/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _TD_VNODE_TSDB_H_ #define _TD_VNODE_TSDB_H_ #include "vnodeInt.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // tsdbDebug ================ // clang-format off #define tsdbFatal(...) do { if (tsdbDebugFlag & DEBUG_FATAL) { taosPrintLog("TSD FATAL ", DEBUG_FATAL, 255, __VA_ARGS__); }} while(0) #define tsdbError(...) do { if (tsdbDebugFlag & DEBUG_ERROR) { taosPrintLog("TSD ERROR ", DEBUG_ERROR, 255, __VA_ARGS__); }} while(0) #define tsdbWarn(...) do { if (tsdbDebugFlag & DEBUG_WARN) { taosPrintLog("TSD WARN ", DEBUG_WARN, 255, __VA_ARGS__); }} while(0) #define tsdbInfo(...) do { if (tsdbDebugFlag & DEBUG_INFO) { taosPrintLog("TSD ", DEBUG_INFO, 255, __VA_ARGS__); }} while(0) #define tsdbDebug(...) do { if (tsdbDebugFlag & DEBUG_DEBUG) { taosPrintLog("TSD ", DEBUG_DEBUG, tsdbDebugFlag, __VA_ARGS__); }} while(0) #define tsdbTrace(...) do { if (tsdbDebugFlag & DEBUG_TRACE) { taosPrintLog("TSD ", DEBUG_TRACE, tsdbDebugFlag, __VA_ARGS__); }} while(0) // clang-format on typedef struct TSDBROW TSDBROW; typedef struct TABLEID TABLEID; typedef struct TSDBKEY TSDBKEY; typedef struct SDelData SDelData; typedef struct SDelIdx SDelIdx; typedef struct STbData STbData; typedef struct SMemTable SMemTable; typedef struct STbDataIter STbDataIter; typedef struct SMapData SMapData; typedef struct SBlockIdx SBlockIdx; typedef struct SDataBlk SDataBlk; typedef struct SSttBlk SSttBlk; typedef struct SDiskDataHdr SDiskDataHdr; typedef struct SBlockData SBlockData; typedef struct SDelFile SDelFile; typedef struct SHeadFile SHeadFile; typedef struct SDataFile SDataFile; typedef struct SSttFile SSttFile; typedef struct SSmaFile SSmaFile; typedef struct SDFileSet SDFileSet; typedef struct SDataFWriter SDataFWriter; typedef struct SDataFReader SDataFReader; typedef struct SDelFWriter SDelFWriter; typedef struct SDelFReader SDelFReader; typedef struct STSDBRowIter STSDBRowIter; typedef struct STsdbFS STsdbFS; typedef struct SRowMerger SRowMerger; typedef struct STsdbReadSnap STsdbReadSnap; typedef struct SBlockInfo SBlockInfo; typedef struct SSmaInfo SSmaInfo; typedef struct SBlockCol SBlockCol; typedef struct SVersionRange SVersionRange; typedef struct SLDataIter SLDataIter; typedef struct SDiskCol SDiskCol; typedef struct SDiskData SDiskData; typedef struct SDiskDataBuilder SDiskDataBuilder; typedef struct SBlkInfo SBlkInfo; #define TSDB_FILE_DLMT ((uint32_t)0xF00AFA0F) #define TSDB_MAX_SUBBLOCKS 8 #define TSDB_FHDR_SIZE 512 #define VERSION_MIN 0 #define VERSION_MAX INT64_MAX #define TSDBKEY_MIN ((TSDBKEY){.ts = TSKEY_MIN, .version = VERSION_MIN}) #define TSDBKEY_MAX ((TSDBKEY){.ts = TSKEY_MAX, .version = VERSION_MAX}) #define TABLE_SAME_SCHEMA(SUID1, UID1, SUID2, UID2) ((SUID1) ? (SUID1) == (SUID2) : (UID1) == (UID2)) #define PAGE_CONTENT_SIZE(PAGE) ((PAGE) - sizeof(TSCKSUM)) #define LOGIC_TO_FILE_OFFSET(LOFFSET, PAGE) \ ((LOFFSET) / PAGE_CONTENT_SIZE(PAGE) * (PAGE) + (LOFFSET) % PAGE_CONTENT_SIZE(PAGE)) #define FILE_TO_LOGIC_OFFSET(OFFSET, PAGE) ((OFFSET) / (PAGE)*PAGE_CONTENT_SIZE(PAGE) + (OFFSET) % (PAGE)) #define PAGE_OFFSET(PGNO, PAGE) (((PGNO)-1) * (PAGE)) #define OFFSET_PGNO(OFFSET, PAGE) ((OFFSET) / (PAGE) + 1) static FORCE_INLINE int64_t tsdbLogicToFileSize(int64_t lSize, int32_t szPage) { int64_t fOffSet = LOGIC_TO_FILE_OFFSET(lSize, szPage); int64_t pgno = OFFSET_PGNO(fOffSet, szPage); if (fOffSet % szPage == 0) { pgno--; } return pgno * szPage; } // tsdbUtil.c ============================================================================================== // TSDBROW #define TSDBROW_TS(ROW) (((ROW)->type == 0) ? (ROW)->pTSRow->ts : (ROW)->pBlockData->aTSKEY[(ROW)->iRow]) #define TSDBROW_VERSION(ROW) (((ROW)->type == 0) ? (ROW)->version : (ROW)->pBlockData->aVersion[(ROW)->iRow]) #define TSDBROW_SVERSION(ROW) TD_ROW_SVER((ROW)->pTSRow) #define TSDBROW_KEY(ROW) ((TSDBKEY){.version = TSDBROW_VERSION(ROW), .ts = TSDBROW_TS(ROW)}) #define tsdbRowFromTSRow(VERSION, TSROW) ((TSDBROW){.type = 0, .version = (VERSION), .pTSRow = (TSROW)}) #define tsdbRowFromBlockData(BLOCKDATA, IROW) ((TSDBROW){.type = 1, .pBlockData = (BLOCKDATA), .iRow = (IROW)}) void tsdbRowGetColVal(TSDBROW *pRow, STSchema *pTSchema, int32_t iCol, SColVal *pColVal); // int32_t tPutTSDBRow(uint8_t *p, TSDBROW *pRow); int32_t tsdbRowCmprFn(const void *p1, const void *p2); // STSDBRowIter void tsdbRowIterInit(STSDBRowIter *pIter, TSDBROW *pRow, STSchema *pTSchema); SColVal *tsdbRowIterNext(STSDBRowIter *pIter); // SRowMerger int32_t tRowMergerInit2(SRowMerger *pMerger, STSchema *pResTSchema, TSDBROW *pRow, STSchema *pTSchema); int32_t tRowMergerAdd(SRowMerger *pMerger, TSDBROW *pRow, STSchema *pTSchema); int32_t tRowMergerInit(SRowMerger *pMerger, TSDBROW *pRow, STSchema *pTSchema); void tRowMergerClear(SRowMerger *pMerger); int32_t tRowMerge(SRowMerger *pMerger, TSDBROW *pRow); int32_t tRowMergerGetRow(SRowMerger *pMerger, STSRow **ppRow); // TABLEID int32_t tTABLEIDCmprFn(const void *p1, const void *p2); // TSDBKEY #define MIN_TSDBKEY(KEY1, KEY2) ((tsdbKeyCmprFn(&(KEY1), &(KEY2)) < 0) ? (KEY1) : (KEY2)) #define MAX_TSDBKEY(KEY1, KEY2) ((tsdbKeyCmprFn(&(KEY1), &(KEY2)) > 0) ? (KEY1) : (KEY2)) // SBlockCol int32_t tPutBlockCol(uint8_t *p, void *ph); int32_t tGetBlockCol(uint8_t *p, void *ph); int32_t tBlockColCmprFn(const void *p1, const void *p2); // SDataBlk void tDataBlkReset(SDataBlk *pBlock); int32_t tPutDataBlk(uint8_t *p, void *ph); int32_t tGetDataBlk(uint8_t *p, void *ph); int32_t tDataBlkCmprFn(const void *p1, const void *p2); bool tDataBlkHasSma(SDataBlk *pDataBlk); // SSttBlk int32_t tPutSttBlk(uint8_t *p, void *ph); int32_t tGetSttBlk(uint8_t *p, void *ph); // SBlockIdx int32_t tPutBlockIdx(uint8_t *p, void *ph); int32_t tGetBlockIdx(uint8_t *p, void *ph); int32_t tCmprBlockIdx(void const *lhs, void const *rhs); int32_t tCmprBlockL(void const *lhs, void const *rhs); // SBlockData #define tBlockDataFirstRow(PBLOCKDATA) tsdbRowFromBlockData(PBLOCKDATA, 0) #define tBlockDataLastRow(PBLOCKDATA) tsdbRowFromBlockData(PBLOCKDATA, (PBLOCKDATA)->nRow - 1) #define tBlockDataFirstKey(PBLOCKDATA) TSDBROW_KEY(&tBlockDataFirstRow(PBLOCKDATA)) #define tBlockDataLastKey(PBLOCKDATA) TSDBROW_KEY(&tBlockDataLastRow(PBLOCKDATA)) int32_t tBlockDataCreate(SBlockData *pBlockData); void tBlockDataDestroy(SBlockData *pBlockData, int8_t deepClear); int32_t tBlockDataInit(SBlockData *pBlockData, TABLEID *pId, STSchema *pTSchema, int16_t *aCid, int32_t nCid); void tBlockDataReset(SBlockData *pBlockData); int32_t tBlockDataAppendRow(SBlockData *pBlockData, TSDBROW *pRow, STSchema *pTSchema, int64_t uid); void tBlockDataClear(SBlockData *pBlockData); SColData *tBlockDataGetColDataByIdx(SBlockData *pBlockData, int32_t idx); void tBlockDataGetColData(SBlockData *pBlockData, int16_t cid, SColData **ppColData); int32_t tBlockDataMerge(SBlockData *pBlockData1, SBlockData *pBlockData2, SBlockData *pBlockData); int32_t tBlockDataAddColData(SBlockData *pBlockData, SColData **ppColData); int32_t tCmprBlockData(SBlockData *pBlockData, int8_t cmprAlg, uint8_t **ppOut, int32_t *szOut, uint8_t *aBuf[], int32_t aBufN[]); int32_t tDecmprBlockData(uint8_t *pIn, int32_t szIn, SBlockData *pBlockData, uint8_t *aBuf[]); // SDiskDataHdr int32_t tPutDiskDataHdr(uint8_t *p, const SDiskDataHdr *pHdr); int32_t tGetDiskDataHdr(uint8_t *p, void *ph); // SDelIdx int32_t tPutDelIdx(uint8_t *p, void *ph); int32_t tGetDelIdx(uint8_t *p, void *ph); int32_t tCmprDelIdx(void const *lhs, void const *rhs); // SDelData int32_t tPutDelData(uint8_t *p, void *ph); int32_t tGetDelData(uint8_t *p, void *ph); // SMapData #define tMapDataInit() ((SMapData){0}) void tMapDataReset(SMapData *pMapData); void tMapDataClear(SMapData *pMapData); int32_t tMapDataPutItem(SMapData *pMapData, void *pItem, int32_t (*tPutItemFn)(uint8_t *, void *)); int32_t tMapDataCopy(SMapData *pFrom, SMapData *pTo); void tMapDataGetItemByIdx(SMapData *pMapData, int32_t idx, void *pItem, int32_t (*tGetItemFn)(uint8_t *, void *)); int32_t tMapDataSearch(SMapData *pMapData, void *pSearchItem, int32_t (*tGetItemFn)(uint8_t *, void *), int32_t (*tItemCmprFn)(const void *, const void *), void *pItem); int32_t tPutMapData(uint8_t *p, SMapData *pMapData); int32_t tGetMapData(uint8_t *p, SMapData *pMapData); // other int32_t tsdbKeyFid(TSKEY key, int32_t minutes, int8_t precision); void tsdbFidKeyRange(int32_t fid, int32_t minutes, int8_t precision, TSKEY *minKey, TSKEY *maxKey); int32_t tsdbFidLevel(int32_t fid, STsdbKeepCfg *pKeepCfg, int64_t now); int32_t tsdbBuildDeleteSkyline(SArray *aDelData, int32_t sidx, int32_t eidx, SArray *aSkyline); int32_t tPutColumnDataAgg(uint8_t *p, SColumnDataAgg *pColAgg); int32_t tGetColumnDataAgg(uint8_t *p, SColumnDataAgg *pColAgg); int32_t tsdbCmprData(uint8_t *pIn, int32_t szIn, int8_t type, int8_t cmprAlg, uint8_t **ppOut, int32_t nOut, int32_t *szOut, uint8_t **ppBuf); int32_t tsdbDecmprData(uint8_t *pIn, int32_t szIn, int8_t type, int8_t cmprAlg, uint8_t **ppOut, int32_t szOut, uint8_t **ppBuf); int32_t tsdbCmprColData(SColData *pColData, int8_t cmprAlg, SBlockCol *pBlockCol, uint8_t **ppOut, int32_t nOut, uint8_t **ppBuf); int32_t tsdbDecmprColData(uint8_t *pIn, SBlockCol *pBlockCol, int8_t cmprAlg, int32_t nVal, SColData *pColData, uint8_t **ppBuf); // tsdbMemTable ============================================================================================== // SMemTable int32_t tsdbMemTableCreate(STsdb *pTsdb, SMemTable **ppMemTable); void tsdbMemTableDestroy(SMemTable *pMemTable); STbData *tsdbGetTbDataFromMemTable(SMemTable *pMemTable, tb_uid_t suid, tb_uid_t uid); void tsdbRefMemTable(SMemTable *pMemTable); void tsdbUnrefMemTable(SMemTable *pMemTable); SArray *tsdbMemTableGetTbDataArray(SMemTable *pMemTable); // STbDataIter int32_t tsdbTbDataIterCreate(STbData *pTbData, TSDBKEY *pFrom, int8_t backward, STbDataIter **ppIter); void *tsdbTbDataIterDestroy(STbDataIter *pIter); void tsdbTbDataIterOpen(STbData *pTbData, TSDBKEY *pFrom, int8_t backward, STbDataIter *pIter); bool tsdbTbDataIterNext(STbDataIter *pIter); // STbData int32_t tsdbGetNRowsInTbData(STbData *pTbData); // tsdbFile.c ============================================================================================== typedef enum { TSDB_HEAD_FILE = 0, TSDB_DATA_FILE, TSDB_LAST_FILE, TSDB_SMA_FILE } EDataFileT; bool tsdbDelFileIsSame(SDelFile *pDelFile1, SDelFile *pDelFile2); int32_t tsdbDFileRollback(STsdb *pTsdb, SDFileSet *pSet, EDataFileT ftype); int32_t tPutHeadFile(uint8_t *p, SHeadFile *pHeadFile); int32_t tPutDataFile(uint8_t *p, SDataFile *pDataFile); int32_t tPutSttFile(uint8_t *p, SSttFile *pSttFile); int32_t tPutSmaFile(uint8_t *p, SSmaFile *pSmaFile); int32_t tPutDelFile(uint8_t *p, SDelFile *pDelFile); int32_t tGetDelFile(uint8_t *p, SDelFile *pDelFile); int32_t tPutDFileSet(uint8_t *p, SDFileSet *pSet); int32_t tGetDFileSet(uint8_t *p, SDFileSet *pSet); void tsdbHeadFileName(STsdb *pTsdb, SDiskID did, int32_t fid, SHeadFile *pHeadF, char fname[]); void tsdbDataFileName(STsdb *pTsdb, SDiskID did, int32_t fid, SDataFile *pDataF, char fname[]); void tsdbSttFileName(STsdb *pTsdb, SDiskID did, int32_t fid, SSttFile *pSttF, char fname[]); void tsdbSmaFileName(STsdb *pTsdb, SDiskID did, int32_t fid, SSmaFile *pSmaF, char fname[]); // SDelFile void tsdbDelFileName(STsdb *pTsdb, SDelFile *pFile, char fname[]); // tsdbFS.c ============================================================================================== int32_t tsdbFSOpen(STsdb *pTsdb, int8_t rollback); int32_t tsdbFSClose(STsdb *pTsdb); int32_t tsdbFSCopy(STsdb *pTsdb, STsdbFS *pFS); void tsdbFSDestroy(STsdbFS *pFS); int32_t tDFileSetCmprFn(const void *p1, const void *p2); int32_t tsdbFSCommit(STsdb *pTsdb); int32_t tsdbFSRollback(STsdb *pTsdb); int32_t tsdbFSPrepareCommit(STsdb *pTsdb, STsdbFS *pFS); int32_t tsdbFSRef(STsdb *pTsdb, STsdbFS *pFS); void tsdbFSUnref(STsdb *pTsdb, STsdbFS *pFS); int32_t tsdbFSUpsertFSet(STsdbFS *pFS, SDFileSet *pSet); int32_t tsdbFSUpsertDelFile(STsdbFS *pFS, SDelFile *pDelFile); // tsdbReaderWriter.c ============================================================================================== // SDataFWriter int32_t tsdbDataFWriterOpen(SDataFWriter **ppWriter, STsdb *pTsdb, SDFileSet *pSet); int32_t tsdbDataFWriterClose(SDataFWriter **ppWriter, int8_t sync); int32_t tsdbUpdateDFileSetHeader(SDataFWriter *pWriter); int32_t tsdbWriteBlockIdx(SDataFWriter *pWriter, SArray *aBlockIdx); int32_t tsdbWriteDataBlk(SDataFWriter *pWriter, SMapData *mDataBlk, SBlockIdx *pBlockIdx); int32_t tsdbWriteSttBlk(SDataFWriter *pWriter, SArray *aSttBlk); int32_t tsdbWriteBlockData(SDataFWriter *pWriter, SBlockData *pBlockData, SBlockInfo *pBlkInfo, SSmaInfo *pSmaInfo, int8_t cmprAlg, int8_t toLast); int32_t tsdbWriteDiskData(SDataFWriter *pWriter, const SDiskData *pDiskData, SBlockInfo *pBlkInfo, SSmaInfo *pSmaInfo); int32_t tsdbDFileSetCopy(STsdb *pTsdb, SDFileSet *pSetFrom, SDFileSet *pSetTo); // SDataFReader int32_t tsdbDataFReaderOpen(SDataFReader **ppReader, STsdb *pTsdb, SDFileSet *pSet); int32_t tsdbDataFReaderClose(SDataFReader **ppReader); int32_t tsdbReadBlockIdx(SDataFReader *pReader, SArray *aBlockIdx); int32_t tsdbReadDataBlk(SDataFReader *pReader, SBlockIdx *pBlockIdx, SMapData *mDataBlk); int32_t tsdbReadSttBlk(SDataFReader *pReader, int32_t iStt, SArray *aSttBlk); int32_t tsdbReadBlockSma(SDataFReader *pReader, SDataBlk *pBlock, SArray *aColumnDataAgg); int32_t tsdbReadDataBlock(SDataFReader *pReader, SDataBlk *pBlock, SBlockData *pBlockData); int32_t tsdbReadSttBlock(SDataFReader *pReader, int32_t iStt, SSttBlk *pSttBlk, SBlockData *pBlockData); int32_t tsdbReadSttBlockEx(SDataFReader *pReader, int32_t iStt, SSttBlk *pSttBlk, SBlockData *pBlockData); // SDelFWriter int32_t tsdbDelFWriterOpen(SDelFWriter **ppWriter, SDelFile *pFile, STsdb *pTsdb); int32_t tsdbDelFWriterClose(SDelFWriter **ppWriter, int8_t sync); int32_t tsdbWriteDelData(SDelFWriter *pWriter, SArray *aDelData, SDelIdx *pDelIdx); int32_t tsdbWriteDelIdx(SDelFWriter *pWriter, SArray *aDelIdx); int32_t tsdbUpdateDelFileHdr(SDelFWriter *pWriter); // SDelFReader int32_t tsdbDelFReaderOpen(SDelFReader **ppReader, SDelFile *pFile, STsdb *pTsdb); int32_t tsdbDelFReaderClose(SDelFReader **ppReader); int32_t tsdbReadDelData(SDelFReader *pReader, SDelIdx *pDelIdx, SArray *aDelData); int32_t tsdbReadDelIdx(SDelFReader *pReader, SArray *aDelIdx); // tsdbRead.c ============================================================================================== int32_t tsdbTakeReadSnap(STsdb *pTsdb, STsdbReadSnap **ppSnap, const char *id); void tsdbUntakeReadSnap(STsdb *pTsdb, STsdbReadSnap *pSnap, const char *id); // tsdbMerge.c ============================================================================================== int32_t tsdbMerge(STsdb *pTsdb); #define TSDB_CACHE_NO(c) ((c).cacheLast == 0) #define TSDB_CACHE_LAST_ROW(c) (((c).cacheLast & 1) > 0) #define TSDB_CACHE_LAST(c) (((c).cacheLast & 2) > 0) // tsdbDiskData ============================================================================================== int32_t tDiskDataBuilderCreate(SDiskDataBuilder **ppBuilder); void *tDiskDataBuilderDestroy(SDiskDataBuilder *pBuilder); int32_t tDiskDataBuilderInit(SDiskDataBuilder *pBuilder, STSchema *pTSchema, TABLEID *pId, uint8_t cmprAlg, uint8_t calcSma); int32_t tDiskDataBuilderClear(SDiskDataBuilder *pBuilder); int32_t tDiskDataAddRow(SDiskDataBuilder *pBuilder, TSDBROW *pRow, STSchema *pTSchema, TABLEID *pId); int32_t tGnrtDiskData(SDiskDataBuilder *pBuilder, const SDiskData **ppDiskData, const SBlkInfo **ppBlkInfo); // structs ======================= struct STsdbFS { SDelFile *pDelFile; SArray *aDFileSet; // SArray }; struct STsdb { char *path; SVnode *pVnode; STsdbKeepCfg keepCfg; TdThreadRwlock rwLock; SMemTable *mem; SMemTable *imem; STsdbFS fs; SLRUCache *lruCache; TdThreadMutex lruMutex; }; struct TSDBKEY { int64_t version; TSKEY ts; }; struct SVersionRange { uint64_t minVer; uint64_t maxVer; }; typedef struct SMemSkipListNode SMemSkipListNode; struct SMemSkipListNode { int8_t level; int64_t version; STSRow *pTSRow; SMemSkipListNode *forwards[0]; }; typedef struct SMemSkipList { int64_t size; uint32_t seed; int8_t maxLevel; int8_t level; SMemSkipListNode *pHead; SMemSkipListNode *pTail; } SMemSkipList; struct STbData { tb_uid_t suid; tb_uid_t uid; TSKEY minKey; TSKEY maxKey; SDelData *pHead; SDelData *pTail; SMemSkipList sl; STbData *next; }; struct SMemTable { SRWLatch latch; STsdb *pTsdb; SVBufPool *pPool; volatile int32_t nRef; TSKEY minKey; TSKEY maxKey; int64_t nRow; int64_t nDel; struct { int32_t nTbData; int32_t nBucket; STbData **aBucket; }; }; struct TSDBROW { int8_t type; // 0 for row from tsRow, 1 for row from block data union { struct { int64_t version; STSRow *pTSRow; }; struct { SBlockData *pBlockData; int32_t iRow; }; }; }; struct SBlockIdx { int64_t suid; int64_t uid; int64_t offset; int64_t size; }; struct SMapData { int32_t nItem; int32_t nData; int32_t *aOffset; uint8_t *pData; }; struct SBlockCol { int16_t cid; int8_t type; int8_t smaOn; int8_t flag; // HAS_NONE|HAS_NULL|HAS_VALUE int32_t szOrigin; // original column value size (only save for variant data type) int32_t szBitmap; // bitmap size, 0 only for flag == HAS_VAL int32_t szOffset; // offset size, 0 only for non-variant-length type int32_t szValue; // value size, 0 when flag == (HAS_NULL | HAS_NONE) int32_t offset; }; struct SBlockInfo { int64_t offset; // block data offset int32_t szBlock; int32_t szKey; }; struct SSmaInfo { int64_t offset; int32_t size; }; struct SBlkInfo { int64_t minUid; int64_t maxUid; TSKEY minKey; TSKEY maxKey; int64_t minVer; int64_t maxVer; TSDBKEY minTKey; TSDBKEY maxTKey; }; struct SDataBlk { TSDBKEY minKey; TSDBKEY maxKey; int64_t minVer; int64_t maxVer; int32_t nRow; int8_t hasDup; int8_t nSubBlock; SBlockInfo aSubBlock[TSDB_MAX_SUBBLOCKS]; SSmaInfo smaInfo; }; struct SSttBlk { int64_t suid; int64_t minUid; int64_t maxUid; TSKEY minKey; TSKEY maxKey; int64_t minVer; int64_t maxVer; int32_t nRow; SBlockInfo bInfo; }; // (SBlockData){.suid = 0, .uid = 0}: block data not initialized // (SBlockData){.suid = suid, .uid = uid}: block data for ONE child table int .data file // (SBlockData){.suid = suid, .uid = 0}: block data for N child tables int .last file // (SBlockData){.suid = 0, .uid = uid}: block data for 1 normal table int .last/.data file struct SBlockData { int64_t suid; // 0 means normal table block data, otherwise child table block data int64_t uid; // 0 means block data in .last file, otherwise in .data file int32_t nRow; // number of rows int64_t *aUid; // uids of each row, only exist in block data in .last file (uid == 0) int64_t *aVersion; // versions of each row TSKEY *aTSKEY; // timestamp of each row int32_t nColData; SArray *aColData; // SArray }; struct TABLEID { tb_uid_t suid; tb_uid_t uid; }; struct STbDataIter { STbData *pTbData; int8_t backward; SMemSkipListNode *pNode; TSDBROW *pRow; TSDBROW row; }; struct SDelData { int64_t version; TSKEY sKey; TSKEY eKey; SDelData *pNext; }; struct SDelIdx { tb_uid_t suid; tb_uid_t uid; int64_t offset; int64_t size; }; struct SDiskDataHdr { uint32_t delimiter; uint32_t fmtVer; int64_t suid; int64_t uid; int32_t szUid; int32_t szVer; int32_t szKey; int32_t szBlkCol; int32_t nRow; int8_t cmprAlg; }; struct SDelFile { volatile int32_t nRef; int64_t commitID; int64_t size; int64_t offset; }; struct SHeadFile { volatile int32_t nRef; int64_t commitID; int64_t size; int64_t offset; }; struct SDataFile { volatile int32_t nRef; int64_t commitID; int64_t size; }; struct SSttFile { volatile int32_t nRef; int64_t commitID; int64_t size; int64_t offset; }; struct SSmaFile { volatile int32_t nRef; int64_t commitID; int64_t size; }; struct SDFileSet { SDiskID diskId; int32_t fid; SHeadFile *pHeadF; SDataFile *pDataF; SSmaFile *pSmaF; uint8_t nSttF; SSttFile *aSttF[TSDB_MAX_STT_TRIGGER]; }; struct STSDBRowIter { TSDBROW *pRow; STSchema *pTSchema; SColVal colVal; int32_t i; }; struct SRowMerger { STSchema *pTSchema; int64_t version; SArray *pArray; // SArray }; typedef struct { char *path; int32_t szPage; int32_t flag; TdFilePtr pFD; int64_t pgno; uint8_t *pBuf; int64_t szFile; } STsdbFD; struct SDelFWriter { STsdb *pTsdb; SDelFile fDel; STsdbFD *pWriteH; uint8_t *aBuf[1]; }; struct STsdbReadSnap { SMemTable *pMem; SMemTable *pIMem; STsdbFS fs; }; struct SDataFWriter { STsdb *pTsdb; SDFileSet wSet; STsdbFD *pHeadFD; STsdbFD *pDataFD; STsdbFD *pSmaFD; STsdbFD *pSttFD; SHeadFile fHead; SDataFile fData; SSmaFile fSma; SSttFile fStt[TSDB_MAX_STT_TRIGGER]; uint8_t *aBuf[4]; }; struct SDataFReader { STsdb *pTsdb; SDFileSet *pSet; STsdbFD *pHeadFD; STsdbFD *pDataFD; STsdbFD *pSmaFD; STsdbFD *aSttFD[TSDB_MAX_STT_TRIGGER]; uint8_t *aBuf[3]; }; typedef struct { int64_t suid; int64_t uid; TSDBROW row; } SRowInfo; typedef struct SSttBlockLoadInfo { SBlockData blockData[2]; SArray *aSttBlk; int32_t blockIndex[2]; // to denote the loaded block in the corresponding position. int32_t currentLoadBlockIndex; int32_t loadBlocks; double elapsedTime; STSchema *pSchema; int16_t *colIds; int32_t numOfCols; bool sttBlockLoaded; // keep the last access position, this position may be used to reduce the binary times for // starting last block data for a new table struct { int32_t blockIndex; int32_t rowIndex; } prevEndPos; } SSttBlockLoadInfo; typedef struct SMergeTree { int8_t backward; SRBTree rbt; SArray *pIterList; SLDataIter *pIter; bool destroyLoadInfo; SSttBlockLoadInfo *pLoadInfo; const char *idStr; } SMergeTree; typedef struct { int64_t suid; int64_t uid; STSchema *pTSchema; } SSkmInfo; struct SDiskCol { SBlockCol bCol; const uint8_t *pBit; const uint8_t *pOff; const uint8_t *pVal; SColumnDataAgg agg; }; struct SDiskData { SDiskDataHdr hdr; const uint8_t *pUid; const uint8_t *pVer; const uint8_t *pKey; SArray *aDiskCol; // SArray }; struct SDiskDataBuilder { int64_t suid; int64_t uid; int32_t nRow; uint8_t cmprAlg; uint8_t calcSma; SCompressor *pUidC; SCompressor *pVerC; SCompressor *pKeyC; int32_t nBuilder; SArray *aBuilder; // SArray uint8_t *aBuf[2]; SDiskData dd; SBlkInfo bi; }; int32_t tMergeTreeOpen(SMergeTree *pMTree, int8_t backward, SDataFReader *pFReader, uint64_t suid, uint64_t uid, STimeWindow *pTimeWindow, SVersionRange *pVerRange, SSttBlockLoadInfo *pBlockLoadInfo, bool destroyLoadInfo, const char *idStr); void tMergeTreeAddIter(SMergeTree *pMTree, SLDataIter *pIter); bool tMergeTreeNext(SMergeTree *pMTree); TSDBROW tMergeTreeGetRow(SMergeTree *pMTree); void tMergeTreeClose(SMergeTree *pMTree); SSttBlockLoadInfo *tCreateLastBlockLoadInfo(STSchema *pSchema, int16_t *colList, int32_t numOfCols); void resetLastBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo *pLoadInfo); void getLastBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo *pLoadInfo, int64_t *blocks, double *el); void *destroyLastBlockLoadInfo(SSttBlockLoadInfo *pLoadInfo); // tsdbCache ============================================================================================== typedef struct SCacheRowsReader { SVnode *pVnode; STSchema *pSchema; uint64_t uid; uint64_t suid; char **transferBuf; // todo remove it soon int32_t numOfCols; int32_t type; int32_t tableIndex; // currently returned result tables STableKeyInfo *pTableList; // table id list int32_t numOfTables; SSttBlockLoadInfo *pLoadInfo; STsdbReadSnap *pReadSnap; SDataFReader *pDataFReader; SDataFReader *pDataFReaderLast; } SCacheRowsReader; typedef struct { TSKEY ts; SColVal colVal; } SLastCol; int32_t tsdbOpenCache(STsdb *pTsdb); void tsdbCloseCache(STsdb *pTsdb); int32_t tsdbCacheInsertLast(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, STSRow *row, STsdb *pTsdb); int32_t tsdbCacheInsertLastrow(SLRUCache *pCache, STsdb *pTsdb, tb_uid_t uid, STSRow *row, bool dup); int32_t tsdbCacheGetLastH(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, SCacheRowsReader *pr, LRUHandle **h); int32_t tsdbCacheGetLastrowH(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, SCacheRowsReader *pr, LRUHandle **h); int32_t tsdbCacheRelease(SLRUCache *pCache, LRUHandle *h); int32_t tsdbCacheDeleteLastrow(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, TSKEY eKey); int32_t tsdbCacheDeleteLast(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, TSKEY eKey); int32_t tsdbCacheDelete(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, TSKEY eKey); void tsdbCacheSetCapacity(SVnode *pVnode, size_t capacity); size_t tsdbCacheGetCapacity(SVnode *pVnode); int32_t tsdbCacheLastArray2Row(SArray *pLastArray, STSRow **ppRow, STSchema *pSchema); // ========== inline functions ========== static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tsdbKeyCmprFn(const void *p1, const void *p2) { TSDBKEY *pKey1 = (TSDBKEY *)p1; TSDBKEY *pKey2 = (TSDBKEY *)p2; if (pKey1->ts < pKey2->ts) { return -1; } else if (pKey1->ts > pKey2->ts) { return 1; } if (pKey1->version < pKey2->version) { return -1; } else if (pKey1->version > pKey2->version) { return 1; } return 0; } #define SL_NODE_FORWARD(n, l) ((n)->forwards[l]) #define SL_NODE_BACKWARD(n, l) ((n)->forwards[(n)->level + (l)]) static FORCE_INLINE TSDBROW *tsdbTbDataIterGet(STbDataIter *pIter) { if (pIter == NULL) return NULL; if (pIter->pRow) { return pIter->pRow; } if (pIter->backward) { if (pIter->pNode == pIter->pTbData->sl.pHead) { return NULL; } } else { if (pIter->pNode == pIter->pTbData->sl.pTail) { return NULL; } } pIter->pRow = &pIter->row; pIter->pRow->version = pIter->pNode->version; pIter->pRow->pTSRow = pIter->pNode->pTSRow; return pIter->pRow; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /*_TD_VNODE_TSDB_H_*/