/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "db.h" #include "metaDef.h" #include "tcoding.h" #include "thash.h" typedef struct { tb_uid_t uid; int32_t sver; } SSchemaKey; struct SMetaDB { // DB DB *pTbDB; DB *pSchemaDB; // IDX DB *pNameIdx; DB *pStbIdx; DB *pNtbIdx; DB *pCtbIdx; // ENV DB_ENV *pEvn; }; typedef int (*bdbIdxCbPtr)(DB *, const DBT *, const DBT *, DBT *); static SMetaDB *metaNewDB(); static void metaFreeDB(SMetaDB *pDB); static int metaOpenBDBEnv(DB_ENV **ppEnv, const char *path); static void metaCloseBDBEnv(DB_ENV *pEnv); static int metaOpenBDBDb(DB **ppDB, DB_ENV *pEnv, const char *pFName, bool isDup); static void metaCloseBDBDb(DB *pDB); static int metaOpenBDBIdx(DB **ppIdx, DB_ENV *pEnv, const char *pFName, DB *pDB, bdbIdxCbPtr cbf, bool isDup); static void metaCloseBDBIdx(DB *pIdx); static int metaNameIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey); static int metaStbIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey); static int metaNtbIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey); static int metaCtbIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey); static int metaEncodeTbInfo(void **buf, STbCfg *pTbCfg); static void * metaDecodeTbInfo(void *buf, STbCfg *pTbCfg); static void metaClearTbCfg(STbCfg *pTbCfg); #define BDB_PERR(info, code) fprintf(stderr, info " reason: %s", db_strerror(code)) int metaOpenDB(SMeta *pMeta) { SMetaDB *pDB; // Create DB object pDB = metaNewDB(); if (pDB == NULL) { return -1; } pMeta->pDB = pDB; // Open DB Env if (metaOpenBDBEnv(&(pDB->pEvn), pMeta->path) < 0) { metaCloseDB(pMeta); return -1; } // Open DBs if (metaOpenBDBDb(&(pDB->pTbDB), pDB->pEvn, "meta.db", false) < 0) { metaCloseDB(pMeta); return -1; } if (metaOpenBDBDb(&(pDB->pSchemaDB), pDB->pEvn, "meta.db", false) < 0) { metaCloseDB(pMeta); return -1; } // Open Indices if (metaOpenBDBIdx(&(pDB->pNameIdx), pDB->pEvn, "name.index", pDB->pTbDB, &metaNameIdxCb, false) < 0) { metaCloseDB(pMeta); return -1; } if (metaOpenBDBIdx(&(pDB->pStbIdx), pDB->pEvn, "stb.index", pDB->pTbDB, &metaStbIdxCb, false) < 0) { metaCloseDB(pMeta); return -1; } if (metaOpenBDBIdx(&(pDB->pNtbIdx), pDB->pEvn, "ntb.index", pDB->pTbDB, &metaNtbIdxCb, false) < 0) { metaCloseDB(pMeta); return -1; } if (metaOpenBDBIdx(&(pDB->pCtbIdx), pDB->pEvn, "ctb.index", pDB->pTbDB, &metaCtbIdxCb, true) < 0) { metaCloseDB(pMeta); return -1; } return 0; } void metaCloseDB(SMeta *pMeta) { if (pMeta->pDB) { metaCloseBDBIdx(pMeta->pDB->pCtbIdx); metaCloseBDBIdx(pMeta->pDB->pNtbIdx); metaCloseBDBIdx(pMeta->pDB->pStbIdx); metaCloseBDBIdx(pMeta->pDB->pNameIdx); metaCloseBDBDb(pMeta->pDB->pSchemaDB); metaCloseBDBDb(pMeta->pDB->pTbDB); metaCloseBDBEnv(pMeta->pDB->pEvn); metaFreeDB(pMeta->pDB); pMeta->pDB = NULL; } } int metaSaveTableToDB(SMeta *pMeta, STbCfg *pTbCfg) { tb_uid_t uid; char buf[512]; void * pBuf; DBT key, value; SSchema *pSchema = NULL; if (pTbCfg->type == META_SUPER_TABLE) { uid = pTbCfg->stbCfg.suid; } else { uid = metaGenerateUid(pMeta); } { // save table info pBuf = buf; memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); memset(&value, 0, sizeof(key)); key.data = &uid; key.size = sizeof(uid); metaEncodeTbInfo(&pBuf, pTbCfg); value.data = buf; value.size = POINTER_DISTANCE(pBuf, buf); value.app_data = pTbCfg; pMeta->pDB->pTbDB->put(pMeta->pDB->pTbDB, NULL, &key, &value, 0); } // save schema uint32_t ncols; if (pTbCfg->type == META_SUPER_TABLE) { ncols = pTbCfg->stbCfg.nCols; pSchema = pTbCfg->stbCfg.pSchema; } else if (pTbCfg->type == META_NORMAL_TABLE) { ncols = pTbCfg->ntbCfg.nCols; pSchema = pTbCfg->ntbCfg.pSchema; } if (pSchema) { pBuf = buf; memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); memset(&value, 0, sizeof(key)); SSchemaKey schemaKey = {uid, 0 /*TODO*/}; key.data = &schemaKey; key.size = sizeof(schemaKey); taosEncodeFixedU32(&pBuf, ncols); for (size_t i = 0; i < ncols; i++) { taosEncodeFixedI8(&pBuf, pSchema[i].type); taosEncodeFixedI32(&pBuf, pSchema[i].colId); taosEncodeFixedI32(&pBuf, pSchema[i].bytes); taosEncodeString(&pBuf, pSchema[i].name); } value.data = buf; value.size = POINTER_DISTANCE(pBuf, buf); pMeta->pDB->pSchemaDB->put(pMeta->pDB->pSchemaDB, NULL, &key, &value, 0); } return 0; } int metaRemoveTableFromDb(SMeta *pMeta, tb_uid_t uid) { // TODO return 0; } /* ------------------------ STATIC METHODS ------------------------ */ static SMetaDB *metaNewDB() { SMetaDB *pDB = NULL; pDB = (SMetaDB *)calloc(1, sizeof(*pDB)); if (pDB == NULL) { return NULL; } return pDB; } static void metaFreeDB(SMetaDB *pDB) { if (pDB) { free(pDB); } } static int metaOpenBDBEnv(DB_ENV **ppEnv, const char *path) { int ret; DB_ENV *pEnv; if (path == NULL) return 0; ret = db_env_create(&pEnv, 0); if (ret != 0) { BDB_PERR("Failed to create META env", ret); return -1; } ret = pEnv->open(pEnv, path, DB_CREATE | DB_INIT_MPOOL, 0); if (ret != 0) { BDB_PERR("Failed to open META env", ret); return -1; } *ppEnv = pEnv; return 0; } static void metaCloseBDBEnv(DB_ENV *pEnv) { if (pEnv) { pEnv->close(pEnv, 0); } } static int metaOpenBDBDb(DB **ppDB, DB_ENV *pEnv, const char *pFName, bool isDup) { int ret; DB *pDB; ret = db_create(&(pDB), pEnv, 0); if (ret != 0) { BDB_PERR("Failed to create META DB", ret); return -1; } if (isDup) { ret = pDB->set_flags(pDB, DB_DUPSORT); if (ret != 0) { BDB_PERR("Failed to set DB flags", ret); return -1; } } ret = pDB->open(pDB, NULL, pFName, NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, 0); if (ret) { BDB_PERR("Failed to open META DB", ret); return -1; } *ppDB = pDB; return 0; } static void metaCloseBDBDb(DB *pDB) { if (pDB) { pDB->close(pDB, 0); } } static int metaOpenBDBIdx(DB **ppIdx, DB_ENV *pEnv, const char *pFName, DB *pDB, bdbIdxCbPtr cbf, bool isDup) { DB *pIdx; int ret; if (metaOpenBDBDb(ppIdx, pEnv, pFName, isDup) < 0) { return -1; } pIdx = *ppIdx; ret = pDB->associate(pDB, NULL, pIdx, cbf, 0); if (ret) { BDB_PERR("Failed to associate META DB and Index", ret); } return 0; } static void metaCloseBDBIdx(DB *pIdx) { if (pIdx) { pIdx->close(pIdx, 0); } } static int metaNameIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey) { STbCfg *pTbCfg = (STbCfg *)(pValue->app_data); memset(pSKey, 0, sizeof(*pSKey)); pSKey->data = pTbCfg->name; pSKey->size = strlen(pTbCfg->name); return 0; } static int metaStbIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey) { STbCfg *pTbCfg = (STbCfg *)(pValue->app_data); if (pTbCfg->type == META_SUPER_TABLE) { memset(pSKey, 0, sizeof(*pSKey)); pSKey->data = pKey->data; pSKey->size = pKey->size; return 0; } else { return DB_DONOTINDEX; } } static int metaNtbIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey) { STbCfg *pTbCfg = (STbCfg *)(pValue->app_data); if (pTbCfg->type == META_NORMAL_TABLE) { memset(pSKey, 0, sizeof(*pSKey)); pSKey->data = pKey->data; pSKey->size = pKey->size; return 0; } else { return DB_DONOTINDEX; } } static int metaCtbIdxCb(DB *pIdx, const DBT *pKey, const DBT *pValue, DBT *pSKey) { STbCfg *pTbCfg = (STbCfg *)(pValue->app_data); DBT * pDbt; if (pTbCfg->type == META_CHILD_TABLE) { pDbt = calloc(2, sizeof(DBT)); // First key is suid pDbt[0].data = &(pTbCfg->ctbCfg.suid); pDbt[0].size = sizeof(pTbCfg->ctbCfg.suid); // Second key is the first tag void *pTagVal = tdGetKVRowValOfCol(pTbCfg->ctbCfg.pTag, (kvRowColIdx(pTbCfg->ctbCfg.pTag))[0].colId); pDbt[1].data = varDataVal(pTagVal); pDbt[1].size = varDataLen(pTagVal); // Set index key memset(pSKey, 0, sizeof(*pSKey)); pSKey->flags = DB_DBT_MULTIPLE | DB_DBT_APPMALLOC; pSKey->data = pDbt; pSKey->size = 2; return 0; } else { return DB_DONOTINDEX; } } static int metaEncodeTbInfo(void **buf, STbCfg *pTbCfg) { int tsize = 0; tsize += taosEncodeString(buf, pTbCfg->name); tsize += taosEncodeFixedU32(buf, pTbCfg->ttl); tsize += taosEncodeFixedU32(buf, pTbCfg->keep); tsize += taosEncodeFixedU8(buf, pTbCfg->type); if (pTbCfg->type == META_SUPER_TABLE) { tsize += taosEncodeVariantU32(buf, pTbCfg->stbCfg.nTagCols); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pTbCfg->stbCfg.nTagCols; i++) { tsize += taosEncodeFixedI8(buf, pTbCfg->stbCfg.pSchema[i].type); tsize += taosEncodeFixedI32(buf, pTbCfg->stbCfg.pSchema[i].colId); tsize += taosEncodeFixedI32(buf, pTbCfg->stbCfg.pSchema[i].bytes); tsize += taosEncodeString(buf, pTbCfg->stbCfg.pSchema[i].name); } // tsize += tdEncodeSchema(buf, pTbCfg->stbCfg.pTagSchema); } else if (pTbCfg->type == META_CHILD_TABLE) { tsize += taosEncodeFixedU64(buf, pTbCfg->ctbCfg.suid); tsize += tdEncodeKVRow(buf, pTbCfg->ctbCfg.pTag); } else if (pTbCfg->type == META_NORMAL_TABLE) { } else { ASSERT(0); } return tsize; } static void *metaDecodeTbInfo(void *buf, STbCfg *pTbCfg) { buf = taosDecodeString(buf, &(pTbCfg->name)); buf = taosDecodeFixedU32(buf, &(pTbCfg->ttl)); buf = taosDecodeFixedU32(buf, &(pTbCfg->keep)); buf = taosDecodeFixedU8(buf, &(pTbCfg->type)); if (pTbCfg->type == META_SUPER_TABLE) { buf = taosDecodeVariantU32(buf, &(pTbCfg->stbCfg.nTagCols)); pTbCfg->stbCfg.pTagSchema = (SSchema *)malloc(sizeof(SSchema) * pTbCfg->stbCfg.nTagCols); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pTbCfg->stbCfg.nTagCols; i++) { buf = taosDecodeFixedI8(buf, &(pTbCfg->stbCfg.pSchema[i].type)); buf = taosDecodeFixedI32(buf, &pTbCfg->stbCfg.pSchema[i].colId); buf = taosDecodeFixedI32(buf, &pTbCfg->stbCfg.pSchema[i].bytes); buf = taosDecodeStringTo(buf, pTbCfg->stbCfg.pSchema[i].name); } } else if (pTbCfg->type == META_CHILD_TABLE) { buf = taosDecodeFixedU64(buf, &(pTbCfg->ctbCfg.suid)); buf = tdDecodeKVRow(buf, &(pTbCfg->ctbCfg.pTag)); } else if (pTbCfg->type == META_NORMAL_TABLE) { } else { ASSERT(0); } return buf; } static void metaClearTbCfg(STbCfg *pTbCfg) { tfree(pTbCfg->name); if (pTbCfg->type == META_SUPER_TABLE) { tdFreeSchema(pTbCfg->stbCfg.pTagSchema); } else if (pTbCfg->type == META_CHILD_TABLE) { tfree(pTbCfg->ctbCfg.pTag); } } /* ------------------------ FOR QUERY ------------------------ */ int metaGetTableInfo(SMeta *pMeta, char *tbname, STableMetaMsg **ppMsg) { DBT key = {0}; DBT value = {0}; SMetaDB * pMetaDB = pMeta->pDB; int ret; STbCfg tbCfg; SSchemaKey schemaKey; DBT key1 = {0}; DBT value1 = {0}; uint32_t ncols; void * pBuf; int tlen; STableMetaMsg *pMsg; key.data = tbname; key.size = strlen(tbname) + 1; ret = pMetaDB->pNameIdx->get(pMetaDB->pNameIdx, NULL, &key, &value, 0); if (ret != 0) { // TODO return -1; } metaDecodeTbInfo(value.data, &tbCfg); switch (tbCfg.type) { case META_SUPER_TABLE: schemaKey.uid = tbCfg.stbCfg.suid; schemaKey.sver = 0; key1.data = &schemaKey; key1.size = sizeof(schemaKey); ret = pMetaDB->pSchemaDB->get(pMetaDB->pSchemaDB, &key1, &value1, NULL, 0); if (ret != 0) { // TODO return -1; } pBuf = value1.data; pBuf = taosDecodeFixedU32(pBuf, &ncols); tlen = sizeof(STableMetaMsg) + (tbCfg.stbCfg.nTagCols + ncols) * sizeof(SSchema); pMsg = calloc(1, tlen); if (pMsg == NULL) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return -1; } strcpy(pMsg->tbFname, tbCfg.name); pMsg->numOfTags = tbCfg.stbCfg.nTagCols; pMsg->numOfColumns = ncols; pMsg->tableType = tbCfg.type; pMsg->sversion = 0; pMsg->tversion = 0; pMsg->suid = tbCfg.stbCfg.suid; pMsg->tuid = tbCfg.stbCfg.suid; for (size_t i = 0; i < tbCfg.stbCfg.nTagCols; i++) { } break; case META_CHILD_TABLE: ASSERT(0); break; case META_NORMAL_TABLE: ASSERT(0); break; default: ASSERT(0); break; } *ppMsg = pMsg; return 0; }