import datetime import os import socket import requests # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os ,sys import random import argparse import subprocess import time import platform # valgrind mode ? valgrind_mode = False msg_dict = {0:"success" , 1:"failed" , 2:"other errors" , 3:"crash occured" , 4:"Invalid read/write" , 5:"memory leak" } # formal hostname = socket.gethostname() group_url = '' def get_msg(text): return { "msg_type": "post", "content": { "post": { "zh_cn": { "title": "Crash_gen Monitor", "content": [ [{ "tag": "text", "text": text } ]] } } } } def send_msg(json): headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } req =, headers=headers, json=json) inf = req.json() if "StatusCode" in inf and inf["StatusCode"] == 0: pass else: print(inf) # set path about run instance core_path = subprocess.Popen("cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)"utf-8") core_path = "/".join(core_path.split("/")[:-1]) print(" ======= core path is %s ======== " %core_path) if not os.path.exists(core_path): os.mkdir(core_path) base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if base_dir.find("community")>0: repo = "community" elif base_dir.find("TDengine")>0: repo = "TDengine" else: repo ="TDengine" print("base_dir:",base_dir) home_dir = base_dir[:base_dir.find(repo)] print("home_dir:",home_dir) run_dir = os.path.join(home_dir,'run_dir') run_dir = os.path.abspath(run_dir) print("run dir is *** :",run_dir) if not os.path.exists(run_dir): os.mkdir(run_dir) run_log_file = run_dir+'/crash_gen_run.log' crash_gen_cmds_file = os.path.join(run_dir, '') exit_status_logs = os.path.join(run_dir, 'crash_exit.log') def get_path(): buildPath='' selfPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if ("community" in selfPath): projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("community")] else: projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("tests")] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(projPath): if ("taosd" in files): rootRealPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(root)) if ("packaging" not in rootRealPath): buildPath = root[:len(root) - len("/build/bin")] break return buildPath # generate crash_gen start script randomly def random_args(args_list): nums_args_list = ["--max-dbs","--num-replicas","--num-dnodes","--max-steps","--num-threads",] # record int type arguments bools_args_list = ["--auto-start-service" , "--debug","--run-tdengine","--ignore-errors","--track-memory-leaks","--larger-data","--mix-oos-data","--dynamic-db-table-names", "--per-thread-db-connection","--record-ops","--verify-data","--use-shadow-db","--continue-on-exception" ] # record bool type arguments strs_args_list = ["--connector-type"] # record str type arguments args_list["--auto-start-service"]= False args_list["--continue-on-exception"]=True # connect_types=['native','rest','mixed'] # restful interface has change ,we should trans dbnames to connection or change sql such as "db.test" connect_types=['native'] # args_list["--connector-type"]=connect_types[random.randint(0,2)] args_list["--connector-type"]= connect_types[0] args_list["--max-dbs"]= random.randint(1,10) # dnodes = [1,3] # set single dnodes; # args_list["--num-dnodes"]= random.sample(dnodes,1)[0] # args_list["--num-replicas"]= random.randint(1,args_list["--num-dnodes"]) args_list["--debug"]=False args_list["--per-thread-db-connection"]=True args_list["--track-memory-leaks"]=False args_list["--max-steps"]=random.randint(500,2000) # args_list["--ignore-errors"]=[] ## can add error codes for detail args_list["--run-tdengine"]= False args_list["--use-shadow-db"]= False args_list["--dynamic-db-table-names"]= True args_list["--verify-data"]= False args_list["--record-ops"] = False for key in bools_args_list: set_bool_value = [True,False] if key == "--auto-start-service" : continue elif key =="--run-tdengine": continue elif key == "--ignore-errors": continue elif key == "--debug": continue elif key == "--per-thread-db-connection": continue elif key == "--continue-on-exception": continue elif key == "--use-shadow-db": continue elif key =="--track-memory-leaks": continue elif key == "--dynamic-db-table-names": continue elif key == "--verify-data": continue elif key == "--record-ops": continue else: args_list[key]=set_bool_value[random.randint(0,1)] if args_list["--larger-data"]: threads = [16,32] else: threads = [32,64,128,256] args_list["--num-threads"]=random.sample(threads,1)[0] #$ debug return args_list def limits(args_list): if args_list["--use-shadow-db"]==True: if args_list["--max-dbs"] > 1: print("Cannot combine use-shadow-db with max-dbs of more than 1 ,set max-dbs=1") args_list["--max-dbs"]=1 else: pass # env is start by test frame , not crash_gen instance # elif args_list["--num-replicas"]==0: # print(" make sure num-replicas is at least 1 ") # args_list["--num-replicas"]=1 # elif args_list["--num-replicas"]==1: # pass # elif args_list["--num-replicas"]>1: # if not args_list["--auto-start-service"]: # print("it should be deployed by crash_gen auto-start-service for multi replicas") # else: # pass return args_list def get_auto_mix_cmds(args_list ,valgrind=valgrind_mode): build_path = get_path() if repo == "community": crash_gen_path = build_path[:-5]+"community/tests/pytest/" elif repo == "TDengine": crash_gen_path = build_path[:-5]+"/tests/pytest/" else: pass bools_args_list = ["--auto-start-service" , "--debug","--run-tdengine","--ignore-errors","--track-memory-leaks","--larger-data","--mix-oos-data","--dynamic-db-table-names", "--per-thread-db-connection","--record-ops","--verify-data","--use-shadow-db","--continue-on-exception"] arguments = "" for k ,v in args_list.items(): if k == "--ignore-errors": if v: arguments+=(k+"="+str(v)+" ") else: arguments+="" elif k in bools_args_list and v==True: arguments+=(k+" ") elif k in bools_args_list and v==False: arguments+="" else: arguments+=(k+"="+str(v)+" ") if valgrind : crash_gen_cmd = 'cd %s && ./ --valgrind %s -g 0x32c,0x32d,0x3d3,0x18,0x2501,0x369,0x388,0x061a,0x2550,0x0203 '%(crash_gen_path ,arguments) else: crash_gen_cmd = 'cd %s && ./ %s -g 0x32c,0x32d,0x3d3,0x18,0x2501,0x369,0x388,0x061a,0x2550,0x0203'%(crash_gen_path ,arguments) return crash_gen_cmd def start_taosd(): build_path = get_path() if repo == "community": start_path = build_path[:-5]+"community/tests/system-test/" elif repo == "TDengine": start_path = build_path[:-5]+"/tests/system-test/" else: pass start_cmd = 'cd %s && python3 >>/dev/null '%(start_path) os.system(start_cmd) def get_cmds(args_list): crash_gen_cmd = get_auto_mix_cmds(args_list,valgrind=valgrind_mode) return crash_gen_cmd def run_crash_gen(crash_cmds): # prepare env of taosd start_taosd() build_path = get_path() if repo == "community": crash_gen_path = build_path[:-5]+"community/tests/pytest/" elif repo == "TDengine": crash_gen_path = build_path[:-5]+"/tests/pytest/" else: pass result_file = os.path.join(crash_gen_path, 'valgrind.out') # run crash_gen and back logs os.system('echo "%s">>%s'%(crash_cmds,crash_gen_cmds_file)) os.system("%s >>%s "%(crash_cmds,result_file)) def check_status(): build_path = get_path() if repo == "community": crash_gen_path = build_path[:-5]+"community/tests/pytest/" elif repo == "TDengine": crash_gen_path = build_path[:-5]+"/tests/pytest/" else: pass result_file = os.path.join(crash_gen_path, 'valgrind.out') run_code = subprocess.Popen("tail -n 50 %s"%result_file, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)"utf-8") os.system("tail -n 50 %s>>%s"%(result_file,exit_status_logs)) core_check = subprocess.Popen('ls -l %s | grep "^-" | wc -l'%core_path, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)"utf-8") if int(core_check.strip().rstrip()) > 0: # it means core files has occured return 3 if "Crash_Gen is now exiting with status code: 1" in run_code: return 1 elif "Crash_Gen is now exiting with status code: 0" in run_code: return 0 else: return 2 def main(): args_list = {"--auto-start-service":False ,"--max-dbs":0,"--connector-type":"native","--debug":False,"--run-tdengine":False,"--ignore-errors":[], "--track-memory-leaks":False , "--larger-data":False, "--mix-oos-data":False, "--dynamic-db-table-names":False, "--per-thread-db-connection":False , "--record-ops":False , "--max-steps":100, "--num-threads":10, "--verify-data":False,"--use-shadow-db":False , "--continue-on-exception":False } args = random_args(args_list) args = limits(args) build_path = get_path() if repo =="community": crash_gen_path = build_path[:-5]+"community/tests/pytest/" elif repo =="TDengine": crash_gen_path = build_path[:-5]+"/tests/pytest/" else: pass if os.path.exists(crash_gen_path+""): print(" make sure is ready") else: print( " is not exists ") sys.exit(1) git_commit = subprocess.Popen("cd %s && git log | head -n1"%crash_gen_path, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)"utf-8")[7:16] # crash_cmds = get_cmds() crash_cmds = get_cmds(args) # clean run_dir os.system('rm -rf %s'%run_dir ) if not os.path.exists(run_dir): os.mkdir(run_dir) print(crash_cmds) starttime = run_crash_gen(crash_cmds) endtime = status = check_status() print("exit status : ", status) if status ==4: print('======== crash_gen found memory bugs ========') if status ==5: print('======== crash_gen found memory errors ========') if status >0: print('======== crash_gen run failed and not exit as expected ========') else: print('======== crash_gen run sucess and exit as expected ========') try: cmd = crash_cmds.split('&')[2] if status == 0: log_dir = "none" else: log_dir= "/root/pxiao/crash_gen_logs" if status == 3: core_dir = "/root/pxiao/crash_gen_logs" else: core_dir = "none" text = f''' exit status: {msg_dict[status]} test scope: crash_gen owner: pxiao hostname: {hostname} start time: {starttime} end time: {endtime} git commit : {git_commit} log dir: {log_dir} core dir: {core_dir} cmd: {cmd}''' send_msg(get_msg(text)) except Exception as e: print("exception:", e) exit(status) if __name__ == '__main__': main()