/** * @file TightPointDataStorageF.c * @author Sheng Di and Dingwen Tao * @date Aug, 2016 * @brief The functions used to construct the tightPointDataStorage element for storing compressed bytes. * (C) 2016 by Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS), Argonne National Laboratory. * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. */ #include #include #include #include "TightDataPointStorageF.h" #include "sz.h" #include "defines.h" #include "Huffman.h" void new_TightDataPointStorageF_Empty(TightDataPointStorageF **this) { TightDataPointStorageF* tdpf = (TightDataPointStorageF*)malloc(sizeof(TightDataPointStorageF)); memset(tdpf, 0, sizeof(TightDataPointStorageF)); *this = tdpf; } int new_TightDataPointStorageF_fromFlatBytes(TightDataPointStorageF **this, unsigned char* flatBytes, size_t flatBytesLength, sz_exedata* pde_exe, sz_params* pde_params) { new_TightDataPointStorageF_Empty(this); size_t i, index = 0; // // parse tdps // // 1 version(1) unsigned char version = flatBytes[index++]; //1 unsigned char sameRByte = flatBytes[index++]; //1 // parse data format switch (version) { case DATA_FROMAT_VER1: break; default: printf(" error, float compressed data format can not be recognised. ver=%d\n ", version); return SZ_ABS; } // 2 same(1) //note that 1000,0000 is reserved for regression tag. int same = sameRByte & 0x01; //0000,0001 (*this)->isLossless = (sameRByte & 0x10)>>4; //0001,0000 //0010,0000 pde_exe->SZ_SIZE_TYPE = ((sameRByte & 0x40)>>6)==1?8:4; //0100,0000 int errorBoundMode = SZ_ABS; // 3 meta(2) convertBytesToSZParams(&(flatBytes[index]), pde_params, pde_exe); index += MetaDataByteLength; // 4 element count(4) unsigned char dsLengthBytes[8]; for (i = 0; i < pde_exe->SZ_SIZE_TYPE; i++) dsLengthBytes[i] = flatBytes[index++]; (*this)->dataSeriesLength = bytesToSize(dsLengthBytes, pde_exe->SZ_SIZE_TYPE);// 4 or 8 if((*this)->isLossless==1) { //(*this)->exactMidBytes = flatBytes+8; return errorBoundMode; } else if(same==1) { (*this)->allSameData = 1; (*this)->exactMidBytes = &(flatBytes[index]); return errorBoundMode; } else (*this)->allSameData = 0; // regression int isRegression = (sameRByte >> 7) & 0x01; if(isRegression == 1) { (*this)->raBytes_size = flatBytesLength - 1 - 1 - MetaDataByteLength - pde_exe->SZ_SIZE_TYPE; (*this)->raBytes = &(flatBytes[index]); return errorBoundMode; } // 5 quant intervals(4) unsigned char byteBuf[8]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) byteBuf[i] = flatBytes[index++]; int max_quant_intervals = bytesToInt_bigEndian(byteBuf);// 4 pde_params->maxRangeRadius = max_quant_intervals/2; // 6 intervals for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) byteBuf[i] = flatBytes[index++]; (*this)->intervals = bytesToInt_bigEndian(byteBuf);// 4 // 7 median for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) byteBuf[i] = flatBytes[index++]; (*this)->medianValue = bytesToFloat(byteBuf); //4 // 8 reqLength (*this)->reqLength = flatBytes[index++]; //1 // 9 realPrecision(8) for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) byteBuf[i] = flatBytes[index++]; (*this)->realPrecision = bytesToDouble(byteBuf);//8 // 10 typeArray_size for (i = 0; i < pde_exe->SZ_SIZE_TYPE; i++) byteBuf[i] = flatBytes[index++]; (*this)->typeArray_size = bytesToSize(byteBuf, pde_exe->SZ_SIZE_TYPE);// 4 // 11 exactNum for (i = 0; i < pde_exe->SZ_SIZE_TYPE; i++) byteBuf[i] = flatBytes[index++]; (*this)->exactDataNum = bytesToSize(byteBuf, pde_exe->SZ_SIZE_TYPE);// ST // 12 mid size for (i = 0; i < pde_exe->SZ_SIZE_TYPE; i++) byteBuf[i] = flatBytes[index++]; (*this)->exactMidBytes_size = bytesToSize(byteBuf, pde_exe->SZ_SIZE_TYPE);// STqq // calc leadNumArray_size size_t logicLeadNumBitsNum = (*this)->exactDataNum * 2; if (logicLeadNumBitsNum % 8 == 0) { (*this)->leadNumArray_size = logicLeadNumBitsNum >> 3; } else { (*this)->leadNumArray_size = (logicLeadNumBitsNum >> 3) + 1; } // 13 typeArray (*this)->typeArray = &flatBytes[index]; //retrieve the number of states (i.e., stateNum) (*this)->allNodes = bytesToInt_bigEndian((*this)->typeArray); //the first 4 bytes store the stateNum (*this)->stateNum = ((*this)->allNodes+1)/2; index+=(*this)->typeArray_size; // 14 leadNumArray (*this)->leadNumArray = &flatBytes[index]; index += (*this)->leadNumArray_size; // 15 exactMidBytes (*this)->exactMidBytes = &flatBytes[index]; index+=(*this)->exactMidBytes_size; // 16 residualMidBits (*this)->residualMidBits = &flatBytes[index]; // calc residualMidBits_size (*this)->residualMidBits_size = flatBytesLength - 1 - 1 - MetaDataByteLength - pde_exe->SZ_SIZE_TYPE - 4 - 4 - 4 - 1 - 8 - pde_exe->SZ_SIZE_TYPE - pde_exe->SZ_SIZE_TYPE - pde_exe->SZ_SIZE_TYPE - (*this)->leadNumArray_size - (*this)->exactMidBytes_size - (*this)->typeArray_size; return errorBoundMode; } /** * * type's length == dataSeriesLength * exactMidBytes's length == exactMidBytes_size * leadNumIntArray's length == exactDataNum * escBytes's length == escBytes_size * resiBitLength's length == resiBitLengthSize * */ void new_TightDataPointStorageF(TightDataPointStorageF **this, size_t dataSeriesLength, size_t exactDataNum, int* type, unsigned char* exactMidBytes, size_t exactMidBytes_size, unsigned char* leadNumIntArray, //leadNumIntArray contains readable numbers.... unsigned char* resiMidBits, size_t resiMidBits_size, unsigned char resiBitLength, double realPrecision, float medianValue, char reqLength, unsigned int intervals, unsigned char radExpo) { *this = (TightDataPointStorageF *)malloc(sizeof(TightDataPointStorageF)); memset(*this, 0, sizeof(TightDataPointStorageF)); (*this)->allSameData = 0; (*this)->realPrecision = realPrecision; (*this)->medianValue = medianValue; (*this)->reqLength = reqLength; (*this)->dataSeriesLength = dataSeriesLength; (*this)->exactDataNum = exactDataNum; // encode type with huffMan int stateNum = 2*intervals; HuffmanTree* huffmanTree = createHuffmanTree(stateNum); encode_withTree(huffmanTree, type, dataSeriesLength, &(*this)->typeArray, &(*this)->typeArray_size); SZ_ReleaseHuffman(huffmanTree); (*this)->exactMidBytes = exactMidBytes; (*this)->exactMidBytes_size = exactMidBytes_size; (*this)->leadNumArray_size = convertIntArray2ByteArray_fast_2b(leadNumIntArray, exactDataNum, &((*this)->leadNumArray)); (*this)->residualMidBits_size = convertIntArray2ByteArray_fast_dynamic(resiMidBits, resiBitLength, exactDataNum, &((*this)->residualMidBits)); (*this)->intervals = intervals; (*this)->isLossless = 0; (*this)->radExpo = radExpo; } void convertTDPStoBytes_float(TightDataPointStorageF* tdps, unsigned char* bytes, unsigned char* dsLengthBytes, unsigned char sameByte) { size_t i, k = 0; unsigned char intervalsBytes[4]; unsigned char typeArrayLengthBytes[8]; unsigned char exactLengthBytes[8]; unsigned char exactMidBytesLength[8]; unsigned char realPrecisionBytes[8]; unsigned char medianValueBytes[4]; unsigned char max_quant_intervals_Bytes[4]; // 1 version bytes[k++] = versionNumber; // 2 same bytes[k++] = sameByte; //1 byte // 3 meta convertSZParamsToBytes(confparams_cpr, &(bytes[k]), exe_params->optQuantMode); k = k + MetaDataByteLength; // 4 element count for(i = 0; i < exe_params->SZ_SIZE_TYPE; i++)//ST: 4 or 8 bytes bytes[k++] = dsLengthBytes[i]; intToBytes_bigEndian(max_quant_intervals_Bytes, confparams_cpr->max_quant_intervals); // 5 max_quant_intervals length for(i = 0;i<4;i++)//4 bytes[k++] = max_quant_intervals_Bytes[i]; // 6 intervals intToBytes_bigEndian(intervalsBytes, tdps->intervals); for(i = 0;i<4;i++)//4 bytes[k++] = intervalsBytes[i]; // 7 median floatToBytes(medianValueBytes, tdps->medianValue); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)// 4 bytes[k++] = medianValueBytes[i]; // 8 reqLength bytes[k++] = tdps->reqLength; //1 byte // 9 realPrecision doubleToBytes(realPrecisionBytes, tdps->realPrecision); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)// 8 bytes[k++] = realPrecisionBytes[i]; // 10 typeArray size sizeToBytes(typeArrayLengthBytes, tdps->typeArray_size, exe_params->SZ_SIZE_TYPE); for(i = 0;iSZ_SIZE_TYPE;i++)//ST bytes[k++] = typeArrayLengthBytes[i]; // 11 exactDataNum leadNum calc by this , so not save leadNum sizeToBytes(exactLengthBytes, tdps->exactDataNum, exe_params->SZ_SIZE_TYPE); for(i = 0;iSZ_SIZE_TYPE;i++)//ST bytes[k++] = exactLengthBytes[i]; // 12 Mid size sizeToBytes(exactMidBytesLength, tdps->exactMidBytes_size, exe_params->SZ_SIZE_TYPE); for(i = 0;iSZ_SIZE_TYPE;i++)//ST bytes[k++] = exactMidBytesLength[i]; // 13 typeArray memcpy(&(bytes[k]), tdps->typeArray, tdps->typeArray_size); k += tdps->typeArray_size; // 14 leadNumArray_size memcpy(&(bytes[k]), tdps->leadNumArray, tdps->leadNumArray_size); k += tdps->leadNumArray_size; // 15 mid data memcpy(&(bytes[k]), tdps->exactMidBytes, tdps->exactMidBytes_size); k += tdps->exactMidBytes_size; // 16 residualMidBits if(tdps->residualMidBits!=NULL) { memcpy(&(bytes[k]), tdps->residualMidBits, tdps->residualMidBits_size); k += tdps->residualMidBits_size; } } //convert TightDataPointStorageD to bytes... bool convertTDPStoFlatBytes_float(TightDataPointStorageF *tdps, unsigned char* bytes, size_t *size) { size_t i, k = 0; unsigned char dsLengthBytes[8]; if(exe_params->SZ_SIZE_TYPE==4) intToBytes_bigEndian(dsLengthBytes, tdps->dataSeriesLength);//4 else longToBytes_bigEndian(dsLengthBytes, tdps->dataSeriesLength);//8 unsigned char sameByte = tdps->allSameData==1?(unsigned char)1:(unsigned char)0; //0000,0001 //sameByte = sameByte | (confparams_cpr->szMode << 1); //0000,0110 (no need because of convertSZParamsToBytes if(tdps->isLossless) sameByte = (unsigned char) (sameByte | 0x10); // 0001,0000 if(confparams_cpr->errorBoundMode>=PW_REL) sameByte = (unsigned char) (sameByte | 0x20); // 0010,0000, the 5th bit if(exe_params->SZ_SIZE_TYPE==8) sameByte = (unsigned char) (sameByte | 0x40); // 0100,0000, the 6th bit if(confparams_cpr->errorBoundMode == PW_REL && confparams_cpr->accelerate_pw_rel_compression) sameByte = (unsigned char) (sameByte | 0x08); //0000,1000 //if(confparams_cpr->protectValueRange) // sameByte = (unsigned char) (sameByte | 0x04); //0000,0100 if(tdps->allSameData == 1 ) { // // same format // size_t totalByteLength = 1 + 1 + MetaDataByteLength + exe_params->SZ_SIZE_TYPE + tdps->exactMidBytes_size; //*bytes = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*totalByteLength); // not need malloc comment by tickduan // check output buffer enough if(totalByteLength >= tdps->dataSeriesLength * sizeof(float) ) { *size = 0; return false; } // 1 version 1 byte bytes[k++] = versionNumber; // 2 same flag 1 bytes bytes[k++] = sameByte; // 3 metaData 26 bytes convertSZParamsToBytes(confparams_cpr, &(bytes[k]), exe_params->optQuantMode); k = k + MetaDataByteLength; // 4 data Length 4 or 8 bytes for (i = 0; i < exe_params->SZ_SIZE_TYPE; i++) bytes[k++] = dsLengthBytes[i]; // 5 exactMidBytes exactMidBytes_size bytes for (i = 0; i < tdps->exactMidBytes_size; i++) bytes[k++] = tdps->exactMidBytes[i]; *size = totalByteLength; } else { // // not same format // size_t residualMidBitsLength = tdps->residualMidBits == NULL ? 0 : tdps->residualMidBits_size; // version(1) + samebyte(1) size_t totalByteLength = 1 + 1 + MetaDataByteLength + exe_params->SZ_SIZE_TYPE + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 8 + exe_params->SZ_SIZE_TYPE + exe_params->SZ_SIZE_TYPE + exe_params->SZ_SIZE_TYPE + tdps->typeArray_size + tdps->leadNumArray_size + tdps->exactMidBytes_size + residualMidBitsLength; //*bytes = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*totalByteLength); // comment by tickduan if(totalByteLength >= tdps->dataSeriesLength * sizeof(float)) { *size = 0; return false; } convertTDPStoBytes_float(tdps, bytes, dsLengthBytes, sameByte); *size = totalByteLength; return true; } return true; } /** * to free the memory used in the compression * */ void free_TightDataPointStorageF(TightDataPointStorageF *tdps) { if(tdps->leadNumArray!=NULL) free(tdps->leadNumArray); if(tdps->exactMidBytes!=NULL) free(tdps->exactMidBytes); if(tdps->residualMidBits!=NULL) free(tdps->residualMidBits); if(tdps->typeArray) free(tdps->typeArray); free(tdps); } /** * to free the memory used in the decompression * */ void free_TightDataPointStorageF2(TightDataPointStorageF *tdps) { free(tdps); }