/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "tq.h" // 0: not init // 1: already inited // 2: wait to be inited or cleaup static int32_t tqInitialize(STQ* pTq); static FORCE_INLINE bool tqIsHandleExec(STqHandle* pHandle) { return TMQ_HANDLE_STATUS_EXEC == pHandle->status; } static FORCE_INLINE void tqSetHandleExec(STqHandle* pHandle) { pHandle->status = TMQ_HANDLE_STATUS_EXEC; } static FORCE_INLINE void tqSetHandleIdle(STqHandle* pHandle) { pHandle->status = TMQ_HANDLE_STATUS_IDLE; } int32_t tqInit() { int8_t old; while (1) { old = atomic_val_compare_exchange_8(&tqMgmt.inited, 0, 2); if (old != 2) break; } if (old == 0) { tqMgmt.timer = taosTmrInit(10000, 100, 10000, "TQ"); if (tqMgmt.timer == NULL) { atomic_store_8(&tqMgmt.inited, 0); return -1; } if (streamInit() < 0) { return -1; } atomic_store_8(&tqMgmt.inited, 1); } return 0; } void tqCleanUp() { int8_t old; while (1) { old = atomic_val_compare_exchange_8(&tqMgmt.inited, 1, 2); if (old != 2) break; } if (old == 1) { taosTmrCleanUp(tqMgmt.timer); streamCleanUp(); atomic_store_8(&tqMgmt.inited, 0); } } void tqDestroyTqHandle(void* data) { STqHandle* pData = (STqHandle*)data; qDestroyTask(pData->execHandle.task); if (pData->execHandle.subType == TOPIC_SUB_TYPE__COLUMN) { taosMemoryFreeClear(pData->execHandle.execCol.qmsg); } else if (pData->execHandle.subType == TOPIC_SUB_TYPE__DB) { tqReaderClose(pData->execHandle.pTqReader); walCloseReader(pData->pWalReader); taosHashCleanup(pData->execHandle.execDb.pFilterOutTbUid); } else if (pData->execHandle.subType == TOPIC_SUB_TYPE__TABLE) { walCloseReader(pData->pWalReader); tqReaderClose(pData->execHandle.pTqReader); taosMemoryFreeClear(pData->execHandle.execTb.qmsg); nodesDestroyNode(pData->execHandle.execTb.node); } if (pData->msg != NULL) { rpcFreeCont(pData->msg->pCont); taosMemoryFree(pData->msg); pData->msg = NULL; } } static bool tqOffsetEqual(const STqOffset* pLeft, const STqOffset* pRight) { return pLeft->val.type == TMQ_OFFSET__LOG && pRight->val.type == TMQ_OFFSET__LOG && pLeft->val.version == pRight->val.version; } STQ* tqOpen(const char* path, SVnode* pVnode) { STQ* pTq = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(STQ)); if (pTq == NULL) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return NULL; } pTq->path = taosStrdup(path); pTq->pVnode = pVnode; pTq->walLogLastVer = pVnode->pWal->vers.lastVer; pTq->pHandle = taosHashInit(64, MurmurHash3_32, true, HASH_ENTRY_LOCK); taosHashSetFreeFp(pTq->pHandle, tqDestroyTqHandle); taosInitRWLatch(&pTq->lock); pTq->pPushMgr = taosHashInit(64, MurmurHash3_32, false, HASH_NO_LOCK); pTq->pCheckInfo = taosHashInit(64, MurmurHash3_32, true, HASH_ENTRY_LOCK); taosHashSetFreeFp(pTq->pCheckInfo, (FDelete)tDeleteSTqCheckInfo); int32_t code = tqInitialize(pTq); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { tqClose(pTq); return NULL; } else { return pTq; } } int32_t tqInitialize(STQ* pTq) { if (tqMetaOpen(pTq) < 0) { return -1; } pTq->pOffsetStore = tqOffsetOpen(pTq); if (pTq->pOffsetStore == NULL) { return -1; } pTq->pStreamMeta = streamMetaOpen(pTq->path, pTq, (FTaskExpand*)tqExpandTask, pTq->pVnode->config.vgId); if (pTq->pStreamMeta == NULL) { return -1; } // the version is kept in task's meta data // todo check if this version is required or not if (streamLoadTasks(pTq->pStreamMeta, walGetCommittedVer(pTq->pVnode->pWal)) < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } void tqClose(STQ* pTq) { if (pTq == NULL) { return; } void* pIter = taosHashIterate(pTq->pPushMgr, NULL); while (pIter) { STqHandle* pHandle = *(STqHandle**)pIter; int32_t vgId = TD_VID(pTq->pVnode); if(pHandle->msg != NULL) { tqPushEmptyDataRsp(pHandle, vgId); rpcFreeCont(pHandle->msg->pCont); taosMemoryFree(pHandle->msg); pHandle->msg = NULL; } pIter = taosHashIterate(pTq->pPushMgr, pIter); } tqOffsetClose(pTq->pOffsetStore); taosHashCleanup(pTq->pHandle); taosHashCleanup(pTq->pPushMgr); taosHashCleanup(pTq->pCheckInfo); taosMemoryFree(pTq->path); tqMetaClose(pTq); streamMetaClose(pTq->pStreamMeta); taosMemoryFree(pTq); } static bool hasStreamTaskInTimer(SStreamMeta* pMeta) { bool inTimer = false; taosWLockLatch(&pMeta->lock); void* pIter = NULL; while(1) { pIter = taosHashIterate(pMeta->pTasks, pIter); if (pIter == NULL) { break; } SStreamTask* pTask = *(SStreamTask**)pIter; if (pTask->status.timerActive == 1) { inTimer = true; } } taosWUnLockLatch(&pMeta->lock); return inTimer; } void tqNotifyClose(STQ* pTq) { if (pTq != NULL) { taosWLockLatch(&pTq->pStreamMeta->lock); void* pIter = NULL; while (1) { pIter = taosHashIterate(pTq->pStreamMeta->pTasks, pIter); if (pIter == NULL) { break; } SStreamTask* pTask = *(SStreamTask**)pIter; tqDebug("vgId:%d s-task:%s set closing flag", pTq->pStreamMeta->vgId, pTask->id.idStr); pTask->status.taskStatus = TASK_STATUS__STOP; int64_t st = taosGetTimestampMs(); qKillTask(pTask->exec.pExecutor, TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS); int64_t el = taosGetTimestampMs() - st; tqDebug("vgId:%d s-task:%s is closed in %" PRId64 " ms", pTq->pStreamMeta->vgId, pTask->id.idStr, el); } taosWUnLockLatch(&pTq->pStreamMeta->lock); tqDebug("vgId:%d start to check all tasks", pTq->pStreamMeta->vgId); int64_t st = taosGetTimestampMs(); while(hasStreamTaskInTimer(pTq->pStreamMeta)) { tqDebug("vgId:%d some tasks in timer, wait for 100ms and recheck", pTq->pStreamMeta->vgId); taosMsleep(100); } int64_t el = taosGetTimestampMs() - st; tqDebug("vgId:%d all stream tasks are not in timer, continue close, elapsed time:%"PRId64" ms", pTq->pStreamMeta->vgId, el); } } //static int32_t doSendDataRsp(const SRpcHandleInfo* pRpcHandleInfo, const SMqDataRsp* pRsp, int32_t epoch, // int64_t consumerId, int32_t type) { // int32_t len = 0; // int32_t code = 0; // // if (type == TMQ_MSG_TYPE__POLL_DATA_RSP) { // tEncodeSize(tEncodeMqDataRsp, pRsp, len, code); // } else if (type == TMQ_MSG_TYPE__POLL_DATA_META_RSP) { // tEncodeSize(tEncodeSTaosxRsp, (STaosxRsp*)pRsp, len, code); // } // // if (code < 0) { // return -1; // } // // int32_t tlen = sizeof(SMqRspHead) + len; // void* buf = rpcMallocCont(tlen); // if (buf == NULL) { // return -1; // } // // ((SMqRspHead*)buf)->mqMsgType = type; // ((SMqRspHead*)buf)->epoch = epoch; // ((SMqRspHead*)buf)->consumerId = consumerId; // // void* abuf = POINTER_SHIFT(buf, sizeof(SMqRspHead)); // // SEncoder encoder = {0}; // tEncoderInit(&encoder, abuf, len); // // if (type == TMQ_MSG_TYPE__POLL_DATA_RSP) { // tEncodeMqDataRsp(&encoder, pRsp); // } else if (type == TMQ_MSG_TYPE__POLL_DATA_META_RSP) { // tEncodeSTaosxRsp(&encoder, (STaosxRsp*)pRsp); // } // // tEncoderClear(&encoder); // // SRpcMsg rsp = { // .info = *pRpcHandleInfo, // .pCont = buf, // .contLen = tlen, // .code = 0, // }; // // tmsgSendRsp(&rsp); // return 0; //} int32_t tqPushEmptyDataRsp(STqHandle* pHandle, int32_t vgId) { SMqPollReq req = {0}; if (tDeserializeSMqPollReq(pHandle->msg->pCont, pHandle->msg->contLen, &req) < 0) { tqError("tDeserializeSMqPollReq %d failed", pHandle->msg->contLen); terrno = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_MSG; return -1; } SMqDataRsp dataRsp = {0}; tqInitDataRsp(&dataRsp, &req); dataRsp.blockNum = 0; dataRsp.rspOffset = dataRsp.reqOffset; char buf[TSDB_OFFSET_LEN] = {0}; tFormatOffset(buf, TSDB_OFFSET_LEN, &dataRsp.reqOffset); tqInfo("tqPushEmptyDataRsp to consumer:0x%"PRIx64 " vgId:%d, offset:%s, reqId:0x%" PRIx64, req.consumerId, vgId, buf, req.reqId); tqSendDataRsp(pHandle, pHandle->msg, &req, &dataRsp, TMQ_MSG_TYPE__POLL_DATA_RSP, vgId); tDeleteMqDataRsp(&dataRsp); return 0; } //int32_t tqPushDataRsp(STqHandle* pHandle, int32_t vgId) { // SMqDataRsp dataRsp = {0}; // dataRsp.head.consumerId = pHandle->consumerId; // dataRsp.head.epoch = pHandle->epoch; // dataRsp.head.mqMsgType = TMQ_MSG_TYPE__POLL_RSP; // // int64_t sver = 0, ever = 0; // walReaderValidVersionRange(pHandle->execHandle.pTqReader->pWalReader, &sver, &ever); // tqDoSendDataRsp(&pHandle->msg->info, &dataRsp, pHandle->epoch, pHandle->consumerId, TMQ_MSG_TYPE__POLL_RSP, sver, // ever); // // char buf1[TSDB_OFFSET_LEN] = {0}; // char buf2[TSDB_OFFSET_LEN] = {0}; // tFormatOffset(buf1, tListLen(buf1), &dataRsp.reqOffset); // tFormatOffset(buf2, tListLen(buf2), &dataRsp.rspOffset); // tqDebug("vgId:%d, from consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " (epoch %d) push rsp, block num: %d, req:%s, rsp:%s", vgId, // dataRsp.head.consumerId, dataRsp.head.epoch, dataRsp.blockNum, buf1, buf2); // return 0; //} int32_t tqSendDataRsp(STqHandle* pHandle, const SRpcMsg* pMsg, const SMqPollReq* pReq, const SMqDataRsp* pRsp, int32_t type, int32_t vgId) { int64_t sver = 0, ever = 0; walReaderValidVersionRange(pHandle->execHandle.pTqReader->pWalReader, &sver, &ever); tqDoSendDataRsp(&pMsg->info, pRsp, pReq->epoch, pReq->consumerId, type, sver, ever); char buf1[TSDB_OFFSET_LEN] = {0}; char buf2[TSDB_OFFSET_LEN] = {0}; tFormatOffset(buf1, TSDB_OFFSET_LEN, &pRsp->reqOffset); tFormatOffset(buf2, TSDB_OFFSET_LEN, &pRsp->rspOffset); tqDebug("tmq poll vgId:%d consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " (epoch %d) send rsp, block num:%d, req:%s, rsp:%s, reqId:0x%" PRIx64, vgId, pReq->consumerId, pReq->epoch, pRsp->blockNum, buf1, buf2, pReq->reqId); return 0; } int32_t tqProcessOffsetCommitReq(STQ* pTq, int64_t sversion, char* msg, int32_t msgLen) { SMqVgOffset vgOffset = {0}; int32_t vgId = TD_VID(pTq->pVnode); SDecoder decoder; tDecoderInit(&decoder, (uint8_t*)msg, msgLen); if (tDecodeMqVgOffset(&decoder, &vgOffset) < 0) { return -1; } tDecoderClear(&decoder); STqOffset* pOffset = &vgOffset.offset; if (pOffset->val.type == TMQ_OFFSET__SNAPSHOT_DATA || pOffset->val.type == TMQ_OFFSET__SNAPSHOT_META) { tqDebug("receive offset commit msg to %s on vgId:%d, offset(type:snapshot) uid:%" PRId64 ", ts:%" PRId64, pOffset->subKey, vgId, pOffset->val.uid, pOffset->val.ts); } else if (pOffset->val.type == TMQ_OFFSET__LOG) { tqDebug("receive offset commit msg to %s on vgId:%d, offset(type:log) version:%" PRId64, pOffset->subKey, vgId, pOffset->val.version); } else { tqError("invalid commit offset type:%d", pOffset->val.type); return -1; } STqOffset* pSavedOffset = tqOffsetRead(pTq->pOffsetStore, pOffset->subKey); if (pSavedOffset != NULL && tqOffsetEqual(pOffset, pSavedOffset)) { tqInfo("not update the offset, vgId:%d sub:%s since committed:%" PRId64 " less than/equal to existed:%" PRId64, vgId, pOffset->subKey, pOffset->val.version, pSavedOffset->val.version); return 0; // no need to update the offset value } // save the new offset value if (tqOffsetWrite(pTq->pOffsetStore, pOffset) < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } int32_t tqProcessSeekReq(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) { SMqSeekReq req = {0}; int32_t vgId = TD_VID(pTq->pVnode); SRpcMsg rsp = {.info = pMsg->info}; int code = 0; if (tDeserializeSMqSeekReq(pMsg->pCont, pMsg->contLen, &req) < 0) { code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } tqDebug("tmq seek: consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d, subkey %s", req.consumerId, vgId, req.subKey); STqHandle* pHandle = taosHashGet(pTq->pHandle, req.subKey, strlen(req.subKey)); if (pHandle == NULL) { tqWarn("tmq seek: consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d subkey %s not found", req.consumerId, vgId, req.subKey); code = 0; goto end; } // 2. check consumer-vg assignment status taosRLockLatch(&pTq->lock); if (pHandle->consumerId != req.consumerId) { tqError("ERROR tmq seek: consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d, subkey %s, mismatch for saved handle consumer:0x%" PRIx64, req.consumerId, vgId, req.subKey, pHandle->consumerId); taosRUnLockLatch(&pTq->lock); code = TSDB_CODE_TMQ_CONSUMER_MISMATCH; goto end; } //if consumer register to push manager, push empty to consumer to change vg status from TMQ_VG_STATUS__WAIT to TMQ_VG_STATUS__IDLE, //otherwise poll data failed after seek. tqUnregisterPushHandle(pTq, pHandle); taosRUnLockLatch(&pTq->lock); end: rsp.code = code; tmsgSendRsp(&rsp); return 0; // SMqVgOffset vgOffset = {0}; // int32_t vgId = TD_VID(pTq->pVnode); // // SDecoder decoder; // tDecoderInit(&decoder, (uint8_t*)msg, msgLen); // if (tDecodeMqVgOffset(&decoder, &vgOffset) < 0) { // tqError("vgId:%d failed to decode seek msg", vgId); // return -1; // } // // tDecoderClear(&decoder); // // tqDebug("topic:%s, vgId:%d process offset seek by consumer:0x%" PRIx64 ", req offset:%" PRId64, // vgOffset.offset.subKey, vgId, vgOffset.consumerId, vgOffset.offset.val.version); // // STqOffset* pOffset = &vgOffset.offset; // if (pOffset->val.type != TMQ_OFFSET__LOG) { // tqError("vgId:%d, subKey:%s invalid seek offset type:%d", vgId, pOffset->subKey, pOffset->val.type); // return -1; // } // // STqHandle* pHandle = taosHashGet(pTq->pHandle, pOffset->subKey, strlen(pOffset->subKey)); // if (pHandle == NULL) { // tqError("tmq seek: consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d subkey %s not found", vgOffset.consumerId, vgId, pOffset->subKey); // terrno = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_MSG; // return -1; // } // // // 2. check consumer-vg assignment status // taosRLockLatch(&pTq->lock); // if (pHandle->consumerId != vgOffset.consumerId) { // tqDebug("ERROR tmq seek: consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d, subkey %s, mismatch for saved handle consumer:0x%" PRIx64, // vgOffset.consumerId, vgId, pOffset->subKey, pHandle->consumerId); // terrno = TSDB_CODE_TMQ_CONSUMER_MISMATCH; // taosRUnLockLatch(&pTq->lock); // return -1; // } // taosRUnLockLatch(&pTq->lock); // // // 3. check the offset info // STqOffset* pSavedOffset = tqOffsetRead(pTq->pOffsetStore, pOffset->subKey); // if (pSavedOffset != NULL) { // if (pSavedOffset->val.type != TMQ_OFFSET__LOG) { // tqError("invalid saved offset type, vgId:%d sub:%s", vgId, pOffset->subKey); // return 0; // no need to update the offset value // } // // if (pSavedOffset->val.version == pOffset->val.version) { // tqDebug("vgId:%d subKey:%s no need to seek to %" PRId64 " prev offset:%" PRId64, vgId, pOffset->subKey, // pOffset->val.version, pSavedOffset->val.version); // return 0; // } // } // // int64_t sver = 0, ever = 0; // walReaderValidVersionRange(pHandle->execHandle.pTqReader->pWalReader, &sver, &ever); // if (pOffset->val.version < sver) { // pOffset->val.version = sver; // } else if (pOffset->val.version > ever) { // pOffset->val.version = ever; // } // // // save the new offset value // if (pSavedOffset != NULL) { // tqDebug("vgId:%d sub:%s seek to:%" PRId64 " prev offset:%" PRId64, vgId, pOffset->subKey, pOffset->val.version, // pSavedOffset->val.version); // } else { // tqDebug("vgId:%d sub:%s seek to:%" PRId64 " not saved yet", vgId, pOffset->subKey, pOffset->val.version); // } // // if (tqOffsetWrite(pTq->pOffsetStore, pOffset) < 0) { // tqError("failed to save offset, vgId:%d sub:%s seek to %" PRId64, vgId, pOffset->subKey, pOffset->val.version); // return -1; // } // // tqDebug("topic:%s, vgId:%d consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " offset is update to:%" PRId64, vgOffset.offset.subKey, vgId, // vgOffset.consumerId, vgOffset.offset.val.version); // // return 0; } int32_t tqCheckColModifiable(STQ* pTq, int64_t tbUid, int32_t colId) { void* pIter = NULL; while (1) { pIter = taosHashIterate(pTq->pCheckInfo, pIter); if (pIter == NULL) { break; } STqCheckInfo* pCheck = (STqCheckInfo*)pIter; if (pCheck->ntbUid == tbUid) { int32_t sz = taosArrayGetSize(pCheck->colIdList); for (int32_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) { int16_t forbidColId = *(int16_t*)taosArrayGet(pCheck->colIdList, i); if (forbidColId == colId) { taosHashCancelIterate(pTq->pCheckInfo, pIter); return -1; } } } } return 0; } int32_t tqProcessPollPush(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) { int32_t vgId = TD_VID(pTq->pVnode); taosWLockLatch(&pTq->lock); if (taosHashGetSize(pTq->pPushMgr) > 0) { void* pIter = taosHashIterate(pTq->pPushMgr, NULL); while (pIter) { STqHandle* pHandle = *(STqHandle**)pIter; tqInfo("vgId:%d start set submit for pHandle:%p, consumer:0x%" PRIx64, vgId, pHandle, pHandle->consumerId); if (ASSERT(pHandle->msg != NULL)) { tqError("pHandle->msg should not be null"); taosHashCancelIterate(pTq->pPushMgr, pIter); break; }else{ SRpcMsg msg = {.msgType = TDMT_VND_TMQ_CONSUME, .pCont = pHandle->msg->pCont, .contLen = pHandle->msg->contLen, .info = pHandle->msg->info}; tmsgPutToQueue(&pTq->pVnode->msgCb, QUERY_QUEUE, &msg); taosMemoryFree(pHandle->msg); pHandle->msg = NULL; } pIter = taosHashIterate(pTq->pPushMgr, pIter); } taosHashClear(pTq->pPushMgr); } taosWUnLockLatch(&pTq->lock); return 0; } int32_t tqProcessPollReq(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) { SMqPollReq req = {0}; int code = 0; if (tDeserializeSMqPollReq(pMsg->pCont, pMsg->contLen, &req) < 0) { tqError("tDeserializeSMqPollReq %d failed", pMsg->contLen); terrno = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_MSG; return -1; } int64_t consumerId = req.consumerId; int32_t reqEpoch = req.epoch; STqOffsetVal reqOffset = req.reqOffset; int32_t vgId = TD_VID(pTq->pVnode); STqHandle* pHandle = NULL; while (1) { taosWLockLatch(&pTq->lock); // 1. find handle pHandle = taosHashGet(pTq->pHandle, req.subKey, strlen(req.subKey)); if (pHandle == NULL) { do{ if (tqMetaGetHandle(pTq, req.subKey) == 0){ pHandle = taosHashGet(pTq->pHandle, req.subKey, strlen(req.subKey)); if(pHandle != NULL){ break; } } tqError("tmq poll: consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d subkey %s not found", consumerId, vgId, req.subKey); terrno = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_MSG; taosWUnLockLatch(&pTq->lock); return -1; }while(0); } // 2. check re-balance status if (pHandle->consumerId != consumerId) { tqError("ERROR tmq poll: consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d, subkey %s, mismatch for saved handle consumer:0x%" PRIx64, consumerId, TD_VID(pTq->pVnode), req.subKey, pHandle->consumerId); terrno = TSDB_CODE_TMQ_CONSUMER_MISMATCH; taosWUnLockLatch(&pTq->lock); return -1; } bool exec = tqIsHandleExec(pHandle); if (!exec) { tqSetHandleExec(pHandle); // qSetTaskCode(pHandle->execHandle.task, TDB_CODE_SUCCESS); tqDebug("tmq poll: consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d, topic:%s, set handle exec, pHandle:%p", consumerId, vgId, req.subKey, pHandle); taosWUnLockLatch(&pTq->lock); break; } taosWUnLockLatch(&pTq->lock); tqDebug("tmq poll: consumer:0x%" PRIx64 "vgId:%d, topic:%s, subscription is executing, wait for 10ms and retry, pHandle:%p", consumerId, vgId, req.subKey, pHandle); taosMsleep(10); } // 3. update the epoch value if (pHandle->epoch < reqEpoch) { tqDebug("tmq poll: consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " epoch update from %d to %d by poll req", consumerId, pHandle->epoch, reqEpoch); pHandle->epoch = reqEpoch; } char buf[TSDB_OFFSET_LEN] = {0}; tFormatOffset(buf, TSDB_OFFSET_LEN, &reqOffset); tqDebug("tmq poll: consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " (epoch %d), subkey %s, recv poll req vgId:%d, req:%s, reqId:0x%" PRIx64, consumerId, req.epoch, pHandle->subKey, vgId, buf, req.reqId); code = tqExtractDataForMq(pTq, pHandle, &req, pMsg); tqSetHandleIdle(pHandle); tqDebug("tmq poll: consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d, topic:%s, set handle idle, pHandle:%p", consumerId, vgId, req.subKey, pHandle); return code; } int32_t tqProcessVgCommittedInfoReq(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) { void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(pMsg->pCont, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t len = pMsg->contLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); SMqVgOffset vgOffset = {0}; SDecoder decoder; tDecoderInit(&decoder, (uint8_t*)data, len); if (tDecodeMqVgOffset(&decoder, &vgOffset) < 0) { return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } tDecoderClear(&decoder); STqOffset* pOffset = &vgOffset.offset; STqOffset* pSavedOffset = tqOffsetRead(pTq->pOffsetStore, pOffset->subKey); if (pSavedOffset == NULL) { return TSDB_CODE_TMQ_NO_COMMITTED; } vgOffset.offset = *pSavedOffset; int32_t code = 0; tEncodeSize(tEncodeMqVgOffset, &vgOffset, len, code); if (code < 0) { return TSDB_CODE_INVALID_PARA; } void* buf = rpcMallocCont(len); if (buf == NULL) { return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } SEncoder encoder; tEncoderInit(&encoder, buf, len); tEncodeMqVgOffset(&encoder, &vgOffset); tEncoderClear(&encoder); SRpcMsg rsp = {.info = pMsg->info, .pCont = buf, .contLen = len, .code = 0}; tmsgSendRsp(&rsp); return 0; } int32_t tqProcessVgWalInfoReq(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) { SMqPollReq req = {0}; if (tDeserializeSMqPollReq(pMsg->pCont, pMsg->contLen, &req) < 0) { tqError("tDeserializeSMqPollReq %d failed", pMsg->contLen); terrno = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_MSG; return -1; } int64_t consumerId = req.consumerId; STqOffsetVal reqOffset = req.reqOffset; int32_t vgId = TD_VID(pTq->pVnode); // 1. find handle STqHandle* pHandle = taosHashGet(pTq->pHandle, req.subKey, strlen(req.subKey)); if (pHandle == NULL) { tqError("consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d subkey:%s not found", consumerId, vgId, req.subKey); terrno = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_MSG; return -1; } // 2. check re-balance status taosRLockLatch(&pTq->lock); if (pHandle->consumerId != consumerId) { tqDebug("ERROR consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d, subkey %s, mismatch for saved handle consumer:0x%" PRIx64, consumerId, vgId, req.subKey, pHandle->consumerId); terrno = TSDB_CODE_TMQ_CONSUMER_MISMATCH; taosRUnLockLatch(&pTq->lock); return -1; } taosRUnLockLatch(&pTq->lock); int64_t sver = 0, ever = 0; walReaderValidVersionRange(pHandle->execHandle.pTqReader->pWalReader, &sver, &ever); SMqDataRsp dataRsp = {0}; tqInitDataRsp(&dataRsp, &req); if (req.useSnapshot == true) { tqError("consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d subkey:%s snapshot not support wal info", consumerId, vgId, req.subKey); terrno = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_PARA; tDeleteMqDataRsp(&dataRsp); return -1; } dataRsp.rspOffset.type = TMQ_OFFSET__LOG; if (reqOffset.type == TMQ_OFFSET__LOG) { dataRsp.rspOffset.version = reqOffset.version; } else if(reqOffset.type < 0){ STqOffset* pOffset = tqOffsetRead(pTq->pOffsetStore, req.subKey); if (pOffset != NULL) { if (pOffset->val.type != TMQ_OFFSET__LOG) { tqError("consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d subkey:%s, no valid wal info", consumerId, vgId, req.subKey); terrno = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_PARA; tDeleteMqDataRsp(&dataRsp); return -1; } dataRsp.rspOffset.version = pOffset->val.version; tqInfo("consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d subkey:%s get assignment from store:%"PRId64, consumerId, vgId, req.subKey, dataRsp.rspOffset.version); }else{ if (reqOffset.type == TMQ_OFFSET__RESET_EARLIEST) { dataRsp.rspOffset.version = sver; // not consume yet, set the earliest position } else if (reqOffset.type == TMQ_OFFSET__RESET_LATEST) { dataRsp.rspOffset.version = ever; } tqInfo("consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d subkey:%s get assignment from init:%"PRId64, consumerId, vgId, req.subKey, dataRsp.rspOffset.version); } } else { tqError("consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d subkey:%s invalid offset type:%d", consumerId, vgId, req.subKey, reqOffset.type); terrno = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_PARA; tDeleteMqDataRsp(&dataRsp); return -1; } tqDoSendDataRsp(&pMsg->info, &dataRsp, req.epoch, req.consumerId, TMQ_MSG_TYPE__WALINFO_RSP, sver, ever); tDeleteMqDataRsp(&dataRsp); return 0; } int32_t tqProcessDeleteSubReq(STQ* pTq, int64_t sversion, char* msg, int32_t msgLen) { SMqVDeleteReq* pReq = (SMqVDeleteReq*)msg; int32_t vgId = TD_VID(pTq->pVnode); tqInfo("vgId:%d, tq process delete sub req %s", vgId, pReq->subKey); int32_t code = 0; taosWLockLatch(&pTq->lock); STqHandle* pHandle = taosHashGet(pTq->pHandle, pReq->subKey, strlen(pReq->subKey)); if (pHandle) { while (tqIsHandleExec(pHandle)) { tqDebug("vgId:%d, topic:%s, subscription is executing, wait for 10ms and retry, pHandle:%p", vgId, pHandle->subKey, pHandle); taosMsleep(10); } if (pHandle->pRef) { walCloseRef(pTq->pVnode->pWal, pHandle->pRef->refId); } code = taosHashRemove(pTq->pHandle, pReq->subKey, strlen(pReq->subKey)); if (code != 0) { tqError("cannot process tq delete req %s, since no such handle", pReq->subKey); } } code = tqOffsetDelete(pTq->pOffsetStore, pReq->subKey); if (code != 0) { tqError("cannot process tq delete req %s, since no such offset in cache", pReq->subKey); } if (tqMetaDeleteHandle(pTq, pReq->subKey) < 0) { tqError("cannot process tq delete req %s, since no such offset in tdb", pReq->subKey); } taosWUnLockLatch(&pTq->lock); return 0; } int32_t tqProcessAddCheckInfoReq(STQ* pTq, int64_t sversion, char* msg, int32_t msgLen) { STqCheckInfo info = {0}; SDecoder decoder; tDecoderInit(&decoder, (uint8_t*)msg, msgLen); if (tDecodeSTqCheckInfo(&decoder, &info) < 0) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return -1; } tDecoderClear(&decoder); if (taosHashPut(pTq->pCheckInfo, info.topic, strlen(info.topic), &info, sizeof(STqCheckInfo)) < 0) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return -1; } if (tqMetaSaveCheckInfo(pTq, info.topic, msg, msgLen) < 0) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return -1; } return 0; } int32_t tqProcessDelCheckInfoReq(STQ* pTq, int64_t sversion, char* msg, int32_t msgLen) { if (taosHashRemove(pTq->pCheckInfo, msg, strlen(msg)) < 0) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return -1; } if (tqMetaDeleteCheckInfo(pTq, msg) < 0) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return -1; } return 0; } int32_t tqProcessSubscribeReq(STQ* pTq, int64_t sversion, char* msg, int32_t msgLen) { int ret = 0; SMqRebVgReq req = {0}; SDecoder dc = {0}; tDecoderInit(&dc, msg, msgLen); // decode req if (tDecodeSMqRebVgReq(&dc, &req) < 0) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_MSG; tDecoderClear(&dc); return -1; } tqInfo("vgId:%d, tq process sub req:%s, Id:0x%" PRIx64 " -> Id:0x%" PRIx64, pTq->pVnode->config.vgId, req.subKey, req.oldConsumerId, req.newConsumerId); STqHandle* pHandle = NULL; while(1){ pHandle = taosHashGet(pTq->pHandle, req.subKey, strlen(req.subKey)); if (pHandle || tqMetaGetHandle(pTq, req.subKey) < 0){ break; } } if (pHandle == NULL) { if (req.oldConsumerId != -1) { tqError("vgId:%d, build new consumer handle %s for consumer:0x%" PRIx64 ", but old consumerId:0x%" PRIx64, req.vgId, req.subKey, req.newConsumerId, req.oldConsumerId); } if (req.newConsumerId == -1) { tqError("vgId:%d, tq invalid re-balance request, new consumerId %" PRId64 "", req.vgId, req.newConsumerId); goto end; } STqHandle handle = {0}; ret = tqCreateHandle(pTq, &req, &handle); if(ret < 0){ tqDestroyTqHandle(&handle); goto end; } ret = tqMetaSaveHandle(pTq, req.subKey, &handle); } else { taosWLockLatch(&pTq->lock); if (pHandle->consumerId == req.newConsumerId) { // do nothing tqInfo("vgId:%d no switch consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " remains, because redo wal log", req.vgId, req.newConsumerId); } else { tqInfo("vgId:%d switch consumer from Id:0x%" PRIx64 " to Id:0x%" PRIx64, req.vgId, pHandle->consumerId, req.newConsumerId); atomic_store_64(&pHandle->consumerId, req.newConsumerId); // atomic_add_fetch_32(&pHandle->epoch, 1); // kill executing task // if(tqIsHandleExec(pHandle)) { // qTaskInfo_t pTaskInfo = pHandle->execHandle.task; // if (pTaskInfo != NULL) { // qKillTask(pTaskInfo, TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS); // } // if (pHandle->execHandle.subType == TOPIC_SUB_TYPE__COLUMN) { // qStreamCloseTsdbReader(pTaskInfo); // } // } // remove if it has been register in the push manager, and return one empty block to consumer tqUnregisterPushHandle(pTq, pHandle); ret = tqMetaSaveHandle(pTq, req.subKey, pHandle); } taosWUnLockLatch(&pTq->lock); } end: tDecoderClear(&dc); return ret; } void freePtr(void* ptr) { taosMemoryFree(*(void**)ptr); } int32_t tqExpandTask(STQ* pTq, SStreamTask* pTask, int64_t ver) { int32_t vgId = TD_VID(pTq->pVnode); pTask->id.idStr = createStreamTaskIdStr(pTask->id.streamId, pTask->id.taskId); pTask->refCnt = 1; pTask->status.schedStatus = TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE; pTask->inputQueue = streamQueueOpen(512 << 10); pTask->outputInfo.queue = streamQueueOpen(512 << 10); if (pTask->inputQueue == NULL || pTask->outputInfo.queue == NULL) { tqError("s-task:%s failed to prepare the input/output queue, initialize task failed", pTask->id.idStr); return -1; } pTask->tsInfo.init = taosGetTimestampMs(); pTask->inputStatus = TASK_INPUT_STATUS__NORMAL; pTask->outputInfo.status = TASK_OUTPUT_STATUS__NORMAL; pTask->pMsgCb = &pTq->pVnode->msgCb; pTask->pMeta = pTq->pStreamMeta; // backup the initial status, and set it to be TASK_STATUS__INIT pTask->chkInfo.version = ver; pTask->chkInfo.currentVer = ver; pTask->dataRange.range.maxVer = ver; pTask->dataRange.range.minVer = ver; if (pTask->info.taskLevel == TASK_LEVEL__SOURCE) { SStreamTask* pSateTask = pTask; SStreamTask task = {0}; if (pTask->info.fillHistory) { task.id = pTask->streamTaskId; task.pMeta = pTask->pMeta; pSateTask = &task; } pTask->pState = streamStateOpen(pTq->pStreamMeta->path, pSateTask, false, -1, -1); if (pTask->pState == NULL) { return -1; } SReadHandle handle = {.vnode = pTq->pVnode, .initTqReader = 1, .pStateBackend = pTask->pState, .fillHistory = pTask->info.fillHistory, .winRange = pTask->dataRange.window}; initStorageAPI(&handle.api); pTask->exec.pExecutor = qCreateStreamExecTaskInfo(pTask->exec.qmsg, &handle, vgId, pTask->id.taskId); if (pTask->exec.pExecutor == NULL) { return -1; } qSetTaskId(pTask->exec.pExecutor, pTask->id.taskId, pTask->id.streamId); } else if (pTask->info.taskLevel == TASK_LEVEL__AGG) { SStreamTask* pSateTask = pTask; SStreamTask task = {0}; if (pTask->info.fillHistory) { task.id = pTask->streamTaskId; task.pMeta = pTask->pMeta; pSateTask = &task; } pTask->pState = streamStateOpen(pTq->pStreamMeta->path, pSateTask, false, -1, -1); if (pTask->pState == NULL) { return -1; } int32_t numOfVgroups = (int32_t)taosArrayGetSize(pTask->pUpstreamEpInfoList); SReadHandle handle = {.vnode = NULL, .numOfVgroups = numOfVgroups, .pStateBackend = pTask->pState, .fillHistory = pTask->info.fillHistory, .winRange = pTask->dataRange.window}; initStorageAPI(&handle.api); pTask->exec.pExecutor = qCreateStreamExecTaskInfo(pTask->exec.qmsg, &handle, vgId, pTask->id.taskId); if (pTask->exec.pExecutor == NULL) { return -1; } qSetTaskId(pTask->exec.pExecutor, pTask->id.taskId, pTask->id.streamId); } // sink if (pTask->outputInfo.type == TASK_OUTPUT__SMA) { pTask->smaSink.vnode = pTq->pVnode; pTask->smaSink.smaSink = smaHandleRes; } else if (pTask->outputInfo.type == TASK_OUTPUT__TABLE) { pTask->tbSink.vnode = pTq->pVnode; pTask->tbSink.tbSinkFunc = tqSinkToTablePipeline; int32_t ver1 = 1; SMetaInfo info = {0}; int32_t code = metaGetInfo(pTq->pVnode->pMeta, pTask->tbSink.stbUid, &info, NULL); if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { ver1 = info.skmVer; } SSchemaWrapper* pschemaWrapper = pTask->tbSink.pSchemaWrapper; pTask->tbSink.pTSchema = tBuildTSchema(pschemaWrapper->pSchema, pschemaWrapper->nCols, ver1); if (pTask->tbSink.pTSchema == NULL) { return -1; } pTask->tbSink.pTblInfo = tSimpleHashInit(10240, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT)); tSimpleHashSetFreeFp(pTask->tbSink.pTblInfo, freePtr); } if (pTask->info.taskLevel == TASK_LEVEL__SOURCE) { SWalFilterCond cond = {.deleteMsg = 1}; // delete msg also extract from wal files pTask->exec.pWalReader = walOpenReader(pTq->pVnode->pWal, &cond); } // reset the task status from unfinished transaction if (pTask->status.taskStatus == TASK_STATUS__PAUSE) { tqWarn("s-task:%s reset task status to be normal, kept in meta status: Paused", pTask->id.idStr); pTask->status.taskStatus = TASK_STATUS__NORMAL; } taosThreadMutexInit(&pTask->lock, NULL); streamSetupScheduleTrigger(pTask); tqInfo("vgId:%d expand stream task, s-task:%s, checkpoint ver:%" PRId64 " child id:%d, level:%d, fill-history:%d, trigger:%" PRId64 " ms, disable pause", vgId, pTask->id.idStr, pTask->chkInfo.version, pTask->info.selfChildId, pTask->info.taskLevel, pTask->info.fillHistory, pTask->triggerParam); // next valid version will add one pTask->chkInfo.version += 1; return 0; } int32_t tqProcessStreamTaskCheckReq(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) { char* msgStr = pMsg->pCont; char* msgBody = POINTER_SHIFT(msgStr, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t msgLen = pMsg->contLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); SStreamTaskCheckReq req; SDecoder decoder; tDecoderInit(&decoder, (uint8_t*)msgBody, msgLen); tDecodeStreamTaskCheckReq(&decoder, &req); tDecoderClear(&decoder); int32_t taskId = req.downstreamTaskId; SStreamTaskCheckRsp rsp = { .reqId = req.reqId, .streamId = req.streamId, .childId = req.childId, .downstreamNodeId = req.downstreamNodeId, .downstreamTaskId = req.downstreamTaskId, .upstreamNodeId = req.upstreamNodeId, .upstreamTaskId = req.upstreamTaskId, }; SStreamTask* pTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, req.streamId, taskId); if (pTask != NULL) { rsp.status = streamTaskCheckStatus(pTask); streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask); const char* pStatus = streamGetTaskStatusStr(pTask->status.taskStatus); tqDebug("s-task:%s status:%s, recv task check req(reqId:0x%" PRIx64 ") task:0x%x (vgId:%d), ready:%d", pTask->id.idStr, pStatus, rsp.reqId, rsp.upstreamTaskId, rsp.upstreamNodeId, rsp.status); } else { rsp.status = 0; tqDebug("tq recv task check(taskId:0x%" PRIx64 "-0x%x not built yet) req(reqId:0x%" PRIx64 ") from task:0x%x (vgId:%d), rsp status %d", req.streamId, taskId, rsp.reqId, rsp.upstreamTaskId, rsp.upstreamNodeId, rsp.status); } return streamSendCheckRsp(pTq->pStreamMeta, &req, &rsp, &pMsg->info, taskId); } int32_t tqProcessStreamTaskCheckRsp(STQ* pTq, int64_t sversion, SRpcMsg* pMsg) { char* pReq = POINTER_SHIFT(pMsg->pCont, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t len = pMsg->contLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); int32_t code; SStreamTaskCheckRsp rsp; SDecoder decoder; tDecoderInit(&decoder, (uint8_t*)pReq, len); code = tDecodeStreamTaskCheckRsp(&decoder, &rsp); if (code < 0) { tDecoderClear(&decoder); return -1; } tDecoderClear(&decoder); tqDebug("tq task:0x%x (vgId:%d) recv check rsp(reqId:0x%" PRIx64 ") from 0x%x (vgId:%d) status %d", rsp.upstreamTaskId, rsp.upstreamNodeId, rsp.reqId, rsp.downstreamTaskId, rsp.downstreamNodeId, rsp.status); SStreamTask* pTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, rsp.streamId, rsp.upstreamTaskId); if (pTask == NULL) { tqError("tq failed to locate the stream task:0x%x (vgId:%d), it may have been destroyed", rsp.upstreamTaskId, pTq->pStreamMeta->vgId); terrno = TSDB_CODE_STREAM_TASK_NOT_EXIST; return -1; } code = streamProcessCheckRsp(pTask, &rsp); streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask); return code; } int32_t tqProcessTaskDeployReq(STQ* pTq, int64_t sversion, char* msg, int32_t msgLen) { int32_t code = 0; int32_t vgId = TD_VID(pTq->pVnode); if (tsDisableStream) { return 0; } // 1.deserialize msg and build task SStreamTask* pTask = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SStreamTask)); if (pTask == NULL) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; tqError("vgId:%d failed to create stream task due to out of memory, alloc size:%d", vgId, (int32_t)sizeof(SStreamTask)); return -1; } SDecoder decoder; tDecoderInit(&decoder, (uint8_t*)msg, msgLen); code = tDecodeStreamTask(&decoder, pTask); if (code < 0) { tDecoderClear(&decoder); taosMemoryFree(pTask); return -1; } tDecoderClear(&decoder); SStreamMeta* pStreamMeta = pTq->pStreamMeta; // 2.save task, use the newest commit version as the initial start version of stream task. int32_t taskId = pTask->id.taskId; bool added = false; taosWLockLatch(&pStreamMeta->lock); code = streamMetaRegisterTask(pStreamMeta, sversion, pTask, &added); int32_t numOfTasks = streamMetaGetNumOfTasks(pStreamMeta); taosWUnLockLatch(&pStreamMeta->lock); if (code < 0) { tqError("vgId:%d failed to add s-task:0x%x, total:%d", vgId, pTask->id.taskId, numOfTasks); tFreeStreamTask(pTask); return -1; } // not added into meta store if (added) { tqDebug("vgId:%d s-task:0x%x is deployed and add into meta, numOfTasks:%d", vgId, taskId, numOfTasks); SStreamTask* p = streamMetaAcquireTask(pStreamMeta, pTask->id.streamId, taskId); if (p != NULL) { // reset the downstreamReady flag. streamTaskCheckDownstreamTasks(p); } streamMetaReleaseTask(pStreamMeta, p); } else { tqWarn("vgId:%d failed to add s-task:0x%x, already exists in meta store", vgId, taskId); tFreeStreamTask(pTask); } return 0; } int32_t tqProcessTaskScanHistory(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) { SStreamScanHistoryReq* pReq = (SStreamScanHistoryReq*)pMsg->pCont; SStreamMeta* pMeta = pTq->pStreamMeta; int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; SStreamTask* pTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pMeta, pReq->streamId, pReq->taskId); if (pTask == NULL) { tqError("vgId:%d failed to acquire stream task:0x%x during stream recover, task may have been destroyed", pMeta->vgId, pReq->taskId); return -1; } // do recovery step1 const char* id = pTask->id.idStr; const char* pStatus = streamGetTaskStatusStr(pTask->status.taskStatus); tqDebug("s-task:%s start scan-history stage(step 1), status:%s", id, pStatus); if (pTask->tsInfo.step1Start == 0) { ASSERT(pTask->status.pauseAllowed == false); pTask->tsInfo.step1Start = taosGetTimestampMs(); if (pTask->info.fillHistory == 1) { streamTaskEnablePause(pTask); } } else { tqDebug("s-task:%s resume from paused, start ts:%"PRId64, pTask->id.idStr, pTask->tsInfo.step1Start); } // we have to continue retrying to successfully execute the scan history task. int8_t schedStatus = atomic_val_compare_exchange_8(&pTask->status.schedStatus, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__WAITING); if (schedStatus != TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE) { tqError( "s-task:%s failed to start scan-history in first stream time window since already started, unexpected " "sched-status:%d", id, schedStatus); return 0; } if (pTask->info.fillHistory == 1) { ASSERT(pTask->status.pauseAllowed == true); } streamSourceScanHistoryData(pTask); if (pTask->status.taskStatus == TASK_STATUS__PAUSE) { double el = (taosGetTimestampMs() - pTask->tsInfo.step1Start) / 1000.0; tqDebug("s-task:%s is paused in the step1, elapsed time:%.2fs, sched-status:%d", pTask->id.idStr, el, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE); atomic_store_8(&pTask->status.schedStatus, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE); return 0; } // the following procedure should be executed, no matter status is stop/pause or not double el = (taosGetTimestampMs() - pTask->tsInfo.step1Start) / 1000.0; tqDebug("s-task:%s scan-history stage(step 1) ended, elapsed time:%.2fs", id, el); if (pTask->info.fillHistory) { SVersionRange* pRange = NULL; SStreamTask* pStreamTask = NULL; bool done = false; // 1. get the related stream task pStreamTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pMeta, pTask->streamTaskId.streamId, pTask->streamTaskId.taskId); if (pStreamTask == NULL) { // todo delete this task, if the related stream task is dropped qError("failed to find s-task:0x%x, it may have been destroyed, drop fill-history task:%s", pTask->streamTaskId.taskId, pTask->id.idStr); tqDebug("s-task:%s fill-history task set status to be dropping", id); streamMetaUnregisterTask(pMeta, pTask->id.streamId, pTask->id.taskId); streamMetaReleaseTask(pMeta, pTask); return -1; } ASSERT(pStreamTask->info.taskLevel == TASK_LEVEL__SOURCE); // 2. it cannot be paused, when the stream task in TASK_STATUS__SCAN_HISTORY status. Let's wait for the // stream task get ready for scan history data while (pStreamTask->status.taskStatus == TASK_STATUS__SCAN_HISTORY) { tqDebug( "s-task:%s level:%d related stream task:%s(status:%s) not ready for halt, wait for it and recheck in 100ms", id, pTask->info.taskLevel, pStreamTask->id.idStr, streamGetTaskStatusStr(pStreamTask->status.taskStatus)); taosMsleep(100); } // now we can stop the stream task execution streamTaskHalt(pStreamTask); tqDebug("s-task:%s level:%d sched-status:%d is halt by fill-history task:%s", pStreamTask->id.idStr, pStreamTask->info.taskLevel, pStreamTask->status.schedStatus, id); // if it's an source task, extract the last version in wal. pRange = &pTask->dataRange.range; int64_t latestVer = walReaderGetCurrentVer(pStreamTask->exec.pWalReader); done = streamHistoryTaskSetVerRangeStep2(pTask, latestVer); if (done) { pTask->tsInfo.step2Start = taosGetTimestampMs(); streamTaskEndScanWAL(pTask); } else { STimeWindow* pWindow = &pTask->dataRange.window; tqDebug("s-task:%s level:%d verRange:%" PRId64 " - %" PRId64 " window:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64 ", do secondary scan-history from WAL after halt the related stream task:%s", id, pTask->info.taskLevel, pRange->minVer, pRange->maxVer, pWindow->skey, pWindow->ekey, pStreamTask->id.idStr); ASSERT(pTask->status.schedStatus == TASK_SCHED_STATUS__WAITING); pTask->tsInfo.step2Start = taosGetTimestampMs(); streamSetParamForStreamScannerStep2(pTask, pRange, pWindow); int64_t dstVer = pTask->dataRange.range.minVer - 1; pTask->chkInfo.currentVer = dstVer; walReaderSetSkipToVersion(pTask->exec.pWalReader, dstVer); tqDebug("s-task:%s wal reader start scan WAL verRange:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64 ", set sched-status:%d", id, dstVer, pTask->dataRange.range.maxVer, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE); atomic_store_8(&pTask->status.schedStatus, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE); // set the fill-history task to be normal if (pTask->info.fillHistory == 1) { streamSetStatusNormal(pTask); } tqStartStreamTasks(pTq); } streamMetaReleaseTask(pMeta, pTask); streamMetaReleaseTask(pMeta, pStreamTask); } else { // todo update the chkInfo version for current task. // this task has an associated history stream task, so we need to scan wal from the end version of // history scan. The current version of chkInfo.current is not updated during the history scan STimeWindow* pWindow = &pTask->dataRange.window; if (pTask->historyTaskId.taskId == 0) { *pWindow = (STimeWindow){INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX}; tqDebug( "s-task:%s scan-history in stream time window completed, no related fill-history task, reset the time " "window:%" PRId64 " - %" PRId64, id, pWindow->skey, pWindow->ekey); qStreamInfoResetTimewindowFilter(pTask->exec.pExecutor); } else { // when related fill-history task exists, update the fill-history time window only when the // state transfer is completed. tqDebug( "s-task:%s scan-history in stream time window completed, now start to handle data from WAL, start " "ver:%" PRId64 ", window:%" PRId64 " - %" PRId64, id, pTask->chkInfo.currentVer, pWindow->skey, pWindow->ekey); } // notify the downstream agg tasks that upstream tasks are ready to processing the WAL data, update the code = streamTaskScanHistoryDataComplete(pTask); streamMetaReleaseTask(pMeta, pTask); // when all source task complete to scan history data in stream time window, they are allowed to handle stream data // at the same time. return code; } return 0; } // notify the downstream tasks to transfer executor state after handle all history blocks. int32_t tqProcessTaskTransferStateReq(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) { char* pReq = POINTER_SHIFT(pMsg->pCont, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t len = pMsg->contLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); SStreamTransferReq req = {0}; SDecoder decoder; tDecoderInit(&decoder, (uint8_t*)pReq, len); int32_t code = tDecodeStreamScanHistoryFinishReq(&decoder, &req); tDecoderClear(&decoder); tqDebug("vgId:%d start to process transfer state msg, from s-task:0x%x", pTq->pStreamMeta->vgId, req.downstreamTaskId); SStreamTask* pTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, req.streamId, req.downstreamTaskId); if (pTask == NULL) { tqError("failed to find task:0x%x, it may have been dropped already. process transfer state failed", req.downstreamTaskId); return -1; } int32_t remain = streamAlignTransferState(pTask); if (remain > 0) { tqDebug("s-task:%s receive upstream transfer state msg, remain:%d", pTask->id.idStr, remain); streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask); return 0; } // transfer the ownership of executor state tqDebug("s-task:%s all upstream tasks send transfer msg, open transfer state flag", pTask->id.idStr); ASSERT(pTask->streamTaskId.taskId != 0 && pTask->info.fillHistory == 1); pTask->status.transferState = true; streamSchedExec(pTask); streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask); return 0; } int32_t tqProcessTaskScanHistoryFinishReq(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) { char* msg = POINTER_SHIFT(pMsg->pCont, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t msgLen = pMsg->contLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); // deserialize SStreamScanHistoryFinishReq req = {0}; SDecoder decoder; tDecoderInit(&decoder, (uint8_t*)msg, msgLen); tDecodeStreamScanHistoryFinishReq(&decoder, &req); tDecoderClear(&decoder); SStreamTask* pTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, req.streamId, req.downstreamTaskId); if (pTask == NULL) { tqError("vgId:%d process scan history finish msg, failed to find task:0x%x, it may be destroyed", pTq->pStreamMeta->vgId, req.downstreamTaskId); return -1; } tqDebug("s-task:%s receive scan-history finish msg from task:0x%x", pTask->id.idStr, req.upstreamTaskId); int32_t code = streamProcessScanHistoryFinishReq(pTask, &req, &pMsg->info); streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask); return code; } int32_t tqProcessTaskScanHistoryFinishRsp(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) { char* msg = POINTER_SHIFT(pMsg->pCont, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t msgLen = pMsg->contLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); // deserialize SStreamCompleteHistoryMsg req = {0}; SDecoder decoder; tDecoderInit(&decoder, (uint8_t*)msg, msgLen); tDecodeCompleteHistoryDataMsg(&decoder, &req); tDecoderClear(&decoder); SStreamTask* pTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, req.streamId, req.upstreamTaskId); if (pTask == NULL) { tqError("vgId:%d process scan history finish rsp, failed to find task:0x%x, it may be destroyed", pTq->pStreamMeta->vgId, req.upstreamTaskId); return -1; } int32_t remain = atomic_sub_fetch_32(&pTask->notReadyTasks, 1); if (remain > 0) { tqDebug("s-task:%s scan-history finish rsp received from downstream task:0x%x, remain:%d not send finish rsp", pTask->id.idStr, req.downstreamId, remain); } else { tqDebug( "s-task:%s scan-history finish rsp received from downstream task:0x%x, all downstream tasks rsp scan-history " "completed msg", pTask->id.idStr, req.downstreamId); streamProcessScanHistoryFinishRsp(pTask); } streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask); return 0; } int32_t extractDelDataBlock(const void* pData, int32_t len, int64_t ver, SStreamRefDataBlock** pRefBlock) { SDecoder* pCoder = &(SDecoder){0}; SDeleteRes* pRes = &(SDeleteRes){0}; (*pRefBlock) = NULL; pRes->uidList = taosArrayInit(0, sizeof(tb_uid_t)); if (pRes->uidList == NULL) { return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } tDecoderInit(pCoder, (uint8_t*)pData, len); tDecodeDeleteRes(pCoder, pRes); tDecoderClear(pCoder); int32_t numOfTables = taosArrayGetSize(pRes->uidList); if (numOfTables == 0 || pRes->affectedRows == 0) { taosArrayDestroy(pRes->uidList); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } SSDataBlock* pDelBlock = createSpecialDataBlock(STREAM_DELETE_DATA); blockDataEnsureCapacity(pDelBlock, numOfTables); pDelBlock->info.rows = numOfTables; pDelBlock->info.version = ver; for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfTables; i++) { // start key column SColumnInfoData* pStartCol = taosArrayGet(pDelBlock->pDataBlock, START_TS_COLUMN_INDEX); colDataSetVal(pStartCol, i, (const char*)&pRes->skey, false); // end key column SColumnInfoData* pEndCol = taosArrayGet(pDelBlock->pDataBlock, END_TS_COLUMN_INDEX); colDataSetVal(pEndCol, i, (const char*)&pRes->ekey, false); // uid column SColumnInfoData* pUidCol = taosArrayGet(pDelBlock->pDataBlock, UID_COLUMN_INDEX); int64_t* pUid = taosArrayGet(pRes->uidList, i); colDataSetVal(pUidCol, i, (const char*)pUid, false); colDataSetNULL(taosArrayGet(pDelBlock->pDataBlock, GROUPID_COLUMN_INDEX), i); colDataSetNULL(taosArrayGet(pDelBlock->pDataBlock, CALCULATE_START_TS_COLUMN_INDEX), i); colDataSetNULL(taosArrayGet(pDelBlock->pDataBlock, CALCULATE_END_TS_COLUMN_INDEX), i); } taosArrayDestroy(pRes->uidList); *pRefBlock = taosAllocateQitem(sizeof(SStreamRefDataBlock), DEF_QITEM, 0); if ((*pRefBlock) == NULL) { return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } (*pRefBlock)->type = STREAM_INPUT__REF_DATA_BLOCK; (*pRefBlock)->pBlock = pDelBlock; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t tqProcessTaskRunReq(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) { SStreamTaskRunReq* pReq = pMsg->pCont; int32_t taskId = pReq->taskId; int32_t vgId = TD_VID(pTq->pVnode); if (taskId == STREAM_TASK_STATUS_CHECK_ID) { tqStreamTasksStatusCheck(pTq); return 0; } if (taskId == EXTRACT_DATA_FROM_WAL_ID) { // all tasks are extracted submit data from the wal tqStreamTasksScanWal(pTq); return 0; } SStreamTask* pTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pReq->streamId, taskId); if (pTask != NULL) { // even in halt status, the data in inputQ must be processed int8_t st = pTask->status.taskStatus; if (st == TASK_STATUS__NORMAL || st == TASK_STATUS__SCAN_HISTORY) { tqDebug("vgId:%d s-task:%s start to process block from inputQ, last chk point:%" PRId64, vgId, pTask->id.idStr, pTask->chkInfo.version); streamProcessRunReq(pTask); } else { atomic_store_8(&pTask->status.schedStatus, TASK_SCHED_STATUS__INACTIVE); tqDebug("vgId:%d s-task:%s ignore run req since not in ready state, status:%s, sched-status:%d", vgId, pTask->id.idStr, streamGetTaskStatusStr(pTask->status.taskStatus), pTask->status.schedStatus); } streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask); tqStartStreamTasks(pTq); return 0; } else { // NOTE: pTask->status.schedStatus is not updated since it is not be handled by the run exec. // todo add one function to handle this tqError("vgId:%d failed to found s-task, taskId:0x%x may have been dropped", vgId, taskId); return -1; } } int32_t tqProcessTaskDispatchReq(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg, bool exec) { char* msgStr = pMsg->pCont; char* msgBody = POINTER_SHIFT(msgStr, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t msgLen = pMsg->contLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); SStreamDispatchReq req = {0}; SDecoder decoder; tDecoderInit(&decoder, (uint8_t*)msgBody, msgLen); tDecodeStreamDispatchReq(&decoder, &req); SStreamTask* pTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, req.streamId, req.taskId); if (pTask) { SRpcMsg rsp = {.info = pMsg->info, .code = 0}; streamProcessDispatchMsg(pTask, &req, &rsp, exec); streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask); return 0; } else { tDeleteStreamDispatchReq(&req); return -1; } } int32_t tqProcessTaskDispatchRsp(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) { SStreamDispatchRsp* pRsp = POINTER_SHIFT(pMsg->pCont, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t vgId = pTq->pStreamMeta->vgId; int32_t taskId = htonl(pRsp->upstreamTaskId); int64_t streamId = htobe64(pRsp->streamId); SStreamTask* pTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, streamId, taskId); if (pTask) { streamProcessDispatchRsp(pTask, pRsp, pMsg->code); streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask); return 0; } else { tqDebug("vgId:%d failed to handle the dispatch rsp, since find task:0x%x failed", vgId, taskId); return TSDB_CODE_INVALID_MSG; } } int32_t tqProcessTaskDropReq(STQ* pTq, int64_t sversion, char* msg, int32_t msgLen) { SVDropStreamTaskReq* pReq = (SVDropStreamTaskReq*)msg; tqDebug("vgId:%d receive msg to drop stream task:0x%x", TD_VID(pTq->pVnode), pReq->taskId); SStreamTask* pTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pReq->streamId, pReq->taskId); if (pTask == NULL) { tqError("vgId:%d failed to acquire s-task:0x%x when dropping it", pTq->pStreamMeta->vgId, pReq->taskId); return 0; } streamMetaUnregisterTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pReq->streamId, pReq->taskId); streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask); return 0; } int32_t tqProcessTaskPauseReq(STQ* pTq, int64_t sversion, char* msg, int32_t msgLen) { SVPauseStreamTaskReq* pReq = (SVPauseStreamTaskReq*)msg; SStreamMeta* pMeta = pTq->pStreamMeta; SStreamTask* pTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pMeta, pReq->streamId, pReq->taskId); if (pTask == NULL) { tqError("vgId:%d process pause req, failed to acquire task:0x%x, it may have been dropped already", pMeta->vgId, pReq->taskId); // since task is in [STOP|DROPPING] state, it is safe to assume the pause is active return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } tqDebug("s-task:%s receive pause msg from mnode", pTask->id.idStr); streamTaskPause(pTask); SStreamTask* pHistoryTask = NULL; if (pTask->historyTaskId.taskId != 0) { pHistoryTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pMeta, pTask->historyTaskId.streamId, pTask->historyTaskId.taskId); if (pHistoryTask == NULL) { tqError("vgId:%d process pause req, failed to acquire fill-history task:0x%x, it may have been dropped already", pMeta->vgId, pTask->historyTaskId.taskId); streamMetaReleaseTask(pMeta, pTask); // since task is in [STOP|DROPPING] state, it is safe to assume the pause is active return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } tqDebug("s-task:%s fill-history task handle paused along with related stream task", pHistoryTask->id.idStr); streamTaskPause(pHistoryTask); streamMetaReleaseTask(pMeta, pHistoryTask); } streamMetaReleaseTask(pMeta, pTask); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t tqProcessTaskResumeImpl(STQ* pTq, SStreamTask* pTask, int64_t sversion, int8_t igUntreated) { int32_t vgId = pTq->pStreamMeta->vgId; if (pTask == NULL) { return -1; } // todo: handle the case: resume from halt to pause/ from halt to normal/ from pause to normal streamTaskResume(pTask); int32_t level = pTask->info.taskLevel; int8_t status = pTask->status.taskStatus; if (status == TASK_STATUS__NORMAL || status == TASK_STATUS__SCAN_HISTORY) { // no lock needs to secure the access of the version if (igUntreated && level == TASK_LEVEL__SOURCE && !pTask->info.fillHistory) { // discard all the data when the stream task is suspended. walReaderSetSkipToVersion(pTask->exec.pWalReader, sversion); tqDebug("vgId:%d s-task:%s resume to exec, prev paused version:%" PRId64 ", start from vnode ver:%" PRId64 ", schedStatus:%d", vgId, pTask->id.idStr, pTask->chkInfo.currentVer, sversion, pTask->status.schedStatus); } else { // from the previous paused version and go on tqDebug("vgId:%d s-task:%s resume to exec, from paused ver:%" PRId64 ", vnode ver:%" PRId64 ", schedStatus:%d", vgId, pTask->id.idStr, pTask->chkInfo.currentVer, sversion, pTask->status.schedStatus); } if (level == TASK_LEVEL__SOURCE && pTask->info.fillHistory && pTask->status.taskStatus == TASK_STATUS__SCAN_HISTORY) { streamStartScanHistoryAsync(pTask, igUntreated); } else if (level == TASK_LEVEL__SOURCE && (taosQueueItemSize(pTask->inputQueue->queue) == 0)) { tqStartStreamTasks(pTq); } else { streamSchedExec(pTask); } } streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask); return 0; } int32_t tqProcessTaskResumeReq(STQ* pTq, int64_t sversion, char* msg, int32_t msgLen) { SVResumeStreamTaskReq* pReq = (SVResumeStreamTaskReq*)msg; SStreamTask* pTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pReq->streamId, pReq->taskId); int32_t code = tqProcessTaskResumeImpl(pTq, pTask, sversion, pReq->igUntreated); if (code != 0) { return code; } SStreamTask* pHistoryTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask->historyTaskId.streamId, pTask->historyTaskId.taskId); if (pHistoryTask) { code = tqProcessTaskResumeImpl(pTq, pHistoryTask, sversion, pReq->igUntreated); } return code; } int32_t tqProcessTaskRetrieveReq(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) { char* msgStr = pMsg->pCont; char* msgBody = POINTER_SHIFT(msgStr, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t msgLen = pMsg->contLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); SDecoder decoder; SStreamRetrieveReq req; tDecoderInit(&decoder, (uint8_t*)msgBody, msgLen); tDecodeStreamRetrieveReq(&decoder, &req); tDecoderClear(&decoder); SStreamTask* pTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, req.streamId, req.dstTaskId); if (pTask) { SRpcMsg rsp = {.info = pMsg->info, .code = 0}; streamProcessRetrieveReq(pTask, &req, &rsp); streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask); tDeleteStreamRetrieveReq(&req); return 0; } else { tDeleteStreamRetrieveReq(&req); return -1; } } int32_t tqProcessTaskRetrieveRsp(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) { // return 0; } int32_t vnodeEnqueueStreamMsg(SVnode* pVnode, SRpcMsg* pMsg) { STQ* pTq = pVnode->pTq; SMsgHead* msgStr = pMsg->pCont; char* msgBody = POINTER_SHIFT(msgStr, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t msgLen = pMsg->contLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); int32_t code = 0; SStreamDispatchReq req; SDecoder decoder; tDecoderInit(&decoder, (uint8_t*)msgBody, msgLen); if (tDecodeStreamDispatchReq(&decoder, &req) < 0) { code = TSDB_CODE_MSG_DECODE_ERROR; tDecoderClear(&decoder); goto FAIL; } tDecoderClear(&decoder); int32_t taskId = req.taskId; SStreamTask* pTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, req.streamId, req.taskId); if (pTask != NULL) { SRpcMsg rsp = {.info = pMsg->info, .code = 0}; streamProcessDispatchMsg(pTask, &req, &rsp, false); streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask); rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); taosFreeQitem(pMsg); return 0; } else { tDeleteStreamDispatchReq(&req); } code = TSDB_CODE_STREAM_TASK_NOT_EXIST; FAIL: if (pMsg->info.handle == NULL) { tqError("s-task:0x%x vgId:%d msg handle is null, abort enqueue dispatch msg", pTq->pStreamMeta->vgId, taskId); return -1; } SMsgHead* pRspHead = rpcMallocCont(sizeof(SMsgHead) + sizeof(SStreamDispatchRsp)); if (pRspHead == NULL) { SRpcMsg rsp = {.code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY, .info = pMsg->info}; tqError("s-task:0x%x send dispatch error rsp, code:%s", taskId, tstrerror(code)); tmsgSendRsp(&rsp); rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); taosFreeQitem(pMsg); return -1; } pRspHead->vgId = htonl(req.upstreamNodeId); SStreamDispatchRsp* pRsp = POINTER_SHIFT(pRspHead, sizeof(SMsgHead)); pRsp->streamId = htobe64(req.streamId); pRsp->upstreamTaskId = htonl(req.upstreamTaskId); pRsp->upstreamNodeId = htonl(req.upstreamNodeId); pRsp->downstreamNodeId = htonl(pVnode->config.vgId); pRsp->downstreamTaskId = htonl(req.taskId); pRsp->inputStatus = TASK_OUTPUT_STATUS__NORMAL; int32_t len = sizeof(SMsgHead) + sizeof(SStreamDispatchRsp); SRpcMsg rsp = { .code = code, .info = pMsg->info, .contLen = len, .pCont = pRspHead}; tqError("s-task:0x%x send dispatch error rsp, code:%s", taskId, tstrerror(code)); tmsgSendRsp(&rsp); rpcFreeCont(pMsg->pCont); taosFreeQitem(pMsg); return -1; } int32_t tqCheckLogInWal(STQ* pTq, int64_t sversion) { return sversion <= pTq->walLogLastVer; }