#include "function.h" #include "functionMgt.h" #include "nodes.h" #include "querynodes.h" #include "sclInt.h" #include "sclvector.h" #include "tcommon.h" #include "tdatablock.h" #include "scalar.h" int32_t scalarGetOperatorParamNum(EOperatorType type) { if (OP_TYPE_IS_NULL == type || OP_TYPE_IS_NOT_NULL == type || OP_TYPE_IS_TRUE == type || OP_TYPE_IS_NOT_TRUE == type || OP_TYPE_IS_FALSE == type || OP_TYPE_IS_NOT_FALSE == type || OP_TYPE_IS_UNKNOWN == type || OP_TYPE_IS_NOT_UNKNOWN == type || OP_TYPE_MINUS == type) { return 1; } return 2; } SColumnInfoData* createColumnInfoData(SDataType* pType, int32_t numOfRows) { SColumnInfoData* pColumnData = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SColumnInfoData)); if (pColumnData == NULL) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return NULL; } pColumnData->info.type = pType->type; pColumnData->info.bytes = pType->bytes; pColumnData->info.scale = pType->scale; pColumnData->info.precision = pType->precision; int32_t code = colInfoDataEnsureCapacity(pColumnData, 0, numOfRows); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; taosMemoryFree(pColumnData); return NULL; } else { return pColumnData; } } int32_t doConvertDataType(SValueNode* pValueNode, SScalarParam* out) { SScalarParam in = {.numOfRows = 1}; in.columnData = createColumnInfoData(&pValueNode->node.resType, 1); colDataAppend(in.columnData, 0, nodesGetValueFromNode(pValueNode), false); colInfoDataEnsureCapacity(out->columnData, 0, 1); int32_t code = vectorConvertImpl(&in, out); sclFreeParam(&in); return code; } int32_t scalarGenerateSetFromList(void **data, void *pNode, uint32_t type) { SHashObj *pObj = taosHashInit(256, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(type), true, false); if (NULL == pObj) { sclError("taosHashInit failed, size:%d", 256); SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } taosHashSetEqualFp(pObj, taosGetDefaultEqualFunction(type)); int32_t code = 0; SNodeListNode *nodeList = (SNodeListNode *)pNode; SListCell *cell = nodeList->pNodeList->pHead; SScalarParam out = {.columnData = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SColumnInfoData))}; int32_t len = 0; void *buf = NULL; for (int32_t i = 0; i < nodeList->pNodeList->length; ++i) { SValueNode *valueNode = (SValueNode *)cell->pNode; if (valueNode->node.resType.type != type) { out.columnData->info.type = type; out.columnData->info.bytes = tDataTypes[type].bytes; code = doConvertDataType(valueNode, &out); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { // sclError("convert data from %d to %d failed", in.type, out.type); SCL_ERR_JRET(code); } if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(type)) { len = varDataLen(out.columnData->pData); buf = varDataVal(out.columnData->pData); } else { len = tDataTypes[type].bytes; buf = out.columnData->pData; } } else { buf = nodesGetValueFromNode(valueNode); if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(type)) { len = varDataLen(buf); buf = varDataVal(buf); } else { len = valueNode->node.resType.bytes; } } if (taosHashPut(pObj, buf, (size_t)len, NULL, 0)) { sclError("taosHashPut failed"); SCL_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } cell = cell->pNext; } *data = pObj; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; _return: taosHashCleanup(pObj); SCL_RET(code); } void sclFreeRes(SHashObj *res) { SScalarParam *p = NULL; void *pIter = taosHashIterate(res, NULL); while (pIter) { p = (SScalarParam *)pIter; if (p) { sclFreeParam(p); } pIter = taosHashIterate(res, pIter); } taosHashCleanup(res); } void sclFreeParam(SScalarParam *param) { if (param->columnData != NULL) { colDataDestroy(param->columnData); taosMemoryFree(param->columnData); } if (param->pHashFilter != NULL) { taosHashCleanup(param->pHashFilter); } } int32_t sclCopyValueNodeValue(SValueNode *pNode, void **res) { if (TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL == pNode->node.resType.type) { return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } *res = taosMemoryMalloc(pNode->node.resType.bytes); if (NULL == (*res)) { sclError("malloc %d failed", pNode->node.resType.bytes); SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } memcpy(*res, nodesGetValueFromNode(pNode), pNode->node.resType.bytes); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t sclInitParam(SNode* node, SScalarParam *param, SScalarCtx *ctx, int32_t *rowNum) { switch (nodeType(node)) { case QUERY_NODE_VALUE: { SValueNode *valueNode = (SValueNode *)node; param->numOfRows = 1; param->columnData = createColumnInfoData(&valueNode->node.resType, 1); if (TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL == valueNode->node.resType.type) { colDataAppendNULL(param->columnData, 0); } else { colDataAppend(param->columnData, 0, nodesGetValueFromNode(valueNode), false); } break; } case QUERY_NODE_NODE_LIST: { SNodeListNode *nodeList = (SNodeListNode *)node; if (LIST_LENGTH(nodeList->pNodeList) <= 0) { sclError("invalid length in nodeList, length:%d", LIST_LENGTH(nodeList->pNodeList)); SCL_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT); } SCL_ERR_RET(scalarGenerateSetFromList((void**) ¶m->pHashFilter, node, nodeList->dataType.type)); if (taosHashPut(ctx->pRes, &node, POINTER_BYTES, param, sizeof(*param))) { taosHashCleanup(param->pHashFilter); sclError("taosHashPut nodeList failed, size:%d", (int32_t)sizeof(*param)); return TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } break; } case QUERY_NODE_COLUMN: { if (NULL == ctx->pBlockList) { sclError("invalid node type for constant calculating, type:%d, src:%p", nodeType(node), ctx->pBlockList); SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } SColumnNode *ref = (SColumnNode *)node; int32_t index = -1; for(int32_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(ctx->pBlockList); ++i) { SSDataBlock* pb = taosArrayGetP(ctx->pBlockList, i); if (pb->info.blockId == ref->dataBlockId) { index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { sclError("column tupleId is too big, tupleId:%d, dataBlockNum:%d", ref->dataBlockId, (int32_t)taosArrayGetSize(ctx->pBlockList)); SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT); } SSDataBlock *block = *(SSDataBlock **)taosArrayGet(ctx->pBlockList, index); if (NULL == block || ref->slotId >= block->info.numOfCols) { sclError("column slotId is too big, slodId:%d, dataBlockSize:%d", ref->slotId, (int32_t)taosArrayGetSize(block->pDataBlock)); SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT); } SColumnInfoData *columnData = (SColumnInfoData *)taosArrayGet(block->pDataBlock, ref->slotId); param->numOfRows = block->info.rows; param->columnData = columnData; break; } case QUERY_NODE_FUNCTION: case QUERY_NODE_OPERATOR: case QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_CONDITION: { SScalarParam *res = (SScalarParam *)taosHashGet(ctx->pRes, &node, POINTER_BYTES); if (NULL == res) { sclError("no result for node, type:%d, node:%p", nodeType(node), node); SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } *param = *res; break; } default: break; } if (param->numOfRows > *rowNum) { if ((1 != param->numOfRows) && (1 < *rowNum)) { sclError("different row nums, rowNum:%d, newRowNum:%d", *rowNum, param->numOfRows); SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT); } *rowNum = param->numOfRows; } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t sclInitParamList(SScalarParam **pParams, SNodeList* pParamList, SScalarCtx *ctx, int32_t *paramNum, int32_t *rowNum) { int32_t code = 0; if (NULL == pParamList) { if (ctx->pBlockList) { SSDataBlock *pBlock = taosArrayGet(ctx->pBlockList, 0); *rowNum = pBlock->info.rows; } else { *rowNum = 1; } *paramNum = 1; } else { *paramNum = pParamList->length; } SScalarParam *paramList = taosMemoryCalloc(*paramNum, sizeof(SScalarParam)); if (NULL == paramList) { sclError("calloc %d failed", (int32_t)((*paramNum) * sizeof(SScalarParam))); SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } if (pParamList) { SNode *tnode = NULL; int32_t i = 0; if (SCL_IS_CONST_CALC(ctx)) { WHERE_EACH (tnode, pParamList) { if (!SCL_IS_CONST_NODE(tnode)) { WHERE_NEXT; } else { SCL_ERR_JRET(sclInitParam(tnode, ¶mList[i], ctx, rowNum)); ERASE_NODE(pParamList); } ++i; } } else { FOREACH(tnode, pParamList) { SCL_ERR_JRET(sclInitParam(tnode, ¶mList[i], ctx, rowNum)); ++i; } } } else { paramList[0].numOfRows = *rowNum; } if (0 == *rowNum) { taosMemoryFreeClear(paramList); } *pParams = paramList; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; _return: taosMemoryFreeClear(paramList); SCL_RET(code); } int32_t sclInitOperatorParams(SScalarParam **pParams, SOperatorNode *node, SScalarCtx *ctx, int32_t *rowNum) { int32_t code = 0; int32_t paramNum = scalarGetOperatorParamNum(node->opType); if (NULL == node->pLeft || (paramNum == 2 && NULL == node->pRight)) { sclError("invalid operation node, left:%p, right:%p", node->pLeft, node->pRight); SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT); } SScalarParam *paramList = taosMemoryCalloc(paramNum, sizeof(SScalarParam)); if (NULL == paramList) { sclError("calloc %d failed", (int32_t)(paramNum * sizeof(SScalarParam))); SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } SCL_ERR_JRET(sclInitParam(node->pLeft, ¶mList[0], ctx, rowNum)); if (paramNum > 1) { SCL_ERR_JRET(sclInitParam(node->pRight, ¶mList[1], ctx, rowNum)); } *pParams = paramList; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; _return: taosMemoryFreeClear(paramList); SCL_RET(code); } int32_t sclExecFunction(SFunctionNode *node, SScalarCtx *ctx, SScalarParam *output) { SScalarParam *params = NULL; int32_t rowNum = 0; int32_t paramNum = 0; int32_t code = 0; SCL_ERR_RET(sclInitParamList(¶ms, node->pParameterList, ctx, ¶mNum, &rowNum)); if (fmIsUserDefinedFunc(node->funcId)) { #if 0 UdfcFuncHandle udfHandle = NULL; SCL_ERR_JRET(setupUdf(node->functionName, &udfHandle)); code = callUdfScalarFunc(udfHandle, params, paramNum, output); teardownUdf(udfHandle); SCL_ERR_JRET(code); #endif } else { SScalarFuncExecFuncs ffpSet = {0}; code = fmGetScalarFuncExecFuncs(node->funcId, &ffpSet); if (code) { sclError("fmGetFuncExecFuncs failed, funcId:%d, code:%s", node->funcId, tstrerror(code)); SCL_ERR_JRET(code); } output->columnData = createColumnInfoData(&node->node.resType, rowNum); if (output->columnData == NULL) { sclError("calloc %d failed", (int32_t)(rowNum * output->columnData->info.bytes)); SCL_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } code = (*ffpSet.process)(params, paramNum, output); if (code) { sclError("scalar function exec failed, funcId:%d, code:%s", node->funcId, tstrerror(code)); SCL_ERR_JRET(code); } } _return: for (int32_t i = 0; i < paramNum; ++i) { // sclFreeParamNoData(params + i); } taosMemoryFreeClear(params); SCL_RET(code); } int32_t sclExecLogic(SLogicConditionNode *node, SScalarCtx *ctx, SScalarParam *output) { if (NULL == node->pParameterList || node->pParameterList->length <= 0) { sclError("invalid logic parameter list, list:%p, paramNum:%d", node->pParameterList, node->pParameterList ? node->pParameterList->length : 0); SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT); } if (TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL != node->node.resType.type) { sclError("invalid logic resType, type:%d", node->node.resType.type); SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT); } if (LOGIC_COND_TYPE_NOT == node->condType && node->pParameterList->length > 1) { sclError("invalid NOT operation parameter number, paramNum:%d", node->pParameterList->length); SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT); } SScalarParam *params = NULL; int32_t rowNum = 0; int32_t paramNum = 0; int32_t code = 0; SCL_ERR_RET(sclInitParamList(¶ms, node->pParameterList, ctx, ¶mNum, &rowNum)); if (NULL == params) { output->numOfRows = 0; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t type = node->node.resType.type; output->numOfRows = rowNum; SDataType t = {.type = type, .bytes = tDataTypes[type].bytes}; output->columnData = createColumnInfoData(&t, rowNum); if (output->columnData == NULL) { sclError("calloc %d failed", (int32_t)(rowNum * sizeof(bool))); SCL_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } bool value = false; bool complete = true; for (int32_t i = 0; i < rowNum; ++i) { complete = true; for (int32_t m = 0; m < paramNum; ++m) { if (NULL == params[m].columnData) { complete = false; continue; } char* p = colDataGetData(params[m].columnData, i); GET_TYPED_DATA(value, bool, params[m].columnData->info.type, p); if (LOGIC_COND_TYPE_AND == node->condType && (false == value)) { complete = true; break; } else if (LOGIC_COND_TYPE_OR == node->condType && value) { complete = true; break; } else if (LOGIC_COND_TYPE_NOT == node->condType) { value = !value; } } if (complete) { colDataAppend(output->columnData, i, (char*) &value, false); } } if (SCL_IS_CONST_CALC(ctx) && (false == complete)) { sclFreeParam(output); output->numOfRows = 0; } _return: for (int32_t i = 0; i < paramNum; ++i) { // sclFreeParamNoData(params + i); } taosMemoryFreeClear(params); SCL_RET(code); } int32_t sclExecOperator(SOperatorNode *node, SScalarCtx *ctx, SScalarParam *output) { SScalarParam *params = NULL; int32_t rowNum = 0; int32_t code = 0; SCL_ERR_RET(sclInitOperatorParams(¶ms, node, ctx, &rowNum)); output->columnData = createColumnInfoData(&node->node.resType, rowNum); if (output->columnData == NULL) { sclError("calloc failed, size:%d", (int32_t)rowNum * node->node.resType.bytes); SCL_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } _bin_scalar_fn_t OperatorFn = getBinScalarOperatorFn(node->opType); int32_t paramNum = scalarGetOperatorParamNum(node->opType); SScalarParam* pLeft = ¶ms[0]; SScalarParam* pRight = paramNum > 1 ? ¶ms[1] : NULL; OperatorFn(pLeft, pRight, output, TSDB_ORDER_ASC); _return: for (int32_t i = 0; i < paramNum; ++i) { // sclFreeParam(¶ms[i]); } taosMemoryFreeClear(params); SCL_RET(code); } EDealRes sclRewriteFunction(SNode** pNode, SScalarCtx *ctx) { SFunctionNode *node = (SFunctionNode *)*pNode; SNode* tnode = NULL; if (fmIsUserDefinedFunc(node->funcId)) { return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } FOREACH(tnode, node->pParameterList) { if (!SCL_IS_CONST_NODE(tnode)) { return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } } SScalarParam output = {0}; ctx->code = sclExecFunction(node, ctx, &output); if (ctx->code) { return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } SValueNode *res = (SValueNode *)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_VALUE); if (NULL == res) { sclError("make value node failed"); sclFreeParam(&output); ctx->code = TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } res->translate = true; if (colDataIsNull_s(output.columnData, 0)) { res->node.resType.type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL; } else { res->node.resType = node->node.resType; int32_t type = output.columnData->info.type; if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(type)) { res->datum.p = taosMemoryCalloc(res->node.resType.bytes + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE + 1, 1); memcpy(res->datum.p, output.columnData->pData, varDataTLen(output.columnData->pData)); } else { memcpy(nodesGetValueFromNode(res), output.columnData->pData, tDataTypes[type].bytes); } } nodesDestroyNode(*pNode); *pNode = (SNode*)res; sclFreeParam(&output); return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } EDealRes sclRewriteLogic(SNode** pNode, SScalarCtx *ctx) { SLogicConditionNode *node = (SLogicConditionNode *)*pNode; SScalarParam output = {0}; ctx->code = sclExecLogic(node, ctx, &output); if (ctx->code) { return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } if (0 == output.numOfRows) { return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } SValueNode *res = (SValueNode *)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_VALUE); if (NULL == res) { sclError("make value node failed"); sclFreeParam(&output); ctx->code = TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } res->node.resType = node->node.resType; res->translate = true; int32_t type = output.columnData->info.type; if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(type)) { res->datum.p = output.columnData->pData; output.columnData->pData = NULL; } else { memcpy(nodesGetValueFromNode(res), output.columnData->pData, tDataTypes[type].bytes); } nodesDestroyNode(*pNode); *pNode = (SNode*)res; sclFreeParam(&output); return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } EDealRes sclRewriteOperator(SNode** pNode, SScalarCtx *ctx) { SOperatorNode *node = (SOperatorNode *)*pNode; if (!SCL_IS_CONST_NODE(node->pLeft)) { return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } if (!SCL_IS_CONST_NODE(node->pRight)) { return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } SScalarParam output = {.columnData = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SColumnInfoData))}; ctx->code = sclExecOperator(node, ctx, &output); if (ctx->code) { return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } SValueNode *res = (SValueNode *)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_VALUE); if (NULL == res) { sclError("make value node failed"); sclFreeParam(&output); ctx->code = TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } res->node.resType = node->node.resType; res->translate = true; int32_t type = output.columnData->info.type; if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(type)) { // todo refactor res->datum.p = output.columnData->pData; output.columnData->pData = NULL; } else { memcpy(nodesGetValueFromNode(res), output.columnData->pData, tDataTypes[type].bytes); } nodesDestroyNode(*pNode); *pNode = (SNode*)res; sclFreeParam(&output); return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } EDealRes sclConstantsRewriter(SNode** pNode, void* pContext) { if (QUERY_NODE_VALUE == nodeType(*pNode) || QUERY_NODE_COLUMN == nodeType(*pNode) || QUERY_NODE_NODE_LIST == nodeType(*pNode)) { return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } SScalarCtx *ctx = (SScalarCtx *)pContext; if (QUERY_NODE_FUNCTION == nodeType(*pNode)) { return sclRewriteFunction(pNode, ctx); } if (QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_CONDITION == nodeType(*pNode)) { return sclRewriteLogic(pNode, ctx); } if (QUERY_NODE_OPERATOR == nodeType(*pNode)) { return sclRewriteOperator(pNode, ctx); } sclError("invalid node type for calculating constants, type:%d", nodeType(*pNode)); ctx->code = TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT; return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } EDealRes sclWalkFunction(SNode* pNode, SScalarCtx *ctx) { SFunctionNode *node = (SFunctionNode *)pNode; SScalarParam output = {0}; ctx->code = sclExecFunction(node, ctx, &output); if (ctx->code) { return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } if (taosHashPut(ctx->pRes, &pNode, POINTER_BYTES, &output, sizeof(output))) { ctx->code = TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } EDealRes sclWalkLogic(SNode* pNode, SScalarCtx *ctx) { SLogicConditionNode *node = (SLogicConditionNode *)pNode; SScalarParam output = {0}; ctx->code = sclExecLogic(node, ctx, &output); if (ctx->code) { return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } if (taosHashPut(ctx->pRes, &pNode, POINTER_BYTES, &output, sizeof(output))) { ctx->code = TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } EDealRes sclWalkOperator(SNode* pNode, SScalarCtx *ctx) { SOperatorNode *node = (SOperatorNode *)pNode; SScalarParam output = {0}; ctx->code = sclExecOperator(node, ctx, &output); if (ctx->code) { return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } if (taosHashPut(ctx->pRes, &pNode, POINTER_BYTES, &output, sizeof(output))) { ctx->code = TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } EDealRes sclWalkTarget(SNode* pNode, SScalarCtx *ctx) { STargetNode *target = (STargetNode *)pNode; if (target->dataBlockId >= taosArrayGetSize(ctx->pBlockList)) { sclError("target tupleId is too big, tupleId:%d, dataBlockNum:%d", target->dataBlockId, (int32_t)taosArrayGetSize(ctx->pBlockList)); ctx->code = TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT; return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } int32_t index = -1; for(int32_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(ctx->pBlockList); ++i) { SSDataBlock* pb = taosArrayGetP(ctx->pBlockList, i); if (pb->info.blockId == target->dataBlockId) { index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { sclError("column tupleId is too big, tupleId:%d, dataBlockNum:%d", target->dataBlockId, (int32_t)taosArrayGetSize(ctx->pBlockList)); ctx->code = TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT; return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } SSDataBlock *block = *(SSDataBlock **)taosArrayGet(ctx->pBlockList, index); if (target->slotId >= taosArrayGetSize(block->pDataBlock)) { sclError("target slot not exist, dataBlockId:%d, slotId:%d, dataBlockNum:%d", target->dataBlockId, target->slotId, (int32_t)taosArrayGetSize(block->pDataBlock)); ctx->code = TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT; return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } // if block->pDataBlock is not enough, there are problems if target->slotId bigger than the size of block->pDataBlock, SColumnInfoData *col = taosArrayGet(block->pDataBlock, target->slotId); SScalarParam *res = (SScalarParam *)taosHashGet(ctx->pRes, (void *)&target->pExpr, POINTER_BYTES); if (NULL == res) { sclError("no valid res in hash, node:%p, type:%d", target->pExpr, nodeType(target->pExpr)); ctx->code = TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR; return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } colDataAssign(col, res->columnData, res->numOfRows); block->info.rows = res->numOfRows; sclFreeParam(res); taosHashRemove(ctx->pRes, (void *)&target->pExpr, POINTER_BYTES); return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } EDealRes sclCalcWalker(SNode* pNode, void* pContext) { if (QUERY_NODE_VALUE == nodeType(pNode) || QUERY_NODE_NODE_LIST == nodeType(pNode) || QUERY_NODE_COLUMN == nodeType(pNode)) { return DEAL_RES_CONTINUE; } SScalarCtx *ctx = (SScalarCtx *)pContext; if (QUERY_NODE_FUNCTION == nodeType(pNode)) { return sclWalkFunction(pNode, ctx); } if (QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_CONDITION == nodeType(pNode)) { return sclWalkLogic(pNode, ctx); } if (QUERY_NODE_OPERATOR == nodeType(pNode)) { return sclWalkOperator(pNode, ctx); } if (QUERY_NODE_TARGET == nodeType(pNode)) { return sclWalkTarget(pNode, ctx); } sclError("invalid node type for scalar calculating, type:%d", nodeType(pNode)); ctx->code = TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT; return DEAL_RES_ERROR; } int32_t scalarCalculateConstants(SNode *pNode, SNode **pRes) { if (NULL == pNode) { SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT); } int32_t code = 0; SScalarCtx ctx = {0}; ctx.pRes = taosHashInit(SCL_DEFAULT_OP_NUM, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), false, HASH_NO_LOCK); if (NULL == ctx.pRes) { sclError("taosHashInit failed, num:%d", SCL_DEFAULT_OP_NUM); SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } nodesRewriteExprPostOrder(&pNode, sclConstantsRewriter, (void *)&ctx); SCL_ERR_JRET(ctx.code); *pRes = pNode; _return: sclFreeRes(ctx.pRes); return code; } int32_t scalarCalculate(SNode *pNode, SArray *pBlockList, SScalarParam *pDst) { if (NULL == pNode || NULL == pBlockList) { SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT); } int32_t code = 0; SScalarCtx ctx = {.code = 0, .pBlockList = pBlockList}; // TODO: OPT performance ctx.pRes = taosHashInit(SCL_DEFAULT_OP_NUM, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), false, HASH_NO_LOCK); if (NULL == ctx.pRes) { sclError("taosHashInit failed, num:%d", SCL_DEFAULT_OP_NUM); SCL_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } nodesWalkExprPostOrder(pNode, sclCalcWalker, (void *)&ctx); SCL_ERR_JRET(ctx.code); if (pDst) { SScalarParam *res = (SScalarParam *)taosHashGet(ctx.pRes, (void *)&pNode, POINTER_BYTES); if (NULL == res) { sclError("no valid res in hash, node:%p, type:%d", pNode, nodeType(pNode)); SCL_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } colDataAssign(pDst->columnData, res->columnData, res->numOfRows); pDst->numOfRows = res->numOfRows; taosHashRemove(ctx.pRes, (void *)&pNode, POINTER_BYTES); } _return: //nodesDestroyNode(pNode); sclFreeRes(ctx.pRes); return code; }