/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "vnodeInt.h" STqReadHandle* tqInitSubmitMsgScanner(SMeta* pMeta) { STqReadHandle* pReadHandle = taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(STqReadHandle)); if (pReadHandle == NULL) { return NULL; } pReadHandle->pVnodeMeta = pMeta; pReadHandle->pMsg = NULL; pReadHandle->ver = -1; pReadHandle->pColIdList = NULL; pReadHandle->sver = -1; pReadHandle->pSchema = NULL; pReadHandle->pSchemaWrapper = NULL; pReadHandle->tbIdHash = NULL; return pReadHandle; } int32_t tqReadHandleSetMsg(STqReadHandle* pReadHandle, SSubmitReq* pMsg, int64_t ver) { pReadHandle->pMsg = pMsg; pMsg->length = htonl(pMsg->length); pMsg->numOfBlocks = htonl(pMsg->numOfBlocks); // iterate and convert if (tInitSubmitMsgIter(pMsg, &pReadHandle->msgIter) < 0) return -1; while (true) { if (tGetSubmitMsgNext(&pReadHandle->msgIter, &pReadHandle->pBlock) < 0) return -1; if (pReadHandle->pBlock == NULL) break; pReadHandle->pBlock->uid = htobe64(pReadHandle->pBlock->uid); pReadHandle->pBlock->suid = htobe64(pReadHandle->pBlock->suid); pReadHandle->pBlock->sversion = htonl(pReadHandle->pBlock->sversion); pReadHandle->pBlock->dataLen = htonl(pReadHandle->pBlock->dataLen); pReadHandle->pBlock->schemaLen = htonl(pReadHandle->pBlock->schemaLen); pReadHandle->pBlock->numOfRows = htons(pReadHandle->pBlock->numOfRows); } if (tInitSubmitMsgIter(pMsg, &pReadHandle->msgIter) < 0) return -1; pReadHandle->ver = ver; memset(&pReadHandle->blkIter, 0, sizeof(SSubmitBlkIter)); return 0; } bool tqNextDataBlock(STqReadHandle* pHandle) { while (1) { if (tGetSubmitMsgNext(&pHandle->msgIter, &pHandle->pBlock) < 0) { return false; } if (pHandle->pBlock == NULL) return false; /*pHandle->pBlock->uid = htobe64(pHandle->pBlock->uid);*/ /*if (pHandle->tbUid == pHandle->pBlock->uid) {*/ ASSERT(pHandle->tbIdHash); void* ret = taosHashGet(pHandle->tbIdHash, &pHandle->pBlock->uid, sizeof(int64_t)); if (ret != NULL) { /*printf("retrieve one tb %ld\n", pHandle->pBlock->uid);*/ /*pHandle->pBlock->tid = htonl(pHandle->pBlock->tid);*/ /*pHandle->pBlock->sversion = htonl(pHandle->pBlock->sversion);*/ /*pHandle->pBlock->dataLen = htonl(pHandle->pBlock->dataLen);*/ /*pHandle->pBlock->schemaLen = htonl(pHandle->pBlock->schemaLen);*/ /*pHandle->pBlock->numOfRows = htons(pHandle->pBlock->numOfRows);*/ return true; /*} else {*/ /*printf("skip one tb %ld\n", pHandle->pBlock->uid);*/ } } return false; } int32_t tqRetrieveDataBlock(SArray** ppCols, STqReadHandle* pHandle, uint64_t* pGroupId, int32_t* pNumOfRows) { /*int32_t sversion = pHandle->pBlock->sversion;*/ // TODO set to real sversion int32_t sversion = 0; if (pHandle->sver != sversion) { pHandle->pSchema = metaGetTbTSchema(pHandle->pVnodeMeta, pHandle->pBlock->uid, sversion); tb_uid_t quid; STbCfg* pTbCfg = metaGetTbInfoByUid(pHandle->pVnodeMeta, pHandle->pBlock->uid); if (pTbCfg->type == META_CHILD_TABLE) { quid = pTbCfg->ctbCfg.suid; } else { quid = pHandle->pBlock->uid; } pHandle->pSchemaWrapper = metaGetTableSchema(pHandle->pVnodeMeta, quid, sversion, true); pHandle->sver = sversion; } STSchema* pTschema = pHandle->pSchema; SSchemaWrapper* pSchemaWrapper = pHandle->pSchemaWrapper; *pNumOfRows = pHandle->pBlock->numOfRows; /*int32_t numOfCols = pHandle->pSchema->numOfCols;*/ int32_t colNumNeed = taosArrayGetSize(pHandle->pColIdList); if (colNumNeed > pSchemaWrapper->nCols) { colNumNeed = pSchemaWrapper->nCols; } *ppCols = taosArrayInit(colNumNeed, sizeof(SColumnInfoData)); if (*ppCols == NULL) { return -1; } int32_t colMeta = 0; int32_t colNeed = 0; while (colMeta < pSchemaWrapper->nCols && colNeed < colNumNeed) { SSchema* pColSchema = &pSchemaWrapper->pSchema[colMeta]; col_id_t colIdSchema = pColSchema->colId; col_id_t colIdNeed = *(col_id_t*)taosArrayGet(pHandle->pColIdList, colNeed); if (colIdSchema < colIdNeed) { colMeta++; } else if (colIdSchema > colIdNeed) { colNeed++; } else { SColumnInfoData colInfo = {0}; colInfo.info.bytes = pColSchema->bytes; colInfo.info.colId = pColSchema->colId; colInfo.info.type = pColSchema->type; if (colInfoDataEnsureCapacity(&colInfo, 0, *pNumOfRows) < 0) { goto FAIL; } taosArrayPush(*ppCols, &colInfo); colMeta++; colNeed++; } } int32_t colActual = taosArrayGetSize(*ppCols); // TODO in stream shuffle case, fetch groupId *pGroupId = 0; STSRowIter iter = {0}; tdSTSRowIterInit(&iter, pTschema); STSRow* row; int32_t curRow = 0; tInitSubmitBlkIter(pHandle->pBlock, &pHandle->blkIter); while ((row = tGetSubmitBlkNext(&pHandle->blkIter)) != NULL) { tdSTSRowIterReset(&iter, row); // get all wanted col of that block for (int32_t i = 0; i < colActual; i++) { SColumnInfoData* pColData = taosArrayGet(*ppCols, i); SCellVal sVal = {0}; if (!tdSTSRowIterNext(&iter, pColData->info.colId, pColData->info.type, &sVal)) { break; } if (colDataAppend(pColData, curRow, sVal.val, sVal.valType == TD_VTYPE_NULL) < 0) { goto FAIL; } } curRow++; } return 0; FAIL: taosArrayDestroy(*ppCols); return -1; } void tqReadHandleSetColIdList(STqReadHandle* pReadHandle, SArray* pColIdList) { pReadHandle->pColIdList = pColIdList; } int tqReadHandleSetTbUidList(STqReadHandle* pHandle, const SArray* tbUidList) { if (pHandle->tbIdHash) { taosHashClear(pHandle->tbIdHash); } pHandle->tbIdHash = taosHashInit(64, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), true, HASH_NO_LOCK); if (pHandle->tbIdHash == NULL) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(tbUidList); i++) { int64_t* pKey = (int64_t*)taosArrayGet(tbUidList, i); taosHashPut(pHandle->tbIdHash, pKey, sizeof(int64_t), NULL, 0); } return 0; } int tqReadHandleAddTbUidList(STqReadHandle* pHandle, const SArray* tbUidList) { if (pHandle->tbIdHash == NULL) { pHandle->tbIdHash = taosHashInit(64, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), true, HASH_NO_LOCK); if (pHandle->tbIdHash == NULL) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return -1; } } for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(tbUidList); i++) { int64_t* pKey = (int64_t*)taosArrayGet(tbUidList, i); taosHashPut(pHandle->tbIdHash, pKey, sizeof(int64_t), NULL, 0); } return 0; }