using TDengineDriver; namespace TDengineExample { internal class InfluxDBLineExample { static void Main() { IntPtr conn = GetConnection(); PrepareDatabase(conn); string[] lines = { "meters,location=California.LosAngeles,groupid=2 current=11.8,voltage=221,phase=0.28 1648432611249", "meters,location=California.LosAngeles,groupid=2 current=13.4,voltage=223,phase=0.29 1648432611250", "meters,location=California.LosAngeles,groupid=3 current=10.8,voltage=223,phase=0.29 1648432611249", "meters,location=California.LosAngeles,groupid=3 current=11.3,voltage=221,phase=0.35 1648432611250" }; IntPtr res = TDengine.SchemalessInsert(conn, lines, lines.Length, (int)TDengineSchemalessProtocol.TSDB_SML_LINE_PROTOCOL, (int)TDengineSchemalessPrecision.TSDB_SML_TIMESTAMP_MILLI_SECONDS); if (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0) { throw new Exception("SchemalessInsert failed since " + TDengine.Error(res)); } else { int affectedRows = TDengine.AffectRows(res); Console.WriteLine($"SchemalessInsert success, affected {affectedRows} rows"); } TDengine.FreeResult(res); } static IntPtr GetConnection() { string host = "localhost"; short port = 6030; string username = "root"; string password = "taosdata"; string dbname = ""; var conn = TDengine.Connect(host, username, password, dbname, port); if (conn == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new Exception("Connect to TDengine failed"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Connect to TDengine success"); } return conn; } static void PrepareDatabase(IntPtr conn) { IntPtr res = TDengine.Query(conn, "CREATE DATABASE test"); if (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0) { throw new Exception("failed to create database, reason: " + TDengine.Error(res)); } res = TDengine.Query(conn, "USE test"); if (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0) { throw new Exception("failed to change database, reason: " + TDengine.Error(res)); } } } }