/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "planTestUtil.h" #include #include #include "cmdnodes.h" #include "parser.h" #include "planInt.h" using namespace std; using namespace testing; #define DO_WITH_THROW(func, ...) \ do { \ int32_t code__ = func(__VA_ARGS__); \ if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != code__) { \ throw runtime_error("sql:[" + stmtEnv_.sql_ + "] " #func " code:" + to_string(code__) + \ ", strerror:" + string(tstrerror(code__)) + ", msg:" + string(stmtEnv_.msgBuf_.data())); \ } \ } while (0); enum DumpModule { DUMP_MODULE_NOTHING = 1, DUMP_MODULE_PARSER, DUMP_MODULE_LOGIC, DUMP_MODULE_OPTIMIZED, DUMP_MODULE_SPLIT, DUMP_MODULE_SCALED, DUMP_MODULE_PHYSICAL, DUMP_MODULE_SUBPLAN, DUMP_MODULE_ALL }; DumpModule g_dumpModule = DUMP_MODULE_NOTHING; int32_t g_skipSql = 0; void setDumpModule(const char* pModule) { if (NULL == pModule) { g_dumpModule = DUMP_MODULE_ALL; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(pModule, "parser", strlen(pModule))) { g_dumpModule = DUMP_MODULE_PARSER; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(pModule, "logic", strlen(pModule))) { g_dumpModule = DUMP_MODULE_LOGIC; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(pModule, "optimized", strlen(pModule))) { g_dumpModule = DUMP_MODULE_OPTIMIZED; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(pModule, "split", strlen(pModule))) { g_dumpModule = DUMP_MODULE_SPLIT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(pModule, "scaled", strlen(pModule))) { g_dumpModule = DUMP_MODULE_SCALED; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(pModule, "physical", strlen(pModule))) { g_dumpModule = DUMP_MODULE_PHYSICAL; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(pModule, "subplan", strlen(pModule))) { g_dumpModule = DUMP_MODULE_SUBPLAN; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(pModule, "all", strlen(pModule))) { g_dumpModule = DUMP_MODULE_PHYSICAL; } } class PlannerTestBaseImpl { public: void useDb(const string& acctId, const string& db) { caseEnv_.acctId_ = acctId; caseEnv_.db_ = db; } void run(const string& sql) { reset(); try { SQuery* pQuery = nullptr; doParseSql(sql, &pQuery); SPlanContext cxt = {0}; setPlanContext(pQuery, &cxt); SLogicNode* pLogicNode = nullptr; doCreateLogicPlan(&cxt, &pLogicNode); doOptimizeLogicPlan(&cxt, pLogicNode); SLogicSubplan* pLogicSubplan = nullptr; doSplitLogicPlan(&cxt, pLogicNode, &pLogicSubplan); SQueryLogicPlan* pLogicPlan = nullptr; doScaleOutLogicPlan(&cxt, pLogicSubplan, &pLogicPlan); SQueryPlan* pPlan = nullptr; doCreatePhysiPlan(&cxt, pLogicPlan, &pPlan); dump(g_dumpModule); } catch (...) { dump(DUMP_MODULE_ALL); throw; } } private: struct caseEnv { string acctId_; string db_; }; struct stmtEnv { string sql_; array msgBuf_; }; struct stmtRes { string ast_; string rawLogicPlan_; string optimizedLogicPlan_; string splitLogicPlan_; string scaledLogicPlan_; string physiPlan_; vector physiSubplans_; }; void reset() { stmtEnv_.sql_.clear(); stmtEnv_.msgBuf_.fill(0); res_.ast_.clear(); res_.rawLogicPlan_.clear(); res_.optimizedLogicPlan_.clear(); res_.splitLogicPlan_.clear(); res_.scaledLogicPlan_.clear(); res_.physiPlan_.clear(); res_.physiSubplans_.clear(); } void dump(DumpModule module) { if (DUMP_MODULE_NOTHING == module) { return; } cout << "==========================================sql : [" << stmtEnv_.sql_ << "]" << endl; if (DUMP_MODULE_ALL == module || DUMP_MODULE_PARSER == module) { cout << "syntax tree : " << endl; cout << res_.ast_ << endl; } if (DUMP_MODULE_ALL == module || DUMP_MODULE_LOGIC == module) { cout << "raw logic plan : " << endl; cout << res_.rawLogicPlan_ << endl; } if (DUMP_MODULE_ALL == module || DUMP_MODULE_OPTIMIZED == module) { cout << "optimized logic plan : " << endl; cout << res_.optimizedLogicPlan_ << endl; } if (DUMP_MODULE_ALL == module || DUMP_MODULE_SPLIT == module) { cout << "split logic plan : " << endl; cout << res_.splitLogicPlan_ << endl; } if (DUMP_MODULE_ALL == module || DUMP_MODULE_SCALED == module) { cout << "scaled logic plan : " << endl; cout << res_.scaledLogicPlan_ << endl; } if (DUMP_MODULE_ALL == module || DUMP_MODULE_PHYSICAL == module) { cout << "physical plan : " << endl; cout << res_.physiPlan_ << endl; } if (DUMP_MODULE_ALL == module || DUMP_MODULE_SUBPLAN == module) { cout << "physical subplan : " << endl; for (const auto& subplan : res_.physiSubplans_) { cout << subplan << endl; } } } void doParseSql(const string& sql, SQuery** pQuery) { stmtEnv_.sql_ = sql; transform(stmtEnv_.sql_.begin(), stmtEnv_.sql_.end(), stmtEnv_.sql_.begin(), ::tolower); SParseContext cxt = {0}; cxt.acctId = atoi(caseEnv_.acctId_.c_str()); cxt.db = caseEnv_.db_.c_str(); cxt.pSql = stmtEnv_.sql_.c_str(); cxt.sqlLen = stmtEnv_.sql_.length(); cxt.pMsg = stmtEnv_.msgBuf_.data(); cxt.msgLen = stmtEnv_.msgBuf_.max_size(); DO_WITH_THROW(qParseSql, &cxt, pQuery); res_.ast_ = toString((*pQuery)->pRoot); } void doCreateLogicPlan(SPlanContext* pCxt, SLogicNode** pLogicNode) { DO_WITH_THROW(createLogicPlan, pCxt, pLogicNode); res_.rawLogicPlan_ = toString((SNode*)(*pLogicNode)); } void doOptimizeLogicPlan(SPlanContext* pCxt, SLogicNode* pLogicNode) { DO_WITH_THROW(optimizeLogicPlan, pCxt, pLogicNode); res_.optimizedLogicPlan_ = toString((SNode*)pLogicNode); } void doSplitLogicPlan(SPlanContext* pCxt, SLogicNode* pLogicNode, SLogicSubplan** pLogicSubplan) { DO_WITH_THROW(splitLogicPlan, pCxt, pLogicNode, pLogicSubplan); res_.splitLogicPlan_ = toString((SNode*)(*pLogicSubplan)); } void doScaleOutLogicPlan(SPlanContext* pCxt, SLogicSubplan* pLogicSubplan, SQueryLogicPlan** pLogicPlan) { DO_WITH_THROW(scaleOutLogicPlan, pCxt, pLogicSubplan, pLogicPlan); res_.scaledLogicPlan_ = toString((SNode*)(*pLogicPlan)); } void doCreatePhysiPlan(SPlanContext* pCxt, SQueryLogicPlan* pLogicPlan, SQueryPlan** pPlan) { SArray* pExecNodeList = taosArrayInit(TARRAY_MIN_SIZE, sizeof(SQueryNodeAddr)); DO_WITH_THROW(createPhysiPlan, pCxt, pLogicPlan, pPlan, pExecNodeList); res_.physiPlan_ = toString((SNode*)(*pPlan)); SNode* pNode; FOREACH(pNode, (*pPlan)->pSubplans) { SNode* pSubplan; FOREACH(pSubplan, ((SNodeListNode*)pNode)->pNodeList) { res_.physiSubplans_.push_back(toString(pSubplan)); } } } void setPlanContext(SQuery* pQuery, SPlanContext* pCxt) { if (QUERY_NODE_CREATE_TOPIC_STMT == nodeType(pQuery->pRoot)) { pCxt->pAstRoot = ((SCreateTopicStmt*)pQuery->pRoot)->pQuery; pCxt->topicQuery = true; } else if (QUERY_NODE_CREATE_INDEX_STMT == nodeType(pQuery->pRoot)) { SMCreateSmaReq req = {0}; tDeserializeSMCreateSmaReq(pQuery->pCmdMsg->pMsg, pQuery->pCmdMsg->msgLen, &req); nodesStringToNode(req.ast, &pCxt->pAstRoot); pCxt->streamQuery = true; } else if (QUERY_NODE_CREATE_STREAM_STMT == nodeType(pQuery->pRoot)) { SCreateStreamStmt* pStmt = (SCreateStreamStmt*)pQuery->pRoot; pCxt->pAstRoot = pStmt->pQuery; pCxt->streamQuery = true; pCxt->triggerType = pStmt->pOptions->triggerType; pCxt->watermark = (NULL != pStmt->pOptions->pWatermark ? ((SValueNode*)pStmt->pOptions->pWatermark)->datum.i : 0); } else { pCxt->pAstRoot = pQuery->pRoot; } } string toString(const SNode* pRoot) { char* pStr = NULL; int32_t len = 0; DO_WITH_THROW(nodesNodeToString, pRoot, false, &pStr, &len) string str(pStr); taosMemoryFreeClear(pStr); return str; } caseEnv caseEnv_; stmtEnv stmtEnv_; stmtRes res_; }; PlannerTestBase::PlannerTestBase() : impl_(new PlannerTestBaseImpl()) {} PlannerTestBase::~PlannerTestBase() {} void PlannerTestBase::useDb(const std::string& acctId, const std::string& db) { impl_->useDb(acctId, db); } void PlannerTestBase::run(const std::string& sql) { return impl_->run(sql); }