#include "qworker.h" #include "tcommon.h" #include "executor.h" #include "planner.h" #include "query.h" #include "qworkerInt.h" #include "qworkerMsg.h" #include "tmsg.h" #include "tname.h" #include "dataSinkMgt.h" SQWDebug gQWDebug = {.statusEnable = true, .dumpEnable = true}; int32_t qwDbgValidateStatus(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, int8_t oriStatus, int8_t newStatus, bool *ignore) { if (!gQWDebug.statusEnable) { return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t code = 0; if (oriStatus == newStatus) { if (newStatus == JOB_TASK_STATUS_EXECUTING || newStatus == JOB_TASK_STATUS_FAILED) { *ignore = true; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } switch (oriStatus) { case JOB_TASK_STATUS_NULL: if (newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_EXECUTING && newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_FAILED && newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_NOT_START) { QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } break; case JOB_TASK_STATUS_NOT_START: if (newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_CANCELLED) { QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } break; case JOB_TASK_STATUS_EXECUTING: if (newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_PARTIAL_SUCCEED && newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_SUCCEED && newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_FAILED && newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_CANCELLING && newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_CANCELLED && newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_DROPPING) { QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } break; case JOB_TASK_STATUS_PARTIAL_SUCCEED: if (newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_EXECUTING && newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_SUCCEED && newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_CANCELLED && newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_FAILED && newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_DROPPING) { QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } break; case JOB_TASK_STATUS_SUCCEED: if (newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_CANCELLED && newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_DROPPING && newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_FAILED) { QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } break; case JOB_TASK_STATUS_FAILED: if (newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_CANCELLED && newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_DROPPING) { QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } break; case JOB_TASK_STATUS_CANCELLING: if (newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_CANCELLED) { QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } break; case JOB_TASK_STATUS_CANCELLED: case JOB_TASK_STATUS_DROPPING: if (newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_FAILED && newStatus != JOB_TASK_STATUS_PARTIAL_SUCCEED) { QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } break; default: QW_TASK_ELOG("invalid task origStatus:%s", jobTaskStatusStr(oriStatus)); return TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR; } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; _return: QW_TASK_ELOG("invalid task status update from %s to %s", jobTaskStatusStr(oriStatus), jobTaskStatusStr(newStatus)); QW_RET(code); } void qwDbgDumpSchInfo(SQWSchStatus *sch, int32_t i) { } void qwDbgDumpMgmtInfo(SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt) { if (!gQWDebug.dumpEnable) { return; } QW_LOCK(QW_READ, &mgmt->schLock); QW_DUMP("total remain schduler num:%d", taosHashGetSize(mgmt->schHash)); void *key = NULL; size_t keyLen = 0; int32_t i = 0; SQWSchStatus *sch = NULL; void *pIter = taosHashIterate(mgmt->schHash, NULL); while (pIter) { sch = (SQWSchStatus *)pIter; qwDbgDumpSchInfo(sch, i); ++i; pIter = taosHashIterate(mgmt->schHash, pIter); } QW_UNLOCK(QW_READ, &mgmt->schLock); QW_DUMP("total remain ctx num:%d", taosHashGetSize(mgmt->ctxHash)); } char *qwPhaseStr(int32_t phase) { switch (phase) { case QW_PHASE_PRE_QUERY: return "PRE_QUERY"; case QW_PHASE_POST_QUERY: return "POST_QUERY"; case QW_PHASE_PRE_FETCH: return "PRE_FETCH"; case QW_PHASE_POST_FETCH: return "POST_FETCH"; case QW_PHASE_PRE_CQUERY: return "PRE_CQUERY"; case QW_PHASE_POST_CQUERY: return "POST_CQUERY"; default: break; } return "UNKNOWN"; } char *qwBufStatusStr(int32_t bufStatus) { switch (bufStatus) { case DS_BUF_LOW: return "LOW"; case DS_BUF_FULL: return "FULL"; case DS_BUF_EMPTY: return "EMPTY"; default: break; } return "UNKNOWN"; } int32_t qwSetTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, SQWTaskStatus *task, int8_t status) { int32_t code = 0; int8_t origStatus = 0; bool ignore = false; while (true) { origStatus = atomic_load_8(&task->status); QW_ERR_RET(qwDbgValidateStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), origStatus, status, &ignore)); if (ignore) { break; } if (origStatus != atomic_val_compare_exchange_8(&task->status, origStatus, status)) { continue; } QW_TASK_DLOG("task status updated from %s to %s", jobTaskStatusStr(origStatus), jobTaskStatusStr(status)); break; } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t qwAddSchedulerImpl(SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt, uint64_t sId, int32_t rwType) { SQWSchStatus newSch = {0}; newSch.tasksHash = taosHashInit(mgmt->cfg.maxSchTaskNum, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), false, HASH_NO_LOCK); if (NULL == newSch.tasksHash) { QW_SCH_ELOG("taosHashInit %d failed", mgmt->cfg.maxSchTaskNum); QW_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } QW_LOCK(QW_WRITE, &mgmt->schLock); int32_t code = taosHashPut(mgmt->schHash, &sId, sizeof(sId), &newSch, sizeof(newSch)); if (0 != code) { if (!HASH_NODE_EXIST(code)) { QW_UNLOCK(QW_WRITE, &mgmt->schLock); QW_SCH_ELOG("taosHashPut new sch to scheduleHash failed, errno:%d", errno); taosHashCleanup(newSch.tasksHash); QW_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } taosHashCleanup(newSch.tasksHash); } QW_UNLOCK(QW_WRITE, &mgmt->schLock); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t qwAcquireSchedulerImpl(SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt, uint64_t sId, int32_t rwType, SQWSchStatus **sch, int32_t nOpt) { while (true) { QW_LOCK(rwType, &mgmt->schLock); *sch = taosHashGet(mgmt->schHash, &sId, sizeof(sId)); if (NULL == (*sch)) { QW_UNLOCK(rwType, &mgmt->schLock); if (QW_NOT_EXIST_ADD == nOpt) { QW_ERR_RET(qwAddSchedulerImpl(mgmt, sId, rwType)); nOpt = QW_NOT_EXIST_RET_ERR; continue; } else if (QW_NOT_EXIST_RET_ERR == nOpt) { QW_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_SCH_NOT_EXIST); } else { QW_SCH_ELOG("unknown notExistOpt:%d", nOpt); QW_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } } break; } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t qwAcquireAddScheduler(SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt, uint64_t sId, int32_t rwType, SQWSchStatus **sch) { return qwAcquireSchedulerImpl(mgmt, sId, rwType, sch, QW_NOT_EXIST_ADD); } int32_t qwAcquireScheduler(SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt, uint64_t sId, int32_t rwType, SQWSchStatus **sch) { return qwAcquireSchedulerImpl(mgmt, sId, rwType, sch, QW_NOT_EXIST_RET_ERR); } void qwReleaseScheduler(int32_t rwType, SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt) { QW_UNLOCK(rwType, &mgmt->schLock); } int32_t qwAcquireTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, int32_t rwType, SQWSchStatus *sch, SQWTaskStatus **task) { char id[sizeof(qId) + sizeof(tId)] = {0}; QW_SET_QTID(id, qId, tId); QW_LOCK(rwType, &sch->tasksLock); *task = taosHashGet(sch->tasksHash, id, sizeof(id)); if (NULL == (*task)) { QW_UNLOCK(rwType, &sch->tasksLock); QW_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_NOT_EXIST); } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t qwAddTaskStatusImpl(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, SQWSchStatus *sch, int32_t rwType, int32_t status, SQWTaskStatus **task) { int32_t code = 0; char id[sizeof(qId) + sizeof(tId)] = {0}; QW_SET_QTID(id, qId, tId); SQWTaskStatus ntask = {0}; ntask.status = status; ntask.refId = rId; QW_LOCK(QW_WRITE, &sch->tasksLock); code = taosHashPut(sch->tasksHash, id, sizeof(id), &ntask, sizeof(ntask)); if (0 != code) { QW_UNLOCK(QW_WRITE, &sch->tasksLock); if (HASH_NODE_EXIST(code)) { if (rwType && task) { QW_RET(qwAcquireTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), rwType, sch, task)); } else { QW_TASK_ELOG("task status already exist, newStatus:%s", jobTaskStatusStr(status)); QW_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_ALREADY_EXIST); } } else { QW_TASK_ELOG("taosHashPut to tasksHash failed, error:%x - %s", code, tstrerror(code)); QW_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } } QW_UNLOCK(QW_WRITE, &sch->tasksLock); QW_TASK_DLOG("task status added, newStatus:%s", jobTaskStatusStr(status)); if (rwType && task) { QW_ERR_RET(qwAcquireTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), rwType, sch, task)); } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t qwAddTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, int32_t status) { SQWSchStatus *tsch = NULL; int32_t code = 0; QW_ERR_RET(qwAcquireAddScheduler(mgmt, sId, QW_READ, &tsch)); QW_ERR_JRET(qwAddTaskStatusImpl(QW_FPARAMS(), tsch, 0, status, NULL)); _return: qwReleaseScheduler(QW_READ, mgmt); QW_RET(code); } int32_t qwAddAcquireTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, int32_t rwType, SQWSchStatus *sch, int32_t status, SQWTaskStatus **task) { return qwAddTaskStatusImpl(QW_FPARAMS(), sch, rwType, status, task); } void qwReleaseTaskStatus(int32_t rwType, SQWSchStatus *sch) { QW_UNLOCK(rwType, &sch->tasksLock); } int32_t qwAcquireTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, SQWTaskCtx **ctx) { char id[sizeof(qId) + sizeof(tId)] = {0}; QW_SET_QTID(id, qId, tId); *ctx = taosHashAcquire(mgmt->ctxHash, id, sizeof(id)); if (NULL == (*ctx)) { QW_TASK_DLOG_E("task ctx not exist, may be dropped"); QW_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_CTX_NOT_EXIST); } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t qwGetTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, SQWTaskCtx **ctx) { char id[sizeof(qId) + sizeof(tId)] = {0}; QW_SET_QTID(id, qId, tId); *ctx = taosHashGet(mgmt->ctxHash, id, sizeof(id)); if (NULL == (*ctx)) { QW_TASK_DLOG_E("task ctx not exist, may be dropped"); QW_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_CTX_NOT_EXIST); } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t qwAddTaskCtxImpl(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, bool acquire, SQWTaskCtx **ctx) { char id[sizeof(qId) + sizeof(tId)] = {0}; QW_SET_QTID(id, qId, tId); SQWTaskCtx nctx = {0}; int32_t code = taosHashPut(mgmt->ctxHash, id, sizeof(id), &nctx, sizeof(SQWTaskCtx)); if (0 != code) { if (HASH_NODE_EXIST(code)) { if (acquire && ctx) { QW_RET(qwAcquireTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS(), ctx)); } else if (ctx) { QW_RET(qwGetTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS(), ctx)); } else { QW_TASK_ELOG_E("task ctx already exist"); QW_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_ALREADY_EXIST); } } else { QW_TASK_ELOG("taosHashPut to ctxHash failed, error:%x", code); QW_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } } if (acquire && ctx) { QW_RET(qwAcquireTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS(), ctx)); } else if (ctx) { QW_RET(qwGetTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS(), ctx)); } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t qwAddTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS_DEF) { QW_RET(qwAddTaskCtxImpl(QW_FPARAMS(), false, NULL)); } int32_t qwAddAcquireTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, SQWTaskCtx **ctx) { return qwAddTaskCtxImpl(QW_FPARAMS(), true, ctx); } void qwReleaseTaskCtx(SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt, void *ctx) { taosHashRelease(mgmt->ctxHash, ctx); } void qwFreeTaskHandle(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, qTaskInfo_t *taskHandle) { // Note: free/kill may in RC qTaskInfo_t otaskHandle = atomic_load_ptr(taskHandle); if (otaskHandle && atomic_val_compare_exchange_ptr(taskHandle, otaskHandle, NULL)) { qDestroyTask(otaskHandle); } } int32_t qwKillTaskHandle(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, SQWTaskCtx *ctx) { int32_t code = 0; // Note: free/kill may in RC qTaskInfo_t taskHandle = atomic_load_ptr(&ctx->taskHandle); if (taskHandle && atomic_val_compare_exchange_ptr(&ctx->taskHandle, taskHandle, NULL)) { code = qAsyncKillTask(taskHandle); atomic_store_ptr(&ctx->taskHandle, taskHandle); } QW_RET(code); } void qwFreeTask(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, SQWTaskCtx *ctx) { tmsgReleaseHandle(ctx->connInfo.handle, TAOS_CONN_SERVER); ctx->connInfo.handle = NULL; qwFreeTaskHandle(QW_FPARAMS(), &ctx->taskHandle); if (ctx->sinkHandle) { dsDestroyDataSinker(ctx->sinkHandle); ctx->sinkHandle = NULL; } } int32_t qwDropTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS_DEF) { char id[sizeof(qId) + sizeof(tId)] = {0}; QW_SET_QTID(id, qId, tId); SQWTaskCtx octx; SQWTaskCtx *ctx = taosHashGet(mgmt->ctxHash, id, sizeof(id)); if (NULL == ctx) { QW_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_CTX_NOT_EXIST); } octx = *ctx; atomic_store_ptr(&ctx->taskHandle, NULL); atomic_store_ptr(&ctx->sinkHandle, NULL); QW_SET_EVENT_PROCESSED(ctx, QW_EVENT_DROP); if (taosHashRemove(mgmt->ctxHash, id, sizeof(id))) { QW_TASK_ELOG_E("taosHashRemove from ctx hash failed"); QW_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_CTX_NOT_EXIST); } qwFreeTask(QW_FPARAMS(), &octx); QW_TASK_DLOG_E("task ctx dropped"); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t qwDropTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS_DEF) { SQWSchStatus *sch = NULL; SQWTaskStatus *task = NULL; int32_t code = 0; char id[sizeof(qId) + sizeof(tId)] = {0}; QW_SET_QTID(id, qId, tId); if (qwAcquireScheduler(mgmt, sId, QW_WRITE, &sch)) { QW_TASK_WLOG_E("scheduler does not exist"); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } if (qwAcquireTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), QW_WRITE, sch, &task)) { qwReleaseScheduler(QW_WRITE, mgmt); QW_TASK_WLOG_E("task does not exist"); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } if (taosHashRemove(sch->tasksHash, id, sizeof(id))) { QW_TASK_ELOG_E("taosHashRemove task from hash failed"); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } QW_TASK_DLOG_E("task status dropped"); _return: if (task) { qwReleaseTaskStatus(QW_WRITE, sch); } qwReleaseScheduler(QW_WRITE, mgmt); QW_RET(code); } int32_t qwUpdateTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, int8_t status) { SQWSchStatus *sch = NULL; SQWTaskStatus *task = NULL; int32_t code = 0; QW_ERR_RET(qwAcquireScheduler(mgmt, sId, QW_READ, &sch)); QW_ERR_JRET(qwAcquireTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), QW_READ, sch, &task)); QW_ERR_JRET(qwSetTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), task, status)); _return: if (task) { qwReleaseTaskStatus(QW_READ, sch); } qwReleaseScheduler(QW_READ, mgmt); QW_RET(code); } int32_t qwDropTask(QW_FPARAMS_DEF) { QW_ERR_RET(qwDropTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS())); QW_ERR_RET(qwDropTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS())); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t qwExecTask(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, SQWTaskCtx *ctx, bool *queryEnd) { int32_t code = 0; bool qcontinue = true; SSDataBlock* pRes = NULL; uint64_t useconds = 0; int32_t i = 0; int32_t execNum = 0; qTaskInfo_t *taskHandle = &ctx->taskHandle; DataSinkHandle sinkHandle = ctx->sinkHandle; while (true) { QW_TASK_DLOG("start to execTask, loopIdx:%d", i++); code = qExecTask(*taskHandle, &pRes, &useconds); if (code) { QW_TASK_ELOG("qExecTask failed, code:%x - %s", code, tstrerror(code)); QW_ERR_RET(code); } ++execNum; if (NULL == pRes) { QW_TASK_DLOG("qExecTask end with empty res, useconds:%"PRIu64, useconds); dsEndPut(sinkHandle, useconds); if (TASK_TYPE_TEMP == ctx->taskType) { qwFreeTaskHandle(QW_FPARAMS(), taskHandle); } if (queryEnd) { *queryEnd = true; } break; } int32_t rows = pRes->info.rows; ASSERT(pRes->info.rows > 0); SInputData inputData = {.pData = pRes}; code = dsPutDataBlock(sinkHandle, &inputData, &qcontinue); if (code) { QW_TASK_ELOG("dsPutDataBlock failed, code:%x - %s", code, tstrerror(code)); QW_ERR_RET(code); } QW_TASK_DLOG("data put into sink, rows:%d, continueExecTask:%d", rows, qcontinue); if (!qcontinue) { break; } if (QW_IS_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, QW_EVENT_READY) && execNum >= QW_DEFAULT_SHORT_RUN_TIMES) { break; } if (QW_IS_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, QW_EVENT_FETCH)) { break; } if (atomic_load_32(&ctx->rspCode)) { break; } } QW_RET(code); } int32_t qwGenerateSchHbRsp(SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt, SQWSchStatus *sch, SQWHbInfo *hbInfo) { int32_t taskNum = 0; hbInfo->connInfo = sch->hbConnInfo; hbInfo->rsp.epId = sch->hbEpId; QW_LOCK(QW_READ, &sch->tasksLock); taskNum = taosHashGetSize(sch->tasksHash); hbInfo->rsp.taskStatus = taosArrayInit(taskNum, sizeof(STaskStatus)); if (NULL == hbInfo->rsp.taskStatus) { QW_UNLOCK(QW_READ, &sch->tasksLock); QW_ELOG("taosArrayInit taskStatus failed, num:%d", taskNum); return TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } void *key = NULL; size_t keyLen = 0; int32_t i = 0; STaskStatus status = {0}; void *pIter = taosHashIterate(sch->tasksHash, NULL); while (pIter) { SQWTaskStatus *taskStatus = (SQWTaskStatus *)pIter; key = taosHashGetKey(pIter, &keyLen); //TODO GET EXECUTOR API TO GET MORE INFO QW_GET_QTID(key, status.queryId, status.taskId); status.status = taskStatus->status; status.refId = taskStatus->refId; taosArrayPush(hbInfo->rsp.taskStatus, &status); ++i; pIter = taosHashIterate(sch->tasksHash, pIter); } QW_UNLOCK(QW_READ, &sch->tasksLock); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t qwGetResFromSink(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, SQWTaskCtx *ctx, int32_t *dataLen, void **rspMsg, SOutputData *pOutput) { int32_t len = 0; SRetrieveTableRsp *rsp = NULL; bool queryEnd = false; int32_t code = 0; if (ctx->emptyRes) { QW_TASK_DLOG_E("query end with empty result"); qwUpdateTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), JOB_TASK_STATUS_SUCCEED); QW_ERR_RET(qwMallocFetchRsp(len, &rsp)); *rspMsg = rsp; *dataLen = 0; pOutput->queryEnd = true; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } dsGetDataLength(ctx->sinkHandle, &len, &queryEnd); if (len < 0) { QW_TASK_ELOG("invalid length from dsGetDataLength, length:%d", len); QW_ERR_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT); } if (len == 0) { if (queryEnd) { code = dsGetDataBlock(ctx->sinkHandle, pOutput); if (code) { QW_TASK_ELOG("dsGetDataBlock failed, code:%x - %s", code, tstrerror(code)); QW_ERR_RET(code); } QW_TASK_DLOG_E("no data in sink and query end"); qwUpdateTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), JOB_TASK_STATUS_SUCCEED); QW_ERR_RET(qwMallocFetchRsp(len, &rsp)); *rspMsg = rsp; *dataLen = 0; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } pOutput->bufStatus = DS_BUF_EMPTY; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } // Got data from sink QW_TASK_DLOG("there are data in sink, dataLength:%d", len); *dataLen = len; QW_ERR_RET(qwMallocFetchRsp(len, &rsp)); *rspMsg = rsp; pOutput->pData = rsp->data; code = dsGetDataBlock(ctx->sinkHandle, pOutput); if (code) { QW_TASK_ELOG("dsGetDataBlock failed, code:%x - %s", code, tstrerror(code)); QW_ERR_RET(code); } if (DS_BUF_EMPTY == pOutput->bufStatus && pOutput->queryEnd) { QW_TASK_DLOG_E("task all data fetched, done"); qwUpdateTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), JOB_TASK_STATUS_SUCCEED); } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t qwHandlePrePhaseEvents(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, int8_t phase, SQWPhaseInput *input, SQWPhaseOutput *output) { int32_t code = 0; SQWTaskCtx *ctx = NULL; SQWConnInfo *dropConnection = NULL; SQWConnInfo *cancelConnection = NULL; QW_TASK_DLOG("start to handle event at phase %s", qwPhaseStr(phase)); if (QW_PHASE_PRE_QUERY == phase) { QW_ERR_JRET(qwAddAcquireTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS(), &ctx)); } else { QW_ERR_JRET(qwAcquireTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS(), &ctx)); } QW_LOCK(QW_WRITE, &ctx->lock); if (QW_PHASE_PRE_FETCH == phase) { atomic_store_8((int8_t*)&ctx->queryFetched, true); } else { atomic_store_8(&ctx->phase, phase); } if (atomic_load_8((int8_t*)&ctx->queryEnd)) { QW_TASK_ELOG_E("query already end"); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QW_MSG_ERROR); } switch (phase) { case QW_PHASE_PRE_QUERY: { if (QW_IS_EVENT_PROCESSED(ctx, QW_EVENT_DROP)) { QW_TASK_ELOG("task already dropped at wrong phase %s", qwPhaseStr(phase)); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_STATUS_ERROR); break; } if (QW_IS_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, QW_EVENT_DROP)) { dropConnection = &ctx->connInfo; QW_ERR_JRET(qwDropTask(QW_FPARAMS())); dropConnection = NULL; qwBuildAndSendDropRsp(&mgmt->msgCb, &ctx->connInfo, code); QW_TASK_DLOG("drop rsp send, handle:%p, code:%x - %s", ctx->connInfo.handle, code, tstrerror(code)); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_DROPPED); break; } QW_ERR_JRET(qwAddTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), JOB_TASK_STATUS_EXECUTING)); break; } case QW_PHASE_PRE_FETCH: { if (QW_IS_EVENT_PROCESSED(ctx, QW_EVENT_DROP) || QW_IS_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, QW_EVENT_DROP)) { QW_TASK_WLOG("task dropping or already dropped, phase:%s", qwPhaseStr(phase)); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_DROPPED); } if (QW_IS_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, QW_EVENT_FETCH)) { QW_TASK_WLOG("last fetch still not processed, phase:%s", qwPhaseStr(phase)); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_DUPLICATTED_OPERATION); } if (!QW_IS_EVENT_PROCESSED(ctx, QW_EVENT_READY)) { QW_TASK_ELOG("ready msg has not been processed, phase:%s", qwPhaseStr(phase)); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_MSG_ERROR); } break; } case QW_PHASE_PRE_CQUERY: { if (QW_IS_EVENT_PROCESSED(ctx, QW_EVENT_DROP)) { QW_TASK_WLOG("task already dropped, phase:%s", qwPhaseStr(phase)); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_DROPPED); } if (QW_IS_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, QW_EVENT_DROP)) { dropConnection = &ctx->connInfo; QW_ERR_JRET(qwDropTask(QW_FPARAMS())); dropConnection = NULL; qwBuildAndSendDropRsp(&mgmt->msgCb, &ctx->connInfo, code); QW_TASK_DLOG("drop rsp send, handle:%p, code:%x - %s", ctx->connInfo.handle, code, tstrerror(code)); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_DROPPED); } break; } default: QW_TASK_ELOG("invalid phase %s", qwPhaseStr(phase)); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } if (ctx->rspCode) { QW_TASK_ELOG("task already failed at phase %s, error:%x - %s", qwPhaseStr(phase), ctx->rspCode, tstrerror(ctx->rspCode)); QW_ERR_JRET(ctx->rspCode); } _return: if (ctx) { QW_UPDATE_RSP_CODE(ctx, code); QW_UNLOCK(QW_WRITE, &ctx->lock); qwReleaseTaskCtx(mgmt, ctx); } if (dropConnection) { qwBuildAndSendDropRsp(&mgmt->msgCb, dropConnection, code); QW_TASK_DLOG("drop rsp send, handle:%p, code:%x - %s", dropConnection->handle, code, tstrerror(code)); } if (cancelConnection) { qwBuildAndSendCancelRsp(&mgmt->msgCb, cancelConnection, code); QW_TASK_DLOG("cancel rsp send, handle:%p, code:%x - %s", cancelConnection->handle, code, tstrerror(code)); } QW_TASK_DLOG("end to handle event at phase %s, code:%x - %s", qwPhaseStr(phase), code, tstrerror(code)); QW_RET(code); } int32_t qwHandlePostPhaseEvents(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, int8_t phase, SQWPhaseInput *input, SQWPhaseOutput *output) { int32_t code = 0; SQWTaskCtx *ctx = NULL; SQWConnInfo connInfo = {0}; SQWConnInfo *readyConnection = NULL; QW_TASK_DLOG("start to handle event at phase %s", qwPhaseStr(phase)); QW_ERR_JRET(qwAcquireTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS(), &ctx)); QW_LOCK(QW_WRITE, &ctx->lock); if (QW_IS_EVENT_PROCESSED(ctx, QW_EVENT_DROP)) { QW_TASK_WLOG("task already dropped, phase:%s", qwPhaseStr(phase)); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_DROPPED); } if (QW_PHASE_POST_QUERY == phase) { if (NULL == ctx->taskHandle && NULL == ctx->sinkHandle) { ctx->emptyRes = true; } #if 0 if (QW_IS_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, QW_EVENT_READY)) { readyConnection = &ctx->connInfo; QW_SET_EVENT_PROCESSED(ctx, QW_EVENT_READY); } #else connInfo.handle = ctx->connInfo.handle; readyConnection = &connInfo; QW_SET_EVENT_PROCESSED(ctx, QW_EVENT_READY); #endif } if (QW_IS_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, QW_EVENT_DROP)) { if (QW_PHASE_POST_FETCH == phase) { QW_TASK_WLOG("drop received at wrong phase %s", qwPhaseStr(phase)); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } qwBuildAndSendDropRsp(&mgmt->msgCb, &ctx->connInfo, code); QW_TASK_DLOG("drop rsp send, handle:%p, code:%x - %s", ctx->connInfo.handle, code, tstrerror(code)); QW_ERR_JRET(qwDropTask(QW_FPARAMS())); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_DROPPED); } if (ctx->rspCode) { QW_TASK_ELOG("task already failed, phase %s, error:%x - %s", qwPhaseStr(phase), ctx->rspCode, tstrerror(ctx->rspCode)); QW_ERR_JRET(ctx->rspCode); } QW_ERR_JRET(input->code); _return: if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code && QW_PHASE_POST_QUERY == phase) { qwUpdateTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), JOB_TASK_STATUS_PARTIAL_SUCCEED); } if (ctx) { QW_UPDATE_RSP_CODE(ctx, code); if (QW_PHASE_POST_FETCH != phase) { atomic_store_8(&ctx->phase, phase); } QW_UNLOCK(QW_WRITE, &ctx->lock); qwReleaseTaskCtx(mgmt, ctx); } if (readyConnection) { qwBuildAndSendReadyRsp(&mgmt->msgCb, readyConnection, code); QW_TASK_DLOG("ready msg rsped, handle:%p, code:%x - %s", readyConnection->handle, code, tstrerror(code)); } if (code) { qwUpdateTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), JOB_TASK_STATUS_FAILED); } QW_TASK_DLOG("end to handle event at phase %s, code:%x - %s", qwPhaseStr(phase), code, tstrerror(code)); QW_RET(code); } int32_t qwProcessQuery(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, SQWMsg *qwMsg, int8_t taskType) { int32_t code = 0; bool queryRsped = false; struct SSubplan *plan = NULL; SQWPhaseInput input = {0}; qTaskInfo_t pTaskInfo = NULL; DataSinkHandle sinkHandle = NULL; SQWTaskCtx *ctx = NULL; QW_ERR_JRET(qwRegisterBrokenLinkArg(QW_FPARAMS(), &qwMsg->connInfo)); QW_ERR_JRET(qwHandlePrePhaseEvents(QW_FPARAMS(), QW_PHASE_PRE_QUERY, &input, NULL)); QW_ERR_JRET(qwGetTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS(), &ctx)); atomic_store_8(&ctx->taskType, taskType); atomic_store_ptr(&ctx->connInfo.handle, qwMsg->connInfo.handle); atomic_store_ptr(&ctx->connInfo.ahandle, qwMsg->connInfo.ahandle); QW_TASK_DLOGL("subplan json string, len:%d, %s", qwMsg->msgLen, qwMsg->msg); code = qStringToSubplan(qwMsg->msg, &plan); if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != code) { QW_TASK_ELOG("task string to subplan failed, code:%x - %s", code, tstrerror(code)); QW_ERR_JRET(code); } code = qCreateExecTask(qwMsg->node, mgmt->nodeId, tId, plan, &pTaskInfo, &sinkHandle); if (code) { QW_TASK_ELOG("qCreateExecTask failed, code:%x - %s", code, tstrerror(code)); QW_ERR_JRET(code); } if (NULL == sinkHandle || NULL == pTaskInfo) { QW_TASK_ELOG("create task result error, taskHandle:%p, sinkHandle:%p", pTaskInfo, sinkHandle); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR); } QW_ERR_JRET(qwBuildAndSendQueryRsp(&mgmt->msgCb, &qwMsg->connInfo, code)); QW_TASK_DLOG("query msg rsped, handle:%p, code:%x - %s", qwMsg->connInfo.handle, code, tstrerror(code)); queryRsped = true; atomic_store_ptr(&ctx->taskHandle, pTaskInfo); atomic_store_ptr(&ctx->sinkHandle, sinkHandle); if (pTaskInfo && sinkHandle) { QW_ERR_JRET(qwExecTask(QW_FPARAMS(), ctx, NULL)); } _return: input.code = code; code = qwHandlePostPhaseEvents(QW_FPARAMS(), QW_PHASE_POST_QUERY, &input, NULL); if (!queryRsped) { qwBuildAndSendQueryRsp(&mgmt->msgCb, &qwMsg->connInfo, code); QW_TASK_DLOG("query msg rsped, handle:%p, code:%x - %s", qwMsg->connInfo.handle, code, tstrerror(code)); } QW_RET(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS); } int32_t qwProcessReady(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, SQWMsg *qwMsg) { int32_t code = 0; SQWTaskCtx *ctx = NULL; int8_t phase = 0; bool needRsp = true; QW_ERR_JRET(qwAcquireTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS(), &ctx)); QW_LOCK(QW_WRITE, &ctx->lock); if (QW_IS_EVENT_PROCESSED(ctx, QW_EVENT_DROP) || QW_IS_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, QW_EVENT_DROP)) { QW_TASK_WLOG_E("task is dropping or already dropped"); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_DROPPED); } if (ctx->phase == QW_PHASE_PRE_QUERY) { ctx->connInfo.handle == qwMsg->connInfo.handle; ctx->connInfo.ahandle = qwMsg->connInfo.ahandle; QW_SET_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, QW_EVENT_READY); needRsp = false; QW_TASK_DLOG_E("ready msg will not rsp now"); goto _return; } QW_SET_EVENT_PROCESSED(ctx, QW_EVENT_READY); if (atomic_load_8((int8_t*)&ctx->queryEnd) || atomic_load_8((int8_t*)&ctx->queryFetched)) { QW_TASK_ELOG("got ready msg at wrong status, queryEnd:%d, queryFetched:%d", atomic_load_8((int8_t*)&ctx->queryEnd), atomic_load_8((int8_t*)&ctx->queryFetched)); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QW_MSG_ERROR); } if (ctx->phase == QW_PHASE_POST_QUERY) { code = ctx->rspCode; goto _return; } QW_TASK_ELOG("invalid phase when got ready msg, phase:%s", qwPhaseStr(ctx->phase)); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_TASK_STATUS_ERROR); _return: if (code && ctx) { QW_UPDATE_RSP_CODE(ctx, code); } if (code) { qwUpdateTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), JOB_TASK_STATUS_FAILED); } if (ctx) { QW_UNLOCK(QW_WRITE, &ctx->lock); qwReleaseTaskCtx(mgmt, ctx); } if (needRsp) { qwBuildAndSendReadyRsp(&mgmt->msgCb, &qwMsg->connInfo, code); QW_TASK_DLOG("ready msg rsped, handle:%p, code:%x - %s", qwMsg->connInfo.handle, code, tstrerror(code)); } QW_RET(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS); } int32_t qwProcessCQuery(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, SQWMsg *qwMsg) { SQWTaskCtx *ctx = NULL; int32_t code = 0; SQWPhaseInput input = {0}; void *rsp = NULL; int32_t dataLen = 0; bool queryEnd = false; do { QW_ERR_JRET(qwHandlePrePhaseEvents(QW_FPARAMS(), QW_PHASE_PRE_CQUERY, &input, NULL)); QW_ERR_JRET(qwGetTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS(), &ctx)); atomic_store_8((int8_t*)&ctx->queryInQueue, 0); atomic_store_8((int8_t*)&ctx->queryContinue, 0); QW_ERR_JRET(qwExecTask(QW_FPARAMS(), ctx, &queryEnd)); if (QW_IS_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, QW_EVENT_FETCH)) { SOutputData sOutput = {0}; QW_ERR_JRET(qwGetResFromSink(QW_FPARAMS(), ctx, &dataLen, &rsp, &sOutput)); if ((!sOutput.queryEnd) && (DS_BUF_LOW == sOutput.bufStatus || DS_BUF_EMPTY == sOutput.bufStatus)) { QW_TASK_DLOG("task not end and buf is %s, need to continue query", qwBufStatusStr(sOutput.bufStatus)); atomic_store_8((int8_t*)&ctx->queryContinue, 1); } if (rsp) { bool qComplete = (DS_BUF_EMPTY == sOutput.bufStatus && sOutput.queryEnd); qwBuildFetchRsp(rsp, &sOutput, dataLen, qComplete); atomic_store_8((int8_t*)&ctx->queryEnd, qComplete); qwMsg->connInfo = ctx->connInfo; QW_SET_EVENT_PROCESSED(ctx, QW_EVENT_FETCH); qwBuildAndSendFetchRsp(&mgmt->msgCb, &qwMsg->connInfo, rsp, dataLen, code); QW_TASK_DLOG("fetch rsp send, handle:%p, code:%x - %s, dataLen:%d", qwMsg->connInfo.handle, code, tstrerror(code), dataLen); } else { atomic_store_8((int8_t*)&ctx->queryContinue, 1); } } _return: if (NULL == ctx) { break; } if (code && QW_IS_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, QW_EVENT_FETCH)) { QW_SET_EVENT_PROCESSED(ctx, QW_EVENT_FETCH); qwFreeFetchRsp(rsp); rsp = NULL; qwMsg->connInfo = ctx->connInfo; qwBuildAndSendFetchRsp(&mgmt->msgCb, &qwMsg->connInfo, rsp, 0, code); QW_TASK_DLOG("fetch rsp send, handle:%p, code:%x - %s, dataLen:%d", qwMsg->connInfo.handle, code, tstrerror(code), 0); } QW_LOCK(QW_WRITE, &ctx->lock); if (queryEnd || code || 0 == atomic_load_8((int8_t*)&ctx->queryContinue)) { // Note: if necessary, fetch need to put cquery to queue again atomic_store_8(&ctx->phase, 0); QW_UNLOCK(QW_WRITE,&ctx->lock); break; } QW_UNLOCK(QW_WRITE,&ctx->lock); } while (true); input.code = code; qwHandlePostPhaseEvents(QW_FPARAMS(), QW_PHASE_POST_CQUERY, &input, NULL); QW_RET(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS); } int32_t qwProcessFetch(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, SQWMsg *qwMsg) { int32_t code = 0; int32_t dataLen = 0; bool locked = false; SQWTaskCtx *ctx = NULL; void *rsp = NULL; SQWPhaseInput input = {0}; QW_ERR_JRET(qwHandlePrePhaseEvents(QW_FPARAMS(), QW_PHASE_PRE_FETCH, &input, NULL)); QW_ERR_JRET(qwGetTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS(), &ctx)); SOutputData sOutput = {0}; QW_ERR_JRET(qwGetResFromSink(QW_FPARAMS(), ctx, &dataLen, &rsp, &sOutput)); if (NULL == rsp) { atomic_store_ptr(&ctx->connInfo.handle, qwMsg->connInfo.handle); atomic_store_ptr(&ctx->connInfo.ahandle, qwMsg->connInfo.ahandle); QW_SET_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, QW_EVENT_FETCH); } else { bool qComplete = (DS_BUF_EMPTY == sOutput.bufStatus && sOutput.queryEnd); qwBuildFetchRsp(rsp, &sOutput, dataLen, qComplete); atomic_store_8((int8_t*)&ctx->queryEnd, qComplete); } if ((!sOutput.queryEnd) && (DS_BUF_LOW == sOutput.bufStatus || DS_BUF_EMPTY == sOutput.bufStatus)) { QW_TASK_DLOG("task not end and buf is %s, need to continue query", qwBufStatusStr(sOutput.bufStatus)); QW_LOCK(QW_WRITE, &ctx->lock); locked = true; // RC WARNING if (QW_IS_QUERY_RUNNING(ctx)) { atomic_store_8((int8_t*)&ctx->queryContinue, 1); } else if (0 == atomic_load_8((int8_t*)&ctx->queryInQueue)) { qwUpdateTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), JOB_TASK_STATUS_EXECUTING); atomic_store_8((int8_t*)&ctx->queryInQueue, 1); QW_ERR_JRET(qwBuildAndSendCQueryMsg(QW_FPARAMS(), &qwMsg->connInfo)); } } _return: if (locked) { QW_UNLOCK(QW_WRITE, &ctx->lock); } input.code = code; code = qwHandlePostPhaseEvents(QW_FPARAMS(), QW_PHASE_POST_FETCH, &input, NULL); if (code) { qwFreeFetchRsp(rsp); rsp = NULL; dataLen = 0; } if (code || rsp) { qwBuildAndSendFetchRsp(&mgmt->msgCb, &qwMsg->connInfo, rsp, dataLen, code); QW_TASK_DLOG("fetch rsp send, handle:%p, code:%x - %s, dataLen:%d", qwMsg->connInfo.handle, code, tstrerror(code), dataLen); } QW_RET(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS); } int32_t qwProcessDrop(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, SQWMsg *qwMsg) { int32_t code = 0; bool rsped = false; SQWTaskCtx *ctx = NULL; bool locked = false; // TODO : TASK ALREADY REMOVED AND A NEW DROP MSG RECEIVED QW_ERR_JRET(qwAddAcquireTaskCtx(QW_FPARAMS(), &ctx)); QW_LOCK(QW_WRITE, &ctx->lock); locked = true; if (QW_IS_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, QW_EVENT_DROP)) { QW_TASK_WLOG_E("task already dropping"); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_DUPLICATTED_OPERATION); } if (QW_IS_QUERY_RUNNING(ctx)) { QW_ERR_JRET(qwKillTaskHandle(QW_FPARAMS(), ctx)); qwUpdateTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), JOB_TASK_STATUS_DROPPING); } else if (ctx->phase > 0) { qwBuildAndSendDropRsp(&mgmt->msgCb, &qwMsg->connInfo, code); QW_TASK_DLOG("drop rsp send, handle:%p, code:%x - %s", qwMsg->connInfo.handle, code, tstrerror(code)); QW_ERR_JRET(qwDropTask(QW_FPARAMS())); rsped = true; } else { // task not started } if (!rsped) { ctx->connInfo.handle = qwMsg->connInfo.handle; ctx->connInfo.ahandle = qwMsg->connInfo.ahandle; QW_SET_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, QW_EVENT_DROP); } _return: if (code) { if (ctx) { QW_UPDATE_RSP_CODE(ctx, code); } qwUpdateTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), JOB_TASK_STATUS_FAILED); } if (locked) { QW_UNLOCK(QW_WRITE, &ctx->lock); } if (ctx) { qwReleaseTaskCtx(mgmt, ctx); } if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != code) { qwBuildAndSendDropRsp(&mgmt->msgCb, &qwMsg->connInfo, code); QW_TASK_DLOG("drop rsp send, handle:%p, code:%x - %s", qwMsg->connInfo.handle, code, tstrerror(code)); } QW_RET(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS); } int32_t qwProcessHb(SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt, SQWMsg *qwMsg, SSchedulerHbReq *req) { int32_t code = 0; SSchedulerHbRsp rsp = {0}; SQWSchStatus *sch = NULL; uint64_t seqId = 0; void *origHandle = NULL; memcpy(&rsp.epId, &req->epId, sizeof(req->epId)); QW_ERR_JRET(qwAcquireAddScheduler(mgmt, req->sId, QW_READ, &sch)); QW_LOCK(QW_WRITE, &sch->hbConnLock); if (sch->hbConnInfo.handle) { tmsgReleaseHandle(sch->hbConnInfo.handle, TAOS_CONN_SERVER); } memcpy(&sch->hbConnInfo, &qwMsg->connInfo, sizeof(qwMsg->connInfo)); memcpy(&sch->hbEpId, &req->epId, sizeof(req->epId)); QW_UNLOCK(QW_WRITE, &sch->hbConnLock); QW_DLOG("hb connection updated, sId:%" PRIx64 ", nodeId:%d, fqdn:%s, port:%d, handle:%p, ahandle:%p", req->sId, req->epId.nodeId, req->epId.ep.fqdn, req->epId.ep.port, qwMsg->connInfo.handle, qwMsg->connInfo.ahandle); qwReleaseScheduler(QW_READ, mgmt); _return: qwBuildAndSendHbRsp(&mgmt->msgCb, &qwMsg->connInfo, &rsp, code); QW_DLOG("hb rsp send, handle:%p, code:%x - %s", qwMsg->connInfo.handle, code, tstrerror(code)); QW_RET(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS); } void qwProcessHbTimerEvent(void *param, void *tmrId) { SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt = (SQWorkerMgmt *)param; SQWSchStatus *sch = NULL; int32_t taskNum = 0; SQWHbInfo *rspList = NULL; int32_t code = 0; qwDbgDumpMgmtInfo(mgmt); QW_LOCK(QW_READ, &mgmt->schLock); int32_t schNum = taosHashGetSize(mgmt->schHash); if (schNum <= 0) { QW_UNLOCK(QW_READ, &mgmt->schLock); taosTmrReset(qwProcessHbTimerEvent, QW_DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_MSEC, param, mgmt->timer, &mgmt->hbTimer); return; } rspList = taosMemoryCalloc(schNum, sizeof(SQWHbInfo)); if (NULL == rspList) { QW_UNLOCK(QW_READ, &mgmt->schLock); QW_ELOG("calloc %d SQWHbInfo failed", schNum); taosTmrReset(qwProcessHbTimerEvent, QW_DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_MSEC, param, mgmt->timer, &mgmt->hbTimer); return; } void *key = NULL; size_t keyLen = 0; int32_t i = 0; void *pIter = taosHashIterate(mgmt->schHash, NULL); while (pIter) { code = qwGenerateSchHbRsp(mgmt, (SQWSchStatus *)pIter, &rspList[i]); if (code) { taosHashCancelIterate(mgmt->schHash, pIter); QW_ERR_JRET(code); } ++i; pIter = taosHashIterate(mgmt->schHash, pIter); } _return: QW_UNLOCK(QW_READ, &mgmt->schLock); for (int32_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) { qwBuildAndSendHbRsp(&mgmt->msgCb, &rspList[j].connInfo, &rspList[j].rsp, code); QW_DLOG("hb rsp send, handle:%p, code:%x - %s, taskNum:%d", rspList[j].connInfo.handle, code, tstrerror(code), (rspList[j].rsp.taskStatus ? (int32_t)taosArrayGetSize(rspList[j].rsp.taskStatus) : 0)); tFreeSSchedulerHbRsp(&rspList[j].rsp); } taosMemoryFreeClear(rspList); taosTmrReset(qwProcessHbTimerEvent, QW_DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_MSEC, param, mgmt->timer, &mgmt->hbTimer); } int32_t qWorkerInit(int8_t nodeType, int32_t nodeId, SQWorkerCfg *cfg, void **qWorkerMgmt, const SMsgCb *pMsgCb) { if (NULL == qWorkerMgmt || pMsgCb->pWrapper == NULL) { qError("invalid param to init qworker"); QW_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_INVALID_INPUT); } int32_t code = 0; SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SQWorkerMgmt)); if (NULL == mgmt) { qError("calloc %d failed", (int32_t)sizeof(SQWorkerMgmt)); QW_RET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } if (cfg) { mgmt->cfg = *cfg; if (0 == mgmt->cfg.maxSchedulerNum) { mgmt->cfg.maxSchedulerNum = QW_DEFAULT_SCHEDULER_NUMBER; } if (0 == mgmt->cfg.maxTaskNum) { mgmt->cfg.maxTaskNum = QW_DEFAULT_TASK_NUMBER; } if (0 == mgmt->cfg.maxSchTaskNum) { mgmt->cfg.maxSchTaskNum = QW_DEFAULT_SCH_TASK_NUMBER; } } else { mgmt->cfg.maxSchedulerNum = QW_DEFAULT_SCHEDULER_NUMBER; mgmt->cfg.maxTaskNum = QW_DEFAULT_TASK_NUMBER; mgmt->cfg.maxSchTaskNum = QW_DEFAULT_SCH_TASK_NUMBER; } mgmt->schHash = taosHashInit(mgmt->cfg.maxSchedulerNum, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT), false, HASH_ENTRY_LOCK); if (NULL == mgmt->schHash) { taosMemoryFreeClear(mgmt); qError("init %d scheduler hash failed", mgmt->cfg.maxSchedulerNum); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } mgmt->ctxHash = taosHashInit(mgmt->cfg.maxTaskNum, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), false, HASH_ENTRY_LOCK); if (NULL == mgmt->ctxHash) { qError("init %d task ctx hash failed", mgmt->cfg.maxTaskNum); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } mgmt->timer = taosTmrInit(0, 0, 0, "qworker"); if (NULL == mgmt->timer) { qError("init timer failed, error:%s", tstrerror(terrno)); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } mgmt->hbTimer = taosTmrStart(qwProcessHbTimerEvent, QW_DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_MSEC, mgmt, mgmt->timer); if (NULL == mgmt->hbTimer) { qError("start hb timer failed"); QW_ERR_JRET(TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } mgmt->nodeType = nodeType; mgmt->nodeId = nodeId; mgmt->msgCb = *pMsgCb; *qWorkerMgmt = mgmt; qDebug("qworker initialized for node, type:%d, id:%d, handle:%p", mgmt->nodeType, mgmt->nodeId, mgmt); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; _return: taosHashCleanup(mgmt->schHash); taosHashCleanup(mgmt->ctxHash); taosTmrCleanUp(mgmt->timer); taosMemoryFreeClear(mgmt); QW_RET(code); } void qWorkerDestroy(void **qWorkerMgmt) { if (NULL == qWorkerMgmt || NULL == *qWorkerMgmt) { return; } SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt = *qWorkerMgmt; taosTmrStopA(&mgmt->hbTimer); taosTmrCleanUp(mgmt->timer); //TODO STOP ALL QUERY //TODO FREE ALL taosMemoryFreeClear(*qWorkerMgmt); } int32_t qwGetSchTasksStatus(SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt, uint64_t sId, SSchedulerStatusRsp **rsp) { /* SQWSchStatus *sch = NULL; int32_t taskNum = 0; QW_ERR_RET(qwAcquireScheduler(mgmt, sId, QW_READ, &sch)); sch->lastAccessTs = taosGetTimestampSec(); QW_LOCK(QW_READ, &sch->tasksLock); taskNum = taosHashGetSize(sch->tasksHash); int32_t size = sizeof(SSchedulerStatusRsp) + sizeof((*rsp)->status[0]) * taskNum; *rsp = taosMemoryCalloc(1, size); if (NULL == *rsp) { QW_SCH_ELOG("calloc %d failed", size); QW_UNLOCK(QW_READ, &sch->tasksLock); qwReleaseScheduler(QW_READ, mgmt); return TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } void *key = NULL; size_t keyLen = 0; int32_t i = 0; void *pIter = taosHashIterate(sch->tasksHash, NULL); while (pIter) { SQWTaskStatus *taskStatus = (SQWTaskStatus *)pIter; taosHashGetKey(pIter, &key, &keyLen); QW_GET_QTID(key, (*rsp)->status[i].queryId, (*rsp)->status[i].taskId); (*rsp)->status[i].status = taskStatus->status; ++i; pIter = taosHashIterate(sch->tasksHash, pIter); } QW_UNLOCK(QW_READ, &sch->tasksLock); qwReleaseScheduler(QW_READ, mgmt); (*rsp)->num = taskNum; */ return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t qwUpdateSchLastAccess(SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt, uint64_t sId, uint64_t qId, uint64_t tId) { SQWSchStatus *sch = NULL; /* QW_ERR_RET(qwAcquireScheduler(QW_READ, mgmt, sId, &sch)); sch->lastAccessTs = taosGetTimestampSec(); qwReleaseScheduler(QW_READ, mgmt); */ return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t qwGetTaskStatus(SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt, uint64_t sId, uint64_t qId, uint64_t tId, int8_t *taskStatus) { SQWSchStatus *sch = NULL; SQWTaskStatus *task = NULL; int32_t code = 0; /* if (qwAcquireScheduler(QW_READ, mgmt, sId, &sch)) { *taskStatus = JOB_TASK_STATUS_NULL; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } if (qwAcquireTask(mgmt, QW_READ, sch, queryId, taskId, &task)) { qwReleaseScheduler(QW_READ, mgmt); *taskStatus = JOB_TASK_STATUS_NULL; return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } *taskStatus = task->status; qwReleaseTask(QW_READ, sch); qwReleaseScheduler(QW_READ, mgmt); */ QW_RET(code); } int32_t qwCancelTask(SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt, uint64_t sId, uint64_t qId, uint64_t tId) { SQWSchStatus *sch = NULL; SQWTaskStatus *task = NULL; int32_t code = 0; /* QW_ERR_RET(qwAcquireAddScheduler(QW_READ, mgmt, sId, &sch)); QW_ERR_JRET(qwAcquireAddTask(mgmt, QW_READ, sch, qId, tId, JOB_TASK_STATUS_NOT_START, &task)); QW_LOCK(QW_WRITE, &task->lock); task->cancel = true; int8_t oriStatus = task->status; int8_t newStatus = 0; if (task->status == JOB_TASK_STATUS_CANCELLED || task->status == JOB_TASK_STATUS_NOT_START || task->status == JOB_TASK_STATUS_CANCELLING || task->status == JOB_TASK_STATUS_DROPPING) { QW_UNLOCK(QW_WRITE, &task->lock); qwReleaseTask(QW_READ, sch); qwReleaseScheduler(QW_READ, mgmt); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } else if (task->status == JOB_TASK_STATUS_FAILED || task->status == JOB_TASK_STATUS_SUCCEED || task->status == JOB_TASK_STATUS_PARTIAL_SUCCEED) { QW_ERR_JRET(qwUpdateTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), JOB_TASK_STATUS_CANCELLED)); } else { QW_ERR_JRET(qwUpdateTaskStatus(QW_FPARAMS(), JOB_TASK_STATUS_CANCELLING)); } QW_UNLOCK(QW_WRITE, &task->lock); qwReleaseTask(QW_READ, sch); qwReleaseScheduler(QW_READ, mgmt); if (oriStatus == JOB_TASK_STATUS_EXECUTING) { //TODO call executer to cancel subquery async } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; _return: if (task) { QW_UNLOCK(QW_WRITE, &task->lock); qwReleaseTask(QW_READ, sch); } if (sch) { qwReleaseScheduler(QW_READ, mgmt); } */ QW_RET(code); }