/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef WEBSOCKET #include #include // save current database name char curDBName[128] = ""; // TDB_MAX_DBNAME_LEN is 24, put large int shell_conn_ws_server(bool first) { char cuttedDsn[SHELL_WS_DSN_BUFF] = {0}; int dsnLen = strlen(shell.args.dsn); snprintf(cuttedDsn, ((dsnLen-SHELL_WS_DSN_MASK) > SHELL_WS_DSN_BUFF)? SHELL_WS_DSN_BUFF:(dsnLen-SHELL_WS_DSN_MASK), "%s", shell.args.dsn); fprintf(stdout, "trying to connect %s****** ", cuttedDsn); fflush(stdout); for (int i = 0; i < shell.args.timeout; i++) { shell.ws_conn = ws_connect_with_dsn(shell.args.dsn); if (NULL == shell.ws_conn) { int errNo = ws_errno(NULL); if (0xE001 == errNo) { fprintf(stdout, "."); fflush(stdout); taosMsleep(1000); // sleep 1 second then try again continue; } else { fprintf(stderr, "\nfailed to connect %s***, reason: %s\n", cuttedDsn, ws_errstr(NULL)); return -1; } } else { break; } } if (NULL == shell.ws_conn) { fprintf(stdout, "\n timeout\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\nfailed to connect %s***, reason: %s\n", cuttedDsn, ws_errstr(NULL)); return -1; } else { fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } if (first && shell.args.restful) { fprintf(stdout, "successfully connected to %s\n\n", shell.args.dsn); } else if (first && shell.args.cloud) { fprintf(stdout, "successfully connected to cloud service\n"); } fflush(stdout); // switch to current database if have if(curDBName[0] !=0) { char command[256]; sprintf(command, "use %s;", curDBName); shellRunSingleCommandWebsocketImp(command); } return 0; } static int horizontalPrintWebsocket(WS_RES* wres, double* execute_time) { const void* data = NULL; int rows; ws_fetch_block(wres, &data, &rows); if (wres) { *execute_time += (double)(ws_take_timing(wres)/1E6); } if (!rows) { return 0; } int num_fields = ws_field_count(wres); TAOS_FIELD* fields = (TAOS_FIELD*)ws_fetch_fields(wres); int precision = ws_result_precision(wres); int width[TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS]; for (int col = 0; col < num_fields; col++) { width[col] = shellCalcColWidth(fields + col, precision); } shellPrintHeader(fields, width, num_fields); int numOfRows = 0; do { uint8_t ty; uint32_t len; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < num_fields; j++) { putchar(' '); const void *value = ws_get_value_in_block(wres, i, j, &ty, &len); shellPrintField((const char*)value, fields+j, width[j], len, precision); putchar(' '); putchar('|'); } putchar('\r'); putchar('\n'); } numOfRows += rows; ws_fetch_block(wres, &data, &rows); } while (rows && !shell.stop_query); return numOfRows; } static int verticalPrintWebsocket(WS_RES* wres, double* pexecute_time) { int rows = 0; const void* data = NULL; ws_fetch_block(wres, &data, &rows); if (wres) { *pexecute_time += (double)(ws_take_timing(wres)/1E6); } if (!rows) { return 0; } int num_fields = ws_field_count(wres); TAOS_FIELD* fields = (TAOS_FIELD*)ws_fetch_fields(wres); int precision = ws_result_precision(wres); int maxColNameLen = 0; for (int col = 0; col < num_fields; col++) { int len = (int)strlen(fields[col].name); if (len > maxColNameLen) { maxColNameLen = len; } } int numOfRows = 0; do { uint8_t ty; uint32_t len; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { printf("*************************** %d.row ***************************\n", numOfRows + 1); for (int j = 0; j < num_fields; j++) { TAOS_FIELD* field = fields + j; int padding = (int)(maxColNameLen - strlen(field->name)); printf("%*.s%s: ", padding, " ", field->name); const void *value = ws_get_value_in_block(wres, i, j, &ty, &len); shellPrintField((const char*)value, field, 0, len, precision); putchar('\n'); } numOfRows++; } ws_fetch_block(wres, &data, &rows); } while (rows && !shell.stop_query); return numOfRows; } static int dumpWebsocketToFile(const char* fname, WS_RES* wres, double* pexecute_time) { char fullname[PATH_MAX] = {0}; if (taosExpandDir(fname, fullname, PATH_MAX) != 0) { tstrncpy(fullname, fname, PATH_MAX); } TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile(fullname, TD_FILE_CREATE | TD_FILE_WRITE | TD_FILE_TRUNC | TD_FILE_STREAM); if (pFile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open file: %s\r\n", fullname); return -1; } int rows = 0; const void* data = NULL; ws_fetch_block(wres, &data, &rows); if (wres) { *pexecute_time += (double)(ws_take_timing(wres)/1E6); } if (!rows) { taosCloseFile(&pFile); return 0; } int numOfRows = 0; TAOS_FIELD* fields = (TAOS_FIELD*)ws_fetch_fields(wres); int num_fields = ws_field_count(wres); int precision = ws_result_precision(wres); for (int col = 0; col < num_fields; col++) { if (col > 0) { taosFprintfFile(pFile, ","); } taosFprintfFile(pFile, "%s", fields[col].name); } taosFprintfFile(pFile, "\r\n"); do { uint8_t ty; uint32_t len; numOfRows += rows; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < num_fields; j++) { if (j > 0) { taosFprintfFile(pFile, ","); } const void *value = ws_get_value_in_block(wres, i, j, &ty, &len); shellDumpFieldToFile(pFile, (const char*)value, fields + j, len, precision); } taosFprintfFile(pFile, "\r\n"); } ws_fetch_block(wres, &data, &rows); } while (rows && !shell.stop_query); taosCloseFile(&pFile); return numOfRows; } static int shellDumpWebsocket(WS_RES *wres, char *fname, int *error_no, bool vertical, double* pexecute_time) { int numOfRows = 0; if (fname != NULL) { numOfRows = dumpWebsocketToFile(fname, wres, pexecute_time); } else if (vertical) { numOfRows = verticalPrintWebsocket(wres, pexecute_time); } else { numOfRows = horizontalPrintWebsocket(wres, pexecute_time); } *error_no = ws_errno(wres); return numOfRows; } void shellRunSingleCommandWebsocketImp(char *command) { int64_t st, et; char *sptr = NULL; char *cptr = NULL; char *fname = NULL; bool printMode = false; if ((sptr = strstr(command, ">>")) != NULL) { cptr = strstr(command, ";"); if (cptr != NULL) { *cptr = '\0'; } fname = sptr + 2; while (*fname == ' ') fname++; *sptr = '\0'; } if ((sptr = strstr(command, "\\G")) != NULL) { cptr = strstr(command, ";"); if (cptr != NULL) { *cptr = '\0'; } *sptr = '\0'; printMode = true; // When output to a file, the switch does not work. } shell.stop_query = false; WS_RES* res; for (int reconnectNum = 0; reconnectNum < 2; reconnectNum++) { if (!shell.ws_conn && shell_conn_ws_server(0)) { return; } st = taosGetTimestampUs(); res = ws_query_timeout(shell.ws_conn, command, shell.args.timeout); int code = ws_errno(res); if (code != 0 && !shell.stop_query) { // if it's not a ws connection error if (TSDB_CODE_WS_DSN_ERROR != (code&TSDB_CODE_WS_DSN_ERROR)) { et = taosGetTimestampUs(); fprintf(stderr, "\nDB: error: %s (%.6fs)\n", ws_errstr(res), (et - st)/1E6); ws_free_result(res); return; } if (code == TSDB_CODE_WS_SEND_TIMEOUT || code == TSDB_CODE_WS_RECV_TIMEOUT) { fprintf(stderr, "Hint: use -t to increase the timeout in seconds\n"); } else if (code == TSDB_CODE_WS_INTERNAL_ERRO || code == TSDB_CODE_WS_CLOSED) { shell.ws_conn = NULL; } ws_free_result(res); if (reconnectNum == 0) { continue; } else { fprintf(stderr, "The server is disconnected, will try to reconnect\n"); } return; } break; } double execute_time = 0; if (res) { execute_time = ws_take_timing(res)/1E6; } if (shellRegexMatch(command, "^\\s*use\\s+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\s*;\\s*$", REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE)) { // copy dbname to curDBName char *p = command; bool firstStart = false; bool firstEnd = false; int i = 0; while (*p != 0) { if (*p != ' ') { // not blank if (!firstStart) { firstStart = true; } else if (firstEnd) { if(*p == ';' && *p != '\\') { break; } // database name curDBName[i++] = *p; if(i + 4 > sizeof(curDBName)) { // DBName is too long, reset zero and break i = 0; break; } } } else { // blank if(firstStart == true && firstEnd == false){ firstEnd = true; } if(firstStart && firstEnd && i > 0){ // blank after database name break; } } // move next p++; } // append end curDBName[i] = 0; fprintf(stdout, "Database changed to %s.\r\n\r\n", curDBName); fflush(stdout); ws_free_result(res); return; } int numOfRows = 0; if (ws_is_update_query(res)) { numOfRows = ws_affected_rows(res); et = taosGetTimestampUs(); double total_time = (et - st)/1E3; double net_time = total_time - (double)execute_time; printf("Query Ok, %d of %d row(s) in database\n", numOfRows, numOfRows); printf("Execute: %.2f ms Network: %.2f ms Total: %.2f ms\n", execute_time, net_time, total_time); } else { int error_no = 0; numOfRows = shellDumpWebsocket(res, fname, &error_no, printMode, &execute_time); if (numOfRows < 0) { ws_free_result(res); return; } et = taosGetTimestampUs(); double total_time = (et - st) / 1E3; double net_time = total_time - execute_time; if (error_no == 0 && !shell.stop_query) { printf("Query OK, %d row(s) in set\n", numOfRows); printf("Execute: %.2f ms Network: %.2f ms Total: %.2f ms\n", execute_time, net_time, total_time); } else { printf("Query interrupted, %d row(s) in set (%.6fs)\n", numOfRows, (et - st)/1E6); printf("Execute: %.2f ms Network: %.2f ms Total: %.2f ms\n", execute_time, net_time, total_time); } } printf("\n"); ws_free_result(res); } #endif