VNODE Write Processes

## META Operations META data write operations including: 1. create table 2. drop table 3. alter table We take create table as an example to figure out the whole process. ```plantuml @startuml create_table skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center skinparam responseMessageBelowArrow true participant APP as app box "dnode1" participant RPC as rpc participant VNODE as vnode participant SYNC as sync end box box "dnode2" participant SYNC as sync2 participant VNODE as vnode2 end box box "dnode3" participant SYNC as sync3 participant VNODE as vnode3 end box ' APP send request to dnode and RPC in dnode recv the request app ->rpc: create table req ' RPC call vnodeProcessReq() function to process the request rpc -> vnode: vnodeProcessReq note right callback function run in RPC module threads. The function only puts the request to a vnode queue. end note ' VNODE call vnodeProcessReqs() function to integrate requests and process as a whole vnode -> vnode: vnodeProcessReqs() note right integrate reqs and process as a whole end note ' sync the request to other nodes vnode -> sync: syncProcessReqs() ' make request persistent ' sync -->vnode: walWrite()\n(callback function) ' replicate requests to other DNODES sync -> sync2: replication req sync -> sync3: replication req sync2 -> vnode2: walWrite()\n(callback function) sync2 --> sync: replication rsp\n(confirm) sync3 -> vnode3: walWrite()\n(callback function) sync3 --> sync: replication rsp\n(confirm) ' send apply request sync -> sync2: apply req sync -> sync3: apply req ' vnode apply sync2 -> vnode2: vnodeApplyReqs() sync3 -> vnode3: vnodeApplyReqs() ' call apply request sync --> vnode: vnodeApplyReqs()\n(callback function) ' send response vnode --> rpc: rpcSendRsp() ' dnode send response to APP rpc --> app: create table rsp @enduml ``` ## Time-series data Operations There are only one operations for time-series data: data insert. We will figure out the whole process. ```plantuml @startuml create_table skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center skinparam responseMessageBelowArrow true participant APP as app box "dnode1" participant RPC as rpc participant VNODE as vnode participant SYNC as sync end box box "dnode2" participant SYNC as sync2 participant VNODE as vnode2 end box box "dnode3" participant SYNC as sync3 participant VNODE as vnode3 end box ' APP send request to dnode and RPC in dnode recv the request app ->rpc: insert data req ' RPC call vnodeProcessReq() function to process the request rpc -> vnode: vnodeProcessReq note right callback function run in RPC module threads. The function only puts the request to a vnode queue. end note ' VNODE call vnodeProcessReqs() function to integrate requests and process as a whole vnode -> vnode: vnodeProcessReqs() note right integrate reqs and process as a whole end note ' sync the request to other nodes vnode -> sync: syncProcessReqs() ' ' make request persistent ' ' sync -->vnode: walWrite()\n(callback function) ' ' replicate requests to other DNODES sync -> sync2: replication req sync -> sync3: replication req ' vnode apply sync2 -> vnode2: vnodeApplyReqs() sync3 -> vnode3: vnodeApplyReqs() ' call apply request sync --> vnode: vnodeApplyReqs()\n(callback function) ' send response vnode --> rpc: rpcSendRsp() ' dnode send response to APP rpc --> app: insert data rsp @enduml ``` ## vnodeProcessReqs() ```plantuml @startuml vnodeProcessReqs() participant VNODE as v participant SYNC as s group vnodeProcessReqs() ' Group requests and get a request batch to process as a whole v -> v: vnodeGetReqsFromQueue() note right integrate all write requests as a batch to process as a whole end note ' VNODE call syncProcessReqs() function to process the batch request v -> s: syncProcessReqs() group syncProcessReqs() ' Check if current node is leader alt not leader return NOT_LEADER end s -> s: syncAppendReqsToLogStore() group syncAppendReqsToLogStore() s -> v: walWrite() note right There must be a callback function provided by VNODE to persist the requests in WAL end note alt (no unapplied reqs) AND (only one node OR no meta requests) s -> v: vnodeApplyReqs() note right just use the woker thread to apply the requests. This is a callback function provided by VNODE end note else other cases need to wait response s -> s: note right save the requests in log store and wait for comfirmation or other cases end note s ->]: send replication requests s ->]: send replication requests end end end end @enduml ``` ## vnodeApplyReqs() The function *vnodeApplyReqs()* is the actual function running by a vnode to process the requests. ```plantuml @startuml vnodeApplyReqs() skinparam sequenceMessageAlign left skinparam responseMessageBelowArrow true participant VNODE as vnode participant TQ as tq participant TSDB as tsdb participant META as meta group vnodeApplyReqs() autonumber loop nReqs ' Copy request message to vnode buffer pool vnode -> vnode: vnodeCopyReq() note right copy request to vnode buffer pool end note vnode -> tq: tqPush() note right push the request to TQ so consumers can consume end note alt META_REQ autonumber 3 vnode -> meta: metaApplyReq() else TS_REQ autonumber 3 vnode -> tsdb: tsdbApplyReq() end end ' Check if need to commit alt vnode buffer pool is full group vnodeCommit() autonumber 4.1 vnode -> tq: tqCommit() note right tqCommit may renew wal end note vnode -> meta: metaCommit(); note right commit meta data end note vnode -> tsdb: tsdbCommit(); note right commit time-series data end note end end end @enduml ```