#!/bin/bash # # if enable core dump, set start count to 3, disable core dump, set start count to 20. # set -e # set -x serverName="taosd" logDir="/var/log/taos" taosd=/etc/systemd/system/${serverName}.service line=$(grep StartLimitBurst ${taosd}) num=${line##*=} #echo "burst num: ${num}" startSeqFile=${logDir}/.startSeq recordFile=${logDir}/.startRecord startSeq=0 if [[ ! -e ${startSeqFile} ]]; then startSeq=0 else startSeq=$(cat ${startSeqFile}) fi nextSeq=$(expr $startSeq + 1) echo "${nextSeq}" >${startSeqFile} curTime=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") echo "startSeq:${startSeq} startPre.sh exec ${curTime}, burstCnt:${num}" >>${recordFile} coreFlag=$(ulimit -c) echo "coreFlag: ${coreFlag}" >>${recordFile} if [ ${coreFlag} = "0" ]; then #echo "core is 0" if [ ${num} != "20" ]; then sed -i "s/^.*StartLimitBurst.*$/StartLimitBurst=20/" ${taosd} systemctl daemon-reload echo "modify burst count from ${num} to 20" >>${recordFile} fi fi if [ ${coreFlag} = "unlimited" ]; then #echo "core is unlimited" if [ ${num} != "3" ]; then sed -i "s/^.*StartLimitBurst.*$/StartLimitBurst=3/" ${taosd} systemctl daemon-reload echo "modify burst count from ${num} to 3" >>${recordFile} fi fi