/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #include "sdb.h" static void sdbCheckRow(SSdb *pSdb, SSdbRow *pRow); const char *sdbTableName(ESdbType type) { switch (type) { case SDB_TRANS: return "trans"; case SDB_CLUSTER: return "cluster"; case SDB_MNODE: return "mnode"; case SDB_QNODE: return "qnode"; case SDB_SNODE: return "snode"; case SDB_DNODE: return "dnode"; case SDB_USER: return "user"; case SDB_AUTH: return "auth"; case SDB_ACCT: return "acct"; case SDB_STREAM_CK: return "stream_ck"; case SDB_STREAM: return "stream"; case SDB_OFFSET: return "offset"; case SDB_SUBSCRIBE: return "subscribe"; case SDB_CONSUMER: return "consumer"; case SDB_TOPIC: return "topic"; case SDB_VGROUP: return "vgroup"; case SDB_SMA: return "sma"; case SDB_STB: return "stb"; case SDB_DB: return "db"; case SDB_FUNC: return "func"; case SDB_IDX: return "idx"; default: return "undefine"; } } const char *sdbStatusName(ESdbStatus status) { switch (status) { case SDB_STATUS_CREATING: return "creating"; case SDB_STATUS_DROPPING: return "dropping"; case SDB_STATUS_READY: return "ready"; case SDB_STATUS_DROPPED: return "dropped"; case SDB_STATUS_INIT: return "init"; default: return "undefine"; } } void sdbPrintOper(SSdb *pSdb, SSdbRow *pRow, const char *oper) { #if 1 EKeyType keyType = pSdb->keyTypes[pRow->type]; if (keyType == SDB_KEY_BINARY) { mTrace("%s:%s, ref:%d oper:%s row:%p status:%s", sdbTableName(pRow->type), (char *)pRow->pObj, pRow->refCount, oper, pRow->pObj, sdbStatusName(pRow->status)); } else if (keyType == SDB_KEY_INT32) { mTrace("%s:%d, ref:%d oper:%s row:%p status:%s", sdbTableName(pRow->type), *(int32_t *)pRow->pObj, pRow->refCount, oper, pRow->pObj, sdbStatusName(pRow->status)); } else if (keyType == SDB_KEY_INT64) { mTrace("%s:%" PRId64 ", ref:%d oper:%s row:%p status:%s", sdbTableName(pRow->type), *(int64_t *)pRow->pObj, pRow->refCount, oper, pRow->pObj, sdbStatusName(pRow->status)); } else { } #endif } static SHashObj *sdbGetHash(SSdb *pSdb, int32_t type) { if (type >= SDB_MAX || type < 0) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_SDB_INVALID_TABLE_TYPE; return NULL; } SHashObj *hash = pSdb->hashObjs[type]; if (hash == NULL) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_APP_ERROR; return NULL; } return hash; } static int32_t sdbGetkeySize(SSdb *pSdb, ESdbType type, const void *pKey) { int32_t keySize = 0; EKeyType keyType = pSdb->keyTypes[type]; if (keyType == SDB_KEY_INT32) { keySize = sizeof(int32_t); } else if (keyType == SDB_KEY_BINARY) { keySize = strlen(pKey) + 1; } else { keySize = sizeof(int64_t); } return keySize; } static int32_t sdbInsertRow(SSdb *pSdb, SHashObj *hash, SSdbRaw *pRaw, SSdbRow *pRow, int32_t keySize) { int32_t type = pRow->type; sdbWriteLock(pSdb, type); SSdbRow *pOldRow = taosHashGet(hash, pRow->pObj, keySize); if (pOldRow != NULL) { sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); sdbFreeRow(pSdb, pRow, false); terrno = TSDB_CODE_SDB_OBJ_ALREADY_THERE; return terrno; } pRow->refCount = 0; pRow->status = pRaw->status; sdbPrintOper(pSdb, pRow, "insert"); if (taosHashPut(hash, pRow->pObj, keySize, &pRow, sizeof(void *)) != 0) { sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); sdbFreeRow(pSdb, pRow, false); terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return terrno; } int32_t code = 0; SdbInsertFp insertFp = pSdb->insertFps[pRow->type]; if (insertFp != NULL) { code = (*insertFp)(pSdb, pRow->pObj); if (code != 0) { if (terrno == 0) terrno = TSDB_CODE_MND_TRANS_UNKNOW_ERROR; code = terrno; taosHashRemove(hash, pRow->pObj, keySize); sdbFreeRow(pSdb, pRow, false); terrno = code; sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); return terrno; } } sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); if (pSdb->keyTypes[pRow->type] == SDB_KEY_INT32) { pSdb->maxId[pRow->type] = TMAX(pSdb->maxId[pRow->type], *((int32_t *)pRow->pObj)); } if (pSdb->keyTypes[pRow->type] == SDB_KEY_INT64) { pSdb->maxId[pRow->type] = TMAX(pSdb->maxId[pRow->type], *((int32_t *)pRow->pObj)); } pSdb->tableVer[pRow->type]++; return 0; } static int32_t sdbUpdateRow(SSdb *pSdb, SHashObj *hash, SSdbRaw *pRaw, SSdbRow *pNewRow, int32_t keySize) { int32_t type = pNewRow->type; sdbWriteLock(pSdb, type); SSdbRow **ppOldRow = taosHashGet(hash, pNewRow->pObj, keySize); if (ppOldRow == NULL || *ppOldRow == NULL) { sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); return sdbInsertRow(pSdb, hash, pRaw, pNewRow, keySize); } SSdbRow *pOldRow = *ppOldRow; pOldRow->status = pRaw->status; sdbPrintOper(pSdb, pOldRow, "update"); int32_t code = 0; SdbUpdateFp updateFp = pSdb->updateFps[type]; if (updateFp != NULL) { code = (*updateFp)(pSdb, pOldRow->pObj, pNewRow->pObj); } sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); // sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); sdbFreeRow(pSdb, pNewRow, false); pSdb->tableVer[pOldRow->type]++; return code; } static int32_t sdbDeleteRow(SSdb *pSdb, SHashObj *hash, SSdbRaw *pRaw, SSdbRow *pRow, int32_t keySize) { int32_t type = pRow->type; sdbWriteLock(pSdb, type); SSdbRow **ppOldRow = taosHashGet(hash, pRow->pObj, keySize); if (ppOldRow == NULL || *ppOldRow == NULL) { sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); sdbFreeRow(pSdb, pRow, false); terrno = TSDB_CODE_SDB_OBJ_NOT_THERE; return terrno; } SSdbRow *pOldRow = *ppOldRow; pOldRow->status = pRaw->status; atomic_add_fetch_32(&pOldRow->refCount, 1); sdbPrintOper(pSdb, pOldRow, "delete"); taosHashRemove(hash, pOldRow->pObj, keySize); pSdb->tableVer[pOldRow->type]++; sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); sdbFreeRow(pSdb, pRow, false); sdbCheckRow(pSdb, pOldRow); return 0; } int32_t sdbWriteWithoutFree(SSdb *pSdb, SSdbRaw *pRaw) { SHashObj *hash = sdbGetHash(pSdb, pRaw->type); if (hash == NULL) return terrno; SdbDecodeFp decodeFp = pSdb->decodeFps[pRaw->type]; SSdbRow *pRow = (*decodeFp)(pRaw); if (pRow == NULL) return terrno; pRow->type = pRaw->type; int32_t keySize = sdbGetkeySize(pSdb, pRow->type, pRow->pObj); int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SDB_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE; switch (pRaw->status) { case SDB_STATUS_CREATING: code = sdbInsertRow(pSdb, hash, pRaw, pRow, keySize); break; case SDB_STATUS_READY: case SDB_STATUS_DROPPING: code = sdbUpdateRow(pSdb, hash, pRaw, pRow, keySize); break; case SDB_STATUS_DROPPED: code = sdbDeleteRow(pSdb, hash, pRaw, pRow, keySize); break; } return code; } int32_t sdbWrite(SSdb *pSdb, SSdbRaw *pRaw) { int32_t code = sdbWriteWithoutFree(pSdb, pRaw); sdbFreeRaw(pRaw); return code; } void *sdbAcquireAll(SSdb *pSdb, ESdbType type, const void *pKey, bool onlyReady) { terrno = 0; SHashObj *hash = sdbGetHash(pSdb, type); if (hash == NULL) return NULL; void *pRet = NULL; int32_t keySize = sdbGetkeySize(pSdb, type, pKey); sdbReadLock(pSdb, type); SSdbRow **ppRow = taosHashGet(hash, pKey, keySize); if (ppRow == NULL || *ppRow == NULL) { sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); terrno = TSDB_CODE_SDB_OBJ_NOT_THERE; return NULL; } SSdbRow *pRow = *ppRow; switch (pRow->status) { case SDB_STATUS_READY: atomic_add_fetch_32(&pRow->refCount, 1); pRet = pRow->pObj; sdbPrintOper(pSdb, pRow, "acquire"); break; case SDB_STATUS_CREATING: terrno = TSDB_CODE_SDB_OBJ_CREATING; break; case SDB_STATUS_DROPPING: terrno = TSDB_CODE_SDB_OBJ_DROPPING; break; default: terrno = TSDB_CODE_APP_ERROR; break; } if (pRet == NULL) { if (!onlyReady) { terrno = 0; atomic_add_fetch_32(&pRow->refCount, 1); pRet = pRow->pObj; sdbPrintOper(pSdb, pRow, "acquire"); } } sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); return pRet; } void *sdbAcquire(SSdb *pSdb, ESdbType type, const void *pKey) { return sdbAcquireAll(pSdb, type, pKey, true); } void *sdbAcquireNotReadyObj(SSdb *pSdb, ESdbType type, const void *pKey) { return sdbAcquireAll(pSdb, type, pKey, false); } static void sdbCheckRow(SSdb *pSdb, SSdbRow *pRow) { int32_t type = pRow->type; sdbWriteLock(pSdb, type); int32_t ref = atomic_sub_fetch_32(&pRow->refCount, 1); sdbPrintOper(pSdb, pRow, "check"); if (ref <= 0 && pRow->status == SDB_STATUS_DROPPED) { sdbFreeRow(pSdb, pRow, true); } sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); } void sdbReleaseLock(SSdb *pSdb, void *pObj, bool lock) { if (pObj == NULL) return; SSdbRow *pRow = (SSdbRow *)((char *)pObj - sizeof(SSdbRow)); if (pRow->type >= SDB_MAX) return; int32_t type = pRow->type; if (lock) { sdbWriteLock(pSdb, type); } int32_t ref = atomic_sub_fetch_32(&pRow->refCount, 1); sdbPrintOper(pSdb, pRow, "release"); if (ref <= 0 && pRow->status == SDB_STATUS_DROPPED) { sdbFreeRow(pSdb, pRow, true); } if (lock) { sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); } } void sdbRelease(SSdb *pSdb, void *pObj) { sdbReleaseLock(pSdb, pObj, true); } void *sdbFetch(SSdb *pSdb, ESdbType type, void *pIter, void **ppObj) { *ppObj = NULL; SHashObj *hash = sdbGetHash(pSdb, type); if (hash == NULL) return NULL; sdbReadLock(pSdb, type); SSdbRow **ppRow = taosHashIterate(hash, pIter); while (ppRow != NULL) { SSdbRow *pRow = *ppRow; if (pRow == NULL || pRow->status != SDB_STATUS_READY) { ppRow = taosHashIterate(hash, ppRow); continue; } atomic_add_fetch_32(&pRow->refCount, 1); sdbPrintOper(pSdb, pRow, "fetch"); *ppObj = pRow->pObj; break; } sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); return ppRow; } void *sdbFetchAll(SSdb *pSdb, ESdbType type, void *pIter, void **ppObj, ESdbStatus *status, bool lock) { *ppObj = NULL; SHashObj *hash = sdbGetHash(pSdb, type); if (hash == NULL) return NULL; if (lock) { sdbReadLock(pSdb, type); } SSdbRow **ppRow = taosHashIterate(hash, pIter); while (ppRow != NULL) { SSdbRow *pRow = *ppRow; if (pRow == NULL) { ppRow = taosHashIterate(hash, ppRow); continue; } atomic_add_fetch_32(&pRow->refCount, 1); sdbPrintOper(pSdb, pRow, "fetch"); *ppObj = pRow->pObj; *status = pRow->status; break; } if (lock) { sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); } return ppRow; } void sdbCancelFetch(SSdb *pSdb, void *pIter) { if (pIter == NULL) return; SSdbRow *pRow = *(SSdbRow **)pIter; SHashObj *hash = sdbGetHash(pSdb, pRow->type); if (hash == NULL) return; int32_t type = pRow->type; sdbReadLock(pSdb, type); taosHashCancelIterate(hash, pIter); sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); } void sdbTraverse(SSdb *pSdb, ESdbType type, sdbTraverseFp fp, void *p1, void *p2, void *p3) { SHashObj *hash = sdbGetHash(pSdb, type); if (hash == NULL) return; sdbReadLock(pSdb, type); SSdbRow **ppRow = taosHashIterate(hash, NULL); while (ppRow != NULL) { SSdbRow *pRow = *ppRow; if (pRow->status == SDB_STATUS_READY) { bool isContinue = (*fp)(pSdb->pMnode, pRow->pObj, p1, p2, p3); if (!isContinue) { taosHashCancelIterate(hash, ppRow); break; } } ppRow = taosHashIterate(hash, ppRow); } sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); } int32_t sdbGetSize(SSdb *pSdb, ESdbType type) { SHashObj *hash = sdbGetHash(pSdb, type); if (hash == NULL) return 0; sdbReadLock(pSdb, type); int32_t size = taosHashGetSize(hash); sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); return size; } int32_t sdbGetMaxId(SSdb *pSdb, ESdbType type) { SHashObj *hash = sdbGetHash(pSdb, type); if (hash == NULL) return -1; if (pSdb->keyTypes[type] != SDB_KEY_INT32) return -1; int32_t maxId = 0; sdbReadLock(pSdb, type); SSdbRow **ppRow = taosHashIterate(hash, NULL); while (ppRow != NULL) { SSdbRow *pRow = *ppRow; int32_t id = *(int32_t *)pRow->pObj; maxId = TMAX(id, maxId); ppRow = taosHashIterate(hash, ppRow); } sdbUnLock(pSdb, type); maxId = TMAX(maxId, pSdb->maxId[type]); return maxId + 1; } int64_t sdbGetTableVer(SSdb *pSdb, ESdbType type) { if (type >= SDB_MAX || type < 0) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_SDB_INVALID_TABLE_TYPE; return -1; } return pSdb->tableVer[type]; }