/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "planInt.h" #include "functionMgt.h" #define OPTIMIZE_FLAG_MASK(n) (1 << n) #define OPTIMIZE_FLAG_OSD OPTIMIZE_FLAG_MASK(0) #define OPTIMIZE_FLAG_SET_MASK(val, mask) (val) |= (mask) #define OPTIMIZE_FLAG_TEST_MASK(val, mask) (((val) & (mask)) != 0) typedef struct SOptimizeContext { bool optimized; } SOptimizeContext; typedef int32_t (*FMatch)(SOptimizeContext* pCxt, SLogicNode* pLogicNode); typedef int32_t (*FOptimize)(SOptimizeContext* pCxt, SLogicNode* pLogicNode); typedef struct SOptimizeRule { char* pName; FOptimize optimizeFunc; } SOptimizeRule; typedef struct SOsdInfo { SScanLogicNode* pScan; SNodeList* pSdrFuncs; SNodeList* pDsoFuncs; } SOsdInfo; static bool osdMayBeOptimized(SLogicNode* pNode) { if (OPTIMIZE_FLAG_TEST_MASK(pNode->optimizedFlag, OPTIMIZE_FLAG_OSD)) { return false; } if (QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_PLAN_SCAN != nodeType(pNode)) { return false; } if (NULL == pNode->pParent || (QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_PLAN_WINDOW != nodeType(pNode->pParent) && QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_PLAN_AGG == nodeType(pNode->pParent))) { return false; } return true; } static SLogicNode* osdFindPossibleScanNode(SLogicNode* pNode) { if (osdMayBeOptimized(pNode)) { return pNode; } SNode* pChild; FOREACH(pChild, pNode->pChildren) { SLogicNode* pScanNode = osdFindPossibleScanNode((SLogicNode*)pChild); if (NULL != pScanNode) { return pScanNode; } } return NULL; } static SNodeList* osdGetAllFuncs(SLogicNode* pNode) { switch (nodeType(pNode)) { case QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_PLAN_WINDOW: return ((SWindowLogicNode*)pNode)->pFuncs; case QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_PLAN_AGG: return ((SAggLogicNode*)pNode)->pAggFuncs; default: break; } return NULL; } static int32_t osdGetRelatedFuncs(SScanLogicNode* pScan, SNodeList** pSdrFuncs, SNodeList** pDsoFuncs) { SNodeList* pAllFuncs = osdGetAllFuncs(pScan->node.pParent); SNode* pFunc = NULL; FOREACH(pFunc, pAllFuncs) { int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; if (fmIsSpecialDataRequiredFunc(((SFunctionNode*)pFunc)->funcId)) { code = nodesListMakeStrictAppend(pSdrFuncs, nodesCloneNode(pFunc)); } else if (fmIsDynamicScanOptimizedFunc(((SFunctionNode*)pFunc)->funcId)) { code = nodesListMakeStrictAppend(pDsoFuncs, nodesCloneNode(pFunc)); } if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != code) { nodesDestroyList(*pSdrFuncs); nodesDestroyList(*pDsoFuncs); return code; } } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } static int32_t osdMatch(SOptimizeContext* pCxt, SLogicNode* pLogicNode, SOsdInfo* pInfo) { pInfo->pScan = (SScanLogicNode*)osdFindPossibleScanNode(pLogicNode); if (NULL == pInfo->pScan) { return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } return osdGetRelatedFuncs(pInfo->pScan, &pInfo->pSdrFuncs, &pInfo->pDsoFuncs); } static EFuncDataRequired osdPromoteDataRequired(EFuncDataRequired l , EFuncDataRequired r) { switch (l) { case FUNC_DATA_REQUIRED_ALL_NEEDED: return l; case FUNC_DATA_REQUIRED_STATIS_NEEDED: return FUNC_DATA_REQUIRED_ALL_NEEDED == r ? r : l; case FUNC_DATA_REQUIRED_NO_NEEDED: return FUNC_DATA_REQUIRED_DISCARD == r ? l : r; default: break; } return r; } static int32_t osdGetDataRequired(SNodeList* pFuncs) { if (NULL == pFuncs) { return FUNC_DATA_REQUIRED_ALL_NEEDED; } EFuncDataRequired dataRequired = FUNC_DATA_REQUIRED_DISCARD; SNode* pFunc = NULL; FOREACH(pFunc, pFuncs) { dataRequired = osdPromoteDataRequired(dataRequired, fmFuncDataRequired((SFunctionNode*)pFunc, NULL)); } return dataRequired; } static int32_t osdOptimize(SOptimizeContext* pCxt, SLogicNode* pLogicNode) { SOsdInfo info = {0}; int32_t code = osdMatch(pCxt, pLogicNode, &info); if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code && (NULL != info.pDsoFuncs || NULL != info.pSdrFuncs)) { info.pScan->dataRequired = osdGetDataRequired(info.pSdrFuncs); info.pScan->pDynamicScanFuncs = info.pDsoFuncs; OPTIMIZE_FLAG_SET_MASK(info.pScan->node.optimizedFlag, OPTIMIZE_FLAG_OSD); pCxt->optimized = true; } nodesDestroyList(info.pSdrFuncs); return code; } static const SOptimizeRule optimizeRuleSet[] = { { .pName = "OptimizeScanData", .optimizeFunc = osdOptimize } }; static const int32_t optimizeRuleNum = (sizeof(optimizeRuleSet) / sizeof(SOptimizeRule)); static int32_t applyOptimizeRule(SLogicNode* pLogicNode) { SOptimizeContext cxt = { .optimized = false }; do { cxt.optimized = false; for (int32_t i = 0; i < optimizeRuleNum; ++i) { int32_t code = optimizeRuleSet[i].optimizeFunc(&cxt, pLogicNode); if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != code) { return code; } } } while (cxt.optimized); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } int32_t optimizeLogicPlan(SPlanContext* pCxt, SLogicNode* pLogicNode) { return applyOptimizeRule(pLogicNode); }