#include #include #include #ifdef LINUX #include #endif #ifdef WINDOWS #include #endif #include "taosudf.h" DLL_EXPORT int32_t udf1_init() { return 0; } DLL_EXPORT int32_t udf1_destroy() { return 0; } DLL_EXPORT int32_t udf1(SUdfDataBlock *block, SUdfColumn *resultCol) { SUdfColumnData *resultData = &resultCol->colData; resultData->numOfRows = block->numOfRows; for (int32_t i = 0; i < resultData->numOfRows; ++i) { int j = 0; for (; j < block->numOfCols; ++j) { if (udfColDataIsNull(block->udfCols[j], i)) { udfColDataSetNull(resultCol, i); break; } } if (j == block->numOfCols) { int32_t luckyNum = 88; udfColDataSet(resultCol, i, (char *)&luckyNum, false); } } // to simulate actual processing delay by udf #ifdef LINUX usleep(1 * 1000); // usleep takes sleep time in us (1 millionth of a second) #endif #ifdef WINDOWS Sleep(1); #endif return 0; }