/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "tq.h" bool isValValidForTable(STqHandle* pHandle, SWalCont* pHead) { if (pHandle->execHandle.subType != TOPIC_SUB_TYPE__TABLE) { return true; } int16_t msgType = pHead->msgType; char* body = pHead->body; int32_t bodyLen = pHead->bodyLen; int64_t tbSuid = pHandle->execHandle.execTb.suid; int64_t realTbSuid = 0; SDecoder coder; void* data = POINTER_SHIFT(body, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t len = bodyLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); tDecoderInit(&coder, data, len); if (msgType == TDMT_VND_CREATE_STB || msgType == TDMT_VND_ALTER_STB) { SVCreateStbReq req = {0}; if (tDecodeSVCreateStbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) { goto end; } realTbSuid = req.suid; } else if (msgType == TDMT_VND_DROP_STB) { SVDropStbReq req = {0}; if (tDecodeSVDropStbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) { goto end; } realTbSuid = req.suid; } else if (msgType == TDMT_VND_CREATE_TABLE) { SVCreateTbBatchReq req = {0}; if (tDecodeSVCreateTbBatchReq(&coder, &req) < 0) { goto end; } int32_t needRebuild = 0; SVCreateTbReq* pCreateReq = NULL; for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) { pCreateReq = req.pReqs + iReq; if (pCreateReq->type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE && pCreateReq->ctb.suid == tbSuid) { needRebuild++; } } if (needRebuild == 0) { // do nothing } else if (needRebuild == req.nReqs) { realTbSuid = tbSuid; } else { realTbSuid = tbSuid; SVCreateTbBatchReq reqNew = {0}; reqNew.pArray = taosArrayInit(req.nReqs, sizeof(struct SVCreateTbReq)); for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) { pCreateReq = req.pReqs + iReq; if (pCreateReq->type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE && pCreateReq->ctb.suid == tbSuid) { reqNew.nReqs++; taosArrayPush(reqNew.pArray, pCreateReq); } } int tlen; int32_t ret = 0; tEncodeSize(tEncodeSVCreateTbBatchReq, &reqNew, tlen, ret); void* buf = taosMemoryMalloc(tlen); if (NULL == buf) { taosArrayDestroy(reqNew.pArray); for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) { pCreateReq = req.pReqs + iReq; taosMemoryFreeClear(pCreateReq->comment); if (pCreateReq->type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) { taosArrayDestroy(pCreateReq->ctb.tagName); } } goto end; } SEncoder coderNew = {0}; tEncoderInit(&coderNew, buf, tlen - sizeof(SMsgHead)); tEncodeSVCreateTbBatchReq(&coderNew, &reqNew); tEncoderClear(&coderNew); memcpy(pHead->body + sizeof(SMsgHead), buf, tlen); pHead->bodyLen = tlen + sizeof(SMsgHead); taosMemoryFree(buf); taosArrayDestroy(reqNew.pArray); } for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) { pCreateReq = req.pReqs + iReq; taosMemoryFreeClear(pCreateReq->comment); if (pCreateReq->type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) { taosArrayDestroy(pCreateReq->ctb.tagName); } } } else if (msgType == TDMT_VND_ALTER_TABLE) { SVAlterTbReq req = {0}; if (tDecodeSVAlterTbReq(&coder, &req) < 0) { goto end; } SMetaReader mr = {0}; metaReaderInit(&mr, pHandle->execHandle.pExecReader->pVnodeMeta, 0); if (metaGetTableEntryByName(&mr, req.tbName) < 0) { metaReaderClear(&mr); goto end; } realTbSuid = mr.me.ctbEntry.suid; metaReaderClear(&mr); } else if (msgType == TDMT_VND_DROP_TABLE) { SVDropTbBatchReq req = {0}; if (tDecodeSVDropTbBatchReq(&coder, &req) < 0) { goto end; } int32_t needRebuild = 0; SVDropTbReq* pDropReq = NULL; for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) { pDropReq = req.pReqs + iReq; if (pDropReq->suid == tbSuid) { needRebuild++; } } if (needRebuild == 0) { // do nothing } else if (needRebuild == req.nReqs) { realTbSuid = tbSuid; } else { realTbSuid = tbSuid; SVDropTbBatchReq reqNew = {0}; reqNew.pArray = taosArrayInit(req.nReqs, sizeof(SVDropTbReq)); for (int32_t iReq = 0; iReq < req.nReqs; iReq++) { pDropReq = req.pReqs + iReq; if (pDropReq->suid == tbSuid) { reqNew.nReqs++; taosArrayPush(reqNew.pArray, pDropReq); } } int tlen; int32_t ret = 0; tEncodeSize(tEncodeSVDropTbBatchReq, &reqNew, tlen, ret); void* buf = taosMemoryMalloc(tlen); if (NULL == buf) { taosArrayDestroy(reqNew.pArray); goto end; } SEncoder coderNew = {0}; tEncoderInit(&coderNew, buf, tlen - sizeof(SMsgHead)); tEncodeSVDropTbBatchReq(&coderNew, &reqNew); tEncoderClear(&coderNew); memcpy(pHead->body + sizeof(SMsgHead), buf, tlen); pHead->bodyLen = tlen + sizeof(SMsgHead); taosMemoryFree(buf); taosArrayDestroy(reqNew.pArray); } } else if (msgType == TDMT_VND_DELETE) { SDeleteRes req = {0}; if (tDecodeDeleteRes(&coder, &req) < 0) { goto end; } realTbSuid = req.suid; } end: tDecoderClear(&coder); return tbSuid == realTbSuid; } int64_t tqFetchLog(STQ* pTq, STqHandle* pHandle, int64_t* fetchOffset, SWalCkHead** ppCkHead) { int32_t code = 0; taosThreadMutexLock(&pHandle->pWalReader->mutex); int64_t offset = *fetchOffset; while (1) { if (walFetchHead(pHandle->pWalReader, offset, *ppCkHead) < 0) { tqDebug("tmq poll: consumer:%" PRId64 ", (epoch %d) vgId:%d offset %" PRId64 ", no more log to return", pHandle->consumerId, pHandle->epoch, TD_VID(pTq->pVnode), offset); *fetchOffset = offset - 1; code = -1; goto END; } tqDebug("vgId:%d, taosx get msg ver %" PRId64 ", type: %s", pTq->pVnode->config.vgId, offset, TMSG_INFO((*ppCkHead)->head.msgType)); if ((*ppCkHead)->head.msgType == TDMT_VND_SUBMIT) { code = walFetchBody(pHandle->pWalReader, ppCkHead); if (code < 0) { *fetchOffset = offset; code = -1; goto END; } *fetchOffset = offset; code = 0; goto END; } else { if (pHandle->fetchMeta) { SWalCont* pHead = &((*ppCkHead)->head); if (IS_META_MSG(pHead->msgType)) { code = walFetchBody(pHandle->pWalReader, ppCkHead); if (code < 0) { *fetchOffset = offset; code = -1; goto END; } if (isValValidForTable(pHandle, pHead)) { *fetchOffset = offset; code = 0; goto END; } else { offset++; continue; } } } code = walSkipFetchBody(pHandle->pWalReader, *ppCkHead); if (code < 0) { *fetchOffset = offset; code = -1; goto END; } offset++; } } END: taosThreadMutexUnlock(&pHandle->pWalReader->mutex); return code; } STqReader* tqOpenReader(SVnode* pVnode) { STqReader* pReader = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(STqReader)); if (pReader == NULL) { return NULL; } pReader->pWalReader = walOpenReader(pVnode->pWal, NULL); if (pReader->pWalReader == NULL) { taosMemoryFree(pReader); return NULL; } pReader->pVnodeMeta = pVnode->pMeta; /*pReader->pMsg = NULL;*/ pReader->ver = -1; pReader->pColIdList = NULL; pReader->cachedSchemaVer = 0; pReader->cachedSchemaSuid = 0; pReader->pSchema = NULL; pReader->pSchemaWrapper = NULL; pReader->tbIdHash = NULL; return pReader; } void tqCloseReader(STqReader* pReader) { // close wal reader if (pReader->pWalReader) { walCloseReader(pReader->pWalReader); } // free cached schema if (pReader->pSchema) { taosMemoryFree(pReader->pSchema); } if (pReader->pSchemaWrapper) { tDeleteSSchemaWrapper(pReader->pSchemaWrapper); } if (pReader->pColIdList) { taosArrayDestroy(pReader->pColIdList); } // free hash taosHashCleanup(pReader->tbIdHash); taosMemoryFree(pReader); } int32_t tqSeekVer(STqReader* pReader, int64_t ver) { if (walReadSeekVer(pReader->pWalReader, ver) < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } int32_t tqNextBlock(STqReader* pReader, SFetchRet* ret) { bool fromProcessedMsg = pReader->msg2.msgStr != NULL; while (1) { if (!fromProcessedMsg) { if (walNextValidMsg(pReader->pWalReader) < 0) { pReader->ver = pReader->pWalReader->curVersion - (pReader->pWalReader->curInvalid | pReader->pWalReader->curStopped); ret->offset.type = TMQ_OFFSET__LOG; ret->offset.version = pReader->ver; ret->fetchType = FETCH_TYPE__NONE; tqDebug("return offset %" PRId64 ", no more valid", ret->offset.version); return -1; } void* body = POINTER_SHIFT(pReader->pWalReader->pHead->head.body, sizeof(SMsgHead)); int32_t bodyLen = pReader->pWalReader->pHead->head.bodyLen - sizeof(SMsgHead); int64_t ver = pReader->pWalReader->pHead->head.version; #if 0 if (pReader->pWalReader->pHead->head.msgType != TDMT_VND_SUBMIT) { // TODO do filter ret->fetchType = FETCH_TYPE__META; ret->meta = pReader->pWalReader->pHead->head.body; return 0; } else { #endif tqReaderSetSubmitReq2(pReader, body, bodyLen, ver); /*tqReaderSetDataMsg(pReader, body, pReader->pWalReader->pHead->head.version);*/ #if 0 } #endif } while (tqNextDataBlock2(pReader)) { // TODO mem free memset(&ret->data, 0, sizeof(SSDataBlock)); int32_t code = tqRetrieveDataBlock2(&ret->data, pReader, NULL); if (code != 0 || ret->data.info.rows == 0) { continue; } ret->fetchType = FETCH_TYPE__DATA; tqDebug("return data rows %d", ret->data.info.rows); return 0; } if (fromProcessedMsg) { ret->offset.type = TMQ_OFFSET__LOG; ret->offset.version = pReader->ver; ret->fetchType = FETCH_TYPE__SEP; tqDebug("return offset %" PRId64 ", processed finish", ret->offset.version); return 0; } } } #if 0 int32_t tqReaderSetDataMsg(STqReader* pReader, const SSubmitReq* pMsg, int64_t ver) { pReader->pMsg = pMsg; if (tInitSubmitMsgIter(pMsg, &pReader->msgIter) < 0) return -1; while (true) { if (tGetSubmitMsgNext(&pReader->msgIter, &pReader->pBlock) < 0) return -1; if (pReader->pBlock == NULL) break; } if (tInitSubmitMsgIter(pMsg, &pReader->msgIter) < 0) return -1; pReader->ver = ver; memset(&pReader->blkIter, 0, sizeof(SSubmitBlkIter)); return 0; } #endif int32_t tqReaderSetSubmitReq2(STqReader* pReader, void* msgStr, int32_t msgLen, int64_t ver) { ASSERT(pReader->msg2.msgStr == NULL); ASSERT(msgStr); ASSERT(msgLen); ASSERT(ver >= 0); pReader->msg2.msgStr = msgStr; pReader->msg2.msgLen = msgLen; pReader->msg2.ver = ver; pReader->ver = ver; tqDebug("tq reader set msg %p %d", msgStr, msgLen); if (pReader->setMsg == 0) { SDecoder decoder; tDecoderInit(&decoder, pReader->msg2.msgStr, pReader->msg2.msgLen); if (tDecodeSSubmitReq2(&decoder, &pReader->submit) < 0) { ASSERT(0); } tDecoderClear(&decoder); pReader->setMsg = 1; } return 0; } #if 0 bool tqNextDataBlock(STqReader* pReader) { if (pReader->pMsg == NULL) return false; while (1) { if (tGetSubmitMsgNext(&pReader->msgIter, &pReader->pBlock) < 0) { return false; } if (pReader->pBlock == NULL) { pReader->pMsg = NULL; return false; } if (pReader->tbIdHash == NULL) { return true; } void* ret = taosHashGet(pReader->tbIdHash, &pReader->msgIter.uid, sizeof(int64_t)); /*tqDebug("search uid %" PRId64, pHandle->msgIter.uid);*/ if (ret != NULL) { /*tqDebug("find uid %" PRId64, pHandle->msgIter.uid);*/ return true; } } return false; } #endif bool tqNextDataBlock2(STqReader* pReader) { if (pReader->msg2.msgStr == NULL) return false; ASSERT(pReader->setMsg == 1); tqDebug("tq reader next data block %p, %d %" PRId64 " %d", pReader->msg2.msgStr, pReader->msg2.msgLen, pReader->msg2.ver, pReader->nextBlk); int32_t blockSz = taosArrayGetSize(pReader->submit.aSubmitTbData); while (pReader->nextBlk < blockSz) { SSubmitTbData* pSubmitTbData = taosArrayGet(pReader->submit.aSubmitTbData, pReader->nextBlk); ASSERT(pSubmitTbData->uid); if (pReader->tbIdHash == NULL) return true; void* ret = taosHashGet(pReader->tbIdHash, &pSubmitTbData->uid, sizeof(int64_t)); if (ret != NULL) { return true; } pReader->nextBlk++; } tDestroySSubmitReq2(&pReader->submit, TSDB_MSG_FLG_DECODE); pReader->setMsg = 0; pReader->nextBlk = 0; pReader->msg2.msgStr = NULL; return false; } bool tqNextDataBlockFilterOut2(STqReader* pReader, SHashObj* filterOutUids) { if (pReader->msg2.msgStr == NULL) return false; ASSERT(pReader->setMsg == 1); int32_t blockSz = taosArrayGetSize(pReader->submit.aSubmitTbData); while (pReader->nextBlk < blockSz) { SSubmitTbData* pSubmitTbData = taosArrayGet(pReader->submit.aSubmitTbData, pReader->nextBlk); if (pReader->tbIdHash == NULL) return true; void* ret = taosHashGet(pReader->tbIdHash, &pSubmitTbData->uid, sizeof(int64_t)); if (ret == NULL) { return true; } } tDestroySSubmitReq2(&pReader->submit, TSDB_MSG_FLG_DECODE); pReader->setMsg = 0; pReader->nextBlk = 0; pReader->msg2.msgStr = NULL; return false; } int32_t tqMaskBlock(SSchemaWrapper* pDst, SSDataBlock* pBlock, const SSchemaWrapper* pSrc, char* mask) { int32_t code; int32_t cnt = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < pSrc->nCols; i++) { cnt += mask[i]; } pDst->nCols = cnt; pDst->pSchema = taosMemoryCalloc(cnt, sizeof(SSchema)); if (pDst->pSchema == NULL) { return -1; } int32_t j = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < pSrc->nCols; i++) { if (mask[i]) { pDst->pSchema[j++] = pSrc->pSchema[i]; SColumnInfoData colInfo = createColumnInfoData(pSrc->pSchema[i].type, pSrc->pSchema[i].bytes, pSrc->pSchema[i].colId); code = blockDataAppendColInfo(pBlock, &colInfo); if (code != 0) { return -1; } } } return 0; } #if 0 bool tqNextDataBlockFilterOut(STqReader* pHandle, SHashObj* filterOutUids) { while (1) { if (tGetSubmitMsgNext(&pHandle->msgIter, &pHandle->pBlock) < 0) { return false; } if (pHandle->pBlock == NULL) return false; void* ret = taosHashGet(filterOutUids, &pHandle->msgIter.uid, sizeof(int64_t)); if (ret == NULL) { return true; } } return false; } int32_t tqScanSubmitSplit(SArray* pBlocks, SArray* schemas, STqReader* pReader) { // int32_t sversion = htonl(pReader->pBlock->sversion); if (pReader->cachedSchemaSuid == 0 || pReader->cachedSchemaVer != sversion || pReader->cachedSchemaSuid != pReader->msgIter.suid) { taosMemoryFree(pReader->pSchema); pReader->pSchema = metaGetTbTSchema(pReader->pVnodeMeta, pReader->msgIter.uid, sversion, 1); if (pReader->pSchema == NULL) { tqWarn("vgId:%d, cannot found tsschema for table: uid:%" PRId64 " (suid:%" PRId64 "), version %d, possibly dropped table", pReader->pWalReader->pWal->cfg.vgId, pReader->msgIter.uid, pReader->msgIter.suid, sversion); pReader->cachedSchemaSuid = 0; terrno = TSDB_CODE_TQ_TABLE_SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND; return -1; } tDeleteSSchemaWrapper(pReader->pSchemaWrapper); pReader->pSchemaWrapper = metaGetTableSchema(pReader->pVnodeMeta, pReader->msgIter.uid, sversion, 1); if (pReader->pSchemaWrapper == NULL) { tqWarn("vgId:%d, cannot found schema wrapper for table: suid:%" PRId64 ", version %d, possibly dropped table", pReader->pWalReader->pWal->cfg.vgId, pReader->msgIter.uid, pReader->cachedSchemaVer); pReader->cachedSchemaSuid = 0; terrno = TSDB_CODE_TQ_TABLE_SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND; return -1; } STSchema* pTschema = pReader->pSchema; SSchemaWrapper* pSchemaWrapper = pReader->pSchemaWrapper; int32_t colNumNeed = taosArrayGetSize(pReader->pColIdList); } return 0; } #endif int32_t tqRetrieveDataBlock2(SSDataBlock* pBlock, STqReader* pReader, SSubmitTbData** pSubmitTbDataRet) { int32_t blockSz = taosArrayGetSize(pReader->submit.aSubmitTbData); ASSERT(pReader->nextBlk < blockSz); tqDebug("tq reader retrieve data block %p, %d", pReader->msg2.msgStr, pReader->nextBlk); SSubmitTbData* pSubmitTbData = taosArrayGet(pReader->submit.aSubmitTbData, pReader->nextBlk); pReader->nextBlk++; if(pSubmitTbDataRet) *pSubmitTbDataRet = pSubmitTbData; int32_t sversion = pSubmitTbData->sver; int64_t suid = pSubmitTbData->suid; int64_t uid = pSubmitTbData->uid; pReader->lastBlkUid = uid; pBlock->info.id.uid = uid; pBlock->info.version = pReader->msg2.ver; if (pReader->cachedSchemaSuid == 0 || pReader->cachedSchemaVer != sversion || pReader->cachedSchemaSuid != suid) { taosMemoryFree(pReader->pSchema); pReader->pSchema = metaGetTbTSchema(pReader->pVnodeMeta, uid, sversion, 1); if (pReader->pSchema == NULL) { tqWarn("vgId:%d, cannot found tsschema for table: uid:%" PRId64 " (suid:%" PRId64 "), version %d, possibly dropped table", pReader->pWalReader->pWal->cfg.vgId, uid, suid, sversion); pReader->cachedSchemaSuid = 0; terrno = TSDB_CODE_TQ_TABLE_SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND; return -1; } tDeleteSSchemaWrapper(pReader->pSchemaWrapper); pReader->pSchemaWrapper = metaGetTableSchema(pReader->pVnodeMeta, uid, sversion, 1); if (pReader->pSchemaWrapper == NULL) { tqWarn("vgId:%d, cannot found schema wrapper for table: suid:%" PRId64 ", version %d, possibly dropped table", pReader->pWalReader->pWal->cfg.vgId, uid, pReader->cachedSchemaVer); pReader->cachedSchemaSuid = 0; terrno = TSDB_CODE_TQ_TABLE_SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND; return -1; } STSchema* pTschema = pReader->pSchema; SSchemaWrapper* pSchemaWrapper = pReader->pSchemaWrapper; int32_t colNumNeed = taosArrayGetSize(pReader->pColIdList); if (colNumNeed == 0) { int32_t colMeta = 0; while (colMeta < pSchemaWrapper->nCols) { SSchema* pColSchema = &pSchemaWrapper->pSchema[colMeta]; SColumnInfoData colInfo = createColumnInfoData(pColSchema->type, pColSchema->bytes, pColSchema->colId); int32_t code = blockDataAppendColInfo(pBlock, &colInfo); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto FAIL; } colMeta++; } } else { if (colNumNeed > pSchemaWrapper->nCols) { colNumNeed = pSchemaWrapper->nCols; } int32_t colMeta = 0; int32_t colNeed = 0; while (colMeta < pSchemaWrapper->nCols && colNeed < colNumNeed) { SSchema* pColSchema = &pSchemaWrapper->pSchema[colMeta]; col_id_t colIdSchema = pColSchema->colId; col_id_t colIdNeed = *(col_id_t*)taosArrayGet(pReader->pColIdList, colNeed); if (colIdSchema < colIdNeed) { colMeta++; } else if (colIdSchema > colIdNeed) { colNeed++; } else { SColumnInfoData colInfo = createColumnInfoData(pColSchema->type, pColSchema->bytes, pColSchema->colId); int32_t code = blockDataAppendColInfo(pBlock, &colInfo); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto FAIL; } colMeta++; colNeed++; } } } int32_t numOfRows = 0; if (pSubmitTbData->flags & SUBMIT_REQ_COLUMN_DATA_FORMAT) { SArray* pCols = pSubmitTbData->aCol; SColData* pCol = taosArrayGet(pCols, 0); numOfRows = pCol->nVal; } else { SArray* pRows = pSubmitTbData->aRowP; numOfRows = taosArrayGetSize(pRows); } if (blockDataEnsureCapacity(pBlock, numOfRows) < 0) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto FAIL; } pBlock->info.rows = numOfRows; int32_t colActual = blockDataGetNumOfCols(pBlock); // convert and scan one block if (pSubmitTbData->flags & SUBMIT_REQ_COLUMN_DATA_FORMAT) { SArray* pCols = pSubmitTbData->aCol; int32_t numOfCols = taosArrayGetSize(pCols); int32_t targetIdx = 0; int32_t sourceIdx = 0; while (targetIdx < colActual) { ASSERT(sourceIdx < numOfCols); SColData* pCol = taosArrayGet(pCols, sourceIdx); SColumnInfoData* pColData = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, targetIdx); SColVal colVal; ASSERT(pCol->nVal == numOfRows); if (pCol->cid < pColData->info.colId) { sourceIdx++; } else if (pCol->cid == pColData->info.colId) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < pCol->nVal; i++) { tColDataGetValue(pCol, i, &colVal); #if 0 void* val = NULL; if (IS_STR_DATA_TYPE(colVal.type)) { val = colVal.value.pData; } else { val = &colVal.value.val; } if (colDataAppend(pColData, i, val, !COL_VAL_IS_VALUE(&colVal)) < 0) { goto FAIL; } #endif if (IS_STR_DATA_TYPE(colVal.type)) { if (colVal.value.pData != NULL) { char val[65535 + 2]; memcpy(varDataVal(val), colVal.value.pData, colVal.value.nData); varDataSetLen(val, colVal.value.nData); if (colDataAppend(pColData, i, val, !COL_VAL_IS_VALUE(&colVal)) < 0) { goto FAIL; } } else { colDataAppendNULL(pColData, i); } } else { if (colDataAppend(pColData, i, (void*)&colVal.value.val, !COL_VAL_IS_VALUE(&colVal)) < 0) { goto FAIL; } } } sourceIdx++; targetIdx++; } else { ASSERT(0); } } } else { SArray* pRows = pSubmitTbData->aRowP; for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfRows; i++) { SRow* pRow = taosArrayGetP(pRows, i); int32_t sourceIdx = 0; for (int32_t j = 0; j < colActual; j++) { SColumnInfoData* pColData = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, j); while (1) { ASSERT(sourceIdx < pTschema->numOfCols); SColVal colVal; tRowGet(pRow, pTschema, sourceIdx, &colVal); if (colVal.cid < pColData->info.colId) { sourceIdx++; continue; } else if (colVal.cid == pColData->info.colId) { if (IS_STR_DATA_TYPE(colVal.type)) { if (colVal.value.pData != NULL) { char val[65535 + 2]; memcpy(varDataVal(val), colVal.value.pData, colVal.value.nData); varDataSetLen(val, colVal.value.nData); if (colDataAppend(pColData, i, val, !COL_VAL_IS_VALUE(&colVal)) < 0) { goto FAIL; } } else { colDataAppendNULL(pColData, i); } /*val = colVal.value.pData;*/ } else { if (colDataAppend(pColData, i, (void*)&colVal.value.val, !COL_VAL_IS_VALUE(&colVal)) < 0) { goto FAIL; } } sourceIdx++; break; } else { ASSERT(0); } } } } } } return 0; FAIL: blockDataFreeRes(pBlock); return -1; } #if 0 int32_t tqRetrieveDataBlock(SSDataBlock* pBlock, STqReader* pReader) { // TODO: cache multiple schema int32_t sversion = htonl(pReader->pBlock->sversion); if (pReader->cachedSchemaSuid == 0 || pReader->cachedSchemaVer != sversion || pReader->cachedSchemaSuid != pReader->msgIter.suid) { if (pReader->pSchema) taosMemoryFree(pReader->pSchema); pReader->pSchema = metaGetTbTSchema(pReader->pVnodeMeta, pReader->msgIter.uid, sversion, 1); if (pReader->pSchema == NULL) { tqWarn("cannot found tsschema for table: uid:%" PRId64 " (suid:%" PRId64 "), version %d, possibly dropped table", pReader->msgIter.uid, pReader->msgIter.suid, pReader->cachedSchemaVer); pReader->cachedSchemaSuid = 0; terrno = TSDB_CODE_TQ_TABLE_SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND; return -1; } if (pReader->pSchemaWrapper) tDeleteSSchemaWrapper(pReader->pSchemaWrapper); pReader->pSchemaWrapper = metaGetTableSchema(pReader->pVnodeMeta, pReader->msgIter.uid, sversion, 1); if (pReader->pSchemaWrapper == NULL) { tqWarn("cannot found schema wrapper for table: suid:%" PRId64 ", version %d, possibly dropped table", pReader->msgIter.uid, pReader->cachedSchemaVer); pReader->cachedSchemaSuid = 0; terrno = TSDB_CODE_TQ_TABLE_SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND; return -1; } pReader->cachedSchemaVer = sversion; pReader->cachedSchemaSuid = pReader->msgIter.suid; } STSchema* pTschema = pReader->pSchema; SSchemaWrapper* pSchemaWrapper = pReader->pSchemaWrapper; int32_t colNumNeed = taosArrayGetSize(pReader->pColIdList); if (colNumNeed == 0) { int32_t colMeta = 0; while (colMeta < pSchemaWrapper->nCols) { SSchema* pColSchema = &pSchemaWrapper->pSchema[colMeta]; SColumnInfoData colInfo = createColumnInfoData(pColSchema->type, pColSchema->bytes, pColSchema->colId); int32_t code = blockDataAppendColInfo(pBlock, &colInfo); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto FAIL; } colMeta++; } } else { if (colNumNeed > pSchemaWrapper->nCols) { colNumNeed = pSchemaWrapper->nCols; } int32_t colMeta = 0; int32_t colNeed = 0; while (colMeta < pSchemaWrapper->nCols && colNeed < colNumNeed) { SSchema* pColSchema = &pSchemaWrapper->pSchema[colMeta]; col_id_t colIdSchema = pColSchema->colId; col_id_t colIdNeed = *(col_id_t*)taosArrayGet(pReader->pColIdList, colNeed); if (colIdSchema < colIdNeed) { colMeta++; } else if (colIdSchema > colIdNeed) { colNeed++; } else { SColumnInfoData colInfo = createColumnInfoData(pColSchema->type, pColSchema->bytes, pColSchema->colId); int32_t code = blockDataAppendColInfo(pBlock, &colInfo); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { goto FAIL; } colMeta++; colNeed++; } } } if (blockDataEnsureCapacity(pBlock, pReader->msgIter.numOfRows) < 0) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto FAIL; } int32_t colActual = blockDataGetNumOfCols(pBlock); STSRowIter iter = {0}; tdSTSRowIterInit(&iter, pTschema); STSRow* row; int32_t curRow = 0; tInitSubmitBlkIter(&pReader->msgIter, pReader->pBlock, &pReader->blkIter); pBlock->info.id.uid = pReader->msgIter.uid; pBlock->info.rows = pReader->msgIter.numOfRows; pBlock->info.version = pReader->pMsg->version; pBlock->info.dataLoad = 1; while ((row = tGetSubmitBlkNext(&pReader->blkIter)) != NULL) { tdSTSRowIterReset(&iter, row); // get all wanted col of that block for (int32_t i = 0; i < colActual; i++) { SColumnInfoData* pColData = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, i); SCellVal sVal = {0}; if (!tdSTSRowIterFetch(&iter, pColData->info.colId, pColData->info.type, &sVal)) { break; } if (colDataAppend(pColData, curRow, sVal.val, sVal.valType != TD_VTYPE_NORM) < 0) { goto FAIL; } } curRow++; } return 0; FAIL: blockDataFreeRes(pBlock); return -1; } int32_t tqRetrieveTaosxBlock(STqReader* pReader, SArray* blocks, SArray* schemas) { int32_t sversion = htonl(pReader->pBlock->sversion); if (pReader->cachedSchemaSuid == 0 || pReader->cachedSchemaVer != sversion || pReader->cachedSchemaSuid != pReader->msgIter.suid) { if (pReader->pSchema) taosMemoryFree(pReader->pSchema); pReader->pSchema = metaGetTbTSchema(pReader->pVnodeMeta, pReader->msgIter.uid, sversion, 1); if (pReader->pSchema == NULL) { tqWarn("cannot found tsschema for table: uid:%" PRId64 " (suid:%" PRId64 "), version %d, possibly dropped table", pReader->msgIter.uid, pReader->msgIter.suid, pReader->cachedSchemaVer); pReader->cachedSchemaSuid = 0; terrno = TSDB_CODE_TQ_TABLE_SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND; return -1; } if (pReader->pSchemaWrapper) tDeleteSSchemaWrapper(pReader->pSchemaWrapper); pReader->pSchemaWrapper = metaGetTableSchema(pReader->pVnodeMeta, pReader->msgIter.uid, sversion, 1); if (pReader->pSchemaWrapper == NULL) { tqWarn("cannot found schema wrapper for table: suid:%" PRId64 ", version %d, possibly dropped table", pReader->msgIter.uid, pReader->cachedSchemaVer); pReader->cachedSchemaSuid = 0; terrno = TSDB_CODE_TQ_TABLE_SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND; return -1; } pReader->cachedSchemaVer = sversion; pReader->cachedSchemaSuid = pReader->msgIter.suid; } STSchema* pTschema = pReader->pSchema; SSchemaWrapper* pSchemaWrapper = pReader->pSchemaWrapper; int32_t colAtMost = pSchemaWrapper->nCols; int32_t curRow = 0; int32_t lastRow = 0; char* assigned = taosMemoryCalloc(1, pSchemaWrapper->nCols); if (assigned == NULL) return -1; tInitSubmitBlkIter(&pReader->msgIter, pReader->pBlock, &pReader->blkIter); STSRowIter iter = {0}; tdSTSRowIterInit(&iter, pTschema); STSRow* row; while ((row = tGetSubmitBlkNext(&pReader->blkIter)) != NULL) { bool buildNew = false; tdSTSRowIterReset(&iter, row); tqDebug("vgId:%d, row of block %d", pReader->pWalReader->pWal->cfg.vgId, curRow); for (int32_t i = 0; i < colAtMost; i++) { SCellVal sVal = {0}; if (!tdSTSRowIterFetch(&iter, pSchemaWrapper->pSchema[i].colId, pSchemaWrapper->pSchema[i].type, &sVal)) { break; } tqDebug("vgId:%d, %d col, type %d", pReader->pWalReader->pWal->cfg.vgId, i, sVal.valType); if (curRow == 0) { assigned[i] = sVal.valType != TD_VTYPE_NONE; buildNew = true; } else { bool currentRowAssigned = sVal.valType != TD_VTYPE_NONE; if (currentRowAssigned != assigned[i]) { assigned[i] = currentRowAssigned; buildNew = true; } } } if (buildNew) { if (taosArrayGetSize(blocks) > 0) { SSDataBlock* pLastBlock = taosArrayGetLast(blocks); pLastBlock->info.rows = curRow - lastRow; lastRow = curRow; } SSDataBlock* pBlock = createDataBlock(); SSchemaWrapper* pSW = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SSchemaWrapper)); if (tqMaskBlock(pSW, pBlock, pSchemaWrapper, assigned) < 0) { blockDataDestroy(pBlock); goto FAIL; } SSDataBlock block = {0}; assignOneDataBlock(&block, pBlock); blockDataDestroy(pBlock); tqDebug("vgId:%d, build new block, col %d", pReader->pWalReader->pWal->cfg.vgId, (int32_t)taosArrayGetSize(block.pDataBlock)); taosArrayPush(blocks, &block); taosArrayPush(schemas, &pSW); } SSDataBlock* pBlock = taosArrayGetLast(blocks); pBlock->info.id.uid = pReader->msgIter.uid; pBlock->info.rows = 0; pBlock->info.version = pReader->pMsg->version; tqDebug("vgId:%d, taosx scan, block num: %d", pReader->pWalReader->pWal->cfg.vgId, (int32_t)taosArrayGetSize(blocks)); if (blockDataEnsureCapacity(pBlock, pReader->msgIter.numOfRows - curRow) < 0) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto FAIL; } tdSTSRowIterReset(&iter, row); for (int32_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(pBlock->pDataBlock); i++) { SColumnInfoData* pColData = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, i); SCellVal sVal = {0}; if (!tdSTSRowIterFetch(&iter, pColData->info.colId, pColData->info.type, &sVal)) { break; } if (colDataAppend(pColData, curRow, sVal.val, sVal.valType == TD_VTYPE_NULL) < 0) { goto FAIL; } tqDebug("vgId:%d, row %d col %d append %d", pReader->pWalReader->pWal->cfg.vgId, curRow, i, sVal.valType == TD_VTYPE_NULL); } curRow++; } SSDataBlock* pLastBlock = taosArrayGetLast(blocks); pLastBlock->info.rows = curRow - lastRow; taosMemoryFree(assigned); return 0; FAIL: taosMemoryFree(assigned); return -1; } #endif int32_t tqRetrieveTaosxBlock2(STqReader* pReader, SArray* blocks, SArray* schemas, SSubmitTbData** pSubmitTbDataRet) { SSDataBlock block = {0}; if (tqRetrieveDataBlock2(&block, pReader, pSubmitTbDataRet) == 0) { taosArrayPush(blocks, &block); SSchemaWrapper* pSW = tCloneSSchemaWrapper(pReader->pSchemaWrapper); taosArrayPush(schemas, &pSW); return 0; } return -1; } void tqReaderSetColIdList(STqReader* pReader, SArray* pColIdList) { pReader->pColIdList = pColIdList; } int tqReaderSetTbUidList(STqReader* pReader, const SArray* tbUidList) { if (pReader->tbIdHash) { taosHashClear(pReader->tbIdHash); } else { pReader->tbIdHash = taosHashInit(64, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), true, HASH_ENTRY_LOCK); } if (pReader->tbIdHash == NULL) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(tbUidList); i++) { int64_t* pKey = (int64_t*)taosArrayGet(tbUidList, i); taosHashPut(pReader->tbIdHash, pKey, sizeof(int64_t), NULL, 0); } return 0; } int tqReaderAddTbUidList(STqReader* pReader, const SArray* tbUidList) { if (pReader->tbIdHash == NULL) { pReader->tbIdHash = taosHashInit(64, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), true, HASH_ENTRY_LOCK); if (pReader->tbIdHash == NULL) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return -1; } } for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(tbUidList); i++) { int64_t* pKey = (int64_t*)taosArrayGet(tbUidList, i); taosHashPut(pReader->tbIdHash, pKey, sizeof(int64_t), NULL, 0); } return 0; } int tqReaderRemoveTbUidList(STqReader* pReader, const SArray* tbUidList) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(tbUidList); i++) { int64_t* pKey = (int64_t*)taosArrayGet(tbUidList, i); taosHashRemove(pReader->tbIdHash, pKey, sizeof(int64_t)); } return 0; } int32_t tqUpdateTbUidList(STQ* pTq, const SArray* tbUidList, bool isAdd) { void* pIter = NULL; while (1) { pIter = taosHashIterate(pTq->pHandle, pIter); if (pIter == NULL) break; STqHandle* pExec = (STqHandle*)pIter; if (pExec->execHandle.subType == TOPIC_SUB_TYPE__COLUMN) { int32_t code = qUpdateQualifiedTableId(pExec->execHandle.task, tbUidList, isAdd); if (code != 0) { tqError("update qualified table error for %s", pExec->subKey); continue; } } else if (pExec->execHandle.subType == TOPIC_SUB_TYPE__DB) { if (!isAdd) { int32_t sz = taosArrayGetSize(tbUidList); for (int32_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) { int64_t tbUid = *(int64_t*)taosArrayGet(tbUidList, i); taosHashPut(pExec->execHandle.execDb.pFilterOutTbUid, &tbUid, sizeof(int64_t), NULL, 0); } } } else if (pExec->execHandle.subType == TOPIC_SUB_TYPE__TABLE) { if (isAdd) { SArray* qa = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(tb_uid_t)); SMetaReader mr = {0}; metaReaderInit(&mr, pTq->pVnode->pMeta, 0); for (int32_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(tbUidList); ++i) { uint64_t* id = (uint64_t*)taosArrayGet(tbUidList, i); int32_t code = metaGetTableEntryByUidCache(&mr, *id); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { tqError("failed to get table meta, uid:%" PRIu64 " code:%s", *id, tstrerror(terrno)); continue; } tDecoderClear(&mr.coder); if (mr.me.type != TSDB_CHILD_TABLE || mr.me.ctbEntry.suid != pExec->execHandle.execTb.suid) { tqDebug("table uid %" PRId64 " does not add to tq handle", *id); continue; } tqDebug("table uid %" PRId64 " add to tq handle", *id); taosArrayPush(qa, id); } metaReaderClear(&mr); if (taosArrayGetSize(qa) > 0) { tqReaderAddTbUidList(pExec->execHandle.pExecReader, qa); } taosArrayDestroy(qa); } else { // TODO handle delete table from stb } } } while (1) { pIter = taosHashIterate(pTq->pStreamMeta->pTasks, pIter); if (pIter == NULL) break; SStreamTask* pTask = *(SStreamTask**)pIter; if (pTask->taskLevel == TASK_LEVEL__SOURCE) { int32_t code = qUpdateQualifiedTableId(pTask->exec.executor, tbUidList, isAdd); if (code != 0) { tqError("update qualified table error for stream task %d", pTask->taskId); continue; } } } return 0; }