/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "astCreateFuncs.h" #define CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(p) \ do { \ if (NULL == (p)) { \ pCxt->valid = false; \ return NULL; \ } \ } while (0) SToken nil_token = { .type = TK_NIL, .n = 0, .z = NULL }; static bool checkDbName(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, const SToken* pDbName) { if (NULL == pDbName) { return true; } pCxt->valid = pDbName->n < TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN ? true : false; return pCxt->valid; } static bool checkTableName(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, const SToken* pTableName) { if (NULL == pTableName) { return true; } pCxt->valid = pTableName->n < TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN ? true : false; return pCxt->valid; } static bool checkColumnName(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, const SToken* pColumnName) { if (NULL == pColumnName) { return true; } pCxt->valid = pColumnName->n < TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN ? true : false; return pCxt->valid; } SNodeList* createNodeList(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pNode) { SNodeList* list = nodesMakeList(); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(list); return nodesListAppend(list, pNode); } SNodeList* addNodeToList(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNodeList* pList, SNode* pNode) { return nodesListAppend(pList, pNode); } SNode* createColumnNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, const SToken* pTableAlias, const SToken* pColumnName) { if (!checkTableName(pCxt, pTableAlias) || !checkColumnName(pCxt, pColumnName)) { return NULL; } SColumnNode* col = (SColumnNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_COLUMN); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(col); if (NULL != pTableAlias) { strncpy(col->tableAlias, pTableAlias->z, pTableAlias->n); } strncpy(col->colName, pColumnName->z, pColumnName->n); return (SNode*)col; } SNode* createValueNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, int32_t dataType, const SToken* pLiteral) { SValueNode* val = (SValueNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_VALUE); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(val); // todo return (SNode*)val; } SNode* createDurationValueNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, const SToken* pLiteral) { SValueNode* val = (SValueNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_VALUE); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(val); // todo return (SNode*)val; } SNode* addMinusSign(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pNode) { // todo } SNode* createLogicConditionNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, ELogicConditionType type, SNode* pParam1, SNode* pParam2) { SLogicConditionNode* cond = (SLogicConditionNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_CONDITION); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(cond); cond->condType = type; cond->pParameterList = nodesMakeList(); nodesListAppend(cond->pParameterList, pParam1); nodesListAppend(cond->pParameterList, pParam2); return (SNode*)cond; } SNode* createOperatorNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, EOperatorType type, SNode* pLeft, SNode* pRight) { SOperatorNode* op = (SOperatorNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_OPERATOR); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(op); op->opType = type; op->pLeft = pLeft; op->pRight = pRight; return (SNode*)op; } SNode* createBetweenAnd(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pExpr, SNode* pLeft, SNode* pRight) { return createLogicConditionNode(pCxt, LOGIC_COND_TYPE_AND, createOperatorNode(pCxt, OP_TYPE_GREATER_EQUAL, pExpr, pLeft), createOperatorNode(pCxt, OP_TYPE_LOWER_EQUAL, pExpr, pRight)); } SNode* createNotBetweenAnd(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pExpr, SNode* pLeft, SNode* pRight) { return createLogicConditionNode(pCxt, LOGIC_COND_TYPE_OR, createOperatorNode(pCxt, OP_TYPE_LOWER_THAN, pExpr, pLeft), createOperatorNode(pCxt, OP_TYPE_GREATER_THAN, pExpr, pRight)); } SNode* createIsNullCondNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pExpr, bool isNull) { SIsNullCondNode* cond = (SIsNullCondNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_IS_NULL_CONDITION); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(cond); cond->pExpr = pExpr; cond->isNull = isNull; return (SNode*)cond; } SNode* createFunctionNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, const SToken* pFuncName, SNodeList* pParameterList) { SFunctionNode* func = (SFunctionNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_FUNCTION); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(func); strncpy(func->functionName, pFuncName->z, pFuncName->n); func->pParameterList = pParameterList; return (SNode*)func; } SNode* createNodeListNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNodeList* pList) { SNodeListNode* list = (SNodeListNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_NODE_LIST); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(list); list->pNodeList = pList; return (SNode*)list; } SNode* createRealTableNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, const SToken* pDbName, const SToken* pTableName, const SToken* pTableAlias) { if (!checkDbName(pCxt, pDbName) || !checkTableName(pCxt, pTableName)) { return NULL; } SRealTableNode* realTable = (SRealTableNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_REAL_TABLE); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(realTable); if (NULL != pDbName) { strncpy(realTable->table.dbName, pDbName->z, pDbName->n); } else { strcpy(realTable->table.dbName, pCxt->pQueryCxt->db); } if (NULL != pTableAlias && TK_NIL != pTableAlias->type) { strncpy(realTable->table.tableAlias, pTableAlias->z, pTableAlias->n); } else { strncpy(realTable->table.tableAlias, pTableName->z, pTableName->n); } strncpy(realTable->table.tableName, pTableName->z, pTableName->n); return (SNode*)realTable; } SNode* createTempTableNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pSubquery, const SToken* pTableAlias) { STempTableNode* tempTable = (STempTableNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_TEMP_TABLE); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(tempTable); tempTable->pSubquery = pSubquery; if (NULL != pTableAlias && TK_NIL != pTableAlias->type) { strncpy(tempTable->table.tableAlias, pTableAlias->z, pTableAlias->n); } return (SNode*)tempTable; } SNode* createJoinTableNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, EJoinType type, SNode* pLeft, SNode* pRight, SNode* pJoinCond) { SJoinTableNode* joinTable = (SJoinTableNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_JOIN_TABLE); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(joinTable); joinTable->joinType = type; joinTable->pLeft = pLeft; joinTable->pRight = pRight; joinTable->pOnCond = pJoinCond; return (SNode*)joinTable; } SNode* createLimitNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, const SToken* pLimit, const SToken* pOffset) { SLimitNode* limitNode = (SLimitNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_LIMIT); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(limitNode); // limitNode->limit = limit; // limitNode->offset = offset; return (SNode*)limitNode; } SNode* createOrderByExprNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pExpr, EOrder order, ENullOrder nullOrder) { SOrderByExprNode* orderByExpr = (SOrderByExprNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_ORDER_BY_EXPR); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(orderByExpr); orderByExpr->pExpr = pExpr; orderByExpr->order = order; orderByExpr->nullOrder = nullOrder; return (SNode*)orderByExpr; } SNode* createSessionWindowNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pCol, const SToken* pVal) { SSessionWindowNode* session = (SSessionWindowNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_SESSION_WINDOW); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(session); session->pCol = pCol; // session->gap = getInteger(pVal); return (SNode*)session; } SNode* createStateWindowNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pCol) { SStateWindowNode* state = (SStateWindowNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_STATE_WINDOW); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(state); state->pCol = pCol; return (SNode*)state; } SNode* createIntervalWindowNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pInterval, SNode* pOffset, SNode* pSliding, SNode* pFill) { SIntervalWindowNode* interval = (SIntervalWindowNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_INTERVAL_WINDOW); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(interval); interval->pInterval = pInterval; interval->pOffset = pOffset; interval->pSliding = pSliding; interval->pFill = pFill; return (SNode*)interval; } SNode* createFillNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, EFillMode mode, SNode* pValues) { SFillNode* fill = (SFillNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_FILL); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(fill); fill->mode = mode; fill->pValues = pValues; return (SNode*)fill; } SNode* setProjectionAlias(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pNode, const SToken* pAlias) { strncpy(((SExprNode*)pNode)->aliasName, pAlias->z, pAlias->n); return pNode; } SNode* addWhereClause(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pStmt, SNode* pWhere) { if (QUERY_NODE_SELECT_STMT == nodeType(pStmt)) { ((SSelectStmt*)pStmt)->pWhere = pWhere; } return pStmt; } SNode* addPartitionByClause(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pStmt, SNodeList* pPartitionByList) { if (QUERY_NODE_SELECT_STMT == nodeType(pStmt)) { ((SSelectStmt*)pStmt)->pPartitionByList = pPartitionByList; } return pStmt; } SNode* addWindowClauseClause(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pStmt, SNode* pWindow) { if (QUERY_NODE_SELECT_STMT == nodeType(pStmt)) { ((SSelectStmt*)pStmt)->pWindow = pWindow; } return pStmt; } SNode* addGroupByClause(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pStmt, SNodeList* pGroupByList) { if (QUERY_NODE_SELECT_STMT == nodeType(pStmt)) { ((SSelectStmt*)pStmt)->pGroupByList = pGroupByList; } return pStmt; } SNode* addHavingClause(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pStmt, SNode* pHaving) { if (QUERY_NODE_SELECT_STMT == nodeType(pStmt)) { ((SSelectStmt*)pStmt)->pHaving = pHaving; } return pStmt; } SNode* addOrderByClause(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pStmt, SNodeList* pOrderByList) { if (QUERY_NODE_SELECT_STMT == nodeType(pStmt)) { ((SSelectStmt*)pStmt)->pOrderByList = pOrderByList; } return pStmt; } SNode* addSlimitClause(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pStmt, SNode* pSlimit) { if (QUERY_NODE_SELECT_STMT == nodeType(pStmt)) { ((SSelectStmt*)pStmt)->pSlimit = pSlimit; } return pStmt; } SNode* addLimitClause(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SNode* pStmt, SNode* pLimit) { if (QUERY_NODE_SELECT_STMT == nodeType(pStmt)) { ((SSelectStmt*)pStmt)->pLimit = pLimit; } return pStmt; } SNode* createSelectStmt(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, bool isDistinct, SNodeList* pProjectionList, SNode* pTable) { SSelectStmt* select = (SSelectStmt*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_SELECT_STMT); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(select); select->isDistinct = isDistinct; select->pProjectionList = pProjectionList; select->pFromTable = pTable; return (SNode*)select; } SNode* createSetOperator(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, ESetOperatorType type, SNode* pLeft, SNode* pRight) { SSetOperator* setOp = (SSetOperator*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_SET_OPERATOR); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(setOp); setOp->opType = type; setOp->pLeft = pLeft; setOp->pRight = pRight; return (SNode*)setOp; } SNode* createShowStmt(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, EShowStmtType type) { SShowStmt* show = (SShowStmt*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_SHOW_STMT); CHECK_OUT_OF_MEM(show); show->showType = type; return (SNode*)show; }