/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef TDENGINE_TSDBREADUTIL_H #define TDENGINE_TSDBREADUTIL_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "tsdbUtil2.h" #include "tsdbDataFileRW.h" #define ASCENDING_TRAVERSE(o) (o == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) typedef enum { READER_STATUS_SUSPEND = 0x1, READER_STATUS_NORMAL = 0x2, } EReaderStatus; typedef enum { READ_MODE_COUNT_ONLY = 0x1, READ_MODE_ALL, } EReadMode; typedef enum { EXTERNAL_ROWS_PREV = 0x1, EXTERNAL_ROWS_MAIN = 0x2, EXTERNAL_ROWS_NEXT = 0x3, } EContentData; typedef struct SBlockInfoBuf { int32_t currentIndex; SArray* pData; int32_t numPerBucket; int32_t numOfTables; } SBlockInfoBuf; typedef struct { STbDataIter* iter; int32_t index; bool hasVal; } SIterInfo; typedef struct STableBlockScanInfo { uint64_t uid; TSKEY lastKey; TSKEY lastKeyInStt; // last accessed key in stt SArray* pBlockList; // block data index list, SArray SArray* pMemDelData; // SArray SArray* pfileDelData; // SArray from each file set SIterInfo iter; // mem buffer skip list iterator SIterInfo iiter; // imem buffer skip list iterator SArray* delSkyline; // delete info for this table int32_t fileDelIndex; // file block delete index int32_t lastBlockDelIndex; // delete index for last block bool iterInit; // whether to initialize the in-memory skip list iterator or not } STableBlockScanInfo; typedef struct STsdbReaderInfo { uint64_t suid; STSchema* pSchema; EReadMode readMode; uint64_t rowsNum; STimeWindow window; SVersionRange verRange; int16_t order; } STsdbReaderInfo; typedef struct SResultBlockInfo { SSDataBlock* pResBlock; bool freeBlock; int64_t capacity; } SResultBlockInfo; typedef struct SCostSummary { int64_t numOfBlocks; double blockLoadTime; double buildmemBlock; int64_t headFileLoad; double headFileLoadTime; int64_t smaDataLoad; double smaLoadTime; int64_t lastBlockLoad; double lastBlockLoadTime; int64_t composedBlocks; double buildComposedBlockTime; double createScanInfoList; double createSkylineIterTime; double initLastBlockReader; } SCostSummary; typedef struct STableUidList { uint64_t* tableUidList; // access table uid list in uid ascending order list int32_t currentIndex; // index in table uid list } STableUidList; typedef struct { int32_t numOfBlocks; int32_t numOfLastFiles; } SBlockNumber; typedef struct SBlockIndex { int32_t ordinalIndex; int64_t inFileOffset; STimeWindow window; // todo replace it with overlap flag. } SBlockIndex; typedef struct SBlockOrderWrapper { int64_t uid; int64_t offset; STableBlockScanInfo* pInfo; } SBlockOrderWrapper; typedef struct SBlockOrderSupporter { SBlockOrderWrapper** pDataBlockInfo; int32_t* indexPerTable; int32_t* numOfBlocksPerTable; int32_t numOfTables; } SBlockOrderSupporter; typedef struct SBlockLoadSuppInfo { TColumnDataAggArray colAggArray; SColumnDataAgg tsColAgg; int16_t* colId; int16_t* slotId; int32_t numOfCols; char** buildBuf; // build string tmp buffer, todo remove it later after all string format being updated. bool smaValid; // the sma on all queried columns are activated } SBlockLoadSuppInfo; typedef struct SLastBlockReader { STimeWindow window; SVersionRange verRange; int32_t order; uint64_t uid; SMergeTree mergeTree; SSttBlockLoadInfo* pInfo; int64_t currentKey; } SLastBlockReader; typedef struct SFilesetIter { int32_t numOfFiles; // number of total files int32_t index; // current accessed index in the list TFileSetArray* pFilesetList; // data file set list int32_t order; SLastBlockReader* pLastBlockReader; // last file block reader } SFilesetIter; typedef struct SFileDataBlockInfo { // index position in STableBlockScanInfo in order to check whether neighbor block overlaps with it uint64_t uid; int32_t tbBlockIdx; SBrinRecord record; } SFileDataBlockInfo; typedef struct SDataBlockIter { int32_t numOfBlocks; int32_t index; SArray* blockList; // SArray int32_t order; SDataBlk block; // current SDataBlk data SSHashObj* pTableMap; } SDataBlockIter; typedef struct SFileBlockDumpInfo { int32_t totalRows; int32_t rowIndex; int64_t lastKey; bool allDumped; } SFileBlockDumpInfo; typedef struct SReaderStatus { bool loadFromFile; // check file stage bool composedDataBlock; // the returned data block is a composed block or not SSHashObj* pTableMap; // SHash STableBlockScanInfo** pTableIter; // table iterator used in building in-memory buffer data blocks. STableUidList uidList; // check tables in uid order, to avoid the repeatly load of blocks in STT. SFileBlockDumpInfo fBlockDumpInfo; STFileSet* pCurrentFileset; // current opened file set SBlockData fileBlockData; SFilesetIter fileIter; SDataBlockIter blockIter; SArray* pLDataIterArray; SRowMerger merger; SColumnInfoData* pPrimaryTsCol; // primary time stamp output col info data TFileSetArray* pfSetArray; } SReaderStatus; struct STsdbReader { STsdb* pTsdb; STsdbReaderInfo info; TdThreadMutex readerMutex; EReaderStatus flag; int32_t code; uint64_t rowsNum; SResultBlockInfo resBlockInfo; SReaderStatus status; char* idStr; // query info handle, for debug purpose int32_t type; // query type: 1. retrieve all data blocks, 2. retrieve direct prev|next rows SBlockLoadSuppInfo suppInfo; STsdbReadSnap* pReadSnap; SCostSummary cost; SHashObj** pIgnoreTables; SSHashObj* pSchemaMap; // keep the retrieved schema info, to avoid the overhead by repeatly load schema SDataFileReader* pFileReader; // the file reader SBlockInfoBuf blockInfoBuf; EContentData step; STsdbReader* innerReader[2]; }; typedef struct SBrinRecordIter { SArray* pBrinBlockList; SBrinBlk* pCurrentBlk; int32_t blockIndex; int32_t recordIndex; SDataFileReader* pReader; SBrinBlock block; SBrinRecord record; } SBrinRecordIter; STableBlockScanInfo* getTableBlockScanInfo(SSHashObj* pTableMap, uint64_t uid, const char* id); SSHashObj* createDataBlockScanInfo(STsdbReader* pTsdbReader, SBlockInfoBuf* pBuf, const STableKeyInfo* idList, STableUidList* pUidList, int32_t numOfTables); void clearBlockScanInfo(STableBlockScanInfo* p); void destroyAllBlockScanInfo(SSHashObj* pTableMap); void resetAllDataBlockScanInfo(SSHashObj* pTableMap, int64_t ts, int32_t step); void cleanupInfoFoxNextFileset(SSHashObj* pTableMap); int32_t ensureBlockScanInfoBuf(SBlockInfoBuf* pBuf, int32_t numOfTables); void clearBlockScanInfoBuf(SBlockInfoBuf* pBuf); void* getPosInBlockInfoBuf(SBlockInfoBuf* pBuf, int32_t index); // brin records iterator void initBrinRecordIter(SBrinRecordIter* pIter, SDataFileReader* pReader, SArray* pList); SBrinRecord* getNextBrinRecord(SBrinRecordIter* pIter); void clearBrinBlockIter(SBrinRecordIter* pIter); // initialize block iterator API int32_t initBlockIterator(STsdbReader* pReader, SDataBlockIter* pBlockIter, int32_t numOfBlocks, SArray* pTableList); bool blockIteratorNext(SDataBlockIter* pBlockIter, const char* idStr); // load tomb data API (stt/mem only for one table each, tomb data from data files are load for all tables at one time) //int32_t loadSttTombData(SArray* pLDataIterList, uint64_t suid, STableBlockScanInfo* pScanInfo, uint64_t maxVer); void loadMemTombData(STableBlockScanInfo* pScanInfo, STbData* pMemTbData, STbData* piMemTbData, int64_t ver); int32_t loadDataFileTombDataForAll(STsdbReader* pReader); int32_t loadSttTombDataForAll(STsdbReader* pReader, SSttFileReader* pSttFileReader, SSttBlockLoadInfo* pLoadInfo); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // TDENGINE_TSDBREADUTIL_H