################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. # No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, # disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as # expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao # ################################################################### # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import string from util.common import * from util.log import * from util.cases import * from util.sql import * from util.sqlset import * class TDTestCase: def init(self, conn, logSql, replicaVar=1): tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__) tdSql.init(conn.cursor()) self.setsql = TDSetSql() self.dbname = 'db' self.stbname = f'{self.dbname}.stb' self.ntbname = f'{self.dbname}.ntb' self.rowNum = 10 self.tbnum = 20 self.ts = 1537146000000 self.binary_str = 'taosdata' self.nchar_str = '涛思数据' self.column_dict = { 'ts' : 'timestamp', 'col1': 'tinyint', 'col2': 'smallint', 'col3': 'int', 'col4': 'bigint', 'col5': 'tinyint unsigned', 'col6': 'smallint unsigned', 'col7': 'int unsigned', 'col8': 'bigint unsigned', 'col9': 'float', 'col10': 'double', 'col11': 'bool', 'col12': 'binary(20)', 'col13': 'nchar(20)' } self.param_list = [1,100] def insert_data(self,column_dict,tbname,row_num): insert_sql = self.setsql.set_insertsql(column_dict,tbname,self.binary_str,self.nchar_str) for i in range(row_num): insert_list = [] self.setsql.insert_values(column_dict,i,insert_sql,insert_list,self.ts) def top_check_data(self,tbname,tb_type): new_column_dict = {} for param in self.param_list: for k,v in self.column_dict.items(): if v.lower() in ['tinyint','smallint','int','bigint','tinyint unsigned','smallint unsigned','int unsigned','bigint unsigned']: tdSql.query(f'select top({k},{param}) from {tbname}') if param >= self.rowNum: if tb_type in ['normal_table','child_table']: tdSql.checkRows(self.rowNum) values_list = [] for i in range(self.rowNum): tp = (self.rowNum-i-1,) values_list.insert(0,tp) tdSql.checkEqual(tdSql.queryResult,values_list) elif tb_type == 'stable': tdSql.checkRows(param) elif param < self.rowNum: if tb_type in ['normal_table','child_table']: tdSql.checkRows(param) values_list = [] for i in range(param): tp = (self.rowNum-i-1,) values_list.insert(0,tp) tdSql.checkEqual(tdSql.queryResult,values_list) elif tb_type == 'stable': tdSql.checkRows(param) for i in [self.param_list[0]-1,self.param_list[-1]+1]: tdSql.error(f'select top({k},{i}) from {tbname}') new_column_dict.update({k:v}) elif v.lower() == 'bool' or 'binary' in v.lower() or 'nchar' in v.lower(): tdSql.error(f'select top({k},{param}) from {tbname}') tdSql.error(f'select * from {tbname} where top({k},{param})=1') for key in new_column_dict.keys(): for k in self.column_dict.keys(): if key == k : continue else: tdSql.query(f'select top({key},2),{k} from {tbname} group by tbname') if tb_type == 'normal_table' or tb_type == 'child_table': tdSql.checkRows(2) else: tdSql.checkRows(2*self.tbnum) def top_check_stb(self): tag_dict = { 't0':'int' } tag_values = [ f'1' ] tdSql.execute(f"create database if not exists {self.dbname} vgroups 2") tdSql.execute(f'use {self.dbname}') tdSql.execute(self.setsql.set_create_stable_sql(self.stbname,self.column_dict,tag_dict)) for i in range(self.tbnum): tdSql.execute(f"create table {self.stbname}_{i} using {self.stbname} tags({tag_values[0]})") self.insert_data(self.column_dict,f'{self.stbname}_{i}',self.rowNum) tdSql.query(f'select * from information_schema.ins_tables where db_name = "{self.dbname}"') vgroup_list = [] for i in range(len(tdSql.queryResult)): vgroup_list.append(tdSql.queryResult[i][6]) vgroup_list_set = set(vgroup_list) for i in vgroup_list_set: vgroups_num = vgroup_list.count(i) if vgroups_num >= 2: tdLog.info(f'This scene with {vgroups_num} vgroups is ok!') else: tdLog.exit( 'This scene does not meet the requirements with {vgroups_num} vgroup!\n') for i in range(self.tbnum): self.top_check_data(f'{self.stbname}_{i}','child_table') self.top_check_data(self.stbname,'stable') tdSql.execute(f'drop database {self.dbname}') def top_check_ntb(self): tdSql.execute(f"create database if not exists {self.dbname}") tdSql.execute(f'use {self.dbname}') tdSql.execute(self.setsql.set_create_normaltable_sql(self.ntbname,self.column_dict)) self.insert_data(self.column_dict,self.ntbname,self.rowNum) self.top_check_data(self.ntbname,'normal_table') tdSql.execute(f'drop database {self.dbname}') def run(self): self.top_check_ntb() self.top_check_stb() def stop(self): tdSql.close() tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__) tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase()) tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())