import hudson.model.Result import hudson.model.*; import jenkins.model.CauseOfInterruption node { } def sync_source() { sh ''' hostname date env ''' sh ''' cd ${WKC} [ -f src/connector/grafanaplugin/ ] && rm -f src/connector/grafanaplugin/ > /dev/null || echo "failed to remove grafanaplugin" git reset --hard git fetch cd ${WK} git reset --hard git fetch ''' script { if (env.CHANGE_TARGET == 'master') { sh ''' cd ${WKC} git clean -fxd git checkout master ''' } else if (env.CHANGE_TARGET == '2.0') { sh ''' cd ${WKC} git clean -fxd git checkout 2.0 ''' } else if (env.CHANGE_TARGET == '2.4') { sh ''' cd ${WKC} git clean -fxd git checkout 2.4 ''' } else if (env.CHANGE_TARGET == '2.6') { sh ''' cd ${WKC} git clean -fxd git checkout 2.6 ''' } else { sh ''' cd ${WKC} git clean -fxd git checkout develop ''' } } sh ''' export TZ=Asia/Harbin cd ${WKC} git remote prune origin [ -f src/connector/grafanaplugin/ ] && rm -f src/connector/grafanaplugin/ > /dev/null || echo "failed to remove grafanaplugin" git pull >/dev/null git clean -dfx git log -5 ''' script { if (env.CHANGE_TARGET == 'master') { sh ''' cd ${WK} git checkout master ''' } else if (env.CHANGE_TARGET == '2.0') { sh ''' cd ${WK} git checkout 2.0 ''' } else if (env.CHANGE_TARGET == '2.4') { sh ''' cd ${WK} git checkout 2.4 ''' } else if (env.CHANGE_TARGET == '2.6') { sh ''' cd ${WK} git checkout 2.6 ''' } else { sh ''' cd ${WK} git checkout develop ''' } } sh ''' cd ${WK} git pull >/dev/null git clean -dfx git log -5 ''' script { if (env.CHANGE_URL =~ /\/TDengine\//) { sh ''' echo "match /TDengine/ repository" cd ${WKC} git fetch origin +refs/pull/${CHANGE_ID}/merge git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD git log -5 ''' sh ''' cd ${WKC} rm -rf src/connector/python mkdir -p src/connector/python git clone --depth 1 src/connector/python || echo "failed to clone python connector" ''' } else if (env.CHANGE_URL =~ /\/TDinternal\//) { sh ''' echo "match /TDinternal/ repository" cd ${WK} git fetch origin +refs/pull/${CHANGE_ID}/merge git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD git log -5 ''' sh ''' cd ${WKC} rm -rf src/connector/python mkdir -p src/connector/python git clone --depth 1 src/connector/python || echo "failed to clone python connector" ''' } else { sh ''' echo "unmatched reposiotry ${CHANGE_URL}" ''' } } sh ''' cd ${WKC} git submodule update --init --recursive ''' } def pre_test() { sync_source() sh ''' cd ${WK} mkdir -p debug cd debug go env -w GOPROXY=,direct go env -w GO111MODULE=on cmake .. -DBUILD_HTTP=false -DBUILD_TOOLS=true > /dev/null make -j8 >/dev/null make install ''' return 1 } def pre_test_mac() { sync_source() sh ''' cd ${WK} mkdir -p debug cd debug go env -w GOPROXY=,direct go env -w GO111MODULE=on cmake .. -DBUILD_TOOLS=false > /dev/null make -j8 >/dev/null ''' return 1 } def pre_test_win(){ bat ''' hostname ipconfig set date /t time /t taskkill /f /t /im python.exe taskkill /f /t /im bash.exe taskkill /f /t /im taosd.exe rd /s /Q %WIN_INTERNAL_ROOT%\\debug || echo "no debug folder" echo "clean environment done" exit 0 ''' bat ''' cd %WIN_INTERNAL_ROOT% git reset --hard ''' bat ''' cd %WIN_COMMUNITY_ROOT% git reset --hard ''' script { if (env.CHANGE_TARGET == 'master') { bat ''' cd %WIN_INTERNAL_ROOT% git checkout master ''' bat ''' cd %WIN_COMMUNITY_ROOT% git checkout master ''' } else if (env.CHANGE_TARGET == '2.0') { bat ''' cd %WIN_INTERNAL_ROOT% git checkout 2.0 ''' bat ''' cd %WIN_COMMUNITY_ROOT% git checkout 2.0 ''' } else if (env.CHANGE_TARGET == '2.4') { bat ''' cd %WIN_INTERNAL_ROOT% git checkout 2.4 ''' bat ''' cd %WIN_COMMUNITY_ROOT% git checkout 2.4 ''' } else if (env.CHANGE_TARGET == '2.6') { bat ''' cd %WIN_INTERNAL_ROOT% git checkout 2.6 ''' bat ''' cd %WIN_COMMUNITY_ROOT% git checkout 2.6 ''' } else { bat ''' cd %WIN_INTERNAL_ROOT% git checkout develop ''' bat ''' cd %WIN_COMMUNITY_ROOT% git checkout develop ''' } } bat ''' cd %WIN_INTERNAL_ROOT% git pull ''' bat ''' cd %WIN_COMMUNITY_ROOT% git remote prune origin git pull ''' bat ''' cd %WIN_INTERNAL_ROOT% git branch git log -5 ''' bat ''' cd %WIN_COMMUNITY_ROOT% git branch git log -5 ''' script { if (env.CHANGE_URL =~ /\/TDengine\//) { bat ''' echo "match /TDengine/ repository" cd %WIN_COMMUNITY_ROOT% git fetch origin +refs/pull/%CHANGE_ID%/merge git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD git log -5 ''' } else if (env.CHANGE_URL =~ /\/TDinternal\//) { bat ''' echo "match /TDinternal/ repository" cd %WIN_INTERNAL_ROOT% git fetch origin +refs/pull/%CHANGE_ID%/merge git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD git log -5 ''' } else { bat ''' echo "unmatched reposiotry %CHANGE_URL%" ''' } } bat ''' cd %WIN_COMMUNITY_ROOT% git submodule update --init --recursive ''' /*bat ''' cd %WIN_CONNECTOR_ROOT% git branch git reset --hard git pull ''' bat ''' cd %WIN_CONNECTOR_ROOT% git log -5 '''*/ } def pre_test_build_win() { bat ''' echo "building ..." time /t cd %WIN_INTERNAL_ROOT% mkdir debug cd debug time /t call "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Auxiliary\\Build\\vcvarsall.bat" x64 set CL=/MP8 echo ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cmake" time /t cmake .. -G "NMake Makefiles JOM" || exit 7 echo ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jom -j 6" time /t jom -j 6 || exit 8 time /t ''' return 1 } pipeline { agent none options { skipDefaultCheckout() } environment{ WK = '/var/data/jenkins/workspace/TDinternal' WKC = '/var/data/jenkins/workspace/TDinternal/community' LOGDIR = '/var/data/jenkins/workspace/log' } stages { stage('run test') { options { skipDefaultCheckout() } when { allOf { changeRequest() not { expression { env.CHANGE_BRANCH =~ /docs\// }} } } parallel { stage ('build arm64') { agent {label " worker07_arm64 || worker09_arm64 "} steps { timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') { pre_test() script { sh ''' echo "arm64 build done" date ''' } } } } stage ('build Mac') { agent {label " Mac_catalina "} steps { timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') { pre_test_mac() script { sh ''' echo "Mac build done" date ''' } } } } stage('build win') { agent {label " windows10_05 || windows10_06 "} environment{ WIN_INTERNAL_ROOT="C:\\workspace\\${env.EXECUTOR_NUMBER}\\TDinternal" WIN_COMMUNITY_ROOT="C:\\workspace\\${env.EXECUTOR_NUMBER}\\TDinternal\\community" WIN_SYSTEM_TEST_ROOT="C:\\workspace\\${env.EXECUTOR_NUMBER}\\TDinternal\\community\\tests\\system-test" WIN_CONNECTOR_ROOT="C:\\workspace\\${env.EXECUTOR_NUMBER}\\taos-connector-python" } steps { timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') { pre_test_win() pre_test_build_win() } } } stage('run cases') { agent {label " worker01 || worker02 "} steps { sh ''' date pwd hostname ''' timeout(time: 15, unit: 'MINUTES') { pre_test() script { sh ''' echo "Linux build done" date ''' } } catchError(buildResult: 'FAILURE', stageResult: 'FAILURE') { timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES') { script { def extra_param = "" def log_server_file = "/home/log_server.json" def timeout_cmd = "" if (fileExists(log_server_file)) { def log_server_enabled = sh ( script: 'jq .enabled ' + log_server_file, returnStdout: true ).trim() def timeout_param = sh ( script: 'jq .timeout ' + log_server_file, returnStdout: true ).trim() if (timeout_param != "null" && timeout_param != "0") { timeout_cmd = "timeout " + timeout_param } if (log_server_enabled == "1") { def log_server = sh ( script: 'jq .server ' + log_server_file + ' | sed "s/\\\"//g"', returnStdout: true ).trim() if (log_server != "null" && log_server != "") { extra_param = "-w " + log_server } } } sh ''' date cd ${WKC}/tests/parallel_test ''' + timeout_cmd + ''' time ./ -m /home/m.json -t cases.task -l ${LOGDIR} -b ${BRANCH_NAME} ''' + extra_param + ''' date hostname ''' } } } } } } } } post { success { emailext ( subject: "PR-result: Job '${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]' SUCCESS", body: """
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