#include #include #include #include #include "query.h" #include "taos.h" #include "taoserror.h" #include "tdef.h" #include "tlog.h" #include "tmsg.h" #include "tstrbuild.h" #include "ttime.h" #include "ttypes.h" #include "tcommon.h" #include "catalog.h" #include "clientInt.h" //================================================================================================= #define SPACE ' ' #define COMMA ',' #define EQUAL '=' #define QUOTE '"' #define SLASH '\\' #define tsMaxSQLStringLen (1024*1024) //================================================================================================= typedef TSDB_SML_PROTOCOL_TYPE SMLProtocolType; typedef enum { SCHEMA_ACTION_CREATE_STABLE, SCHEMA_ACTION_ADD_COLUMN, SCHEMA_ACTION_ADD_TAG, SCHEMA_ACTION_CHANGE_COLUMN_SIZE, SCHEMA_ACTION_CHANGE_TAG_SIZE, } ESchemaAction; typedef struct { char sTableName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; SArray *tags; SArray *fields; } SCreateSTableActionInfo; typedef struct { char sTableName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; SSmlKv * field; } SAlterSTableActionInfo; typedef struct { ESchemaAction action; union { SCreateSTableActionInfo createSTable; SAlterSTableActionInfo alterSTable; }; } SSchemaAction; typedef struct { const char* measure; const char* tags; const char* cols; const char* timestamp; int32_t measureLen; int32_t measureTagsLen; int32_t tagsLen; int32_t colsLen; int32_t timestampLen; } SSmlLineInfo; typedef struct { const char *sTableName; // super table name uint8_t sTableNameLen; char childTableName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; uint64_t uid; SArray *tags; // colsFormat store cols formated, for quick parse, if info->formatData is true SArray *colsFormat; // elements are SArray // cols store cols un formated SArray *cols; // elements are SHashObj for find by key quickly } SSmlTableInfo; typedef struct { SArray *tags; // save the origin order to create table SHashObj *tagHash; // elements are SArray *cols; SHashObj *fieldHash; STableMeta *tableMeta; } SSmlSTableMeta; typedef struct { int32_t len; char *buf; } SSmlMsgBuf; typedef struct { int32_t code; int32_t lineNum; int32_t numOfSTables; int32_t numOfCTables; int32_t numOfCreateSTables; int64_t parseTime; int64_t schemaTime; int64_t insertBindTime; int64_t insertRpcTime; int64_t endTime; } SSmlCostInfo; typedef struct { uint64_t id; SMLProtocolType protocol; int8_t precision; bool dataFormat; // true means that the name, number and order of keys in each line are the same SHashObj *childTables; SHashObj *superTables; SHashObj *pVgHash; void *exec; STscObj *taos; SCatalog *pCatalog; SRequestObj *pRequest; SQuery *pQuery; SSmlCostInfo cost; int32_t affectedRows; SSmlMsgBuf msgBuf; SHashObj *dumplicateKey; // for dumplicate key SArray *colsContainer; // for cols parse, if is dataFormat == false } SSmlHandle; //================================================================================================= static uint64_t linesSmlHandleId = 0; static const char* TS = "_ts"; static const char* TAG = "_tagNone"; //================================================================================================= static uint64_t smlGenId() { uint64_t id; do { id = atomic_add_fetch_64(&linesSmlHandleId, 1); } while (id == 0); return id; } static int32_t smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(SSmlMsgBuf* pBuf, const char *msg1, const char *msg2) { if(msg1) strncat(pBuf->buf, msg1, pBuf->len); int32_t left = pBuf->len - strlen(pBuf->buf); if(left > 2 && msg2) { strncat(pBuf->buf, ":", left - 1); strncat(pBuf->buf, msg2, left - 2); } return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; } static int smlCompareKv(const void* p1, const void* p2) { SSmlKv* kv1 = *(SSmlKv**)p1; SSmlKv* kv2 = *(SSmlKv**)p2; int32_t kvLen1 = kv1->keyLen; int32_t kvLen2 = kv2->keyLen; int32_t res = strncasecmp(kv1->key, kv2->key, TMIN(kvLen1, kvLen2)); if (res != 0) { return res; } else { return kvLen1-kvLen2; } } static void smlBuildChildTableName(SSmlTableInfo *tags) { int32_t size = taosArrayGetSize(tags->tags); ASSERT(size > 0); taosArraySort(tags->tags, smlCompareKv); SStringBuilder sb = {0}; taosStringBuilderAppendStringLen(&sb, tags->sTableName, tags->sTableNameLen); for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) { SSmlKv *tagKv = taosArrayGetP(tags->tags, j); taosStringBuilderAppendStringLen(&sb, tagKv->key, tagKv->keyLen); taosStringBuilderAppendStringLen(&sb, tagKv->value, tagKv->valueLen); } size_t len = 0; char* keyJoined = taosStringBuilderGetResult(&sb, &len); T_MD5_CTX context; tMD5Init(&context); tMD5Update(&context, (uint8_t *)keyJoined, (uint32_t)len); tMD5Final(&context); uint64_t digest1 = *(uint64_t*)(context.digest); //uint64_t digest2 = *(uint64_t*)(context.digest + 8); //snprintf(tags->childTableName, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN, "t_%016"PRIx64"%016"PRIx64, digest1, digest2); snprintf(tags->childTableName, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN, "t_%016"PRIx64, digest1); taosStringBuilderDestroy(&sb); tags->uid = digest1; } static int32_t smlGenerateSchemaAction(SSchema* pointColField, SHashObj* dbAttrHash, SArray* dbAttrArray, bool isTag, char sTableName[], SSchemaAction* action, bool* actionNeeded, SSmlHandle* info) { // char fieldName[TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN] = {0}; // strcpy(fieldName, pointColField->name); // // size_t* pDbIndex = taosHashGet(dbAttrHash, fieldName, strlen(fieldName)); // if (pDbIndex) { // SSchema* dbAttr = taosArrayGet(dbAttrArray, *pDbIndex); // assert(strcasecmp(dbAttr->name, pointColField->name) == 0); // if (pointColField->type != dbAttr->type) { // uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" point type and db type mismatch. key: %s. point type: %d, db type: %d", info->id, pointColField->name, // pointColField->type, dbAttr->type); // return TSDB_CODE_TSC_INVALID_VALUE; // } // // if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pointColField->type) && (pointColField->bytes > dbAttr->bytes)) { // if (isTag) { // action->action = SCHEMA_ACTION_CHANGE_TAG_SIZE; // } else { // action->action = SCHEMA_ACTION_CHANGE_COLUMN_SIZE; // } // memset(&action->alterSTable, 0, sizeof(SAlterSTableActionInfo)); // memcpy(action->alterSTable.sTableName, sTableName, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN); // action->alterSTable.field = pointColField; // *actionNeeded = true; // } // } else { // if (isTag) { // action->action = SCHEMA_ACTION_ADD_TAG; // } else { // action->action = SCHEMA_ACTION_ADD_COLUMN; // } // memset(&action->alterSTable, 0, sizeof(SAlterSTableActionInfo)); // memcpy(action->alterSTable.sTableName, sTableName, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN); // action->alterSTable.field = pointColField; // *actionNeeded = true; // } // if (*actionNeeded) { // uDebug("SML:0x%" PRIx64 " generate schema action. column name: %s, action: %d", info->id, fieldName, // action->action); // } return 0; } static int32_t smlBuildColumnDescription(SSmlKv* field, char* buf, int32_t bufSize, int32_t* outBytes) { uint8_t type = field->type; char tname[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN] = {0}; memcpy(tname, field->key, field->keyLen); if (type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY || type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) { int32_t bytes = field->valueLen; // todo int out = snprintf(buf, bufSize,"%s %s(%d)", tname,tDataTypes[field->type].name, bytes); *outBytes = out; } else { int out = snprintf(buf, bufSize, "%s %s", tname, tDataTypes[type].name); *outBytes = out; } return 0; } static int32_t smlApplySchemaAction(SSmlHandle* info, SSchemaAction* action) { int32_t code = 0; int32_t outBytes = 0; char *result = (char *)taosMemoryCalloc(1, tsMaxSQLStringLen+1); int32_t capacity = tsMaxSQLStringLen + 1; uDebug("SML:0x%"PRIx64" apply schema action. action: %d", info->id, action->action); switch (action->action) { case SCHEMA_ACTION_ADD_COLUMN: { int n = sprintf(result, "alter stable %s add column ", action->alterSTable.sTableName); smlBuildColumnDescription(action->alterSTable.field, result+n, capacity-n, &outBytes); TAOS_RES* res = taos_query(info->taos, result); //TODO async doAsyncQuery code = taos_errno(res); const char* errStr = taos_errstr(res); char* begin = strstr(errStr, "duplicated column names"); bool tscDupColNames = (begin != NULL); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" apply schema action. error: %s", info->id, errStr); } taos_free_result(res); // if (code == TSDB_CODE_MND_FIELD_ALREADY_EXIST || code == TSDB_CODE_MND_TAG_ALREADY_EXIST || tscDupColNames) { if (code == TSDB_CODE_MND_TAG_ALREADY_EXIST || tscDupColNames) { TAOS_RES* res2 = taos_query(info->taos, "RESET QUERY CACHE"); code = taos_errno(res2); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("SML:0x%" PRIx64 " apply schema action. reset query cache. error: %s", info->id, taos_errstr(res2)); } taos_free_result(res2); taosMsleep(500); } break; } case SCHEMA_ACTION_ADD_TAG: { int n = sprintf(result, "alter stable %s add tag ", action->alterSTable.sTableName); smlBuildColumnDescription(action->alterSTable.field, result+n, capacity-n, &outBytes); TAOS_RES* res = taos_query(info->taos, result); //TODO async doAsyncQuery code = taos_errno(res); const char* errStr = taos_errstr(res); char* begin = strstr(errStr, "duplicated column names"); bool tscDupColNames = (begin != NULL); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" apply schema action. error : %s", info->id, taos_errstr(res)); } taos_free_result(res); // if (code ==TSDB_CODE_MND_TAG_ALREADY_EXIST || code == TSDB_CODE_MND_FIELD_ALREAY_EXIST || tscDupColNames) { if (code ==TSDB_CODE_MND_TAG_ALREADY_EXIST || tscDupColNames) { TAOS_RES* res2 = taos_query(info->taos, "RESET QUERY CACHE"); code = taos_errno(res2); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("SML:0x%" PRIx64 " apply schema action. reset query cache. error: %s", info->id, taos_errstr(res2)); } taos_free_result(res2); taosMsleep(500); } break; } case SCHEMA_ACTION_CHANGE_COLUMN_SIZE: { int n = sprintf(result, "alter stable %s modify column ", action->alterSTable.sTableName); smlBuildColumnDescription(action->alterSTable.field, result+n, capacity-n, &outBytes); TAOS_RES* res = taos_query(info->taos, result); //TODO async doAsyncQuery code = taos_errno(res); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" apply schema action. error : %s", info->id, taos_errstr(res)); } taos_free_result(res); // if (code == TSDB_CODE_MND_INVALID_COLUMN_LENGTH || code == TSDB_CODE_TSC_INVALID_COLUMN_LENGTH) { if (code == TSDB_CODE_TSC_INVALID_COLUMN_LENGTH) { TAOS_RES* res2 = taos_query(info->taos, "RESET QUERY CACHE"); code = taos_errno(res2); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("SML:0x%" PRIx64 " apply schema action. reset query cache. error: %s", info->id, taos_errstr(res2)); } taos_free_result(res2); taosMsleep(500); } break; } case SCHEMA_ACTION_CHANGE_TAG_SIZE: { int n = sprintf(result, "alter stable %s modify tag ", action->alterSTable.sTableName); smlBuildColumnDescription(action->alterSTable.field, result+n, capacity-n, &outBytes); TAOS_RES* res = taos_query(info->taos, result); //TODO async doAsyncQuery code = taos_errno(res); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" apply schema action. error : %s", info->id, taos_errstr(res)); } taos_free_result(res); // if (code == TSDB_CODE_MND_INVALID_TAG_LENGTH || code == TSDB_CODE_TSC_INVALID_TAG_LENGTH) { if (code == TSDB_CODE_TSC_INVALID_TAG_LENGTH) { TAOS_RES* res2 = taos_query(info->taos, "RESET QUERY CACHE"); code = taos_errno(res2); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("SML:0x%" PRIx64 " apply schema action. reset query cache. error: %s", info->id, taos_errstr(res2)); } taos_free_result(res2); taosMsleep(500); } break; } case SCHEMA_ACTION_CREATE_STABLE: { int n = sprintf(result, "create stable %s (", action->createSTable.sTableName); char* pos = result + n; int freeBytes = capacity - n; SArray *cols = action->createSTable.fields; for(int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(cols); i++){ SSmlKv *kv = taosArrayGetP(cols, i); smlBuildColumnDescription(kv, pos, freeBytes, &outBytes); pos += outBytes; freeBytes -= outBytes; *pos = ','; ++pos; --freeBytes; } --pos; ++freeBytes; outBytes = snprintf(pos, freeBytes, ") tags ("); pos += outBytes; freeBytes -= outBytes; cols = action->createSTable.tags; for(int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(cols); i++){ SSmlKv *kv = taosArrayGetP(cols, i); smlBuildColumnDescription(kv, pos, freeBytes, &outBytes); pos += outBytes; freeBytes -= outBytes; *pos = ','; ++pos; --freeBytes; } pos--; ++freeBytes; outBytes = snprintf(pos, freeBytes, ")"); TAOS_RES* res = taos_query(info->taos, result); code = taos_errno(res); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" apply schema action. error : %s", info->id, taos_errstr(res)); } taos_free_result(res); if (code == TSDB_CODE_MND_STB_ALREADY_EXIST) { TAOS_RES* res2 = taos_query(info->taos, "RESET QUERY CACHE"); code = taos_errno(res2); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("SML:0x%" PRIx64 " apply schema action. reset query cache. error: %s", info->id, taos_errstr(res2)); } taos_free_result(res2); taosMsleep(500); } break; } default: break; } taosMemoryFreeClear(result); if (code != 0) { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64 " apply schema action failure. %s", info->id, tstrerror(code)); } return code; } static int32_t smlModifyDBSchemas(SSmlHandle* info) { int32_t code = 0; SSmlSTableMeta** tableMetaSml = taosHashIterate(info->superTables, NULL); while (tableMetaSml) { SSmlSTableMeta* sTableData = *tableMetaSml; STableMeta *pTableMeta = NULL; SEpSet ep = getEpSet_s(&info->taos->pAppInfo->mgmtEp); size_t superTableLen = 0; void *superTable = taosHashGetKey(tableMetaSml, &superTableLen); // todo escape SName pName = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, info->taos->acctId, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(pName.dbname, info->pRequest->pDb); memcpy(pName.tname, superTable, superTableLen); code = catalogGetSTableMeta(info->pCatalog, info->taos->pAppInfo->pTransporter, &ep, &pName, &pTableMeta); if (code == TSDB_CODE_TDB_INVALID_TABLE_ID || code == TSDB_CODE_MND_INVALID_STB) { SSchemaAction schemaAction = {0}; schemaAction.action = SCHEMA_ACTION_CREATE_STABLE; memcpy(schemaAction.createSTable.sTableName, superTable, superTableLen); schemaAction.createSTable.tags = sTableData->tags; schemaAction.createSTable.fields = sTableData->cols; code = smlApplySchemaAction(info, &schemaAction); if (code != 0) { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" smlApplySchemaAction failed. can not create %s", info->id, schemaAction.createSTable.sTableName); return code; } code = catalogGetSTableMeta(info->pCatalog, info->taos->pAppInfo->pTransporter, &ep, &pName, &pTableMeta); if (code != 0) { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" catalogGetSTableMeta failed. super table name %s", info->id, schemaAction.createSTable.sTableName); return code; } info->cost.numOfCreateSTables++; }else if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { } else { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" load table meta error: %s", info->id, tstrerror(code)); return code; } sTableData->tableMeta = pTableMeta; tableMetaSml = taosHashIterate(info->superTables, tableMetaSml); } return 0; } //========================================================================= /* Field Escape charaters 1: measurement Comma,Space 2: tag_key, tag_value, field_key Comma,Equal Sign,Space 3: field_value Double quote,Backslash */ //static void escapeSpecialCharacter(uint8_t field, const char **pos) { // const char *cur = *pos; // if (*cur != '\\') { // return; // } // switch (field) { // case 1: // switch (*(cur + 1)) { // case ',': // case ' ': // cur++; // break; // default: // break; // } // break; // case 2: // switch (*(cur + 1)) { // case ',': // case ' ': // case '=': // cur++; // break; // default: // break; // } // break; // case 3: // switch (*(cur + 1)) { // case '"': // case '\\': // cur++; // break; // default: // break; // } // break; // default: // break; // } // *pos = cur; //} static bool smlParseTinyInt(SSmlKv *kvVal, bool *isValid, SSmlMsgBuf *msg) { const char *pVal = kvVal->value; int32_t len = kvVal->valueLen; if (len <= 2) { return false; } const char *signalPos = pVal + len - 2; if (!strncasecmp(signalPos, "i8", 2)) { char *endptr = NULL; int64_t result = strtoll(pVal, &endptr, 10); if(endptr != signalPos){ // 78ri8 *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid tiny int", endptr); }else if(!IS_VALID_TINYINT(result)){ *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "tiny int out of range[-128,127]", endptr); }else{ kvVal->i = result; *isValid = true; } return true; } return false; } static bool smlParseTinyUint(SSmlKv *kvVal, bool *isValid, SSmlMsgBuf *msg) { const char *pVal = kvVal->value; int32_t len = kvVal->valueLen; if (len <= 2) { return false; } if (pVal[0] == '-') { return false; } const char *signalPos = pVal + len - 2; if (!strncasecmp(signalPos, "u8", 2)) { char *endptr = NULL; int64_t result = strtoll(pVal, &endptr, 10); if(endptr != signalPos){ // 78ri8 *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid unsigned tiny int", endptr); }else if(!IS_VALID_UTINYINT(result)){ *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "unsigned tiny int out of range[0,255]", endptr); }else{ kvVal->i = result; *isValid = true; } return true; } return false; } static bool smlParseSmallInt(SSmlKv *kvVal, bool *isValid, SSmlMsgBuf *msg) { const char *pVal = kvVal->value; int32_t len = kvVal->valueLen; if (len <= 3) { return false; } const char *signalPos = pVal + len - 3; if (!strncasecmp(signalPos, "i16", 3)) { char *endptr = NULL; int64_t result = strtoll(pVal, &endptr, 10); if(endptr != signalPos){ // 78ri8 *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid small int", endptr); }else if(!IS_VALID_SMALLINT(result)){ *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "small int our of range[-32768,32767]", endptr); }else{ kvVal->i = result; *isValid = true; } return true; } return false; } static bool smlParseSmallUint(SSmlKv *kvVal, bool *isValid, SSmlMsgBuf *msg) { const char *pVal = kvVal->value; int32_t len = kvVal->valueLen; if (len <= 3) { return false; } if (pVal[0] == '-') { return false; } const char *signalPos = pVal + len - 3; if (strncasecmp(signalPos, "u16", 3) == 0) { char *endptr = NULL; int64_t result = strtoll(pVal, &endptr, 10); if(endptr != signalPos){ // 78ri8 *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid unsigned small int", endptr); }else if(!IS_VALID_USMALLINT(result)){ *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "unsigned small int out of rang[0,65535]", endptr); }else{ kvVal->i = result; *isValid = true; } return true; } return false; } static bool smlParseInt(SSmlKv *kvVal, bool *isValid, SSmlMsgBuf *msg) { const char *pVal = kvVal->value; int32_t len = kvVal->valueLen; if (len <= 3) { return false; } const char *signalPos = pVal + len - 3; if (strncasecmp(signalPos, "i32", 3) == 0) { char *endptr = NULL; int64_t result = strtoll(pVal, &endptr, 10); if(endptr != signalPos){ // 78ri8 *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid int", endptr); }else if(!IS_VALID_INT(result)){ *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "int out of range[-2147483648,2147483647]", endptr); }else{ kvVal->i = result; *isValid = true; } return true; } return false; } static bool smlParseUint(SSmlKv *kvVal, bool *isValid, SSmlMsgBuf *msg) { const char *pVal = kvVal->value; int32_t len = kvVal->valueLen; if (len <= 3) { return false; } if (pVal[0] == '-') { return false; } const char *signalPos = pVal + len - 3; if (strncasecmp(signalPos, "u32", 3) == 0) { char *endptr = NULL; int64_t result = strtoll(pVal, &endptr, 10); if(endptr != signalPos){ // 78ri8 *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid unsigned int", endptr); }else if(!IS_VALID_UINT(result)){ *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "unsigned int out of range[0,4294967295]", endptr); }else{ kvVal->i = result; *isValid = true; } return true; } return false; } static bool smlParseBigInt(SSmlKv *kvVal, bool *isValid, SSmlMsgBuf *msg) { const char *pVal = kvVal->value; int32_t len = kvVal->valueLen; if (len > 3 && strncasecmp(pVal + len - 3, "i64", 3) == 0) { char *endptr = NULL; errno = 0; int64_t result = strtoll(pVal, &endptr, 10); if(endptr != pVal + len - 3){ // 78ri8 *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid big int", endptr); }else if(errno == ERANGE || !IS_VALID_BIGINT(result)){ *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "big int out of range[-9223372036854775808,9223372036854775807]", endptr); }else{ kvVal->i = result; *isValid = true; } return true; }else if (len > 1 && pVal[len - 1] == 'i') { char *endptr = NULL; errno = 0; int64_t result = strtoll(pVal, &endptr, 10); if(endptr != pVal + len - 1){ // 78ri8 *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid big int", endptr); }else if(errno == ERANGE || !IS_VALID_BIGINT(result)){ *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "big int out of range[-9223372036854775808,9223372036854775807]", endptr); }else{ kvVal->i = result; *isValid = true; } return true; } return false; } static bool smlParseBigUint(SSmlKv *kvVal, bool *isValid, SSmlMsgBuf *msg) { const char *pVal = kvVal->value; int32_t len = kvVal->valueLen; if (len <= 3) { return false; } if (pVal[0] == '-') { return false; } const char *signalPos = pVal + len - 3; if (strncasecmp(signalPos, "u64", 3) == 0) { char *endptr = NULL; errno = 0; uint64_t result = strtoull(pVal, &endptr, 10); if(endptr != signalPos){ // 78ri8 *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid unsigned big int", endptr); }else if(errno == ERANGE || !IS_VALID_UBIGINT(result)){ *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "unsigned big int out of range[0,18446744073709551615]", endptr); }else{ kvVal->u = result; *isValid = true; } return true; } return false; } static bool smlParseFloat(SSmlKv *kvVal, bool *isValid, SSmlMsgBuf *msg) { const char *pVal = kvVal->value; int32_t len = kvVal->valueLen; char *endptr = NULL; errno = 0; float result = strtof(pVal, &endptr); if(endptr == pVal + len && errno != ERANGE && IS_VALID_FLOAT(result)){ // 78 kvVal->f = result; *isValid = true; return true; } if (len > 3 && strncasecmp(pVal + len - 3, "f32", 3) == 0) { if(endptr != pVal + len - 3){ // 78ri8 *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid float", endptr); }else if(errno == ERANGE || !IS_VALID_FLOAT(result)){ *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "float out of range[-3.402823466e+38,3.402823466e+38]", endptr); }else{ kvVal->f = result; *isValid = true; } return true; } return false; } static bool smlParseDouble(SSmlKv *kvVal, bool *isValid, SSmlMsgBuf *msg) { const char *pVal = kvVal->value; int32_t len = kvVal->valueLen; if (len <= 3) { return false; } const char *signalPos = pVal + len - 3; if (strncasecmp(signalPos, "f64", 3) == 0) { char *endptr = NULL; errno = 0; double result = strtod(pVal, &endptr); if(endptr != signalPos){ // 78ri8 *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid double", endptr); }else if(errno == ERANGE || !IS_VALID_DOUBLE(result)){ *isValid = false; smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "double out of range[-1.7976931348623158e+308,1.7976931348623158e+308]", endptr); }else{ kvVal->d = result; *isValid = true; } return true; } return false; } static bool smlParseBool(SSmlKv *kvVal) { const char *pVal = kvVal->value; int32_t len = kvVal->valueLen; if ((len == 1) && pVal[len - 1] == 't') { kvVal->i = true; return true; } if ((len == 1) && pVal[len - 1] == 'f') { kvVal->i = false; return true; } if((len == 4) && !strncasecmp(pVal, "true", len)) { kvVal->i = true; return true; } if((len == 5) && !strncasecmp(pVal, "false", len)) { kvVal->i = false; return true; } return false; } static bool smlIsBinary(const char *pVal, uint16_t len) { //binary: "abc" if (len < 2) { return false; } if (pVal[0] == '"' && pVal[len - 1] == '"') { return true; } return false; } static bool smlIsNchar(const char *pVal, uint16_t len) { //nchar: L"abc" if (len < 3) { return false; } if ((pVal[0] == 'l' || pVal[0] == 'L')&& pVal[1] == '"' && pVal[len - 1] == '"') { return true; } return false; } static bool smlParseValue(SSmlKv *pVal, SSmlMsgBuf *msg) { // put high probability matching type first bool isValid = false; //binary if (smlIsBinary(pVal->value, pVal->valueLen)) { pVal->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; pVal->valueLen -= 2; pVal->length = pVal->valueLen; pVal->value++; return true; } //nchar if (smlIsNchar(pVal->value, pVal->valueLen)) { pVal->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR; pVal->valueLen -= 3; pVal->length = pVal->valueLen; pVal->value += 2; return true; } //float if (smlParseFloat(pVal, &isValid, msg)) { if(!isValid) return false; pVal->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT; pVal->length = (int16_t)tDataTypes[pVal->type].bytes; return true; } //double if (smlParseDouble(pVal, &isValid, msg)) { if(!isValid) return false; pVal->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE; pVal->length = (int16_t)tDataTypes[pVal->type].bytes; return true; } //bool if (smlParseBool(pVal)) { pVal->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL; pVal->length = (int16_t)tDataTypes[pVal->type].bytes; return true; } if (smlParseTinyInt(pVal, &isValid, msg)) { if(!isValid) return false; pVal->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT; pVal->length = (int16_t)tDataTypes[pVal->type].bytes; return true; } if (smlParseTinyUint(pVal, &isValid, msg)) { if(!isValid) return false; pVal->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT; pVal->length = (int16_t)tDataTypes[pVal->type].bytes; return true; } if (smlParseSmallInt(pVal, &isValid, msg)) { if(!isValid) return false; pVal->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT; pVal->length = (int16_t)tDataTypes[pVal->type].bytes; return true; } if (smlParseSmallUint(pVal, &isValid, msg)) { if(!isValid) return false; pVal->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT; pVal->length = (int16_t)tDataTypes[pVal->type].bytes; return true; } if (smlParseInt(pVal, &isValid, msg)) { if(!isValid) return false; pVal->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; pVal->length = (int16_t)tDataTypes[pVal->type].bytes; return true; } if (smlParseUint(pVal, &isValid, msg)) { if(!isValid) return false; pVal->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT; pVal->length = (int16_t)tDataTypes[pVal->type].bytes; return true; } if (smlParseBigInt(pVal, &isValid, msg)) { if(!isValid) return false; pVal->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT; pVal->length = (int16_t)tDataTypes[pVal->type].bytes; return true; } if (smlParseBigUint(pVal, &isValid, msg)) { if(!isValid) return false; pVal->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT; pVal->length = (int16_t)tDataTypes[pVal->type].bytes; return true; } smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid data", pVal->value); return false; } static bool checkDuplicateKey(char *key, SHashObj *pHash, SSmlHandle* info) { char *val = NULL; val = taosHashGet(pHash, key, strlen(key)); if (val) { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" Duplicate key detected:%s", info->id, key); return true; } uint8_t dummy_val = 0; taosHashPut(pHash, key, strlen(key), &dummy_val, sizeof(uint8_t)); return false; } static int32_t smlParseString(const char* sql, SSmlLineInfo *elements, SSmlMsgBuf *msg){ if(!sql) return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; while (*sql != '\0') { // jump the space at the begining if(*sql != SPACE) { elements->measure = sql; break; } sql++; } if (!elements->measure || *sql == COMMA) { smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid data", sql); return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; } // parse measure and tag while (*sql != '\0') { if (elements->measureLen == 0 && *sql == COMMA && *(sql - 1) != SLASH) { // find the first comma elements->measureLen = sql - elements->measure; sql++; elements->tags = sql; continue; } if (*sql == SPACE && *(sql - 1) != SLASH) { // find the first space if (elements->measureLen == 0) { elements->measureLen = sql - elements->measure; elements->tags = sql; } elements->tagsLen = sql - elements->tags; elements->measureTagsLen = sql - elements->measure; break; } sql++; } if(elements->tagsLen == 0){ // measure, cols1=a measure cols1=a elements->measureTagsLen = elements->measureLen; } if(elements->measureLen == 0) { smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid measure", elements->measure); return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; } // parse cols while (*sql != '\0') { if(*sql != SPACE) { elements->cols = sql; break; } sql++; } if(!elements->cols) { smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid columns", elements->cols); return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; } bool isInQuote = false; while (*sql != '\0') { if(*sql == QUOTE && *(sql - 1) != SLASH){ isInQuote = !isInQuote; } if(!isInQuote && *sql == SPACE && *(sql - 1) != SLASH) { break; } sql++; } if(isInQuote){ smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "only one quote", elements->cols); return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; } elements->colsLen = sql - elements->cols; // parse ts,ts can be empty while (*sql != '\0') { if(*sql != SPACE && elements->timestamp == NULL) { elements->timestamp = sql; } if(*sql == SPACE && elements->timestamp != NULL){ break; } sql++; } if(elements->timestamp){ elements->timestampLen = sql - elements->timestamp; } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } static int32_t smlParseCols(const char* data, int32_t len, SArray *cols, bool isTag, SHashObj *dumplicateKey, SSmlMsgBuf *msg){ if(isTag && len == 0){ SSmlKv *kv = taosMemoryCalloc(sizeof(SSmlKv), 1); kv->key = TAG; kv->keyLen = strlen(TAG); kv->value = TAG; kv->valueLen = strlen(TAG); kv->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR; if(cols) taosArrayPush(cols, &kv); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){ // parse key const char *key = data + i; int32_t keyLen = 0; while(i < len){ if(data[i] == EQUAL && i > 0 && data[i-1] != SLASH){ keyLen = data + i - key; break; } i++; } if(keyLen == 0 || keyLen >= TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN){ smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid key or key is too long than 64", key); return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; } if(taosHashGet(dumplicateKey, key, keyLen)){ smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "dumplicate key", key); return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; }else{ taosHashPut(dumplicateKey, key, keyLen, key, CHAR_BYTES); } // parse value i++; const char *value = data + i; bool isInQuote = false; while(i < len){ if(data[i] == QUOTE && data[i-1] != SLASH){ isInQuote = !isInQuote; } if(!isInQuote && data[i] == COMMA && i > 0 && data[i-1] != SLASH){ break; } i++; } if(isInQuote){ smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "only one quote", value); return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; } int32_t valueLen = data + i - value; if(valueLen == 0){ smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "invalid value", value); return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; } // add kv to SSmlKv SSmlKv *kv = taosMemoryCalloc(sizeof(SSmlKv), 1); kv->key = key; kv->keyLen = keyLen; kv->value = value; kv->valueLen = valueLen; if(isTag){ kv->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR; }else{ if(!smlParseValue(kv, msg)){ return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; } } if(cols) taosArrayPush(cols, &kv); } return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } static int64_t smlGetTimeValue(const char *value, int32_t len, int8_t type) { char *endPtr = NULL; double ts = (double)strtoll(value, &endPtr, 10); if(value + len != endPtr){ return -1; } switch (type) { case TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_HOURS: ts *= (3600 * 1e9); break; case TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MINUTES: ts *= (60 * 1e9); break; case TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_SECONDS: ts *= (1e9); break; case TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI: ts *= (1e6); break; case TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO: ts *= (1e3); break; case TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO: break; default: ASSERT(0); } if(ts > (double)INT64_MAX || ts < 0){ return -1; } return (int64_t)ts; } static int64_t smlGetTimeNow(int8_t precision) { switch (precision) { case TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_HOURS: return taosGetTimestampMs()/1000/3600; case TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MINUTES: return taosGetTimestampMs()/1000/60; case TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_SECONDS: return taosGetTimestampMs()/1000; case TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI: case TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO: case TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO: return taosGetTimestamp(precision); default: ASSERT(0); } } static int8_t smlGetTsTypeByLen(int32_t len) { if (len == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_SEC_DIGITS) { return TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_SECONDS; } else if (len == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI_DIGITS) { return TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI_DIGITS; } else { return -1; } } static int8_t smlGetTsTypeByPrecision(int8_t precision) { switch (precision) { case TSDB_SML_TIMESTAMP_HOURS: return TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_HOURS; case TSDB_SML_TIMESTAMP_MILLI_SECONDS: return TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI; case TSDB_SML_TIMESTAMP_NANO_SECONDS: case TSDB_SML_TIMESTAMP_NOT_CONFIGURED: return TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO; case TSDB_SML_TIMESTAMP_MICRO_SECONDS: return TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO; case TSDB_SML_TIMESTAMP_SECONDS: return TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_SECONDS; case TSDB_SML_TIMESTAMP_MINUTES: return TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MINUTES; default: return -1; } } static int64_t smlParseInfluxTime(SSmlHandle* info, const char* data, int32_t len){ int8_t tsType = smlGetTsTypeByPrecision(info->precision); if (tsType == -1) { smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(&info->msgBuf, "invalid timestamp precision", NULL); return -1; } if(!data){ return smlGetTimeNow(tsType); } int64_t ts = smlGetTimeValue(data, len, tsType); if(ts == -1){ smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(&info->msgBuf, "invalid timestamp", data); return -1; } return ts; } static int64_t smlParseOpenTsdbTime(SSmlHandle* info, const char* data, int32_t len){ if(!data){ smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(&info->msgBuf, "timestamp can not be null", NULL); return -1; } int8_t tsType = smlGetTsTypeByLen(len); if (tsType == -1) { smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(&info->msgBuf, "timestamp precision can only be seconds(10 digits) or milli seconds(13 digits)", data); return -1; } int64_t ts = smlGetTimeValue(data, len, tsType); if(ts == -1){ smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(&info->msgBuf, "invalid timestamp", data); return -1; } return ts; } static int32_t smlParseTS(SSmlHandle* info, const char* data, int32_t len, SArray *cols){ int64_t ts = 0; if(info->protocol == TSDB_SML_LINE_PROTOCOL){ ts = smlParseInfluxTime(info, data, len); }else{ ts = smlParseOpenTsdbTime(info, data, len); } if(ts == -1) return TSDB_CODE_TSC_INVALID_TIME_STAMP; // add ts to SSmlKv *kv = taosMemoryCalloc(sizeof(SSmlKv), 1); if(!kv){ return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } kv->key = TS; kv->keyLen = strlen(kv->key); kv->i = ts; kv->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; kv->length = (int16_t)tDataTypes[kv->type].bytes; if(cols) taosArrayPush(cols, &kv); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } //static int32_t parseSmlCols(const char* data, SArray *cols){ // while(*data != '\0'){ // if(*data == EQUAL) return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; // const char *key = data; // int32_t keyLen = 0; // while(*data != '\0'){ // if(*data == EQUAL && *(data-1) != SLASH){ // keyLen = data - key; // data ++; // break; // } // data++; // } // if(keyLen == 0){ // return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; // } // // if(*data == COMMA) return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; // const char *value = data; // int32_t valueLen = 0; // while(*data != '\0'){ // if(*data == COMMA && *(data-1) != SLASH){ // valueLen = data - value; // data ++; // break; // } // data++; // } // if(valueLen == 0){ // return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; // } // // TAOS_SML_KV *kv = taosMemoryCalloc(sizeof(TAOS_SML_KV), 1); // kv->key = key; // kv->keyLen = keyLen; // kv->value = value; // kv->valueLen = valueLen; // kv->type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR; // if(cols) taosArrayPush(cols, &kv); // } // return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; //} static bool smlUpdateMeta(SSmlSTableMeta* tableMeta, SArray *tags, SArray *cols, SSmlMsgBuf *msg){ if(tags){ for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(tags); ++i) { SSmlKv *kv = taosArrayGetP(tags, i); ASSERT(kv->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR); uint8_t *index = taosHashGet(tableMeta->tagHash, kv->key, kv->keyLen); if(index){ SSmlKv **value = taosArrayGet(tableMeta->tags, *index); ASSERT((*value)->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR); if(kv->valueLen > (*value)->valueLen){ // tags type is nchar *value = kv; } }else{ size_t tmp = taosArrayGetSize(tableMeta->tags); ASSERT(tmp <= UINT8_MAX); uint8_t size = tmp; taosArrayPush(tableMeta->tags, &kv); taosHashPut(tableMeta->tagHash, kv->key, kv->keyLen, &size, CHAR_BYTES); } } } if(cols){ for (int i = 1; i < taosArrayGetSize(cols); ++i) { //jump timestamp SSmlKv *kv = taosArrayGetP(cols, i); int16_t *index = taosHashGet(tableMeta->fieldHash, kv->key, kv->keyLen); if(index){ SSmlKv **value = taosArrayGet(tableMeta->cols, *index); if(kv->type != (*value)->type){ smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(msg, "the type is not the same like before", kv->key); return false; }else{ if(IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(kv->type)){ // update string len, if bigger if(kv->valueLen > (*value)->valueLen){ *value = kv; } } } }else{ size_t tmp = taosArrayGetSize(tableMeta->cols); ASSERT(tmp <= INT16_MAX); int16_t size = tmp; taosArrayPush(tableMeta->cols, &kv); taosHashPut(tableMeta->fieldHash, kv->key, kv->keyLen, &size, SHORT_BYTES); } } } return true; } static void smlInsertMeta(SSmlSTableMeta* tableMeta, SArray *tags, SArray *cols){ if(tags){ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(tags); ++i) { SSmlKv *kv = taosArrayGetP(tags, i); taosArrayPush(tableMeta->tags, &kv); taosHashPut(tableMeta->tagHash, kv->key, kv->keyLen, &i, CHAR_BYTES); } } if(cols){ for (int16_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(cols); ++i) { SSmlKv *kv = taosArrayGetP(cols, i); taosArrayPush(tableMeta->cols, &kv); taosHashPut(tableMeta->fieldHash, kv->key, kv->keyLen, &i, SHORT_BYTES); } } } static SSmlTableInfo* smlBuildTableInfo(bool format){ SSmlTableInfo *tag = taosMemoryCalloc(sizeof(SSmlTableInfo), 1); if(!tag){ return NULL; } if(format){ tag->colsFormat = taosArrayInit(16, POINTER_BYTES); if (tag->colsFormat == NULL) { uError("SML:smlParseLine failed to allocate memory"); goto cleanup; } }else{ tag->cols = taosArrayInit(16, POINTER_BYTES); if (tag->cols == NULL) { uError("SML:smlParseLine failed to allocate memory"); goto cleanup; } } tag->tags = taosArrayInit(16, POINTER_BYTES); if (tag->tags == NULL) { uError("SML:smlParseLine failed to allocate memory"); goto cleanup; } return tag; cleanup: taosMemoryFreeClear(tag); return NULL; } static void smlDestroyBuildTableInfo(SSmlTableInfo *tag, bool format){ if(format){ taosArrayDestroy(tag->colsFormat); }else{ tag->cols = taosArrayInit(16, POINTER_BYTES); for(size_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(tag->cols); i++){ SHashObj *kvHash = taosArrayGetP(tag->cols, i); void** p1 = taosHashIterate(kvHash, NULL); while (p1) { SSmlKv* kv = *p1; taosMemoryFreeClear(kv); p1 = taosHashIterate(kvHash, p1); } taosHashCleanup(kvHash); } } taosArrayDestroy(tag->tags); taosMemoryFreeClear(tag); } static int32_t smlDealCols(SSmlTableInfo* oneTable, bool dataFormat, SArray *cols){ if(dataFormat){ taosArrayPush(oneTable->colsFormat, &cols); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } SHashObj *kvHash = taosHashInit(32, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), false, HASH_NO_LOCK); if(!kvHash){ uError("SML:smlDealCols failed to allocate memory"); return TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } for(size_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(cols); i++){ SSmlKv *kv = taosArrayGetP(cols, i); taosHashPut(kvHash, kv->key, kv->keyLen, &kv, POINTER_BYTES); // todo key need escape, like \=, because find by schema name later } taosArrayPush(oneTable->cols, &kvHash); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } static SSmlSTableMeta* smlBuildSTableMeta(){ SSmlSTableMeta* meta = taosMemoryCalloc(sizeof(SSmlSTableMeta), 1); if(!meta){ return NULL; } meta->tagHash = taosHashInit(32, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), false, HASH_NO_LOCK); if (meta->tagHash == NULL) { uError("SML:smlBuildSTableMeta failed to allocate memory"); goto cleanup; } meta->fieldHash = taosHashInit(32, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), false, HASH_NO_LOCK); if (meta->fieldHash == NULL) { uError("SML:smlBuildSTableMeta failed to allocate memory"); goto cleanup; } meta->tags = taosArrayInit(32, POINTER_BYTES); if (meta->tags == NULL) { uError("SML:smlBuildSTableMeta failed to allocate memory"); goto cleanup; } meta->cols = taosArrayInit(32, POINTER_BYTES); if (meta->cols == NULL) { uError("SML:smlBuildSTableMeta failed to allocate memory"); goto cleanup; } return meta; cleanup: taosMemoryFreeClear(meta); return NULL; } static void smlDestroySTableMeta(SSmlSTableMeta *meta){ taosHashCleanup(meta->tagHash); taosHashCleanup(meta->fieldHash); taosArrayDestroy(meta->tags); taosArrayDestroy(meta->cols); taosMemoryFree(meta->tableMeta); } static int32_t smlParseLine(SSmlHandle* info, const char* sql) { SSmlLineInfo elements = {0}; int ret = smlParseString(sql, &elements, &info->msgBuf); if(ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS){ uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" smlParseString failed", info->id); return ret; } SArray *cols = NULL; if(info->dataFormat){ // if dataFormat, cols need new memory to save data cols = taosArrayInit(16, POINTER_BYTES); if (cols == NULL) { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" smlParseLine failed to allocate memory", info->id); return TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } }else{ // if dataFormat is false, cols do not need to save data, there is another new memory to save data cols = info->colsContainer; } ret = smlParseTS(info, elements.timestamp, elements.timestampLen, cols); if(ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS){ uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" smlParseTS failed", info->id); return ret; } ret = smlParseCols(elements.cols, elements.colsLen, cols, false, info->dumplicateKey, &info->msgBuf); if(ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS){ uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" smlParseCols parse cloums fields failed", info->id); return ret; } if(taosArrayGetSize(cols) > TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS){ smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(&info->msgBuf, "too many columns than 4096", NULL); return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; } SSmlTableInfo **oneTable = taosHashGet(info->childTables, elements.measure, elements.measureTagsLen); if(oneTable){ SSmlSTableMeta** tableMeta = taosHashGet(info->superTables, elements.measure, elements.measureLen); ASSERT(tableMeta); ret = smlUpdateMeta(*tableMeta, NULL, cols, &info->msgBuf); // update meta cols if(!ret){ uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" smlUpdateMeta cols failed", info->id); return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; } ret = smlDealCols(*oneTable, info->dataFormat, cols); if(ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS){ return ret; } }else{ SSmlTableInfo *tinfo = smlBuildTableInfo(info->dataFormat); if(!tinfo){ return TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } ret = smlDealCols(tinfo, info->dataFormat, cols); if(ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS){ return ret; } ret = smlParseCols(elements.tags, elements.tagsLen, tinfo->tags, true, info->dumplicateKey, &info->msgBuf); if(ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS){ uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" smlParseCols parse tag fields failed", info->id); return ret; } if(taosArrayGetSize(tinfo->tags) > TSDB_MAX_TAGS){ smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(&info->msgBuf, "too many tags than 128", NULL); return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; } tinfo->sTableName = elements.measure; tinfo->sTableNameLen = elements.measureLen; smlBuildChildTableName(tinfo); //uDebug("SML:0x%"PRIx64" child table name: %s", info->id, tinfo->childTableName); SSmlSTableMeta** tableMeta = taosHashGet(info->superTables, elements.measure, elements.measureLen); if(tableMeta){ // update meta ret = smlUpdateMeta(*tableMeta, tinfo->tags, cols, &info->msgBuf); if(!ret){ uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" smlUpdateMeta failed", info->id); return TSDB_CODE_SML_INVALID_DATA; } }else{ SSmlSTableMeta *meta = smlBuildSTableMeta(); smlInsertMeta(meta, tinfo->tags, cols); taosHashPut(info->superTables, elements.measure, elements.measureLen, &meta, POINTER_BYTES); } taosHashPut(info->childTables, elements.measure, elements.measureTagsLen, &tinfo, POINTER_BYTES); } if(!info->dataFormat){ taosArrayClear(info->colsContainer); } taosHashClear(info->dumplicateKey); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } static void smlDestroyInfo(SSmlHandle* info){ if(!info) return; qDestroyQuery(info->pQuery); smlDestroyHandle(info->exec); // destroy info->childTables void** p1 = taosHashIterate(info->childTables, NULL); while (p1) { SSmlTableInfo* oneTable = *p1; smlDestroyBuildTableInfo(oneTable, info->dataFormat); p1 = taosHashIterate(info->childTables, p1); } taosHashCleanup(info->childTables); // destroy info->superTables p1 = taosHashIterate(info->superTables, NULL); while (p1) { SSmlSTableMeta* oneTable = *p1; smlDestroySTableMeta(oneTable); p1 = taosHashIterate(info->superTables, p1); } taosHashCleanup(info->superTables); // destroy info->pVgHash taosHashCleanup(info->pVgHash); taosHashCleanup(info->dumplicateKey); taosMemoryFreeClear(info); } static SSmlHandle* smlBuildSmlInfo(TAOS* taos, SRequestObj* request, SMLProtocolType protocol, int8_t precision, bool dataFormat){ int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; SSmlHandle* info = taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(SSmlHandle)); if (NULL == info) { return NULL; } info->id = smlGenId(); info->pQuery = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SQuery)); if (NULL == info->pQuery) { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" create info->pQuery error", info->id); goto cleanup; } info->pQuery->execMode = QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE; info->pQuery->haveResultSet = false; info->pQuery->msgType = TDMT_VND_SUBMIT; info->pQuery->pRoot = (SNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_VNODE_MODIF_STMT); if(NULL == info->pQuery->pRoot){ uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" create info->pQuery->pRoot error", info->id); goto cleanup; } ((SVnodeModifOpStmt*)(info->pQuery->pRoot))->payloadType = PAYLOAD_TYPE_KV; info->taos = taos; code = catalogGetHandle(info->taos->pAppInfo->clusterId, &info->pCatalog); if(code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS){ uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" get catalog error %d", info->id, code); goto cleanup; } info->precision = precision; info->protocol = protocol; info->dataFormat = dataFormat; info->pRequest = request; info->msgBuf.buf = info->pRequest->msgBuf; info->msgBuf.len = ERROR_MSG_BUF_DEFAULT_SIZE; info->exec = smlInitHandle(info->pQuery); info->childTables = taosHashInit(32, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), false, HASH_NO_LOCK); info->superTables = taosHashInit(32, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), false, HASH_NO_LOCK); info->pVgHash = taosHashInit(16, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), true, HASH_NO_LOCK); info->dumplicateKey = taosHashInit(32, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), false, HASH_NO_LOCK); if(!dataFormat){ info->colsContainer = taosArrayInit(32, POINTER_BYTES); if(NULL == info->colsContainer){ uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" create info failed", info->id); goto cleanup; } } if(NULL == info->exec || NULL == info->childTables || NULL == info->superTables || NULL == info->pVgHash || NULL == info->dumplicateKey){ uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" create info failed", info->id); goto cleanup; } return info; cleanup: smlDestroyInfo(info); return NULL; } static int32_t smlInsertData(SSmlHandle* info) { int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; SSmlTableInfo** oneTable = taosHashIterate(info->childTables, NULL); while (oneTable) { SSmlTableInfo* tableData = *oneTable; SName pName = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, info->taos->acctId, {0}, {0}}; strcpy(pName.dbname, info->pRequest->pDb); memcpy(pName.tname, tableData->childTableName, strlen(tableData->childTableName)); SEpSet ep = getEpSet_s(&info->taos->pAppInfo->mgmtEp); SVgroupInfo vg; code = catalogGetTableHashVgroup(info->pCatalog, info->taos->pAppInfo->pTransporter, &ep, &pName, &vg); if (code != 0) { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" catalogGetTableHashVgroup failed. table name: %s", info->id, tableData->childTableName); return code; } taosHashPut(info->pVgHash, (const char*)&vg.vgId, sizeof(vg.vgId), (char*)&vg, sizeof(vg)); SSmlSTableMeta** pMeta = taosHashGet(info->superTables, tableData->sTableName, tableData->sTableNameLen); ASSERT (NULL != pMeta && NULL != *pMeta); // use tablemeta of stable to save vgid and uid of child table (*pMeta)->tableMeta->vgId = vg.vgId; (*pMeta)->tableMeta->uid = tableData->uid; // one table merge data block together according uid code = smlBindData(info->exec, tableData->tags, tableData->colsFormat, (*pMeta)->cols, tableData->cols, info->dataFormat, (*pMeta)->tableMeta, tableData->childTableName, info->msgBuf.buf, info->msgBuf.len); if(code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS){ return code; } oneTable = taosHashIterate(info->childTables, oneTable); } smlBuildOutput(info->exec, info->pVgHash); info->cost.insertRpcTime = taosGetTimestampUs(); launchQueryImpl(info->pRequest, info->pQuery, TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS, true); info->affectedRows = taos_affected_rows(info->pRequest); return info->pRequest->code; } int32_t numOfSTables; int32_t numOfCTables; int32_t numOfCreateSTables; int64_t parseTime; int64_t schemaTime; int64_t insertBindTime; int64_t insertRpcTime; int64_t endTime; static void printStatisticInfo(SSmlHandle *info){ uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" smlInsertLines result, code:%d,lineNum:%d,stable num:%d,ctable num:%d,create stable num:%d \ parse cost:%lld,schema cost:%lld,bind cost:%lld,rpc cost:%lld,total cost:%lld", info->id, info->cost.code, info->cost.lineNum, info->cost.numOfSTables, info->cost.numOfCTables, info->cost.numOfCreateSTables, info->cost.schemaTime-info->cost.parseTime, info->cost.insertBindTime-info->cost.schemaTime, info->cost.insertRpcTime-info->cost.insertBindTime, info->cost.endTime-info->cost.insertRpcTime, info->cost.endTime-info->cost.parseTime); } static int smlInsertLines(SSmlHandle *info, char* lines[], int numLines) { int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; if (numLines <= 0 || numLines > 65536) { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" smlInsertLines numLines should be between 1 and 65536. numLines: %d", info->id, numLines); code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_APP_ERROR; goto cleanup; } info->cost.parseTime = taosGetTimestampUs(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < numLines; ++i) { code = smlParseLine(info, lines[i]); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" smlParseLine failed. line %d : %s", info->id, i, lines[i]); goto cleanup; } } info->cost.lineNum = numLines; info->cost.numOfSTables = taosHashGetSize(info->superTables); info->cost.numOfCTables = taosHashGetSize(info->childTables); info->cost.schemaTime = taosGetTimestampUs(); code = smlModifyDBSchemas(info); if (code != 0) { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" smlModifyDBSchemas error : %s", info->id, tstrerror(code)); goto cleanup; } info->cost.insertBindTime = taosGetTimestampUs(); code = smlInsertData(info); if (code != 0) { uError("SML:0x%"PRIx64" smlInsertData error : %s", info->id, tstrerror(code)); goto cleanup; } info->cost.endTime = taosGetTimestampUs(); cleanup: info->cost.code = code; printStatisticInfo(info); return code; } /** * taos_schemaless_insert() parse and insert data points into database according to * different protocol. * * @param $lines input array may contain multiple lines, each line indicates a data point. * If protocol=2 is used input array should contain single JSON * string(e.g. char *lines[] = {"$JSON_string"}). If need to insert * multiple data points in JSON format, should include them in $JSON_string * as a JSON array. * @param $numLines indicates how many data points in $lines. * If protocol = 2 is used this param will be ignored as $lines should * contain single JSON string. * @param $protocol indicates which protocol to use for parsing: * 0 - influxDB line protocol * 1 - OpenTSDB telnet line protocol * 2 - OpenTSDB JSON format protocol * @return return zero for successful insertion. Otherwise return none-zero error code of * failure reason. * */ TAOS_RES* taos_schemaless_insert(TAOS* taos, char* lines[], int numLines, int protocol, int precision) { SRequestObj* request = createRequest(taos, NULL, NULL, TSDB_SQL_INSERT); if(!request){ return NULL; } SSmlHandle* info = smlBuildSmlInfo(taos, request, protocol, precision, true); if(!info){ return (TAOS_RES*)request; } switch (protocol) { case TSDB_SML_LINE_PROTOCOL:{ smlInsertLines(info, lines, numLines); break; } case TSDB_SML_TELNET_PROTOCOL: //code = taos_insert_telnet_lines(taos, lines, numLines, protocol, tsType, &affected_rows); break; case TSDB_SML_JSON_PROTOCOL: //code = taos_insert_json_payload(taos, *lines, protocol, tsType, &affected_rows); break; default: break; } smlDestroyInfo(info); end: return (TAOS_RES*)request; }