/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "cJSON.h" #include "clientInt.h" #include "clientLog.h" #include "parser.h" #include "tdatablock.h" #include "tdef.h" #include "tglobal.h" #include "tmsgtype.h" #include "tqueue.h" #include "tref.h" #include "ttimer.h" static char* buildCreateTableJson(SSchemaWrapper* schemaRow, SSchemaWrapper* schemaTag, char* name, int64_t id, int8_t t) { char* string = NULL; cJSON* json = cJSON_CreateObject(); if (json == NULL) { return NULL; } cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("create"); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type); // char uid[32] = {0}; // sprintf(uid, "%"PRIi64, id); // cJSON* id_ = cJSON_CreateString(uid); // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "id", id_); cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString(t == TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE ? "normal" : "super"); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType); cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(name); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableName", tableName); // cJSON* version = cJSON_CreateNumber(1); // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "version", version); cJSON* columns = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (int i = 0; i < schemaRow->nCols; i++) { cJSON* column = cJSON_CreateObject(); SSchema* s = schemaRow->pSchema + i; cJSON* cname = cJSON_CreateString(s->name); cJSON_AddItemToObject(column, "name", cname); cJSON* ctype = cJSON_CreateNumber(s->type); cJSON_AddItemToObject(column, "type", ctype); if (s->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) { int32_t length = s->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE; cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length); cJSON_AddItemToObject(column, "length", cbytes); } else if (s->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) { int32_t length = (s->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE; cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length); cJSON_AddItemToObject(column, "length", cbytes); } cJSON_AddItemToArray(columns, column); } cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "columns", columns); cJSON* tags = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (int i = 0; schemaTag && i < schemaTag->nCols; i++) { cJSON* tag = cJSON_CreateObject(); SSchema* s = schemaTag->pSchema + i; cJSON* tname = cJSON_CreateString(s->name); cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "name", tname); cJSON* ttype = cJSON_CreateNumber(s->type); cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "type", ttype); if (s->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) { int32_t length = s->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE; cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length); cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "length", cbytes); } else if (s->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) { int32_t length = (s->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE; cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length); cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "length", cbytes); } cJSON_AddItemToArray(tags, tag); } cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tags", tags); string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json); cJSON_Delete(json); return string; } static char* buildAlterSTableJson(void* alterData, int32_t alterDataLen) { SMAlterStbReq req = {0}; cJSON* json = NULL; char* string = NULL; if (tDeserializeSMAlterStbReq(alterData, alterDataLen, &req) != 0) { goto end; } json = cJSON_CreateObject(); if (json == NULL) { goto end; } cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("alter"); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type); // cJSON* uid = cJSON_CreateNumber(id); // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "uid", uid); SName name = {0}; tNameFromString(&name, req.name, T_NAME_ACCT | T_NAME_DB | T_NAME_TABLE); cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString("super"); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType); cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(name.tname); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableName", tableName); cJSON* alterType = cJSON_CreateNumber(req.alterType); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "alterType", alterType); switch (req.alterType) { case TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_ADD_TAG: case TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_ADD_COLUMN: { TAOS_FIELD* field = taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 0); cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(field->name); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName); cJSON* colType = cJSON_CreateNumber(field->type); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colType", colType); if (field->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) { int32_t length = field->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE; cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes); } else if (field->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) { int32_t length = (field->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE; cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes); } break; } case TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_DROP_TAG: case TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_DROP_COLUMN: { TAOS_FIELD* field = taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 0); cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(field->name); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName); break; } case TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_TAG_BYTES: case TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_COLUMN_BYTES: { TAOS_FIELD* field = taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 0); cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(field->name); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName); cJSON* colType = cJSON_CreateNumber(field->type); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colType", colType); if (field->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) { int32_t length = field->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE; cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes); } else if (field->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) { int32_t length = (field->bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE; cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes); } break; } case TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_TAG_NAME: case TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_COLUMN_NAME: { TAOS_FIELD* oldField = taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 0); TAOS_FIELD* newField = taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 1); cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(oldField->name); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName); cJSON* colNewName = cJSON_CreateString(newField->name); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colNewName", colNewName); break; } default: break; } string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json); end: cJSON_Delete(json); tFreeSMAltertbReq(&req); return string; } static char* processCreateStb(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) { SVCreateStbReq req = {0}; SDecoder coder; char* string = NULL; // decode and process req void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len); if (tDecodeSVCreateStbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) { goto _err; } string = buildCreateTableJson(&req.schemaRow, &req.schemaTag, req.name, req.suid, TSDB_SUPER_TABLE); _err: tDecoderClear(&coder); return string; } static char* processAlterStb(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) { SVCreateStbReq req = {0}; SDecoder coder; char* string = NULL; // decode and process req void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len); if (tDecodeSVCreateStbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) { goto _err; } string = buildAlterSTableJson(req.alterOriData, req.alterOriDataLen); _err: tDecoderClear(&coder); return string; } static void buildChildElement(cJSON* json, SVCreateTbReq* pCreateReq){ STag* pTag = (STag*)pCreateReq->ctb.pTag; char* sname = pCreateReq->ctb.name; char* name = pCreateReq->name; SArray* tagName = pCreateReq->ctb.tagName; int64_t id = pCreateReq->uid; uint8_t tagNum = pCreateReq->ctb.tagNum; cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(name); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableName", tableName); cJSON* using = cJSON_CreateString(sname); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "using", using); cJSON* tagNumJson = cJSON_CreateNumber(tagNum); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tagNum", tagNumJson); // cJSON* version = cJSON_CreateNumber(1); // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "version", version); cJSON* tags = cJSON_CreateArray(); SArray* pTagVals = NULL; int32_t code = tTagToValArray(pTag, &pTagVals); if (code) { goto end; } if (tTagIsJson(pTag)) { STag* p = (STag*)pTag; if (p->nTag == 0) { goto end; } char* pJson = parseTagDatatoJson(pTag); cJSON* tag = cJSON_CreateObject(); STagVal* pTagVal = taosArrayGet(pTagVals, 0); char* ptname = taosArrayGet(tagName, 0); cJSON* tname = cJSON_CreateString(ptname); cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "name", tname); // cJSON* cid_ = cJSON_CreateString(""); // cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "cid", cid_); cJSON* ttype = cJSON_CreateNumber(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSON); cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "type", ttype); cJSON* tvalue = cJSON_CreateString(pJson); cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "value", tvalue); cJSON_AddItemToArray(tags, tag); taosMemoryFree(pJson); goto end; } for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(pTagVals); i++) { STagVal* pTagVal = (STagVal*)taosArrayGet(pTagVals, i); cJSON* tag = cJSON_CreateObject(); char* ptname = taosArrayGet(tagName, i); cJSON* tname = cJSON_CreateString(ptname); cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "name", tname); // cJSON* cid = cJSON_CreateNumber(pTagVal->cid); // cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "cid", cid); cJSON* ttype = cJSON_CreateNumber(pTagVal->type); cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "type", ttype); cJSON* tvalue = NULL; if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pTagVal->type)) { char* buf = taosMemoryCalloc(pTagVal->nData + 3, 1); if (!buf) goto end; dataConverToStr(buf, pTagVal->type, pTagVal->pData, pTagVal->nData, NULL); tvalue = cJSON_CreateString(buf); taosMemoryFree(buf); } else { double val = 0; GET_TYPED_DATA(val, double, pTagVal->type, &pTagVal->i64); tvalue = cJSON_CreateNumber(val); } cJSON_AddItemToObject(tag, "value", tvalue); cJSON_AddItemToArray(tags, tag); } end: cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tags", tags); taosArrayDestroy(pTagVals); } static char* buildCreateCTableJson(SVCreateTbReq* pCreateReq, int32_t nReqs) { char* string = NULL; cJSON* json = cJSON_CreateObject(); if (json == NULL) { return NULL; } cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("create"); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type); // char cid[32] = {0}; // sprintf(cid, "%"PRIi64, id); // cJSON* cid_ = cJSON_CreateString(cid); // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "id", cid_); cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString("child"); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType); buildChildElement(json, pCreateReq); cJSON* createList = cJSON_CreateArray(); for(int i = 0; nReqs > 1 && i < nReqs; i++){ cJSON* create = cJSON_CreateObject(); buildChildElement(create, pCreateReq + i); cJSON_AddItemToArray(createList, create); } cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "createList", createList); string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json); cJSON_Delete(json); return string; } static char* processCreateTable(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) { SDecoder decoder = {0}; SVCreateTbBatchReq req = {0}; SVCreateTbReq* pCreateReq; char* string = NULL; // decode void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); tDecoderInit(&decoder, data, len); if (tDecodeSVCreateTbBatchReq(&decoder, &req) < 0) { goto _exit; } // loop to create table if (req.nReqs > 0) { pCreateReq = req.pReqs; if (pCreateReq->type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) { string = buildCreateCTableJson(req.pReqs, req.nReqs); } else if (pCreateReq->type == TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE) { string = buildCreateTableJson(&pCreateReq->ntb.schemaRow, NULL, pCreateReq->name, pCreateReq->uid, TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE); } } _exit: for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) { pCreateReq = req.pReqs + iReq; taosMemoryFreeClear(pCreateReq->comment); if (pCreateReq->type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) { taosArrayDestroy(pCreateReq->ctb.tagName); } } tDecoderClear(&decoder); return string; } static char* processAutoCreateTable(STaosxRsp* rsp) { ASSERT(rsp->createTableNum != 0); SDecoder* decoder = taosMemoryCalloc(rsp->createTableNum, sizeof(SDecoder)); SVCreateTbReq* pCreateReq = taosMemoryCalloc(rsp->createTableNum, sizeof(SVCreateTbReq)); char* string = NULL; // loop to create table for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < rsp->createTableNum; iReq++) { // decode void** data = taosArrayGet(rsp->createTableReq, iReq); int32_t *len = taosArrayGet(rsp->createTableLen, iReq); tDecoderInit(&decoder[iReq], *data, *len); if (tDecodeSVCreateTbReq(&decoder[iReq], pCreateReq + iReq) < 0) { goto _exit; } ASSERT(pCreateReq[iReq].type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE); } string = buildCreateCTableJson(pCreateReq, rsp->createTableNum); _exit: for(int i = 0; i < rsp->createTableNum; i++){ tDecoderClear(&decoder[i]); taosMemoryFreeClear(pCreateReq[i].comment); if (pCreateReq[i].type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) { taosArrayDestroy(pCreateReq[i].ctb.tagName); } } taosMemoryFree(decoder); taosMemoryFree(pCreateReq); return string; } static char* processAlterTable(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) { SDecoder decoder = {0}; SVAlterTbReq vAlterTbReq = {0}; char* string = NULL; // decode void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); tDecoderInit(&decoder, data, len); if (tDecodeSVAlterTbReq(&decoder, &vAlterTbReq) < 0) { goto _exit; } cJSON* json = cJSON_CreateObject(); if (json == NULL) { goto _exit; } cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("alter"); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type); // cJSON* uid = cJSON_CreateNumber(id); // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "uid", uid); cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.action == TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_TAG_VAL ? "child" : "normal"); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType); cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.tbName); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableName", tableName); cJSON* alterType = cJSON_CreateNumber(vAlterTbReq.action); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "alterType", alterType); switch (vAlterTbReq.action) { case TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_ADD_COLUMN: { cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.colName); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName); cJSON* colType = cJSON_CreateNumber(vAlterTbReq.type); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colType", colType); if (vAlterTbReq.type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) { int32_t length = vAlterTbReq.bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE; cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes); } else if (vAlterTbReq.type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) { int32_t length = (vAlterTbReq.bytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE; cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes); } break; } case TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_DROP_COLUMN: { cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.colName); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName); break; } case TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_COLUMN_BYTES: { cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.colName); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName); cJSON* colType = cJSON_CreateNumber(vAlterTbReq.colModType); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colType", colType); if (vAlterTbReq.colModType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) { int32_t length = vAlterTbReq.colModBytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE; cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes); } else if (vAlterTbReq.colModType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) { int32_t length = (vAlterTbReq.colModBytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) / TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE; cJSON* cbytes = cJSON_CreateNumber(length); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colLength", cbytes); } break; } case TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_COLUMN_NAME: { cJSON* colName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.colName); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", colName); cJSON* colNewName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.colNewName); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colNewName", colNewName); break; } case TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_TAG_VAL: { cJSON* tagName = cJSON_CreateString(vAlterTbReq.tagName); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colName", tagName); bool isNull = vAlterTbReq.isNull; if (vAlterTbReq.tagType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSON) { STag* jsonTag = (STag*)vAlterTbReq.pTagVal; if (jsonTag->nTag == 0) isNull = true; } if (!isNull) { char* buf = NULL; if (vAlterTbReq.tagType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSON) { ASSERT(tTagIsJson(vAlterTbReq.pTagVal) == true); buf = parseTagDatatoJson(vAlterTbReq.pTagVal); } else { buf = taosMemoryCalloc(vAlterTbReq.nTagVal + 1, 1); dataConverToStr(buf, vAlterTbReq.tagType, vAlterTbReq.pTagVal, vAlterTbReq.nTagVal, NULL); } cJSON* colValue = cJSON_CreateString(buf); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colValue", colValue); taosMemoryFree(buf); } cJSON* isNullCJson = cJSON_CreateBool(isNull); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "colValueNull", isNullCJson); break; } default: break; } string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json); _exit: cJSON_Delete(json); tDecoderClear(&decoder); return string; } static char* processDropSTable(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) { SDecoder decoder = {0}; SVDropStbReq req = {0}; char* string = NULL; // decode void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); tDecoderInit(&decoder, data, len); if (tDecodeSVDropStbReq(&decoder, &req) < 0) { goto _exit; } cJSON* json = cJSON_CreateObject(); if (json == NULL) { goto _exit; } cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("drop"); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type); cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString("super"); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType); cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(req.name); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableName", tableName); string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json); _exit: cJSON_Delete(json); tDecoderClear(&decoder); return string; } static char* processDropTable(SMqMetaRsp* metaRsp) { SDecoder decoder = {0}; SVDropTbBatchReq req = {0}; char* string = NULL; // decode void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(metaRsp->metaRsp, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t len = metaRsp->metaRspLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); tDecoderInit(&decoder, data, len); if (tDecodeSVDropTbBatchReq(&decoder, &req) < 0) { goto _exit; } cJSON* json = cJSON_CreateObject(); if (json == NULL) { goto _exit; } cJSON* type = cJSON_CreateString("drop"); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "type", type); // cJSON* uid = cJSON_CreateNumber(id); // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "uid", uid); // cJSON* tableType = cJSON_CreateString("normal"); // cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableType", tableType); cJSON* tableNameList = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) { SVDropTbReq* pDropTbReq = req.pReqs + iReq; cJSON* tableName = cJSON_CreateString(pDropTbReq->name); cJSON_AddItemToArray(tableNameList, tableName); } cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "tableNameList", tableNameList); string = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json); _exit: cJSON_Delete(json); tDecoderClear(&decoder); return string; } static int32_t taosCreateStb(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) { SVCreateStbReq req = {0}; SDecoder coder; SMCreateStbReq pReq = {0}; int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; SRequestObj* pRequest = NULL; code = buildRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, "", 0, NULL, false, &pRequest); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto end; } pRequest->syncQuery = true; if (!pRequest->pDb) { code = TSDB_CODE_PAR_DB_NOT_SPECIFIED; goto end; } // decode and process req void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len); if (tDecodeSVCreateStbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) { code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_PARA; goto end; } // build create stable pReq.pColumns = taosArrayInit(req.schemaRow.nCols, sizeof(SField)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < req.schemaRow.nCols; i++) { SSchema* pSchema = req.schemaRow.pSchema + i; SField field = {.type = pSchema->type, .bytes = pSchema->bytes}; strcpy(field.name, pSchema->name); taosArrayPush(pReq.pColumns, &field); } pReq.pTags = taosArrayInit(req.schemaTag.nCols, sizeof(SField)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < req.schemaTag.nCols; i++) { SSchema* pSchema = req.schemaTag.pSchema + i; SField field = {.type = pSchema->type, .bytes = pSchema->bytes}; strcpy(field.name, pSchema->name); taosArrayPush(pReq.pTags, &field); } pReq.colVer = req.schemaRow.version; pReq.tagVer = req.schemaTag.version; pReq.numOfColumns = req.schemaRow.nCols; pReq.numOfTags = req.schemaTag.nCols; pReq.commentLen = -1; pReq.suid = req.suid; pReq.source = TD_REQ_FROM_TAOX; pReq.igExists = true; STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj; SName tableName; tNameExtractFullName(toName(pTscObj->acctId, pRequest->pDb, req.name, &tableName), pReq.name); SCmdMsgInfo pCmdMsg = {0}; pCmdMsg.epSet = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp); pCmdMsg.msgType = TDMT_MND_CREATE_STB; pCmdMsg.msgLen = tSerializeSMCreateStbReq(NULL, 0, &pReq); pCmdMsg.pMsg = taosMemoryMalloc(pCmdMsg.msgLen); if (NULL == pCmdMsg.pMsg) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } tSerializeSMCreateStbReq(pCmdMsg.pMsg, pCmdMsg.msgLen, &pReq); SQuery pQuery = {0}; pQuery.execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_RPC; pQuery.pCmdMsg = &pCmdMsg; pQuery.msgType = pQuery.pCmdMsg->msgType; pQuery.stableQuery = true; launchQueryImpl(pRequest, &pQuery, true, NULL); if (pRequest->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL; catalogGetHandle(pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog); catalogRemoveTableMeta(pCatalog, &tableName); } code = pRequest->code; taosMemoryFree(pCmdMsg.pMsg); end: destroyRequest(pRequest); tFreeSMCreateStbReq(&pReq); tDecoderClear(&coder); return code; } static int32_t taosDropStb(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) { SVDropStbReq req = {0}; SDecoder coder; SMDropStbReq pReq = {0}; int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; SRequestObj* pRequest = NULL; code = buildRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, "", 0, NULL, false, &pRequest); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto end; } pRequest->syncQuery = true; if (!pRequest->pDb) { code = TSDB_CODE_PAR_DB_NOT_SPECIFIED; goto end; } // decode and process req void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len); if (tDecodeSVDropStbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) { code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_PARA; goto end; } // build drop stable pReq.igNotExists = true; pReq.source = TD_REQ_FROM_TAOX; pReq.suid = req.suid; STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj; SName tableName = {0}; tNameExtractFullName(toName(pTscObj->acctId, pRequest->pDb, req.name, &tableName), pReq.name); SCmdMsgInfo pCmdMsg = {0}; pCmdMsg.epSet = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp); pCmdMsg.msgType = TDMT_MND_DROP_STB; pCmdMsg.msgLen = tSerializeSMDropStbReq(NULL, 0, &pReq); pCmdMsg.pMsg = taosMemoryMalloc(pCmdMsg.msgLen); if (NULL == pCmdMsg.pMsg) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } tSerializeSMDropStbReq(pCmdMsg.pMsg, pCmdMsg.msgLen, &pReq); SQuery pQuery = {0}; pQuery.execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_RPC; pQuery.pCmdMsg = &pCmdMsg; pQuery.msgType = pQuery.pCmdMsg->msgType; pQuery.stableQuery = true; launchQueryImpl(pRequest, &pQuery, true, NULL); if (pRequest->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL; catalogGetHandle(pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog); catalogRemoveTableMeta(pCatalog, &tableName); } code = pRequest->code; taosMemoryFree(pCmdMsg.pMsg); end: destroyRequest(pRequest); tDecoderClear(&coder); return code; } typedef struct SVgroupCreateTableBatch { SVCreateTbBatchReq req; SVgroupInfo info; char dbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN]; } SVgroupCreateTableBatch; static void destroyCreateTbReqBatch(void* data) { SVgroupCreateTableBatch* pTbBatch = (SVgroupCreateTableBatch*)data; taosArrayDestroy(pTbBatch->req.pArray); } static int32_t taosCreateTable(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) { SVCreateTbBatchReq req = {0}; SDecoder coder = {0}; int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; SRequestObj* pRequest = NULL; SQuery* pQuery = NULL; SHashObj* pVgroupHashmap = NULL; code = buildRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, "", 0, NULL, false, &pRequest); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto end; } pRequest->syncQuery = true; if (!pRequest->pDb) { code = TSDB_CODE_PAR_DB_NOT_SPECIFIED; goto end; } // decode and process req void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len); if (tDecodeSVCreateTbBatchReq(&coder, &req) < 0) { code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_PARA; goto end; } STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj; SVCreateTbReq* pCreateReq = NULL; SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL; code = catalogGetHandle(pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto end; } pVgroupHashmap = taosHashInit(4, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), false, HASH_NO_LOCK); if (NULL == pVgroupHashmap) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } taosHashSetFreeFp(pVgroupHashmap, destroyCreateTbReqBatch); SRequestConnInfo conn = {.pTrans = pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter, .requestId = pRequest->requestId, .requestObjRefId = pRequest->self, .mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp)}; pRequest->tableList = taosArrayInit(req.nReqs, sizeof(SName)); // loop to create table for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) { pCreateReq = req.pReqs + iReq; SVgroupInfo pInfo = {0}; SName pName = {0}; toName(pTscObj->acctId, pRequest->pDb, pCreateReq->name, &pName); code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &pInfo); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto end; } taosArrayPush(pRequest->tableList, &pName); pCreateReq->flags |= TD_CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS; // change tag cid to new cid if (pCreateReq->type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) { STableMeta* pTableMeta = NULL; SName sName = {0}; toName(pTscObj->acctId, pRequest->pDb, pCreateReq->ctb.name, &sName); code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCatalog, &conn, &sName, &pTableMeta); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("taosCreateTable:catalogGetTableMeta failed. table name: %s", pCreateReq->ctb.name); goto end; } for (int32_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(pCreateReq->ctb.tagName); i++) { char* tName = taosArrayGet(pCreateReq->ctb.tagName, i); for (int32_t j = pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns; j < pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns + pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfTags; j++) { SSchema* tag = &pTableMeta->schema[j]; if (strcmp(tag->name, tName) == 0 && tag->type != TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSON) { tTagSetCid((STag*)pCreateReq->ctb.pTag, i, tag->colId); } } } taosMemoryFreeClear(pTableMeta); } SVgroupCreateTableBatch* pTableBatch = taosHashGet(pVgroupHashmap, &pInfo.vgId, sizeof(pInfo.vgId)); if (pTableBatch == NULL) { SVgroupCreateTableBatch tBatch = {0}; tBatch.info = pInfo; strcpy(tBatch.dbName, pRequest->pDb); tBatch.req.pArray = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(struct SVCreateTbReq)); taosArrayPush(tBatch.req.pArray, pCreateReq); taosHashPut(pVgroupHashmap, &pInfo.vgId, sizeof(pInfo.vgId), &tBatch, sizeof(tBatch)); } else { // add to the correct vgroup taosArrayPush(pTableBatch->req.pArray, pCreateReq); } } SArray* pBufArray = serializeVgroupsCreateTableBatch(pVgroupHashmap); if (NULL == pBufArray) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } pQuery = (SQuery*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_QUERY); pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE; pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_CREATE_TABLE; pQuery->stableQuery = false; pQuery->pRoot = nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_CREATE_TABLE_STMT); code = rewriteToVnodeModifyOpStmt(pQuery, pBufArray); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto end; } launchQueryImpl(pRequest, pQuery, true, NULL); if (pRequest->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { removeMeta(pTscObj, pRequest->tableList); } code = pRequest->code; end: for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) { pCreateReq = req.pReqs + iReq; taosMemoryFreeClear(pCreateReq->comment); if (pCreateReq->type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) { taosArrayDestroy(pCreateReq->ctb.tagName); } } taosHashCleanup(pVgroupHashmap); destroyRequest(pRequest); tDecoderClear(&coder); qDestroyQuery(pQuery); return code; } typedef struct SVgroupDropTableBatch { SVDropTbBatchReq req; SVgroupInfo info; char dbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN]; } SVgroupDropTableBatch; static void destroyDropTbReqBatch(void* data) { SVgroupDropTableBatch* pTbBatch = (SVgroupDropTableBatch*)data; taosArrayDestroy(pTbBatch->req.pArray); } static int32_t taosDropTable(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) { SVDropTbBatchReq req = {0}; SDecoder coder = {0}; int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; SRequestObj* pRequest = NULL; SQuery* pQuery = NULL; SHashObj* pVgroupHashmap = NULL; code = buildRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, "", 0, NULL, false, &pRequest); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto end; } pRequest->syncQuery = true; if (!pRequest->pDb) { code = TSDB_CODE_PAR_DB_NOT_SPECIFIED; goto end; } // decode and process req void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len); if (tDecodeSVDropTbBatchReq(&coder, &req) < 0) { code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_PARA; goto end; } STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj; SVDropTbReq* pDropReq = NULL; SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL; code = catalogGetHandle(pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto end; } pVgroupHashmap = taosHashInit(4, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), false, HASH_NO_LOCK); if (NULL == pVgroupHashmap) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } taosHashSetFreeFp(pVgroupHashmap, destroyDropTbReqBatch); SRequestConnInfo conn = {.pTrans = pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter, .requestId = pRequest->requestId, .requestObjRefId = pRequest->self, .mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp)}; pRequest->tableList = taosArrayInit(req.nReqs, sizeof(SName)); // loop to create table for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) { pDropReq = req.pReqs + iReq; pDropReq->igNotExists = true; SVgroupInfo pInfo = {0}; SName pName = {0}; toName(pTscObj->acctId, pRequest->pDb, pDropReq->name, &pName); code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &pInfo); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto end; } taosArrayPush(pRequest->tableList, &pName); SVgroupDropTableBatch* pTableBatch = taosHashGet(pVgroupHashmap, &pInfo.vgId, sizeof(pInfo.vgId)); if (pTableBatch == NULL) { SVgroupDropTableBatch tBatch = {0}; tBatch.info = pInfo; tBatch.req.pArray = taosArrayInit(TARRAY_MIN_SIZE, sizeof(SVDropTbReq)); taosArrayPush(tBatch.req.pArray, pDropReq); taosHashPut(pVgroupHashmap, &pInfo.vgId, sizeof(pInfo.vgId), &tBatch, sizeof(tBatch)); } else { // add to the correct vgroup taosArrayPush(pTableBatch->req.pArray, pDropReq); } } SArray* pBufArray = serializeVgroupsDropTableBatch(pVgroupHashmap); if (NULL == pBufArray) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } pQuery = (SQuery*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_QUERY); pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE; pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_DROP_TABLE; pQuery->stableQuery = false; pQuery->pRoot = nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_DROP_TABLE_STMT); code = rewriteToVnodeModifyOpStmt(pQuery, pBufArray); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto end; } launchQueryImpl(pRequest, pQuery, true, NULL); if (pRequest->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { removeMeta(pTscObj, pRequest->tableList); } code = pRequest->code; end: taosHashCleanup(pVgroupHashmap); destroyRequest(pRequest); tDecoderClear(&coder); qDestroyQuery(pQuery); return code; } // delete from db.tabl where .. -> delete from tabl where .. // delete from db .tabl where .. -> delete from tabl where .. // static void getTbName(char *sql){ // char *ch = sql; // // bool inBackQuote = false; // int8_t dotIndex = 0; // while(*ch != '\0'){ // if(!inBackQuote && *ch == '`'){ // inBackQuote = true; // ch++; // continue; // } // // if(inBackQuote && *ch == '`'){ // inBackQuote = false; // ch++; // // continue; // } // // if(!inBackQuote && *ch == '.'){ // dotIndex ++; // if(dotIndex == 2){ // memmove(sql, ch + 1, strlen(ch + 1) + 1); // break; // } // } // ch++; // } //} static int32_t taosDeleteData(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) { SDeleteRes req = {0}; SDecoder coder = {0}; int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; // decode and process req void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len); if (tDecodeDeleteRes(&coder, &req) < 0) { code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_PARA; goto end; } // getTbName(req.tableFName); char sql[256] = {0}; sprintf(sql, "delete from `%s` where `%s` >= %" PRId64 " and `%s` <= %" PRId64, req.tableFName, req.tsColName, req.skey, req.tsColName, req.ekey); printf("delete sql:%s\n", sql); TAOS_RES* res = taos_query(taos, sql); SRequestObj* pRequest = (SRequestObj*)res; code = pRequest->code; if (code == TSDB_CODE_PAR_TABLE_NOT_EXIST) { code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } taos_free_result(res); end: tDecoderClear(&coder); return code; } static int32_t taosAlterTable(TAOS* taos, void* meta, int32_t metaLen) { SVAlterTbReq req = {0}; SDecoder coder = {0}; int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; SRequestObj* pRequest = NULL; SQuery* pQuery = NULL; SArray* pArray = NULL; SVgDataBlocks* pVgData = NULL; code = buildRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, "", 0, NULL, false, &pRequest); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto end; } pRequest->syncQuery = true; if (!pRequest->pDb) { code = TSDB_CODE_PAR_DB_NOT_SPECIFIED; goto end; } // decode and process req void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(meta, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t len = metaLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len); if (tDecodeSVAlterTbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) { code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_PARA; goto end; } // do not deal TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_OPTIONS if (req.action == TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_OPTIONS) { goto end; } STscObj* pTscObj = pRequest->pTscObj; SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL; code = catalogGetHandle(pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto end; } SRequestConnInfo conn = {.pTrans = pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter, .requestId = pRequest->requestId, .requestObjRefId = pRequest->self, .mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp)}; SVgroupInfo pInfo = {0}; SName pName = {0}; toName(pTscObj->acctId, pRequest->pDb, req.tbName, &pName); code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &pInfo); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto end; } pArray = taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(void*)); if (NULL == pArray) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } pVgData = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SVgDataBlocks)); if (NULL == pVgData) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } pVgData->vg = pInfo; pVgData->pData = taosMemoryMalloc(metaLen); if (NULL == pVgData->pData) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } memcpy(pVgData->pData, meta, metaLen); ((SMsgHead*)pVgData->pData)->vgId = htonl(pInfo.vgId); pVgData->size = metaLen; pVgData->numOfTables = 1; taosArrayPush(pArray, &pVgData); pQuery = (SQuery*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_QUERY); pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE; pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_ALTER_TABLE; pQuery->stableQuery = false; pQuery->pRoot = nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_ALTER_TABLE_STMT); code = rewriteToVnodeModifyOpStmt(pQuery, pArray); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto end; } launchQueryImpl(pRequest, pQuery, true, NULL); pVgData = NULL; pArray = NULL; code = pRequest->code; if (code == TSDB_CODE_VND_TABLE_NOT_EXIST) { code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } if (pRequest->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { SExecResult* pRes = &pRequest->body.resInfo.execRes; if (pRes->res != NULL) { code = handleAlterTbExecRes(pRes->res, pCatalog); } } end: taosArrayDestroy(pArray); if (pVgData) taosMemoryFreeClear(pVgData->pData); taosMemoryFreeClear(pVgData); destroyRequest(pRequest); tDecoderClear(&coder); qDestroyQuery(pQuery); return code; } typedef struct { SVgroupInfo vg; void* data; } VgData; static void destroyVgHash(void* data) { VgData* vgData = (VgData*)data; taosMemoryFreeClear(vgData->data); } int taos_write_raw_block(TAOS* taos, int rows, char* pData, const char* tbname) { int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; STableMeta* pTableMeta = NULL; SQuery* pQuery = NULL; SRequestObj* pRequest = (SRequestObj*)createRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, TSDB_SQL_INSERT); if (!pRequest) { uError("WriteRaw:createRequest error request is null"); code = terrno; goto end; } pRequest->syncQuery = true; if (!pRequest->pDb) { uError("WriteRaw:not use db"); code = TSDB_CODE_PAR_DB_NOT_SPECIFIED; goto end; } SName pName = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, pRequest->pTscObj->acctId, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(pName.dbname, pRequest->pDb); strcpy(pName.tname, tbname); struct SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL; code = catalogGetHandle(pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("WriteRaw: get gatlog error"); goto end; } SRequestConnInfo conn = {0}; conn.pTrans = pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter; conn.requestId = pRequest->requestId; conn.requestObjRefId = pRequest->self; conn.mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp); SVgroupInfo vgData = {0}; code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &vgData); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("WriteRaw:catalogGetTableHashVgroup failed. table name: %s", tbname); goto end; } code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &pTableMeta); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("WriteRaw:catalogGetTableMeta failed. table name: %s", tbname); goto end; } uint64_t suid = (TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE == pTableMeta->tableType ? 0 : pTableMeta->suid); uint64_t uid = pTableMeta->uid; int32_t numOfCols = pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns; uint16_t fLen = 0; int32_t rowSize = 0; int16_t nVar = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numOfCols; i++) { SSchema* schema = pTableMeta->schema + i; fLen += TYPE_BYTES[schema->type]; rowSize += schema->bytes; if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(schema->type)) { nVar++; } } int32_t extendedRowSize = rowSize + TD_ROW_HEAD_LEN - sizeof(TSKEY) + nVar * sizeof(VarDataOffsetT) + (int32_t)TD_BITMAP_BYTES(numOfCols - 1); int32_t schemaLen = 0; int32_t submitLen = sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + schemaLen + rows * extendedRowSize; int32_t totalLen = sizeof(SSubmitReq) + submitLen; SSubmitReq* subReq = taosMemoryCalloc(1, totalLen); SSubmitBlk* blk = POINTER_SHIFT(subReq, sizeof(SSubmitReq)); void* blkSchema = POINTER_SHIFT(blk, sizeof(SSubmitBlk)); STSRow* rowData = POINTER_SHIFT(blkSchema, schemaLen); SRowBuilder rb = {0}; tdSRowInit(&rb, pTableMeta->sversion); tdSRowSetTpInfo(&rb, numOfCols, fLen); int32_t dataLen = 0; char* pStart = pData + getVersion1BlockMetaSize(pData, numOfCols); int32_t* colLength = (int32_t*)pStart; pStart += sizeof(int32_t) * numOfCols; SResultColumn* pCol = taosMemoryCalloc(numOfCols, sizeof(SResultColumn)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfCols; ++i) { if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pTableMeta->schema[i].type)) { pCol[i].offset = (int32_t*)pStart; pStart += rows * sizeof(int32_t); } else { pCol[i].nullbitmap = pStart; pStart += BitmapLen(rows); } pCol[i].pData = pStart; pStart += colLength[i]; } for (int32_t j = 0; j < rows; j++) { tdSRowResetBuf(&rb, rowData); int32_t offset = 0; for (int32_t k = 0; k < numOfCols; k++) { const SSchema* pColumn = &pTableMeta->schema[k]; if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pColumn->type)) { if (pCol[k].offset[j] != -1) { char* data = pCol[k].pData + pCol[k].offset[j]; tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NORM, data, true, offset, k); } else { tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NULL, NULL, false, offset, k); } } else { if (!colDataIsNull_f(pCol[k].nullbitmap, j)) { char* data = pCol[k].pData + pColumn->bytes * j; tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NORM, data, true, offset, k); } else { tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NULL, NULL, false, offset, k); } } offset += TYPE_BYTES[pColumn->type]; } tdSRowEnd(&rb); int32_t rowLen = TD_ROW_LEN(rowData); rowData = POINTER_SHIFT(rowData, rowLen); dataLen += rowLen; } taosMemoryFree(pCol); blk->uid = htobe64(uid); blk->suid = htobe64(suid); blk->sversion = htonl(pTableMeta->sversion); blk->schemaLen = htonl(schemaLen); blk->numOfRows = htonl(rows); blk->dataLen = htonl(dataLen); subReq->length = sizeof(SSubmitReq) + sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + schemaLen + dataLen; subReq->numOfBlocks = 1; pQuery = (SQuery*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_QUERY); if (NULL == pQuery) { uError("create SQuery error"); code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE; pQuery->haveResultSet = false; pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_SUBMIT; pQuery->pRoot = (SNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_VNODE_MODIF_STMT); if (NULL == pQuery->pRoot) { uError("create pQuery->pRoot error"); code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } SVnodeModifOpStmt* nodeStmt = (SVnodeModifOpStmt*)(pQuery->pRoot); nodeStmt->payloadType = PAYLOAD_TYPE_KV; nodeStmt->pDataBlocks = taosArrayInit(1, POINTER_BYTES); SVgDataBlocks* dst = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SVgDataBlocks)); if (NULL == dst) { code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } dst->vg = vgData; dst->numOfTables = subReq->numOfBlocks; dst->size = subReq->length; dst->pData = (char*)subReq; subReq->header.vgId = htonl(dst->vg.vgId); subReq->version = htonl(1); subReq->header.contLen = htonl(subReq->length); subReq->length = htonl(subReq->length); subReq->numOfBlocks = htonl(subReq->numOfBlocks); subReq = NULL; // no need free taosArrayPush(nodeStmt->pDataBlocks, &dst); launchQueryImpl(pRequest, pQuery, true, NULL); code = pRequest->code; end: taosMemoryFreeClear(pTableMeta); qDestroyQuery(pQuery); return code; } static int32_t tmqWriteRawDataImpl(TAOS* taos, void* data, int32_t dataLen) { int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; SHashObj* pVgHash = NULL; SQuery* pQuery = NULL; SMqRspObj rspObj = {0}; SDecoder decoder = {0}; STableMeta* pTableMeta = NULL; terrno = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; SRequestObj* pRequest = (SRequestObj*)createRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, TSDB_SQL_INSERT); if (!pRequest) { uError("WriteRaw:createRequest error request is null"); return terrno; } pRequest->syncQuery = true; rspObj.resIter = -1; rspObj.resType = RES_TYPE__TMQ; tDecoderInit(&decoder, data, dataLen); code = tDecodeSMqDataRsp(&decoder, &rspObj.rsp); if (code != 0) { uError("WriteRaw:decode smqDataRsp error"); code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_MSG; goto end; } if (!pRequest->pDb) { uError("WriteRaw:not use db"); code = TSDB_CODE_PAR_DB_NOT_SPECIFIED; goto end; } pVgHash = taosHashInit(16, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), true, HASH_NO_LOCK); taosHashSetFreeFp(pVgHash, destroyVgHash); struct SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL; code = catalogGetHandle(pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("WriteRaw: get gatlog error"); goto end; } SRequestConnInfo conn = {0}; conn.pTrans = pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter; conn.requestId = pRequest->requestId; conn.requestObjRefId = pRequest->self; conn.mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp); printf("raw data block num:%d\n", rspObj.rsp.blockNum); while (++rspObj.resIter < rspObj.rsp.blockNum) { SRetrieveTableRsp* pRetrieve = (SRetrieveTableRsp*)taosArrayGetP(rspObj.rsp.blockData, rspObj.resIter); if (!rspObj.rsp.withSchema) { uError("WriteRaw:no schema, iter:%d", rspObj.resIter); goto end; } SSchemaWrapper* pSW = (SSchemaWrapper*)taosArrayGetP(rspObj.rsp.blockSchema, rspObj.resIter); setResSchemaInfo(&rspObj.resInfo, pSW->pSchema, pSW->nCols); code = setQueryResultFromRsp(&rspObj.resInfo, pRetrieve, false, false); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("WriteRaw: setQueryResultFromRsp error"); goto end; } const char* tbName = (const char*)taosArrayGetP(rspObj.rsp.blockTbName, rspObj.resIter); if (!tbName) { uError("WriteRaw: tbname is null"); code = TSDB_CODE_TMQ_INVALID_MSG; goto end; } printf("raw data tbname:%s\n", tbName); SName pName = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, pRequest->pTscObj->acctId, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(pName.dbname, pRequest->pDb); strcpy(pName.tname, tbName); VgData vgData = {0}; code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &(vgData.vg)); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("WriteRaw:catalogGetTableHashVgroup failed. table name: %s", tbName); goto end; } code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &pTableMeta); if (code == TSDB_CODE_PAR_TABLE_NOT_EXIST) { uError("WriteRaw:catalogGetTableMeta table not exist. table name: %s", tbName); code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; continue; } if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("WriteRaw:catalogGetTableMeta failed. table name: %s", tbName); goto end; } uint16_t fLen = 0; int32_t rowSize = 0; int16_t nVar = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns; i++) { SSchema* schema = &pTableMeta->schema[i]; fLen += TYPE_BYTES[schema->type]; rowSize += schema->bytes; if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(schema->type)) { nVar++; } } int32_t rows = rspObj.resInfo.numOfRows; int32_t extendedRowSize = rowSize + TD_ROW_HEAD_LEN - sizeof(TSKEY) + nVar * sizeof(VarDataOffsetT) + (int32_t)TD_BITMAP_BYTES(pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns - 1); int32_t schemaLen = 0; int32_t submitLen = sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + schemaLen + rows * extendedRowSize; SSubmitReq* subReq = NULL; SSubmitBlk* blk = NULL; void* hData = taosHashGet(pVgHash, &vgData.vg.vgId, sizeof(vgData.vg.vgId)); if (hData) { vgData = *(VgData*)hData; int32_t totalLen = ((SSubmitReq*)(vgData.data))->length + submitLen; void* tmp = taosMemoryRealloc(vgData.data, totalLen); if (tmp == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } vgData.data = tmp; ((VgData*)hData)->data = tmp; subReq = (SSubmitReq*)(vgData.data); blk = POINTER_SHIFT(vgData.data, subReq->length); } else { int32_t totalLen = sizeof(SSubmitReq) + submitLen; void* tmp = taosMemoryCalloc(1, totalLen); if (tmp == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } vgData.data = tmp; taosHashPut(pVgHash, (const char*)&vgData.vg.vgId, sizeof(vgData.vg.vgId), (char*)&vgData, sizeof(vgData)); subReq = (SSubmitReq*)(vgData.data); subReq->length = sizeof(SSubmitReq); subReq->numOfBlocks = 0; blk = POINTER_SHIFT(vgData.data, sizeof(SSubmitReq)); } // pSW->pSchema should be same as pTableMeta->schema // ASSERT(pSW->nCols == pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns); uint64_t suid = (TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE == pTableMeta->tableType ? 0 : pTableMeta->suid); uint64_t uid = pTableMeta->uid; int16_t sver = pTableMeta->sversion; void* blkSchema = POINTER_SHIFT(blk, sizeof(SSubmitBlk)); STSRow* rowData = POINTER_SHIFT(blkSchema, schemaLen); SRowBuilder rb = {0}; tdSRowInit(&rb, sver); tdSRowSetTpInfo(&rb, pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, fLen); int32_t totalLen = 0; SHashObj* schemaHash = taosHashInit(16, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), false, HASH_NO_LOCK); for (int i = 0; i < pSW->nCols; i++) { SSchema* schema = &pSW->pSchema[i]; taosHashPut(schemaHash, schema->name, strlen(schema->name), &i, sizeof(int32_t)); } for (int32_t j = 0; j < rows; j++) { tdSRowResetBuf(&rb, rowData); doSetOneRowPtr(&rspObj.resInfo); rspObj.resInfo.current += 1; int32_t offset = 0; for (int32_t k = 0; k < pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns; k++) { const SSchema* pColumn = &pTableMeta->schema[k]; int32_t* index = taosHashGet(schemaHash, pColumn->name, strlen(pColumn->name)); if (!index) { tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NULL, NULL, false, offset, k); } else { char* colData = rspObj.resInfo.row[*index]; if (!colData) { tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NULL, NULL, false, offset, k); } else { if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pColumn->type)) { colData -= VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE; } tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NORM, colData, true, offset, k); } } offset += TYPE_BYTES[pColumn->type]; } tdSRowEnd(&rb); int32_t rowLen = TD_ROW_LEN(rowData); rowData = POINTER_SHIFT(rowData, rowLen); totalLen += rowLen; } taosHashCleanup(schemaHash); blk->uid = htobe64(uid); blk->suid = htobe64(suid); blk->sversion = htonl(sver); blk->schemaLen = htonl(schemaLen); blk->numOfRows = htonl(rows); blk->dataLen = htonl(totalLen); subReq->length += sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + schemaLen + totalLen; subReq->numOfBlocks++; taosMemoryFreeClear(pTableMeta); } pQuery = (SQuery*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_QUERY); if (NULL == pQuery) { uError("create SQuery error"); code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE; pQuery->haveResultSet = false; pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_SUBMIT; pQuery->pRoot = (SNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_VNODE_MODIF_STMT); if (NULL == pQuery->pRoot) { uError("create pQuery->pRoot error"); code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } SVnodeModifOpStmt* nodeStmt = (SVnodeModifOpStmt*)(pQuery->pRoot); nodeStmt->payloadType = PAYLOAD_TYPE_KV; int32_t numOfVg = taosHashGetSize(pVgHash); nodeStmt->pDataBlocks = taosArrayInit(numOfVg, POINTER_BYTES); VgData* vData = (VgData*)taosHashIterate(pVgHash, NULL); while (vData) { SVgDataBlocks* dst = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SVgDataBlocks)); if (NULL == dst) { code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } dst->vg = vData->vg; SSubmitReq* subReq = (SSubmitReq*)(vData->data); dst->numOfTables = subReq->numOfBlocks; dst->size = subReq->length; dst->pData = (char*)subReq; vData->data = NULL; // no need free subReq->header.vgId = htonl(dst->vg.vgId); subReq->version = htonl(1); subReq->header.contLen = htonl(subReq->length); subReq->length = htonl(subReq->length); subReq->numOfBlocks = htonl(subReq->numOfBlocks); taosArrayPush(nodeStmt->pDataBlocks, &dst); vData = (VgData*)taosHashIterate(pVgHash, vData); } launchQueryImpl(pRequest, pQuery, true, NULL); code = pRequest->code; end: tDeleteSMqDataRsp(&rspObj.rsp); rspObj.resInfo.pRspMsg = NULL; doFreeReqResultInfo(&rspObj.resInfo); tDecoderClear(&decoder); qDestroyQuery(pQuery); destroyRequest(pRequest); taosHashCleanup(pVgHash); taosMemoryFreeClear(pTableMeta); return code; } static int32_t tmqWriteRawMetaDataImpl(TAOS* taos, void* data, int32_t dataLen) { int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; SHashObj* pVgHash = NULL; SQuery* pQuery = NULL; SMqTaosxRspObj rspObj = {0}; SDecoder decoder = {0}; STableMeta* pTableMeta = NULL; terrno = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; SRequestObj* pRequest = (SRequestObj*)createRequest(*(int64_t*)taos, TSDB_SQL_INSERT); if (!pRequest) { uError("WriteRaw:createRequest error request is null"); return terrno; } pRequest->syncQuery = true; rspObj.resIter = -1; rspObj.resType = RES_TYPE__TMQ_METADATA; tDecoderInit(&decoder, data, dataLen); code = tDecodeSTaosxRsp(&decoder, &rspObj.rsp); if (code != 0) { uError("WriteRaw:decode smqDataRsp error"); code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_MSG; goto end; } if (!pRequest->pDb) { uError("WriteRaw:not use db"); code = TSDB_CODE_PAR_DB_NOT_SPECIFIED; goto end; } pVgHash = taosHashInit(16, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), true, HASH_NO_LOCK); taosHashSetFreeFp(pVgHash, destroyVgHash); struct SCatalog* pCatalog = NULL; code = catalogGetHandle(pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->clusterId, &pCatalog); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("WriteRaw: get gatlog error"); goto end; } SRequestConnInfo conn = {0}; conn.pTrans = pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->pTransporter; conn.requestId = pRequest->requestId; conn.requestObjRefId = pRequest->self; conn.mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&pRequest->pTscObj->pAppInfo->mgmtEp); printf("raw data block num:%d\n", rspObj.rsp.blockNum); while (++rspObj.resIter < rspObj.rsp.blockNum) { SRetrieveTableRsp* pRetrieve = (SRetrieveTableRsp*)taosArrayGetP(rspObj.rsp.blockData, rspObj.resIter); if (!rspObj.rsp.withSchema) { uError("WriteRaw:no schema, iter:%d", rspObj.resIter); goto end; } SSchemaWrapper* pSW = (SSchemaWrapper*)taosArrayGetP(rspObj.rsp.blockSchema, rspObj.resIter); setResSchemaInfo(&rspObj.resInfo, pSW->pSchema, pSW->nCols); code = setQueryResultFromRsp(&rspObj.resInfo, pRetrieve, false, false); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("WriteRaw: setQueryResultFromRsp error"); goto end; } const char* tbName = (const char*)taosArrayGetP(rspObj.rsp.blockTbName, rspObj.resIter); if (!tbName) { uError("WriteRaw: tbname is null"); code = TSDB_CODE_TMQ_INVALID_MSG; goto end; } printf("raw data tbname:%s\n", tbName); SName pName = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, pRequest->pTscObj->acctId, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(pName.dbname, pRequest->pDb); strcpy(pName.tname, tbName); VgData vgData = {0}; code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &(vgData.vg)); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("WriteRaw:catalogGetTableHashVgroup failed. table name: %s", tbName); goto end; } // find schema data info int32_t schemaLen = 0; void* schemaData = NULL; for(int j = 0; j < rspObj.rsp.createTableNum; j++){ void** dataTmp = taosArrayGet(rspObj.rsp.createTableReq, j); int32_t* lenTmp = taosArrayGet(rspObj.rsp.createTableLen, j); SDecoder decoderTmp = {0}; SVCreateTbReq pCreateReq = {0}; tDecoderInit(&decoderTmp, *dataTmp, *lenTmp); if (tDecodeSVCreateTbReq(&decoderTmp, &pCreateReq) < 0) { tDecoderClear(&decoderTmp); taosMemoryFreeClear(pCreateReq.comment); taosArrayDestroy(pCreateReq.ctb.tagName); goto end; } ASSERT (pCreateReq.type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE); if(strcmp(tbName, pCreateReq.name) == 0){ schemaLen = *lenTmp; schemaData = *dataTmp; strcpy(pName.tname, pCreateReq.ctb.name); tDecoderClear(&decoderTmp); taosMemoryFreeClear(pCreateReq.comment); taosArrayDestroy(pCreateReq.ctb.tagName); break; } tDecoderClear(&decoderTmp); taosMemoryFreeClear(pCreateReq.comment); taosArrayDestroy(pCreateReq.ctb.tagName); } code = catalogGetTableMeta(pCatalog, &conn, &pName, &pTableMeta); if (code == TSDB_CODE_PAR_TABLE_NOT_EXIST) { uError("WriteRaw:catalogGetTableMeta table not exist. table name: %s", tbName); code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; continue; } if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("WriteRaw:catalogGetTableMeta failed. table name: %s", tbName); goto end; } uint16_t fLen = 0; int32_t rowSize = 0; int16_t nVar = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns; i++) { SSchema* schema = &pTableMeta->schema[i]; fLen += TYPE_BYTES[schema->type]; rowSize += schema->bytes; if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(schema->type)) { nVar++; } } int32_t rows = rspObj.resInfo.numOfRows; int32_t extendedRowSize = rowSize + TD_ROW_HEAD_LEN - sizeof(TSKEY) + nVar * sizeof(VarDataOffsetT) + (int32_t)TD_BITMAP_BYTES(pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns - 1); int32_t submitLen = sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + schemaLen + rows * extendedRowSize; SSubmitReq* subReq = NULL; SSubmitBlk* blk = NULL; void* hData = taosHashGet(pVgHash, &vgData.vg.vgId, sizeof(vgData.vg.vgId)); if (hData) { vgData = *(VgData*)hData; int32_t totalLen = ((SSubmitReq*)(vgData.data))->length + submitLen; void* tmp = taosMemoryRealloc(vgData.data, totalLen); if (tmp == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } vgData.data = tmp; ((VgData*)hData)->data = tmp; subReq = (SSubmitReq*)(vgData.data); blk = POINTER_SHIFT(vgData.data, subReq->length); } else { int32_t totalLen = sizeof(SSubmitReq) + submitLen; void* tmp = taosMemoryCalloc(1, totalLen); if (tmp == NULL) { code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } vgData.data = tmp; taosHashPut(pVgHash, (const char*)&vgData.vg.vgId, sizeof(vgData.vg.vgId), (char*)&vgData, sizeof(vgData)); subReq = (SSubmitReq*)(vgData.data); subReq->length = sizeof(SSubmitReq); subReq->numOfBlocks = 0; blk = POINTER_SHIFT(vgData.data, sizeof(SSubmitReq)); } // pSW->pSchema should be same as pTableMeta->schema // ASSERT(pSW->nCols == pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns); uint64_t suid = (TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE == pTableMeta->tableType ? 0 : pTableMeta->suid); uint64_t uid = pTableMeta->uid; int16_t sver = pTableMeta->sversion; void* blkSchema = POINTER_SHIFT(blk, sizeof(SSubmitBlk)); if(schemaData){ memcpy(blkSchema, schemaData, schemaLen); } STSRow* rowData = POINTER_SHIFT(blkSchema, schemaLen); SRowBuilder rb = {0}; tdSRowInit(&rb, sver); tdSRowSetTpInfo(&rb, pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns, fLen); int32_t totalLen = 0; SHashObj* schemaHash = taosHashInit(16, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), false, HASH_NO_LOCK); for (int i = 0; i < pSW->nCols; i++) { SSchema* schema = &pSW->pSchema[i]; taosHashPut(schemaHash, schema->name, strlen(schema->name), &i, sizeof(int32_t)); } for (int32_t j = 0; j < rows; j++) { tdSRowResetBuf(&rb, rowData); doSetOneRowPtr(&rspObj.resInfo); rspObj.resInfo.current += 1; int32_t offset = 0; for (int32_t k = 0; k < pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns; k++) { const SSchema* pColumn = &pTableMeta->schema[k]; int32_t* index = taosHashGet(schemaHash, pColumn->name, strlen(pColumn->name)); if (!index) { tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NULL, NULL, false, offset, k); } else { char* colData = rspObj.resInfo.row[*index]; if (!colData) { tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NULL, NULL, false, offset, k); } else { if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pColumn->type)) { colData -= VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE; } tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NORM, colData, true, offset, k); } } offset += TYPE_BYTES[pColumn->type]; } tdSRowEnd(&rb); int32_t rowLen = TD_ROW_LEN(rowData); rowData = POINTER_SHIFT(rowData, rowLen); totalLen += rowLen; } taosHashCleanup(schemaHash); blk->uid = htobe64(uid); blk->suid = htobe64(suid); blk->sversion = htonl(sver); blk->schemaLen = htonl(schemaLen); blk->numOfRows = htonl(rows); blk->dataLen = htonl(totalLen); subReq->length += sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + schemaLen + totalLen; subReq->numOfBlocks++; taosMemoryFreeClear(pTableMeta); rspObj.resInfo.pRspMsg = NULL; doFreeReqResultInfo(&rspObj.resInfo); } pQuery = (SQuery*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_QUERY); if (NULL == pQuery) { uError("create SQuery error"); code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE; pQuery->haveResultSet = false; pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_SUBMIT; pQuery->pRoot = (SNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_VNODE_MODIF_STMT); if (NULL == pQuery->pRoot) { uError("create pQuery->pRoot error"); code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } SVnodeModifOpStmt* nodeStmt = (SVnodeModifOpStmt*)(pQuery->pRoot); nodeStmt->payloadType = PAYLOAD_TYPE_KV; int32_t numOfVg = taosHashGetSize(pVgHash); nodeStmt->pDataBlocks = taosArrayInit(numOfVg, POINTER_BYTES); VgData* vData = (VgData*)taosHashIterate(pVgHash, NULL); while (vData) { SVgDataBlocks* dst = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SVgDataBlocks)); if (NULL == dst) { code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } dst->vg = vData->vg; SSubmitReq* subReq = (SSubmitReq*)(vData->data); dst->numOfTables = subReq->numOfBlocks; dst->size = subReq->length; dst->pData = (char*)subReq; vData->data = NULL; // no need free subReq->header.vgId = htonl(dst->vg.vgId); subReq->version = htonl(1); subReq->header.contLen = htonl(subReq->length); subReq->length = htonl(subReq->length); subReq->numOfBlocks = htonl(subReq->numOfBlocks); taosArrayPush(nodeStmt->pDataBlocks, &dst); vData = (VgData*)taosHashIterate(pVgHash, vData); } launchQueryImpl(pRequest, pQuery, true, NULL); code = pRequest->code; end: tDeleteSTaosxRsp(&rspObj.rsp); rspObj.resInfo.pRspMsg = NULL; doFreeReqResultInfo(&rspObj.resInfo); tDecoderClear(&decoder); qDestroyQuery(pQuery); destroyRequest(pRequest); taosHashCleanup(pVgHash); taosMemoryFreeClear(pTableMeta); return code; } char* tmq_get_json_meta(TAOS_RES* res) { if (!TD_RES_TMQ_META(res) && !TD_RES_TMQ_METADATA(res)) { return NULL; } if(TD_RES_TMQ_METADATA(res)){ SMqTaosxRspObj* pMetaDataRspObj = (SMqTaosxRspObj*)res; return processAutoCreateTable(&pMetaDataRspObj->rsp); } SMqMetaRspObj* pMetaRspObj = (SMqMetaRspObj*)res; if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_CREATE_STB) { return processCreateStb(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp); } else if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_ALTER_STB) { return processAlterStb(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp); } else if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_DROP_STB) { return processDropSTable(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp); } else if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_CREATE_TABLE) { return processCreateTable(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp); } else if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_ALTER_TABLE) { return processAlterTable(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp); } else if (pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType == TDMT_VND_DROP_TABLE) { return processDropTable(&pMetaRspObj->metaRsp); } return NULL; } void tmq_free_json_meta(char* jsonMeta) { taosMemoryFreeClear(jsonMeta); } int32_t tmq_get_raw(TAOS_RES* res, tmq_raw_data* raw) { if (!raw || !res) { return TSDB_CODE_INVALID_PARA; } if (TD_RES_TMQ_META(res)) { SMqMetaRspObj* pMetaRspObj = (SMqMetaRspObj*)res; raw->raw = pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.metaRsp; raw->raw_len = pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.metaRspLen; raw->raw_type = pMetaRspObj->metaRsp.resMsgType; } else if (TD_RES_TMQ(res)) { SMqRspObj* rspObj = ((SMqRspObj*)res); int32_t len = 0; int32_t code = 0; tEncodeSize(tEncodeSMqDataRsp, &rspObj->rsp, len, code); if (code < 0) { return -1; } void* buf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, len); SEncoder encoder = {0}; tEncoderInit(&encoder, buf, len); tEncodeSMqDataRsp(&encoder, &rspObj->rsp); tEncoderClear(&encoder); raw->raw = buf; raw->raw_len = len; raw->raw_type = RES_TYPE__TMQ; } else if (TD_RES_TMQ_METADATA(res)) { SMqTaosxRspObj* rspObj = ((SMqTaosxRspObj*)res); int32_t len = 0; int32_t code = 0; tEncodeSize(tEncodeSTaosxRsp, &rspObj->rsp, len, code); if (code < 0) { return -1; } void* buf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, len); SEncoder encoder = {0}; tEncoderInit(&encoder, buf, len); tEncodeSTaosxRsp(&encoder, &rspObj->rsp); tEncoderClear(&encoder); raw->raw = buf; raw->raw_len = len; raw->raw_type = RES_TYPE__TMQ_METADATA; } else { return TSDB_CODE_TMQ_INVALID_MSG; } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } void tmq_free_raw(tmq_raw_data raw) { if (raw.raw_type == RES_TYPE__TMQ || raw.raw_type == RES_TYPE__TMQ_METADATA) { taosMemoryFree(raw.raw); } } int32_t tmq_write_raw(TAOS* taos, tmq_raw_data raw) { if (!taos) { return TSDB_CODE_INVALID_PARA; } if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_CREATE_STB) { return taosCreateStb(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len); } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_ALTER_STB) { return taosCreateStb(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len); } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_DROP_STB) { return taosDropStb(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len); } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_CREATE_TABLE) { return taosCreateTable(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len); } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_ALTER_TABLE) { return taosAlterTable(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len); } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_DROP_TABLE) { return taosDropTable(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len); } else if (raw.raw_type == TDMT_VND_DELETE) { return taosDeleteData(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len); } else if (raw.raw_type == RES_TYPE__TMQ) { return tmqWriteRawDataImpl(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len); } else if (raw.raw_type == RES_TYPE__TMQ_METADATA) { return tmqWriteRawMetaDataImpl(taos, raw.raw, raw.raw_len); } return TSDB_CODE_INVALID_PARA; }