/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "parTestUtil.h" #include #include #include #include "catalog.h" #include "mockCatalogService.h" #include "parInt.h" using namespace std; using namespace std::placeholders; using namespace testing; namespace ParserTest { #define DO_WITH_THROW(func, ...) \ do { \ int32_t code__ = func(__VA_ARGS__); \ if (!checkResultCode(#func, code__)) { \ if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != code__) { \ throw runtime_error("sql:[" + stmtEnv_.sql_ + "] " #func " code:" + to_string(code__) + \ ", strerror:" + string(tstrerror(code__)) + ", msg:" + string(stmtEnv_.msgBuf_.data())); \ } else { \ throw runtime_error("sql:[" + stmtEnv_.sql_ + "] " #func " expect " + to_string(stmtEnv_.expect_) + \ " actual " + to_string(code__)); \ } \ } else if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != code__) { \ throw TerminateFlag(); \ } \ } while (0); bool g_dump = false; bool g_testAsyncApis = true; int32_t g_logLevel = 131; int32_t g_skipSql = 0; void setAsyncFlag(const char* pFlag) { g_testAsyncApis = stoi(pFlag) > 0 ? true : false; } void setSkipSqlNum(const char* pNum) { g_skipSql = stoi(pNum); } struct TerminateFlag : public exception { const char* what() const throw() { return "success and terminate"; } }; void setLogLevel(const char* pLogLevel) { g_logLevel = stoi(pLogLevel); } int32_t getLogLevel() { return g_logLevel; } class ParserTestBaseImpl { public: ParserTestBaseImpl(ParserTestBase* pBase) : pBase_(pBase), sqlNo_(0) {} void login(const std::string& user) { caseEnv_.user_ = user; } void useDb(const string& acctId, const string& db) { caseEnv_.acctId_ = acctId; caseEnv_.db_ = db; caseEnv_.nsql_ = g_skipSql; } void run(const string& sql, int32_t expect, ParserStage checkStage) { ++sqlNo_; if (caseEnv_.nsql_ > 0) { --(caseEnv_.nsql_); return; } runInternalFuncs(sql, expect, checkStage); runApis(sql, expect, checkStage); if (g_testAsyncApis) { runAsyncInternalFuncs(sql, expect, checkStage); runAsyncApis(sql, expect, checkStage); } } private: struct caseEnv { string acctId_; string user_; string db_; int32_t nsql_; caseEnv() : user_("wangxiaoyu"), nsql_(0) {} }; struct stmtEnv { string sql_; array msgBuf_; int32_t expect_; string checkFunc_; }; struct stmtRes { string parsedAst_; string translatedAst_; string calcConstAst_; }; enum TestInterfaceType { TEST_INTERFACE_INTERNAL = 1, TEST_INTERFACE_API, TEST_INTERFACE_ASYNC_INTERNAL, TEST_INTERFACE_ASYNC_API }; static void _destoryParseMetaCache(SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, bool request) { destoryParseMetaCache(pMetaCache, request); delete pMetaCache; } static void _destroyQuery(SQuery** pQuery) { if (nullptr == pQuery) { return; } qDestroyQuery(*pQuery); taosMemoryFree(pQuery); } bool checkResultCode(const string& pFunc, int32_t resultCode) { return !(stmtEnv_.checkFunc_.empty()) ? ((stmtEnv_.checkFunc_ == pFunc) ? stmtEnv_.expect_ == resultCode : TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == resultCode) : true; } string stageFunc(ParserStage stage, TestInterfaceType type) { switch (type) { case TEST_INTERFACE_INTERNAL: case TEST_INTERFACE_ASYNC_INTERNAL: switch (stage) { case PARSER_STAGE_PARSE: return "parse"; case PARSER_STAGE_TRANSLATE: return "translate"; case PARSER_STAGE_CALC_CONST: return "calculateConstant"; default: break; } break; case TEST_INTERFACE_API: return "qParseSql"; case TEST_INTERFACE_ASYNC_API: switch (stage) { case PARSER_STAGE_PARSE: return "qParseSqlSyntax"; case PARSER_STAGE_TRANSLATE: case PARSER_STAGE_CALC_CONST: return "qAnalyseSqlSemantic"; default: break; } break; default: break; } return "unknown"; } void reset(int32_t expect, ParserStage checkStage, TestInterfaceType type) { stmtEnv_.sql_.clear(); stmtEnv_.msgBuf_.fill(0); stmtEnv_.expect_ = expect; stmtEnv_.checkFunc_ = stageFunc(checkStage, type); res_.parsedAst_.clear(); res_.translatedAst_.clear(); res_.calcConstAst_.clear(); } void dump() { cout << "========================================== " << sqlNo_ << " sql : [" << stmtEnv_.sql_ << "]" << endl; if (!res_.parsedAst_.empty()) { cout << "raw syntax tree : " << endl; cout << res_.parsedAst_ << endl; } if (!res_.translatedAst_.empty()) { cout << "translated syntax tree : " << endl; cout << res_.translatedAst_ << endl; } if (!res_.calcConstAst_.empty()) { cout << "optimized syntax tree : " << endl; cout << res_.calcConstAst_ << endl; } } void setParseContext(const string& sql, SParseContext* pCxt, bool async = false) { stmtEnv_.sql_ = sql; strtolower((char*)stmtEnv_.sql_.c_str(), sql.c_str()); pCxt->acctId = atoi(caseEnv_.acctId_.c_str()); pCxt->db = caseEnv_.db_.c_str(); pCxt->pUser = caseEnv_.user_.c_str(); pCxt->isSuperUser = caseEnv_.user_ == "root"; pCxt->enableSysInfo = true; pCxt->pSql = stmtEnv_.sql_.c_str(); pCxt->sqlLen = stmtEnv_.sql_.length(); pCxt->pMsg = stmtEnv_.msgBuf_.data(); pCxt->msgLen = stmtEnv_.msgBuf_.max_size(); pCxt->async = async; pCxt->svrVer = ""; } void doParse(SParseContext* pCxt, SQuery** pQuery) { DO_WITH_THROW(parse, pCxt, pQuery); ASSERT_NE(*pQuery, nullptr); res_.parsedAst_ = toString((*pQuery)->pRoot); } void doCollectMetaKey(SParseContext* pCxt, SQuery* pQuery, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache) { DO_WITH_THROW(collectMetaKey, pCxt, pQuery, pMetaCache); } void doBuildCatalogReq(SParseContext* pCxt, const SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq) { DO_WITH_THROW(buildCatalogReq, pCxt, pMetaCache, pCatalogReq); } void doGetAllMeta(const SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq, SMetaData* pMetaData) { DO_WITH_THROW(g_mockCatalogService->catalogGetAllMeta, pCatalogReq, pMetaData); } void doPutMetaDataToCache(const SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq, const SMetaData* pMetaData, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache, bool isInsertValues) { DO_WITH_THROW(putMetaDataToCache, pCatalogReq, pMetaData, pMetaCache, isInsertValues); } void doAuthenticate(SParseContext* pCxt, SQuery* pQuery, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache) { DO_WITH_THROW(authenticate, pCxt, pQuery, pMetaCache); } void doTranslate(SParseContext* pCxt, SQuery* pQuery, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache) { DO_WITH_THROW(translate, pCxt, pQuery, pMetaCache); checkQuery(pQuery, PARSER_STAGE_TRANSLATE); res_.translatedAst_ = toString(pQuery->pRoot); } void doCalculateConstant(SParseContext* pCxt, SQuery* pQuery) { DO_WITH_THROW(calculateConstant, pCxt, pQuery); res_.calcConstAst_ = toString(pQuery->pRoot); } void doParseSql(SParseContext* pCxt, SQuery** pQuery) { DO_WITH_THROW(qParseSql, pCxt, pQuery); ASSERT_NE(*pQuery, nullptr); res_.calcConstAst_ = toString((*pQuery)->pRoot); } void doParseSqlSyntax(SParseContext* pCxt, SQuery** pQuery, SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq) { DO_WITH_THROW(qParseSqlSyntax, pCxt, pQuery, pCatalogReq); ASSERT_NE(*pQuery, nullptr); if (nullptr != (*pQuery)->pRoot) { res_.parsedAst_ = toString((*pQuery)->pRoot); } } void doAnalyseSqlSemantic(SParseContext* pCxt, const SCatalogReq* pCatalogReq, const SMetaData* pMetaData, SQuery* pQuery) { DO_WITH_THROW(qAnalyseSqlSemantic, pCxt, pCatalogReq, pMetaData, pQuery); res_.calcConstAst_ = toString(pQuery->pRoot); } void doParseInsertSql(SParseContext* pCxt, SQuery** pQuery, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache) { DO_WITH_THROW(parseInsertSql, pCxt, pQuery, pMetaCache); ASSERT_NE(*pQuery, nullptr); res_.parsedAst_ = toString((*pQuery)->pRoot); } void doParseInsertSyntax(SParseContext* pCxt, SQuery** pQuery, SParseMetaCache* pMetaCache) { DO_WITH_THROW(parseInsertSyntax, pCxt, pQuery, pMetaCache); ASSERT_NE(*pQuery, nullptr); } string toString(const SNode* pRoot) { char* pStr = NULL; int32_t len = 0; DO_WITH_THROW(nodesNodeToString, pRoot, false, &pStr, &len) string str(pStr); taosMemoryFreeClear(pStr); return str; } void checkQuery(const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { pBase_->checkDdl(pQuery, stage); } void runInternalFuncs(const string& sql, int32_t expect, ParserStage checkStage) { reset(expect, checkStage, TEST_INTERFACE_INTERNAL); try { SParseContext cxt = {0}; setParseContext(sql, &cxt); if (qIsInsertValuesSql(cxt.pSql, cxt.sqlLen)) { unique_ptr query((SQuery**)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SQuery*)), _destroyQuery); doParseInsertSql(&cxt, query.get(), nullptr); } else { unique_ptr query((SQuery**)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SQuery*)), _destroyQuery); doParse(&cxt, query.get()); SQuery* pQuery = *(query.get()); doAuthenticate(&cxt, pQuery, nullptr); doTranslate(&cxt, pQuery, nullptr); doCalculateConstant(&cxt, pQuery); } if (g_dump) { dump(); } } catch (const TerminateFlag& e) { // success and terminate return; } catch (...) { dump(); throw; } } void runApis(const string& sql, int32_t expect, ParserStage checkStage) { reset(expect, checkStage, TEST_INTERFACE_API); try { SParseContext cxt = {0}; setParseContext(sql, &cxt); unique_ptr query((SQuery**)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SQuery*)), _destroyQuery); doParseSql(&cxt, query.get()); SQuery* pQuery = *(query.get()); if (g_dump) { dump(); } } catch (const TerminateFlag& e) { // success and terminate return; } catch (...) { dump(); throw; } } void runAsyncInternalFuncs(const string& sql, int32_t expect, ParserStage checkStage) { reset(expect, checkStage, TEST_INTERFACE_ASYNC_INTERNAL); try { SParseContext cxt = {0}; setParseContext(sql, &cxt, true); unique_ptr query((SQuery**)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SQuery*)), _destroyQuery); bool request = true; unique_ptr > metaCache( new SParseMetaCache(), bind(_destoryParseMetaCache, _1, cref(request))); bool isInsertValues = qIsInsertValuesSql(cxt.pSql, cxt.sqlLen); if (isInsertValues) { doParseInsertSyntax(&cxt, query.get(), metaCache.get()); } else { doParse(&cxt, query.get()); doCollectMetaKey(&cxt, *(query.get()), metaCache.get()); } SQuery* pQuery = *(query.get()); unique_ptr catalogReq(new SCatalogReq(), MockCatalogService::destoryCatalogReq); doBuildCatalogReq(&cxt, metaCache.get(), catalogReq.get()); string err; thread t1([&]() { try { unique_ptr metaData(new SMetaData(), MockCatalogService::destoryMetaData); doGetAllMeta(catalogReq.get(), metaData.get()); metaCache.reset(new SParseMetaCache()); request = false; doPutMetaDataToCache(catalogReq.get(), metaData.get(), metaCache.get(), isInsertValues); if (isInsertValues) { doParseInsertSql(&cxt, query.get(), metaCache.get()); } else { doAuthenticate(&cxt, pQuery, metaCache.get()); doTranslate(&cxt, pQuery, metaCache.get()); doCalculateConstant(&cxt, pQuery); } } catch (const TerminateFlag& e) { // success and terminate } catch (const runtime_error& e) { err = e.what(); } catch (...) { err = "unknown error"; } }); t1.join(); if (!err.empty()) { throw runtime_error(err); } if (g_dump) { dump(); } } catch (const TerminateFlag& e) { // success and terminate return; } catch (...) { dump(); throw; } } void runAsyncApis(const string& sql, int32_t expect, ParserStage checkStage) { reset(expect, checkStage, TEST_INTERFACE_ASYNC_API); try { SParseContext cxt = {0}; setParseContext(sql, &cxt); unique_ptr catalogReq(new SCatalogReq(), MockCatalogService::destoryCatalogReq); unique_ptr query((SQuery**)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SQuery*)), _destroyQuery); doParseSqlSyntax(&cxt, query.get(), catalogReq.get()); SQuery* pQuery = *(query.get()); string err; thread t1([&]() { try { unique_ptr metaData(new SMetaData(), MockCatalogService::destoryMetaData); doGetAllMeta(catalogReq.get(), metaData.get()); doAnalyseSqlSemantic(&cxt, catalogReq.get(), metaData.get(), pQuery); } catch (const TerminateFlag& e) { // success and terminate } catch (const runtime_error& e) { err = e.what(); } catch (...) { err = "unknown error"; } }); t1.join(); if (!err.empty()) { throw runtime_error(err); } if (g_dump) { dump(); } } catch (const TerminateFlag& e) { // success and terminate return; } catch (...) { dump(); throw; } } caseEnv caseEnv_; stmtEnv stmtEnv_; stmtRes res_; ParserTestBase* pBase_; int32_t sqlNo_; }; ParserTestBase::ParserTestBase() : impl_(new ParserTestBaseImpl(this)) {} ParserTestBase::~ParserTestBase() {} void ParserTestBase::login(const std::string& user) { return impl_->login(user); } void ParserTestBase::useDb(const std::string& acctId, const std::string& db) { impl_->useDb(acctId, db); } void ParserTestBase::run(const std::string& sql, int32_t expect, ParserStage checkStage) { return impl_->run(sql, expect, checkStage); } void ParserTestBase::checkDdl(const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { return; } } // namespace ParserTest