/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _TD_CATALOG_INT_H_ #define _TD_CATALOG_INT_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "catalog.h" #include "tcommon.h" #include "query.h" #define CTG_DEFAULT_CACHE_CLUSTER_NUMBER 6 #define CTG_DEFAULT_CACHE_VGROUP_NUMBER 100 #define CTG_DEFAULT_CACHE_DB_NUMBER 20 #define CTG_DEFAULT_CACHE_TBLMETA_NUMBER 1000 #define CTG_DEFAULT_RENT_SECOND 10 #define CTG_DEFAULT_RENT_SLOT_SIZE 10 #define CTG_DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_TIMES 3 #define CTG_RENT_SLOT_SECOND 1.5 #define CTG_DEFAULT_INVALID_VERSION (-1) #define CTG_ERR_CODE_TABLE_NOT_EXIST TSDB_CODE_PAR_TABLE_NOT_EXIST enum { CTG_READ = 1, CTG_WRITE, }; enum { CTG_RENT_DB = 1, CTG_RENT_STABLE, }; enum { CTG_OP_UPDATE_VGROUP = 0, CTG_OP_UPDATE_TB_META, CTG_OP_DROP_DB_CACHE, CTG_OP_DROP_DB_VGROUP, CTG_OP_DROP_STB_META, CTG_OP_DROP_TB_META, CTG_OP_UPDATE_USER, CTG_OP_UPDATE_VG_EPSET, CTG_OP_MAX }; typedef enum { CTG_TASK_GET_QNODE = 0, CTG_TASK_GET_DB_VGROUP, CTG_TASK_GET_DB_CFG, CTG_TASK_GET_DB_INFO, CTG_TASK_GET_TB_META, CTG_TASK_GET_TB_HASH, CTG_TASK_GET_INDEX, CTG_TASK_GET_UDF, CTG_TASK_GET_USER, } CTG_TASK_TYPE; typedef struct SCtgDebug { bool lockEnable; bool cacheEnable; bool apiEnable; bool metaEnable; uint32_t showCachePeriodSec; } SCtgDebug; typedef struct SCtgTbCacheInfo { bool inCache; uint64_t dbId; uint64_t suid; int32_t tbType; } SCtgTbCacheInfo; typedef struct SCtgTbMetaCtx { SCtgTbCacheInfo tbInfo; SName* pName; int32_t flag; } SCtgTbMetaCtx; typedef struct SCtgDbVgCtx { char dbFName[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN]; } SCtgDbVgCtx; typedef struct SCtgDbCfgCtx { char dbFName[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN]; } SCtgDbCfgCtx; typedef struct SCtgDbInfoCtx { char dbFName[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN]; } SCtgDbInfoCtx; typedef struct SCtgTbHashCtx { char dbFName[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN]; SName* pName; } SCtgTbHashCtx; typedef struct SCtgIndexCtx { char indexFName[TSDB_INDEX_FNAME_LEN]; } SCtgIndexCtx; typedef struct SCtgUdfCtx { char udfName[TSDB_FUNC_NAME_LEN]; } SCtgUdfCtx; typedef struct SCtgUserCtx { SUserAuthInfo user; } SCtgUserCtx; typedef struct SCtgTbMetaCache { SRWLatch stbLock; SRWLatch metaLock; // RC between cache destroy and all other operations SHashObj *metaCache; //key:tbname, value:STableMeta SHashObj *stbCache; //key:suid, value:STableMeta* } SCtgTbMetaCache; typedef struct SCtgDBCache { SRWLatch vgLock; uint64_t dbId; int8_t deleted; SDBVgInfo *vgInfo; SCtgTbMetaCache tbCache; } SCtgDBCache; typedef struct SCtgRentSlot { SRWLatch lock; bool needSort; SArray *meta; // element is SDbVgVersion or SSTableMetaVersion } SCtgRentSlot; typedef struct SCtgRentMgmt { int8_t type; uint16_t slotNum; uint16_t slotRIdx; int64_t lastReadMsec; SCtgRentSlot *slots; } SCtgRentMgmt; typedef struct SCtgUserAuth { int32_t version; SRWLatch lock; bool superUser; SHashObj *createdDbs; SHashObj *readDbs; SHashObj *writeDbs; } SCtgUserAuth; typedef struct SCatalog { uint64_t clusterId; SHashObj *userCache; //key:user, value:SCtgUserAuth SHashObj *dbCache; //key:dbname, value:SCtgDBCache SCtgRentMgmt dbRent; SCtgRentMgmt stbRent; } SCatalog; typedef struct SCtgJob { int64_t refId; SArray* pTasks; int32_t taskDone; SMetaData jobRes; int32_t rspCode; uint64_t queryId; SCatalog* pCtg; void* pTrans; SEpSet pMgmtEps; void* userParam; catalogCallback userFp; int32_t tbMetaNum; int32_t tbHashNum; int32_t dbVgNum; int32_t udfNum; int32_t qnodeNum; int32_t dbCfgNum; int32_t indexNum; int32_t userNum; int32_t dbInfoNum; } SCtgJob; typedef struct SCtgMsgCtx { int32_t reqType; void* lastOut; void* out; char* target; } SCtgMsgCtx; typedef struct SCtgTask { CTG_TASK_TYPE type; int32_t taskId; SCtgJob *pJob; void* taskCtx; SCtgMsgCtx msgCtx; void* res; } SCtgTask; typedef int32_t (*ctgLanchTaskFp)(SCtgTask*); typedef int32_t (*ctgHandleTaskMsgRspFp)(SCtgTask*, int32_t, const SDataBuf *, int32_t); typedef int32_t (*ctgDumpTaskResFp)(SCtgTask*); typedef struct SCtgAsyncFps { ctgLanchTaskFp launchFp; ctgHandleTaskMsgRspFp handleRspFp; ctgDumpTaskResFp dumpResFp; } SCtgAsyncFps; typedef struct SCtgApiStat { #ifdef WINDOWS size_t avoidCompilationErrors; #endif } SCtgApiStat; typedef struct SCtgRuntimeStat { uint64_t qNum; uint64_t qDoneNum; } SCtgRuntimeStat; typedef struct SCtgCacheStat { uint64_t clusterNum; uint64_t dbNum; uint64_t tblNum; uint64_t stblNum; uint64_t userNum; uint64_t vgHitNum; uint64_t vgMissNum; uint64_t tblHitNum; uint64_t tblMissNum; uint64_t userHitNum; uint64_t userMissNum; } SCtgCacheStat; typedef struct SCatalogStat { SCtgApiStat api; SCtgRuntimeStat runtime; SCtgCacheStat cache; } SCatalogStat; typedef struct SCtgUpdateMsgHeader { SCatalog* pCtg; } SCtgUpdateMsgHeader; typedef struct SCtgUpdateVgMsg { SCatalog* pCtg; char dbFName[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN]; uint64_t dbId; SDBVgInfo* dbInfo; } SCtgUpdateVgMsg; typedef struct SCtgUpdateTblMsg { SCatalog* pCtg; STableMetaOutput* output; } SCtgUpdateTblMsg; typedef struct SCtgDropDBMsg { SCatalog* pCtg; char dbFName[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN]; uint64_t dbId; } SCtgDropDBMsg; typedef struct SCtgDropDbVgroupMsg { SCatalog* pCtg; char dbFName[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN]; } SCtgDropDbVgroupMsg; typedef struct SCtgDropStbMetaMsg { SCatalog* pCtg; char dbFName[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN]; char stbName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; uint64_t dbId; uint64_t suid; } SCtgDropStbMetaMsg; typedef struct SCtgDropTblMetaMsg { SCatalog* pCtg; char dbFName[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN]; char tbName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; uint64_t dbId; } SCtgDropTblMetaMsg; typedef struct SCtgUpdateUserMsg { SCatalog* pCtg; SGetUserAuthRsp userAuth; } SCtgUpdateUserMsg; typedef struct SCtgUpdateEpsetMsg { SCatalog* pCtg; char dbFName[TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN]; int32_t vgId; SEpSet epSet; } SCtgUpdateEpsetMsg; typedef struct SCtgCacheOperation { int32_t opId; void *data; bool syncOp; uint64_t seqId; } SCtgCacheOperation; typedef struct SCtgQNode { SCtgCacheOperation op; struct SCtgQNode *next; } SCtgQNode; typedef struct SCtgQueue { SRWLatch qlock; uint64_t seqId; uint64_t seqDone; SCtgQNode *head; SCtgQNode *tail; tsem_t reqSem; tsem_t rspSem; uint64_t qRemainNum; } SCtgQueue; typedef struct SCatalogMgmt { bool exit; int32_t jobPool; SRWLatch lock; SCtgQueue queue; TdThread updateThread; SHashObj *pCluster; //key: clusterId, value: SCatalog* SCatalogStat stat; SCatalogCfg cfg; } SCatalogMgmt; typedef uint32_t (*tableNameHashFp)(const char *, uint32_t); typedef int32_t (*ctgOpFunc)(SCtgCacheOperation *); typedef struct SCtgOperation { int32_t opId; char name[32]; ctgOpFunc func; } SCtgOperation; #define CTG_QUEUE_INC() atomic_add_fetch_64(&gCtgMgmt.queue.qRemainNum, 1) #define CTG_QUEUE_DEC() atomic_sub_fetch_64(&gCtgMgmt.queue.qRemainNum, 1) #define CTG_STAT_INC(_item, _n) atomic_add_fetch_64(&(_item), _n) #define CTG_STAT_DEC(_item, _n) atomic_sub_fetch_64(&(_item), _n) #define CTG_STAT_GET(_item) atomic_load_64(&(_item)) #define CTG_RT_STAT_INC(item, n) (CTG_STAT_INC(gCtgMgmt.stat.runtime.item, n)) #define CTG_CACHE_STAT_INC(item, n) (CTG_STAT_INC(gCtgMgmt.stat.cache.item, n)) #define CTG_CACHE_STAT_DEC(item, n) (CTG_STAT_DEC(gCtgMgmt.stat.cache.item, n)) #define CTG_IS_META_NULL(type) ((type) == META_TYPE_NULL_TABLE) #define CTG_IS_META_CTABLE(type) ((type) == META_TYPE_CTABLE) #define CTG_IS_META_TABLE(type) ((type) == META_TYPE_TABLE) #define CTG_IS_META_BOTH(type) ((type) == META_TYPE_BOTH_TABLE) #define CTG_FLAG_STB 0x1 #define CTG_FLAG_NOT_STB 0x2 #define CTG_FLAG_UNKNOWN_STB 0x4 #define CTG_FLAG_SYS_DB 0x8 #define CTG_FLAG_FORCE_UPDATE 0x10 #define CTG_FLAG_SET(_flag, _v) ((_flag) |= (_v)) #define CTG_FLAG_IS_STB(_flag) ((_flag) & CTG_FLAG_STB) #define CTG_FLAG_IS_NOT_STB(_flag) ((_flag) & CTG_FLAG_NOT_STB) #define CTG_FLAG_IS_UNKNOWN_STB(_flag) ((_flag) & CTG_FLAG_UNKNOWN_STB) #define CTG_FLAG_IS_SYS_DB(_flag) ((_flag) & CTG_FLAG_SYS_DB) #define CTG_FLAG_IS_FORCE_UPDATE(_flag) ((_flag) & CTG_FLAG_FORCE_UPDATE) #define CTG_FLAG_SET_SYS_DB(_flag) ((_flag) |= CTG_FLAG_SYS_DB) #define CTG_FLAG_SET_STB(_flag, tbType) do { (_flag) |= ((tbType) == TSDB_SUPER_TABLE) ? CTG_FLAG_STB : ((tbType) > TSDB_SUPER_TABLE ? CTG_FLAG_NOT_STB : CTG_FLAG_UNKNOWN_STB); } while (0) #define CTG_FLAG_MAKE_STB(_isStb) (((_isStb) == 1) ? CTG_FLAG_STB : ((_isStb) == 0 ? CTG_FLAG_NOT_STB : CTG_FLAG_UNKNOWN_STB)) #define CTG_FLAG_MATCH_STB(_flag, tbType) (CTG_FLAG_IS_UNKNOWN_STB(_flag) || (CTG_FLAG_IS_STB(_flag) && (tbType) == TSDB_SUPER_TABLE) || (CTG_FLAG_IS_NOT_STB(_flag) && (tbType) != TSDB_SUPER_TABLE)) #define CTG_IS_SYS_DBNAME(_dbname) (((*(_dbname) == 'i') && (0 == strcmp(_dbname, TSDB_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_DB))) || ((*(_dbname) == 'p') && (0 == strcmp(_dbname, TSDB_PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA_DB)))) #define CTG_META_SIZE(pMeta) (sizeof(STableMeta) + ((pMeta)->tableInfo.numOfTags + (pMeta)->tableInfo.numOfColumns) * sizeof(SSchema)) #define CTG_TABLE_NOT_EXIST(code) (code == CTG_ERR_CODE_TABLE_NOT_EXIST) #define CTG_DB_NOT_EXIST(code) (code == TSDB_CODE_MND_DB_NOT_EXIST) #define ctgFatal(param, ...) qFatal("CTG:%p " param, pCtg, __VA_ARGS__) #define ctgError(param, ...) qError("CTG:%p " param, pCtg, __VA_ARGS__) #define ctgWarn(param, ...) qWarn("CTG:%p " param, pCtg, __VA_ARGS__) #define ctgInfo(param, ...) qInfo("CTG:%p " param, pCtg, __VA_ARGS__) #define ctgDebug(param, ...) qDebug("CTG:%p " param, pCtg, __VA_ARGS__) #define ctgTrace(param, ...) qTrace("CTG:%p " param, pCtg, __VA_ARGS__) #define CTG_LOCK_DEBUG(...) do { if (gCTGDebug.lockEnable) { qDebug(__VA_ARGS__); } } while (0) #define CTG_CACHE_DEBUG(...) do { if (gCTGDebug.cacheEnable) { qDebug(__VA_ARGS__); } } while (0) #define CTG_API_DEBUG(...) do { if (gCTGDebug.apiEnable) { qDebug(__VA_ARGS__); } } while (0) #define TD_RWLATCH_WRITE_FLAG_COPY 0x40000000 #define CTG_IS_LOCKED(_lock) atomic_load_32((_lock)) #define CTG_LOCK(type, _lock) do { \ if (CTG_READ == (type)) { \ assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) >= 0); \ CTG_LOCK_DEBUG("CTG RLOCK%p:%d, %s:%d B", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \ taosRLockLatch(_lock); \ CTG_LOCK_DEBUG("CTG RLOCK%p:%d, %s:%d E", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \ assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) > 0); \ } else { \ assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) >= 0); \ CTG_LOCK_DEBUG("CTG WLOCK%p:%d, %s:%d B", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \ taosWLockLatch(_lock); \ CTG_LOCK_DEBUG("CTG WLOCK%p:%d, %s:%d E", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \ assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) == TD_RWLATCH_WRITE_FLAG_COPY); \ } \ } while (0) #define CTG_UNLOCK(type, _lock) do { \ if (CTG_READ == (type)) { \ assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) > 0); \ CTG_LOCK_DEBUG("CTG RULOCK%p:%d, %s:%d B", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \ taosRUnLockLatch(_lock); \ CTG_LOCK_DEBUG("CTG RULOCK%p:%d, %s:%d E", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \ assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) >= 0); \ } else { \ assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) == TD_RWLATCH_WRITE_FLAG_COPY); \ CTG_LOCK_DEBUG("CTG WULOCK%p:%d, %s:%d B", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \ taosWUnLockLatch(_lock); \ CTG_LOCK_DEBUG("CTG WULOCK%p:%d, %s:%d E", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \ assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) >= 0); \ } \ } while (0) #define CTG_ERR_RET(c) do { int32_t _code = c; if (_code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { terrno = _code; return _code; } } while (0) #define CTG_RET(c) do { int32_t _code = c; if (_code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { terrno = _code; } return _code; } while (0) #define CTG_ERR_JRET(c) do { code = c; if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { terrno = code; goto _return; } } while (0) #define CTG_API_LEAVE(c) do { int32_t __code = c; CTG_UNLOCK(CTG_READ, &gCtgMgmt.lock); CTG_API_DEBUG("CTG API leave %s", __FUNCTION__); CTG_RET(__code); } while (0) #define CTG_API_ENTER() do { CTG_API_DEBUG("CTG API enter %s", __FUNCTION__); CTG_LOCK(CTG_READ, &gCtgMgmt.lock); if (atomic_load_8((int8_t*)&gCtgMgmt.exit)) { CTG_API_LEAVE(TSDB_CODE_CTG_OUT_OF_SERVICE); } } while (0) #define CTG_PARAMS SCatalog* pCtg, void *pTrans, const SEpSet* pMgmtEps #define CTG_PARAMS_LIST() pCtg, pTrans, pMgmtEps void ctgdShowTableMeta(SCatalog* pCtg, const char *tbName, STableMeta* p); void ctgdShowClusterCache(SCatalog* pCtg); int32_t ctgdShowCacheInfo(void); int32_t ctgRemoveTbMetaFromCache(SCatalog* pCtg, SName* pTableName, bool syncReq); int32_t ctgGetTbMetaFromCache(CTG_PARAMS, SCtgTbMetaCtx* ctx, STableMeta** pTableMeta); int32_t ctgOpUpdateVgroup(SCtgCacheOperation *action); int32_t ctgOpUpdateTbMeta(SCtgCacheOperation *action); int32_t ctgOpDropDbCache(SCtgCacheOperation *action); int32_t ctgOpDropDbVgroup(SCtgCacheOperation *action); int32_t ctgOpDropStbMeta(SCtgCacheOperation *action); int32_t ctgOpDropTbMeta(SCtgCacheOperation *action); int32_t ctgOpUpdateUser(SCtgCacheOperation *action); int32_t ctgOpUpdateEpset(SCtgCacheOperation *operation); int32_t ctgAcquireVgInfoFromCache(SCatalog* pCtg, const char *dbFName, SCtgDBCache **pCache); void ctgReleaseDBCache(SCatalog *pCtg, SCtgDBCache *dbCache); void ctgReleaseVgInfo(SCtgDBCache *dbCache); int32_t ctgAcquireVgInfoFromCache(SCatalog* pCtg, const char *dbFName, SCtgDBCache **pCache); int32_t ctgTbMetaExistInCache(SCatalog* pCtg, char *dbFName, char* tbName, int32_t *exist); int32_t ctgReadTbMetaFromCache(SCatalog* pCtg, SCtgTbMetaCtx* ctx, STableMeta** pTableMeta); int32_t ctgReadTbVerFromCache(SCatalog *pCtg, const SName *pTableName, int32_t *sver, int32_t *tver, int32_t *tbType, uint64_t *suid, char *stbName); int32_t ctgChkAuthFromCache(SCatalog* pCtg, const char* user, const char* dbFName, AUTH_TYPE type, bool *inCache, bool *pass); int32_t ctgDropDbCacheEnqueue(SCatalog* pCtg, const char *dbFName, int64_t dbId); int32_t ctgDropDbVgroupEnqueue(SCatalog* pCtg, const char *dbFName, bool syncReq); int32_t ctgDropStbMetaEnqueue(SCatalog* pCtg, const char *dbFName, int64_t dbId, const char *stbName, uint64_t suid, bool syncReq); int32_t ctgDropTbMetaEnqueue(SCatalog* pCtg, const char *dbFName, int64_t dbId, const char *tbName, bool syncReq); int32_t ctgUpdateVgroupEnqueue(SCatalog* pCtg, const char *dbFName, int64_t dbId, SDBVgInfo* dbInfo, bool syncReq); int32_t ctgUpdateTbMetaEnqueue(SCatalog* pCtg, STableMetaOutput *output, bool syncReq); int32_t ctgUpdateUserEnqueue(SCatalog* pCtg, SGetUserAuthRsp *pAuth, bool syncReq); int32_t ctgUpdateVgEpsetEnqueue(SCatalog* pCtg, char *dbFName, int32_t vgId, SEpSet* pEpSet); int32_t ctgMetaRentInit(SCtgRentMgmt *mgmt, uint32_t rentSec, int8_t type); int32_t ctgMetaRentAdd(SCtgRentMgmt *mgmt, void *meta, int64_t id, int32_t size); int32_t ctgMetaRentGet(SCtgRentMgmt *mgmt, void **res, uint32_t *num, int32_t size); int32_t ctgUpdateTbMetaToCache(SCatalog* pCtg, STableMetaOutput* pOut, bool syncReq); int32_t ctgStartUpdateThread(); int32_t ctgRelaunchGetTbMetaTask(SCtgTask *pTask); int32_t ctgProcessRspMsg(void* out, int32_t reqType, char* msg, int32_t msgSize, int32_t rspCode, char* target); int32_t ctgGetDBVgInfoFromMnode(CTG_PARAMS, SBuildUseDBInput *input, SUseDbOutput *out, SCtgTask* pTask); int32_t ctgGetQnodeListFromMnode(CTG_PARAMS, SArray *out, SCtgTask* pTask); int32_t ctgGetDBCfgFromMnode(CTG_PARAMS, const char *dbFName, SDbCfgInfo *out, SCtgTask* pTask); int32_t ctgGetIndexInfoFromMnode(CTG_PARAMS, const char *indexName, SIndexInfo *out, SCtgTask* pTask); int32_t ctgGetUdfInfoFromMnode(CTG_PARAMS, const char *funcName, SFuncInfo *out, SCtgTask* pTask); int32_t ctgGetUserDbAuthFromMnode(CTG_PARAMS, const char *user, SGetUserAuthRsp *out, SCtgTask* pTask); int32_t ctgGetTbMetaFromMnodeImpl(CTG_PARAMS, char *dbFName, char* tbName, STableMetaOutput* out, SCtgTask* pTask); int32_t ctgGetTbMetaFromMnode(CTG_PARAMS, const SName* pTableName, STableMetaOutput* out, SCtgTask* pTask); int32_t ctgGetTbMetaFromVnode(CTG_PARAMS, const SName* pTableName, SVgroupInfo *vgroupInfo, STableMetaOutput* out, SCtgTask* pTask); int32_t ctgInitJob(CTG_PARAMS, SCtgJob** job, uint64_t reqId, const SCatalogReq* pReq, catalogCallback fp, void* param, int32_t* taskNum); int32_t ctgLaunchJob(SCtgJob *pJob); int32_t ctgMakeAsyncRes(SCtgJob *pJob); int32_t ctgCloneVgInfo(SDBVgInfo *src, SDBVgInfo **dst); int32_t ctgCloneMetaOutput(STableMetaOutput *output, STableMetaOutput **pOutput); int32_t ctgGenerateVgList(SCatalog *pCtg, SHashObj *vgHash, SArray** pList); void ctgFreeJob(void* job); void ctgFreeHandle(SCatalog* pCtg); void ctgFreeVgInfo(SDBVgInfo *vgInfo); int32_t ctgGetVgInfoFromHashValue(SCatalog *pCtg, SDBVgInfo *dbInfo, const SName *pTableName, SVgroupInfo *pVgroup); void ctgResetTbMetaTask(SCtgTask* pTask); void ctgFreeDbCache(SCtgDBCache *dbCache); int32_t ctgStbVersionSortCompare(const void* key1, const void* key2); int32_t ctgDbVgVersionSortCompare(const void* key1, const void* key2); int32_t ctgStbVersionSearchCompare(const void* key1, const void* key2); int32_t ctgDbVgVersionSearchCompare(const void* key1, const void* key2); void ctgFreeSTableMetaOutput(STableMetaOutput* pOutput); int32_t ctgUpdateMsgCtx(SCtgMsgCtx* pCtx, int32_t reqType, void* out, char* target); char *ctgTaskTypeStr(CTG_TASK_TYPE type); extern SCatalogMgmt gCtgMgmt; extern SCtgDebug gCTGDebug; extern SCtgAsyncFps gCtgAsyncFps[]; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /*_TD_CATALOG_INT_H_*/