && name->type == TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T); return &name->tname[0]; } void tNameAssign(SName* dst, const SName* src) { memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(SName)); } int32_t tNameSetDbName(SName* dst, int32_t acct, const char* dbName, size_t nameLen) { assert(dst != NULL && dbName != NULL && nameLen > 0); // too long account id or too long db name if (nameLen >= tListLen(dst->dbname)) { return -1; } dst->type = TSDB_DB_NAME_T; dst->acctId = acct; tstrncpy(dst->dbname, dbName, nameLen + 1); return 0; } int32_t tNameAddTbName(SName* dst, const char* tbName, size_t nameLen) { assert(dst != NULL && tbName != NULL && nameLen > 0); // too long account id or too long db name if (nameLen >= tListLen(dst->tname) || nameLen <= 0) { return -1; } dst->type = TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T; tstrncpy(dst->tname, tbName, nameLen + 1); return 0; } int32_t tNameSetAcctId(SName* dst, int32_t acctId) { assert(dst != NULL); dst->acctId = acctId; return 0; } bool tNameDBNameEqual(SName* left, SName* right) { if (NULL == left) { if (NULL == right) { return true; } return false; } if (NULL == right) { return false; } if (left->acctId != right->acctId) { return false; } return (0 == strcmp(left->dbname, right->dbname)); } bool tNameTbNameEqual(SName* left, SName* right) { bool equal = tNameDBNameEqual(left, right); if (equal) { return (0 == strcmp(left->tname, right->tname)); } return equal; } int32_t tNameFromString(SName* dst, const char* str, uint32_t type) { assert(dst != NULL && str != NULL && strlen(str) > 0); char* p = NULL; if ((type & T_NAME_ACCT) == T_NAME_ACCT) { p = strstr(str, TS_PATH_DELIMITER); if (p == NULL) { return -1; } dst->acctId = taosStr2Int32(str, NULL, 10); } if ((type & T_NAME_DB) == T_NAME_DB) { dst->type = TSDB_DB_NAME_T; char* start = (char*)((p == NULL) ? str : (p + 1)); int32_t len = 0; p = strstr(start, TS_PATH_DELIMITER); if (p == NULL) { len = (int32_t)strlen(start); } else { len = (int32_t)(p - start); } // too long account id or too long db name if ((len >= tListLen(dst->dbname)) || (len <= 0)) { return -1; } memcpy(dst->dbname, start, len); dst->dbname[len] = 0; } if ((type & T_NAME_TABLE) == T_NAME_TABLE) { dst->type = TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T; char* start = (char*)((p == NULL) ? str : (p + 1)); // too long account id or too long db name int32_t len = (int32_t)strlen(start); if ((len >= tListLen(dst->tname)) || (len <= 0)) { return -1; } memcpy(dst->tname, start, len); dst->tname[len] = 0; } return 0; } static int compareKv(const void* p1, const void* p2) { SSmlKv* kv1 = *(SSmlKv**)p1; SSmlKv* kv2 = *(SSmlKv**)p2; int32_t kvLen1 = kv1->keyLen; int32_t kvLen2 = kv2->keyLen; int32_t res = strncasecmp(kv1->key, kv2->key, TMIN(kvLen1, kvLen2)); if (res != 0) { return res; } else { return kvLen1 - kvLen2; } } /* * use stable name and tags to grearate child table name */ void buildChildTableName(RandTableName* rName) { SStringBuilder sb = {0}; taosStringBuilderAppendStringLen(&sb, rName->sTableName, rName->sTableNameLen); taosArraySort(rName->tags, compareKv); for (int j = 0; j < taosArrayGetSize(rName->tags); ++j) { taosStringBuilderAppendChar(&sb, ','); SSmlKv* tagKv = taosArrayGetP(rName->tags, j); taosStringBuilderAppendStringLen(&sb, tagKv->key, tagKv->keyLen); taosStringBuilderAppendChar(&sb, '='); if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(tagKv->type)) { taosStringBuilderAppendStringLen(&sb, tagKv->value, tagKv->length); } else { taosStringBuilderAppendStringLen(&sb, (char*)(&(tagKv->value)), tagKv->length); } } size_t len = 0; char* keyJoined = taosStringBuilderGetResult(&sb, &len); T_MD5_CTX context; tMD5Init(&context); tMD5Update(&context, (uint8_t*)keyJoined, (uint32_t)len); tMD5Final(&context); char temp[8] = {0}; rName->childTableName[0] = 't'; rName->childTableName[1] = '_'; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { sprintf(temp, "%02x", context.digest[i]); strcat(rName->childTableName, temp); } taosStringBuilderDestroy(&sb); rName->uid = *(uint64_t*)(context.digest); }