/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "parTestUtil.h" using namespace std; namespace ParserTest { class ParserInitialATest : public ParserDdlTest {}; TEST_F(ParserInitialATest, alterAccount) { useDb("root", "test"); run("ALTER ACCOUNT ac_wxy PASS '123456'", TSDB_CODE_PAR_EXPRIE_STATEMENT, PARSER_STAGE_PARSE); } /* * ALTER DNODE dnode_id 'config' ['value'] * ALTER ALL DNODES 'config' ['value'] */ TEST_F(ParserInitialATest, alterDnode) { useDb("root", "test"); SMCfgDnodeReq expect = {0}; auto clearCfgDnodeReq = [&]() { memset(&expect, 0, sizeof(SMCfgDnodeReq)); }; auto setCfgDnodeReq = [&](int32_t dnodeId, const char* pConfig, const char* pValue = nullptr) { expect.dnodeId = dnodeId; strcpy(expect.config, pConfig); if (nullptr != pValue) { strcpy(expect.value, pValue); } }; setCheckDdlFunc([&](const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { ASSERT_EQ(nodeType(pQuery->pRoot), QUERY_NODE_ALTER_DNODE_STMT); SMCfgDnodeReq req = {0}; ASSERT_EQ(tDeserializeSMCfgDnodeReq(pQuery->pCmdMsg->pMsg, pQuery->pCmdMsg->msgLen, &req), TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS); ASSERT_EQ(req.dnodeId, expect.dnodeId); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.config), std::string(expect.config)); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.value), std::string(expect.value)); }); setCfgDnodeReq(1, "resetLog"); run("ALTER DNODE 1 'resetLog'"); clearCfgDnodeReq(); setCfgDnodeReq(2, "debugFlag", "134"); run("ALTER DNODE 2 'debugFlag' '134'"); clearCfgDnodeReq(); setCfgDnodeReq(-1, "resetQueryCache"); run("ALTER ALL DNODES 'resetQueryCache'"); clearCfgDnodeReq(); setCfgDnodeReq(-1, "qDebugflag", "135"); run("ALTER ALL DNODES 'qDebugflag' '135'"); clearCfgDnodeReq(); } /* * ALTER DATABASE db_name [alter_database_options] * * alter_database_options: * alter_database_option ... * * alter_database_option: { * BUFFER int_value -- todo: range [3, 16384], default 96, unit MB * | CACHEMODEL {'none' | 'last_row' | 'last_value' | 'both'} -- default 'none' * | CACHESIZE int_value -- range [1, 65536], default 1, unit MB * | WAL_FSYNC_PERIOD int_value -- rang [0, 180000], default 3000, unit ms * | KEEP {int_value | duration_value} -- rang [1, 365000], default 3650, unit day * | PAGES int_value -- todo: rang [64, +oo), default 256, unit page * | REPLICA int_value -- todo: enum 1, 3, default 1, unit replica * | STRICT {'off' | 'on'} -- todo: default 'off' * | WAL_LEVEL int_value -- enum 1, 2, default 1 * } */ TEST_F(ParserInitialATest, alterDatabase) { useDb("root", "test"); SAlterDbReq expect = {0}; auto clearAlterDbReq = [&]() { memset(&expect, 0, sizeof(SAlterDbReq)); }; auto initAlterDb = [&](const char* pDb) { snprintf(expect.db, sizeof(expect.db), "0.%s", pDb); expect.buffer = -1; expect.pageSize = -1; expect.pages = -1; expect.daysPerFile = -1; expect.daysToKeep0 = -1; expect.daysToKeep1 = -1; expect.daysToKeep2 = -1; expect.walFsyncPeriod = -1; expect.walLevel = -1; expect.strict = -1; expect.cacheLast = -1; expect.cacheLastSize = -1; expect.replications = -1; }; auto setAlterDbBuffer = [&](int32_t buffer) { expect.buffer = buffer; }; auto setAlterDbPageSize = [&](int32_t pageSize) { expect.pageSize = pageSize; }; auto setAlterDbPages = [&](int32_t pages) { expect.pages = pages; }; auto setAlterDbCacheSize = [&](int32_t cacheSize) { expect.cacheLastSize = cacheSize; }; auto setAlterDbDuration = [&](int32_t duration) { expect.daysPerFile = duration; }; auto setAlterDbKeep = [&](int32_t daysToKeep0, int32_t daysToKeep1 = -1, int32_t daysToKeep2 = -1) { expect.daysToKeep0 = daysToKeep0; expect.daysToKeep1 = (-1 == daysToKeep1 ? expect.daysToKeep0 : daysToKeep1); expect.daysToKeep2 = (-1 == daysToKeep1 ? expect.daysToKeep1 : daysToKeep2); }; auto setAlterDbFsync = [&](int32_t fsync) { expect.walFsyncPeriod = fsync; }; auto setAlterDbWal = [&](int8_t wal) { expect.walLevel = wal; }; auto setAlterDbStrict = [&](int8_t strict) { expect.strict = strict; }; auto setAlterDbCacheModel = [&](int8_t cacheModel) { expect.cacheLast = cacheModel; }; auto setAlterDbReplica = [&](int8_t replications) { expect.replications = replications; }; setCheckDdlFunc([&](const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { ASSERT_EQ(nodeType(pQuery->pRoot), QUERY_NODE_ALTER_DATABASE_STMT); SAlterDbReq req = {0}; ASSERT_EQ(tDeserializeSAlterDbReq(pQuery->pCmdMsg->pMsg, pQuery->pCmdMsg->msgLen, &req), TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.db), std::string(expect.db)); ASSERT_EQ(req.buffer, expect.buffer); ASSERT_EQ(req.pageSize, expect.pageSize); ASSERT_EQ(req.pages, expect.pages); ASSERT_EQ(req.cacheLastSize, expect.cacheLastSize); ASSERT_EQ(req.daysToKeep0, expect.daysToKeep0); ASSERT_EQ(req.daysToKeep1, expect.daysToKeep1); ASSERT_EQ(req.daysToKeep2, expect.daysToKeep2); ASSERT_EQ(req.walFsyncPeriod, expect.walFsyncPeriod); ASSERT_EQ(req.walLevel, expect.walLevel); ASSERT_EQ(req.strict, expect.strict); ASSERT_EQ(req.cacheLast, expect.cacheLast); ASSERT_EQ(req.replications, expect.replications); }); const int32_t MINUTE_PER_DAY = MILLISECOND_PER_DAY / MILLISECOND_PER_MINUTE; const int32_t MINUTE_PER_HOUR = MILLISECOND_PER_HOUR / MILLISECOND_PER_MINUTE; initAlterDb("test"); setAlterDbCacheSize(32); setAlterDbKeep(10 * MINUTE_PER_DAY); setAlterDbFsync(200); setAlterDbWal(1); setAlterDbCacheModel(TSDB_CACHE_MODEL_LAST_ROW); run("ALTER DATABASE test CACHEMODEL 'last_row' CACHESIZE 32 WAL_FSYNC_PERIOD 200 KEEP 10 WAL_LEVEL 1"); clearAlterDbReq(); initAlterDb("test"); setAlterDbCacheModel(TSDB_CACHE_MODEL_NONE); run("ALTER DATABASE test CACHEMODEL 'none'"); setAlterDbCacheModel(TSDB_CACHE_MODEL_LAST_ROW); run("ALTER DATABASE test CACHEMODEL 'last_row'"); setAlterDbCacheModel(TSDB_CACHE_MODEL_LAST_VALUE); run("ALTER DATABASE test CACHEMODEL 'last_value'"); setAlterDbCacheModel(TSDB_CACHE_MODEL_BOTH); run("ALTER DATABASE test CACHEMODEL 'both'"); clearAlterDbReq(); initAlterDb("test"); setAlterDbCacheSize(1); run("ALTER DATABASE test CACHESIZE 1"); setAlterDbCacheSize(64); run("ALTER DATABASE test CACHESIZE 64"); setAlterDbCacheSize(65536); run("ALTER DATABASE test CACHESIZE 65536"); clearAlterDbReq(); initAlterDb("test"); setAlterDbFsync(0); run("ALTER DATABASE test WAL_FSYNC_PERIOD 0"); setAlterDbFsync(1000); run("ALTER DATABASE test WAL_FSYNC_PERIOD 1000"); setAlterDbFsync(180000); run("ALTER DATABASE test WAL_FSYNC_PERIOD 180000"); clearAlterDbReq(); initAlterDb("test"); setAlterDbKeep(1 * MINUTE_PER_DAY); run("ALTER DATABASE test KEEP 1"); setAlterDbKeep(30 * MINUTE_PER_DAY); run("ALTER DATABASE test KEEP 30"); setAlterDbKeep(365000 * MINUTE_PER_DAY); run("ALTER DATABASE test KEEP 365000"); setAlterDbKeep(1440); run("ALTER DATABASE test KEEP 1440m"); setAlterDbKeep(14400); run("ALTER DATABASE test KEEP 14400m"); setAlterDbKeep(525600000); run("ALTER DATABASE test KEEP 525600000m"); setAlterDbKeep(5 * MINUTE_PER_DAY, 35 * MINUTE_PER_DAY, 500 * MINUTE_PER_DAY); run("ALTER DATABASE test KEEP 5,35,500"); setAlterDbKeep(14400, 2400 * MINUTE_PER_HOUR, 1500 * MINUTE_PER_DAY); run("ALTER DATABASE test KEEP 14400m,2400h,1500d"); clearAlterDbReq(); initAlterDb("test"); setAlterDbWal(1); run("ALTER DATABASE test WAL_LEVEL 1"); setAlterDbWal(2); run("ALTER DATABASE test WAL_LEVEL 2"); clearAlterDbReq(); } TEST_F(ParserInitialATest, alterDatabaseSemanticCheck) { useDb("root", "test"); run("ALTER DATABASE test CACHEMODEL 'other'", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_DB_OPTION); run("ALTER DATABASE test CACHESIZE 0", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_DB_OPTION); run("ALTER DATABASE test CACHESIZE 65537", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_DB_OPTION); // The syntax limits it to only positive numbers run("ALTER DATABASE test WAL_FSYNC_PERIOD -1", TSDB_CODE_PAR_SYNTAX_ERROR, PARSER_STAGE_PARSE); run("ALTER DATABASE test WAL_FSYNC_PERIOD 180001", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_DB_OPTION); run("ALTER DATABASE test KEEP 0", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_DB_OPTION); run("ALTER DATABASE test KEEP 365001", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_DB_OPTION); run("ALTER DATABASE test KEEP 1000000000s", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_DB_OPTION); run("ALTER DATABASE test KEEP 1w", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_DB_OPTION); run("ALTER DATABASE test WAL_LEVEL 0", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_DB_OPTION); run("ALTER DATABASE test WAL_LEVEL 3", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_DB_OPTION); // Regardless of the specific sentence run("ALTER DATABASE db WAL_LEVEL 0 # td-14436", TSDB_CODE_PAR_SYNTAX_ERROR, PARSER_STAGE_PARSE); } /* * ALTER LOCAL dnode_id 'config' ['value'] */ TEST_F(ParserInitialATest, alterLocal) { useDb("root", "test"); pair expect; auto clearAlterLocal = [&]() { expect.first.clear(); expect.second.clear(); }; auto setAlterLocal = [&](const char* pConfig, const char* pValue = nullptr) { expect.first.assign(pConfig); if (nullptr != pValue) { expect.second.assign(pValue); } }; setCheckDdlFunc([&](const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { ASSERT_EQ(nodeType(pQuery->pRoot), QUERY_NODE_ALTER_LOCAL_STMT); ASSERT_EQ(pQuery->execMode, QUERY_EXEC_MODE_LOCAL); SAlterLocalStmt* pStmt = (SAlterLocalStmt*)pQuery->pRoot; ASSERT_EQ(string(pStmt->config), expect.first); ASSERT_EQ(string(pStmt->value), expect.second); }); setAlterLocal("resetlog"); run("ALTER LOCAL 'resetlog'"); clearAlterLocal(); setAlterLocal("querypolicy", "2"); run("ALTER LOCAL 'querypolicy' '2'"); clearAlterLocal(); } /* * ALTER STABLE [db_name.]tb_name alter_table_clause * * alter_table_clause: { * alter_table_options * | ADD COLUMN col_name column_type * | DROP COLUMN col_name * | MODIFY COLUMN col_name column_type * | RENAME COLUMN old_col_name new_col_name -- normal table * | ADD TAG tag_name tag_type -- super table * | DROP TAG tag_name -- super table * | MODIFY TAG tag_name tag_type -- super table * | RENAME TAG old_tag_name new_tag_name -- super table * | SET TAG tag_name = new_tag_value -- child table * } * * alter_table_options: * alter_table_option ... * * alter_table_option: { * TTL int_value -- child/normal table * | COMMENT 'string_value' * } */ TEST_F(ParserInitialATest, alterSTable) { useDb("root", "test"); SMAlterStbReq expect = {0}; auto clearAlterStbReq = [&]() { tFreeSMAltertbReq(&expect); memset(&expect, 0, sizeof(SMAlterStbReq)); }; auto setAlterStbReq = [&](const char* pTbname, int8_t alterType, int32_t numOfFields = 0, const char* pField1Name = nullptr, int8_t field1Type = 0, int32_t field1Bytes = 0, const char* pField2Name = nullptr, const char* pComment = nullptr) { int32_t len = snprintf(expect.name, sizeof(expect.name), "0.test.%s", pTbname); expect.name[len] = '\0'; expect.alterType = alterType; if (nullptr != pComment) { expect.comment = strdup(pComment); expect.commentLen = strlen(pComment); } expect.numOfFields = numOfFields; if (NULL == expect.pFields) { expect.pFields = taosArrayInit(2, sizeof(TAOS_FIELD)); TAOS_FIELD field = {0}; taosArrayPush(expect.pFields, &field); taosArrayPush(expect.pFields, &field); } TAOS_FIELD* pField = (TAOS_FIELD*)taosArrayGet(expect.pFields, 0); if (NULL != pField1Name) { strcpy(pField->name, pField1Name); pField->name[strlen(pField1Name)] = '\0'; } else { memset(pField, 0, sizeof(TAOS_FIELD)); } pField->type = field1Type; pField->bytes = field1Bytes > 0 ? field1Bytes : (field1Type > 0 ? tDataTypes[field1Type].bytes : 0); pField = (TAOS_FIELD*)taosArrayGet(expect.pFields, 1); if (NULL != pField2Name) { strcpy(pField->name, pField2Name); pField->name[strlen(pField2Name)] = '\0'; } else { memset(pField, 0, sizeof(TAOS_FIELD)); } pField->type = 0; pField->bytes = 0; }; setCheckDdlFunc([&](const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { ASSERT_EQ(nodeType(pQuery->pRoot), QUERY_NODE_ALTER_SUPER_TABLE_STMT); SMAlterStbReq req = {0}; ASSERT_EQ(tDeserializeSMAlterStbReq(pQuery->pCmdMsg->pMsg, pQuery->pCmdMsg->msgLen, &req), TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.name), std::string(expect.name)); ASSERT_EQ(req.alterType, expect.alterType); ASSERT_EQ(req.numOfFields, expect.numOfFields); if (expect.numOfFields > 0) { TAOS_FIELD* pField = (TAOS_FIELD*)taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 0); TAOS_FIELD* pExpectField = (TAOS_FIELD*)taosArrayGet(expect.pFields, 0); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(pField->name), std::string(pExpectField->name)); ASSERT_EQ(pField->type, pExpectField->type); ASSERT_EQ(pField->bytes, pExpectField->bytes); } if (expect.numOfFields > 1) { TAOS_FIELD* pField = (TAOS_FIELD*)taosArrayGet(req.pFields, 1); TAOS_FIELD* pExpectField = (TAOS_FIELD*)taosArrayGet(expect.pFields, 1); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(pField->name), std::string(pExpectField->name)); ASSERT_EQ(pField->type, pExpectField->type); ASSERT_EQ(pField->bytes, pExpectField->bytes); } tFreeSMAltertbReq(&req); }); setAlterStbReq("st1", TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_OPTIONS, 0, nullptr, 0, 0, nullptr, "test"); run("ALTER STABLE st1 COMMENT 'test'"); clearAlterStbReq(); setAlterStbReq("st1", TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_ADD_COLUMN, 1, "cc1", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT); run("ALTER STABLE st1 ADD COLUMN cc1 BIGINT"); clearAlterStbReq(); setAlterStbReq("st1", TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_DROP_COLUMN, 1, "c1"); run("ALTER STABLE st1 DROP COLUMN c1"); clearAlterStbReq(); setAlterStbReq("st1", TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_COLUMN_BYTES, 1, "c2", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, 30 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE); run("ALTER STABLE st1 MODIFY COLUMN c2 VARCHAR(30)"); clearAlterStbReq(); setAlterStbReq("st1", TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_ADD_TAG, 1, "tag11", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT); run("ALTER STABLE st1 ADD TAG tag11 BIGINT"); clearAlterStbReq(); setAlterStbReq("st1", TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_DROP_TAG, 1, "tag1"); run("ALTER STABLE st1 DROP TAG tag1"); clearAlterStbReq(); setAlterStbReq("st1", TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_TAG_BYTES, 1, "tag2", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, 30 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE); run("ALTER STABLE st1 MODIFY TAG tag2 VARCHAR(30)"); clearAlterStbReq(); setAlterStbReq("st1", TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_TAG_NAME, 2, "tag1", 0, 0, "tag11"); run("ALTER STABLE st1 RENAME TAG tag1 tag11"); clearAlterStbReq(); } TEST_F(ParserInitialATest, alterSTableSemanticCheck) { useDb("root", "test"); run("ALTER STABLE st1 RENAME COLUMN c1 cc1", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_ALTER_TABLE); run("ALTER STABLE st1 MODIFY COLUMN c2 NCHAR(10)", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_MODIFY_COL); run("ALTER STABLE st1 MODIFY TAG tag2 NCHAR(10)", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_MODIFY_COL); run("ALTER STABLE st1 SET TAG tag1 = 10", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_ALTER_TABLE); run("ALTER STABLE st1 TTL 10", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_ALTER_TABLE); } TEST_F(ParserInitialATest, alterTable) { useDb("root", "test"); SVAlterTbReq expect = {0}; auto clearAlterTbReq = [&]() { free(expect.tbName); free(expect.colName); free(expect.colNewName); free(expect.tagName); memset(&expect, 0, sizeof(SVAlterTbReq)); }; auto setAlterTableCol = [&](const char* pTbname, int8_t alterType, const char* pColName, int8_t dataType = 0, int32_t dataBytes = 0, const char* pNewColName = nullptr) { expect.tbName = strdup(pTbname); expect.action = alterType; expect.colName = strdup(pColName); switch (alterType) { case TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_ADD_COLUMN: expect.type = dataType; expect.flags = COL_SMA_ON; expect.bytes = dataBytes > 0 ? dataBytes : (dataType > 0 ? tDataTypes[dataType].bytes : 0); break; case TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_COLUMN_BYTES: expect.colModBytes = dataBytes; break; case TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_COLUMN_NAME: expect.colNewName = strdup(pNewColName); break; default: break; } }; auto setAlterTableTag = [&](const char* pTbname, const char* pTagName, uint8_t* pNewVal, uint32_t bytes) { expect.tbName = strdup(pTbname); expect.action = TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_TAG_VAL; expect.tagName = strdup(pTagName); expect.isNull = (nullptr == pNewVal); expect.nTagVal = bytes; expect.pTagVal = pNewVal; }; auto setAlterTableOptions = [&](const char* pTbname, int32_t ttl, char* pComment = nullptr) { expect.tbName = strdup(pTbname); expect.action = TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_OPTIONS; if (-1 != ttl) { expect.updateTTL = true; expect.newTTL = ttl; } if (nullptr != pComment) { expect.newCommentLen = strlen(pComment); expect.newComment = pComment; } }; setCheckDdlFunc([&](const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { ASSERT_EQ(nodeType(pQuery->pRoot), QUERY_NODE_VNODE_MODIF_STMT); SVnodeModifOpStmt* pStmt = (SVnodeModifOpStmt*)pQuery->pRoot; ASSERT_EQ(pStmt->sqlNodeType, QUERY_NODE_ALTER_TABLE_STMT); ASSERT_NE(pStmt->pDataBlocks, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pStmt->pDataBlocks), 1); SVgDataBlocks* pVgData = (SVgDataBlocks*)taosArrayGetP(pStmt->pDataBlocks, 0); void* pBuf = POINTER_SHIFT(pVgData->pData, sizeof(SMsgHead)); SVAlterTbReq req = {0}; SDecoder coder = {0}; tDecoderInit(&coder, (uint8_t*)pBuf, pVgData->size); ASSERT_EQ(tDecodeSVAlterTbReq(&coder, &req), TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.tbName), std::string(expect.tbName)); ASSERT_EQ(req.action, expect.action); if (nullptr != expect.colName) { ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.colName), std::string(expect.colName)); } ASSERT_EQ(req.type, expect.type); ASSERT_EQ(req.flags, expect.flags); ASSERT_EQ(req.bytes, expect.bytes); ASSERT_EQ(req.colModBytes, expect.colModBytes); if (nullptr != expect.colNewName) { ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.colNewName), std::string(expect.colNewName)); } if (nullptr != expect.tagName) { ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.tagName), std::string(expect.tagName)); } ASSERT_EQ(req.isNull, expect.isNull); ASSERT_EQ(req.nTagVal, expect.nTagVal); ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(req.pTagVal, expect.pTagVal, expect.nTagVal), 0); ASSERT_EQ(req.updateTTL, expect.updateTTL); ASSERT_EQ(req.newTTL, expect.newTTL); if (nullptr != expect.newComment) { ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.newComment), std::string(expect.newComment)); ASSERT_EQ(req.newCommentLen, strlen(req.newComment)); ASSERT_EQ(expect.newCommentLen, strlen(expect.newComment)); } tDecoderClear(&coder); }); setAlterTableOptions("t1", 10, nullptr); run("ALTER TABLE t1 TTL 10"); clearAlterTbReq(); setAlterTableOptions("t1", -1, (char*)"test"); run("ALTER TABLE t1 COMMENT 'test'"); clearAlterTbReq(); setAlterTableCol("t1", TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_ADD_COLUMN, "cc1", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT); run("ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN cc1 BIGINT"); clearAlterTbReq(); setAlterTableCol("t1", TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_DROP_COLUMN, "c1"); run("ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN c1"); clearAlterTbReq(); setAlterTableCol("t1", TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_COLUMN_BYTES, "c2", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, 30 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE); run("ALTER TABLE t1 MODIFY COLUMN c2 VARCHAR(30)"); clearAlterTbReq(); setAlterTableCol("t1", TSDB_ALTER_TABLE_UPDATE_COLUMN_NAME, "c1", 0, 0, "cc1"); run("ALTER TABLE t1 RENAME COLUMN c1 cc1"); clearAlterTbReq(); int32_t val = 10; setAlterTableTag("st1s1", "tag1", (uint8_t*)&val, sizeof(val)); run("ALTER TABLE st1s1 SET TAG tag1=10"); clearAlterTbReq(); } TEST_F(ParserInitialATest, alterTableSemanticCheck) { useDb("root", "test"); run("ALTER TABLE st1s1 RENAME COLUMN c1 cc1", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_ALTER_TABLE); run("ALTER TABLE st1s1 ADD TAG tag11 BIGINT", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_ALTER_TABLE); run("ALTER TABLE st1s1 DROP TAG tag1", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_ALTER_TABLE); run("ALTER TABLE st1s1 MODIFY TAG tag2 VARCHAR(30)", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_ALTER_TABLE); run("ALTER TABLE st1s1 RENAME TAG tag1 tag11", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_ALTER_TABLE); run("ALTER TABLE st1s1 SET TAG tag2 = '123456789012345678901'", TSDB_CODE_PAR_WRONG_VALUE_TYPE); } /* * ALTER USER user_name PASS str_value * * alter_user_clause: { * PASS str_value * | ENABLE int_value * | SYSINFO int_value * } */ TEST_F(ParserInitialATest, alterUser) { useDb("root", "test"); SAlterUserReq expect = {0}; auto clearAlterUserReq = [&]() { memset(&expect, 0, sizeof(SAlterUserReq)); }; auto setAlterUserReq = [&](const char* pUser, int8_t alterType, const char* pPass = nullptr, int8_t sysInfo = 0, int8_t enable = 0) { strcpy(expect.user, pUser); expect.alterType = alterType; expect.superUser = 0; expect.sysInfo = sysInfo; expect.enable = enable; if (nullptr != pPass) { strcpy(expect.pass, pPass); } strcpy(expect.dbname, "test"); }; setCheckDdlFunc([&](const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { ASSERT_EQ(nodeType(pQuery->pRoot), QUERY_NODE_ALTER_USER_STMT); SAlterUserReq req = {0}; ASSERT_TRUE(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == tDeserializeSAlterUserReq(pQuery->pCmdMsg->pMsg, pQuery->pCmdMsg->msgLen, &req)); ASSERT_EQ(req.alterType, expect.alterType); ASSERT_EQ(req.superUser, expect.superUser); ASSERT_EQ(req.sysInfo, expect.sysInfo); ASSERT_EQ(req.enable, expect.enable); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.user), std::string(expect.user)); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.pass), std::string(expect.pass)); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.dbname), std::string(expect.dbname)); }); setAlterUserReq("wxy", TSDB_ALTER_USER_PASSWD, "123456"); run("ALTER USER wxy PASS '123456'"); clearAlterUserReq(); setAlterUserReq("wxy", TSDB_ALTER_USER_ENABLE, nullptr, 0, 1); run("ALTER USER wxy ENABLE 1"); clearAlterUserReq(); setAlterUserReq("wxy", TSDB_ALTER_USER_SYSINFO, nullptr, 1); run("ALTER USER wxy SYSINFO 1"); clearAlterUserReq(); } /* * BALANCE VGROUP */ TEST_F(ParserInitialATest, balanceVgroup) { useDb("root", "test"); setCheckDdlFunc([&](const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { ASSERT_EQ(nodeType(pQuery->pRoot), QUERY_NODE_BALANCE_VGROUP_STMT); ASSERT_EQ(pQuery->pCmdMsg->msgType, TDMT_MND_BALANCE_VGROUP); SBalanceVgroupReq req = {0}; ASSERT_EQ(tDeserializeSBalanceVgroupReq(pQuery->pCmdMsg->pMsg, pQuery->pCmdMsg->msgLen, &req), TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS); }); run("BALANCE VGROUP"); } } // namespace ParserTest