/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), AS published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "parTestUtil.h" using namespace std; namespace ParserTest { class ParserInitialCTest : public ParserDdlTest {}; TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, compact) { useDb("root", "test"); run("COMPACT VNODES IN (1, 2)", TSDB_CODE_PAR_EXPRIE_STATEMENT, PARSER_STAGE_PARSE); } TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createAccount) { useDb("root", "test"); run("CREATE ACCOUNT ac_wxy PASS '123456'", TSDB_CODE_PAR_EXPRIE_STATEMENT, PARSER_STAGE_PARSE); } TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createBnode) { useDb("root", "test"); SMCreateQnodeReq expect = {0}; auto setCreateQnodeReq = [&](int32_t dnodeId) { expect.dnodeId = dnodeId; }; setCheckDdlFunc([&](const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { ASSERT_EQ(nodeType(pQuery->pRoot), QUERY_NODE_CREATE_BNODE_STMT); SMCreateQnodeReq req = {0}; ASSERT_TRUE(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == tDeserializeSCreateDropMQSBNodeReq(pQuery->pCmdMsg->pMsg, pQuery->pCmdMsg->msgLen, &req)); ASSERT_EQ(req.dnodeId, expect.dnodeId); }); setCreateQnodeReq(1); run("CREATE BNODE ON DNODE 1"); } /* * CREATE DATABASE [IF NOT EXISTS] db_name [database_options] * * database_options: * database_option ... * * database_option: { * BUFFER value * | CACHEMODEL {'none' | 'last_row' | 'last_value' | 'both'} * | CACHESIZE value * | COMP {0 | 1 | 2} * | DURATION value * | FSYNC value * | MAXROWS value * | MINROWS value * | KEEP value * | PAGES value * | PAGESIZE value * | PRECISION {'ms' | 'us' | 'ns'} * | REPLICA value * | RETENTIONS ingestion_duration:keep_duration ... * | STRICT {'off' | 'on'} * | WAL value * | VGROUPS value * | SINGLE_STABLE {0 | 1} * | WAL_RETENTION_PERIOD value * | WAL_ROLL_PERIOD value * | WAL_RETENTION_SIZE value * | WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE value * } */ TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createDatabase) { useDb("root", "test"); SCreateDbReq expect = {0}; auto clearCreateDbReq = [&]() { tFreeSCreateDbReq(&expect); memset(&expect, 0, sizeof(SCreateDbReq)); }; auto setCreateDbReqFunc = [&](const char* pDbname, int8_t igExists = 0) { int32_t len = snprintf(expect.db, sizeof(expect.db), "0.%s", pDbname); expect.db[len] = '\0'; expect.ignoreExist = igExists; expect.buffer = TSDB_DEFAULT_BUFFER_PER_VNODE; expect.cacheLast = TSDB_DEFAULT_CACHE_MODEL; expect.cacheLastSize = TSDB_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE; expect.compression = TSDB_DEFAULT_COMP_LEVEL; expect.daysPerFile = TSDB_DEFAULT_DAYS_PER_FILE; expect.walFsyncPeriod = TSDB_DEFAULT_FSYNC_PERIOD; expect.maxRows = TSDB_DEFAULT_MAXROWS_FBLOCK; expect.minRows = TSDB_DEFAULT_MINROWS_FBLOCK; expect.daysToKeep0 = TSDB_DEFAULT_KEEP; expect.daysToKeep1 = TSDB_DEFAULT_KEEP; expect.daysToKeep2 = TSDB_DEFAULT_KEEP; expect.pages = TSDB_DEFAULT_PAGES_PER_VNODE; expect.pageSize = TSDB_DEFAULT_PAGESIZE_PER_VNODE; expect.precision = TSDB_DEFAULT_PRECISION; expect.replications = TSDB_DEFAULT_DB_REPLICA; expect.strict = TSDB_DEFAULT_DB_STRICT; expect.walLevel = TSDB_DEFAULT_WAL_LEVEL; expect.numOfVgroups = TSDB_DEFAULT_VN_PER_DB; expect.numOfStables = TSDB_DEFAULT_DB_SINGLE_STABLE; expect.schemaless = TSDB_DEFAULT_DB_SCHEMALESS; }; auto setDbBufferFunc = [&](int32_t buffer) { expect.buffer = buffer; }; auto setDbCachelastFunc = [&](int8_t cachelast) { expect.cacheLast = cachelast; }; auto setDbCachelastSize = [&](int8_t cachelastSize) { expect.cacheLastSize = cachelastSize; }; auto setDbCompressionFunc = [&](int8_t compressionLevel) { expect.compression = compressionLevel; }; auto setDbDaysFunc = [&](int32_t daysPerFile) { expect.daysPerFile = daysPerFile; }; auto setDbFsyncFunc = [&](int32_t fsyncPeriod) { expect.walFsyncPeriod = fsyncPeriod; }; auto setDbMaxRowsFunc = [&](int32_t maxRowsPerBlock) { expect.maxRows = maxRowsPerBlock; }; auto setDbMinRowsFunc = [&](int32_t minRowsPerBlock) { expect.minRows = minRowsPerBlock; }; auto setDbKeepFunc = [&](int32_t keep0, int32_t keep1 = 0, int32_t keep2 = 0) { expect.daysToKeep0 = keep0; expect.daysToKeep1 = 0 == keep1 ? expect.daysToKeep0 : keep1; expect.daysToKeep2 = 0 == keep2 ? expect.daysToKeep1 : keep2; }; auto setDbPagesFunc = [&](int32_t pages) { expect.pages = pages; }; auto setDbPageSizeFunc = [&](int32_t pagesize) { expect.pageSize = pagesize; }; auto setDbPrecisionFunc = [&](int8_t precision) { expect.precision = precision; }; auto setDbReplicaFunc = [&](int8_t replica) { expect.replications = replica; }; auto setDbStrictaFunc = [&](int8_t strict) { expect.strict = strict; }; auto setDbWalLevelFunc = [&](int8_t walLevel) { expect.walLevel = walLevel; }; auto setDbVgroupsFunc = [&](int32_t numOfVgroups) { expect.numOfVgroups = numOfVgroups; }; auto setDbSingleStableFunc = [&](int8_t singleStable) { expect.numOfStables = singleStable; }; auto addDbRetentionFunc = [&](int64_t freq, int64_t keep, int8_t freqUnit, int8_t keepUnit) { SRetention retention = {0}; retention.freq = freq; retention.keep = keep; retention.freqUnit = freqUnit; retention.keepUnit = keepUnit; if (NULL == expect.pRetensions) { expect.pRetensions = taosArrayInit(TARRAY_MIN_SIZE, sizeof(SRetention)); } taosArrayPush(expect.pRetensions, &retention); ++expect.numOfRetensions; }; auto setDbSchemalessFunc = [&](int8_t schemaless) { expect.schemaless = schemaless; }; auto setDbWalRetentionPeriod = [&](int32_t walRetentionPeriod) { expect.walRetentionPeriod = walRetentionPeriod; }; auto setDbWalRetentionSize = [&](int32_t walRetentionSize) { expect.walRetentionSize = walRetentionSize; }; auto setDbWalRollPeriod = [&](int32_t walRollPeriod) { expect.walRollPeriod = walRollPeriod; }; auto setDbWalSegmentSize = [&](int32_t walSegmentSize) { expect.walSegmentSize = walSegmentSize; }; setCheckDdlFunc([&](const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { ASSERT_EQ(nodeType(pQuery->pRoot), QUERY_NODE_CREATE_DATABASE_STMT); SCreateDbReq req = {0}; ASSERT_TRUE(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == tDeserializeSCreateDbReq(pQuery->pCmdMsg->pMsg, pQuery->pCmdMsg->msgLen, &req)); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.db), std::string(expect.db)); ASSERT_EQ(req.numOfVgroups, expect.numOfVgroups); ASSERT_EQ(req.numOfStables, expect.numOfStables); ASSERT_EQ(req.buffer, expect.buffer); ASSERT_EQ(req.pageSize, expect.pageSize); ASSERT_EQ(req.pages, expect.pages); ASSERT_EQ(req.daysPerFile, expect.daysPerFile); ASSERT_EQ(req.daysToKeep0, expect.daysToKeep0); ASSERT_EQ(req.daysToKeep1, expect.daysToKeep1); ASSERT_EQ(req.daysToKeep2, expect.daysToKeep2); ASSERT_EQ(req.minRows, expect.minRows); ASSERT_EQ(req.maxRows, expect.maxRows); ASSERT_EQ(req.walFsyncPeriod, expect.walFsyncPeriod); ASSERT_EQ(req.walLevel, expect.walLevel); ASSERT_EQ(req.precision, expect.precision); ASSERT_EQ(req.compression, expect.compression); ASSERT_EQ(req.replications, expect.replications); ASSERT_EQ(req.strict, expect.strict); ASSERT_EQ(req.cacheLast, expect.cacheLast); ASSERT_EQ(req.cacheLastSize, expect.cacheLastSize); ASSERT_EQ(req.walRetentionPeriod, expect.walRetentionPeriod); ASSERT_EQ(req.walRetentionSize, expect.walRetentionSize); ASSERT_EQ(req.walRollPeriod, expect.walRollPeriod); ASSERT_EQ(req.walSegmentSize, expect.walSegmentSize); // ASSERT_EQ(req.schemaless, expect.schemaless); ASSERT_EQ(req.ignoreExist, expect.ignoreExist); ASSERT_EQ(req.numOfRetensions, expect.numOfRetensions); if (expect.numOfRetensions > 0) { ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pRetensions), expect.numOfRetensions); ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pRetensions), taosArrayGetSize(expect.pRetensions)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < expect.numOfRetensions; ++i) { SRetention* pReten = (SRetention*)taosArrayGet(req.pRetensions, i); SRetention* pExpectReten = (SRetention*)taosArrayGet(expect.pRetensions, i); ASSERT_EQ(pReten->freq, pExpectReten->freq); ASSERT_EQ(pReten->keep, pExpectReten->keep); ASSERT_EQ(pReten->freqUnit, pExpectReten->freqUnit); ASSERT_EQ(pReten->keepUnit, pExpectReten->keepUnit); } } tFreeSCreateDbReq(&req); }); setCreateDbReqFunc("wxy_db"); run("CREATE DATABASE wxy_db"); clearCreateDbReq(); setCreateDbReqFunc("wxy_db", 1); setDbBufferFunc(64); setDbCachelastFunc(2); setDbCachelastSize(20); setDbCompressionFunc(1); setDbDaysFunc(100 * 1440); setDbFsyncFunc(100); setDbMaxRowsFunc(1000); setDbMinRowsFunc(100); setDbKeepFunc(1440 * 1440); setDbPagesFunc(96); setDbPageSizeFunc(8); setDbPrecisionFunc(TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO); setDbReplicaFunc(3); addDbRetentionFunc(15 * MILLISECOND_PER_SECOND, 7 * MILLISECOND_PER_DAY, TIME_UNIT_SECOND, TIME_UNIT_DAY); addDbRetentionFunc(1 * MILLISECOND_PER_MINUTE, 21 * MILLISECOND_PER_DAY, TIME_UNIT_MINUTE, TIME_UNIT_DAY); addDbRetentionFunc(15 * MILLISECOND_PER_MINUTE, 500 * MILLISECOND_PER_DAY, TIME_UNIT_MINUTE, TIME_UNIT_DAY); setDbStrictaFunc(1); setDbWalLevelFunc(2); setDbVgroupsFunc(100); setDbSingleStableFunc(1); setDbSchemalessFunc(1); setDbWalRetentionPeriod(-1); setDbWalRetentionSize(-1); setDbWalRollPeriod(10); setDbWalSegmentSize(20); run("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS wxy_db " "BUFFER 64 " "CACHEMODEL 'last_value' " "CACHESIZE 20 " "COMP 1 " "DURATION 100 " "FSYNC 100 " "MAXROWS 1000 " "MINROWS 100 " "KEEP 1440 " "PAGES 96 " "PAGESIZE 8 " "PRECISION 'ns' " "REPLICA 3 " "RETENTIONS 15s:7d,1m:21d,15m:500d " "STRICT 'on' " "WAL 2 " "VGROUPS 100 " "SINGLE_STABLE 1 " "SCHEMALESS 1 " "WAL_RETENTION_PERIOD -1 " "WAL_RETENTION_SIZE -1 " "WAL_ROLL_PERIOD 10 " "WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE 20"); clearCreateDbReq(); setCreateDbReqFunc("wxy_db", 1); setDbDaysFunc(100); setDbKeepFunc(1440, 300 * 60, 400 * 1440); run("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS wxy_db " "DURATION 100m " "KEEP 1440m,300h,400d "); clearCreateDbReq(); } TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createDatabaseSemanticCheck) { useDb("root", "test"); run("create database db2 retentions 0s:1d", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_DB_OPTION); run("create database db2 retentions 10s:0d", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_DB_OPTION); run("create database db2 retentions 1w:1d", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_DB_OPTION); run("create database db2 retentions 1w:1n", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_DB_OPTION); run("create database db2 retentions 15s:7d,15m:21d,10m:500d", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_DB_OPTION); run("create database db2 retentions 15s:7d,5m:21d,10m:10d", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_DB_OPTION); } TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createDnode) { useDb("root", "test"); SCreateDnodeReq expect = {0}; auto clearCreateDnodeReq = [&]() { memset(&expect, 0, sizeof(SCreateDnodeReq)); }; auto setCreateDnodeReqFunc = [&](const char* pFqdn, int32_t port = tsServerPort) { strcpy(expect.fqdn, pFqdn); expect.port = port; }; setCheckDdlFunc([&](const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { ASSERT_EQ(nodeType(pQuery->pRoot), QUERY_NODE_CREATE_DNODE_STMT); SCreateDnodeReq req = {0}; ASSERT_TRUE(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == tDeserializeSCreateDnodeReq(pQuery->pCmdMsg->pMsg, pQuery->pCmdMsg->msgLen, &req)); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.fqdn), std::string(expect.fqdn)); ASSERT_EQ(req.port, expect.port); }); setCreateDnodeReqFunc("abc1", 7030); run("CREATE DNODE 'abc1' PORT 7030"); clearCreateDnodeReq(); setCreateDnodeReqFunc("", 8030); run("CREATE DNODE PORT 8030"); clearCreateDnodeReq(); setCreateDnodeReqFunc("host1", 9030); run("CREATE DNODE host1 PORT 9030"); clearCreateDnodeReq(); setCreateDnodeReqFunc("abc2", 7040); run("CREATE DNODE 'abc2:7040'"); clearCreateDnodeReq(); setCreateDnodeReqFunc(""); run("CREATE DNODE"); clearCreateDnodeReq(); setCreateDnodeReqFunc("host2"); run("CREATE DNODE host2"); clearCreateDnodeReq(); } // CREATE [AGGREGATE] FUNCTION [IF NOT EXISTS] func_name AS library_path OUTPUTTYPE type_name [BUFSIZE value] TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createFunction) { useDb("root", "test"); SCreateFuncReq expect = {0}; auto setCreateFuncReqFunc = [&](const char* pUdfName, int8_t outputType, int32_t outputBytes = 0, int8_t funcType = TSDB_FUNC_TYPE_SCALAR, int8_t igExists = 0, int32_t bufSize = 0) { memset(&expect, 0, sizeof(SCreateFuncReq)); strcpy(expect.name, pUdfName); expect.igExists = igExists; expect.funcType = funcType; expect.scriptType = TSDB_FUNC_SCRIPT_BIN_LIB; expect.outputType = outputType; expect.outputLen = outputBytes > 0 ? outputBytes : tDataTypes[outputType].bytes; expect.bufSize = bufSize; }; setCheckDdlFunc([&](const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { ASSERT_EQ(nodeType(pQuery->pRoot), QUERY_NODE_CREATE_FUNCTION_STMT); SCreateFuncReq req = {0}; ASSERT_TRUE(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == tDeserializeSCreateFuncReq(pQuery->pCmdMsg->pMsg, pQuery->pCmdMsg->msgLen, &req)); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.name), std::string(expect.name)); ASSERT_EQ(req.igExists, expect.igExists); ASSERT_EQ(req.funcType, expect.funcType); ASSERT_EQ(req.scriptType, expect.scriptType); ASSERT_EQ(req.outputType, expect.outputType); ASSERT_EQ(req.outputLen, expect.outputLen); ASSERT_EQ(req.bufSize, expect.bufSize); }); setCreateFuncReqFunc("udf1", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT); // run("CREATE FUNCTION udf1 AS './build/lib/libudf1.so' OUTPUTTYPE INT"); setCreateFuncReqFunc("udf2", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, 0, TSDB_FUNC_TYPE_AGGREGATE, 1, 8); // run("CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS udf2 AS './build/lib/libudf2.so' OUTPUTTYPE DOUBLE BUFSIZE 8"); } TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createSmaIndex) { useDb("root", "test"); run("CREATE SMA INDEX index1 ON t1 FUNCTION(MAX(c1), MIN(c3 + 10), SUM(c4)) INTERVAL(10s)"); run("CREATE SMA INDEX index2 ON st1 FUNCTION(MAX(c1), MIN(tag1)) INTERVAL(10s)"); } TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createMnode) { useDb("root", "test"); run("CREATE MNODE ON DNODE 1"); } TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createQnode) { useDb("root", "test"); run("CREATE QNODE ON DNODE 1"); } TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createSnode) { useDb("root", "test"); run("CREATE SNODE ON DNODE 1"); } TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createStable) { useDb("root", "test"); SMCreateStbReq expect = {0}; auto clearCreateStbReq = [&]() { tFreeSMCreateStbReq(&expect); memset(&expect, 0, sizeof(SMCreateStbReq)); }; auto setCreateStbReqFunc = [&](const char* pDbName, const char* pTbName, int8_t igExists = 0, int64_t delay1 = -1, int64_t delay2 = -1, int64_t watermark1 = TSDB_DEFAULT_ROLLUP_WATERMARK, int64_t watermark2 = TSDB_DEFAULT_ROLLUP_WATERMARK, int32_t ttl = TSDB_DEFAULT_TABLE_TTL, const char* pComment = nullptr) { int32_t len = snprintf(expect.name, sizeof(expect.name), "0.%s.%s", pDbName, pTbName); expect.name[len] = '\0'; expect.igExists = igExists; expect.delay1 = delay1; expect.delay2 = delay2; expect.watermark1 = watermark1; expect.watermark2 = watermark2; // expect.ttl = ttl; if (nullptr != pComment) { expect.pComment = strdup(pComment); expect.commentLen = strlen(pComment); } }; auto addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc = [&](bool col, const char* pFieldName, uint8_t type, int32_t bytes = 0, int8_t flags = COL_SMA_ON) { SField field = {0}; strcpy(field.name, pFieldName); field.type = type; field.bytes = bytes > 0 ? bytes : tDataTypes[type].bytes; field.flags = flags; if (col) { if (NULL == expect.pColumns) { expect.pColumns = taosArrayInit(TARRAY_MIN_SIZE, sizeof(SField)); } taosArrayPush(expect.pColumns, &field); expect.numOfColumns += 1; } else { if (NULL == expect.pTags) { expect.pTags = taosArrayInit(TARRAY_MIN_SIZE, sizeof(SField)); } taosArrayPush(expect.pTags, &field); expect.numOfTags += 1; } }; setCheckDdlFunc([&](const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { ASSERT_EQ(nodeType(pQuery->pRoot), QUERY_NODE_CREATE_TABLE_STMT); SMCreateStbReq req = {0}; ASSERT_TRUE(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == tDeserializeSMCreateStbReq(pQuery->pCmdMsg->pMsg, pQuery->pCmdMsg->msgLen, &req)); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.name), std::string(expect.name)); ASSERT_EQ(req.igExists, expect.igExists); ASSERT_EQ(req.delay1, expect.delay1); ASSERT_EQ(req.delay2, expect.delay2); ASSERT_EQ(req.watermark1, expect.watermark1); ASSERT_EQ(req.watermark2, expect.watermark2); ASSERT_EQ(req.ttl, expect.ttl); ASSERT_EQ(req.numOfColumns, expect.numOfColumns); ASSERT_EQ(req.numOfTags, expect.numOfTags); // ASSERT_EQ(req.commentLen, expect.commentLen); ASSERT_EQ(req.ast1Len, expect.ast1Len); ASSERT_EQ(req.ast2Len, expect.ast2Len); if (expect.numOfColumns > 0) { ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pColumns), expect.numOfColumns); ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pColumns), taosArrayGetSize(expect.pColumns)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < expect.numOfColumns; ++i) { SField* pField = (SField*)taosArrayGet(req.pColumns, i); SField* pExpectField = (SField*)taosArrayGet(expect.pColumns, i); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(pField->name), std::string(pExpectField->name)); ASSERT_EQ(pField->type, pExpectField->type); ASSERT_EQ(pField->bytes, pExpectField->bytes); ASSERT_EQ(pField->flags, pExpectField->flags); } } if (expect.numOfTags > 0) { ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTags), expect.numOfTags); ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTags), taosArrayGetSize(expect.pTags)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < expect.numOfTags; ++i) { SField* pField = (SField*)taosArrayGet(req.pTags, i); SField* pExpectField = (SField*)taosArrayGet(expect.pTags, i); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(pField->name), std::string(pExpectField->name)); ASSERT_EQ(pField->type, pExpectField->type); ASSERT_EQ(pField->bytes, pExpectField->bytes); ASSERT_EQ(pField->flags, pExpectField->flags); } } if (expect.commentLen > 0) { ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.pComment), std::string(expect.pComment)); } if (expect.ast1Len > 0) { ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.pAst1), std::string(expect.pAst1)); } if (expect.ast2Len > 0) { ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.pAst2), std::string(expect.pAst2)); } tFreeSMCreateStbReq(&req); }); setCreateStbReqFunc("test", "t1"); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "ts", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "c1", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(false, "id", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT); run("CREATE STABLE t1(ts TIMESTAMP, c1 INT) TAGS(id INT)"); clearCreateStbReq(); setCreateStbReqFunc("rollup_db", "t1", 1, 100 * MILLISECOND_PER_SECOND, 10 * MILLISECOND_PER_MINUTE, 10, 1 * MILLISECOND_PER_MINUTE, 100, "test create table"); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "ts", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 0, 0); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "c1", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "c2", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "c3", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "c4", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT, 0, 0); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "c5", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, 0, 0); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "c6", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, 0, 0); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "c7", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, 20 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE, 0); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "c8", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT, 0, 0); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "c9", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT, 0, 0); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "c10", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT, 0, 0); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "c11", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT, 0, 0); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "c12", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, 0, 0); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "c13", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR, 30 * TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE, 0); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(true, "c14", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, 50 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE, 0); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(false, "a1", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(false, "a2", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(false, "a3", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(false, "a4", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(false, "a5", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(false, "a6", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(false, "a7", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(false, "a8", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, 20 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(false, "a9", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(false, "a10", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(false, "a11", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(false, "a12", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(false, "a13", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(false, "a14", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR, 30 * TSDB_NCHAR_SIZE + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE); addFieldToCreateStbReqFunc(false, "a15", TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, 50 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE); run("CREATE STABLE IF NOT EXISTS rollup_db.t1(" "ts TIMESTAMP, c1 INT, c2 INT UNSIGNED, c3 BIGINT, c4 BIGINT UNSIGNED, c5 FLOAT, c6 DOUBLE, c7 BINARY(20), " "c8 SMALLINT, c9 SMALLINT UNSIGNED COMMENT 'test column comment', c10 TINYINT, c11 TINYINT UNSIGNED, c12 BOOL, " "c13 NCHAR(30), c14 VARCHAR(50)) " "TAGS (a1 TIMESTAMP, a2 INT, a3 INT UNSIGNED, a4 BIGINT, a5 BIGINT UNSIGNED, a6 FLOAT, a7 DOUBLE, " "a8 BINARY(20), a9 SMALLINT, a10 SMALLINT UNSIGNED COMMENT 'test column comment', a11 TINYINT, " "a12 TINYINT UNSIGNED, a13 BOOL, a14 NCHAR(30), a15 VARCHAR(50)) " "TTL 100 COMMENT 'test create table' SMA(c1, c2, c3) ROLLUP (MIN) MAX_DELAY 100s,10m WATERMARK 10a,1m"); clearCreateStbReq(); } TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createStableSemanticCheck) { useDb("root", "test"); run("CREATE STABLE rollup_db.stb2 (ts TIMESTAMP, c1 INT) TAGS (tag1 INT) ROLLUP(CEIL)", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_TABLE_OPTION); run("CREATE STABLE rollup_db.stb2 (ts TIMESTAMP, c1 INT) TAGS (tag1 INT) ROLLUP(MAX) MAX_DELAY 0s WATERMARK 1m", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_TABLE_OPTION); run("CREATE STABLE rollup_db.stb2 (ts TIMESTAMP, c1 INT) TAGS (tag1 INT) ROLLUP(MAX) MAX_DELAY 10s WATERMARK 18m", TSDB_CODE_PAR_INVALID_TABLE_OPTION); } TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createStream) { useDb("root", "test"); SCMCreateStreamReq expect = {0}; auto clearCreateStreamReq = [&]() { tFreeSCMCreateStreamReq(&expect); memset(&expect, 0, sizeof(SCMCreateStreamReq)); }; auto setCreateStreamReqFunc = [&](const char* pStream, const char* pSrcDb, const char* pSql, const char* pDstStb = nullptr, int8_t igExists = 0, int8_t triggerType = STREAM_TRIGGER_AT_ONCE, int64_t maxDelay = 0, int64_t watermark = 0, int8_t igExpired = 0) { snprintf(expect.name, sizeof(expect.name), "0.%s", pStream); snprintf(expect.sourceDB, sizeof(expect.sourceDB), "0.%s", pSrcDb); if (NULL != pDstStb) { snprintf(expect.targetStbFullName, sizeof(expect.targetStbFullName), "0.test.%s", pDstStb); } expect.igExists = igExists; expect.sql = strdup(pSql); expect.triggerType = triggerType; expect.maxDelay = maxDelay; expect.watermark = watermark; expect.igExpired = igExpired; }; setCheckDdlFunc([&](const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { ASSERT_EQ(nodeType(pQuery->pRoot), QUERY_NODE_CREATE_STREAM_STMT); SCMCreateStreamReq req = {0}; ASSERT_TRUE(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == tDeserializeSCMCreateStreamReq(pQuery->pCmdMsg->pMsg, pQuery->pCmdMsg->msgLen, &req)); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.name), std::string(expect.name)); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.sourceDB), std::string(expect.sourceDB)); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.targetStbFullName), std::string(expect.targetStbFullName)); ASSERT_EQ(req.igExists, expect.igExists); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.sql), std::string(expect.sql)); ASSERT_EQ(req.triggerType, expect.triggerType); ASSERT_EQ(req.maxDelay, expect.maxDelay); ASSERT_EQ(req.watermark, expect.watermark); ASSERT_EQ(req.igExpired, expect.igExpired); tFreeSCMCreateStreamReq(&req); }); setCreateStreamReqFunc("s1", "test", "create stream s1 as select count(*) from t1 interval(10s)"); run("CREATE STREAM s1 AS SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 INTERVAL(10S)"); clearCreateStreamReq(); setCreateStreamReqFunc("s1", "test", "create stream if not exists s1 as select count(*) from t1 interval(10s)", nullptr, 1); run("CREATE STREAM IF NOT EXISTS s1 AS SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 INTERVAL(10S)"); clearCreateStreamReq(); setCreateStreamReqFunc("s1", "test", "create stream s1 into st1 as select count(*) from t1 interval(10s)", "st1"); run("CREATE STREAM s1 INTO st1 AS SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 INTERVAL(10S)"); clearCreateStreamReq(); setCreateStreamReqFunc("s1", "test", "create stream if not exists s1 trigger max_delay 20s watermark 10s ignore expired into st1 " "as select count(*) from t1 interval(10s)", "st1", 1, STREAM_TRIGGER_MAX_DELAY, 20 * MILLISECOND_PER_SECOND, 10 * MILLISECOND_PER_SECOND, 1); run("CREATE STREAM IF NOT EXISTS s1 TRIGGER MAX_DELAY 20s WATERMARK 10s IGNORE EXPIRED INTO st1 AS SELECT COUNT(*) " "FROM t1 INTERVAL(10S)"); clearCreateStreamReq(); } TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createStreamSemanticCheck) { useDb("root", "test"); run("CREATE STREAM s1 AS SELECT PERCENTILE(c1, 30) FROM t1 INTERVAL(10S)", TSDB_CODE_PAR_STREAM_NOT_ALLOWED_FUNC); } TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createTable) { useDb("root", "test"); run("CREATE TABLE t1(ts TIMESTAMP, c1 INT)"); run("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.t1(" "ts TIMESTAMP, c1 INT, c2 INT UNSIGNED, c3 BIGINT, c4 BIGINT UNSIGNED, c5 FLOAT, c6 DOUBLE, c7 BINARY(20), " "c8 SMALLINT, c9 SMALLINT UNSIGNED COMMENT 'test column comment', c10 TINYINT, c11 TINYINT UNSIGNED, c12 BOOL, " "c13 NCHAR(30), c15 VARCHAR(50)) " "TTL 100 COMMENT 'test create table' SMA(c1, c2, c3)"); run("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rollup_db.t1(" "ts TIMESTAMP, c1 INT, c2 INT UNSIGNED, c3 BIGINT, c4 BIGINT UNSIGNED, c5 FLOAT, c6 DOUBLE, c7 BINARY(20), " "c8 SMALLINT, c9 SMALLINT UNSIGNED COMMENT 'test column comment', c10 TINYINT, c11 TINYINT UNSIGNED, c12 BOOL, " "c13 NCHAR(30), c14 VARCHAR(50)) " "TAGS (a1 TIMESTAMP, a2 INT, a3 INT UNSIGNED, a4 BIGINT, a5 BIGINT UNSIGNED, a6 FLOAT, a7 DOUBLE, a8 BINARY(20), " "a9 SMALLINT, a10 SMALLINT UNSIGNED COMMENT 'test column comment', a11 TINYINT, a12 TINYINT UNSIGNED, a13 BOOL, " "a14 NCHAR(30), a15 VARCHAR(50)) " "TTL 100 COMMENT 'test create table' SMA(c1, c2, c3) ROLLUP (MIN)"); run("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t1 USING st1 TAGS(1, 'wxy', NOW)"); run("CREATE TABLE " "IF NOT EXISTS test.t1 USING test.st1 (tag1, tag2) TAGS(1, 'abc') " "IF NOT EXISTS test.t2 USING test.st1 (tag1, tag2) TAGS(2, 'abc') " "IF NOT EXISTS test.t3 USING test.st1 (tag1, tag2) TAGS(3, 'abc') "); // run("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t1 USING st1 TAGS(1, 'wxy', NOW + 1S)"); } TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createTableSemanticCheck) { useDb("root", "test"); string sql = "CREATE TABLE st1(ts TIMESTAMP, "; for (int32_t i = 1; i < 4096; ++i) { if (i > 1) { sql.append(", "); } sql.append("c" + to_string(i) + " INT"); } sql.append(") TAGS (t1 int)"); run(sql, TSDB_CODE_PAR_TOO_MANY_COLUMNS); } TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createTopic) { useDb("root", "test"); SCMCreateTopicReq expect = {0}; auto clearCreateTopicReq = [&]() { memset(&expect, 0, sizeof(SCMCreateTopicReq)); }; auto setCreateTopicReqFunc = [&](const char* pTopicName, int8_t igExists, const char* pSql, const char* pAst, const char* pDbName = nullptr, const char* pTbname = nullptr, int8_t withMeta = 0) { snprintf(expect.name, sizeof(expect.name), "0.%s", pTopicName); expect.igExists = igExists; expect.sql = (char*)pSql; expect.withMeta = withMeta; if (nullptr != pTbname) { expect.subType = TOPIC_SUB_TYPE__TABLE; snprintf(expect.subStbName, sizeof(expect.subStbName), "0.%s.%s", pDbName, pTbname); } else if (nullptr != pAst) { expect.subType = TOPIC_SUB_TYPE__COLUMN; expect.ast = (char*)pAst; } else { expect.subType = TOPIC_SUB_TYPE__DB; snprintf(expect.subDbName, sizeof(expect.subDbName), "0.%s", pDbName); } }; setCheckDdlFunc([&](const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { ASSERT_EQ(nodeType(pQuery->pRoot), QUERY_NODE_CREATE_TOPIC_STMT); SCMCreateTopicReq req = {0}; ASSERT_TRUE(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == tDeserializeSCMCreateTopicReq(pQuery->pCmdMsg->pMsg, pQuery->pCmdMsg->msgLen, &req)); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.name), std::string(expect.name)); ASSERT_EQ(req.igExists, expect.igExists); ASSERT_EQ(req.subType, expect.subType); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.sql), std::string(expect.sql)); ASSERT_EQ(req.withMeta, expect.withMeta); switch (expect.subType) { case TOPIC_SUB_TYPE__DB: ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.subDbName), std::string(expect.subDbName)); break; case TOPIC_SUB_TYPE__TABLE: ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.subStbName), std::string(expect.subStbName)); break; case TOPIC_SUB_TYPE__COLUMN: ASSERT_NE(req.ast, nullptr); break; default: ASSERT_TRUE(false); } tFreeSCMCreateTopicReq(&req); }); setCreateTopicReqFunc("tp1", 0, "create topic tp1 as select * from t1", "ast"); run("CREATE TOPIC tp1 AS SELECT * FROM t1"); clearCreateTopicReq(); setCreateTopicReqFunc("tp1", 1, "create topic if not exists tp1 as select ts, ceil(c1) from t1", "ast"); run("CREATE TOPIC IF NOT EXISTS tp1 AS SELECT ts, CEIL(c1) FROM t1"); clearCreateTopicReq(); setCreateTopicReqFunc("tp1", 0, "create topic tp1 as database test", nullptr, "test"); run("CREATE TOPIC tp1 AS DATABASE test"); clearCreateTopicReq(); setCreateTopicReqFunc("tp1", 0, "create topic tp1 with meta as database test", nullptr, "test", nullptr, 1); run("CREATE TOPIC tp1 WITH META AS DATABASE test"); clearCreateTopicReq(); setCreateTopicReqFunc("tp1", 1, "create topic if not exists tp1 as stable st1", nullptr, "test", "st1"); run("CREATE TOPIC IF NOT EXISTS tp1 AS STABLE st1"); clearCreateTopicReq(); setCreateTopicReqFunc("tp1", 1, "create topic if not exists tp1 with meta as stable st1", nullptr, "test", "st1", 1); run("CREATE TOPIC IF NOT EXISTS tp1 WITH META AS STABLE st1"); clearCreateTopicReq(); } TEST_F(ParserInitialCTest, createUser) { useDb("root", "test"); SCreateUserReq expect = {0}; auto clearCreateUserReq = [&]() { memset(&expect, 0, sizeof(SCreateUserReq)); }; auto setCreateUserReq = [&](const char* pUser, const char* pPass, int8_t sysInfo = 1) { strcpy(expect.user, pUser); strcpy(expect.pass, pPass); expect.createType = 0; expect.superUser = 0; expect.sysInfo = sysInfo; expect.enable = 1; }; setCheckDdlFunc([&](const SQuery* pQuery, ParserStage stage) { ASSERT_EQ(nodeType(pQuery->pRoot), QUERY_NODE_CREATE_USER_STMT); SCreateUserReq req = {0}; ASSERT_TRUE(TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == tDeserializeSCreateUserReq(pQuery->pCmdMsg->pMsg, pQuery->pCmdMsg->msgLen, &req)); ASSERT_EQ(req.createType, expect.createType); ASSERT_EQ(req.superUser, expect.superUser); ASSERT_EQ(req.sysInfo, expect.sysInfo); ASSERT_EQ(req.enable, expect.enable); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.user), std::string(expect.user)); ASSERT_EQ(std::string(req.pass), std::string(expect.pass)); }); setCreateUserReq("wxy", "123456"); run("CREATE USER wxy PASS '123456'"); clearCreateUserReq(); setCreateUserReq("wxy1", "a123456", 1); run("CREATE USER wxy1 PASS 'a123456' SYSINFO 1"); clearCreateUserReq(); } } // namespace ParserTest