/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_UV #include "transComm.h" typedef struct SCliConn { T_REF_DECLARE() uv_connect_t connReq; uv_stream_t* stream; uv_write_t writeReq; void* hostThrd; SConnBuffer readBuf; void* data; queue conn; uint64_t expireTime; int hThrdIdx; bool broken; // link broken or not int persist; // // spi configure char spi; char secured; // debug and log info struct sockaddr_in addr; struct sockaddr_in locaddr; } SCliConn; typedef struct SCliMsg { STransConnCtx* ctx; SRpcMsg msg; queue q; uint64_t st; } SCliMsg; typedef struct SCliThrdObj { pthread_t thread; uv_loop_t* loop; SAsyncPool* asyncPool; uv_timer_t timer; void* pool; // conn pool // msg queue queue msg; pthread_mutex_t msgMtx; uint64_t nextTimeout; // next timeout void* pTransInst; // bool quit; } SCliThrdObj; typedef struct SClientObj { char label[TSDB_LABEL_LEN]; int32_t index; int numOfThreads; SCliThrdObj** pThreadObj; } SClientObj; typedef struct SConnList { queue conn; } SConnList; // conn pool // add expire timeout and capacity limit static void* createConnPool(int size); static void* destroyConnPool(void* pool); static SCliConn* getConnFromPool(void* pool, char* ip, uint32_t port); static void addConnToPool(void* pool, char* ip, uint32_t port, SCliConn* conn); // register timer in each thread to clear expire conn static void clientTimeoutCb(uv_timer_t* handle); // alloc buf for read static void clientAllocBufferCb(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t* buf); // callback after read nbytes from socket static void clientRecvCb(uv_stream_t* cli, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf); // callback after write data to socket static void clientSendDataCb(uv_write_t* req, int status); // callback after conn to server static void clientConnCb(uv_connect_t* req, int status); static void clientAsyncCb(uv_async_t* handle); static SCliConn* clientConnCreate(SCliThrdObj* thrd); static void clientConnDestroy(SCliConn* pConn, bool clear /*clear tcp handle or not*/); static void clientDestroy(uv_handle_t* handle); // process data read from server, add decompress etc later static void clientHandleResp(SCliConn* conn); // handle except about conn static void clientHandleExcept(SCliConn* conn); // handle req from app static void clientHandleReq(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd); static void clientHandleQuit(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd); static void clientSendQuit(SCliThrdObj* thrd); static void destroyUserdata(SRpcMsg* userdata); static int clientRBChoseIdx(SRpcInfo* pTransInst); static void destroyCmsg(SCliMsg* cmsg); static void transDestroyConnCtx(STransConnCtx* ctx); // thread obj static SCliThrdObj* createThrdObj(); static void destroyThrdObj(SCliThrdObj* pThrd); #define CONN_HOST_THREAD_INDEX(conn) (conn ? ((SCliConn*)conn)->hThrdIdx : -1) #define CONN_PERSIST_TIME(para) (para * 1000 * 10) #define CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn) (((SRpcInfo*)(((SCliThrdObj*)conn->hostThrd)->pTransInst))->label) #define CONN_HANDLE_THREAD_QUIT(conn, thrd) \ do { \ if (thrd->quit) { \ clientHandleExcept(conn); \ goto _RETURE; \ } \ } while (0) #define CONN_HANDLE_BROKEN(conn) \ do { \ if (conn->broken) { \ clientHandleExcept(conn); \ goto _RETURE; \ } \ } while (0); static void* clientThread(void* arg); static void* clientNotifyApp() {} static void clientHandleResp(SCliConn* conn) { SCliMsg* pMsg = conn->data; STransConnCtx* pCtx = pMsg->ctx; SCliThrdObj* pThrd = conn->hostThrd; SRpcInfo* pTransInst = pThrd->pTransInst; STransMsgHead* pHead = (STransMsgHead*)(conn->readBuf.buf); pHead->code = htonl(pHead->code); pHead->msgLen = htonl(pHead->msgLen); // buf's mem alread translated to rpcMsg.pCont transClearBuffer(&conn->readBuf); SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {0}; rpcMsg.contLen = transContLenFromMsg(pHead->msgLen); rpcMsg.pCont = transContFromHead((char*)pHead); rpcMsg.code = pHead->code; rpcMsg.msgType = pHead->msgType; rpcMsg.ahandle = pCtx->ahandle; if (pTransInst->pfp != NULL && (pTransInst->pfp)(pTransInst->parent, rpcMsg.msgType)) { rpcMsg.handle = conn; transRefCliHandle(conn); conn->persist = 1; tDebug("client conn %p persist by app", conn); } tDebug("%s client conn %p %s received from %s:%d, local info: %s:%d, msg size: %d", pTransInst->label, conn, TMSG_INFO(pHead->msgType), inet_ntoa(conn->addr.sin_addr), ntohs(conn->addr.sin_port), inet_ntoa(conn->locaddr.sin_addr), ntohs(conn->locaddr.sin_port), rpcMsg.contLen); conn->secured = pHead->secured; if (pCtx->pSem == NULL) { tTrace("%s client conn %p handle resp", pTransInst->label, conn); (pTransInst->cfp)(pTransInst->parent, &rpcMsg, NULL); } else { tTrace("%s client conn(sync) %p handle resp", pTransInst->label, conn); memcpy((char*)pCtx->pRsp, (char*)&rpcMsg, sizeof(rpcMsg)); tsem_post(pCtx->pSem); } uv_read_start((uv_stream_t*)conn->stream, clientAllocBufferCb, clientRecvCb); // user owns conn->persist = 1 if (conn->persist == 0) { addConnToPool(pThrd->pool, pCtx->ip, pCtx->port, conn); } destroyCmsg(conn->data); conn->data = NULL; // start thread's timer of conn pool if not active if (!uv_is_active((uv_handle_t*)&pThrd->timer) && pTransInst->idleTime > 0) { // uv_timer_start((uv_timer_t*)&pThrd->timer, clientTimeoutCb, CONN_PERSIST_TIME(pRpc->idleTime) / 2, 0); } } static void clientHandleExcept(SCliConn* pConn) { if (pConn->data == NULL) { // handle conn except in conn pool transUnrefCliHandle(pConn); return; } SCliThrdObj* pThrd = pConn->hostThrd; SRpcInfo* pTransInst = pThrd->pTransInst; SCliMsg* pMsg = pConn->data; STransConnCtx* pCtx = pMsg->ctx; SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {0}; rpcMsg.ahandle = pCtx->ahandle; rpcMsg.code = TSDB_CODE_RPC_NETWORK_UNAVAIL; rpcMsg.msgType = pMsg->msg.msgType + 1; if (pCtx->pSem == NULL) { tTrace("%s client conn %p handle resp", pTransInst->label, pConn); (pTransInst->cfp)(pTransInst->parent, &rpcMsg, NULL); } else { tTrace("%s client conn(sync) %p handle resp", pTransInst->label, pConn); memcpy((char*)(pCtx->pRsp), (char*)(&rpcMsg), sizeof(rpcMsg)); tsem_post(pCtx->pSem); } destroyCmsg(pConn->data); pConn->data = NULL; tTrace("%s client conn %p start to destroy", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(pConn), pConn); transUnrefCliHandle(pConn); } static void clientTimeoutCb(uv_timer_t* handle) { SCliThrdObj* pThrd = handle->data; SRpcInfo* pRpc = pThrd->pTransInst; int64_t currentTime = pThrd->nextTimeout; tTrace("%s, client conn timeout, try to remove expire conn from conn pool", pRpc->label); SConnList* p = taosHashIterate((SHashObj*)pThrd->pool, NULL); while (p != NULL) { while (!QUEUE_IS_EMPTY(&p->conn)) { queue* h = QUEUE_HEAD(&p->conn); SCliConn* c = QUEUE_DATA(h, SCliConn, conn); if (c->expireTime < currentTime) { QUEUE_REMOVE(h); transUnrefCliHandle(c); } else { break; } } p = taosHashIterate((SHashObj*)pThrd->pool, p); } pThrd->nextTimeout = taosGetTimestampMs() + CONN_PERSIST_TIME(pRpc->idleTime); uv_timer_start(handle, clientTimeoutCb, CONN_PERSIST_TIME(pRpc->idleTime) / 2, 0); } static void* createConnPool(int size) { // thread local, no lock return taosHashInit(size, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), false, HASH_NO_LOCK); } static void* destroyConnPool(void* pool) { SConnList* connList = taosHashIterate((SHashObj*)pool, NULL); while (connList != NULL) { while (!QUEUE_IS_EMPTY(&connList->conn)) { queue* h = QUEUE_HEAD(&connList->conn); QUEUE_REMOVE(h); SCliConn* c = QUEUE_DATA(h, SCliConn, conn); clientConnDestroy(c, true); } connList = taosHashIterate((SHashObj*)pool, connList); } taosHashCleanup(pool); } static SCliConn* getConnFromPool(void* pool, char* ip, uint32_t port) { char key[128] = {0}; tstrncpy(key, ip, strlen(ip)); tstrncpy(key + strlen(key), (char*)(&port), sizeof(port)); SHashObj* pPool = pool; SConnList* plist = taosHashGet(pPool, key, strlen(key)); if (plist == NULL) { SConnList list; taosHashPut(pPool, key, strlen(key), (void*)&list, sizeof(list)); plist = taosHashGet(pPool, key, strlen(key)); QUEUE_INIT(&plist->conn); } if (QUEUE_IS_EMPTY(&plist->conn)) { return NULL; } queue* h = QUEUE_HEAD(&plist->conn); QUEUE_REMOVE(h); SCliConn* conn = QUEUE_DATA(h, SCliConn, conn); QUEUE_INIT(&conn->conn); return conn; } static void addConnToPool(void* pool, char* ip, uint32_t port, SCliConn* conn) { char key[128] = {0}; tstrncpy(key, ip, strlen(ip)); tstrncpy(key + strlen(key), (char*)(&port), sizeof(port)); tTrace("client conn %p added to conn pool, read buf cap: %d", conn, conn->readBuf.cap); SRpcInfo* pRpc = ((SCliThrdObj*)conn->hostThrd)->pTransInst; conn->expireTime = taosGetTimestampMs() + CONN_PERSIST_TIME(pRpc->idleTime); SConnList* plist = taosHashGet((SHashObj*)pool, key, strlen(key)); // list already create before assert(plist != NULL); QUEUE_PUSH(&plist->conn, &conn->conn); } static void clientAllocBufferCb(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t* buf) { SCliConn* conn = handle->data; SConnBuffer* pBuf = &conn->readBuf; transAllocBuffer(pBuf, buf); } static void clientRecvCb(uv_stream_t* handle, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf) { // impl later if (handle->data == NULL) { return; } SCliConn* conn = handle->data; SConnBuffer* pBuf = &conn->readBuf; if (nread > 0) { pBuf->len += nread; if (transReadComplete(pBuf)) { tTrace("%s client conn %p read complete", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn); clientHandleResp(conn); } else { tTrace("%s client conn %p read partial packet, continue to read", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn); } return; } assert(nread <= 0); if (nread == 0) { // ref http://docs.libuv.org/en/v1.x/stream.html?highlight=uv_read_start#c.uv_read_cb // nread might be 0, which does not indicate an error or EOF. This is equivalent to EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK under // read(2). return; } if (nread < 0) { tError("%s client conn %p read error: %s", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn, uv_err_name(nread)); conn->broken = true; clientHandleExcept(conn); } } static SCliConn* clientConnCreate(SCliThrdObj* pThrd) { SCliConn* conn = calloc(1, sizeof(SCliConn)); // read/write stream handle conn->stream = (uv_stream_t*)malloc(sizeof(uv_tcp_t)); uv_tcp_init(pThrd->loop, (uv_tcp_t*)(conn->stream)); conn->stream->data = conn; conn->writeReq.data = conn; conn->connReq.data = conn; QUEUE_INIT(&conn->conn); conn->hostThrd = pThrd; conn->broken = false; transRefCliHandle(conn); return conn; } static void clientConnDestroy(SCliConn* conn, bool clear) { tTrace("%s client conn %p remove from conn pool", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn); QUEUE_REMOVE(&conn->conn); if (clear) { uv_close((uv_handle_t*)conn->stream, clientDestroy); } } static void clientDestroy(uv_handle_t* handle) { SCliConn* conn = handle->data; free(conn->stream); tTrace("%s client conn %p destroy successfully", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn); free(conn); } static void clientSendDataCb(uv_write_t* req, int status) { SCliConn* pConn = req->data; if (status == 0) { tTrace("%s client conn %p data already was written out", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(pConn), pConn); SCliMsg* pMsg = pConn->data; if (pMsg == NULL) { return; } destroyUserdata(&pMsg->msg); } else { tError("%s client conn %p failed to write: %s", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(pConn), pConn, uv_err_name(status)); clientHandleExcept(pConn); return; } uv_read_start((uv_stream_t*)pConn->stream, clientAllocBufferCb, clientRecvCb); } static void clientSendData(SCliConn* pConn) { CONN_HANDLE_BROKEN(pConn); SCliMsg* pCliMsg = pConn->data; STransConnCtx* pCtx = pCliMsg->ctx; SCliThrdObj* pThrd = pConn->hostThrd; SRpcInfo* pTransInst = pThrd->pTransInst; SRpcMsg* pMsg = (SRpcMsg*)(&pCliMsg->msg); STransMsgHead* pHead = transHeadFromCont(pMsg->pCont); int msgLen = transMsgLenFromCont(pMsg->contLen); if (!pConn->secured) { char* buf = calloc(1, msgLen + sizeof(STransUserMsg)); memcpy(buf, (char*)pHead, msgLen); STransUserMsg* uMsg = (STransUserMsg*)(buf + msgLen); memcpy(uMsg->user, pTransInst->user, tListLen(uMsg->user)); memcpy(uMsg->secret, pTransInst->secret, tListLen(uMsg->secret)); // to avoid mem leak destroyUserdata(pMsg); pMsg->pCont = (char*)buf + sizeof(STransMsgHead); pMsg->contLen = msgLen + sizeof(STransUserMsg) - sizeof(STransMsgHead); pHead = (STransMsgHead*)buf; pHead->secured = 1; msgLen += sizeof(STransUserMsg); } pHead->msgType = pMsg->msgType; pHead->msgLen = (int32_t)htonl((uint32_t)msgLen); uv_buf_t wb = uv_buf_init((char*)pHead, msgLen); tDebug("%s client conn %p %s is send to %s:%d, local info %s:%d", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(pConn), pConn, TMSG_INFO(pHead->msgType), inet_ntoa(pConn->addr.sin_addr), ntohs(pConn->addr.sin_port), inet_ntoa(pConn->locaddr.sin_addr), ntohs(pConn->locaddr.sin_port)); uv_write(&pConn->writeReq, (uv_stream_t*)pConn->stream, &wb, 1, clientSendDataCb); return; _RETURE: return; } static void clientConnCb(uv_connect_t* req, int status) { // impl later SCliConn* pConn = req->data; if (status != 0) { tError("%s client conn %p failed to connect server: %s", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(pConn), pConn, uv_strerror(status)); clientHandleExcept(pConn); return; } int addrlen = sizeof(pConn->addr); uv_tcp_getpeername((uv_tcp_t*)pConn->stream, (struct sockaddr*)&pConn->addr, &addrlen); addrlen = sizeof(pConn->locaddr); uv_tcp_getsockname((uv_tcp_t*)pConn->stream, (struct sockaddr*)&pConn->locaddr, &addrlen); tTrace("%s client conn %p connect to server successfully", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(pConn), pConn); assert(pConn->stream == req->handle); clientSendData(pConn); } static void clientHandleQuit(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd) { tDebug("client work thread %p start to quit", pThrd); destroyCmsg(pMsg); destroyConnPool(pThrd->pool); uv_timer_stop(&pThrd->timer); pThrd->quit = true; uv_stop(pThrd->loop); } static SCliConn* clientGetConn(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd) { SCliConn* conn = NULL; if (pMsg->msg.handle != NULL) { conn = (SCliConn*)(pMsg->msg.handle); transUnrefCliHandle(conn); if (conn != NULL) { tTrace("%s client conn %p reused", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn); } } else { STransConnCtx* pCtx = pMsg->ctx; conn = getConnFromPool(pThrd->pool, pCtx->ip, pCtx->port); if (conn != NULL) tTrace("%s client conn %p get from conn pool", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn); } return conn; } static void clientHandleReq(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd) { uint64_t et = taosGetTimestampUs(); uint64_t el = et - pMsg->st; tTrace("%s client msg tran time cost: %" PRIu64 "us", ((SRpcInfo*)pThrd->pTransInst)->label, el); STransConnCtx* pCtx = pMsg->ctx; SRpcInfo* pTransInst = pThrd->pTransInst; SCliConn* conn = clientGetConn(pMsg, pThrd); if (conn != NULL) { conn->data = pMsg; transDestroyBuffer(&conn->readBuf); clientSendData(conn); } else { conn = clientConnCreate(pThrd); conn->data = pMsg; int ret = transSetConnOption((uv_tcp_t*)conn->stream); if (ret) { tError("%s client conn %p failed to set conn option, errmsg %s", pTransInst->label, conn, uv_err_name(ret)); } struct sockaddr_in addr; uv_ip4_addr(pMsg->ctx->ip, pMsg->ctx->port, &addr); // handle error in callback if fail to connect tTrace("%s client conn %p try to connect to %s:%d", pTransInst->label, conn, pMsg->ctx->ip, pMsg->ctx->port); uv_tcp_connect(&conn->connReq, (uv_tcp_t*)(conn->stream), (const struct sockaddr*)&addr, clientConnCb); } conn->hThrdIdx = pCtx->hThrdIdx; } static void clientAsyncCb(uv_async_t* handle) { SAsyncItem* item = handle->data; SCliThrdObj* pThrd = item->pThrd; SCliMsg* pMsg = NULL; queue wq; // batch process to avoid to lock/unlock frequently pthread_mutex_lock(&item->mtx); QUEUE_MOVE(&item->qmsg, &wq); pthread_mutex_unlock(&item->mtx); int count = 0; while (!QUEUE_IS_EMPTY(&wq)) { queue* h = QUEUE_HEAD(&wq); QUEUE_REMOVE(h); SCliMsg* pMsg = QUEUE_DATA(h, SCliMsg, q); if (pMsg->ctx == NULL) { clientHandleQuit(pMsg, pThrd); } else { clientHandleReq(pMsg, pThrd); } count++; } if (count >= 2) { tTrace("client process batch size: %d", count); } } static void* clientThread(void* arg) { SCliThrdObj* pThrd = (SCliThrdObj*)arg; setThreadName("trans-client-work"); uv_run(pThrd->loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT); } void* taosInitClient(uint32_t ip, uint32_t port, char* label, int numOfThreads, void* fp, void* shandle) { SClientObj* cli = calloc(1, sizeof(SClientObj)); SRpcInfo* pRpc = shandle; memcpy(cli->label, label, strlen(label)); cli->numOfThreads = numOfThreads; cli->pThreadObj = (SCliThrdObj**)calloc(cli->numOfThreads, sizeof(SCliThrdObj*)); for (int i = 0; i < cli->numOfThreads; i++) { SCliThrdObj* pThrd = createThrdObj(); pThrd->nextTimeout = taosGetTimestampMs() + CONN_PERSIST_TIME(pRpc->idleTime); pThrd->pTransInst = shandle; int err = pthread_create(&pThrd->thread, NULL, clientThread, (void*)(pThrd)); if (err == 0) { tDebug("success to create tranport-client thread %d", i); } cli->pThreadObj[i] = pThrd; } return cli; } static void destroyUserdata(SRpcMsg* userdata) { if (userdata->pCont == NULL) { return; } transFreeMsg(userdata->pCont); userdata->pCont = NULL; } static void destroyCmsg(SCliMsg* pMsg) { if (pMsg == NULL) { return; } transDestroyConnCtx(pMsg->ctx); destroyUserdata(&pMsg->msg); free(pMsg); } static SCliThrdObj* createThrdObj() { SCliThrdObj* pThrd = (SCliThrdObj*)calloc(1, sizeof(SCliThrdObj)); QUEUE_INIT(&pThrd->msg); pthread_mutex_init(&pThrd->msgMtx, NULL); pThrd->loop = (uv_loop_t*)malloc(sizeof(uv_loop_t)); uv_loop_init(pThrd->loop); pThrd->asyncPool = transCreateAsyncPool(pThrd->loop, 5, pThrd, clientAsyncCb); uv_timer_init(pThrd->loop, &pThrd->timer); pThrd->timer.data = pThrd; pThrd->pool = createConnPool(4); pThrd->quit = false; return pThrd; } static void destroyThrdObj(SCliThrdObj* pThrd) { if (pThrd == NULL) { return; } uv_stop(pThrd->loop); pthread_join(pThrd->thread, NULL); pthread_mutex_destroy(&pThrd->msgMtx); transDestroyAsyncPool(pThrd->asyncPool); uv_timer_stop(&pThrd->timer); free(pThrd->loop); free(pThrd); } static void transDestroyConnCtx(STransConnCtx* ctx) { if (ctx != NULL) { free(ctx->ip); } free(ctx); } // static void clientSendQuit(SCliThrdObj* thrd) { // cli can stop gracefully SCliMsg* msg = calloc(1, sizeof(SCliMsg)); transSendAsync(thrd->asyncPool, &msg->q); } void taosCloseClient(void* arg) { SClientObj* cli = arg; for (int i = 0; i < cli->numOfThreads; i++) { clientSendQuit(cli->pThreadObj[i]); destroyThrdObj(cli->pThreadObj[i]); } free(cli->pThreadObj); free(cli); } static int clientRBChoseIdx(SRpcInfo* pTransInst) { int64_t index = pTransInst->index; if (pTransInst->index++ >= pTransInst->numOfThreads) { pTransInst->index = 0; } return index % pTransInst->numOfThreads; } void transRefCliHandle(void* handle) { if (handle == NULL) { return; } int ref = T_REF_INC((SCliConn*)handle); UNUSED(ref); } void transUnrefCliHandle(void* handle) { if (handle == NULL) { return; } int ref = T_REF_DEC((SCliConn*)handle); if (ref == 0) { clientConnDestroy((SCliConn*)handle, true); } // unref cli handle } void rpcSendRequest(void* shandle, const SEpSet* pEpSet, SRpcMsg* pMsg, int64_t* pRid) { // impl later char* ip = (char*)(pEpSet->eps[pEpSet->inUse].fqdn); uint32_t port = pEpSet->eps[pEpSet->inUse].port; SRpcInfo* pTransInst = (SRpcInfo*)shandle; int index = CONN_HOST_THREAD_INDEX(pMsg->handle); if (index == -1) { index = clientRBChoseIdx(pTransInst); } int32_t flen = 0; if (transCompressMsg(pMsg->pCont, pMsg->contLen, &flen)) { // imp later } STransConnCtx* pCtx = calloc(1, sizeof(STransConnCtx)); pCtx->ahandle = pMsg->ahandle; pCtx->msgType = pMsg->msgType; pCtx->ip = strdup(ip); pCtx->port = port; pCtx->hThrdIdx = index; assert(pTransInst->connType == TAOS_CONN_CLIENT); // atomic or not SCliMsg* cliMsg = malloc(sizeof(SCliMsg)); cliMsg->ctx = pCtx; cliMsg->msg = *pMsg; cliMsg->st = taosGetTimestampUs(); SCliThrdObj* thrd = ((SClientObj*)pTransInst->tcphandle)->pThreadObj[index]; transSendAsync(thrd->asyncPool, &(cliMsg->q)); } void rpcSendRecv(void* shandle, SEpSet* pEpSet, SRpcMsg* pReq, SRpcMsg* pRsp) { char* ip = (char*)(pEpSet->eps[pEpSet->inUse].fqdn); uint32_t port = pEpSet->eps[pEpSet->inUse].port; SRpcInfo* pTransInst = (SRpcInfo*)shandle; int index = CONN_HOST_THREAD_INDEX(pReq->handle); if (index == -1) { index = clientRBChoseIdx(pTransInst); } STransConnCtx* pCtx = calloc(1, sizeof(STransConnCtx)); pCtx->ahandle = pReq->ahandle; pCtx->msgType = pReq->msgType; pCtx->ip = strdup(ip); pCtx->port = port; pCtx->hThrdIdx = index; pCtx->pSem = calloc(1, sizeof(tsem_t)); pCtx->pRsp = pRsp; tsem_init(pCtx->pSem, 0, 0); SCliMsg* cliMsg = malloc(sizeof(SCliMsg)); cliMsg->ctx = pCtx; cliMsg->msg = *pReq; cliMsg->st = taosGetTimestampUs(); SCliThrdObj* thrd = ((SClientObj*)pTransInst->tcphandle)->pThreadObj[index]; transSendAsync(thrd->asyncPool, &(cliMsg->q)); tsem_t* pSem = pCtx->pSem; tsem_wait(pSem); tsem_destroy(pSem); free(pSem); return; } #endif