/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "tsdbDef.h" static const char *TSDB_FNAME_SUFFIX[] = { "head", // TSDB_FILE_HEAD "data", // TSDB_FILE_DATA "last", // TSDB_FILE_LAST "smad", // TSDB_FILE_SMAD "smal", // TSDB_FILE_SMAL "", // TSDB_FILE_MAX "meta", // TSDB_FILE_META "tsma", // TSDB_FILE_TSMA "rsma", // TSDB_FILE_RSMA }; static void tsdbGetFilename(int vid, int fid, uint32_t ver, TSDB_FILE_T ftype, char *fname); // static int tsdbRollBackMFile(SMFile *pMFile); static int tsdbEncodeDFInfo(void **buf, SDFInfo *pInfo); static void *tsdbDecodeDFInfo(void *buf, SDFInfo *pInfo); static int tsdbRollBackDFile(SDFile *pDFile); #if 0 // ============== SMFile void tsdbInitMFile(SMFile *pMFile, SDiskID did, int vid, uint32_t ver) { char fname[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN]; TSDB_FILE_SET_STATE(pMFile, TSDB_FILE_STATE_OK); memset(&(pMFile->info), 0, sizeof(pMFile->info)); pMFile->info.magic = TSDB_FILE_INIT_MAGIC; tsdbGetFilename(vid, 0, ver, TSDB_FILE_META, fname); tfsInitFile(TSDB_FILE_F(pMFile), did.level, did.id, fname); } void tsdbInitMFileEx(SMFile *pMFile, const SMFile *pOMFile) { *pMFile = *pOMFile; TSDB_FILE_SET_CLOSED(pMFile); } int tsdbEncodeSMFile(void **buf, SMFile *pMFile) { int tlen = 0; tlen += tsdbEncodeMFInfo(buf, &(pMFile->info)); tlen += tfsEncodeFile(buf, &(pMFile->f)); return tlen; } void *tsdbDecodeSMFile(void *buf, SMFile *pMFile) { buf = tsdbDecodeMFInfo(buf, &(pMFile->info)); buf = tfsDecodeFile(buf, &(pMFile->f)); TSDB_FILE_SET_CLOSED(pMFile); return buf; } int tsdbEncodeSMFileEx(void **buf, SMFile *pMFile) { int tlen = 0; tlen += tsdbEncodeMFInfo(buf, &(pMFile->info)); tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pMFile)); return tlen; } void *tsdbDecodeSMFileEx(void *buf, SMFile *pMFile) { char *aname; buf = tsdbDecodeMFInfo(buf, &(pMFile->info)); buf = taosDecodeString(buf, &aname); strncpy(TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pMFile), aname, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN); TSDB_FILE_SET_CLOSED(pMFile); tfree(aname); return buf; } int tsdbApplyMFileChange(SMFile *from, SMFile *to) { if (from == NULL && to == NULL) return 0; if (from != NULL) { if (to == NULL) { return tsdbRemoveMFile(from); } else { if (tfsIsSameFile(TSDB_FILE_F(from), TSDB_FILE_F(to))) { if (from->info.size > to->info.size) { tsdbRollBackMFile(to); } } else { return tsdbRemoveMFile(from); } } } return 0; } int tsdbCreateMFile(SMFile *pMFile, bool updateHeader) { ASSERT(pMFile->info.size == 0 && pMFile->info.magic == TSDB_FILE_INIT_MAGIC); pMFile->fd = open(TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pMFile), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0755); if (pMFile->fd < 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) { // Try to create directory recursively char *s = strdup(TFILE_REL_NAME(&(pMFile->f))); if (tfsMkdirRecurAt(dirname(s), TSDB_FILE_LEVEL(pMFile), TSDB_FILE_ID(pMFile)) < 0) { tfree(s); return -1; } tfree(s); pMFile->fd = open(TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pMFile), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0755); if (pMFile->fd < 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } } else { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } } if (!updateHeader) { return 0; } pMFile->info.size += TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE; if (tsdbUpdateMFileHeader(pMFile) < 0) { tsdbCloseMFile(pMFile); tsdbRemoveMFile(pMFile); return -1; } return 0; } int tsdbUpdateMFileHeader(SMFile *pMFile) { char buf[TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE] = "\0"; if (tsdbSeekMFile(pMFile, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) { return -1; } void *ptr = buf; tsdbEncodeMFInfo(&ptr, TSDB_FILE_INFO(pMFile)); taosCalcChecksumAppend(0, (uint8_t *)buf, TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE); if (tsdbWriteMFile(pMFile, buf, TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE) < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } int tsdbLoadMFileHeader(SMFile *pMFile, SMFInfo *pInfo) { char buf[TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE] = "\0"; ASSERT(TSDB_FILE_OPENED(pMFile)); if (tsdbSeekMFile(pMFile, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) { return -1; } if (tsdbReadMFile(pMFile, buf, TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE) < 0) { return -1; } if (!taosCheckChecksumWhole((uint8_t *)buf, TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE)) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_TDB_FILE_CORRUPTED; return -1; } tsdbDecodeMFInfo(buf, pInfo); return 0; } int tsdbScanAndTryFixMFile(STsdb *pRepo) { SMFile * pMFile = pRepo->fs->cstatus->pmf; struct stat mfstat; SMFile mf; if (pMFile == NULL) { // No meta file, no need to scan return 0; } tsdbInitMFileEx(&mf, pMFile); if (access(TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pMFile), F_OK) != 0) { tsdbError("vgId:%d meta file %s not exit, report to upper layer to fix it", REPO_ID(pRepo), TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pMFile)); pRepo->state |= TSDB_STATE_BAD_META; TSDB_FILE_SET_STATE(pMFile, TSDB_FILE_STATE_BAD); return 0; } if (stat(TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(&mf), &mfstat) < 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } if (pMFile->info.size < mfstat.st_size) { if (tsdbOpenMFile(&mf, O_WRONLY) < 0) { return -1; } if (taosFtruncate(mf.fd, mf.info.size) < 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); tsdbCloseMFile(&mf); return -1; } if (tsdbUpdateMFileHeader(&mf) < 0) { tsdbCloseMFile(&mf); return -1; } tsdbCloseMFile(&mf); tsdbInfo("vgId:%d file %s is truncated from %" PRId64 " to %" PRId64, REPO_ID(pRepo), TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pMFile), mfstat.st_size, pMFile->info.size); } else if (pMFile->info.size > mfstat.st_size) { tsdbError("vgId:%d meta file %s has wrong size %" PRId64 " expected %" PRId64 ", report to upper layer to fix it", REPO_ID(pRepo), TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pMFile), mfstat.st_size, pMFile->info.size); pRepo->state |= TSDB_STATE_BAD_META; TSDB_FILE_SET_STATE(pMFile, TSDB_FILE_STATE_BAD); terrno = TSDB_CODE_TDB_FILE_CORRUPTED; return 0; } else { tsdbDebug("vgId:%d meta file %s passes the scan", REPO_ID(pRepo), TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pMFile)); } return 0; } int tsdbEncodeMFInfo(void **buf, SMFInfo *pInfo) { int tlen = 0; tlen += taosEncodeVariantI64(buf, pInfo->size); tlen += taosEncodeVariantI64(buf, pInfo->tombSize); tlen += taosEncodeVariantI64(buf, pInfo->nRecords); tlen += taosEncodeVariantI64(buf, pInfo->nDels); tlen += taosEncodeFixedU32(buf, pInfo->magic); return tlen; } void *tsdbDecodeMFInfo(void *buf, SMFInfo *pInfo) { buf = taosDecodeVariantI64(buf, &(pInfo->size)); buf = taosDecodeVariantI64(buf, &(pInfo->tombSize)); buf = taosDecodeVariantI64(buf, &(pInfo->nRecords)); buf = taosDecodeVariantI64(buf, &(pInfo->nDels)); buf = taosDecodeFixedU32(buf, &(pInfo->magic)); return buf; } static int tsdbRollBackMFile(SMFile *pMFile) { SMFile mf; tsdbInitMFileEx(&mf, pMFile); if (tsdbOpenMFile(&mf, O_WRONLY) < 0) { return -1; } if (taosFtruncate(TSDB_FILE_FD(&mf), pMFile->info.size) < 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); tsdbCloseMFile(&mf); return -1; } if (tsdbUpdateMFileHeader(&mf) < 0) { tsdbCloseMFile(&mf); return -1; } TSDB_FILE_FSYNC(&mf); tsdbCloseMFile(&mf); return 0; } #endif // ============== Operations on SDFile void tsdbInitDFile(STsdb *pRepo, SDFile *pDFile, SDiskID did, int fid, uint32_t ver, TSDB_FILE_T ftype) { char fname[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN]; TSDB_FILE_SET_STATE(pDFile, TSDB_FILE_STATE_OK); TSDB_FILE_SET_CLOSED(pDFile); memset(&(pDFile->info), 0, sizeof(pDFile->info)); pDFile->info.magic = TSDB_FILE_INIT_MAGIC; pDFile->info.fver = tsdbGetDFSVersion(ftype); tsdbGetFilename(pRepo->vgId, fid, ver, ftype, fname); tfsInitFile(pRepo->pTfs, &(pDFile->f), did, fname); } void tsdbInitDFileEx(SDFile *pDFile, SDFile *pODFile) { *pDFile = *pODFile; TSDB_FILE_SET_CLOSED(pDFile); } int tsdbEncodeSDFile(void **buf, SDFile *pDFile) { int tlen = 0; tlen += tsdbEncodeDFInfo(buf, &(pDFile->info)); tlen += tfsEncodeFile(buf, &(pDFile->f)); return tlen; } void *tsdbDecodeSDFile(STsdb *pRepo, void *buf, SDFile *pDFile) { buf = tsdbDecodeDFInfo(buf, &(pDFile->info)); buf = tfsDecodeFile(pRepo->pTfs, buf, &(pDFile->f)); TSDB_FILE_SET_CLOSED(pDFile); return buf; } static int tsdbEncodeSDFileEx(void **buf, SDFile *pDFile) { int tlen = 0; tlen += tsdbEncodeDFInfo(buf, &(pDFile->info)); tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pDFile)); return tlen; } static void *tsdbDecodeSDFileEx(void *buf, SDFile *pDFile) { char *aname = NULL; buf = tsdbDecodeDFInfo(buf, &(pDFile->info)); buf = taosDecodeString(buf, &aname); strncpy(TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pDFile), aname, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN); TSDB_FILE_SET_CLOSED(pDFile); tfree(aname); return buf; } int tsdbCreateDFile(STsdb *pRepo, SDFile *pDFile, bool updateHeader, TSDB_FILE_T fType) { ASSERT(pDFile->info.size == 0 && pDFile->info.magic == TSDB_FILE_INIT_MAGIC); pDFile->pFile = taosOpenFile(TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pDFile), TD_FILE_CTEATE | TD_FILE_WRITE | TD_FILE_TRUNC); if (pDFile->pFile == NULL) { if (errno == ENOENT) { // Try to create directory recursively char *s = strdup(TSDB_FILE_REL_NAME(pDFile)); if (tfsMkdirRecurAt(pRepo->pTfs, taosDirName(s), TSDB_FILE_DID(pDFile)) < 0) { tfree(s); return -1; } tfree(s); pDFile->pFile = taosOpenFile(TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pDFile), TD_FILE_CTEATE | TD_FILE_WRITE | TD_FILE_TRUNC); if (pDFile->pFile == NULL) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } } else { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } } if (!updateHeader) { return 0; } pDFile->info.size += TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE; pDFile->info.fver = tsdbGetDFSVersion(fType); if (tsdbUpdateDFileHeader(pDFile) < 0) { tsdbCloseDFile(pDFile); tsdbRemoveDFile(pDFile); return -1; } return 0; } int tsdbUpdateDFileHeader(SDFile *pDFile) { char buf[TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE] = "\0"; if (tsdbSeekDFile(pDFile, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) { return -1; } void *ptr = buf; taosEncodeFixedU32(&ptr, 0); tsdbEncodeDFInfo(&ptr, &(pDFile->info)); taosCalcChecksumAppend(0, (uint8_t *)buf, TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE); if (tsdbWriteDFile(pDFile, buf, TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE) < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } int tsdbLoadDFileHeader(SDFile *pDFile, SDFInfo *pInfo) { char buf[TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE] = "\0"; uint32_t _version; ASSERT(TSDB_FILE_OPENED(pDFile)); if (tsdbSeekDFile(pDFile, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) { return -1; } if (tsdbReadDFile(pDFile, buf, TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE) < 0) { return -1; } if (!taosCheckChecksumWhole((uint8_t *)buf, TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE)) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_TDB_FILE_CORRUPTED; return -1; } void *pBuf = buf; pBuf = taosDecodeFixedU32(pBuf, &_version); pBuf = tsdbDecodeDFInfo(pBuf, pInfo); return 0; } static int tsdbScanAndTryFixDFile(STsdb *pRepo, SDFile *pDFile) { SDFile df; tsdbInitDFileEx(&df, pDFile); if (!taosCheckExistFile(TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pDFile))) { tsdbError("vgId:%d data file %s not exit, report to upper layer to fix it", REPO_ID(pRepo), TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pDFile)); // pRepo->state |= TSDB_STATE_BAD_DATA; TSDB_FILE_SET_STATE(pDFile, TSDB_FILE_STATE_BAD); return 0; } int64_t file_size = 0; if (taosStatFile(TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(&df), &file_size, NULL) < 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } if (pDFile->info.size < file_size) { // if (tsdbOpenDFile(&df, O_WRONLY) < 0) { if (tsdbOpenDFile(&df, TD_FILE_WRITE) < 0) { return -1; } if (taosFtruncateFile(df.pFile, df.info.size) < 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); tsdbCloseDFile(&df); return -1; } if (tsdbUpdateDFileHeader(&df) < 0) { tsdbCloseDFile(&df); return -1; } tsdbCloseDFile(&df); tsdbInfo("vgId:%d file %s is truncated from %" PRId64 " to %" PRId64, REPO_ID(pRepo), TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pDFile), file_size, pDFile->info.size); } else if (pDFile->info.size > file_size) { tsdbError("vgId:%d data file %s has wrong size %" PRId64 " expected %" PRId64 ", report to upper layer to fix it", REPO_ID(pRepo), TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pDFile), file_size, pDFile->info.size); // pRepo->state |= TSDB_STATE_BAD_DATA; TSDB_FILE_SET_STATE(pDFile, TSDB_FILE_STATE_BAD); terrno = TSDB_CODE_TDB_FILE_CORRUPTED; return 0; } else { tsdbDebug("vgId:%d file %s passes the scan", REPO_ID(pRepo), TSDB_FILE_FULL_NAME(pDFile)); } return 0; } static int tsdbEncodeDFInfo(void **buf, SDFInfo *pInfo) { int tlen = 0; tlen += taosEncodeFixedU32(buf, pInfo->magic); tlen += taosEncodeFixedU32(buf, pInfo->fver); tlen += taosEncodeFixedU32(buf, pInfo->len); tlen += taosEncodeFixedU32(buf, pInfo->totalBlocks); tlen += taosEncodeFixedU32(buf, pInfo->totalSubBlocks); tlen += taosEncodeFixedU32(buf, pInfo->offset); tlen += taosEncodeFixedU64(buf, pInfo->size); tlen += taosEncodeFixedU64(buf, pInfo->tombSize); return tlen; } static void *tsdbDecodeDFInfo(void *buf, SDFInfo *pInfo) { buf = taosDecodeFixedU32(buf, &(pInfo->magic)); buf = taosDecodeFixedU32(buf, &(pInfo->fver)); buf = taosDecodeFixedU32(buf, &(pInfo->len)); buf = taosDecodeFixedU32(buf, &(pInfo->totalBlocks)); buf = taosDecodeFixedU32(buf, &(pInfo->totalSubBlocks)); buf = taosDecodeFixedU32(buf, &(pInfo->offset)); buf = taosDecodeFixedU64(buf, &(pInfo->size)); buf = taosDecodeFixedU64(buf, &(pInfo->tombSize)); return buf; } static int tsdbApplyDFileChange(SDFile *from, SDFile *to) { ASSERT(from != NULL || to != NULL); if (from != NULL) { if (to == NULL) { tsdbRemoveDFile(from); } else { if (tfsIsSameFile(TSDB_FILE_F(from), TSDB_FILE_F(to))) { if (from->info.size > to->info.size) { tsdbRollBackDFile(to); } } else { (void)tsdbRemoveDFile(from); } } } return 0; } static int tsdbRollBackDFile(SDFile *pDFile) { SDFile df = *pDFile; // if (tsdbOpenDFile(&df, O_WRONLY) < 0) { if (tsdbOpenDFile(&df, TD_FILE_WRITE) < 0) { return -1; } if (taosFtruncateFile(TSDB_FILE_PFILE(&df), pDFile->info.size) < 0) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); tsdbCloseDFile(&df); return -1; } if (tsdbUpdateDFileHeader(&df) < 0) { tsdbCloseDFile(&df); return -1; } TSDB_FILE_FSYNC(&df); tsdbCloseDFile(&df); return 0; } // ============== Operations on SDFileSet void tsdbInitDFileSet(STsdb *pRepo, SDFileSet *pSet, SDiskID did, int fid, uint32_t ver) { TSDB_FSET_FID(pSet) = fid; TSDB_FSET_VER(pSet) = TSDB_LATEST_FSET_VER; TSDB_FSET_STATE(pSet) = 0; pSet->reserve = 0; for (TSDB_FILE_T ftype = 0; ftype < TSDB_FILE_MAX; ftype++) { SDFile *pDFile = TSDB_DFILE_IN_SET(pSet, ftype); tsdbInitDFile(pRepo, pDFile, did, fid, ver, ftype); } } void tsdbInitDFileSetEx(SDFileSet *pSet, SDFileSet *pOSet) { TSDB_FSET_FID(pSet) = TSDB_FSET_FID(pOSet); for (TSDB_FILE_T ftype = 0; ftype < TSDB_FILE_MAX; ftype++) { tsdbInitDFileEx(TSDB_DFILE_IN_SET(pSet, ftype), TSDB_DFILE_IN_SET(pOSet, ftype)); } } int tsdbEncodeDFileSet(void **buf, SDFileSet *pSet) { int tlen = 0; tlen += taosEncodeFixedI32(buf, TSDB_FSET_FID(pSet)); // state not included tlen += taosEncodeFixedU8(buf, TSDB_FSET_VER(pSet)); tlen += taosEncodeFixedU16(buf, pSet->reserve); for (TSDB_FILE_T ftype = 0; ftype < TSDB_FILE_MAX; ftype++) { tlen += tsdbEncodeSDFile(buf, TSDB_DFILE_IN_SET(pSet, ftype)); } return tlen; } void *tsdbDecodeDFileSet(STsdb *pRepo, void *buf, SDFileSet *pSet) { buf = taosDecodeFixedI32(buf, &(TSDB_FSET_FID(pSet))); TSDB_FSET_STATE(pSet) = 0; buf = taosDecodeFixedU8(buf, &(TSDB_FSET_VER(pSet))); buf = taosDecodeFixedU16(buf, &(pSet->reserve)); for (TSDB_FILE_T ftype = 0; ftype < TSDB_FILE_MAX; ftype++) { buf = tsdbDecodeSDFile(pRepo, buf, TSDB_DFILE_IN_SET(pSet, ftype)); } return buf; } int tsdbEncodeDFileSetEx(void **buf, SDFileSet *pSet) { int tlen = 0; tlen += taosEncodeFixedI32(buf, TSDB_FSET_FID(pSet)); tlen += taosEncodeFixedU8(buf, TSDB_FSET_VER(pSet)); tlen += taosEncodeFixedU16(buf, pSet->reserve); for (TSDB_FILE_T ftype = 0; ftype < TSDB_FILE_MAX; ftype++) { tlen += tsdbEncodeSDFileEx(buf, TSDB_DFILE_IN_SET(pSet, ftype)); } return tlen; } void *tsdbDecodeDFileSetEx(void *buf, SDFileSet *pSet) { buf = taosDecodeFixedI32(buf, &(TSDB_FSET_FID(pSet))); buf = taosDecodeFixedU8(buf, &(TSDB_FSET_VER(pSet))); buf = taosDecodeFixedU16(buf, &(pSet->reserve)); for (TSDB_FILE_T ftype = 0; ftype < TSDB_FILE_MAX; ftype++) { buf = tsdbDecodeSDFileEx(buf, TSDB_DFILE_IN_SET(pSet, ftype)); } return buf; } int tsdbApplyDFileSetChange(SDFileSet *from, SDFileSet *to) { for (TSDB_FILE_T ftype = 0; ftype < TSDB_FILE_MAX; ftype++) { SDFile *pDFileFrom = (from) ? TSDB_DFILE_IN_SET(from, ftype) : NULL; SDFile *pDFileTo = (to) ? TSDB_DFILE_IN_SET(to, ftype) : NULL; if (tsdbApplyDFileChange(pDFileFrom, pDFileTo) < 0) { return -1; } } return 0; } int tsdbCreateDFileSet(STsdb *pRepo, SDFileSet *pSet, bool updateHeader) { for (TSDB_FILE_T ftype = 0; ftype < TSDB_FILE_MAX; ftype++) { if (tsdbCreateDFile(pRepo, TSDB_DFILE_IN_SET(pSet, ftype), updateHeader, ftype) < 0) { tsdbCloseDFileSet(pSet); tsdbRemoveDFileSet(pSet); return -1; } } return 0; } int tsdbUpdateDFileSetHeader(SDFileSet *pSet) { for (TSDB_FILE_T ftype = 0; ftype < TSDB_FILE_MAX; ftype++) { if (tsdbUpdateDFileHeader(TSDB_DFILE_IN_SET(pSet, ftype)) < 0) { return -1; } } return 0; } int tsdbScanAndTryFixDFileSet(STsdb *pRepo, SDFileSet *pSet) { for (TSDB_FILE_T ftype = 0; ftype < TSDB_FILE_MAX; ftype++) { if (tsdbScanAndTryFixDFile(pRepo, TSDB_DFILE_IN_SET(pSet, ftype)) < 0) { return -1; } } return 0; } int tsdbParseDFilename(const char *fname, int *vid, int *fid, TSDB_FILE_T *ftype, uint32_t *_version) { char *p = NULL; *_version = 0; *ftype = TSDB_FILE_MAX; sscanf(fname, "v%df%d.%m[a-z]-ver%" PRIu32, vid, fid, &p, _version); for (TSDB_FILE_T i = 0; i < TSDB_FILE_MAX; i++) { if (strcmp(p, TSDB_FNAME_SUFFIX[i]) == 0) { *ftype = i; break; } } tfree(p); return 0; } static void tsdbGetFilename(int vid, int fid, uint32_t ver, TSDB_FILE_T ftype, char *fname) { ASSERT(ftype != TSDB_FILE_MAX); if (ftype < TSDB_FILE_MAX) { if (ver == 0) { snprintf(fname, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN, "vnode/vnode%d/tsdb/data/v%df%d.%s", vid, vid, fid, TSDB_FNAME_SUFFIX[ftype]); } else { snprintf(fname, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN, "vnode/vnode%d/tsdb/data/v%df%d.%s-ver%" PRIu32, vid, vid, fid, TSDB_FNAME_SUFFIX[ftype], ver); } } else { if (ver == 0) { snprintf(fname, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN, "vnode/vnode%d/tsdb/%s", vid, TSDB_FNAME_SUFFIX[ftype]); } else { snprintf(fname, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN, "vnode/vnode%d/tsdb/%s-ver%" PRIu32, vid, TSDB_FNAME_SUFFIX[ftype], ver); } } }