/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _TD_QUERY_NODES_H_ #define _TD_QUERY_NODES_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "nodes.h" #include "tmsg.h" #include "tvariant.h" #define TABLE_TOTAL_COL_NUM(pMeta) ((pMeta)->tableInfo.numOfColumns + (pMeta)->tableInfo.numOfTags) #define TABLE_META_SIZE(pMeta) \ (NULL == (pMeta) ? 0 : (sizeof(STableMeta) + TABLE_TOTAL_COL_NUM((pMeta)) * sizeof(SSchema))) #define VGROUPS_INFO_SIZE(pInfo) \ (NULL == (pInfo) ? 0 : (sizeof(SVgroupsInfo) + (pInfo)->numOfVgroups * sizeof(SVgroupInfo))) typedef struct SRawExprNode { ENodeType nodeType; char* p; uint32_t n; SNode* pNode; } SRawExprNode; typedef struct SDataType { uint8_t type; uint8_t precision; uint8_t scale; int32_t bytes; } SDataType; typedef struct SExprNode { ENodeType type; SDataType resType; char aliasName[TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN]; char userAlias[TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN]; SArray* pAssociation; bool orderAlias; } SExprNode; typedef enum EColumnType { COLUMN_TYPE_COLUMN = 1, COLUMN_TYPE_TAG, COLUMN_TYPE_TBNAME, COLUMN_TYPE_WINDOW_START, COLUMN_TYPE_WINDOW_END, COLUMN_TYPE_WINDOW_DURATION, COLUMN_TYPE_GROUP_KEY } EColumnType; typedef struct SColumnNode { SExprNode node; // QUERY_NODE_COLUMN uint64_t tableId; int8_t tableType; col_id_t colId; EColumnType colType; // column or tag bool hasIndex; char dbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN]; char tableName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; char tableAlias[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; char colName[TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN]; // SNode* pProjectRef; int16_t dataBlockId; int16_t slotId; } SColumnNode; typedef struct SColumnRefNode { ENodeType type; char colName[TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN]; } SColumnRefNode; typedef struct STargetNode { ENodeType type; int16_t dataBlockId; int16_t slotId; SNode* pExpr; } STargetNode; typedef struct SValueNode { SExprNode node; // QUERY_NODE_VALUE char* literal; bool isDuration; bool translate; bool notReserved; bool isNull; int16_t placeholderNo; union { bool b; int64_t i; uint64_t u; double d; char* p; } datum; int64_t typeData; char unit; } SValueNode; typedef struct SLeftValueNode { ENodeType type; } SLeftValueNode; typedef struct SOperatorNode { SExprNode node; // QUERY_NODE_OPERATOR EOperatorType opType; SNode* pLeft; SNode* pRight; } SOperatorNode; typedef struct SLogicConditionNode { SExprNode node; // QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_CONDITION ELogicConditionType condType; SNodeList* pParameterList; } SLogicConditionNode; typedef struct SNodeListNode { ENodeType type; // QUERY_NODE_NODE_LIST SDataType dataType; SNodeList* pNodeList; } SNodeListNode; typedef struct SFunctionNode { SExprNode node; // QUERY_NODE_FUNCTION char functionName[TSDB_FUNC_NAME_LEN]; int32_t funcId; int32_t funcType; SNodeList* pParameterList; int32_t udfBufSize; } SFunctionNode; typedef struct STableNode { SExprNode node; char dbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN]; char tableName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; char tableAlias[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; uint8_t precision; bool singleTable; } STableNode; struct STableMeta; typedef struct SRealTableNode { STableNode table; // QUERY_NODE_REAL_TABLE struct STableMeta* pMeta; SVgroupsInfo* pVgroupList; char qualDbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN]; // SHOW qualDbName.TABLES double ratio; SArray* pSmaIndexes; int8_t cacheLastMode; } SRealTableNode; typedef struct STempTableNode { STableNode table; // QUERY_NODE_TEMP_TABLE SNode* pSubquery; } STempTableNode; typedef enum EJoinType { JOIN_TYPE_INNER = 1 } EJoinType; typedef struct SJoinTableNode { STableNode table; // QUERY_NODE_JOIN_TABLE EJoinType joinType; SNode* pLeft; SNode* pRight; SNode* pOnCond; } SJoinTableNode; typedef enum EGroupingSetType { GP_TYPE_NORMAL = 1 } EGroupingSetType; typedef struct SGroupingSetNode { ENodeType type; // QUERY_NODE_GROUPING_SET EGroupingSetType groupingSetType; SNodeList* pParameterList; } SGroupingSetNode; typedef enum EOrder { ORDER_ASC = 1, ORDER_DESC } EOrder; typedef enum ENullOrder { NULL_ORDER_DEFAULT = 1, NULL_ORDER_FIRST, NULL_ORDER_LAST } ENullOrder; typedef struct SOrderByExprNode { ENodeType type; // QUERY_NODE_ORDER_BY_EXPR SNode* pExpr; EOrder order; ENullOrder nullOrder; } SOrderByExprNode; typedef struct SLimitNode { ENodeType type; // QUERY_NODE_LIMIT int64_t limit; int64_t offset; } SLimitNode; typedef struct SStateWindowNode { ENodeType type; // QUERY_NODE_STATE_WINDOW SNode* pCol; // timestamp primary key SNode* pExpr; } SStateWindowNode; typedef struct SSessionWindowNode { ENodeType type; // QUERY_NODE_SESSION_WINDOW SColumnNode* pCol; // timestamp primary key SValueNode* pGap; // gap between two session window(in microseconds) } SSessionWindowNode; typedef struct SIntervalWindowNode { ENodeType type; // QUERY_NODE_INTERVAL_WINDOW SNode* pCol; // timestamp primary key SNode* pInterval; // SValueNode SNode* pOffset; // SValueNode SNode* pSliding; // SValueNode SNode* pFill; } SIntervalWindowNode; typedef enum EFillMode { FILL_MODE_NONE = 1, FILL_MODE_VALUE, FILL_MODE_PREV, FILL_MODE_NULL, FILL_MODE_LINEAR, FILL_MODE_NEXT } EFillMode; typedef struct SFillNode { ENodeType type; // QUERY_NODE_FILL EFillMode mode; SNode* pValues; // SNodeListNode SNode* pWStartTs; // _wstart pseudo column STimeWindow timeRange; } SFillNode; typedef struct SWhenThenNode { SExprNode node; // QUERY_NODE_WHEN_THEN SNode* pWhen; SNode* pThen; } SWhenThenNode; typedef struct SCaseWhenNode { SExprNode node; // QUERY_NODE_CASE_WHEN SNode* pCase; SNode* pElse; SNodeList* pWhenThenList; } SCaseWhenNode; typedef struct SSelectStmt { ENodeType type; // QUERY_NODE_SELECT_STMT bool isDistinct; SNodeList* pProjectionList; SNode* pFromTable; SNode* pWhere; SNodeList* pPartitionByList; SNodeList* pTags; // for create stream SNode* pSubtable; // for create stream SNode* pWindow; SNodeList* pGroupByList; // SGroupingSetNode SNode* pHaving; SNode* pRange; SNode* pEvery; SNode* pFill; SNodeList* pOrderByList; // SOrderByExprNode SLimitNode* pLimit; SLimitNode* pSlimit; STimeWindow timeRange; char stmtName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; uint8_t precision; int32_t selectFuncNum; int32_t returnRows; // EFuncReturnRows bool isEmptyResult; bool isTimeLineResult; bool isSubquery; bool hasAggFuncs; bool hasRepeatScanFuncs; bool hasIndefiniteRowsFunc; bool hasMultiRowsFunc; bool hasSelectFunc; bool hasSelectValFunc; bool hasOtherVectorFunc; bool hasUniqueFunc; bool hasTailFunc; bool hasInterpFunc; bool hasLastRowFunc; bool hasLastFunc; bool hasTimeLineFunc; bool hasUdaf; bool hasStateKey; bool onlyHasKeepOrderFunc; bool groupSort; } SSelectStmt; typedef enum ESetOperatorType { SET_OP_TYPE_UNION_ALL = 1, SET_OP_TYPE_UNION } ESetOperatorType; typedef struct SSetOperator { ENodeType type; // QUERY_NODE_SET_OPERATOR ESetOperatorType opType; SNodeList* pProjectionList; SNode* pLeft; SNode* pRight; SNodeList* pOrderByList; // SOrderByExprNode SNode* pLimit; char stmtName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; uint8_t precision; } SSetOperator; typedef enum ESqlClause { SQL_CLAUSE_FROM = 1, SQL_CLAUSE_WHERE, SQL_CLAUSE_PARTITION_BY, SQL_CLAUSE_WINDOW, SQL_CLAUSE_FILL, SQL_CLAUSE_GROUP_BY, SQL_CLAUSE_HAVING, SQL_CLAUSE_DISTINCT, SQL_CLAUSE_SELECT, SQL_CLAUSE_ORDER_BY } ESqlClause; typedef struct SDeleteStmt { ENodeType type; // QUERY_NODE_DELETE_STMT SNode* pFromTable; // FROM clause SNode* pWhere; // WHERE clause SNode* pCountFunc; // count the number of rows affected SNode* pFirstFunc; // the start timestamp when the data was actually deleted SNode* pLastFunc; // the end timestamp when the data was actually deleted SNode* pTagCond; // pWhere divided into pTagCond and timeRange STimeWindow timeRange; uint8_t precision; bool deleteZeroRows; } SDeleteStmt; typedef struct SInsertStmt { ENodeType type; // QUERY_NODE_INSERT_STMT SNode* pTable; SNodeList* pCols; SNode* pQuery; uint8_t precision; } SInsertStmt; typedef struct SVgDataBlocks { SVgroupInfo vg; int32_t numOfTables; // number of tables in current submit block uint32_t size; void* pData; // SMsgDesc + SSubmitReq + SSubmitBlk + ... } SVgDataBlocks; typedef void (*FFreeDataBlockHash)(SHashObj*); typedef void (*FFreeDataBlockArray)(SArray*); typedef struct SVnodeModifOpStmt { ENodeType nodeType; ENodeType sqlNodeType; SArray* pDataBlocks; // data block for each vgroup, SArray. uint32_t insertType; // insert data from [file|sql statement| bound statement] const char* pSql; // current sql statement position int32_t totalRowsNum; int32_t totalTbNum; SName targetTableName; SName usingTableName; const char* pBoundCols; struct STableMeta* pTableMeta; SHashObj* pVgroupsHashObj; SHashObj* pTableBlockHashObj; SHashObj* pSubTableHashObj; SHashObj* pTableNameHashObj; SHashObj* pDbFNameHashObj; SArray* pVgDataBlocks; SVCreateTbReq createTblReq; TdFilePtr fp; FFreeDataBlockHash freeHashFunc; FFreeDataBlockArray freeArrayFunc; bool usingTableProcessing; bool fileProcessing; } SVnodeModifOpStmt; typedef struct SExplainOptions { ENodeType type; bool verbose; double ratio; } SExplainOptions; typedef struct SExplainStmt { ENodeType type; bool analyze; SExplainOptions* pOptions; SNode* pQuery; } SExplainStmt; typedef struct SCmdMsgInfo { int16_t msgType; SEpSet epSet; void* pMsg; int32_t msgLen; } SCmdMsgInfo; typedef enum EQueryExecMode { QUERY_EXEC_MODE_LOCAL = 1, QUERY_EXEC_MODE_RPC, QUERY_EXEC_MODE_SCHEDULE, QUERY_EXEC_MODE_EMPTY_RESULT } EQueryExecMode; typedef enum EQueryExecStage { QUERY_EXEC_STAGE_PARSE = 1, QUERY_EXEC_STAGE_ANALYSE, QUERY_EXEC_STAGE_SCHEDULE, QUERY_EXEC_STAGE_END } EQueryExecStage; typedef struct SQuery { ENodeType type; EQueryExecStage execStage; EQueryExecMode execMode; bool haveResultSet; SNode* pRoot; int32_t numOfResCols; SSchema* pResSchema; int8_t precision; SCmdMsgInfo* pCmdMsg; int32_t msgType; SArray* pTargetTableList; SArray* pTableList; SArray* pDbList; bool showRewrite; int32_t placeholderNum; SArray* pPlaceholderValues; SNode* pPrepareRoot; bool stableQuery; } SQuery; void nodesWalkSelectStmt(SSelectStmt* pSelect, ESqlClause clause, FNodeWalker walker, void* pContext); void nodesRewriteSelectStmt(SSelectStmt* pSelect, ESqlClause clause, FNodeRewriter rewriter, void* pContext); typedef enum ECollectColType { COLLECT_COL_TYPE_COL = 1, COLLECT_COL_TYPE_TAG, COLLECT_COL_TYPE_ALL } ECollectColType; int32_t nodesCollectColumns(SSelectStmt* pSelect, ESqlClause clause, const char* pTableAlias, ECollectColType type, SNodeList** pCols); int32_t nodesCollectColumnsFromNode(SNode* node, const char* pTableAlias, ECollectColType type, SNodeList** pCols); typedef bool (*FFuncClassifier)(int32_t funcId); int32_t nodesCollectFuncs(SSelectStmt* pSelect, ESqlClause clause, FFuncClassifier classifier, SNodeList** pFuncs); int32_t nodesCollectSpecialNodes(SSelectStmt* pSelect, ESqlClause clause, ENodeType type, SNodeList** pNodes); bool nodesIsExprNode(const SNode* pNode); bool nodesIsUnaryOp(const SOperatorNode* pOp); bool nodesIsArithmeticOp(const SOperatorNode* pOp); bool nodesIsComparisonOp(const SOperatorNode* pOp); bool nodesIsJsonOp(const SOperatorNode* pOp); bool nodesIsRegularOp(const SOperatorNode* pOp); bool nodesIsBitwiseOp(const SOperatorNode* pOp); bool nodesExprHasColumn(SNode* pNode); bool nodesExprsHasColumn(SNodeList* pList); void* nodesGetValueFromNode(SValueNode* pNode); int32_t nodesSetValueNodeValue(SValueNode* pNode, void* value); char* nodesGetStrValueFromNode(SValueNode* pNode); void nodesValueNodeToVariant(const SValueNode* pNode, SVariant* pVal); char* nodesGetFillModeString(EFillMode mode); int32_t nodesMergeConds(SNode** pDst, SNodeList** pSrc); const char* operatorTypeStr(EOperatorType type); const char* logicConditionTypeStr(ELogicConditionType type); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /*_TD_QUERY_NODES_H_*/