import threading import random import logging import os class CrashGenError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg=None, errno=None): self.msg = msg self.errno = errno def __str__(self): return self.msg class LoggingFilter(logging.Filter): def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord): if (record.levelno >= logging.INFO): return True # info or above always log # Commenting out below to adjust... # if msg.startswith("[TRD]"): # return False return True class MyLoggingAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter): def process(self, msg, kwargs): return "[{}] {}".format(threading.get_ident() % 10000, msg), kwargs # return '[%s] %s' % (self.extra['connid'], msg), kwargs class Logging: logger = None @classmethod def getLogger(cls): return logger @classmethod def clsInit(cls, gConfig): # TODO: refactor away gConfig if cls.logger: return # Logging Stuff # global misc.logger _logger = logging.getLogger('CrashGen') # real logger _logger.addFilter(LoggingFilter()) ch = logging.StreamHandler() _logger.addHandler(ch) # Logging adapter, to be used as a logger print("setting logger variable") # global logger cls.logger = MyLoggingAdapter(_logger, []) if (gConfig.debug): cls.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # default seems to be INFO else: cls.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) @classmethod def info(cls, msg): @classmethod def debug(cls, msg): cls.logger.debug(msg) @classmethod def warning(cls, msg): cls.logger.warning(msg) @classmethod def error(cls, msg): cls.logger.error(msg) class Status: STATUS_STARTING = 1 STATUS_RUNNING = 2 STATUS_STOPPING = 3 STATUS_STOPPED = 4 def __init__(self, status): self.set(status) def __repr__(self): return "[Status: v={}]".format(self._status) def set(self, status): self._status = status def get(self): return self._status def isStarting(self): return self._status == Status.STATUS_STARTING def isRunning(self): # return self._thread and self._thread.is_alive() return self._status == Status.STATUS_RUNNING def isStopping(self): return self._status == Status.STATUS_STOPPING def isStopped(self): return self._status == Status.STATUS_STOPPED def isStable(self): return self.isRunning() or self.isStopped() # Deterministic random number generator class Dice(): seeded = False # static, uninitialized @classmethod def seed(cls, s): # static if (cls.seeded): raise RuntimeError( "Cannot seed the random generator more than once") cls.verifyRNG() random.seed(s) cls.seeded = True # TODO: protect against multi-threading @classmethod def verifyRNG(cls): # Verify that the RNG is determinstic random.seed(0) x1 = random.randrange(0, 1000) x2 = random.randrange(0, 1000) x3 = random.randrange(0, 1000) if (x1 != 864 or x2 != 394 or x3 != 776): raise RuntimeError("System RNG is not deterministic") @classmethod def throw(cls, stop): # get 0 to stop-1 return cls.throwRange(0, stop) @classmethod def throwRange(cls, start, stop): # up to stop-1 if (not cls.seeded): raise RuntimeError("Cannot throw dice before seeding it") return random.randrange(start, stop) @classmethod def choice(cls, cList): return random.choice(cList) class Helper: @classmethod def convertErrno(cls, errno): return errno if (errno > 0) else 0x80000000 + errno @classmethod def getFriendlyPath(cls, path): # returns .../xxx/yyy ht1 = os.path.split(path) ht2 = os.path.split(ht1[0]) return ".../" + ht2[1] + '/' + ht1[1] class Progress: STEP_BOUNDARY = 0 BEGIN_THREAD_STEP = 1 END_THREAD_STEP = 2 SERVICE_HEART_BEAT= 3 tokens = { STEP_BOUNDARY: '.', BEGIN_THREAD_STEP: '[', END_THREAD_STEP: '] ', SERVICE_HEART_BEAT: '.Y.' } @classmethod def emit(cls, token): print(cls.tokens[token], end="", flush=True)