/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #include "os.h" #if defined(_TD_WINDOWS_64) || defined(_TD_WINDOWS_32) /* * windows implementation */ #if (_WIN64) #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma comment(lib, "Mswsock.lib ") #endif #include #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4091) #include #pragma warning(pop) static int32_t taosGetTotalMemory() { MEMORYSTATUSEX memsStat; memsStat.dwLength = sizeof(memsStat); if (!GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memsStat)) { return 0; } float nMemTotal = memsStat.ullTotalPhys / (1024.0f * 1024.0f); return (int32_t)nMemTotal; } bool taosGetSysMemory(float *memoryUsedMB) { MEMORYSTATUSEX memsStat; memsStat.dwLength = sizeof(memsStat); if (!GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memsStat)) { return false; } float nMemFree = memsStat.ullAvailPhys / (1024.0f * 1024.0f); float nMemTotal = memsStat.ullTotalPhys / (1024.0f * 1024.0f); *memoryUsedMB = nMemTotal - nMemFree; return true; } bool taosGetProcMemory(float *memoryUsedMB) { unsigned bytes_used = 0; #if defined(_WIN64) && defined(_MSC_VER) PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS pmc; HANDLE cur_proc = GetCurrentProcess(); if (GetProcessMemoryInfo(cur_proc, &pmc, sizeof(pmc))) { bytes_used = (unsigned)(pmc.WorkingSetSize + pmc.PagefileUsage); } #endif *memoryUsedMB = (float)bytes_used / 1024 / 1024; return true; } int32_t taosGetCpuCores() { SYSTEM_INFO info; GetSystemInfo(&info); return (int32_t)info.dwNumberOfProcessors; } bool taosGetCpuUsage(float *sysCpuUsage, float *procCpuUsage) { *sysCpuUsage = 0; *procCpuUsage = 0; return true; } int32_t taosGetDiskSize(char *dataDir, SDiskSize *diskSize) { unsigned _int64 i64FreeBytesToCaller; unsigned _int64 i64TotalBytes; unsigned _int64 i64FreeBytes; BOOL fResult = GetDiskFreeSpaceExA(dataDir, (PULARGE_INTEGER)&i64FreeBytesToCaller, (PULARGE_INTEGER)&i64TotalBytes, (PULARGE_INTEGER)&i64FreeBytes); if (fResult) { diskSize->tsize = (int64_t)(i64TotalBytes); diskSize->avail = (int64_t)(i64FreeBytesToCaller); diskSize->used = (int64_t)(i64TotalBytes - i64FreeBytes); return 0; } else { //printf("failed to get disk size, dataDir:%s errno:%s", tsDataDir, strerror(errno)); terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } } bool taosGetCardInfo(int64_t *bytes, int64_t *rbytes, int64_t *tbytes) { if (bytes) *bytes = 0; if (rbytes) *rbytes = 0; if (tbytes) *tbytes = 0; return true; } bool taosGetBandSpeed(float *bandSpeedKb) { *bandSpeedKb = 0; return true; } bool taosReadProcIO(int64_t *readbyte, int64_t *writebyte) { IO_COUNTERS io_counter; if (GetProcessIoCounters(GetCurrentProcess(), &io_counter)) { if (readbyte) *readbyte = io_counter.ReadTransferCount; if (writebyte) *writebyte = io_counter.WriteTransferCount; return true; } return false; } bool taosGetProcIO(float *readKB, float *writeKB) { static int64_t lastReadbyte = -1; static int64_t lastWritebyte = -1; int64_t curReadbyte = 0; int64_t curWritebyte = 0; if (!taosReadProcIO(&curReadbyte, &curWritebyte)) { return false; } if (lastReadbyte == -1 || lastWritebyte == -1) { lastReadbyte = curReadbyte; lastWritebyte = curWritebyte; return false; } *readKB = (float)((double)(curReadbyte - lastReadbyte) / 1024); *writeKB = (float)((double)(curWritebyte - lastWritebyte) / 1024); if (*readKB < 0) *readKB = 0; if (*writeKB < 0) *writeKB = 0; lastReadbyte = curReadbyte; lastWritebyte = curWritebyte; return true; } void taosGetSystemInfo() { tsNumOfCores = taosGetCpuCores(); tsTotalMemoryMB = taosGetTotalMemory(); float tmp1, tmp2; // taosGetDisk(); taosGetBandSpeed(&tmp1); taosGetCpuUsage(&tmp1, &tmp2); taosGetProcIO(&tmp1, &tmp2); } void taosKillSystem() { //printf("function taosKillSystem, exit!"); exit(0); } int taosSystem(const char *cmd) { //printf("taosSystem not support"); return -1; } LONG WINAPI FlCrashDump(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ep) { typedef BOOL(WINAPI * FxMiniDumpWriteDump)(IN HANDLE hProcess, IN DWORD ProcessId, IN HANDLE hFile, IN MINIDUMP_TYPE DumpType, IN CONST PMINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION ExceptionParam, IN CONST PMINIDUMP_USER_STREAM_INFORMATION UserStreamParam, IN CONST PMINIDUMP_CALLBACK_INFORMATION CallbackParam); HMODULE dll = LoadLibrary("dbghelp.dll"); if (dll == NULL) return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; FxMiniDumpWriteDump mdwd = (FxMiniDumpWriteDump)(GetProcAddress(dll, "MiniDumpWriteDump")); if (mdwd == NULL) { FreeLibrary(dll); return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; DWORD len = GetModuleFileName(NULL, path, _countof(path)); path[len - 3] = 'd'; path[len - 2] = 'm'; path[len - 1] = 'p'; HANDLE file = CreateFile(path, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION mei; mei.ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); mei.ExceptionPointers = ep; mei.ClientPointers = FALSE; (*mdwd)(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId(), file, MiniDumpWithHandleData, &mei, NULL, NULL); CloseHandle(file); FreeLibrary(dll); return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } void taosSetCoreDump() { SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(&FlCrashDump); } int32_t taosGetSystemUUID(char *uid, int32_t uidlen) { GUID guid; CoCreateGuid(&guid); sprintf(uid, "%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", guid.Data1, guid.Data2, guid.Data3, guid.Data4[0], guid.Data4[1], guid.Data4[2], guid.Data4[3], guid.Data4[4], guid.Data4[5], guid.Data4[6], guid.Data4[7]); return 0; } char *taosGetCmdlineByPID(int pid) { return ""; } #elif defined(_TD_DARWIN_64) /* * darwin implementation */ #include #include void taosKillSystem() { //printf("function taosKillSystem, exit!"); exit(0); } int32_t taosGetCpuCores() { return sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); } void taosGetSystemInfo() { // taosGetProcInfos(); tsNumOfCores = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); long physical_pages = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES); long page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); tsTotalMemoryMB = physical_pages * page_size / (1024 * 1024); tsPageSize = page_size; } bool taosReadProcIO(int64_t *rchars, int64_t *wchars) { if (rchars) *rchars = 0; if (wchars) *wchars = 0; return true; } bool taosGetProcIO(float *readKB, float *writeKB) { *readKB = 0; *writeKB = 0; return true; } bool taosGetCardInfo(int64_t *bytes, int64_t *rbytes, int64_t *tbytes) { if (bytes) *bytes = 0; if (rbytes) *rbytes = 0; if (tbytes) *tbytes = 0; return true; } bool taosGetBandSpeed(float *bandSpeedKb) { *bandSpeedKb = 0; return true; } bool taosGetCpuUsage(float *sysCpuUsage, float *procCpuUsage) { *sysCpuUsage = 0; *procCpuUsage = 0; return true; } bool taosGetProcMemory(float *memoryUsedMB) { *memoryUsedMB = 0; return true; } bool taosGetSysMemory(float *memoryUsedMB) { *memoryUsedMB = 0; return true; } int taosSystem(const char *cmd) { //printf("un support funtion"); return -1; } void taosSetCoreDump() {} int32_t taosGetDiskSize(char *dataDir, SDiskSize *diskSize) { struct statvfs info; if (statvfs(dataDir, &info)) { //printf("failed to get disk size, dataDir:%s errno:%s", tsDataDir, strerror(errno)); terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); return -1; } else { diskSize->tsize = info.f_blocks * info.f_frsize; diskSize->avail = info.f_bavail * info.f_frsize; diskSize->used = (info.f_blocks - info.f_bfree) * info.f_frsize; return 0; } } int32_t taosGetSystemUUID(char *uid, int32_t uidlen) { uuid_t uuid = {0}; uuid_generate(uuid); // it's caller's responsibility to make enough space for `uid`, that's 36-char + 1-null uuid_unparse_lower(uuid, uid); return 0; } char *taosGetCmdlineByPID(int pid) { static char cmdline[1024]; errno = 0; if (proc_pidpath(pid, cmdline, sizeof(cmdline)) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "PID is %d, %s", pid, strerror(errno)); return strerror(errno); } return cmdline; } #else /* * linux implementation */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PROCESS_ITEM 12 typedef struct { uint64_t user; uint64_t nice; uint64_t system; uint64_t idle; } SysCpuInfo; typedef struct { uint64_t utime; // user time uint64_t stime; // kernel time uint64_t cutime; // all user time uint64_t cstime; // all dead time } ProcCpuInfo; static pid_t tsProcId; static char tsSysNetFile[] = "/proc/net/dev"; static char tsSysCpuFile[] = "/proc/stat"; static char tsProcCpuFile[25] = {0}; static char tsProcMemFile[25] = {0}; static char tsProcIOFile[25] = {0}; static float tsPageSizeKB = 0; static void taosGetProcInfos() { tsPageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); tsOpenMax = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX); tsStreamMax = sysconf(_SC_STREAM_MAX); tsProcId = (pid_t)syscall(SYS_gettid); tsPageSizeKB = (float)(sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)) / 1024; snprintf(tsProcMemFile, 25, "/proc/%d/status", tsProcId); snprintf(tsProcCpuFile, 25, "/proc/%d/stat", tsProcId); snprintf(tsProcIOFile, 25, "/proc/%d/io", tsProcId); } static int32_t taosGetTotalMemory() { return (int32_t)((float)sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) * tsPageSizeKB / 1024); } bool taosGetSysMemory(float *memoryUsedMB) { float memoryAvailMB = (float)sysconf(_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES) * tsPageSizeKB / 1024; *memoryUsedMB = (float)tsTotalMemoryMB - memoryAvailMB; return true; } bool taosGetProcMemory(float *memoryUsedMB) { // FILE *fp = fopen(tsProcMemFile, "r"); TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile(tsProcMemFile, TD_FILE_READ | TD_FILE_STREAM); if (pFile == NULL) { //printf("open file:%s failed", tsProcMemFile); return false; } ssize_t _bytes = 0; char * line = NULL; while (!taosEOFFile(pFile)) { _bytes = taosGetLineFile(pFile, &line); if ((_bytes < 0) || (line == NULL)) { break; } if (strstr(line, "VmRSS:") != NULL) { break; } } if (line == NULL) { //printf("read file:%s failed", tsProcMemFile); taosCloseFile(&pFile); return false; } int64_t memKB = 0; char tmp[10]; sscanf(line, "%s %" PRId64, tmp, &memKB); *memoryUsedMB = (float)((double)memKB / 1024); if(line != NULL) tfree(line); taosCloseFile(&pFile); return true; } static bool taosGetSysCpuInfo(SysCpuInfo *cpuInfo) { // FILE *fp = fopen(tsSysCpuFile, "r"); TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile(tsSysCpuFile, TD_FILE_READ | TD_FILE_STREAM); if (pFile == NULL) { //printf("open file:%s failed", tsSysCpuFile); return false; } char * line = NULL; ssize_t _bytes = taosGetLineFile(pFile, &line); if ((_bytes < 0) || (line == NULL)) { //printf("read file:%s failed", tsSysCpuFile); taosCloseFile(&pFile); return false; } char cpu[10] = {0}; sscanf(line, "%s %" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64, cpu, &cpuInfo->user, &cpuInfo->nice, &cpuInfo->system, &cpuInfo->idle); if(line != NULL) tfree(line); taosCloseFile(&pFile); return true; } static bool taosGetProcCpuInfo(ProcCpuInfo *cpuInfo) { // FILE *fp = fopen(tsProcCpuFile, "r"); TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile(tsProcCpuFile, TD_FILE_READ | TD_FILE_STREAM); if (pFile == NULL) { //printf("open file:%s failed", tsProcCpuFile); return false; } char * line = NULL; ssize_t _bytes = taosGetLineFile(pFile, &line); if ((_bytes < 0) || (line == NULL)) { //printf("read file:%s failed", tsProcCpuFile); taosCloseFile(&pFile); return false; } for (int i = 0, blank = 0; line[i] != 0; ++i) { if (line[i] == ' ') blank++; if (blank == PROCESS_ITEM) { sscanf(line + i + 1, "%" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64, &cpuInfo->utime, &cpuInfo->stime, &cpuInfo->cutime, &cpuInfo->cstime); break; } } if(line != NULL) tfree(line); taosCloseFile(&pFile); return true; } int32_t taosGetCpuCores() { return (int32_t)sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); } bool taosGetCpuUsage(float *sysCpuUsage, float *procCpuUsage) { static uint64_t lastSysUsed = 0; static uint64_t lastSysTotal = 0; static uint64_t lastProcTotal = 0; SysCpuInfo sysCpu; ProcCpuInfo procCpu; if (!taosGetSysCpuInfo(&sysCpu)) { return false; } if (!taosGetProcCpuInfo(&procCpu)) { return false; } uint64_t curSysUsed = sysCpu.user + sysCpu.nice + sysCpu.system; uint64_t curSysTotal = curSysUsed + sysCpu.idle; uint64_t curProcTotal = procCpu.utime + procCpu.stime + procCpu.cutime + procCpu.cstime; if (lastSysUsed == 0 || lastSysTotal == 0 || lastProcTotal == 0) { lastSysUsed = curSysUsed > 1 ? curSysUsed : 1; lastSysTotal = curSysTotal > 1 ? curSysTotal : 1; lastProcTotal = curProcTotal > 1 ? curProcTotal : 1; return false; } if (curSysTotal == lastSysTotal) { return false; } *sysCpuUsage = (float)((double)(curSysUsed - lastSysUsed) / (double)(curSysTotal - lastSysTotal) * 100); *procCpuUsage = (float)((double)(curProcTotal - lastProcTotal) / (double)(curSysTotal - lastSysTotal) * 100); lastSysUsed = curSysUsed; lastSysTotal = curSysTotal; lastProcTotal = curProcTotal; return true; } int32_t taosGetDiskSize(char *dataDir, SDiskSize *diskSize) { struct statvfs info; if (statvfs(dataDir, &info)) { return -1; } else { diskSize->total = info.f_blocks * info.f_frsize; diskSize->avail = info.f_bavail * info.f_frsize; diskSize->used = (info.f_blocks - info.f_bfree) * info.f_frsize; return 0; } } bool taosGetCardInfo(int64_t *bytes, int64_t *rbytes, int64_t *tbytes) { *bytes = 0; // FILE *fp = fopen(tsSysNetFile, "r"); TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile(tsSysNetFile, TD_FILE_READ | TD_FILE_STREAM); if (pFile == NULL) { //printf("open file:%s failed", tsSysNetFile); return false; } ssize_t _bytes = 0; char * line = NULL; while (!taosEOFFile(pFile)) { int64_t o_rbytes = 0; int64_t rpackts = 0; int64_t o_tbytes = 0; int64_t tpackets = 0; int64_t nouse1 = 0; int64_t nouse2 = 0; int64_t nouse3 = 0; int64_t nouse4 = 0; int64_t nouse5 = 0; int64_t nouse6 = 0; char nouse0[200] = {0}; _bytes = taosGetLineFile(pFile, &line); if (_bytes < 0) { break; } line[_bytes - 1] = 0; if (strstr(line, "lo:") != NULL) { continue; } sscanf(line, "%s %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " %" PRId64, nouse0, &o_rbytes, &rpackts, &nouse1, &nouse2, &nouse3, &nouse4, &nouse5, &nouse6, &o_tbytes, &tpackets); if (rbytes) *rbytes = o_rbytes; if (tbytes) *tbytes = o_tbytes; *bytes += (o_rbytes + o_tbytes); } if(line != NULL) tfree(line); taosCloseFile(&pFile); return true; } bool taosGetBandSpeed(float *bandSpeedKb) { static int64_t lastBytes = 0; static time_t lastTime = 0; int64_t curBytes = 0; time_t curTime = time(NULL); if (!taosGetCardInfo(&curBytes, NULL, NULL)) { return false; } if (lastTime == 0 || lastBytes == 0) { lastTime = curTime; lastBytes = curBytes; *bandSpeedKb = 0; return true; } if (lastTime >= curTime || lastBytes > curBytes) { lastTime = curTime; lastBytes = curBytes; *bandSpeedKb = 0; return true; } double totalBytes = (double)(curBytes - lastBytes) / 1024 * 8; // Kb *bandSpeedKb = (float)(totalBytes / (double)(curTime - lastTime)); // //printf("bandwidth lastBytes:%ld, lastTime:%ld, curBytes:%ld, curTime:%ld, // speed:%f", lastBytes, lastTime, curBytes, curTime, *bandSpeed); lastTime = curTime; lastBytes = curBytes; return true; } bool taosReadProcIO(int64_t *rchars, int64_t *wchars) { // FILE *fp = fopen(tsProcIOFile, "r"); TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile(tsProcIOFile, TD_FILE_READ | TD_FILE_STREAM); if (pFile == NULL) { //printf("open file:%s failed", tsProcIOFile); return false; } ssize_t _bytes = 0; char * line = NULL; char tmp[10]; int readIndex = 0; while (!taosEOFFile(pFile)) { _bytes = taosGetLineFile(pFile, &line); if ((_bytes < 0) || (line == NULL)) { break; } if (strstr(line, "rchar:") != NULL) { sscanf(line, "%s %" PRId64, tmp, rchars); readIndex++; } else if (strstr(line, "wchar:") != NULL) { sscanf(line, "%s %" PRId64, tmp, wchars); readIndex++; } else { } if (readIndex >= 2) break; } if(line != NULL) tfree(line); taosCloseFile(&pFile); if (readIndex < 2) { //printf("read file:%s failed", tsProcIOFile); return false; } return true; } bool taosGetProcIO(float *readKB, float *writeKB) { static int64_t lastReadbyte = -1; static int64_t lastWritebyte = -1; int64_t curReadbyte = 0; int64_t curWritebyte = 0; if (!taosReadProcIO(&curReadbyte, &curWritebyte)) { return false; } if (lastReadbyte == -1 || lastWritebyte == -1) { lastReadbyte = curReadbyte; lastWritebyte = curWritebyte; return false; } *readKB = (float)((double)(curReadbyte - lastReadbyte) / 1024); *writeKB = (float)((double)(curWritebyte - lastWritebyte) / 1024); if (*readKB < 0) *readKB = 0; if (*writeKB < 0) *writeKB = 0; lastReadbyte = curReadbyte; lastWritebyte = curWritebyte; return true; } void taosGetSystemInfo() { taosGetProcInfos(); tsNumOfCores = taosGetCpuCores(); tsTotalMemoryMB = taosGetTotalMemory(); float tmp1, tmp2; taosGetSysMemory(&tmp1); taosGetProcMemory(&tmp2); // taosGetDisk(); taosGetBandSpeed(&tmp1); taosGetCpuUsage(&tmp1, &tmp2); taosGetProcIO(&tmp1, &tmp2); } void taosKillSystem() { // SIGINT //printf("taosd will shut down soon"); kill(tsProcId, 2); } int taosSystem(const char *cmd) { FILE *fp; int res; char buf[1024]; if (cmd == NULL) { //printf("taosSystem cmd is NULL!"); return -1; } if ((fp = popen(cmd, "r")) == NULL) { //printf("popen cmd:%s error: %s", cmd, strerror(errno)); return -1; } else { while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { //printf("popen result:%s", buf); } if ((res = pclose(fp)) == -1) { //printf("close popen file pointer fp error!"); } else { //printf("popen res is :%d", res); } return res; } } void taosSetCoreDump(bool enable) { if (!enable) return; // 1. set ulimit -c unlimited struct rlimit rlim; struct rlimit rlim_new; if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim) == 0) { #ifndef _ALPINE //printf("the old unlimited para: rlim_cur=%" PRIu64 ", rlim_max=%" PRIu64, rlim.rlim_cur, rlim.rlim_max); #else //printf("the old unlimited para: rlim_cur=%llu, rlim_max=%llu", rlim.rlim_cur, rlim.rlim_max); #endif rlim_new.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY; rlim_new.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY; if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim_new) != 0) { //printf("set unlimited fail, error: %s", strerror(errno)); rlim_new.rlim_cur = rlim.rlim_max; rlim_new.rlim_max = rlim.rlim_max; (void)setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim_new); } } if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim) == 0) { #ifndef _ALPINE //printf("the new unlimited para: rlim_cur=%" PRIu64 ", rlim_max=%" PRIu64, rlim.rlim_cur, rlim.rlim_max); #else //printf("the new unlimited para: rlim_cur=%llu, rlim_max=%llu", rlim.rlim_cur, rlim.rlim_max); #endif } #ifndef _TD_ARM_ // 2. set the path for saving core file struct __sysctl_args args; int old_usespid = 0; size_t old_len = 0; int new_usespid = 1; size_t new_len = sizeof(new_usespid); int name[] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_CORE_USES_PID}; memset(&args, 0, sizeof(struct __sysctl_args)); args.name = name; args.nlen = sizeof(name) / sizeof(name[0]); args.oldval = &old_usespid; args.oldlenp = &old_len; args.newval = &new_usespid; args.newlen = new_len; old_len = sizeof(old_usespid); if (syscall(SYS__sysctl, &args) == -1) { //printf("_sysctl(kern_core_uses_pid) set fail: %s", strerror(errno)); } //printf("The old core_uses_pid[%" PRIu64 "]: %d", old_len, old_usespid); old_usespid = 0; old_len = 0; memset(&args, 0, sizeof(struct __sysctl_args)); args.name = name; args.nlen = sizeof(name) / sizeof(name[0]); args.oldval = &old_usespid; args.oldlenp = &old_len; old_len = sizeof(old_usespid); if (syscall(SYS__sysctl, &args) == -1) { //printf("_sysctl(kern_core_uses_pid) get fail: %s", strerror(errno)); } //printf("The new core_uses_pid[%" PRIu64 "]: %d", old_len, old_usespid); #endif } int32_t taosGetSystemUUID(char *uid, int32_t uidlen) { int len = 0; // fd = open("/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid", 0); TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile("/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid", TD_FILE_READ); if (pFile == NULL) { return -1; } else { len = taosReadFile(pFile, uid, uidlen); taosCloseFile(&pFile); } if (len >= 36) { uid[36] = 0; return 0; } return 0; } char *taosGetCmdlineByPID(int pid) { static char cmdline[1024]; sprintf(cmdline, "/proc/%d/cmdline", pid); // int fd = open(cmdline, O_RDONLY); TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile(cmdline, TD_FILE_READ); if (pFile != NULL) { int n = taosReadFile(pFile, cmdline, sizeof(cmdline) - 1); if (n < 0) n = 0; if (n > 0 && cmdline[n - 1] == '\n') --n; cmdline[n] = 0; taosCloseFile(&pFile); } else { cmdline[0] = 0; } return cmdline; } #endif #if !(defined(_TD_WINDOWS_64) || defined(_TD_WINDOWS_32)) SysNameInfo taosGetSysNameInfo() { SysNameInfo info = {0}; struct utsname uts; if (!uname(&uts)) { tstrncpy(info.sysname, uts.sysname, sizeof(info.sysname)); tstrncpy(info.nodename, uts.nodename, sizeof(info.nodename)); tstrncpy(info.release, uts.release, sizeof(info.release)); tstrncpy(info.version, uts.version, sizeof(info.version)); tstrncpy(info.machine, uts.machine, sizeof(info.machine)); } return info; } bool taosGetEmail(char *email, int32_t maxLen) { const char *filepath = "/usr/local/taos/email"; TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile(filepath, TD_FILE_READ); if (pFile == NULL) return false; if (taosReadFile(pFile, (void *)email, maxLen) < 0) { taosCloseFile(&pFile); return false; } taosCloseFile(&pFile); return true; } bool taosGetOsReleaseName(char *releaseName, int32_t maxLen) { char *line = NULL; size_t size = 0; bool ret = false; TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile("/etc/os-release", TD_FILE_READ | TD_FILE_STREAM); if (pFile == NULL) return false; while ((size = taosGetLineFile(pFile, &line)) != -1) { line[size - 1] = '\0'; if (strncmp(line, "PRETTY_NAME", 11) == 0) { const char *p = strchr(line, '=') + 1; if (*p == '"') { p++; line[size - 2] = 0; } tstrncpy(releaseName, p, maxLen); ret = true; break; } } if (line != NULL) free(line); taosCloseFile(&pFile); return ret; } bool taosGetCpuInfo(char *cpuModel, int32_t maxLen, int32_t *numOfCores) { char *line = NULL; size_t size = 0; int32_t done = 0; bool ret = false; TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile("/proc/cpuinfo", TD_FILE_READ | TD_FILE_STREAM); if (pFile == NULL) return false; while (done != 3 && (size = taosGetLineFile(pFile, &line)) != -1) { line[size - 1] = '\0'; if (((done & 1) == 0) && strncmp(line, "model name", 10) == 0) { const char *v = strchr(line, ':') + 2; tstrncpy(cpuModel, v, maxLen); ret = true; done |= 1; } else if (((done & 2) == 0) && strncmp(line, "cpu cores", 9) == 0) { const char *v = strchr(line, ':') + 2; *numOfCores = atoi(v); done |= 2; } } if (line != NULL) free(line); taosCloseFile(&pFile); return ret; } bool taosGetTotalSysMemoryKB(uint64_t *kb) { char *line = NULL; size_t size = 0; bool ret = false; TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile("/proc/meminfo", TD_FILE_READ | TD_FILE_STREAM); if (pFile == NULL) return false; while ((size = taosGetLineFile(pFile, &line)) != -1) { line[size - 1] = '\0'; if (strncmp(line, "MemTotal", 8) == 0) { const char *p = strchr(line, ':') + 1; while (*p == ' ') p++; ret = true; *kb = atoll(p); break; } } if (line != NULL) free(line); taosCloseFile(&pFile); return ret; } #endif