/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* when in some thread query return error, thread don't exit, but return, otherwise coredump in other thread. */ #include #include #include #define _GNU_SOURCE #define CURL_STATICLIB #ifdef LINUX #include #include #ifndef _ALPINE #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #else #include #include #endif #include #include #include "cJSON.h" #include "os.h" #include "taos.h" #include "taoserror.h" #include "tutil.h" #define REQ_EXTRA_BUF_LEN 1024 #define RESP_BUF_LEN 4096 extern char configDir[]; #define STR_INSERT_INTO "INSERT INTO " #define MAX_RECORDS_PER_REQ 32766 #define HEAD_BUFF_LEN TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS*24 // 16*MAX_COLUMNS + (192+32)*2 + insert into .. #define BUFFER_SIZE TSDB_MAX_ALLOWED_SQL_LEN #define COND_BUF_LEN (BUFFER_SIZE - 30) #define COL_BUFFER_LEN ((TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN + 15) * TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS) #define MAX_USERNAME_SIZE 64 #define MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE 253 // https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/hostname.7.html #define MAX_TB_NAME_SIZE 64 #define MAX_DATA_SIZE (16*TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS)+20 // max record len: 16*MAX_COLUMNS, timestamp string and ,('') need extra space #define OPT_ABORT 1 /* –abort */ #define MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN 256 // max file name length on linux is 255. #define DEFAULT_START_TIME 1500000000000 #define MAX_PREPARED_RAND 1000000 #define INT_BUFF_LEN 12 #define BIGINT_BUFF_LEN 21 #define SMALLINT_BUFF_LEN 7 #define TINYINT_BUFF_LEN 5 #define BOOL_BUFF_LEN 6 #define FLOAT_BUFF_LEN 22 #define DOUBLE_BUFF_LEN 42 #define TIMESTAMP_BUFF_LEN 21 #define MAX_SAMPLES 10000 #define MAX_NUM_COLUMNS (TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS - 1) // exclude first column timestamp #define MAX_DB_COUNT 8 #define MAX_SUPER_TABLE_COUNT 200 #define MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT 100 #define MAX_DATABASE_COUNT 256 #define INPUT_BUF_LEN 256 #define TBNAME_PREFIX_LEN (TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN - 20) // 20 characters reserved for seq #define SMALL_BUFF_LEN 8 #define DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN (SMALL_BUFF_LEN*3) #define NOTE_BUFF_LEN (SMALL_BUFF_LEN*16) #define DEFAULT_NTHREADS 8 #define DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_STEP 1 #define DEFAULT_INTERLACE_ROWS 0 #define DEFAULT_DATATYPE_NUM 1 #define DEFAULT_CHILDTABLES 10000 #define STMT_BIND_PARAM_BATCH 1 char* g_sampleDataBuf = NULL; #if STMT_BIND_PARAM_BATCH == 1 // bind param batch char* g_sampleBindBatchArray = NULL; #endif enum TEST_MODE { INSERT_TEST, // 0 QUERY_TEST, // 1 SUBSCRIBE_TEST, // 2 INVAID_TEST }; typedef enum CREATE_SUB_TABLE_MOD_EN { PRE_CREATE_SUBTBL, AUTO_CREATE_SUBTBL, NO_CREATE_SUBTBL } CREATE_SUB_TABLE_MOD_EN; typedef enum TABLE_EXISTS_EN { TBL_NO_EXISTS, TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS, TBL_EXISTS_BUTT } TABLE_EXISTS_EN; enum enumSYNC_MODE { SYNC_MODE, ASYNC_MODE, MODE_BUT }; enum enum_TAOS_INTERFACE { TAOSC_IFACE, REST_IFACE, STMT_IFACE, INTERFACE_BUT }; typedef enum enumQUERY_CLASS { SPECIFIED_CLASS, STABLE_CLASS, CLASS_BUT } QUERY_CLASS; typedef enum enum_PROGRESSIVE_OR_INTERLACE { PROGRESSIVE_INSERT_MODE, INTERLACE_INSERT_MODE, INVALID_INSERT_MODE } PROG_OR_INTERLACE_MODE; typedef enum enumQUERY_TYPE { NO_INSERT_TYPE, INSERT_TYPE, QUERY_TYPE_BUT } QUERY_TYPE; enum _show_db_index { TSDB_SHOW_DB_NAME_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_CREATED_TIME_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_NTABLES_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_VGROUPS_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_REPLICA_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_QUORUM_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_DAYS_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_KEEP_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_CACHE_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_BLOCKS_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_MINROWS_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_MAXROWS_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_WALLEVEL_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_FSYNC_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_COMP_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_CACHELAST_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_PRECISION_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_UPDATE_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_DB_STATUS_INDEX, TSDB_MAX_SHOW_DB }; // -----------------------------------------SHOW TABLES CONFIGURE ------------------------------------- enum _show_stables_index { TSDB_SHOW_STABLES_NAME_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_STABLES_CREATED_TIME_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_STABLES_COLUMNS_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_STABLES_METRIC_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_STABLES_UID_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_STABLES_TID_INDEX, TSDB_SHOW_STABLES_VGID_INDEX, TSDB_MAX_SHOW_STABLES }; enum _describe_table_index { TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_FIELD_INDEX, TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX, TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_LENGTH_INDEX, TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_NOTE_INDEX, TSDB_MAX_DESCRIBE_METRIC }; /* Used by main to communicate with parse_opt. */ static char *g_dupstr = NULL; typedef struct SArguments_S { char *metaFile; uint32_t test_mode; char *host; uint16_t port; uint16_t iface; char * user; char password[SHELL_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN]; char * database; int replica; char * tb_prefix; char * sqlFile; bool use_metric; bool drop_database; bool aggr_func; bool answer_yes; bool debug_print; bool verbose_print; bool performance_print; char * output_file; bool async_mode; char data_type[MAX_NUM_COLUMNS+1]; char *dataType[MAX_NUM_COLUMNS+1]; uint32_t binwidth; uint32_t columnCount; uint64_t lenOfOneRow; uint32_t nthreads; uint64_t insert_interval; uint64_t timestamp_step; int64_t query_times; uint32_t interlaceRows; uint32_t reqPerReq; // num_of_records_per_req uint64_t max_sql_len; int64_t ntables; int64_t insertRows; int abort; uint32_t disorderRatio; // 0: no disorder, >0: x% int disorderRange; // ms, us or ns. according to database precision uint32_t method_of_delete; uint64_t totalInsertRows; uint64_t totalAffectedRows; bool demo_mode; // use default column name and semi-random data } SArguments; typedef struct SColumn_S { char field[TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN]; char data_type; char dataType[DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN]; uint32_t dataLen; char note[NOTE_BUFF_LEN]; } StrColumn; typedef struct SSuperTable_S { char stbName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; char dataSource[SMALL_BUFF_LEN]; // rand_gen or sample char childTblPrefix[TBNAME_PREFIX_LEN]; uint16_t childTblExists; int64_t childTblCount; uint64_t batchCreateTableNum; // 0: no batch, > 0: batch table number in one sql uint8_t autoCreateTable; // 0: create sub table, 1: auto create sub table uint16_t iface; // 0: taosc, 1: rest, 2: stmt int64_t childTblLimit; uint64_t childTblOffset; // int multiThreadWriteOneTbl; // 0: no, 1: yes uint32_t interlaceRows; // int disorderRatio; // 0: no disorder, >0: x% int disorderRange; // ms, us or ns. according to database precision uint64_t maxSqlLen; // uint64_t insertInterval; // insert interval, will override global insert interval int64_t insertRows; int64_t timeStampStep; char startTimestamp[MAX_TB_NAME_SIZE]; char sampleFormat[SMALL_BUFF_LEN]; // csv, json char sampleFile[MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN]; char tagsFile[MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN]; uint32_t columnCount; StrColumn columns[TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS]; uint32_t tagCount; StrColumn tags[TSDB_MAX_TAGS]; char* childTblName; char* colsOfCreateChildTable; uint64_t lenOfOneRow; uint64_t lenOfTagOfOneRow; char* sampleDataBuf; uint32_t tagSource; // 0: rand, 1: tag sample char* tagDataBuf; uint32_t tagSampleCount; uint32_t tagUsePos; #if STMT_BIND_PARAM_BATCH == 1 // bind param batch char *sampleBindBatchArray; #endif // statistics uint64_t totalInsertRows; uint64_t totalAffectedRows; } SSuperTable; typedef struct { char name[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN]; char create_time[32]; int64_t ntables; int32_t vgroups; int16_t replica; int16_t quorum; int16_t days; char keeplist[64]; int32_t cache; //MB int32_t blocks; int32_t minrows; int32_t maxrows; int8_t wallevel; int32_t fsync; int8_t comp; int8_t cachelast; char precision[SMALL_BUFF_LEN]; // time resolution int8_t update; char status[16]; } SDbInfo; typedef struct SDbCfg_S { // int maxtablesPerVnode; uint32_t minRows; // 0 means default uint32_t maxRows; // 0 means default int comp; int walLevel; int cacheLast; int fsync; int replica; int update; int keep; int days; int cache; int blocks; int quorum; char precision[SMALL_BUFF_LEN]; } SDbCfg; typedef struct SDataBase_S { char dbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN]; bool drop; // 0: use exists, 1: if exists, drop then new create SDbCfg dbCfg; uint64_t superTblCount; SSuperTable superTbls[MAX_SUPER_TABLE_COUNT]; } SDataBase; typedef struct SDbs_S { char cfgDir[MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN]; char host[MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE]; struct sockaddr_in serv_addr; uint16_t port; char user[MAX_USERNAME_SIZE]; char password[SHELL_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN]; char resultFile[MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN]; bool use_metric; bool aggr_func; bool asyncMode; uint32_t threadCount; uint32_t threadCountForCreateTbl; uint32_t dbCount; SDataBase db[MAX_DB_COUNT]; // statistics uint64_t totalInsertRows; uint64_t totalAffectedRows; } SDbs; typedef struct SpecifiedQueryInfo_S { uint64_t queryInterval; // 0: unlimited > 0 loop/s uint32_t concurrent; int sqlCount; uint32_t asyncMode; // 0: sync, 1: async uint64_t subscribeInterval; // ms uint64_t queryTimes; bool subscribeRestart; int subscribeKeepProgress; char sql[MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT][BUFFER_SIZE+1]; char result[MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT][MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN]; int resubAfterConsume[MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT]; int endAfterConsume[MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT]; TAOS_SUB* tsub[MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT]; char topic[MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT][32]; int consumed[MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT]; TAOS_RES* res[MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT]; uint64_t totalQueried; } SpecifiedQueryInfo; typedef struct SuperQueryInfo_S { char stbName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; uint64_t queryInterval; // 0: unlimited > 0 loop/s uint32_t threadCnt; uint32_t asyncMode; // 0: sync, 1: async uint64_t subscribeInterval; // ms bool subscribeRestart; int subscribeKeepProgress; uint64_t queryTimes; int64_t childTblCount; char childTblPrefix[TBNAME_PREFIX_LEN]; // 20 characters reserved for seq int sqlCount; char sql[MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT][BUFFER_SIZE+1]; char result[MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT][MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN]; int resubAfterConsume; int endAfterConsume; TAOS_SUB* tsub[MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT]; char* childTblName; uint64_t totalQueried; } SuperQueryInfo; typedef struct SQueryMetaInfo_S { char cfgDir[MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN]; char host[MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE]; uint16_t port; struct sockaddr_in serv_addr; char user[MAX_USERNAME_SIZE]; char password[SHELL_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN]; char dbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN]; char queryMode[SMALL_BUFF_LEN]; // taosc, rest SpecifiedQueryInfo specifiedQueryInfo; SuperQueryInfo superQueryInfo; uint64_t totalQueried; } SQueryMetaInfo; typedef struct SThreadInfo_S { TAOS * taos; TAOS_STMT *stmt; int64_t *bind_ts; #if STMT_BIND_PARAM_BATCH == 1 int64_t *bind_ts_array; char *bindParams; char *is_null; #else char* sampleBindArray; #endif int threadID; char db_name[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN]; uint32_t time_precision; char filePath[4096]; FILE *fp; char tb_prefix[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; uint64_t start_table_from; uint64_t end_table_to; int64_t ntables; int64_t tables_created; uint64_t data_of_rate; int64_t start_time; char* cols; bool use_metric; SSuperTable* stbInfo; char *buffer; // sql cmd buffer // for async insert tsem_t lock_sem; int64_t counter; uint64_t st; uint64_t et; uint64_t lastTs; // sample data int64_t samplePos; // statistics uint64_t totalInsertRows; uint64_t totalAffectedRows; // insert delay statistics uint64_t cntDelay; uint64_t totalDelay; uint64_t avgDelay; uint64_t maxDelay; uint64_t minDelay; // seq of query or subscribe uint64_t querySeq; // sequence number of sql command TAOS_SUB* tsub; } threadInfo; #ifdef WINDOWS #define _CRT_RAND_S #include #include typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t; #pragma comment ( lib, "ws2_32.lib" ) // Some old MinGW/CYGWIN distributions don't define this: #ifndef ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING #define ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING 0x0004 #endif // ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING static HANDLE g_stdoutHandle; static DWORD g_consoleMode; static void setupForAnsiEscape(void) { DWORD mode = 0; g_stdoutHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if(g_stdoutHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { exit(GetLastError()); } if(!GetConsoleMode(g_stdoutHandle, &mode)) { exit(GetLastError()); } g_consoleMode = mode; // Enable ANSI escape codes mode |= ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING; if(!SetConsoleMode(g_stdoutHandle, mode)) { exit(GetLastError()); } } static void resetAfterAnsiEscape(void) { // Reset colors printf("\x1b[0m"); // Reset console mode if(!SetConsoleMode(g_stdoutHandle, g_consoleMode)) { exit(GetLastError()); } } static int taosRandom() { int number; rand_s(&number); return number; } #else // Not windows static void setupForAnsiEscape(void) {} static void resetAfterAnsiEscape(void) { // Reset colors printf("\x1b[0m"); } #include static int taosRandom() { return rand(); } #endif // ifdef Windows static void prompt(); static int createDatabasesAndStables(); static void createChildTables(); static int queryDbExec(TAOS *taos, char *command, QUERY_TYPE type, bool quiet); static int postProceSql(char *host, struct sockaddr_in *pServAddr, uint16_t port, char* sqlstr, threadInfo *pThreadInfo); static int64_t getTSRandTail(int64_t timeStampStep, int32_t seq, int disorderRatio, int disorderRange); static bool getInfoFromJsonFile(char* file); static void init_rand_data(); /* ************ Global variables ************ */ int32_t g_randint[MAX_PREPARED_RAND]; uint32_t g_randuint[MAX_PREPARED_RAND]; int64_t g_randbigint[MAX_PREPARED_RAND]; uint64_t g_randubigint[MAX_PREPARED_RAND]; float g_randfloat[MAX_PREPARED_RAND]; double g_randdouble[MAX_PREPARED_RAND]; char *g_randbool_buff = NULL; char *g_randint_buff = NULL; char *g_randuint_buff = NULL; char *g_rand_voltage_buff = NULL; char *g_randbigint_buff = NULL; char *g_randubigint_buff = NULL; char *g_randsmallint_buff = NULL; char *g_randusmallint_buff = NULL; char *g_randtinyint_buff = NULL; char *g_randutinyint_buff = NULL; char *g_randfloat_buff = NULL; char *g_rand_current_buff = NULL; char *g_rand_phase_buff = NULL; char *g_randdouble_buff = NULL; char *g_aggreFuncDemo[] = {"*", "count(*)", "avg(current)", "sum(current)", "max(current)", "min(current)", "first(current)", "last(current)"}; char *g_aggreFunc[] = {"*", "count(*)", "avg(C0)", "sum(C0)", "max(C0)", "min(C0)", "first(C0)", "last(C0)"}; SArguments g_args = { NULL, // metaFile 0, // test_mode "localhost", // host 6030, // port INTERFACE_BUT, // iface "root", // user #ifdef _TD_POWER_ "powerdb", // password #elif (_TD_TQ_ == true) "tqueue", // password #elif (_TD_PRO_ == true) "prodb", // password #else "taosdata", // password #endif "test", // database 1, // replica "d", // tb_prefix NULL, // sqlFile true, // use_metric true, // drop_database false, // aggr_func false, // debug_print false, // verbose_print false, // performance statistic print false, // answer_yes; "./output.txt", // output_file 0, // mode : sync or async {TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT}, { "FLOAT", // dataType "INT", // dataType "FLOAT", // dataType. demo mode has 3 columns }, 64, // binwidth 4, // columnCount, timestamp + float + int + float 20 + FLOAT_BUFF_LEN + INT_BUFF_LEN + FLOAT_BUFF_LEN, // lenOfOneRow DEFAULT_NTHREADS,// nthreads 0, // insert_interval DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_STEP, // timestamp_step 1, // query_times DEFAULT_INTERLACE_ROWS, // interlaceRows; 30000, // reqPerReq (1024*1024), // max_sql_len DEFAULT_CHILDTABLES, // ntables 10000, // insertRows 0, // abort 0, // disorderRatio 1000, // disorderRange 1, // method_of_delete 0, // totalInsertRows; 0, // totalAffectedRows; true, // demo_mode; }; static SDbs g_Dbs; static int64_t g_totalChildTables = DEFAULT_CHILDTABLES; static int64_t g_actualChildTables = 0; static SQueryMetaInfo g_queryInfo; static FILE * g_fpOfInsertResult = NULL; #if _MSC_VER <= 1900 #define __func__ __FUNCTION__ #endif #define debugPrint(fmt, ...) \ do { if (g_args.debug_print || g_args.verbose_print) \ fprintf(stderr, "DEBG: "fmt, __VA_ARGS__); } while(0) #define verbosePrint(fmt, ...) \ do { if (g_args.verbose_print) \ fprintf(stderr, "VERB: "fmt, __VA_ARGS__); } while(0) #define performancePrint(fmt, ...) \ do { if (g_args.performance_print) \ fprintf(stderr, "PERF: "fmt, __VA_ARGS__); } while(0) #define errorPrint(fmt, ...) \ do {\ fprintf(stderr, " \033[31m");\ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: "fmt, __VA_ARGS__);\ fprintf(stderr, " \033[0m");\ } while(0) #define errorPrint2(fmt, ...) \ do {\ struct tm Tm, *ptm;\ struct timeval timeSecs; \ time_t curTime;\ gettimeofday(&timeSecs, NULL); \ curTime = timeSecs.tv_sec;\ ptm = localtime_r(&curTime, &Tm);\ fprintf(stderr, " \033[31m");\ fprintf(stderr, "%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06d %08" PRId64 " ",\ ptm->tm_mon + 1, ptm->tm_mday, ptm->tm_hour,\ ptm->tm_min, ptm->tm_sec, (int32_t)timeSecs.tv_usec,\ taosGetSelfPthreadId());\ fprintf(stderr, " \033[0m");\ errorPrint(fmt, __VA_ARGS__);\ } while(0) // for strncpy buffer overflow #define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) /////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void ERROR_EXIT(const char *msg) { errorPrint("%s", msg); exit(-1); } #ifndef TAOSDEMO_COMMIT_SHA1 #define TAOSDEMO_COMMIT_SHA1 "unknown" #endif #ifndef TD_VERNUMBER #define TD_VERNUMBER "unknown" #endif #ifndef TAOSDEMO_STATUS #define TAOSDEMO_STATUS "unknown" #endif static void printVersion() { char tdengine_ver[] = TD_VERNUMBER; char taosdemo_ver[] = TAOSDEMO_COMMIT_SHA1; char taosdemo_status[] = TAOSDEMO_STATUS; if (strlen(taosdemo_status) == 0) { printf("taosdemo version %s-%s\n", tdengine_ver, taosdemo_ver); } else { printf("taosdemo version %s-%s, status:%s\n", tdengine_ver, taosdemo_ver, taosdemo_status); } } static void printHelp() { char indent[10] = " "; printf("%s\n\n", "Usage: taosdemo [OPTION...]"); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-f, --file=FILE", "\t\t", "The meta file to the execution procedure."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-u, --user=USER", "\t\t", "The user name to use when connecting to the server."); #ifdef _TD_POWER_ printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-p, --password", "\t\t", "The password to use when connecting to the server. By default is 'powerdb'"); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-c, --config-dir=CONFIG_DIR", "\t", "Configuration directory. By default is '/etc/power/'."); #elif (_TD_TQ_ == true) printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-p, --password", "\t\t", "The password to use when connecting to the server. By default is 'tqueue'"); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-c, --config-dir=CONFIG_DIR", "\t", "Configuration directory. By default is '/etc/tq/'."); #elif (_TD_PRO_ == true) printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-p, --password", "\t\t", "The password to use when connecting to the server. By default is 'prodb'"); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-c, --config-dir=CONFIG_DIR", "\t", "Configuration directory. By default is '/etc/ProDB/'."); #else printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-p, --password", "\t\t", "The password to use when connecting to the server."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-c, --config-dir=CONFIG_DIR", "\t", "Configuration directory."); #endif printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-h, --host=HOST", "\t\t", "TDengine server FQDN to connect. The default host is localhost."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-P, --port=PORT", "\t\t", "The TCP/IP port number to use for the connection."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-I, --interface=INTERFACE", "\t", "The interface (taosc, rest, and stmt) taosdemo uses. By default use 'taosc'."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-d, --database=DATABASE", "\t", "Destination database. By default is 'test'."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-a, --replica=REPLICA", "\t\t", "Set the replica parameters of the database, By default use 1, min: 1, max: 3."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-m, --table-prefix=TABLEPREFIX", "\t", "Table prefix name. By default use 'd'."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-s, --sql-file=FILE", "\t\t", "The select sql file."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-N, --normal-table", "\t\t", "Use normal table flag."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-o, --output=FILE", "\t\t", "Direct output to the named file. By default use './output.txt'."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-q, --query-mode=MODE", "\t\t", "Query mode -- 0: SYNC, 1: ASYNC. By default use SYNC."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-b, --data-type=DATATYPE", "\t", "The data_type of columns, By default use: FLOAT, INT, FLOAT."); printf("%s%s%s%s%d\n", indent, "-w, --binwidth=WIDTH", "\t\t", "The width of data_type 'BINARY' or 'NCHAR'. By default use ", g_args.binwidth); printf("%s%s%s%s%d%s%d\n", indent, "-l, --columns=COLUMNS", "\t\t", "The number of columns per record. Demo mode by default is ", DEFAULT_DATATYPE_NUM, " (float, int, float). Max values is ", MAX_NUM_COLUMNS); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, indent, indent, "\t\t\t\tAll of the new column(s) type is INT. If use -b to specify column type, -l will be ignored."); printf("%s%s%s%s%d.\n", indent, "-T, --threads=NUMBER", "\t\t", "The number of threads. By default use ", DEFAULT_NTHREADS); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-i, --insert-interval=NUMBER", "\t", "The sleep time (ms) between insertion. By default is 0."); printf("%s%s%s%s%d.\n", indent, "-S, --time-step=TIME_STEP", "\t", "The timestamp step between insertion. By default is ", DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_STEP); printf("%s%s%s%s%d.\n", indent, "-B, --interlace-rows=NUMBER", "\t", "The interlace rows of insertion. By default is ", DEFAULT_INTERLACE_ROWS); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-r, --rec-per-req=NUMBER", "\t", "The number of records per request. By default is 30000."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-t, --tables=NUMBER", "\t\t", "The number of tables. By default is 10000."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-n, --records=NUMBER", "\t\t", "The number of records per table. By default is 10000."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-M, --random", "\t\t\t", "The value of records generated are totally random."); printf("%s\n", "\t\t\t\tBy default to simulate power equipment scenario."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-x, --aggr-func", "\t\t", "Test aggregation functions after insertion."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-y, --answer-yes", "\t\t", "Input yes for prompt."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-O, --disorder=NUMBER", "\t\t", "Insert order mode--0: In order, 1 ~ 50: disorder ratio. By default is in order."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-R, --disorder-range=NUMBER", "\t", "Out of order data's range. Unit is ms. By default is 1000."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-g, --debug", "\t\t\t", "Print debug info."); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-?, --help\t", "\t\t", "Give this help list"); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, " --usage\t", "\t\t", "Give a short usage message"); printf("%s%s\n", indent, "-V, --version\t\t\tPrint program version."); /* printf("%s%s%s%s\n", indent, "-D", indent, "Delete database if exists. 0: no, 1: yes, default is 1"); */ printf("\nMandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional\n\ for any corresponding short options.\n\ \n\ Report bugs to .\n"); } static bool isStringNumber(char *input) { int len = strlen(input); if (0 == len) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!isdigit(input[i])) return false; } return true; } static void errorWrongValue(char *program, char *wrong_arg, char *wrong_value) { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s: %s is an invalid value\n", program, wrong_arg, wrong_value); fprintf(stderr, "Try `taosdemo --help' or `taosdemo --usage' for more information.\n"); } static void errorUnrecognized(char *program, char *wrong_arg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized options '%s'\n", program, wrong_arg); fprintf(stderr, "Try `taosdemo --help' or `taosdemo --usage' for more information.\n"); } static void errorPrintReqArg(char *program, char *wrong_arg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: option requires an argument -- '%s'\n", program, wrong_arg); fprintf(stderr, "Try `taosdemo --help' or `taosdemo --usage' for more information.\n"); } static void errorPrintReqArg2(char *program, char *wrong_arg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: option requires a number argument '-%s'\n", program, wrong_arg); fprintf(stderr, "Try `taosdemo --help' or `taosdemo --usage' for more information.\n"); } static void errorPrintReqArg3(char *program, char *wrong_arg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: option '%s' requires an argument\n", program, wrong_arg); fprintf(stderr, "Try `taosdemo --help' or `taosdemo --usage' for more information.\n"); } static void parse_args(int argc, char *argv[], SArguments *arguments) { for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-f", strlen("-f"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--file", strlen("--file")))) { arguments->demo_mode = false; if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (i+1 == argc) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "f"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->metaFile = argv[++i]; } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-f", strlen("-f"))) { arguments->metaFile = (char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-f")); } else if (strlen("--file") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (i+1 == argc) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--file"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->metaFile = argv[++i]; } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--file=", strlen("--file="))) { arguments->metaFile = (char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--file=")); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-c", strlen("-c"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--config-dir", strlen("--config-dir")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "c"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tstrncpy(configDir, argv[++i], TSDB_FILENAME_LEN); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-c", strlen("-c"))) { tstrncpy(configDir, (char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-c")), TSDB_FILENAME_LEN); } else if (strlen("--config-dir") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--config-dir"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tstrncpy(configDir, argv[++i], TSDB_FILENAME_LEN); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--config-dir=", strlen("--config-dir="))) { tstrncpy(configDir, (char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--config-dir=")), TSDB_FILENAME_LEN); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-h", strlen("-h"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--host", strlen("--host")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "h"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->host = argv[++i]; } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-h", strlen("-h"))) { arguments->host = (char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-h")); } else if (strlen("--host") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--host"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->host = argv[++i]; } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--host=", strlen("--host="))) { arguments->host = (char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--host=")); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-PP") == 0) { arguments->performance_print = true; } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-P", strlen("-P"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--port", strlen("--port")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "P"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "P"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->port = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--port=", strlen("--port="))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--port=")))) { arguments->port = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("--port="))); } } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-P", strlen("-P"))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-P")))) { arguments->port = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("-P"))); } } else if (strlen("--port") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--port"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--port"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->port = atoi(argv[++i]); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-I", strlen("-I"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--interface", strlen("--interface")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "I"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (0 == strcasecmp(argv[i+1], "taosc")) { arguments->iface = TAOSC_IFACE; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(argv[i+1], "rest")) { arguments->iface = REST_IFACE; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(argv[i+1], "stmt")) { arguments->iface = STMT_IFACE; } else { errorWrongValue(argv[0], "-I", argv[i+1]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } i++; } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--interface=", strlen("--interface="))) { if (0 == strcasecmp((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--interface=")), "taosc")) { arguments->iface = TAOSC_IFACE; } else if (0 == strcasecmp((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--interface=")), "rest")) { arguments->iface = REST_IFACE; } else if (0 == strcasecmp((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--interface=")), "stmt")) { arguments->iface = STMT_IFACE; } else { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--interface"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-I", strlen("-I"))) { if (0 == strcasecmp((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-I")), "taosc")) { arguments->iface = TAOSC_IFACE; } else if (0 == strcasecmp((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-I")), "rest")) { arguments->iface = REST_IFACE; } else if (0 == strcasecmp((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-I")), "stmt")) { arguments->iface = STMT_IFACE; } else { errorWrongValue(argv[0], "-I", (char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-I"))); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strlen("--interface") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--interface"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (0 == strcasecmp(argv[i+1], "taosc")) { arguments->iface = TAOSC_IFACE; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(argv[i+1], "rest")) { arguments->iface = REST_IFACE; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(argv[i+1], "stmt")) { arguments->iface = STMT_IFACE; } else { errorWrongValue(argv[0], "--interface", argv[i+1]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } i++; } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-u", strlen("-u"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--user", strlen("--user")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "u"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->user = argv[++i]; } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-u", strlen("-u"))) { arguments->user = (char *)(argv[i++] + strlen("-u")); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--user=", strlen("--user="))) { arguments->user = (char *)(argv[i++] + strlen("--user=")); } else if (strlen("--user") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--user"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->user = argv[++i]; } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-p", strlen("-p"))) || (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "--password"))) { if ((strlen(argv[i]) == 2) || (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "--password"))) { printf("Enter password: "); taosSetConsoleEcho(false); if (scanf("%s", arguments->password) > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "password read error!\n"); } taosSetConsoleEcho(true); } else { tstrncpy(arguments->password, (char *)(argv[i] + 2), SHELL_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-o", strlen("-o"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--output", strlen("--output")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--output"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->output_file = argv[++i]; } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--output=", strlen("--output="))) { arguments->output_file = (char *)(argv[i++] + strlen("--output=")); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-o", strlen("-o"))) { arguments->output_file = (char *)(argv[i++] + strlen("-o")); } else if (strlen("--output") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--output"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->output_file = argv[++i]; } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-s", strlen("-s"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--sql-file", strlen("--sql-file")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "s"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->sqlFile = argv[++i]; } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--sql-file=", strlen("--sql-file="))) { arguments->sqlFile = (char *)(argv[i++] + strlen("--sql-file=")); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-s", strlen("-s"))) { arguments->sqlFile = (char *)(argv[i++] + strlen("-s")); } else if (strlen("--sql-file") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--sql-file"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->sqlFile = argv[++i]; } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-q", strlen("-q"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--query-mode", strlen("--query-mode")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "q"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "q"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->async_mode = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--query-mode=", strlen("--query-mode="))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--query-mode=")))) { arguments->async_mode = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("--query-mode="))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--query-mode"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-q", strlen("-q"))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-q")))) { arguments->async_mode = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("-q"))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "-q"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strlen("--query-mode") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--query-mode"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--query-mode"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->async_mode = atoi(argv[++i]); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-T", strlen("-T"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--threads", strlen("--threads")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "T"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "T"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->nthreads = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--threads=", strlen("--threads="))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--threads=")))) { arguments->nthreads = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("--threads="))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--threads"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-T", strlen("-T"))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-T")))) { arguments->nthreads = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("-T"))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "-T"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strlen("--threads") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--threads"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--threads"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->nthreads = atoi(argv[++i]); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-i", strlen("-i"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--insert-interval", strlen("--insert-interval")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "i"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "i"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->insert_interval = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--insert-interval=", strlen("--insert-interval="))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--insert-interval=")))) { arguments->insert_interval = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("--insert-interval="))); } else { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--insert-innterval"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-i", strlen("-i"))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-i")))) { arguments->insert_interval = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("-i"))); } else { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "-i"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strlen("--insert-interval")== strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--insert-interval"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--insert-interval"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->insert_interval = atoi(argv[++i]); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-S", strlen("-S"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--time-step", strlen("--time-step")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "S"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "S"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->async_mode = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--time-step=", strlen("--time-step="))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--time-step=")))) { arguments->async_mode = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("--time-step="))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--time-step"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-S", strlen("-S"))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-S")))) { arguments->async_mode = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("-S"))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "-S"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strlen("--time-step") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--time-step"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--time-step"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->async_mode = atoi(argv[++i]); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-qt") == 0) { if ((argc == i+1) || (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1]))) { printHelp(); errorPrint("%s", "\n\t-qt need a number following!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->query_times = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-B", strlen("-B"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--interlace-rows", strlen("--interlace-rows")))) { if (strlen("-B") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "B"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "B"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->interlaceRows = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--interlace-rows=", strlen("--interlace-rows="))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--interlace-rows=")))) { arguments->interlaceRows = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("--interlace-rows="))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--interlace-rows"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-B", strlen("-B"))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-B")))) { arguments->interlaceRows = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("-B"))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "-B"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strlen("--interlace-rows")== strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--interlace-rows"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--interlace-rows"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->interlaceRows = atoi(argv[++i]); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-r", strlen("-r"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--rec-per-req", 13))) { if (strlen("-r") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "r"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "r"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->reqPerReq = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--rec-per-req=", strlen("--rec-per-req="))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--rec-per-req=")))) { arguments->reqPerReq = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("--rec-per-req="))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--rec-per-req"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-r", strlen("-r"))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-r")))) { arguments->reqPerReq = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("-r"))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "-r"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strlen("--rec-per-req")== strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--rec-per-req"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--rec-per-req"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->reqPerReq = atoi(argv[++i]); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-t", strlen("-t"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--tables", strlen("--tables")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "t"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "t"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->ntables = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--tables=", strlen("--tables="))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--tables=")))) { arguments->ntables = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("--tables="))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--tables"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-t", strlen("-t"))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-t")))) { arguments->ntables = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("-t"))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "-t"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strlen("--tables") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--tables"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--tables"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->ntables = atoi(argv[++i]); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } g_totalChildTables = arguments->ntables; } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-n", strlen("-n"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--records", strlen("--records")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->insertRows = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--records=", strlen("--records="))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--records=")))) { arguments->insertRows = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("--records="))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--records"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-n", strlen("-n"))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-n")))) { arguments->insertRows = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("-n"))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "-n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strlen("--records") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--records"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--records"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->insertRows = atoi(argv[++i]); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-d", strlen("-d"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--database", strlen("--database")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "d"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->database = argv[++i]; } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--database=", strlen("--database="))) { arguments->output_file = (char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--database=")); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-d", strlen("-d"))) { arguments->output_file = (char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-d")); } else if (strlen("--database") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--database"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->database = argv[++i]; } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-l", strlen("-l"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--columns", strlen("--columns")))) { arguments->demo_mode = false; if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "l"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "l"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->columnCount = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--columns=", strlen("--columns="))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--columns=")))) { arguments->columnCount = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("--columns="))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--columns"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-l", strlen("-l"))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-l")))) { arguments->columnCount = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("-l"))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "-l"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strlen("--columns")== strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--columns"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--columns"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->columnCount = atoi(argv[++i]); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (arguments->columnCount > MAX_NUM_COLUMNS) { printf("WARNING: max acceptable columns count is %d\n", MAX_NUM_COLUMNS); prompt(); arguments->columnCount = MAX_NUM_COLUMNS; } for (int col = DEFAULT_DATATYPE_NUM; col < arguments->columnCount; col ++) { arguments->dataType[col] = "INT"; arguments->data_type[col] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; } for (int col = arguments->columnCount; col < MAX_NUM_COLUMNS; col++) { arguments->dataType[col] = NULL; arguments->data_type[col] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL; } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-b", strlen("-b"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--data-type", strlen("--data-type")))) { arguments->demo_mode = false; char *dataType; if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "b"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } dataType = argv[++i]; } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--data-type=", strlen("--data-type="))) { dataType = (char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--data-type=")); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-b", strlen("-b"))) { dataType = (char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-b")); } else if (strlen("--data-type") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--data-type"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } dataType = argv[++i]; } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (strstr(dataType, ",") == NULL) { // only one col if (strcasecmp(dataType, "INT") && strcasecmp(dataType, "FLOAT") && strcasecmp(dataType, "TINYINT") && strcasecmp(dataType, "BOOL") && strcasecmp(dataType, "SMALLINT") && strcasecmp(dataType, "BIGINT") && strcasecmp(dataType, "DOUBLE") && strcasecmp(dataType, "BINARY") && strcasecmp(dataType, "TIMESTAMP") && strcasecmp(dataType, "NCHAR") && strcasecmp(dataType, "UTINYINT") && strcasecmp(dataType, "USMALLINT") && strcasecmp(dataType, "UINT") && strcasecmp(dataType, "UBIGINT")) { printHelp(); errorPrint("%s", "-b: Invalid data_type!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->dataType[0] = dataType; if (0 == strcasecmp(dataType, "INT")) { arguments->data_type[0] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(dataType, "TINYINT")) { arguments->data_type[0] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(dataType, "SMALLINT")) { arguments->data_type[0] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(dataType, "BIGINT")) { arguments->data_type[0] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(dataType, "FLOAT")) { arguments->data_type[0] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(dataType, "DOUBLE")) { arguments->data_type[0] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(dataType, "BINARY")) { arguments->data_type[0] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(dataType, "NCHAR")) { arguments->data_type[0] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(dataType, "BOOL")) { arguments->data_type[0] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(dataType, "TIMESTAMP")) { arguments->data_type[0] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(dataType, "UTINYINT")) { arguments->data_type[0] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(dataType, "USMALLINT")) { arguments->data_type[0] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(dataType, "UINT")) { arguments->data_type[0] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(dataType, "UBIGINT")) { arguments->data_type[0] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT; } else { arguments->data_type[0] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL; } arguments->dataType[1] = NULL; arguments->data_type[1] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL; } else { // more than one col int index = 0; g_dupstr = strdup(dataType); char *running = g_dupstr; char *token = strsep(&running, ","); while(token != NULL) { if (strcasecmp(token, "INT") && strcasecmp(token, "FLOAT") && strcasecmp(token, "TINYINT") && strcasecmp(token, "BOOL") && strcasecmp(token, "SMALLINT") && strcasecmp(token, "BIGINT") && strcasecmp(token, "DOUBLE") && strcasecmp(token, "BINARY") && strcasecmp(token, "TIMESTAMP") && strcasecmp(token, "NCHAR") && strcasecmp(token, "UTINYINT") && strcasecmp(token, "USMALLINT") && strcasecmp(token, "UINT") && strcasecmp(token, "UBIGINT")) { printHelp(); free(g_dupstr); errorPrint("%s", "-b: Invalid data_type!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (0 == strcasecmp(token, "INT")) { arguments->data_type[index] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token, "FLOAT")) { arguments->data_type[index] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token, "SMALLINT")) { arguments->data_type[index] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token, "BIGINT")) { arguments->data_type[index] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token, "DOUBLE")) { arguments->data_type[index] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token, "TINYINT")) { arguments->data_type[index] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token, "BINARY")) { arguments->data_type[index] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token, "NCHAR")) { arguments->data_type[index] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token, "BOOL")) { arguments->data_type[index] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token, "TIMESTAMP")) { arguments->data_type[index] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token, "UTINYINT")) { arguments->data_type[index] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token, "USMALLINT")) { arguments->data_type[index] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token, "UINT")) { arguments->data_type[index] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token, "UBIGINT")) { arguments->data_type[index] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT; } else { arguments->data_type[index] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL; } arguments->dataType[index] = token; index ++; token = strsep(&running, ","); if (index >= MAX_NUM_COLUMNS) break; } arguments->dataType[index] = NULL; arguments->data_type[index] = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL; } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-w", strlen("-w"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--binwidth", strlen("--binwidth")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "w"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "w"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->binwidth = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--binwidth=", strlen("--binwidth="))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--binwidth=")))) { arguments->binwidth = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("--binwidth="))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--binwidth"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-w", strlen("-w"))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-w")))) { arguments->binwidth = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("-w"))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "-w"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strlen("--binwidth") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--binwidth"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--binwidth"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->binwidth = atoi(argv[++i]); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-m", strlen("-m"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--table-prefix", strlen("--table-prefix")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "m"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->tb_prefix = argv[++i]; } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--table-prefix=", strlen("--table-prefix="))) { arguments->tb_prefix = (char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--table-prefix=")); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-m", strlen("-m"))) { arguments->tb_prefix = (char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-m")); } else if (strlen("--table-prefix") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--table-prefix"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->tb_prefix = argv[++i]; } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-N") == 0) || (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "--normal-table"))) { arguments->demo_mode = false; arguments->use_metric = false; } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-M") == 0) || (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "--random"))) { arguments->demo_mode = false; } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-x") == 0) || (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "--aggr-func"))) { arguments->aggr_func = true; } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-y") == 0) || (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "--answer-yes"))) { arguments->answer_yes = true; } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-g") == 0) || (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "--debug"))) { arguments->debug_print = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-gg") == 0) { arguments->verbose_print = true; } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-R", strlen("-R"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--disorder-range", strlen("--disorder-range")))) { if (strlen("-R") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "R"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "R"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->disorderRange = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--disorder-range=", strlen("--disorder-range="))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--disorder-range=")))) { arguments->disorderRange = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("--disorder-range="))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--disorder-range"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-R", strlen("-R"))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-R")))) { arguments->disorderRange = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("-R"))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "-R"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (arguments->disorderRange < 0) { errorPrint("Invalid disorder range %d, will be set to %d\n", arguments->disorderRange, 1000); arguments->disorderRange = 1000; } } else if (strlen("--disorder-range") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--disorder-range"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--disorder-range"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->disorderRange = atoi(argv[++i]); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-O", strlen("-O"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--disorder", strlen("--disorder")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "O"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "O"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->disorderRatio = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--disorder=", strlen("--disorder="))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--disorder=")))) { arguments->disorderRatio = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("--disorder="))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--disorder"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-O", strlen("-O"))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-O")))) { arguments->disorderRatio = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("-O"))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "-O"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strlen("--disorder") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--disorder"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--disorder"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->disorderRatio = atoi(argv[++i]); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (arguments->disorderRatio > 50) { errorPrint("Invalid disorder ratio %d, will be set to %d\n", arguments->disorderRatio, 50); arguments->disorderRatio = 50; } if (arguments->disorderRatio < 0) { errorPrint("Invalid disorder ratio %d, will be set to %d\n", arguments->disorderRatio, 0); arguments->disorderRatio = 0; } } else if ((0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-a", strlen("-a"))) || (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--replica", strlen("--replica")))) { if (2 == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg(argv[0], "a"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "a"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->replica = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--replica=", strlen("--replica="))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("--replica=")))) { arguments->replica = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("--replica="))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--replica"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-a", strlen("-a"))) { if (isStringNumber((char *)(argv[i] + strlen("-a")))) { arguments->replica = atoi((char *)(argv[i]+strlen("-a"))); } else { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "-a"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (strlen("--replica") == strlen(argv[i])) { if (argc == i+1) { errorPrintReqArg3(argv[0], "--replica"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!isStringNumber(argv[i+1])) { errorPrintReqArg2(argv[0], "--replica"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } arguments->replica = atoi(argv[++i]); } else { errorUnrecognized(argv[0], argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (arguments->replica > 3 || arguments->replica < 1) { errorPrint("Invalid replica value %d, will be set to %d\n", arguments->replica, 1); arguments->replica = 1; } } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-D") == 0) { arguments->method_of_delete = atoi(argv[++i]); if (arguments->method_of_delete > 3) { errorPrint("%s", "\n\t-D need a value (0~3) number following!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-V") == 0)) { printVersion(); exit(0); } else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-?") == 0)) { printHelp(); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--usage") == 0) { printf(" Usage: taosdemo [-f JSONFILE] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD] [-c CONFIG_DIR]\n\ [-h HOST] [-P PORT] [-I INTERFACE] [-d DATABASE] [-a REPLICA]\n\ [-m TABLEPREFIX] [-s SQLFILE] [-N] [-o OUTPUTFILE] [-q QUERYMODE]\n\ [-b DATATYPES] [-w WIDTH_OF_BINARY] [-l COLUMNS] [-T THREADNUMBER]\n\ [-i SLEEPTIME] [-S TIME_STEP] [-B INTERLACE_ROWS] [-t TABLES]\n\ [-n RECORDS] [-M] [-x] [-y] [-O ORDERMODE] [-R RANGE] [-a REPLIcA][-g]\n\ [--help] [--usage] [--version]\n"); exit(0); } else { // to simulate argp_option output if (strlen(argv[i]) > 2) { if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "--", 2)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized options '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[i]); } else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "-", 1)) { char tmp[2] = {0}; tstrncpy(tmp, argv[i]+1, 2); fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid options -- '%s'\n", argv[0], tmp); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Too many arguments\n", argv[0]); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s invalid options -- '%s'\n", argv[0], (char *)((char *)argv[i])+1); } fprintf(stderr, "Try `taosdemo --help' or `taosdemo --usage' for more information.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } int columnCount; for (columnCount = 0; columnCount < MAX_NUM_COLUMNS; columnCount ++) { if (g_args.dataType[columnCount] == NULL) { break; } } if (0 == columnCount) { ERROR_EXIT("data type error!"); } g_args.columnCount = columnCount; g_args.lenOfOneRow = 20; // timestamp for (int c = 0; c < g_args.columnCount; c++) { switch(g_args.data_type[c]) { case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY: g_args.lenOfOneRow += g_args.binwidth + 3; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR: g_args.lenOfOneRow += g_args.binwidth + 3; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT: g_args.lenOfOneRow += INT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT: g_args.lenOfOneRow += BIGINT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT: g_args.lenOfOneRow += SMALLINT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT: g_args.lenOfOneRow += TINYINT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: g_args.lenOfOneRow += BOOL_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: g_args.lenOfOneRow += FLOAT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: g_args.lenOfOneRow += DOUBLE_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: g_args.lenOfOneRow += TIMESTAMP_BUFF_LEN; break; default: errorPrint2("get error data type : %s\n", g_args.dataType[c]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (((arguments->debug_print) && (NULL != arguments->metaFile)) || arguments->verbose_print) { printf("###################################################################\n"); printf("# meta file: %s\n", arguments->metaFile); printf("# Server IP: %s:%hu\n", arguments->host == NULL ? "localhost" : arguments->host, arguments->port ); printf("# User: %s\n", arguments->user); printf("# Password: %s\n", arguments->password); printf("# Use metric: %s\n", arguments->use_metric ? "true" : "false"); if (*(arguments->dataType)) { printf("# Specified data type: "); for (int c = 0; c < MAX_NUM_COLUMNS; c++) if (arguments->dataType[c]) printf("%s,", arguments->dataType[c]); else break; printf("\n"); } printf("# Insertion interval: %"PRIu64"\n", arguments->insert_interval); printf("# Number of records per req: %u\n", arguments->reqPerReq); printf("# Max SQL length: %"PRIu64"\n", arguments->max_sql_len); printf("# Length of Binary: %d\n", arguments->binwidth); printf("# Number of Threads: %d\n", arguments->nthreads); printf("# Number of Tables: %"PRId64"\n", arguments->ntables); printf("# Number of Data per Table: %"PRId64"\n", arguments->insertRows); printf("# Database name: %s\n", arguments->database); printf("# Table prefix: %s\n", arguments->tb_prefix); if (arguments->disorderRatio) { printf("# Data order: %d\n", arguments->disorderRatio); printf("# Data out of order rate: %d\n", arguments->disorderRange); } printf("# Delete method: %d\n", arguments->method_of_delete); printf("# Answer yes when prompt: %d\n", arguments->answer_yes); printf("# Print debug info: %d\n", arguments->debug_print); printf("# Print verbose info: %d\n", arguments->verbose_print); printf("###################################################################\n"); prompt(); } } static void tmfclose(FILE *fp) { if (NULL != fp) { fclose(fp); } } static void tmfree(char *buf) { if (NULL != buf) { free(buf); buf = NULL; } } static int queryDbExec(TAOS *taos, char *command, QUERY_TYPE type, bool quiet) { verbosePrint("%s() LN%d - command: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, command); TAOS_RES *res = taos_query(taos, command); int32_t code = taos_errno(res); if (code != 0) { if (!quiet) { errorPrint2("Failed to execute <%s>, reason: %s\n", command, taos_errstr(res)); } taos_free_result(res); //taos_close(taos); return -1; } if (INSERT_TYPE == type) { int affectedRows = taos_affected_rows(res); taos_free_result(res); return affectedRows; } taos_free_result(res); return 0; } static void appendResultBufToFile(char *resultBuf, threadInfo *pThreadInfo) { pThreadInfo->fp = fopen(pThreadInfo->filePath, "at"); if (pThreadInfo->fp == NULL) { errorPrint2( "%s() LN%d, failed to open result file: %s, result will not save to file\n", __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->filePath); return; } fprintf(pThreadInfo->fp, "%s", resultBuf); tmfclose(pThreadInfo->fp); pThreadInfo->fp = NULL; } static void fetchResult(TAOS_RES *res, threadInfo* pThreadInfo) { TAOS_ROW row = NULL; int num_rows = 0; int num_fields = taos_field_count(res); TAOS_FIELD *fields = taos_fetch_fields(res); char* databuf = (char*) calloc(1, 100*1024*1024); if (databuf == NULL) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, failed to malloc, warning: save result to file slowly!\n", __func__, __LINE__); return ; } int64_t totalLen = 0; // fetch the records row by row while((row = taos_fetch_row(res))) { if (totalLen >= (100*1024*1024 - HEAD_BUFF_LEN*2)) { if (strlen(pThreadInfo->filePath) > 0) appendResultBufToFile(databuf, pThreadInfo); totalLen = 0; memset(databuf, 0, 100*1024*1024); } num_rows++; char temp[HEAD_BUFF_LEN] = {0}; int len = taos_print_row(temp, row, fields, num_fields); len += sprintf(temp + len, "\n"); //printf("query result:%s\n", temp); memcpy(databuf + totalLen, temp, len); totalLen += len; verbosePrint("%s() LN%d, totalLen: %"PRId64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, totalLen); } verbosePrint("%s() LN%d, databuf=%s resultFile=%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, databuf, pThreadInfo->filePath); if (strlen(pThreadInfo->filePath) > 0) { appendResultBufToFile(databuf, pThreadInfo); } free(databuf); } static void selectAndGetResult( threadInfo *pThreadInfo, char *command) { if (0 == strncasecmp(g_queryInfo.queryMode, "taosc", strlen("taosc"))) { TAOS_RES *res = taos_query(pThreadInfo->taos, command); if (res == NULL || taos_errno(res) != 0) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, failed to execute sql:%s, reason:%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, command, taos_errstr(res)); taos_free_result(res); return; } fetchResult(res, pThreadInfo); taos_free_result(res); } else if (0 == strncasecmp(g_queryInfo.queryMode, "rest", strlen("rest"))) { int retCode = postProceSql( g_queryInfo.host, &(g_queryInfo.serv_addr), g_queryInfo.port, command, pThreadInfo); if (0 != retCode) { printf("====restful return fail, threadID[%d]\n", pThreadInfo->threadID); } } else { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, unknown query mode: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, g_queryInfo.queryMode); } } static char *rand_bool_str() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randbool_buff + ((cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND) * BOOL_BUFF_LEN); } static int32_t rand_bool() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randint[cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND] % 2; } static char *rand_tinyint_str() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randtinyint_buff + ((cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND) * TINYINT_BUFF_LEN); } static int32_t rand_tinyint() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randint[cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND] % 128; } static char *rand_utinyint_str() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randutinyint_buff + ((cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND) * TINYINT_BUFF_LEN); } static int32_t rand_utinyint() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randuint[cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND] % 255; } static char *rand_smallint_str() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randsmallint_buff + ((cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND) * SMALLINT_BUFF_LEN); } static int32_t rand_smallint() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randint[cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND] % 32768; } static char *rand_usmallint_str() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randusmallint_buff + ((cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND) * SMALLINT_BUFF_LEN); } static int32_t rand_usmallint() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randuint[cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND] % 65535; } static char *rand_int_str() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randint_buff + ((cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND) * INT_BUFF_LEN); } static int32_t rand_int() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randint[cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND]; } static char *rand_uint_str() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randuint_buff + ((cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND) * INT_BUFF_LEN); } static int32_t rand_uint() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randuint[cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND]; } static char *rand_bigint_str() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randbigint_buff + ((cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND) * BIGINT_BUFF_LEN); } static int64_t rand_bigint() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randbigint[cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND]; } static char *rand_ubigint_str() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randubigint_buff + ((cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND) * BIGINT_BUFF_LEN); } static int64_t rand_ubigint() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randubigint[cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND]; } static char *rand_float_str() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randfloat_buff + ((cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND) * FLOAT_BUFF_LEN); } static float rand_float() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randfloat[cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND]; } static char *demo_current_float_str() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_rand_current_buff + ((cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND) * FLOAT_BUFF_LEN); } static float UNUSED_FUNC demo_current_float() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return (float)(9.8 + 0.04 * (g_randint[cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND] % 10) + g_randfloat[cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND]/1000000000); } static char *demo_voltage_int_str() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_rand_voltage_buff + ((cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND) * INT_BUFF_LEN); } static int32_t UNUSED_FUNC demo_voltage_int() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return 215 + g_randint[cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND] % 10; } static char *demo_phase_float_str() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_rand_phase_buff + ((cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND) * FLOAT_BUFF_LEN); } static float UNUSED_FUNC demo_phase_float() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return (float)((115 + g_randint[cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND] % 10 + g_randfloat[cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND]/1000000000)/360); } #if 0 static const char charNum[] = "0123456789"; static void nonrand_string(char *, int) __attribute__ ((unused)); // reserve for debugging purpose static void nonrand_string(char *str, int size) { str[0] = 0; if (size > 0) { int n; for (n = 0; n < size; n++) { str[n] = charNum[n % 10]; } str[n] = 0; } } #endif static const char charset[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"; static void rand_string(char *str, int size) { str[0] = 0; if (size > 0) { //--size; int n; for (n = 0; n < size; n++) { int key = abs(rand_tinyint()) % (int)(sizeof(charset) - 1); str[n] = charset[key]; } str[n] = 0; } } static char *rand_double_str() { static int cursor; cursor++; if (cursor > (MAX_PREPARED_RAND - 1)) cursor = 0; return g_randdouble_buff + (cursor * DOUBLE_BUFF_LEN); } static double rand_double() { static int cursor; cursor++; cursor = cursor % MAX_PREPARED_RAND; return g_randdouble[cursor]; } static void init_rand_data() { g_randint_buff = calloc(1, INT_BUFF_LEN * MAX_PREPARED_RAND); assert(g_randint_buff); g_rand_voltage_buff = calloc(1, INT_BUFF_LEN * MAX_PREPARED_RAND); assert(g_rand_voltage_buff); g_randbigint_buff = calloc(1, BIGINT_BUFF_LEN * MAX_PREPARED_RAND); assert(g_randbigint_buff); g_randsmallint_buff = calloc(1, SMALLINT_BUFF_LEN * MAX_PREPARED_RAND); assert(g_randsmallint_buff); g_randtinyint_buff = calloc(1, TINYINT_BUFF_LEN * MAX_PREPARED_RAND); assert(g_randtinyint_buff); g_randbool_buff = calloc(1, BOOL_BUFF_LEN * MAX_PREPARED_RAND); assert(g_randbool_buff); g_randfloat_buff = calloc(1, FLOAT_BUFF_LEN * MAX_PREPARED_RAND); assert(g_randfloat_buff); g_rand_current_buff = calloc(1, FLOAT_BUFF_LEN * MAX_PREPARED_RAND); assert(g_rand_current_buff); g_rand_phase_buff = calloc(1, FLOAT_BUFF_LEN * MAX_PREPARED_RAND); assert(g_rand_phase_buff); g_randdouble_buff = calloc(1, DOUBLE_BUFF_LEN * MAX_PREPARED_RAND); assert(g_randdouble_buff); g_randuint_buff = calloc(1, INT_BUFF_LEN * MAX_PREPARED_RAND); assert(g_randuint_buff); g_randutinyint_buff = calloc(1, TINYINT_BUFF_LEN * MAX_PREPARED_RAND); assert(g_randutinyint_buff); g_randusmallint_buff = calloc(1, SMALLINT_BUFF_LEN * MAX_PREPARED_RAND); assert(g_randusmallint_buff); g_randubigint_buff = calloc(1, BIGINT_BUFF_LEN * MAX_PREPARED_RAND); assert(g_randubigint_buff); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PREPARED_RAND; i++) { g_randint[i] = (int)(taosRandom() % RAND_MAX - (RAND_MAX >> 1)); g_randuint[i] = (int)(taosRandom()); sprintf(g_randint_buff + i * INT_BUFF_LEN, "%d", g_randint[i]); sprintf(g_rand_voltage_buff + i * INT_BUFF_LEN, "%d", 215 + g_randint[i] % 10); sprintf(g_randbool_buff + i * BOOL_BUFF_LEN, "%s", ((g_randint[i] % 2) & 1)?"true":"false"); sprintf(g_randsmallint_buff + i * SMALLINT_BUFF_LEN, "%d", g_randint[i] % 32768); sprintf(g_randtinyint_buff + i * TINYINT_BUFF_LEN, "%d", g_randint[i] % 128); sprintf(g_randuint_buff + i * INT_BUFF_LEN, "%d", g_randuint[i]); sprintf(g_randusmallint_buff + i * SMALLINT_BUFF_LEN, "%d", g_randuint[i] % 65535); sprintf(g_randutinyint_buff + i * TINYINT_BUFF_LEN, "%d", g_randuint[i] % 255); g_randbigint[i] = (int64_t)(taosRandom() % RAND_MAX - (RAND_MAX >> 1)); g_randubigint[i] = (uint64_t)(taosRandom()); sprintf(g_randbigint_buff + i * BIGINT_BUFF_LEN, "%"PRId64"", g_randbigint[i]); sprintf(g_randubigint_buff + i * BIGINT_BUFF_LEN, "%"PRId64"", g_randubigint[i]); g_randfloat[i] = (float)(taosRandom() / 1000.0) * (taosRandom() % 2 > 0.5 ? 1 : -1); sprintf(g_randfloat_buff + i * FLOAT_BUFF_LEN, "%f", g_randfloat[i]); sprintf(g_rand_current_buff + i * FLOAT_BUFF_LEN, "%f", (float)(9.8 + 0.04 * (g_randint[i] % 10) + g_randfloat[i]/1000000000)); sprintf(g_rand_phase_buff + i * FLOAT_BUFF_LEN, "%f", (float)((115 + g_randint[i] % 10 + g_randfloat[i]/1000000000)/360)); g_randdouble[i] = (double)(taosRandom() / 1000000.0) * (taosRandom() % 2 > 0.5 ? 1 : -1); sprintf(g_randdouble_buff + i * DOUBLE_BUFF_LEN, "%f", g_randdouble[i]); } } #define SHOW_PARSE_RESULT_START() \ do { if (g_args.metaFile) \ printf("\033[1m\033[40;32m================ %s parse result START ================\033[0m\n", \ g_args.metaFile); } while(0) #define SHOW_PARSE_RESULT_END() \ do { if (g_args.metaFile) \ printf("\033[1m\033[40;32m================ %s parse result END================\033[0m\n", \ g_args.metaFile); } while(0) #define SHOW_PARSE_RESULT_START_TO_FILE(fp) \ do { if (g_args.metaFile) \ fprintf(fp, "\033[1m\033[40;32m================ %s parse result START ================\033[0m\n", \ g_args.metaFile); } while(0) #define SHOW_PARSE_RESULT_END_TO_FILE(fp) \ do { if (g_args.metaFile) \ fprintf(fp, "\033[1m\033[40;32m================ %s parse result END================\033[0m\n", \ g_args.metaFile); } while(0) static int printfInsertMeta() { SHOW_PARSE_RESULT_START(); if (g_args.demo_mode) { printf("\ntaosdemo is simulating data generated by power equipment monitoring...\n\n"); } else { printf("\ntaosdemo is simulating random data as you request..\n\n"); } if (g_args.iface != INTERFACE_BUT) { // first time if no iface specified printf("interface: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", (g_args.iface==TAOSC_IFACE)?"taosc": (g_args.iface==REST_IFACE)?"rest":"stmt"); } printf("host: \033[33m%s:%u\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.host, g_Dbs.port); printf("user: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.user); printf("password: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.password); printf("configDir: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", configDir); printf("resultFile: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.resultFile); printf("thread num of insert data: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.threadCount); printf("thread num of create table: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.threadCountForCreateTbl); printf("top insert interval: \033[33m%"PRIu64"\033[0m\n", g_args.insert_interval); printf("number of records per req: \033[33m%u\033[0m\n", g_args.reqPerReq); printf("max sql length: \033[33m%"PRIu64"\033[0m\n", g_args.max_sql_len); printf("database count: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.dbCount); for (int i = 0; i < g_Dbs.dbCount; i++) { printf("database[\033[33m%d\033[0m]:\n", i); printf(" database[%d] name: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", i, g_Dbs.db[i].dbName); if (0 == g_Dbs.db[i].drop) { printf(" drop: \033[33m no\033[0m\n"); } else { printf(" drop: \033[33m yes\033[0m\n"); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.blocks > 0) { printf(" blocks: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.blocks); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.cache > 0) { printf(" cache: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.cache); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.days > 0) { printf(" days: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.days); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.keep > 0) { printf(" keep: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.keep); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.replica > 0) { printf(" replica: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.replica); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.update > 0) { printf(" update: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.update); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.minRows > 0) { printf(" minRows: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.minRows); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.maxRows > 0) { printf(" maxRows: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.maxRows); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.comp > 0) { printf(" comp: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.comp); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.walLevel > 0) { printf(" walLevel: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.walLevel); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.fsync > 0) { printf(" fsync: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.fsync); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.quorum > 0) { printf(" quorum: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.quorum); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision[0] != 0) { if ((0 == strncasecmp(g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision, "ms", 2)) || (0 == strncasecmp(g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision, "us", 2)) || (0 == strncasecmp(g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision, "ns", 2))) { printf(" precision: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision); } else { printf("\033[1m\033[40;31m precision error: %s\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision); return -1; } } printf(" super table count: \033[33m%"PRIu64"\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount); for (uint64_t j = 0; j < g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount; j++) { printf(" super table[\033[33m%"PRIu64"\033[0m]:\n", j); printf(" stbName: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].stbName); if (PRE_CREATE_SUBTBL == g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].autoCreateTable) { printf(" autoCreateTable: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", "no"); } else if (AUTO_CREATE_SUBTBL == g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].autoCreateTable) { printf(" autoCreateTable: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", "yes"); } else { printf(" autoCreateTable: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", "error"); } if (TBL_NO_EXISTS == g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists) { printf(" childTblExists: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", "no"); } else if (TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS == g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists) { printf(" childTblExists: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", "yes"); } else { printf(" childTblExists: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", "error"); } printf(" childTblCount: \033[33m%"PRId64"\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblCount); printf(" childTblPrefix: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblPrefix); printf(" dataSource: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].dataSource); printf(" iface: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", (g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].iface==TAOSC_IFACE)?"taosc": (g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].iface==REST_IFACE)?"rest":"stmt"); if (g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblLimit > 0) { printf(" childTblLimit: \033[33m%"PRId64"\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblLimit); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblOffset > 0) { printf(" childTblOffset: \033[33m%"PRIu64"\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblOffset); } printf(" insertRows: \033[33m%"PRId64"\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].insertRows); /* if (0 == g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].multiThreadWriteOneTbl) { printf(" multiThreadWriteOneTbl: \033[33m no\033[0m\n"); }else { printf(" multiThreadWriteOneTbl: \033[33m yes\033[0m\n"); } */ printf(" interlaceRows: \033[33m%u\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].interlaceRows); if (g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].interlaceRows > 0) { printf(" stable insert interval: \033[33m%"PRIu64"\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].insertInterval); } printf(" disorderRange: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].disorderRange); printf(" disorderRatio: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].disorderRatio); printf(" maxSqlLen: \033[33m%"PRIu64"\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].maxSqlLen); printf(" timeStampStep: \033[33m%"PRId64"\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].timeStampStep); printf(" startTimestamp: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].startTimestamp); printf(" sampleFormat: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].sampleFormat); printf(" sampleFile: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].sampleFile); printf(" tagsFile: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tagsFile); printf(" columnCount: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columnCount); for (int k = 0; k < g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columnCount; k++) { //printf("dataType:%s, dataLen:%d\t", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columns[k].dataType, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columns[k].dataLen); if ((0 == strncasecmp(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columns[k].dataType, "binary", 6)) || (0 == strncasecmp(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columns[k].dataType, "nchar", 5))) { printf("column[\033[33m%d\033[0m]:\033[33m%s(%d)\033[0m ", k, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columns[k].dataType, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columns[k].dataLen); } else { printf("column[%d]:\033[33m%s\033[0m ", k, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columns[k].dataType); } } printf("\n"); printf(" tagCount: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n ", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tagCount); for (int k = 0; k < g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tagCount; k++) { //printf("dataType:%s, dataLen:%d\t", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tags[k].dataType, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tags[k].dataLen); if ((0 == strncasecmp(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tags[k].dataType, "binary", strlen("binary"))) || (0 == strncasecmp(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tags[k].dataType, "nchar", strlen("nchar")))) { printf("tag[%d]:\033[33m%s(%d)\033[0m ", k, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tags[k].dataType, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tags[k].dataLen); } else { printf("tag[%d]:\033[33m%s\033[0m ", k, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tags[k].dataType); } } printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } SHOW_PARSE_RESULT_END(); return 0; } static void printfInsertMetaToFile(FILE* fp) { SHOW_PARSE_RESULT_START_TO_FILE(fp); fprintf(fp, "host: %s:%u\n", g_Dbs.host, g_Dbs.port); fprintf(fp, "user: %s\n", g_Dbs.user); fprintf(fp, "configDir: %s\n", configDir); fprintf(fp, "resultFile: %s\n", g_Dbs.resultFile); fprintf(fp, "thread num of insert data: %d\n", g_Dbs.threadCount); fprintf(fp, "thread num of create table: %d\n", g_Dbs.threadCountForCreateTbl); fprintf(fp, "number of records per req: %u\n", g_args.reqPerReq); fprintf(fp, "max sql length: %"PRIu64"\n", g_args.max_sql_len); fprintf(fp, "database count: %d\n", g_Dbs.dbCount); for (int i = 0; i < g_Dbs.dbCount; i++) { fprintf(fp, "database[%d]:\n", i); fprintf(fp, " database[%d] name: %s\n", i, g_Dbs.db[i].dbName); if (0 == g_Dbs.db[i].drop) { fprintf(fp, " drop: no\n"); }else { fprintf(fp, " drop: yes\n"); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.blocks > 0) { fprintf(fp, " blocks: %d\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.blocks); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.cache > 0) { fprintf(fp, " cache: %d\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.cache); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.days > 0) { fprintf(fp, " days: %d\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.days); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.keep > 0) { fprintf(fp, " keep: %d\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.keep); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.replica > 0) { fprintf(fp, " replica: %d\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.replica); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.update > 0) { fprintf(fp, " update: %d\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.update); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.minRows > 0) { fprintf(fp, " minRows: %d\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.minRows); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.maxRows > 0) { fprintf(fp, " maxRows: %d\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.maxRows); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.comp > 0) { fprintf(fp, " comp: %d\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.comp); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.walLevel > 0) { fprintf(fp, " walLevel: %d\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.walLevel); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.fsync > 0) { fprintf(fp, " fsync: %d\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.fsync); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.quorum > 0) { fprintf(fp, " quorum: %d\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.quorum); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision[0] != 0) { if ((0 == strncasecmp(g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision, "ms", 2)) || (0 == strncasecmp(g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision, "ns", 2)) || (0 == strncasecmp(g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision, "us", 2))) { fprintf(fp, " precision: %s\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision); } else { fprintf(fp, " precision error: %s\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision); } } fprintf(fp, " super table count: %"PRIu64"\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount); for (int j = 0; j < g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount; j++) { fprintf(fp, " super table[%d]:\n", j); fprintf(fp, " stbName: %s\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].stbName); if (PRE_CREATE_SUBTBL == g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].autoCreateTable) { fprintf(fp, " autoCreateTable: %s\n", "no"); } else if (AUTO_CREATE_SUBTBL == g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].autoCreateTable) { fprintf(fp, " autoCreateTable: %s\n", "yes"); } else { fprintf(fp, " autoCreateTable: %s\n", "error"); } if (TBL_NO_EXISTS == g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists) { fprintf(fp, " childTblExists: %s\n", "no"); } else if (TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS == g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists) { fprintf(fp, " childTblExists: %s\n", "yes"); } else { fprintf(fp, " childTblExists: %s\n", "error"); } fprintf(fp, " childTblCount: %"PRId64"\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblCount); fprintf(fp, " childTblPrefix: %s\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblPrefix); fprintf(fp, " dataSource: %s\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].dataSource); fprintf(fp, " iface: %s\n", (g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].iface==TAOSC_IFACE)?"taosc": (g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].iface==REST_IFACE)?"rest":"stmt"); fprintf(fp, " insertRows: %"PRId64"\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].insertRows); fprintf(fp, " interlace rows: %u\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].interlaceRows); if (g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].interlaceRows > 0) { fprintf(fp, " stable insert interval: %"PRIu64"\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].insertInterval); } /* if (0 == g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].multiThreadWriteOneTbl) { fprintf(fp, " multiThreadWriteOneTbl: no\n"); }else { fprintf(fp, " multiThreadWriteOneTbl: yes\n"); } */ fprintf(fp, " interlaceRows: %u\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].interlaceRows); fprintf(fp, " disorderRange: %d\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].disorderRange); fprintf(fp, " disorderRatio: %d\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].disorderRatio); fprintf(fp, " maxSqlLen: %"PRIu64"\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].maxSqlLen); fprintf(fp, " timeStampStep: %"PRId64"\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].timeStampStep); fprintf(fp, " startTimestamp: %s\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].startTimestamp); fprintf(fp, " sampleFormat: %s\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].sampleFormat); fprintf(fp, " sampleFile: %s\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].sampleFile); fprintf(fp, " tagsFile: %s\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tagsFile); fprintf(fp, " columnCount: %d\n ", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columnCount); for (int k = 0; k < g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columnCount; k++) { //printf("dataType:%s, dataLen:%d\t", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columns[k].dataType, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columns[k].dataLen); if ((0 == strncasecmp( g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columns[k].dataType, "binary", strlen("binary"))) || (0 == strncasecmp( g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columns[k].dataType, "nchar", strlen("nchar")))) { fprintf(fp, "column[%d]:%s(%d) ", k, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columns[k].dataType, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columns[k].dataLen); } else { fprintf(fp, "column[%d]:%s ", k, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columns[k].dataType); } } fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, " tagCount: %d\n ", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tagCount); for (int k = 0; k < g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tagCount; k++) { //printf("dataType:%s, dataLen:%d\t", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tags[k].dataType, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tags[k].dataLen); if ((0 == strncasecmp(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tags[k].dataType, "binary", strlen("binary"))) || (0 == strncasecmp(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tags[k].dataType, "nchar", strlen("nchar")))) { fprintf(fp, "tag[%d]:%s(%d) ", k, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tags[k].dataType, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tags[k].dataLen); } else { fprintf(fp, "tag[%d]:%s ", k, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tags[k].dataType); } } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } SHOW_PARSE_RESULT_END_TO_FILE(fp); } static void printfQueryMeta() { SHOW_PARSE_RESULT_START(); printf("host: \033[33m%s:%u\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.host, g_queryInfo.port); printf("user: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.user); printf("database name: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.dbName); printf("\n"); if ((SUBSCRIBE_TEST == g_args.test_mode) || (QUERY_TEST == g_args.test_mode)) { printf("specified table query info: \n"); printf("sqlCount: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sqlCount); if (g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sqlCount > 0) { printf("specified tbl query times:\n"); printf(" \033[33m%"PRIu64"\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.queryTimes); printf("query interval: \033[33m%"PRIu64" ms\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.queryInterval); printf("top query times:\033[33m%"PRIu64"\033[0m\n", g_args.query_times); printf("concurrent: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.concurrent); printf("mod: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", (g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.asyncMode)?"async":"sync"); printf("interval: \033[33m%"PRIu64"\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeInterval); printf("restart: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeRestart); printf("keepProgress: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeKeepProgress); for (int i = 0; i < g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sqlCount; i++) { printf(" sql[%d]: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", i, g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sql[i]); } printf("\n"); } printf("super table query info:\n"); printf("sqlCount: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount); if (g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount > 0) { printf("query interval: \033[33m%"PRIu64"\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.queryInterval); printf("threadCnt: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.threadCnt); printf("childTblCount: \033[33m%"PRId64"\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.childTblCount); printf("stable name: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.stbName); printf("stb query times:\033[33m%"PRIu64"\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.queryTimes); printf("mod: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", (g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.asyncMode)?"async":"sync"); printf("interval: \033[33m%"PRIu64"\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeInterval); printf("restart: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeRestart); printf("keepProgress: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeKeepProgress); for (int i = 0; i < g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount; i++) { printf(" sql[%d]: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", i, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sql[i]); } printf("\n"); } } SHOW_PARSE_RESULT_END(); } static char* formatTimestamp(char* buf, int64_t val, int precision) { time_t tt; if (precision == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO) { tt = (time_t)(val / 1000000); } if (precision == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO) { tt = (time_t)(val / 1000000000); } else { tt = (time_t)(val / 1000); } /* comment out as it make testcases like select_with_tags.sim fail. but in windows, this may cause the call to localtime crash if tt < 0, need to find a better solution. if (tt < 0) { tt = 0; } */ #ifdef WINDOWS if (tt < 0) tt = 0; #endif struct tm* ptm = localtime(&tt); size_t pos = strftime(buf, 32, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ptm); if (precision == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO) { sprintf(buf + pos, ".%06d", (int)(val % 1000000)); } else if (precision == TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO) { sprintf(buf + pos, ".%09d", (int)(val % 1000000000)); } else { sprintf(buf + pos, ".%03d", (int)(val % 1000)); } return buf; } static void xDumpFieldToFile(FILE* fp, const char* val, TAOS_FIELD* field, int32_t length, int precision) { if (val == NULL) { fprintf(fp, "%s", TSDB_DATA_NULL_STR); return; } char buf[TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW]; switch (field->type) { case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: fprintf(fp, "%d", ((((int32_t)(*((int8_t*)val))) == 1) ? 1 : 0)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT: fprintf(fp, "%d", *((int8_t *)val)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT: fprintf(fp, "%d", *((uint8_t *)val)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT: fprintf(fp, "%d", *((int16_t *)val)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT: fprintf(fp, "%d", *((uint16_t *)val)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT: fprintf(fp, "%d", *((int32_t *)val)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT: fprintf(fp, "%d", *((uint32_t *)val)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT: fprintf(fp, "%"PRId64"", *((int64_t *)val)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT: fprintf(fp, "%"PRId64"", *((uint64_t *)val)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: fprintf(fp, "%.5f", GET_FLOAT_VAL(val)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: fprintf(fp, "%.9f", GET_DOUBLE_VAL(val)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR: memcpy(buf, val, length); buf[length] = 0; fprintf(fp, "\'%s\'", buf); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: formatTimestamp(buf, *(int64_t*)val, precision); fprintf(fp, "'%s'", buf); break; default: break; } } static int xDumpResultToFile(const char* fname, TAOS_RES* tres) { TAOS_ROW row = taos_fetch_row(tres); if (row == NULL) { return 0; } FILE* fp = fopen(fname, "at"); if (fp == NULL) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, failed to open file: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, fname); return -1; } int num_fields = taos_num_fields(tres); TAOS_FIELD *fields = taos_fetch_fields(tres); int precision = taos_result_precision(tres); for (int col = 0; col < num_fields; col++) { if (col > 0) { fprintf(fp, ","); } fprintf(fp, "%s", fields[col].name); } fputc('\n', fp); int numOfRows = 0; do { int32_t* length = taos_fetch_lengths(tres); for (int i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) { if (i > 0) { fputc(',', fp); } xDumpFieldToFile(fp, (const char*)row[i], fields +i, length[i], precision); } fputc('\n', fp); numOfRows++; row = taos_fetch_row(tres); } while( row != NULL); fclose(fp); return numOfRows; } static int getDbFromServer(TAOS * taos, SDbInfo** dbInfos) { TAOS_RES * res; TAOS_ROW row = NULL; int count = 0; res = taos_query(taos, "show databases;"); int32_t code = taos_errno(res); if (code != 0) { errorPrint2("failed to run , reason: %s\n", taos_errstr(res)); return -1; } TAOS_FIELD *fields = taos_fetch_fields(res); while((row = taos_fetch_row(res)) != NULL) { // sys database name : 'log' if (strncasecmp(row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_NAME_INDEX], "log", fields[TSDB_SHOW_DB_NAME_INDEX].bytes) == 0) { continue; } dbInfos[count] = (SDbInfo *)calloc(1, sizeof(SDbInfo)); if (dbInfos[count] == NULL) { errorPrint2("failed to allocate memory for some dbInfo[%d]\n", count); return -1; } tstrncpy(dbInfos[count]->name, (char *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_NAME_INDEX], fields[TSDB_SHOW_DB_NAME_INDEX].bytes); formatTimestamp(dbInfos[count]->create_time, *(int64_t*)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_CREATED_TIME_INDEX], TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI); dbInfos[count]->ntables = *((int64_t *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_NTABLES_INDEX]); dbInfos[count]->vgroups = *((int32_t *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_VGROUPS_INDEX]); dbInfos[count]->replica = *((int16_t *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_REPLICA_INDEX]); dbInfos[count]->quorum = *((int16_t *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_QUORUM_INDEX]); dbInfos[count]->days = *((int16_t *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_DAYS_INDEX]); tstrncpy(dbInfos[count]->keeplist, (char *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_KEEP_INDEX], fields[TSDB_SHOW_DB_KEEP_INDEX].bytes); dbInfos[count]->cache = *((int32_t *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_CACHE_INDEX]); dbInfos[count]->blocks = *((int32_t *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_BLOCKS_INDEX]); dbInfos[count]->minrows = *((int32_t *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_MINROWS_INDEX]); dbInfos[count]->maxrows = *((int32_t *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_MAXROWS_INDEX]); dbInfos[count]->wallevel = *((int8_t *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_WALLEVEL_INDEX]); dbInfos[count]->fsync = *((int32_t *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_FSYNC_INDEX]); dbInfos[count]->comp = (int8_t)(*((int8_t *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_COMP_INDEX])); dbInfos[count]->cachelast = (int8_t)(*((int8_t *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_CACHELAST_INDEX])); tstrncpy(dbInfos[count]->precision, (char *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_PRECISION_INDEX], fields[TSDB_SHOW_DB_PRECISION_INDEX].bytes); dbInfos[count]->update = *((int8_t *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_UPDATE_INDEX]); tstrncpy(dbInfos[count]->status, (char *)row[TSDB_SHOW_DB_STATUS_INDEX], fields[TSDB_SHOW_DB_STATUS_INDEX].bytes); count++; if (count > MAX_DATABASE_COUNT) { errorPrint("%s() LN%d, The database count overflow than %d\n", __func__, __LINE__, MAX_DATABASE_COUNT); break; } } return count; } static void printfDbInfoForQueryToFile( char* filename, SDbInfo* dbInfos, int index) { if (filename[0] == 0) return; FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "at"); if (fp == NULL) { errorPrint( "failed to open file: %s\n", filename); return; } fprintf(fp, "================ database[%d] ================\n", index); fprintf(fp, "name: %s\n", dbInfos->name); fprintf(fp, "created_time: %s\n", dbInfos->create_time); fprintf(fp, "ntables: %"PRId64"\n", dbInfos->ntables); fprintf(fp, "vgroups: %d\n", dbInfos->vgroups); fprintf(fp, "replica: %d\n", dbInfos->replica); fprintf(fp, "quorum: %d\n", dbInfos->quorum); fprintf(fp, "days: %d\n", dbInfos->days); fprintf(fp, "keep0,keep1,keep(D): %s\n", dbInfos->keeplist); fprintf(fp, "cache(MB): %d\n", dbInfos->cache); fprintf(fp, "blocks: %d\n", dbInfos->blocks); fprintf(fp, "minrows: %d\n", dbInfos->minrows); fprintf(fp, "maxrows: %d\n", dbInfos->maxrows); fprintf(fp, "wallevel: %d\n", dbInfos->wallevel); fprintf(fp, "fsync: %d\n", dbInfos->fsync); fprintf(fp, "comp: %d\n", dbInfos->comp); fprintf(fp, "cachelast: %d\n", dbInfos->cachelast); fprintf(fp, "precision: %s\n", dbInfos->precision); fprintf(fp, "update: %d\n", dbInfos->update); fprintf(fp, "status: %s\n", dbInfos->status); fprintf(fp, "\n"); fclose(fp); } static void printfQuerySystemInfo(TAOS * taos) { char filename[MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN] = {0}; char buffer[1024] = {0}; TAOS_RES* res; time_t t; struct tm* lt; time(&t); lt = localtime(&t); snprintf(filename, MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN, "querySystemInfo-%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", lt->tm_year+1900, lt->tm_mon, lt->tm_mday, lt->tm_hour, lt->tm_min, lt->tm_sec); // show variables res = taos_query(taos, "show variables;"); //fetchResult(res, filename); xDumpResultToFile(filename, res); // show dnodes res = taos_query(taos, "show dnodes;"); xDumpResultToFile(filename, res); //fetchResult(res, filename); // show databases res = taos_query(taos, "show databases;"); SDbInfo** dbInfos = (SDbInfo **)calloc(MAX_DATABASE_COUNT, sizeof(SDbInfo *)); if (dbInfos == NULL) { errorPrint("%s() LN%d, failed to allocate memory\n", __func__, __LINE__); return; } int dbCount = getDbFromServer(taos, dbInfos); if (dbCount <= 0) { free(dbInfos); return; } for (int i = 0; i < dbCount; i++) { // printf database info printfDbInfoForQueryToFile(filename, dbInfos[i], i); // show db.vgroups snprintf(buffer, 1024, "show %s.vgroups;", dbInfos[i]->name); res = taos_query(taos, buffer); xDumpResultToFile(filename, res); // show db.stables snprintf(buffer, 1024, "show %s.stables;", dbInfos[i]->name); res = taos_query(taos, buffer); xDumpResultToFile(filename, res); free(dbInfos[i]); } free(dbInfos); } static int postProceSql(char *host, struct sockaddr_in *pServAddr, uint16_t port, char* sqlstr, threadInfo *pThreadInfo) { char *req_fmt = "POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s:%d\r\nAccept: */*\r\nAuthorization: Basic %s\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n\r\n%s"; char *url = "/rest/sql"; int bytes, sent, received, req_str_len, resp_len; char *request_buf; char response_buf[RESP_BUF_LEN]; uint16_t rest_port = port + TSDB_PORT_HTTP; int req_buf_len = strlen(sqlstr) + REQ_EXTRA_BUF_LEN; request_buf = malloc(req_buf_len); if (NULL == request_buf) { errorPrint("%s", "cannot allocate memory.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char userpass_buf[INPUT_BUF_LEN]; int mod_table[] = {0, 2, 1}; static char base64[] = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+', '/'}; snprintf(userpass_buf, INPUT_BUF_LEN, "%s:%s", g_Dbs.user, g_Dbs.password); size_t userpass_buf_len = strlen(userpass_buf); size_t encoded_len = 4 * ((userpass_buf_len +2) / 3); char base64_buf[INPUT_BUF_LEN]; #ifdef WINDOWS WSADATA wsaData; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData); SOCKET sockfd; #else int sockfd; #endif sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sockfd < 0) { #ifdef WINDOWS errorPrint( "Could not create socket : %d" , WSAGetLastError()); #endif debugPrint("%s() LN%d, sockfd=%d\n", __func__, __LINE__, sockfd); free(request_buf); ERROR_EXIT("opening socket"); } int retConn = connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)pServAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); debugPrint("%s() LN%d connect() return %d\n", __func__, __LINE__, retConn); if (retConn < 0) { free(request_buf); ERROR_EXIT("connecting"); } memset(base64_buf, 0, INPUT_BUF_LEN); for (int n = 0, m = 0; n < userpass_buf_len;) { uint32_t oct_a = n < userpass_buf_len ? (unsigned char) userpass_buf[n++]:0; uint32_t oct_b = n < userpass_buf_len ? (unsigned char) userpass_buf[n++]:0; uint32_t oct_c = n < userpass_buf_len ? (unsigned char) userpass_buf[n++]:0; uint32_t triple = (oct_a << 0x10) + (oct_b << 0x08) + oct_c; base64_buf[m++] = base64[(triple >> 3* 6) & 0x3f]; base64_buf[m++] = base64[(triple >> 2* 6) & 0x3f]; base64_buf[m++] = base64[(triple >> 1* 6) & 0x3f]; base64_buf[m++] = base64[(triple >> 0* 6) & 0x3f]; } for (int l = 0; l < mod_table[userpass_buf_len % 3]; l++) base64_buf[encoded_len - 1 - l] = '='; debugPrint("%s() LN%d: auth string base64 encoded: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, base64_buf); char *auth = base64_buf; int r = snprintf(request_buf, req_buf_len, req_fmt, url, host, rest_port, auth, strlen(sqlstr), sqlstr); if (r >= req_buf_len) { free(request_buf); ERROR_EXIT("too long request"); } verbosePrint("%s() LN%d: Request:\n%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, request_buf); req_str_len = strlen(request_buf); sent = 0; do { #ifdef WINDOWS bytes = send(sockfd, request_buf + sent, req_str_len - sent, 0); #else bytes = write(sockfd, request_buf + sent, req_str_len - sent); #endif if (bytes < 0) ERROR_EXIT("writing message to socket"); if (bytes == 0) break; sent+=bytes; } while(sent < req_str_len); memset(response_buf, 0, RESP_BUF_LEN); resp_len = sizeof(response_buf) - 1; received = 0; do { #ifdef WINDOWS bytes = recv(sockfd, response_buf + received, resp_len - received, 0); #else bytes = read(sockfd, response_buf + received, resp_len - received); #endif if (bytes < 0) { free(request_buf); ERROR_EXIT("reading response from socket"); } if (bytes == 0) break; received += bytes; } while(received < resp_len); if (received == resp_len) { free(request_buf); ERROR_EXIT("storing complete response from socket"); } response_buf[RESP_BUF_LEN - 1] = '\0'; printf("Response:\n%s\n", response_buf); if (strlen(pThreadInfo->filePath) > 0) { appendResultBufToFile(response_buf, pThreadInfo); } free(request_buf); #ifdef WINDOWS closesocket(sockfd); WSACleanup(); #else close(sockfd); #endif return 0; } static char* getTagValueFromTagSample(SSuperTable* stbInfo, int tagUsePos) { char* dataBuf = (char*)calloc(TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN+1, 1); if (NULL == dataBuf) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, calloc failed! size:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN+1); return NULL; } int dataLen = 0; dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, "(%s)", stbInfo->tagDataBuf + stbInfo->lenOfTagOfOneRow * tagUsePos); return dataBuf; } static char *generateBinaryNCharTagValues(int64_t tableSeq, uint32_t len) { char* buf = (char*)calloc(len, 1); if (NULL == buf) { printf("calloc failed! size:%d\n", len); return NULL; } if (tableSeq % 2) { tstrncpy(buf, "beijing", len); } else { tstrncpy(buf, "shanghai", len); } //rand_string(buf, stbInfo->tags[i].dataLen); return buf; } static char* generateTagValuesForStb(SSuperTable* stbInfo, int64_t tableSeq) { char* dataBuf = (char*)calloc(TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN+1, 1); if (NULL == dataBuf) { printf("calloc failed! size:%d\n", TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN+1); return NULL; } int dataLen = 0; dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, "("); for (int i = 0; i < stbInfo->tagCount; i++) { if ((0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->tags[i].dataType, "binary", strlen("binary"))) || (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->tags[i].dataType, "nchar", strlen("nchar")))) { if (stbInfo->tags[i].dataLen > TSDB_MAX_BINARY_LEN) { printf("binary or nchar length overflow, max size:%u\n", (uint32_t)TSDB_MAX_BINARY_LEN); tmfree(dataBuf); return NULL; } int32_t tagBufLen = stbInfo->tags[i].dataLen + 1; char *buf = generateBinaryNCharTagValues(tableSeq, tagBufLen); if (NULL == buf) { tmfree(dataBuf); return NULL; } dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, "\'%s\',", buf); tmfree(buf); } else if (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->tags[i].dataType, "int", strlen("int"))) { if ((g_args.demo_mode) && (i == 0)) { dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, "%"PRId64",", (tableSeq % 10) + 1); } else { dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, "%"PRId64",", tableSeq); } } else if (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->tags[i].dataType, "bigint", strlen("bigint"))) { dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, "%"PRId64",", rand_bigint()); } else if (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->tags[i].dataType, "float", strlen("float"))) { dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, "%f,", rand_float()); } else if (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->tags[i].dataType, "double", strlen("double"))) { dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, "%f,", rand_double()); } else if (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->tags[i].dataType, "smallint", strlen("smallint"))) { dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, "%d,", rand_smallint()); } else if (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->tags[i].dataType, "tinyint", strlen("tinyint"))) { dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, "%d,", rand_tinyint()); } else if (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->tags[i].dataType, "bool", strlen("bool"))) { dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, "%d,", rand_bool()); } else if (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->tags[i].dataType, "timestamp", strlen("timestamp"))) { dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, "%"PRId64",", rand_ubigint()); } else if (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->tags[i].dataType, "utinyint", strlen("utinyint"))) { dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, "%d,", rand_utinyint()); } else if (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->tags[i].dataType, "usmallint", strlen("usmallint"))) { dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, "%d,", rand_usmallint()); } else if (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->tags[i].dataType, "uint", strlen("uint"))) { dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, "%d,", rand_uint()); } else if (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->tags[i].dataType, "ubigint", strlen("ubigint"))) { dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, "%"PRId64",", rand_ubigint()); } else { errorPrint2("No support data type: %s\n", stbInfo->tags[i].dataType); tmfree(dataBuf); return NULL; } } dataLen -= 1; dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN - dataLen, ")"); return dataBuf; } static int calcRowLen(SSuperTable* superTbls) { int colIndex; int lenOfOneRow = 0; for (colIndex = 0; colIndex < superTbls->columnCount; colIndex++) { char* dataType = superTbls->columns[colIndex].dataType; switch(superTbls->columns[colIndex].data_type) { case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY: lenOfOneRow += superTbls->columns[colIndex].dataLen + 3; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR: lenOfOneRow += superTbls->columns[colIndex].dataLen + 3; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT: lenOfOneRow += INT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT: lenOfOneRow += BIGINT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT: lenOfOneRow += SMALLINT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT: lenOfOneRow += TINYINT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: lenOfOneRow += BOOL_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: lenOfOneRow += FLOAT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: lenOfOneRow += DOUBLE_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: lenOfOneRow += TIMESTAMP_BUFF_LEN; break; default: errorPrint2("get error data type : %s\n", dataType); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } superTbls->lenOfOneRow = lenOfOneRow + 20; // timestamp int tagIndex; int lenOfTagOfOneRow = 0; for (tagIndex = 0; tagIndex < superTbls->tagCount; tagIndex++) { char * dataType = superTbls->tags[tagIndex].dataType; switch (superTbls->tags[tagIndex].data_type) { case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY: lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbls->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + 3; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR: lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbls->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + 3; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT: lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbls->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + INT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT: lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbls->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + BIGINT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT: lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbls->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + SMALLINT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT: lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbls->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + TINYINT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbls->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + BOOL_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbls->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + FLOAT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbls->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + DOUBLE_BUFF_LEN; break; default: errorPrint2("get error tag type : %s\n", dataType); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } superTbls->lenOfTagOfOneRow = lenOfTagOfOneRow; return 0; } static int getChildNameOfSuperTableWithLimitAndOffset(TAOS * taos, char* dbName, char* stbName, char** childTblNameOfSuperTbl, int64_t* childTblCountOfSuperTbl, int64_t limit, uint64_t offset) { char command[1024] = "\0"; char limitBuf[100] = "\0"; TAOS_RES * res; TAOS_ROW row = NULL; char* childTblName = *childTblNameOfSuperTbl; snprintf(limitBuf, 100, " limit %"PRId64" offset %"PRIu64"", limit, offset); //get all child table name use cmd: select tbname from superTblName; snprintf(command, 1024, "select tbname from %s.%s %s", dbName, stbName, limitBuf); res = taos_query(taos, command); int32_t code = taos_errno(res); if (code != 0) { taos_free_result(res); taos_close(taos); errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, failed to run command %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, command); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int64_t childTblCount = (limit < 0)?10000:limit; int64_t count = 0; if (childTblName == NULL) { childTblName = (char*)calloc(1, childTblCount * TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN); if (NULL == childTblName) { taos_free_result(res); taos_close(taos); errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, failed to allocate memory!\n", __func__, __LINE__); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } char* pTblName = childTblName; while((row = taos_fetch_row(res)) != NULL) { int32_t* len = taos_fetch_lengths(res); if (0 == strlen((char *)row[0])) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, No.%"PRId64" table return empty name\n", __func__, __LINE__, count); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tstrncpy(pTblName, (char *)row[0], len[0]+1); //printf("==== sub table name: %s\n", pTblName); count++; if (count >= childTblCount - 1) { char *tmp = realloc(childTblName, (size_t)childTblCount*1.5*TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1); if (tmp != NULL) { childTblName = tmp; childTblCount = (int)(childTblCount*1.5); memset(childTblName + count*TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN, 0, (size_t)((childTblCount-count)*TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN)); } else { // exit, if allocate more memory failed tmfree(childTblName); taos_free_result(res); taos_close(taos); errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, realloc fail for save child table name of %s.%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, dbName, stbName); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } pTblName = childTblName + count * TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN; } *childTblCountOfSuperTbl = count; *childTblNameOfSuperTbl = childTblName; taos_free_result(res); return 0; } static int getAllChildNameOfSuperTable(TAOS * taos, char* dbName, char* stbName, char** childTblNameOfSuperTbl, int64_t* childTblCountOfSuperTbl) { return getChildNameOfSuperTableWithLimitAndOffset(taos, dbName, stbName, childTblNameOfSuperTbl, childTblCountOfSuperTbl, -1, 0); } static int getSuperTableFromServer(TAOS * taos, char* dbName, SSuperTable* superTbls) { char command[1024] = "\0"; TAOS_RES * res; TAOS_ROW row = NULL; int count = 0; //get schema use cmd: describe superTblName; snprintf(command, 1024, "describe %s.%s", dbName, superTbls->stbName); res = taos_query(taos, command); int32_t code = taos_errno(res); if (code != 0) { printf("failed to run command %s\n", command); taos_free_result(res); return -1; } int tagIndex = 0; int columnIndex = 0; TAOS_FIELD *fields = taos_fetch_fields(res); while((row = taos_fetch_row(res)) != NULL) { if (0 == count) { count++; continue; } if (strcmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_NOTE_INDEX], "TAG") == 0) { tstrncpy(superTbls->tags[tagIndex].field, (char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_FIELD_INDEX], fields[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_FIELD_INDEX].bytes); if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "INT", strlen("INT"))) { superTbls->tags[tagIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "TINYINT", strlen("TINYINT"))) { superTbls->tags[tagIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "SMALLINT", strlen("SMALLINT"))) { superTbls->tags[tagIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "BIGINT", strlen("BIGINT"))) { superTbls->tags[tagIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "FLOAT", strlen("FLOAT"))) { superTbls->tags[tagIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "DOUBLE", strlen("DOUBLE"))) { superTbls->tags[tagIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "BINARY", strlen("BINARY"))) { superTbls->tags[tagIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "NCHAR", strlen("NCHAR"))) { superTbls->tags[tagIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "BOOL", strlen("BOOL"))) { superTbls->tags[tagIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "TIMESTAMP", strlen("TIMESTAMP"))) { superTbls->tags[tagIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "TINYINT UNSIGNED", strlen("TINYINT UNSIGNED"))) { superTbls->tags[tagIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT; tstrncpy(superTbls->tags[tagIndex].dataType,"UTINYINT", min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, fields[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX].bytes) + 1); } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "SMALLINT UNSIGNED", strlen("SMALLINT UNSIGNED"))) { superTbls->tags[tagIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT; tstrncpy(superTbls->tags[tagIndex].dataType,"USMALLINT", min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, fields[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX].bytes) + 1); } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "INT UNSIGNED", strlen("INT UNSIGNED"))) { superTbls->tags[tagIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT; tstrncpy(superTbls->tags[tagIndex].dataType,"UINT", min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, fields[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX].bytes) + 1); }else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "BIGINT UNSIGNED", strlen("BIGINT UNSIGNED"))) { superTbls->tags[tagIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT; tstrncpy(superTbls->tags[tagIndex].dataType,"UBIGINT", min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, fields[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX].bytes) + 1); } else { superTbls->tags[tagIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL; } superTbls->tags[tagIndex].dataLen = *((int *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_LENGTH_INDEX]); tstrncpy(superTbls->tags[tagIndex].note, (char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_NOTE_INDEX], min(NOTE_BUFF_LEN, fields[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_NOTE_INDEX].bytes) + 1); if (strstr((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "UNSIGNED") == NULL) { tstrncpy(superTbls->tags[tagIndex].dataType, (char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, fields[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX].bytes) + 1); } tagIndex++; } else { tstrncpy(superTbls->columns[columnIndex].field, (char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_FIELD_INDEX], fields[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_FIELD_INDEX].bytes); if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "INT", strlen("INT")) && strstr((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "UNSIGNED") == NULL) { superTbls->columns[columnIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "TINYINT", strlen("TINYINT")) && strstr((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "UNSIGNED") == NULL) { superTbls->columns[columnIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "SMALLINT", strlen("SMALLINT")) && strstr((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "UNSIGNED") == NULL) { superTbls->columns[columnIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "BIGINT", strlen("BIGINT")) && strstr((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "UNSIGNED") == NULL) { superTbls->columns[columnIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "FLOAT", strlen("FLOAT"))) { superTbls->columns[columnIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "DOUBLE", strlen("DOUBLE"))) { superTbls->columns[columnIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "BINARY", strlen("BINARY"))) { superTbls->columns[columnIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "NCHAR", strlen("NCHAR"))) { superTbls->columns[columnIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "BOOL", strlen("BOOL"))) { superTbls->columns[columnIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "TIMESTAMP", strlen("TIMESTAMP"))) { superTbls->columns[columnIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "TINYINT UNSIGNED", strlen("TINYINT UNSIGNED"))) { superTbls->columns[columnIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT; tstrncpy(superTbls->columns[columnIndex].dataType,"UTINYINT", min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, fields[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX].bytes) + 1); } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "SMALLINT UNSIGNED", strlen("SMALLINT UNSIGNED"))) { superTbls->columns[columnIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT; tstrncpy(superTbls->columns[columnIndex].dataType,"USMALLINT", min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, fields[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX].bytes) + 1); } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "INT UNSIGNED", strlen("INT UNSIGNED"))) { superTbls->columns[columnIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT; tstrncpy(superTbls->columns[columnIndex].dataType,"UINT", min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, fields[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX].bytes) + 1); } else if (0 == strncasecmp((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "BIGINT UNSIGNED", strlen("BIGINT UNSIGNED"))) { superTbls->columns[columnIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT; tstrncpy(superTbls->columns[columnIndex].dataType,"UBIGINT", min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, fields[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX].bytes) + 1); } else { superTbls->columns[columnIndex].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL; } superTbls->columns[columnIndex].dataLen = *((int *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_LENGTH_INDEX]); tstrncpy(superTbls->columns[columnIndex].note, (char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_NOTE_INDEX], min(NOTE_BUFF_LEN, fields[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_NOTE_INDEX].bytes) + 1); if (strstr((char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], "UNSIGNED") == NULL) { tstrncpy(superTbls->columns[columnIndex].dataType, (char *)row[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX], min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, fields[TSDB_DESCRIBE_METRIC_TYPE_INDEX].bytes) + 1); } columnIndex++; } count++; } superTbls->columnCount = columnIndex; superTbls->tagCount = tagIndex; taos_free_result(res); calcRowLen(superTbls); /* if (TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS == superTbls->childTblExists) { //get all child table name use cmd: select tbname from superTblName; int childTblCount = 10000; superTbls->childTblName = (char*)calloc(1, childTblCount * TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN); if (superTbls->childTblName == NULL) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, alloc memory failed!\n", __func__, __LINE__); return -1; } getAllChildNameOfSuperTable(taos, dbName, superTbls->stbName, &superTbls->childTblName, &superTbls->childTblCount); } */ return 0; } static int createSuperTable( TAOS * taos, char* dbName, SSuperTable* superTbl) { char *command = calloc(1, BUFFER_SIZE); assert(command); char cols[COL_BUFFER_LEN] = "\0"; int len = 0; int lenOfOneRow = 0; if (superTbl->columnCount == 0) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, super table column count is %d\n", __func__, __LINE__, superTbl->columnCount); free(command); return -1; } for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < superTbl->columnCount; colIndex++) { switch(superTbl->columns[colIndex].data_type) { case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY: len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ",C%d %s(%d)", colIndex, "BINARY", superTbl->columns[colIndex].dataLen); lenOfOneRow += superTbl->columns[colIndex].dataLen + 3; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR: len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ",C%d %s(%d)", colIndex, "NCHAR", superTbl->columns[colIndex].dataLen); lenOfOneRow += superTbl->columns[colIndex].dataLen + 3; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT: if ((g_args.demo_mode) && (colIndex == 1)) { len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ", VOLTAGE INT"); } else { len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ",C%d %s", colIndex, "INT"); } lenOfOneRow += INT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT: len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ",C%d %s", colIndex, "BIGINT"); lenOfOneRow += BIGINT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT: len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ",C%d %s", colIndex, "SMALLINT"); lenOfOneRow += SMALLINT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT: len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ",C%d %s", colIndex, "TINYINT"); lenOfOneRow += TINYINT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ",C%d %s", colIndex, "BOOL"); lenOfOneRow += BOOL_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: if (g_args.demo_mode) { if (colIndex == 0) { len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ", CURRENT FLOAT"); } else if (colIndex == 2) { len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ", PHASE FLOAT"); } } else { len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ",C%d %s", colIndex, "FLOAT"); } lenOfOneRow += FLOAT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ",C%d %s", colIndex, "DOUBLE"); lenOfOneRow += DOUBLE_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ",C%d %s", colIndex, "TIMESTAMP"); lenOfOneRow += TIMESTAMP_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT: len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ",C%d %s", colIndex, "TINYINT UNSIGNED"); lenOfOneRow += TINYINT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT: len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ",C%d %s", colIndex, "SMALLINT UNSIGNED"); lenOfOneRow += SMALLINT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT: len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ",C%d %s", colIndex, "INT UNSIGNED"); lenOfOneRow += INT_BUFF_LEN; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT: len += snprintf(cols + len, COL_BUFFER_LEN - len, ",C%d %s", colIndex, "BIGINT UNSIGNED"); lenOfOneRow += BIGINT_BUFF_LEN; break; default: taos_close(taos); free(command); errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, config error data type : %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, superTbl->columns[colIndex].dataType); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } superTbl->lenOfOneRow = lenOfOneRow + 20; // timestamp // save for creating child table superTbl->colsOfCreateChildTable = (char*)calloc(len+20, 1); if (NULL == superTbl->colsOfCreateChildTable) { taos_close(taos); free(command); errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, Failed when calloc, size:%d", __func__, __LINE__, len+1); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } snprintf(superTbl->colsOfCreateChildTable, len+20, "(ts timestamp%s)", cols); verbosePrint("%s() LN%d: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, superTbl->colsOfCreateChildTable); if (superTbl->tagCount == 0) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, super table tag count is %d\n", __func__, __LINE__, superTbl->tagCount); free(command); return -1; } char tags[TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN] = "\0"; int tagIndex; len = 0; int lenOfTagOfOneRow = 0; len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, "("); for (tagIndex = 0; tagIndex < superTbl->tagCount; tagIndex++) { char* dataType = superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataType; if (strcasecmp(dataType, "BINARY") == 0) { if ((g_args.demo_mode) && (tagIndex == 1)) { len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, "location BINARY(%d),", superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataLen); } else { len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, "T%d %s(%d),", tagIndex, "BINARY", superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataLen); } lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + 3; } else if (strcasecmp(dataType, "NCHAR") == 0) { len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, "T%d %s(%d),", tagIndex, "NCHAR", superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataLen); lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + 3; } else if (strcasecmp(dataType, "INT") == 0) { if ((g_args.demo_mode) && (tagIndex == 0)) { len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, "groupId INT, "); } else { len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, "T%d %s,", tagIndex, "INT"); } lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + INT_BUFF_LEN; } else if (strcasecmp(dataType, "BIGINT") == 0) { len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, "T%d %s,", tagIndex, "BIGINT"); lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + BIGINT_BUFF_LEN; } else if (strcasecmp(dataType, "SMALLINT") == 0) { len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, "T%d %s,", tagIndex, "SMALLINT"); lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + SMALLINT_BUFF_LEN; } else if (strcasecmp(dataType, "TINYINT") == 0) { len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, "T%d %s,", tagIndex, "TINYINT"); lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + TINYINT_BUFF_LEN; } else if (strcasecmp(dataType, "BOOL") == 0) { len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, "T%d %s,", tagIndex, "BOOL"); lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + BOOL_BUFF_LEN; } else if (strcasecmp(dataType, "FLOAT") == 0) { len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, "T%d %s,", tagIndex, "FLOAT"); lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + FLOAT_BUFF_LEN; } else if (strcasecmp(dataType, "DOUBLE") == 0) { len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, "T%d %s,", tagIndex, "DOUBLE"); lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + DOUBLE_BUFF_LEN; } else if (strcasecmp(dataType, "UTINYINT") == 0) { len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, "T%d %s,", tagIndex, "TINYINT UNSIGNED"); lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + TINYINT_BUFF_LEN; } else if (strcasecmp(dataType, "USMALLINT") == 0) { len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, "T%d %s,", tagIndex, "SMALLINT UNSIGNED"); lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + SMALLINT_BUFF_LEN; } else if (strcasecmp(dataType, "UINT") == 0) { len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, "T%d %s,", tagIndex, "INT UNSIGNED"); lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + INT_BUFF_LEN; } else if (strcasecmp(dataType, "UBIGINT") == 0) { len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, "T%d %s,", tagIndex, "BIGINT UNSIGNED"); lenOfTagOfOneRow += superTbl->tags[tagIndex].dataLen + BIGINT_BUFF_LEN; } else { taos_close(taos); free(command); errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, config error tag type : %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, dataType); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } len -= 1; len += snprintf(tags + len, TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN - len, ")"); superTbl->lenOfTagOfOneRow = lenOfTagOfOneRow; snprintf(command, BUFFER_SIZE, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s.%s (ts TIMESTAMP%s) TAGS %s", dbName, superTbl->stbName, cols, tags); if (0 != queryDbExec(taos, command, NO_INSERT_TYPE, false)) { errorPrint2("create supertable %s failed!\n\n", superTbl->stbName); free(command); return -1; } debugPrint("create supertable %s success!\n\n", superTbl->stbName); free(command); return 0; } int createDatabasesAndStables(char *command) { TAOS * taos = NULL; int ret = 0; taos = taos_connect(g_Dbs.host, g_Dbs.user, g_Dbs.password, NULL, g_Dbs.port); if (taos == NULL) { errorPrint2("Failed to connect to TDengine, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(NULL)); return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < g_Dbs.dbCount; i++) { if (g_Dbs.db[i].drop) { sprintf(command, "drop database if exists %s;", g_Dbs.db[i].dbName); if (0 != queryDbExec(taos, command, NO_INSERT_TYPE, false)) { taos_close(taos); return -1; } int dataLen = 0; dataLen += snprintf(command + dataLen, BUFFER_SIZE - dataLen, "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS %s", g_Dbs.db[i].dbName); if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.blocks > 0) { dataLen += snprintf(command + dataLen, BUFFER_SIZE - dataLen, " BLOCKS %d", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.blocks); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.cache > 0) { dataLen += snprintf(command + dataLen, BUFFER_SIZE - dataLen, " CACHE %d", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.cache); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.days > 0) { dataLen += snprintf(command + dataLen, BUFFER_SIZE - dataLen, " DAYS %d", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.days); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.keep > 0) { dataLen += snprintf(command + dataLen, BUFFER_SIZE - dataLen, " KEEP %d", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.keep); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.quorum > 1) { dataLen += snprintf(command + dataLen, BUFFER_SIZE - dataLen, " QUORUM %d", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.quorum); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.replica > 0) { dataLen += snprintf(command + dataLen, BUFFER_SIZE - dataLen, " REPLICA %d", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.replica); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.update > 0) { dataLen += snprintf(command + dataLen, BUFFER_SIZE - dataLen, " UPDATE %d", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.update); } //if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.maxtablesPerVnode > 0) { // dataLen += snprintf(command + dataLen, // BUFFER_SIZE - dataLen, "tables %d ", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.maxtablesPerVnode); //} if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.minRows > 0) { dataLen += snprintf(command + dataLen, BUFFER_SIZE - dataLen, " MINROWS %d", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.minRows); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.maxRows > 0) { dataLen += snprintf(command + dataLen, BUFFER_SIZE - dataLen, " MAXROWS %d", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.maxRows); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.comp > 0) { dataLen += snprintf(command + dataLen, BUFFER_SIZE - dataLen, " COMP %d", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.comp); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.walLevel > 0) { dataLen += snprintf(command + dataLen, BUFFER_SIZE - dataLen, " wal %d", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.walLevel); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.cacheLast > 0) { dataLen += snprintf(command + dataLen, BUFFER_SIZE - dataLen, " CACHELAST %d", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.cacheLast); } if (g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.fsync > 0) { dataLen += snprintf(command + dataLen, BUFFER_SIZE - dataLen, " FSYNC %d", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.fsync); } if ((0 == strncasecmp(g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision, "ms", 2)) || (0 == strncasecmp(g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision, "ns", 2)) || (0 == strncasecmp(g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision, "us", 2))) { dataLen += snprintf(command + dataLen, BUFFER_SIZE - dataLen, " precision \'%s\';", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision); } if (0 != queryDbExec(taos, command, NO_INSERT_TYPE, false)) { taos_close(taos); errorPrint("\ncreate database %s failed!\n\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbName); return -1; } printf("\ncreate database %s success!\n\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbName); } debugPrint("%s() LN%d supertbl count:%"PRIu64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount); int validStbCount = 0; for (uint64_t j = 0; j < g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount; j++) { sprintf(command, "describe %s.%s;", g_Dbs.db[i].dbName, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].stbName); ret = queryDbExec(taos, command, NO_INSERT_TYPE, true); if ((ret != 0) || (g_Dbs.db[i].drop)) { ret = createSuperTable(taos, g_Dbs.db[i].dbName, &g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j]); if (0 != ret) { errorPrint("create super table %"PRIu64" failed!\n\n", j); continue; } } else { ret = getSuperTableFromServer(taos, g_Dbs.db[i].dbName, &g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j]); if (0 != ret) { errorPrint2("\nget super table %s.%s info failed!\n\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbName, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].stbName); continue; } } validStbCount ++; } g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount = validStbCount; } taos_close(taos); return 0; } static void* createTable(void *sarg) { threadInfo *pThreadInfo = (threadInfo *)sarg; SSuperTable* stbInfo = pThreadInfo->stbInfo; setThreadName("createTable"); uint64_t lastPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); int buff_len = BUFFER_SIZE; pThreadInfo->buffer = calloc(buff_len, 1); if (pThreadInfo->buffer == NULL) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, Memory allocated failed!\n", __func__, __LINE__); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int len = 0; int batchNum = 0; verbosePrint("%s() LN%d: Creating table from %"PRIu64" to %"PRIu64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->start_table_from, pThreadInfo->end_table_to); for (uint64_t i = pThreadInfo->start_table_from; i <= pThreadInfo->end_table_to; i++) { if (0 == g_Dbs.use_metric) { snprintf(pThreadInfo->buffer, buff_len, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s.%s%"PRIu64" %s;", pThreadInfo->db_name, g_args.tb_prefix, i, pThreadInfo->cols); batchNum ++; } else { if (stbInfo == NULL) { free(pThreadInfo->buffer); errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, use metric, but super table info is NULL\n", __func__, __LINE__); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { if (0 == len) { batchNum = 0; memset(pThreadInfo->buffer, 0, buff_len); len += snprintf(pThreadInfo->buffer + len, buff_len - len, "CREATE TABLE "); } char* tagsValBuf = NULL; if (0 == stbInfo->tagSource) { tagsValBuf = generateTagValuesForStb(stbInfo, i); } else { if (0 == stbInfo->tagSampleCount) { free(pThreadInfo->buffer); ERROR_EXIT("use sample file for tag, but has no content!\n"); } tagsValBuf = getTagValueFromTagSample( stbInfo, i % stbInfo->tagSampleCount); } if (NULL == tagsValBuf) { free(pThreadInfo->buffer); ERROR_EXIT("use metric, but tag buffer is NULL\n"); } len += snprintf(pThreadInfo->buffer + len, buff_len - len, "if not exists %s.%s%"PRIu64" using %s.%s tags %s ", pThreadInfo->db_name, stbInfo->childTblPrefix, i, pThreadInfo->db_name, stbInfo->stbName, tagsValBuf); free(tagsValBuf); batchNum++; if ((batchNum < stbInfo->batchCreateTableNum) && ((buff_len - len) >= (stbInfo->lenOfTagOfOneRow + 256))) { continue; } } } len = 0; if (0 != queryDbExec(pThreadInfo->taos, pThreadInfo->buffer, NO_INSERT_TYPE, false)) { errorPrint2("queryDbExec() failed. buffer:\n%s\n", pThreadInfo->buffer); free(pThreadInfo->buffer); return NULL; } pThreadInfo->tables_created += batchNum; uint64_t currentPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); if (currentPrintTime - lastPrintTime > 30*1000) { printf("thread[%d] already create %"PRIu64" - %"PRIu64" tables\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, pThreadInfo->start_table_from, i); lastPrintTime = currentPrintTime; } } if (0 != len) { if (0 != queryDbExec(pThreadInfo->taos, pThreadInfo->buffer, NO_INSERT_TYPE, false)) { errorPrint2("queryDbExec() failed. buffer:\n%s\n", pThreadInfo->buffer); } } free(pThreadInfo->buffer); return NULL; } static int startMultiThreadCreateChildTable( char* cols, int threads, uint64_t tableFrom, int64_t ntables, char* db_name, SSuperTable* stbInfo) { pthread_t *pids = calloc(1, threads * sizeof(pthread_t)); threadInfo *infos = calloc(1, threads * sizeof(threadInfo)); if ((NULL == pids) || (NULL == infos)) { ERROR_EXIT("createChildTable malloc failed\n"); } if (threads < 1) { threads = 1; } int64_t a = ntables / threads; if (a < 1) { threads = ntables; a = 1; } int64_t b = 0; b = ntables % threads; for (int64_t i = 0; i < threads; i++) { threadInfo *pThreadInfo = infos + i; pThreadInfo->threadID = i; tstrncpy(pThreadInfo->db_name, db_name, TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN); pThreadInfo->stbInfo = stbInfo; verbosePrint("%s() %d db_name: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, db_name); pThreadInfo->taos = taos_connect( g_Dbs.host, g_Dbs.user, g_Dbs.password, db_name, g_Dbs.port); if (pThreadInfo->taos == NULL) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, Failed to connect to TDengine, reason:%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_errstr(NULL)); free(pids); free(infos); return -1; } pThreadInfo->start_table_from = tableFrom; pThreadInfo->ntables = iend_table_to = i < b ? tableFrom + a : tableFrom + a - 1; tableFrom = pThreadInfo->end_table_to + 1; pThreadInfo->use_metric = true; pThreadInfo->cols = cols; pThreadInfo->minDelay = UINT64_MAX; pThreadInfo->tables_created = 0; pthread_create(pids + i, NULL, createTable, pThreadInfo); } for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { pthread_join(pids[i], NULL); } for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { threadInfo *pThreadInfo = infos + i; taos_close(pThreadInfo->taos); g_actualChildTables += pThreadInfo->tables_created; } free(pids); free(infos); return 0; } static void createChildTables() { char tblColsBuf[TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW]; int len; for (int i = 0; i < g_Dbs.dbCount; i++) { if (g_Dbs.use_metric) { if (g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount > 0) { // with super table for (int j = 0; j < g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount; j++) { if ((AUTO_CREATE_SUBTBL == g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].autoCreateTable) || (TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS == g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists)) { continue; } verbosePrint("%s() LN%d: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].colsOfCreateChildTable); uint64_t startFrom = 0; verbosePrint("%s() LN%d: create %"PRId64" child tables from %"PRIu64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, g_totalChildTables, startFrom); startMultiThreadCreateChildTable( g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].colsOfCreateChildTable, g_Dbs.threadCountForCreateTbl, startFrom, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblCount, g_Dbs.db[i].dbName, &(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j])); } } } else { // normal table len = snprintf(tblColsBuf, TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW, "(TS TIMESTAMP"); for (int j = 0; j < g_args.columnCount; j++) { if ((strncasecmp(g_args.dataType[j], "BINARY", strlen("BINARY")) == 0) || (strncasecmp(g_args.dataType[j], "NCHAR", strlen("NCHAR")) == 0)) { snprintf(tblColsBuf + len, TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW - len, ",C%d %s(%d)", j, g_args.dataType[j], g_args.binwidth); } else { snprintf(tblColsBuf + len, TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW - len, ",C%d %s", j, g_args.dataType[j]); } len = strlen(tblColsBuf); } snprintf(tblColsBuf + len, TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW - len, ")"); verbosePrint("%s() LN%d: dbName: %s num of tb: %"PRId64" schema: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, g_Dbs.db[i].dbName, g_args.ntables, tblColsBuf); startMultiThreadCreateChildTable( tblColsBuf, g_Dbs.threadCountForCreateTbl, 0, g_args.ntables, g_Dbs.db[i].dbName, NULL); } } } /* Read 10000 lines at most. If more than 10000 lines, continue to read after using */ static int readTagFromCsvFileToMem(SSuperTable * stbInfo) { size_t n = 0; ssize_t readLen = 0; char * line = NULL; FILE *fp = fopen(stbInfo->tagsFile, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Failed to open tags file: %s, reason:%s\n", stbInfo->tagsFile, strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (stbInfo->tagDataBuf) { free(stbInfo->tagDataBuf); stbInfo->tagDataBuf = NULL; } int tagCount = 10000; int count = 0; char* tagDataBuf = calloc(1, stbInfo->lenOfTagOfOneRow * tagCount); if (tagDataBuf == NULL) { printf("Failed to calloc, reason:%s\n", strerror(errno)); fclose(fp); return -1; } while((readLen = tgetline(&line, &n, fp)) != -1) { if (('\r' == line[readLen - 1]) || ('\n' == line[readLen - 1])) { line[--readLen] = 0; } if (readLen == 0) { continue; } memcpy(tagDataBuf + count * stbInfo->lenOfTagOfOneRow, line, readLen); count++; if (count >= tagCount - 1) { char *tmp = realloc(tagDataBuf, (size_t)tagCount*1.5*stbInfo->lenOfTagOfOneRow); if (tmp != NULL) { tagDataBuf = tmp; tagCount = (int)(tagCount*1.5); memset(tagDataBuf + count*stbInfo->lenOfTagOfOneRow, 0, (size_t)((tagCount-count)*stbInfo->lenOfTagOfOneRow)); } else { // exit, if allocate more memory failed printf("realloc fail for save tag val from %s\n", stbInfo->tagsFile); tmfree(tagDataBuf); free(line); fclose(fp); return -1; } } } stbInfo->tagDataBuf = tagDataBuf; stbInfo->tagSampleCount = count; free(line); fclose(fp); return 0; } /* Read 10000 lines at most. If more than 10000 lines, continue to read after using */ static int generateSampleFromCsvForStb( SSuperTable* stbInfo) { size_t n = 0; ssize_t readLen = 0; char * line = NULL; int getRows = 0; FILE* fp = fopen(stbInfo->sampleFile, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { errorPrint("Failed to open sample file: %s, reason:%s\n", stbInfo->sampleFile, strerror(errno)); return -1; } assert(stbInfo->sampleDataBuf); memset(stbInfo->sampleDataBuf, 0, MAX_SAMPLES * stbInfo->lenOfOneRow); while(1) { readLen = tgetline(&line, &n, fp); if (-1 == readLen) { if(0 != fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET)) { errorPrint("Failed to fseek file: %s, reason:%s\n", stbInfo->sampleFile, strerror(errno)); fclose(fp); return -1; } continue; } if (('\r' == line[readLen - 1]) || ('\n' == line[readLen - 1])) { line[--readLen] = 0; } if (readLen == 0) { continue; } if (readLen > stbInfo->lenOfOneRow) { printf("sample row len[%d] overflow define schema len[%"PRIu64"], so discard this row\n", (int32_t)readLen, stbInfo->lenOfOneRow); continue; } memcpy(stbInfo->sampleDataBuf + getRows * stbInfo->lenOfOneRow, line, readLen); getRows++; if (getRows == MAX_SAMPLES) { break; } } fclose(fp); tmfree(line); return 0; } static bool getColumnAndTagTypeFromInsertJsonFile( cJSON* stbInfo, SSuperTable* superTbls) { bool ret = false; // columns cJSON *columns = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "columns"); if (columns && columns->type != cJSON_Array) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, columns not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } else if (NULL == columns) { superTbls->columnCount = 0; superTbls->tagCount = 0; return true; } int columnSize = cJSON_GetArraySize(columns); if ((columnSize + 1/* ts */) > TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS) { errorPrint("failed to read json, column size overflow, max column size is %d\n", TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS); goto PARSE_OVER; } int count = 1; int index = 0; StrColumn columnCase; //superTbls->columnCount = columnSize; for (int k = 0; k < columnSize; ++k) { cJSON* column = cJSON_GetArrayItem(columns, k); if (column == NULL) continue; count = 1; cJSON* countObj = cJSON_GetObjectItem(column, "count"); if (countObj && countObj->type == cJSON_Number) { count = countObj->valueint; } else if (countObj && countObj->type != cJSON_Number) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, column count not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } else { count = 1; } // column info memset(&columnCase, 0, sizeof(StrColumn)); cJSON *dataType = cJSON_GetObjectItem(column, "type"); if (!dataType || dataType->type != cJSON_String || dataType->valuestring == NULL) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, column type not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } //tstrncpy(superTbls->columns[k].dataType, dataType->valuestring, DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN); tstrncpy(columnCase.dataType, dataType->valuestring, min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, strlen(dataType->valuestring) + 1)); cJSON* dataLen = cJSON_GetObjectItem(column, "len"); if (dataLen && dataLen->type == cJSON_Number) { columnCase.dataLen = dataLen->valueint; } else if (dataLen && dataLen->type != cJSON_Number) { debugPrint("%s() LN%d: failed to read json, column len not found\n", __func__, __LINE__); goto PARSE_OVER; } else { columnCase.dataLen = SMALL_BUFF_LEN; } for (int n = 0; n < count; ++n) { tstrncpy(superTbls->columns[index].dataType, columnCase.dataType, min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, strlen(columnCase.dataType) + 1)); superTbls->columns[index].dataLen = columnCase.dataLen; index++; } } if ((index + 1 /* ts */) > MAX_NUM_COLUMNS) { errorPrint("failed to read json, column size overflow, allowed max column size is %d\n", MAX_NUM_COLUMNS); goto PARSE_OVER; } superTbls->columnCount = index; for (int c = 0; c < superTbls->columnCount; c++) { if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->columns[c].dataType, "INT", strlen("INT"))) { superTbls->columns[c].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->columns[c].dataType, "TINYINT", strlen("TINYINT"))) { superTbls->columns[c].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->columns[c].dataType, "SMALLINT", strlen("SMALLINT"))) { superTbls->columns[c].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->columns[c].dataType, "BIGINT", strlen("BIGINT"))) { superTbls->columns[c].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->columns[c].dataType, "FLOAT", strlen("FLOAT"))) { superTbls->columns[c].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->columns[c].dataType, "DOUBLE", strlen("DOUBLE"))) { superTbls->columns[c].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->columns[c].dataType, "BINARY", strlen("BINARY"))) { superTbls->columns[c].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->columns[c].dataType, "NCHAR", strlen("NCHAR"))) { superTbls->columns[c].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->columns[c].dataType, "BOOL", strlen("BOOL"))) { superTbls->columns[c].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->columns[c].dataType, "TIMESTAMP", strlen("TIMESTAMP"))) { superTbls->columns[c].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->columns[c].dataType, "UTINYINT", strlen("UTINYINT"))) { superTbls->columns[c].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->columns[c].dataType, "USMALLINT", strlen("USMALLINT"))) { superTbls->columns[c].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->columns[c].dataType, "UINT", strlen("UINT"))) { superTbls->columns[c].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->columns[c].dataType, "UBIGINT", strlen("UBIGINT"))) { superTbls->columns[c].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT; } else { superTbls->columns[c].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL; } } count = 1; index = 0; // tags cJSON *tags = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "tags"); if (!tags || tags->type != cJSON_Array) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, tags not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } int tagSize = cJSON_GetArraySize(tags); if (tagSize > TSDB_MAX_TAGS) { errorPrint("failed to read json, tags size overflow, max tag size is %d\n", TSDB_MAX_TAGS); goto PARSE_OVER; } //superTbls->tagCount = tagSize; for (int k = 0; k < tagSize; ++k) { cJSON* tag = cJSON_GetArrayItem(tags, k); if (tag == NULL) continue; count = 1; cJSON* countObj = cJSON_GetObjectItem(tag, "count"); if (countObj && countObj->type == cJSON_Number) { count = countObj->valueint; } else if (countObj && countObj->type != cJSON_Number) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, column count not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } else { count = 1; } // column info memset(&columnCase, 0, sizeof(StrColumn)); cJSON *dataType = cJSON_GetObjectItem(tag, "type"); if (!dataType || dataType->type != cJSON_String || dataType->valuestring == NULL) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, tag type not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } tstrncpy(columnCase.dataType, dataType->valuestring, min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, strlen(dataType->valuestring) + 1)); cJSON* dataLen = cJSON_GetObjectItem(tag, "len"); if (dataLen && dataLen->type == cJSON_Number) { columnCase.dataLen = dataLen->valueint; } else if (dataLen && dataLen->type != cJSON_Number) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, column len not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } else { columnCase.dataLen = 0; } for (int n = 0; n < count; ++n) { tstrncpy(superTbls->tags[index].dataType, columnCase.dataType, min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, strlen(columnCase.dataType) + 1)); superTbls->tags[index].dataLen = columnCase.dataLen; index++; } } if (index > TSDB_MAX_TAGS) { errorPrint("failed to read json, tags size overflow, allowed max tag count is %d\n", TSDB_MAX_TAGS); goto PARSE_OVER; } superTbls->tagCount = index; for (int t = 0; t < superTbls->tagCount; t++) { if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->tags[t].dataType, "INT", strlen("INT"))) { superTbls->tags[t].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->tags[t].dataType, "TINYINT", strlen("TINYINT"))) { superTbls->tags[t].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->tags[t].dataType, "SMALLINT", strlen("SMALLINT"))) { superTbls->tags[t].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->tags[t].dataType, "BIGINT", strlen("BIGINT"))) { superTbls->tags[t].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->tags[t].dataType, "FLOAT", strlen("FLOAT"))) { superTbls->tags[t].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->tags[t].dataType, "DOUBLE", strlen("DOUBLE"))) { superTbls->tags[t].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->tags[t].dataType, "BINARY", strlen("BINARY"))) { superTbls->tags[t].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->tags[t].dataType, "NCHAR", strlen("NCHAR"))) { superTbls->tags[t].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->tags[t].dataType, "BOOL", strlen("BOOL"))) { superTbls->tags[t].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->tags[t].dataType, "TIMESTAMP", strlen("TIMESTAMP"))) { superTbls->tags[t].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->tags[t].dataType, "UTINYINT", strlen("UTINYINT"))) { superTbls->tags[t].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->tags[t].dataType, "USMALLINT", strlen("USMALLINT"))) { superTbls->tags[t].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->tags[t].dataType, "UINT", strlen("UINT"))) { superTbls->tags[t].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(superTbls->tags[t].dataType, "UBIGINT", strlen("UBIGINT"))) { superTbls->tags[t].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT; } else { superTbls->tags[t].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL; } } if ((superTbls->columnCount + superTbls->tagCount + 1 /* ts */) > TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS) { errorPrint("columns + tags is more than allowed max columns count: %d\n", TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS); goto PARSE_OVER; } ret = true; PARSE_OVER: return ret; } static bool getMetaFromInsertJsonFile(cJSON* root) { bool ret = false; cJSON* cfgdir = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "cfgdir"); if (cfgdir && cfgdir->type == cJSON_String && cfgdir->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.cfgDir, cfgdir->valuestring, MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN); } cJSON* host = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "host"); if (host && host->type == cJSON_String && host->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.host, host->valuestring, MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE); } else if (!host) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.host, "", MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE); } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, host not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* port = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "port"); if (port && port->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.port = port->valueint; } else if (!port) { g_Dbs.port = 6030; } cJSON* user = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "user"); if (user && user->type == cJSON_String && user->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.user, user->valuestring, MAX_USERNAME_SIZE); } else if (!user) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.user, "root", MAX_USERNAME_SIZE); } cJSON* password = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "password"); if (password && password->type == cJSON_String && password->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.password, password->valuestring, SHELL_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN); } else if (!password) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.password, "taosdata", SHELL_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN); } cJSON* resultfile = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "result_file"); if (resultfile && resultfile->type == cJSON_String && resultfile->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.resultFile, resultfile->valuestring, MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN); } else if (!resultfile) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.resultFile, "./insert_res.txt", MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN); } cJSON* threads = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "thread_count"); if (threads && threads->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.threadCount = threads->valueint; } else if (!threads) { g_Dbs.threadCount = 1; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, threads not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* threads2 = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "thread_count_create_tbl"); if (threads2 && threads2->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.threadCountForCreateTbl = threads2->valueint; } else if (!threads2) { g_Dbs.threadCountForCreateTbl = 1; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, threads2 not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* gInsertInterval = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "insert_interval"); if (gInsertInterval && gInsertInterval->type == cJSON_Number) { if (gInsertInterval->valueint <0) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, insert interval input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_args.insert_interval = gInsertInterval->valueint; } else if (!gInsertInterval) { g_args.insert_interval = 0; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, insert_interval input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* interlaceRows = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "interlace_rows"); if (interlaceRows && interlaceRows->type == cJSON_Number) { if (interlaceRows->valueint < 0) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, interlaceRows input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_args.interlaceRows = interlaceRows->valueint; } else if (!interlaceRows) { g_args.interlaceRows = 0; // 0 means progressive mode, > 0 mean interlace mode. max value is less or equ num_of_records_per_req } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, interlaceRows input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* maxSqlLen = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "max_sql_len"); if (maxSqlLen && maxSqlLen->type == cJSON_Number) { if (maxSqlLen->valueint < 0) { errorPrint("%s() LN%d, failed to read json, max_sql_len input mistake\n", __func__, __LINE__); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_args.max_sql_len = maxSqlLen->valueint; } else if (!maxSqlLen) { g_args.max_sql_len = (1024*1024); } else { errorPrint("%s() LN%d, failed to read json, max_sql_len input mistake\n", __func__, __LINE__); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* numRecPerReq = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "num_of_records_per_req"); if (numRecPerReq && numRecPerReq->type == cJSON_Number) { if (numRecPerReq->valueint <= 0) { errorPrint("%s() LN%d, failed to read json, num_of_records_per_req input mistake\n", __func__, __LINE__); goto PARSE_OVER; } else if (numRecPerReq->valueint > MAX_RECORDS_PER_REQ) { printf("NOTICE: number of records per request value %"PRIu64" > %d\n\n", numRecPerReq->valueint, MAX_RECORDS_PER_REQ); printf(" number of records per request value will be set to %d\n\n", MAX_RECORDS_PER_REQ); prompt(); numRecPerReq->valueint = MAX_RECORDS_PER_REQ; } g_args.reqPerReq = numRecPerReq->valueint; } else if (!numRecPerReq) { g_args.reqPerReq = MAX_RECORDS_PER_REQ; } else { errorPrint("%s() LN%d, failed to read json, num_of_records_per_req not found\n", __func__, __LINE__); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON *answerPrompt = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "confirm_parameter_prompt"); // yes, no, if (answerPrompt && answerPrompt->type == cJSON_String && answerPrompt->valuestring != NULL) { if (0 == strncasecmp(answerPrompt->valuestring, "yes", 3)) { g_args.answer_yes = false; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(answerPrompt->valuestring, "no", 2)) { g_args.answer_yes = true; } else { g_args.answer_yes = false; } } else if (!answerPrompt) { g_args.answer_yes = true; // default is no, mean answer_yes. } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, confirm_parameter_prompt input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } // rows per table need be less than insert batch if (g_args.interlaceRows > g_args.reqPerReq) { printf("NOTICE: interlace rows value %u > num_of_records_per_req %u\n\n", g_args.interlaceRows, g_args.reqPerReq); printf(" interlace rows value will be set to num_of_records_per_req %u\n\n", g_args.reqPerReq); prompt(); g_args.interlaceRows = g_args.reqPerReq; } cJSON* dbs = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "databases"); if (!dbs || dbs->type != cJSON_Array) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, databases not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } int dbSize = cJSON_GetArraySize(dbs); if (dbSize > MAX_DB_COUNT) { errorPrint( "failed to read json, databases size overflow, max database is %d\n", MAX_DB_COUNT); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_Dbs.dbCount = dbSize; for (int i = 0; i < dbSize; ++i) { cJSON* dbinfos = cJSON_GetArrayItem(dbs, i); if (dbinfos == NULL) continue; // dbinfo cJSON *dbinfo = cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfos, "dbinfo"); if (!dbinfo || dbinfo->type != cJSON_Object) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, dbinfo not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON *dbName = cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "name"); if (!dbName || dbName->type != cJSON_String || dbName->valuestring == NULL) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, db name not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[i].dbName, dbName->valuestring, TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN); cJSON *drop = cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "drop"); if (drop && drop->type == cJSON_String && drop->valuestring != NULL) { if (0 == strncasecmp(drop->valuestring, "yes", strlen("yes"))) { g_Dbs.db[i].drop = true; } else { g_Dbs.db[i].drop = false; } } else if (!drop) { g_Dbs.db[i].drop = g_args.drop_database; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, drop input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON *precision = cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "precision"); if (precision && precision->type == cJSON_String && precision->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision, precision->valuestring, SMALL_BUFF_LEN); } else if (!precision) { memset(g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision, 0, SMALL_BUFF_LEN); } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, precision not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* update = cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "update"); if (update && update->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.update = update->valueint; } else if (!update) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.update = -1; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, update not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* replica = cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "replica"); if (replica && replica->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.replica = replica->valueint; } else if (!replica) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.replica = -1; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, replica not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* keep = cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "keep"); if (keep && keep->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.keep = keep->valueint; } else if (!keep) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.keep = -1; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, keep not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* days = cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "days"); if (days && days->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.days = days->valueint; } else if (!days) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.days = -1; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, days not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* cache = cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "cache"); if (cache && cache->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.cache = cache->valueint; } else if (!cache) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.cache = -1; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, cache not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* blocks= cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "blocks"); if (blocks && blocks->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.blocks = blocks->valueint; } else if (!blocks) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.blocks = -1; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, block not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } //cJSON* maxtablesPerVnode= cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "maxtablesPerVnode"); //if (maxtablesPerVnode && maxtablesPerVnode->type == cJSON_Number) { // g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.maxtablesPerVnode = maxtablesPerVnode->valueint; //} else if (!maxtablesPerVnode) { // g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.maxtablesPerVnode = TSDB_DEFAULT_TABLES; //} else { // printf("failed to read json, maxtablesPerVnode not found"); // goto PARSE_OVER; //} cJSON* minRows= cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "minRows"); if (minRows && minRows->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.minRows = minRows->valueint; } else if (!minRows) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.minRows = 0; // 0 means default } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, minRows not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* maxRows= cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "maxRows"); if (maxRows && maxRows->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.maxRows = maxRows->valueint; } else if (!maxRows) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.maxRows = 0; // 0 means default } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, maxRows not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* comp= cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "comp"); if (comp && comp->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.comp = comp->valueint; } else if (!comp) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.comp = -1; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, comp not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* walLevel= cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "walLevel"); if (walLevel && walLevel->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.walLevel = walLevel->valueint; } else if (!walLevel) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.walLevel = -1; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, walLevel not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* cacheLast= cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "cachelast"); if (cacheLast && cacheLast->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.cacheLast = cacheLast->valueint; } else if (!cacheLast) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.cacheLast = -1; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, cacheLast not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* quorum= cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "quorum"); if (quorum && quorum->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.quorum = quorum->valueint; } else if (!quorum) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.quorum = 1; } else { printf("failed to read json, quorum input mistake"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* fsync= cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfo, "fsync"); if (fsync && fsync->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.fsync = fsync->valueint; } else if (!fsync) { g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.fsync = -1; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, fsync input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } // super_tables cJSON *stables = cJSON_GetObjectItem(dbinfos, "super_tables"); if (!stables || stables->type != cJSON_Array) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, super_tables not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } int stbSize = cJSON_GetArraySize(stables); if (stbSize > MAX_SUPER_TABLE_COUNT) { errorPrint( "failed to read json, supertable size overflow, max supertable is %d\n", MAX_SUPER_TABLE_COUNT); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount = stbSize; for (int j = 0; j < stbSize; ++j) { cJSON* stbInfo = cJSON_GetArrayItem(stables, j); if (stbInfo == NULL) continue; // dbinfo cJSON *stbName = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "name"); if (!stbName || stbName->type != cJSON_String || stbName->valuestring == NULL) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, stb name not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].stbName, stbName->valuestring, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN); cJSON *prefix = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "childtable_prefix"); if (!prefix || prefix->type != cJSON_String || prefix->valuestring == NULL) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, childtable_prefix not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblPrefix, prefix->valuestring, TBNAME_PREFIX_LEN); cJSON *autoCreateTbl = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "auto_create_table"); if (autoCreateTbl && autoCreateTbl->type == cJSON_String && autoCreateTbl->valuestring != NULL) { if ((0 == strncasecmp(autoCreateTbl->valuestring, "yes", 3)) && (TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS != g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists)) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].autoCreateTable = AUTO_CREATE_SUBTBL; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(autoCreateTbl->valuestring, "no", 2)) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].autoCreateTable = PRE_CREATE_SUBTBL; } else { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].autoCreateTable = PRE_CREATE_SUBTBL; } } else if (!autoCreateTbl) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].autoCreateTable = PRE_CREATE_SUBTBL; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, auto_create_table not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* batchCreateTbl = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "batch_create_tbl_num"); if (batchCreateTbl && batchCreateTbl->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].batchCreateTableNum = batchCreateTbl->valueint; } else if (!batchCreateTbl) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].batchCreateTableNum = 10; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, batch_create_tbl_num not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON *childTblExists = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "child_table_exists"); // yes, no if (childTblExists && childTblExists->type == cJSON_String && childTblExists->valuestring != NULL) { if ((0 == strncasecmp(childTblExists->valuestring, "yes", 3)) && (g_Dbs.db[i].drop == false)) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists = TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS; } else if ((0 == strncasecmp(childTblExists->valuestring, "no", 2) || (g_Dbs.db[i].drop == true))) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists = TBL_NO_EXISTS; } else { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists = TBL_NO_EXISTS; } } else if (!childTblExists) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists = TBL_NO_EXISTS; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, child_table_exists not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } if (TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS == g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].autoCreateTable = PRE_CREATE_SUBTBL; } cJSON* count = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "childtable_count"); if (!count || count->type != cJSON_Number || 0 >= count->valueint) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, childtable_count input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblCount = count->valueint; g_totalChildTables += g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblCount; cJSON *dataSource = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "data_source"); if (dataSource && dataSource->type == cJSON_String && dataSource->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].dataSource, dataSource->valuestring, min(SMALL_BUFF_LEN, strlen(dataSource->valuestring) + 1)); } else if (!dataSource) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].dataSource, "rand", min(SMALL_BUFF_LEN, strlen("rand") + 1)); } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, data_source not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON *stbIface = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "insert_mode"); // taosc , rest, stmt if (stbIface && stbIface->type == cJSON_String && stbIface->valuestring != NULL) { if (0 == strcasecmp(stbIface->valuestring, "taosc")) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].iface= TAOSC_IFACE; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(stbIface->valuestring, "rest")) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].iface= REST_IFACE; } else if (0 == strcasecmp(stbIface->valuestring, "stmt")) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].iface= STMT_IFACE; } else { errorPrint("failed to read json, insert_mode %s not recognized\n", stbIface->valuestring); goto PARSE_OVER; } } else if (!stbIface) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].iface = TAOSC_IFACE; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, insert_mode not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* childTbl_limit = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "childtable_limit"); if ((childTbl_limit) && (g_Dbs.db[i].drop != true) && (g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists == TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS)) { if (childTbl_limit->type != cJSON_Number) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, childtable_limit\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblLimit = childTbl_limit->valueint; } else { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblLimit = -1; // select ... limit -1 means all query result, drop = yes mean all table need recreate, limit value is invalid. } cJSON* childTbl_offset = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "childtable_offset"); if ((childTbl_offset) && (g_Dbs.db[i].drop != true) && (g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists == TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS)) { if ((childTbl_offset->type != cJSON_Number) || (0 > childTbl_offset->valueint)) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, childtable_offset\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblOffset = childTbl_offset->valueint; } else { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblOffset = 0; } cJSON *ts = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "start_timestamp"); if (ts && ts->type == cJSON_String && ts->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].startTimestamp, ts->valuestring, TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN); } else if (!ts) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].startTimestamp, "now", TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN); } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, start_timestamp not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* timestampStep = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "timestamp_step"); if (timestampStep && timestampStep->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].timeStampStep = timestampStep->valueint; } else if (!timestampStep) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].timeStampStep = g_args.timestamp_step; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, timestamp_step not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON *sampleFormat = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "sample_format"); if (sampleFormat && sampleFormat->type == cJSON_String && sampleFormat->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].sampleFormat, sampleFormat->valuestring, min(SMALL_BUFF_LEN, strlen(sampleFormat->valuestring) + 1)); } else if (!sampleFormat) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].sampleFormat, "csv", SMALL_BUFF_LEN); } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, sample_format not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON *sampleFile = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "sample_file"); if (sampleFile && sampleFile->type == cJSON_String && sampleFile->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].sampleFile, sampleFile->valuestring, min(MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN, strlen(sampleFile->valuestring) + 1)); } else if (!sampleFile) { memset(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].sampleFile, 0, MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN); } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, sample_file not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON *tagsFile = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "tags_file"); if ((tagsFile && tagsFile->type == cJSON_String) && (tagsFile->valuestring != NULL)) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tagsFile, tagsFile->valuestring, MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN); if (0 == g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tagsFile[0]) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tagSource = 0; } else { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tagSource = 1; } } else if (!tagsFile) { memset(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tagsFile, 0, MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN); g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tagSource = 0; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, tags_file not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* stbMaxSqlLen = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "max_sql_len"); if (stbMaxSqlLen && stbMaxSqlLen->type == cJSON_Number) { int32_t len = stbMaxSqlLen->valueint; if (len > TSDB_MAX_ALLOWED_SQL_LEN) { len = TSDB_MAX_ALLOWED_SQL_LEN; } else if (len < 5) { len = 5; } g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].maxSqlLen = len; } else if (!maxSqlLen) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].maxSqlLen = g_args.max_sql_len; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, stbMaxSqlLen input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } /* cJSON *multiThreadWriteOneTbl = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "multi_thread_write_one_tbl"); // no , yes if (multiThreadWriteOneTbl && multiThreadWriteOneTbl->type == cJSON_String && multiThreadWriteOneTbl->valuestring != NULL) { if (0 == strncasecmp(multiThreadWriteOneTbl->valuestring, "yes", 3)) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].multiThreadWriteOneTbl = 1; } else { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].multiThreadWriteOneTbl = 0; } } else if (!multiThreadWriteOneTbl) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].multiThreadWriteOneTbl = 0; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, multiThreadWriteOneTbl not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } */ cJSON* insertRows = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "insert_rows"); if (insertRows && insertRows->type == cJSON_Number) { if (insertRows->valueint < 0) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, insert_rows input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].insertRows = insertRows->valueint; } else if (!insertRows) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].insertRows = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, insert_rows input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* stbInterlaceRows = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "interlace_rows"); if (stbInterlaceRows && stbInterlaceRows->type == cJSON_Number) { if (stbInterlaceRows->valueint < 0) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, interlace rows input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].interlaceRows = stbInterlaceRows->valueint; if (g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].interlaceRows > g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].insertRows) { printf("NOTICE: db[%d].superTbl[%d]'s interlace rows value %u > insert_rows %"PRId64"\n\n", i, j, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].interlaceRows, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].insertRows); printf(" interlace rows value will be set to insert_rows %"PRId64"\n\n", g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].insertRows); prompt(); g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].interlaceRows = g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].insertRows; } } else if (!stbInterlaceRows) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].interlaceRows = g_args.interlaceRows; // 0 means progressive mode, > 0 mean interlace mode. max value is less or equ num_of_records_per_req } else { errorPrint( "%s", "failed to read json, interlace rows input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* disorderRatio = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "disorder_ratio"); if (disorderRatio && disorderRatio->type == cJSON_Number) { if (disorderRatio->valueint > 50) disorderRatio->valueint = 50; if (disorderRatio->valueint < 0) disorderRatio->valueint = 0; g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].disorderRatio = disorderRatio->valueint; } else if (!disorderRatio) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].disorderRatio = 0; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, disorderRatio not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* disorderRange = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "disorder_range"); if (disorderRange && disorderRange->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].disorderRange = disorderRange->valueint; } else if (!disorderRange) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].disorderRange = 1000; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, disorderRange not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* insertInterval = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "insert_interval"); if (insertInterval && insertInterval->type == cJSON_Number) { g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].insertInterval = insertInterval->valueint; if (insertInterval->valueint < 0) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, insert_interval input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } } else if (!insertInterval) { verbosePrint("%s() LN%d: stable insert interval be overrode by global %"PRIu64".\n", __func__, __LINE__, g_args.insert_interval); g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].insertInterval = g_args.insert_interval; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, insert_interval input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } int retVal = getColumnAndTagTypeFromInsertJsonFile( stbInfo, &g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j]); if (false == retVal) { goto PARSE_OVER; } } } ret = true; PARSE_OVER: return ret; } static bool getMetaFromQueryJsonFile(cJSON* root) { bool ret = false; cJSON* cfgdir = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "cfgdir"); if (cfgdir && cfgdir->type == cJSON_String && cfgdir->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.cfgDir, cfgdir->valuestring, MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN); } cJSON* host = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "host"); if (host && host->type == cJSON_String && host->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.host, host->valuestring, MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE); } else if (!host) { tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.host, "", MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE); } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, host not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* port = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "port"); if (port && port->type == cJSON_Number) { g_queryInfo.port = port->valueint; } else if (!port) { g_queryInfo.port = 6030; } cJSON* user = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "user"); if (user && user->type == cJSON_String && user->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.user, user->valuestring, MAX_USERNAME_SIZE); } else if (!user) { tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.user, "root", MAX_USERNAME_SIZE); ; } cJSON* password = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "password"); if (password && password->type == cJSON_String && password->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.password, password->valuestring, SHELL_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN); } else if (!password) { tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.password, "taosdata", SHELL_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN);; } cJSON *answerPrompt = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "confirm_parameter_prompt"); // yes, no, if (answerPrompt && answerPrompt->type == cJSON_String && answerPrompt->valuestring != NULL) { if (0 == strncasecmp(answerPrompt->valuestring, "yes", 3)) { g_args.answer_yes = false; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(answerPrompt->valuestring, "no", 2)) { g_args.answer_yes = true; } else { g_args.answer_yes = false; } } else if (!answerPrompt) { g_args.answer_yes = false; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, confirm_parameter_prompt not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* gQueryTimes = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "query_times"); if (gQueryTimes && gQueryTimes->type == cJSON_Number) { if (gQueryTimes->valueint <= 0) { errorPrint("%s()", "failed to read json, query_times input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_args.query_times = gQueryTimes->valueint; } else if (!gQueryTimes) { g_args.query_times = 1; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, query_times input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* dbs = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "databases"); if (dbs && dbs->type == cJSON_String && dbs->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.dbName, dbs->valuestring, TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN); } else if (!dbs) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, databases not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* queryMode = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "query_mode"); if (queryMode && queryMode->type == cJSON_String && queryMode->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.queryMode, queryMode->valuestring, min(SMALL_BUFF_LEN, strlen(queryMode->valuestring) + 1)); } else if (!queryMode) { tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.queryMode, "taosc", min(SMALL_BUFF_LEN, strlen("taosc") + 1)); } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, query_mode not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } // specified_table_query cJSON *specifiedQuery = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "specified_table_query"); if (!specifiedQuery) { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.concurrent = 1; g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sqlCount = 0; } else if (specifiedQuery->type != cJSON_Object) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, super_table_query not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } else { cJSON* queryInterval = cJSON_GetObjectItem(specifiedQuery, "query_interval"); if (queryInterval && queryInterval->type == cJSON_Number) { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.queryInterval = queryInterval->valueint; } else if (!queryInterval) { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.queryInterval = 0; } cJSON* specifiedQueryTimes = cJSON_GetObjectItem(specifiedQuery, "query_times"); if (specifiedQueryTimes && specifiedQueryTimes->type == cJSON_Number) { if (specifiedQueryTimes->valueint <= 0) { errorPrint( "failed to read json, query_times: %"PRId64", need be a valid (>0) number\n", specifiedQueryTimes->valueint); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.queryTimes = specifiedQueryTimes->valueint; } else if (!specifiedQueryTimes) { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.queryTimes = g_args.query_times; } else { errorPrint("%s() LN%d, failed to read json, query_times input mistake\n", __func__, __LINE__); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* concurrent = cJSON_GetObjectItem(specifiedQuery, "concurrent"); if (concurrent && concurrent->type == cJSON_Number) { if (concurrent->valueint <= 0) { errorPrint( "query sqlCount %d or concurrent %d is not correct.\n", g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sqlCount, g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.concurrent); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.concurrent = concurrent->valueint; } else if (!concurrent) { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.concurrent = 1; } cJSON* specifiedAsyncMode = cJSON_GetObjectItem(specifiedQuery, "mode"); if (specifiedAsyncMode && specifiedAsyncMode->type == cJSON_String && specifiedAsyncMode->valuestring != NULL) { if (0 == strcmp("sync", specifiedAsyncMode->valuestring)) { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.asyncMode = SYNC_MODE; } else if (0 == strcmp("async", specifiedAsyncMode->valuestring)) { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.asyncMode = ASYNC_MODE; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, async mode input error\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } } else { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.asyncMode = SYNC_MODE; } cJSON* interval = cJSON_GetObjectItem(specifiedQuery, "interval"); if (interval && interval->type == cJSON_Number) { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeInterval = interval->valueint; } else if (!interval) { //printf("failed to read json, subscribe interval no found\n"); //goto PARSE_OVER; g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeInterval = 10000; } cJSON* restart = cJSON_GetObjectItem(specifiedQuery, "restart"); if (restart && restart->type == cJSON_String && restart->valuestring != NULL) { if (0 == strcmp("yes", restart->valuestring)) { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeRestart = true; } else if (0 == strcmp("no", restart->valuestring)) { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeRestart = false; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, subscribe restart error\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } } else { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeRestart = true; } cJSON* keepProgress = cJSON_GetObjectItem(specifiedQuery, "keepProgress"); if (keepProgress && keepProgress->type == cJSON_String && keepProgress->valuestring != NULL) { if (0 == strcmp("yes", keepProgress->valuestring)) { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeKeepProgress = 1; } else if (0 == strcmp("no", keepProgress->valuestring)) { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeKeepProgress = 0; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, subscribe keepProgress error\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } } else { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeKeepProgress = 0; } // sqls cJSON* specifiedSqls = cJSON_GetObjectItem(specifiedQuery, "sqls"); if (!specifiedSqls) { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sqlCount = 0; } else if (specifiedSqls->type != cJSON_Array) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, super sqls not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } else { int superSqlSize = cJSON_GetArraySize(specifiedSqls); if (superSqlSize * g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.concurrent > MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT) { errorPrint("failed to read json, query sql(%d) * concurrent(%d) overflow, max is %d\n", superSqlSize, g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.concurrent, MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sqlCount = superSqlSize; for (int j = 0; j < superSqlSize; ++j) { cJSON* sql = cJSON_GetArrayItem(specifiedSqls, j); if (sql == NULL) continue; cJSON *sqlStr = cJSON_GetObjectItem(sql, "sql"); if (!sqlStr || sqlStr->type != cJSON_String || sqlStr->valuestring == NULL) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, sql not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sql[j], sqlStr->valuestring, BUFFER_SIZE); // default value is -1, which mean infinite loop g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.endAfterConsume[j] = -1; cJSON* endAfterConsume = cJSON_GetObjectItem(specifiedQuery, "endAfterConsume"); if (endAfterConsume && endAfterConsume->type == cJSON_Number) { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.endAfterConsume[j] = endAfterConsume->valueint; } if (g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.endAfterConsume[j] < -1) g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.endAfterConsume[j] = -1; g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.resubAfterConsume[j] = -1; cJSON* resubAfterConsume = cJSON_GetObjectItem(specifiedQuery, "resubAfterConsume"); if ((resubAfterConsume) && (resubAfterConsume->type == cJSON_Number) && (resubAfterConsume->valueint >= 0)) { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.resubAfterConsume[j] = resubAfterConsume->valueint; } if (g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.resubAfterConsume[j] < -1) g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.resubAfterConsume[j] = -1; cJSON *result = cJSON_GetObjectItem(sql, "result"); if ((NULL != result) && (result->type == cJSON_String) && (result->valuestring != NULL)) { tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.result[j], result->valuestring, MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN); } else if (NULL == result) { memset(g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.result[j], 0, MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN); } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, super query result file not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } } } } // super_table_query cJSON *superQuery = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "super_table_query"); if (!superQuery) { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.threadCnt = 1; g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount = 0; } else if (superQuery->type != cJSON_Object) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, sub_table_query not found\n"); ret = true; goto PARSE_OVER; } else { cJSON* subrate = cJSON_GetObjectItem(superQuery, "query_interval"); if (subrate && subrate->type == cJSON_Number) { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.queryInterval = subrate->valueint; } else if (!subrate) { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.queryInterval = 0; } cJSON* superQueryTimes = cJSON_GetObjectItem(superQuery, "query_times"); if (superQueryTimes && superQueryTimes->type == cJSON_Number) { if (superQueryTimes->valueint <= 0) { errorPrint("failed to read json, query_times: %"PRId64", need be a valid (>0) number\n", superQueryTimes->valueint); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.queryTimes = superQueryTimes->valueint; } else if (!superQueryTimes) { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.queryTimes = g_args.query_times; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, query_times input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* threads = cJSON_GetObjectItem(superQuery, "threads"); if (threads && threads->type == cJSON_Number) { if (threads->valueint <= 0) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, threads input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.threadCnt = threads->valueint; } else if (!threads) { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.threadCnt = 1; } //cJSON* subTblCnt = cJSON_GetObjectItem(superQuery, "childtable_count"); //if (subTblCnt && subTblCnt->type == cJSON_Number) { // g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.childTblCount = subTblCnt->valueint; //} else if (!subTblCnt) { // g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.childTblCount = 0; //} cJSON* stblname = cJSON_GetObjectItem(superQuery, "stblname"); if (stblname && stblname->type == cJSON_String && stblname->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.stbName, stblname->valuestring, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN); } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, super table name input error\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* superAsyncMode = cJSON_GetObjectItem(superQuery, "mode"); if (superAsyncMode && superAsyncMode->type == cJSON_String && superAsyncMode->valuestring != NULL) { if (0 == strcmp("sync", superAsyncMode->valuestring)) { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.asyncMode = SYNC_MODE; } else if (0 == strcmp("async", superAsyncMode->valuestring)) { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.asyncMode = ASYNC_MODE; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, async mode input error\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } } else { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.asyncMode = SYNC_MODE; } cJSON* superInterval = cJSON_GetObjectItem(superQuery, "interval"); if (superInterval && superInterval->type == cJSON_Number) { if (superInterval->valueint < 0) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, interval input mistake\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeInterval = superInterval->valueint; } else if (!superInterval) { //printf("failed to read json, subscribe interval no found\n"); //goto PARSE_OVER; g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeInterval = 10000; } cJSON* subrestart = cJSON_GetObjectItem(superQuery, "restart"); if (subrestart && subrestart->type == cJSON_String && subrestart->valuestring != NULL) { if (0 == strcmp("yes", subrestart->valuestring)) { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeRestart = true; } else if (0 == strcmp("no", subrestart->valuestring)) { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeRestart = false; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, subscribe restart error\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } } else { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeRestart = true; } cJSON* superkeepProgress = cJSON_GetObjectItem(superQuery, "keepProgress"); if (superkeepProgress && superkeepProgress->type == cJSON_String && superkeepProgress->valuestring != NULL) { if (0 == strcmp("yes", superkeepProgress->valuestring)) { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeKeepProgress = 1; } else if (0 == strcmp("no", superkeepProgress->valuestring)) { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeKeepProgress = 0; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, subscribe super table keepProgress error\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } } else { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeKeepProgress = 0; } // default value is -1, which mean do not resub g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.endAfterConsume = -1; cJSON* superEndAfterConsume = cJSON_GetObjectItem(superQuery, "endAfterConsume"); if (superEndAfterConsume && superEndAfterConsume->type == cJSON_Number) { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.endAfterConsume = superEndAfterConsume->valueint; } if (g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.endAfterConsume < -1) g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.endAfterConsume = -1; // default value is -1, which mean do not resub g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.resubAfterConsume = -1; cJSON* superResubAfterConsume = cJSON_GetObjectItem(superQuery, "resubAfterConsume"); if ((superResubAfterConsume) && (superResubAfterConsume->type == cJSON_Number) && (superResubAfterConsume->valueint >= 0)) { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.resubAfterConsume = superResubAfterConsume->valueint; } if (g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.resubAfterConsume < -1) g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.resubAfterConsume = -1; // supert table sqls cJSON* superSqls = cJSON_GetObjectItem(superQuery, "sqls"); if (!superSqls) { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount = 0; } else if (superSqls->type != cJSON_Array) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, super sqls not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } else { int superSqlSize = cJSON_GetArraySize(superSqls); if (superSqlSize > MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT) { errorPrint("failed to read json, query sql size overflow, max is %d\n", MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT); goto PARSE_OVER; } g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount = superSqlSize; for (int j = 0; j < superSqlSize; ++j) { cJSON* sql = cJSON_GetArrayItem(superSqls, j); if (sql == NULL) continue; cJSON *sqlStr = cJSON_GetObjectItem(sql, "sql"); if (!sqlStr || sqlStr->type != cJSON_String || sqlStr->valuestring == NULL) { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, sql not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sql[j], sqlStr->valuestring, BUFFER_SIZE); cJSON *result = cJSON_GetObjectItem(sql, "result"); if (result != NULL && result->type == cJSON_String && result->valuestring != NULL) { tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.result[j], result->valuestring, MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN); } else if (NULL == result) { memset(g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.result[j], 0, MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN); } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, sub query result file not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } } } } ret = true; PARSE_OVER: return ret; } static bool getInfoFromJsonFile(char* file) { debugPrint("%s %d %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, file); FILE *fp = fopen(file, "r"); if (!fp) { errorPrint("failed to read %s, reason:%s\n", file, strerror(errno)); return false; } bool ret = false; int maxLen = 6400000; char *content = calloc(1, maxLen + 1); int len = fread(content, 1, maxLen, fp); if (len <= 0) { free(content); fclose(fp); errorPrint("failed to read %s, content is null", file); return false; } content[len] = 0; cJSON* root = cJSON_Parse(content); if (root == NULL) { errorPrint("failed to cjson parse %s, invalid json format\n", file); goto PARSE_OVER; } cJSON* filetype = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "filetype"); if (filetype && filetype->type == cJSON_String && filetype->valuestring != NULL) { if (0 == strcasecmp("insert", filetype->valuestring)) { g_args.test_mode = INSERT_TEST; } else if (0 == strcasecmp("query", filetype->valuestring)) { g_args.test_mode = QUERY_TEST; } else if (0 == strcasecmp("subscribe", filetype->valuestring)) { g_args.test_mode = SUBSCRIBE_TEST; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, filetype not support\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } } else if (!filetype) { g_args.test_mode = INSERT_TEST; } else { errorPrint("%s", "failed to read json, filetype not found\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } if (INSERT_TEST == g_args.test_mode) { ret = getMetaFromInsertJsonFile(root); } else if ((QUERY_TEST == g_args.test_mode) || (SUBSCRIBE_TEST == g_args.test_mode)) { ret = getMetaFromQueryJsonFile(root); } else { errorPrint("%s", "input json file type error! please input correct file type: insert or query or subscribe\n"); goto PARSE_OVER; } PARSE_OVER: free(content); cJSON_Delete(root); fclose(fp); return ret; } static int prepareSampleData() { for (int i = 0; i < g_Dbs.dbCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount; j++) { if (g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tagsFile[0] != 0) { if (readTagFromCsvFileToMem(&g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j]) != 0) { return -1; } } } } return 0; } static void postFreeResource() { tmfclose(g_fpOfInsertResult); for (int i = 0; i < g_Dbs.dbCount; i++) { for (uint64_t j = 0; j < g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount; j++) { if (0 != g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].colsOfCreateChildTable) { tmfree(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].colsOfCreateChildTable); g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].colsOfCreateChildTable = NULL; } if (0 != g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].sampleDataBuf) { tmfree(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].sampleDataBuf); g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].sampleDataBuf = NULL; } #if STMT_BIND_PARAM_BATCH == 1 for (int c = 0; c < g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].columnCount; c ++) { if (g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].sampleBindBatchArray) { tmfree((char *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)( g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].sampleBindBatchArray + sizeof(char*) * c))); } } tmfree(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].sampleBindBatchArray); #endif if (0 != g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tagDataBuf) { tmfree(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tagDataBuf); g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].tagDataBuf = NULL; } if (0 != g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblName) { tmfree(g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblName); g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblName = NULL; } } } tmfree(g_randbool_buff); tmfree(g_randint_buff); tmfree(g_rand_voltage_buff); tmfree(g_randbigint_buff); tmfree(g_randsmallint_buff); tmfree(g_randtinyint_buff); tmfree(g_randfloat_buff); tmfree(g_rand_current_buff); tmfree(g_rand_phase_buff); tmfree(g_sampleDataBuf); #if STMT_BIND_PARAM_BATCH == 1 for (int l = 0; l < g_args.columnCount; l ++) { if (g_sampleBindBatchArray) { tmfree((char *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)( g_sampleBindBatchArray + sizeof(char*) * l))); } } tmfree(g_sampleBindBatchArray); #endif } static int getRowDataFromSample( char* dataBuf, int64_t maxLen, int64_t timestamp, SSuperTable* stbInfo, int64_t* sampleUsePos) { if ((*sampleUsePos) == MAX_SAMPLES) { *sampleUsePos = 0; } int dataLen = 0; dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, maxLen - dataLen, "(%" PRId64 ", ", timestamp); dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, maxLen - dataLen, "%s", stbInfo->sampleDataBuf + stbInfo->lenOfOneRow * (*sampleUsePos)); dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, maxLen - dataLen, ")"); (*sampleUsePos)++; return dataLen; } static int64_t generateStbRowData( SSuperTable* stbInfo, char* recBuf, int64_t remainderBufLen, int64_t timestamp) { int64_t dataLen = 0; char *pstr = recBuf; int64_t maxLen = MAX_DATA_SIZE; int tmpLen; dataLen += snprintf(pstr + dataLen, maxLen - dataLen, "(%" PRId64 "", timestamp); for (int i = 0; i < stbInfo->columnCount; i++) { tstrncpy(pstr + dataLen, ",", 2); dataLen += 1; if ((stbInfo->columns[i].data_type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) || (stbInfo->columns[i].data_type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR)) { if (stbInfo->columns[i].dataLen > TSDB_MAX_BINARY_LEN) { errorPrint2("binary or nchar length overflow, max size:%u\n", (uint32_t)TSDB_MAX_BINARY_LEN); return -1; } if ((stbInfo->columns[i].dataLen + 1) > /* need count 3 extra chars \', \', and , */ (remainderBufLen - dataLen - 3)) { return 0; } char* buf = (char*)calloc(stbInfo->columns[i].dataLen+1, 1); if (NULL == buf) { errorPrint2("calloc failed! size:%d\n", stbInfo->columns[i].dataLen); return -1; } rand_string(buf, stbInfo->columns[i].dataLen); dataLen += snprintf(pstr + dataLen, maxLen - dataLen, "\'%s\'", buf); tmfree(buf); } else { char *tmp = NULL; switch(stbInfo->columns[i].data_type) { case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT: if ((g_args.demo_mode) && (i == 1)) { tmp = demo_voltage_int_str(); } else { tmp = rand_int_str(); } tmpLen = strlen(tmp); tstrncpy(pstr + dataLen, tmp, min(tmpLen + 1, INT_BUFF_LEN)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT: tmp = rand_uint_str(); tmpLen = strlen(tmp); tstrncpy(pstr + dataLen, tmp, min(tmpLen + 1, INT_BUFF_LEN)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT: tmp = rand_bigint_str(); tmpLen = strlen(tmp); tstrncpy(pstr + dataLen, tmp, min(tmpLen + 1, BIGINT_BUFF_LEN)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT: tmp = rand_ubigint_str(); tmpLen = strlen(tmp); tstrncpy(pstr + dataLen, tmp, min(tmpLen + 1, BIGINT_BUFF_LEN)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: if (g_args.demo_mode) { if (i == 0) { tmp = demo_current_float_str(); } else { tmp = demo_phase_float_str(); } } else { tmp = rand_float_str(); } tmpLen = strlen(tmp); tstrncpy(pstr + dataLen, tmp, min(tmpLen + 1, FLOAT_BUFF_LEN)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: tmp = rand_double_str(); tmpLen = strlen(tmp); tstrncpy(pstr + dataLen, tmp, min(tmpLen + 1, DOUBLE_BUFF_LEN)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT: tmp = rand_smallint_str(); tmpLen = strlen(tmp); tstrncpy(pstr + dataLen, tmp, min(tmpLen + 1, SMALLINT_BUFF_LEN)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT: tmp = rand_usmallint_str(); tmpLen = strlen(tmp); tstrncpy(pstr + dataLen, tmp, min(tmpLen + 1, SMALLINT_BUFF_LEN)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT: tmp = rand_tinyint_str(); tmpLen = strlen(tmp); tstrncpy(pstr + dataLen, tmp, min(tmpLen + 1, TINYINT_BUFF_LEN)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT: tmp = rand_utinyint_str(); tmpLen = strlen(tmp); tstrncpy(pstr + dataLen, tmp, min(tmpLen + 1, TINYINT_BUFF_LEN)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: tmp = rand_bool_str(); tmpLen = strlen(tmp); tstrncpy(pstr + dataLen, tmp, min(tmpLen + 1, BOOL_BUFF_LEN)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: tmp = rand_bigint_str(); tmpLen = strlen(tmp); tstrncpy(pstr + dataLen, tmp, min(tmpLen + 1, BIGINT_BUFF_LEN)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL: break; default: errorPrint2("Not support data type: %s\n", stbInfo->columns[i].dataType); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (tmp) { dataLen += tmpLen; } } if (dataLen > (remainderBufLen - (128))) return 0; } dataLen += snprintf(pstr + dataLen, 2, ")"); verbosePrint("%s() LN%d, dataLen:%"PRId64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, dataLen); verbosePrint("%s() LN%d, recBuf:\n\t%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, recBuf); return strlen(recBuf); } static int64_t generateData(char *recBuf, char *data_type, int64_t timestamp, int lenOfBinary) { memset(recBuf, 0, MAX_DATA_SIZE); char *pstr = recBuf; pstr += sprintf(pstr, "(%"PRId64"", timestamp); int columnCount = g_args.columnCount; bool b; char *s; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { switch (data_type[i]) { case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT: pstr += sprintf(pstr, ",%d", rand_tinyint() ); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT: pstr += sprintf(pstr, ",%d", rand_smallint()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT: pstr += sprintf(pstr, ",%d", rand_int()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT: pstr += sprintf(pstr, ",%"PRId64"", rand_bigint()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: pstr += sprintf(pstr, ",%"PRId64"", rand_bigint()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: pstr += sprintf(pstr, ",%10.4f", rand_float()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: pstr += sprintf(pstr, ",%20.8f", rand_double()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: b = rand_bool() & 1; pstr += sprintf(pstr, ",%s", b ? "true" : "false"); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY: s = malloc(lenOfBinary + 1); if (s == NULL) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, memory allocation %d bytes failed\n", __func__, __LINE__, lenOfBinary + 1); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } rand_string(s, lenOfBinary); pstr += sprintf(pstr, ",\"%s\"", s); free(s); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR: s = malloc(lenOfBinary + 1); if (s == NULL) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, memory allocation %d bytes failed\n", __func__, __LINE__, lenOfBinary + 1); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } rand_string(s, lenOfBinary); pstr += sprintf(pstr, ",\"%s\"", s); free(s); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT: pstr += sprintf(pstr, ",%d", rand_utinyint() ); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT: pstr += sprintf(pstr, ",%d", rand_usmallint()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT: pstr += sprintf(pstr, ",%d", rand_uint()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT: pstr += sprintf(pstr, ",%"PRId64"", rand_ubigint()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL: break; default: errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, Unknown data type %d\n", __func__, __LINE__, data_type[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (strlen(recBuf) > MAX_DATA_SIZE) { ERROR_EXIT("column length too long, abort"); } } pstr += sprintf(pstr, ")"); verbosePrint("%s() LN%d, recBuf:\n\t%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, recBuf); return (int32_t)strlen(recBuf); } static int generateSampleFromRand( char *sampleDataBuf, uint64_t lenOfOneRow, int columnCount, StrColumn *columns ) { char data[MAX_DATA_SIZE]; memset(data, 0, MAX_DATA_SIZE); char *buff = malloc(lenOfOneRow); if (NULL == buff) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, memory allocation %"PRIu64" bytes failed\n", __func__, __LINE__, lenOfOneRow); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (int i=0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) { uint64_t pos = 0; memset(buff, 0, lenOfOneRow); for (int c = 0; c < columnCount; c++) { char *tmp = NULL; uint32_t dataLen; char data_type = (columns)?(columns[c].data_type):g_args.data_type[c]; switch(data_type) { case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY: dataLen = (columns)?columns[c].dataLen:g_args.binwidth; rand_string(data, dataLen); pos += sprintf(buff + pos, "%s,", data); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR: dataLen = (columns)?columns[c].dataLen:g_args.binwidth; rand_string(data, dataLen); pos += sprintf(buff + pos, "%s,", data); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT: if ((g_args.demo_mode) && (c == 1)) { tmp = demo_voltage_int_str(); } else { tmp = rand_int_str(); } pos += sprintf(buff + pos, "%s,", tmp); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT: pos += sprintf(buff + pos, "%s,", rand_uint_str()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT: pos += sprintf(buff + pos, "%s,", rand_bigint_str()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT: pos += sprintf(buff + pos, "%s,", rand_ubigint_str()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: if (g_args.demo_mode) { if (c == 0) { tmp = demo_current_float_str(); } else { tmp = demo_phase_float_str(); } } else { tmp = rand_float_str(); } pos += sprintf(buff + pos, "%s,", tmp); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: pos += sprintf(buff + pos, "%s,", rand_double_str()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT: pos += sprintf(buff + pos, "%s,", rand_smallint_str()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT: pos += sprintf(buff + pos, "%s,", rand_usmallint_str()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT: pos += sprintf(buff + pos, "%s,", rand_tinyint_str()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT: pos += sprintf(buff + pos, "%s,", rand_utinyint_str()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: pos += sprintf(buff + pos, "%s,", rand_bool_str()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: pos += sprintf(buff + pos, "%s,", rand_bigint_str()); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL: break; default: errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, Unknown data type %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, (columns)?(columns[c].dataType):g_args.dataType[c]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } *(buff + pos - 1) = 0; memcpy(sampleDataBuf + i * lenOfOneRow, buff, pos); } free(buff); return 0; } static int generateSampleFromRandForNtb() { return generateSampleFromRand( g_sampleDataBuf, g_args.lenOfOneRow, g_args.columnCount, NULL); } static int generateSampleFromRandForStb(SSuperTable *stbInfo) { return generateSampleFromRand( stbInfo->sampleDataBuf, stbInfo->lenOfOneRow, stbInfo->columnCount, stbInfo->columns); } static int prepareSampleForNtb() { g_sampleDataBuf = calloc(g_args.lenOfOneRow * MAX_SAMPLES, 1); if (NULL == g_sampleDataBuf) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, Failed to calloc %"PRIu64" Bytes, reason:%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, g_args.lenOfOneRow * MAX_SAMPLES, strerror(errno)); return -1; } return generateSampleFromRandForNtb(); } static int prepareSampleForStb(SSuperTable *stbInfo) { stbInfo->sampleDataBuf = calloc( stbInfo->lenOfOneRow * MAX_SAMPLES, 1); if (NULL == stbInfo->sampleDataBuf) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, Failed to calloc %"PRIu64" Bytes, reason:%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, stbInfo->lenOfOneRow * MAX_SAMPLES, strerror(errno)); return -1; } int ret; if (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->dataSource, "sample", strlen("sample"))) { ret = generateSampleFromCsvForStb(stbInfo); } else { ret = generateSampleFromRandForStb(stbInfo); } if (0 != ret) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, read sample from csv file failed.\n", __func__, __LINE__); tmfree(stbInfo->sampleDataBuf); stbInfo->sampleDataBuf = NULL; return -1; } return 0; } static int32_t execInsert(threadInfo *pThreadInfo, uint32_t k) { int32_t affectedRows; SSuperTable* stbInfo = pThreadInfo->stbInfo; uint16_t iface; if (stbInfo) iface = stbInfo->iface; else { if (g_args.iface == INTERFACE_BUT) iface = TAOSC_IFACE; else iface = g_args.iface; } debugPrint("[%d] %s() LN%d %s\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, (iface==TAOSC_IFACE)? "taosc":(iface==REST_IFACE)?"rest":"stmt"); switch(iface) { case TAOSC_IFACE: verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d %s\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->buffer); affectedRows = queryDbExec( pThreadInfo->taos, pThreadInfo->buffer, INSERT_TYPE, false); break; case REST_IFACE: verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d %s\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->buffer); if (0 != postProceSql(g_Dbs.host, &g_Dbs.serv_addr, g_Dbs.port, pThreadInfo->buffer, pThreadInfo)) { affectedRows = -1; printf("========restful return fail, threadID[%d]\n", pThreadInfo->threadID); } else { affectedRows = k; } break; case STMT_IFACE: debugPrint("%s() LN%d, stmt=%p", __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->stmt); if (0 != taos_stmt_execute(pThreadInfo->stmt)) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, failied to execute insert statement. reason: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_stmt_errstr(pThreadInfo->stmt)); fprintf(stderr, "\n\033[31m === Please reduce batch number if WAL size exceeds limit. ===\033[0m\n\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } affectedRows = k; break; default: errorPrint2("%s() LN%d: unknown insert mode: %d\n", __func__, __LINE__, stbInfo->iface); affectedRows = 0; } return affectedRows; } static void getTableName(char *pTblName, threadInfo* pThreadInfo, uint64_t tableSeq) { SSuperTable* stbInfo = pThreadInfo->stbInfo; if (stbInfo) { if (AUTO_CREATE_SUBTBL != stbInfo->autoCreateTable) { if (stbInfo->childTblLimit > 0) { snprintf(pTblName, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN, "%s", stbInfo->childTblName + (tableSeq - stbInfo->childTblOffset) * TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN); } else { verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d: from=%"PRIu64" count=%"PRId64" seq=%"PRIu64"\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->start_table_from, pThreadInfo->ntables, tableSeq); snprintf(pTblName, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN, "%s", stbInfo->childTblName + tableSeq * TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN); } } else { snprintf(pTblName, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN, "%s%"PRIu64"", stbInfo->childTblPrefix, tableSeq); } } else { snprintf(pTblName, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN, "%s%"PRIu64"", g_args.tb_prefix, tableSeq); } } static int32_t generateDataTailWithoutStb( uint32_t batch, char* buffer, int64_t remainderBufLen, int64_t insertRows, uint64_t recordFrom, int64_t startTime, /* int64_t *pSamplePos, */int64_t *dataLen) { uint64_t len = 0; char *pstr = buffer; verbosePrint("%s() LN%d batch=%d\n", __func__, __LINE__, batch); int32_t k = 0; for (k = 0; k < batch;) { char *data = pstr; memset(data, 0, MAX_DATA_SIZE); int64_t retLen = 0; char *data_type = g_args.data_type; int lenOfBinary = g_args.binwidth; if (g_args.disorderRatio) { retLen = generateData(data, data_type, startTime + getTSRandTail( g_args.timestamp_step, k, g_args.disorderRatio, g_args.disorderRange), lenOfBinary); } else { retLen = generateData(data, data_type, startTime + g_args.timestamp_step * k, lenOfBinary); } if (len > remainderBufLen) break; pstr += retLen; k++; len += retLen; remainderBufLen -= retLen; verbosePrint("%s() LN%d len=%"PRIu64" k=%d \nbuffer=%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, len, k, buffer); recordFrom ++; if (recordFrom >= insertRows) { break; } } *dataLen = len; return k; } static int64_t getTSRandTail(int64_t timeStampStep, int32_t seq, int disorderRatio, int disorderRange) { int64_t randTail = timeStampStep * seq; if (disorderRatio > 0) { int rand_num = taosRandom() % 100; if(rand_num < disorderRatio) { randTail = (randTail + (taosRandom() % disorderRange + 1)) * (-1); debugPrint("rand data generated, back %"PRId64"\n", randTail); } } return randTail; } static int32_t generateStbDataTail( SSuperTable* stbInfo, uint32_t batch, char* buffer, int64_t remainderBufLen, int64_t insertRows, uint64_t recordFrom, int64_t startTime, int64_t *pSamplePos, int64_t *dataLen) { uint64_t len = 0; char *pstr = buffer; bool tsRand; if (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->dataSource, "rand", strlen("rand"))) { tsRand = true; } else { tsRand = false; } verbosePrint("%s() LN%d batch=%u buflen=%"PRId64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, batch, remainderBufLen); int32_t k; for (k = 0; k < batch;) { char *data = pstr; int64_t lenOfRow = 0; if (tsRand) { if (stbInfo->disorderRatio > 0) { lenOfRow = generateStbRowData(stbInfo, data, remainderBufLen, startTime + getTSRandTail( stbInfo->timeStampStep, k, stbInfo->disorderRatio, stbInfo->disorderRange) ); } else { lenOfRow = generateStbRowData(stbInfo, data, remainderBufLen, startTime + stbInfo->timeStampStep * k ); } } else { lenOfRow = getRowDataFromSample( data, (remainderBufLen < MAX_DATA_SIZE)?remainderBufLen:MAX_DATA_SIZE, startTime + stbInfo->timeStampStep * k, stbInfo, pSamplePos); } if (lenOfRow == 0) { data[0] = '\0'; break; } if ((lenOfRow + 1) > remainderBufLen) { break; } pstr += lenOfRow; k++; len += lenOfRow; remainderBufLen -= lenOfRow; verbosePrint("%s() LN%d len=%"PRIu64" k=%u \nbuffer=%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, len, k, buffer); recordFrom ++; if (recordFrom >= insertRows) { break; } } *dataLen = len; return k; } static int generateSQLHeadWithoutStb(char *tableName, char *dbName, char *buffer, int remainderBufLen) { int len; char headBuf[HEAD_BUFF_LEN]; len = snprintf( headBuf, HEAD_BUFF_LEN, "%s.%s values", dbName, tableName); if (len > remainderBufLen) return -1; tstrncpy(buffer, headBuf, len + 1); return len; } static int generateStbSQLHead( SSuperTable* stbInfo, char *tableName, int64_t tableSeq, char *dbName, char *buffer, int remainderBufLen) { int len; char headBuf[HEAD_BUFF_LEN]; if (AUTO_CREATE_SUBTBL == stbInfo->autoCreateTable) { char* tagsValBuf = NULL; if (0 == stbInfo->tagSource) { tagsValBuf = generateTagValuesForStb(stbInfo, tableSeq); } else { tagsValBuf = getTagValueFromTagSample( stbInfo, tableSeq % stbInfo->tagSampleCount); } if (NULL == tagsValBuf) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, tag buf failed to allocate memory\n", __func__, __LINE__); return -1; } len = snprintf( headBuf, HEAD_BUFF_LEN, "%s.%s using %s.%s TAGS%s values", dbName, tableName, dbName, stbInfo->stbName, tagsValBuf); tmfree(tagsValBuf); } else if (TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS == stbInfo->childTblExists) { len = snprintf( headBuf, HEAD_BUFF_LEN, "%s.%s values", dbName, tableName); } else { len = snprintf( headBuf, HEAD_BUFF_LEN, "%s.%s values", dbName, tableName); } if (len > remainderBufLen) return -1; tstrncpy(buffer, headBuf, len + 1); return len; } static int32_t generateStbInterlaceData( threadInfo *pThreadInfo, char *tableName, uint32_t batchPerTbl, uint64_t i, uint32_t batchPerTblTimes, uint64_t tableSeq, char *buffer, int64_t insertRows, int64_t startTime, uint64_t *pRemainderBufLen) { assert(buffer); char *pstr = buffer; SSuperTable *stbInfo = pThreadInfo->stbInfo; int headLen = generateStbSQLHead( stbInfo, tableName, tableSeq, pThreadInfo->db_name, pstr, *pRemainderBufLen); if (headLen <= 0) { return 0; } // generate data buffer verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d i=%"PRIu64" buffer:\n%s\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, i, buffer); pstr += headLen; *pRemainderBufLen -= headLen; int64_t dataLen = 0; verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d i=%"PRIu64" batchPerTblTimes=%u batchPerTbl = %u\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, i, batchPerTblTimes, batchPerTbl); if (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->startTimestamp, "now", 3)) { startTime = taosGetTimestamp(pThreadInfo->time_precision); } int32_t k = generateStbDataTail( stbInfo, batchPerTbl, pstr, *pRemainderBufLen, insertRows, 0, startTime, &(pThreadInfo->samplePos), &dataLen); if (k == batchPerTbl) { pstr += dataLen; *pRemainderBufLen -= dataLen; } else { debugPrint("%s() LN%d, generated data tail: %u, not equal batch per table: %u\n", __func__, __LINE__, k, batchPerTbl); pstr -= headLen; pstr[0] = '\0'; k = 0; } return k; } static int64_t generateInterlaceDataWithoutStb( char *tableName, uint32_t batch, uint64_t tableSeq, char *dbName, char *buffer, int64_t insertRows, int64_t startTime, uint64_t *pRemainderBufLen) { assert(buffer); char *pstr = buffer; int headLen = generateSQLHeadWithoutStb( tableName, dbName, pstr, *pRemainderBufLen); if (headLen <= 0) { return 0; } pstr += headLen; *pRemainderBufLen -= headLen; int64_t dataLen = 0; int32_t k = generateDataTailWithoutStb( batch, pstr, *pRemainderBufLen, insertRows, 0, startTime, &dataLen); if (k == batch) { pstr += dataLen; *pRemainderBufLen -= dataLen; } else { debugPrint("%s() LN%d, generated data tail: %d, not equal batch per table: %u\n", __func__, __LINE__, k, batch); pstr -= headLen; pstr[0] = '\0'; k = 0; } return k; } static int32_t prepareStmtBindArrayByType( TAOS_BIND *bind, char data_type, int32_t dataLen, int32_t timePrec, char *value) { int32_t *bind_int; uint32_t *bind_uint; int64_t *bind_bigint; uint64_t *bind_ubigint; float *bind_float; double *bind_double; int8_t *bind_bool; int64_t *bind_ts2; int16_t *bind_smallint; uint16_t *bind_usmallint; int8_t *bind_tinyint; uint8_t *bind_utinyint; switch(data_type) { case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY: if (dataLen > TSDB_MAX_BINARY_LEN) { errorPrint2("binary length overflow, max size:%u\n", (uint32_t)TSDB_MAX_BINARY_LEN); return -1; } char *bind_binary; bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; if (value) { bind_binary = calloc(1, strlen(value) + 1); strncpy(bind_binary, value, strlen(value)); bind->buffer_length = strlen(bind_binary); } else { bind_binary = calloc(1, dataLen + 1); rand_string(bind_binary, dataLen); bind->buffer_length = dataLen; } bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->buffer = bind_binary; bind->is_null = NULL; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR: if (dataLen > TSDB_MAX_BINARY_LEN) { errorPrint2("nchar length overflow, max size:%u\n", (uint32_t)TSDB_MAX_BINARY_LEN); return -1; } char *bind_nchar; bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR; if (value) { bind_nchar = calloc(1, strlen(value) + 1); strncpy(bind_nchar, value, strlen(value)); } else { bind_nchar = calloc(1, dataLen + 1); rand_string(bind_nchar, dataLen); } bind->buffer_length = strlen(bind_nchar); bind->buffer = bind_nchar; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT: bind_int = malloc(sizeof(int32_t)); assert(bind_int); if (value) { *bind_int = atoi(value); } else { *bind_int = rand_int(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(int32_t); bind->buffer = bind_int; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT: bind_uint = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)); assert(bind_uint); if (value) { *bind_uint = atoi(value); } else { *bind_uint = rand_int(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(uint32_t); bind->buffer = bind_uint; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT: bind_bigint = malloc(sizeof(int64_t)); assert(bind_bigint); if (value) { *bind_bigint = atoll(value); } else { *bind_bigint = rand_bigint(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(int64_t); bind->buffer = bind_bigint; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT: bind_ubigint = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t)); assert(bind_ubigint); if (value) { *bind_ubigint = atoll(value); } else { *bind_ubigint = rand_bigint(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(uint64_t); bind->buffer = bind_ubigint; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: bind_float = malloc(sizeof(float)); assert(bind_float); if (value) { *bind_float = (float)atof(value); } else { *bind_float = rand_float(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(float); bind->buffer = bind_float; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: bind_double = malloc(sizeof(double)); assert(bind_double); if (value) { *bind_double = atof(value); } else { *bind_double = rand_double(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(double); bind->buffer = bind_double; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT: bind_smallint = malloc(sizeof(int16_t)); assert(bind_smallint); if (value) { *bind_smallint = (int16_t)atoi(value); } else { *bind_smallint = rand_smallint(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(int16_t); bind->buffer = bind_smallint; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT: bind_usmallint = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t)); assert(bind_usmallint); if (value) { *bind_usmallint = (uint16_t)atoi(value); } else { *bind_usmallint = rand_smallint(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(uint16_t); bind->buffer = bind_usmallint; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT: bind_tinyint = malloc(sizeof(int8_t)); assert(bind_tinyint); if (value) { *bind_tinyint = (int8_t)atoi(value); } else { *bind_tinyint = rand_tinyint(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(int8_t); bind->buffer = bind_tinyint; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT: bind_utinyint = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)); assert(bind_utinyint); if (value) { *bind_utinyint = (int8_t)atoi(value); } else { *bind_utinyint = rand_tinyint(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(uint8_t); bind->buffer = bind_utinyint; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: bind_bool = malloc(sizeof(int8_t)); assert(bind_bool); if (value) { if (strncasecmp(value, "true", 4)) { *bind_bool = true; } else { *bind_bool = false; } } else { *bind_bool = rand_bool(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(int8_t); bind->buffer = bind_bool; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: bind_ts2 = malloc(sizeof(int64_t)); assert(bind_ts2); if (value) { if (strchr(value, ':') && strchr(value, '-')) { int i = 0; while(value[i] != '\0') { if (value[i] == '\"' || value[i] == '\'') { value[i] = ' '; } i++; } int64_t tmpEpoch; if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != taosParseTime( value, &tmpEpoch, strlen(value), timePrec, 0)) { free(bind_ts2); errorPrint2("Input %s, time format error!\n", value); return -1; } *bind_ts2 = tmpEpoch; } else { *bind_ts2 = atoll(value); } } else { *bind_ts2 = rand_bigint(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(int64_t); bind->buffer = bind_ts2; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL: break; default: errorPrint2("Not support data type: %d\n", data_type); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return 0; } static int32_t prepareStmtBindArrayByTypeForRand( TAOS_BIND *bind, char data_type, int32_t dataLen, int32_t timePrec, char **ptr, char *value) { int32_t *bind_int; uint32_t *bind_uint; int64_t *bind_bigint; uint64_t *bind_ubigint; float *bind_float; double *bind_double; int16_t *bind_smallint; uint16_t *bind_usmallint; int8_t *bind_tinyint; uint8_t *bind_utinyint; int8_t *bind_bool; int64_t *bind_ts2; switch(data_type) { case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY: if (dataLen > TSDB_MAX_BINARY_LEN) { errorPrint2("binary length overflow, max size:%u\n", (uint32_t)TSDB_MAX_BINARY_LEN); return -1; } char *bind_binary = (char *)*ptr; bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; if (value) { strncpy(bind_binary, value, strlen(value)); bind->buffer_length = strlen(bind_binary); } else { rand_string(bind_binary, dataLen); bind->buffer_length = dataLen; } bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->buffer = bind_binary; bind->is_null = NULL; *ptr += bind->buffer_length; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR: if (dataLen > TSDB_MAX_BINARY_LEN) { errorPrint2("nchar length overflow, max size: %u\n", (uint32_t)TSDB_MAX_BINARY_LEN); return -1; } char *bind_nchar = (char *)*ptr; bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR; if (value) { strncpy(bind_nchar, value, strlen(value)); } else { rand_string(bind_nchar, dataLen); } bind->buffer_length = strlen(bind_nchar); bind->buffer = bind_nchar; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; *ptr += bind->buffer_length; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT: bind_int = (int32_t *)*ptr; if (value) { *bind_int = atoi(value); } else { *bind_int = rand_int(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(int32_t); bind->buffer = bind_int; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; *ptr += bind->buffer_length; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT: bind_uint = (uint32_t *)*ptr; if (value) { *bind_uint = atoi(value); } else { *bind_uint = rand_int(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(uint32_t); bind->buffer = bind_uint; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; *ptr += bind->buffer_length; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT: bind_bigint = (int64_t *)*ptr; if (value) { *bind_bigint = atoll(value); } else { *bind_bigint = rand_bigint(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(int64_t); bind->buffer = bind_bigint; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; *ptr += bind->buffer_length; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT: bind_ubigint = (uint64_t *)*ptr; if (value) { *bind_ubigint = atoll(value); } else { *bind_ubigint = rand_bigint(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(uint64_t); bind->buffer = bind_ubigint; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; *ptr += bind->buffer_length; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: bind_float = (float *)*ptr; if (value) { *bind_float = (float)atof(value); } else { *bind_float = rand_float(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(float); bind->buffer = bind_float; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; *ptr += bind->buffer_length; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: bind_double = (double *)*ptr; if (value) { *bind_double = atof(value); } else { *bind_double = rand_double(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(double); bind->buffer = bind_double; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; *ptr += bind->buffer_length; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT: bind_smallint = (int16_t *)*ptr; if (value) { *bind_smallint = (int16_t)atoi(value); } else { *bind_smallint = rand_smallint(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(int16_t); bind->buffer = bind_smallint; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; *ptr += bind->buffer_length; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT: bind_usmallint = (uint16_t *)*ptr; if (value) { *bind_usmallint = (uint16_t)atoi(value); } else { *bind_usmallint = rand_smallint(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(uint16_t); bind->buffer = bind_usmallint; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; *ptr += bind->buffer_length; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT: bind_tinyint = (int8_t *)*ptr; if (value) { *bind_tinyint = (int8_t)atoi(value); } else { *bind_tinyint = rand_tinyint(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(int8_t); bind->buffer = bind_tinyint; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; *ptr += bind->buffer_length; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT: bind_utinyint = (uint8_t *)*ptr; if (value) { *bind_utinyint = (uint8_t)atoi(value); } else { *bind_utinyint = rand_tinyint(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(uint8_t); bind->buffer = bind_utinyint; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; *ptr += bind->buffer_length; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: bind_bool = (int8_t *)*ptr; if (value) { if (strncasecmp(value, "true", 4)) { *bind_bool = true; } else { *bind_bool = false; } } else { *bind_bool = rand_bool(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(int8_t); bind->buffer = bind_bool; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; *ptr += bind->buffer_length; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: bind_ts2 = (int64_t *)*ptr; if (value) { if (strchr(value, ':') && strchr(value, '-')) { int i = 0; while(value[i] != '\0') { if (value[i] == '\"' || value[i] == '\'') { value[i] = ' '; } i++; } int64_t tmpEpoch; if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != taosParseTime( value, &tmpEpoch, strlen(value), timePrec, 0)) { errorPrint2("Input %s, time format error!\n", value); return -1; } *bind_ts2 = tmpEpoch; } else { *bind_ts2 = atoll(value); } } else { *bind_ts2 = rand_bigint(); } bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(int64_t); bind->buffer = bind_ts2; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; *ptr += bind->buffer_length; break; default: errorPrint2("No support data type: %d\n", data_type); return -1; } return 0; } static int32_t prepareStmtWithoutStb( threadInfo *pThreadInfo, char *tableName, uint32_t batch, int64_t insertRows, int64_t recordFrom, int64_t startTime) { TAOS_STMT *stmt = pThreadInfo->stmt; int ret = taos_stmt_set_tbname(stmt, tableName); if (ret != 0) { errorPrint2("failed to execute taos_stmt_set_tbname(%s). return 0x%x. reason: %s\n", tableName, ret, taos_stmt_errstr(stmt)); return ret; } char *data_type = g_args.data_type; char *bindArray = malloc(sizeof(TAOS_BIND) * (g_args.columnCount + 1)); if (bindArray == NULL) { errorPrint2("Failed to allocate %d bind params\n", (g_args.columnCount + 1)); return -1; } int32_t k = 0; for (k = 0; k < batch;) { /* columnCount + 1 (ts) */ TAOS_BIND *bind = (TAOS_BIND *)(bindArray + 0); int64_t *bind_ts = pThreadInfo->bind_ts; bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; if (g_args.disorderRatio) { *bind_ts = startTime + getTSRandTail( g_args.timestamp_step, k, g_args.disorderRatio, g_args.disorderRange); } else { *bind_ts = startTime + g_args.timestamp_step * k; } bind->buffer_length = sizeof(int64_t); bind->buffer = bind_ts; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < g_args.columnCount; i ++) { bind = (TAOS_BIND *)((char *)bindArray + (sizeof(TAOS_BIND) * (i + 1))); if ( -1 == prepareStmtBindArrayByType( bind, data_type[i], g_args.binwidth, pThreadInfo->time_precision, NULL)) { free(bindArray); return -1; } } if (0 != taos_stmt_bind_param(stmt, (TAOS_BIND *)bindArray)) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, stmt_bind_param() failed! reason: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_stmt_errstr(stmt)); break; } // if msg > 3MB, break if (0 != taos_stmt_add_batch(stmt)) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, stmt_add_batch() failed! reason: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_stmt_errstr(stmt)); break; } k++; recordFrom ++; if (recordFrom >= insertRows) { break; } } free(bindArray); return k; } static int32_t prepareStbStmtBindTag( char *bindArray, SSuperTable *stbInfo, char *tagsVal, int32_t timePrec) { TAOS_BIND *tag; for (int t = 0; t < stbInfo->tagCount; t ++) { tag = (TAOS_BIND *)((char *)bindArray + (sizeof(TAOS_BIND) * t)); if ( -1 == prepareStmtBindArrayByType( tag, stbInfo->tags[t].data_type, stbInfo->tags[t].dataLen, timePrec, NULL)) { return -1; } } return 0; } static int32_t prepareStbStmtBindRand( int64_t *ts, char *bindArray, SSuperTable *stbInfo, int64_t startTime, int32_t recSeq, int32_t timePrec) { char data[MAX_DATA_SIZE]; memset(data, 0, MAX_DATA_SIZE); char *ptr = data; TAOS_BIND *bind; for (int i = 0; i < stbInfo->columnCount + 1; i ++) { bind = (TAOS_BIND *)((char *)bindArray + (sizeof(TAOS_BIND) * i)); if (i == 0) { int64_t *bind_ts = ts; bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; if (stbInfo->disorderRatio) { *bind_ts = startTime + getTSRandTail( stbInfo->timeStampStep, recSeq, stbInfo->disorderRatio, stbInfo->disorderRange); } else { *bind_ts = startTime + stbInfo->timeStampStep * recSeq; } bind->buffer_length = sizeof(int64_t); bind->buffer = bind_ts; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; ptr += bind->buffer_length; } else if ( -1 == prepareStmtBindArrayByTypeForRand( bind, stbInfo->columns[i-1].data_type, stbInfo->columns[i-1].dataLen, timePrec, &ptr, NULL)) { return -1; } } return 0; } UNUSED_FUNC static int32_t prepareStbStmtRand( threadInfo *pThreadInfo, char *tableName, int64_t tableSeq, uint32_t batch, uint64_t insertRows, uint64_t recordFrom, int64_t startTime) { int ret; SSuperTable *stbInfo = pThreadInfo->stbInfo; TAOS_STMT *stmt = pThreadInfo->stmt; if (AUTO_CREATE_SUBTBL == stbInfo->autoCreateTable) { char* tagsValBuf = NULL; if (0 == stbInfo->tagSource) { tagsValBuf = generateTagValuesForStb(stbInfo, tableSeq); } else { tagsValBuf = getTagValueFromTagSample( stbInfo, tableSeq % stbInfo->tagSampleCount); } if (NULL == tagsValBuf) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, tag buf failed to allocate memory\n", __func__, __LINE__); return -1; } char *tagsArray = calloc(1, sizeof(TAOS_BIND) * stbInfo->tagCount); if (NULL == tagsArray) { tmfree(tagsValBuf); errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, tag buf failed to allocate memory\n", __func__, __LINE__); return -1; } if (-1 == prepareStbStmtBindTag( tagsArray, stbInfo, tagsValBuf, pThreadInfo->time_precision /* is tag */)) { tmfree(tagsValBuf); tmfree(tagsArray); return -1; } ret = taos_stmt_set_tbname_tags(stmt, tableName, (TAOS_BIND *)tagsArray); tmfree(tagsValBuf); tmfree(tagsArray); if (0 != ret) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, stmt_set_tbname_tags() failed! reason: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_stmt_errstr(stmt)); return -1; } } else { ret = taos_stmt_set_tbname(stmt, tableName); if (0 != ret) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, stmt_set_tbname() failed! reason: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_stmt_errstr(stmt)); return -1; } } char *bindArray = calloc(1, sizeof(TAOS_BIND) * (stbInfo->columnCount + 1)); if (bindArray == NULL) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, Failed to allocate %d bind params\n", __func__, __LINE__, (stbInfo->columnCount + 1)); return -1; } uint32_t k; for (k = 0; k < batch;) { /* columnCount + 1 (ts) */ if (-1 == prepareStbStmtBindRand( pThreadInfo->bind_ts, bindArray, stbInfo, startTime, k, pThreadInfo->time_precision /* is column */)) { free(bindArray); return -1; } ret = taos_stmt_bind_param(stmt, (TAOS_BIND *)bindArray); if (0 != ret) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, stmt_bind_param() failed! reason: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_stmt_errstr(stmt)); free(bindArray); return -1; } // if msg > 3MB, break ret = taos_stmt_add_batch(stmt); if (0 != ret) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, stmt_add_batch() failed! reason: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_stmt_errstr(stmt)); free(bindArray); return -1; } k++; recordFrom ++; if (recordFrom >= insertRows) { break; } } free(bindArray); return k; } #if STMT_BIND_PARAM_BATCH == 1 static int execStbBindParamBatch( threadInfo *pThreadInfo, char *tableName, int64_t tableSeq, uint32_t batch, uint64_t insertRows, uint64_t recordFrom, int64_t startTime, int64_t *pSamplePos) { int ret; TAOS_STMT *stmt = pThreadInfo->stmt; SSuperTable *stbInfo = pThreadInfo->stbInfo; assert(stbInfo); uint32_t columnCount = pThreadInfo->stbInfo->columnCount; uint32_t thisBatch = MAX_SAMPLES - (*pSamplePos); if (thisBatch > batch) { thisBatch = batch; } verbosePrint("%s() LN%d, batch=%d pos=%"PRId64" thisBatch=%d\n", __func__, __LINE__, batch, *pSamplePos, thisBatch); memset(pThreadInfo->bindParams, 0, (sizeof(TAOS_MULTI_BIND) * (columnCount + 1))); memset(pThreadInfo->is_null, 0, thisBatch); for (int c = 0; c < columnCount + 1; c ++) { TAOS_MULTI_BIND *param = (TAOS_MULTI_BIND *)(pThreadInfo->bindParams + sizeof(TAOS_MULTI_BIND) * c); char data_type; if (c == 0) { data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; param->buffer_length = sizeof(int64_t); param->buffer = pThreadInfo->bind_ts_array; } else { data_type = stbInfo->columns[c-1].data_type; char *tmpP; switch(data_type) { case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY: param->buffer_length = stbInfo->columns[c-1].dataLen; tmpP = (char *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(stbInfo->sampleBindBatchArray +sizeof(char*)*(c-1))); verbosePrint("%s() LN%d, tmpP=%p pos=%"PRId64" width=%"PRIxPTR" position=%"PRId64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, tmpP, *pSamplePos, param->buffer_length, (*pSamplePos) * param->buffer_length); param->buffer = (void *)(tmpP + *pSamplePos * param->buffer_length); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR: param->buffer_length = stbInfo->columns[c-1].dataLen; tmpP = (char *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(stbInfo->sampleBindBatchArray +sizeof(char*)*(c-1))); verbosePrint("%s() LN%d, tmpP=%p pos=%"PRId64" width=%"PRIxPTR" position=%"PRId64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, tmpP, *pSamplePos, param->buffer_length, (*pSamplePos) * param->buffer_length); param->buffer = (void *)(tmpP + *pSamplePos * param->buffer_length); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT: param->buffer_length = sizeof(int32_t); param->buffer = (stbInfo)? (void *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(stbInfo->sampleBindBatchArray+sizeof(char*)*(c-1)) + stbInfo->columns[c-1].dataLen * (*pSamplePos)): (void *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(g_sampleBindBatchArray+sizeof(char*)*(c-1)) + sizeof(int32_t)*(*pSamplePos)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT: param->buffer_length = sizeof(int8_t); param->buffer = (stbInfo)? (void *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)( stbInfo->sampleBindBatchArray +sizeof(char*)*(c-1)) + stbInfo->columns[c-1].dataLen*(*pSamplePos)): (void *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)( g_sampleBindBatchArray+sizeof(char*)*(c-1)) + sizeof(int8_t)*(*pSamplePos)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT: param->buffer_length = sizeof(int16_t); param->buffer = (stbInfo)? (void *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(stbInfo->sampleBindBatchArray+sizeof(char*)*(c-1)) + stbInfo->columns[c-1].dataLen * (*pSamplePos)): (void *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(g_sampleBindBatchArray+sizeof(char*)*(c-1)) + sizeof(int16_t)*(*pSamplePos)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT: param->buffer_length = sizeof(int64_t); param->buffer = (stbInfo)? (void *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(stbInfo->sampleBindBatchArray+sizeof(char*)*(c-1)) + stbInfo->columns[c-1].dataLen * (*pSamplePos)): (void *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(g_sampleBindBatchArray+sizeof(char*)*(c-1)) + sizeof(int64_t)*(*pSamplePos)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: param->buffer_length = sizeof(int8_t); param->buffer = (stbInfo)? (void *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(stbInfo->sampleBindBatchArray+sizeof(char*)*(c-1)) + stbInfo->columns[c-1].dataLen * (*pSamplePos)): (void *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(g_sampleBindBatchArray+sizeof(char*)*(c-1)) + sizeof(int8_t)*(*pSamplePos)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: param->buffer_length = sizeof(float); param->buffer = (stbInfo)? (void *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(stbInfo->sampleBindBatchArray+sizeof(char*)*(c-1)) + stbInfo->columns[c-1].dataLen * (*pSamplePos)): (void *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(g_sampleBindBatchArray+sizeof(char*)*(c-1)) + sizeof(float)*(*pSamplePos)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: param->buffer_length = sizeof(double); param->buffer = (stbInfo)? (void *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(stbInfo->sampleBindBatchArray+sizeof(char*)*(c-1)) + stbInfo->columns[c-1].dataLen * (*pSamplePos)): (void *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(g_sampleBindBatchArray+sizeof(char*)*(c-1)) + sizeof(double)*(*pSamplePos)); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: param->buffer_length = sizeof(int64_t); param->buffer = (stbInfo)? (void *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(stbInfo->sampleBindBatchArray+sizeof(char*)*(c-1)) + stbInfo->columns[c-1].dataLen * (*pSamplePos)): (void *)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(g_sampleBindBatchArray+sizeof(char*)*(c-1)) + sizeof(int64_t)*(*pSamplePos)); break; default: errorPrint("%s() LN%d, wrong data type: %d\n", __func__, __LINE__, data_type); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } param->buffer_type = data_type; param->length = malloc(sizeof(int32_t) * thisBatch); assert(param->length); for (int b = 0; b < thisBatch; b++) { if (param->buffer_type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) { param->length[b] = strlen( (char *)param->buffer + b * ((stbInfo)?stbInfo->columns[c].dataLen:g_args.binwidth) ); } else { param->length[b] = param->buffer_length; } } param->is_null = pThreadInfo->is_null; param->num = thisBatch; } uint32_t k; for (k = 0; k < thisBatch;) { /* columnCount + 1 (ts) */ if (stbInfo->disorderRatio) { *(pThreadInfo->bind_ts_array + k) = startTime + getTSRandTail( stbInfo->timeStampStep, k, stbInfo->disorderRatio, stbInfo->disorderRange); } else { *(pThreadInfo->bind_ts_array + k) = startTime + stbInfo->timeStampStep * k; } debugPrint("%s() LN%d, k=%d ts=%"PRId64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, k, *(pThreadInfo->bind_ts_array +k)); k++; recordFrom ++; (*pSamplePos) ++; if ((*pSamplePos) == MAX_SAMPLES) { *pSamplePos = 0; } if (recordFrom >= insertRows) { break; } } ret = taos_stmt_bind_param_batch(stmt, (TAOS_MULTI_BIND *)pThreadInfo->bindParams); if (0 != ret) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, stmt_bind_param() failed! reason: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_stmt_errstr(stmt)); return -1; } for (int c = 0; c < stbInfo->columnCount + 1; c ++) { TAOS_MULTI_BIND *param = (TAOS_MULTI_BIND *)(pThreadInfo->bindParams + sizeof(TAOS_MULTI_BIND) * c); free(param->length); } // if msg > 3MB, break ret = taos_stmt_add_batch(stmt); if (0 != ret) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, stmt_add_batch() failed! reason: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_stmt_errstr(stmt)); return -1; } return k; } static int parseSamplefileToStmtBatch( SSuperTable* stbInfo) { // char *sampleDataBuf = (stbInfo)? // stbInfo->sampleDataBuf:g_sampleDataBuf; int32_t columnCount = (stbInfo)?stbInfo->columnCount:g_args.columnCount; char *sampleBindBatchArray = NULL; if (stbInfo) { stbInfo->sampleBindBatchArray = calloc(1, sizeof(uintptr_t *) * columnCount); sampleBindBatchArray = stbInfo->sampleBindBatchArray; } else { g_sampleBindBatchArray = calloc(1, sizeof(uintptr_t *) * columnCount); sampleBindBatchArray = g_sampleBindBatchArray; } assert(sampleBindBatchArray); for (int c = 0; c < columnCount; c++) { char data_type = (stbInfo)?stbInfo->columns[c].data_type:g_args.data_type[c]; char *tmpP = NULL; switch(data_type) { case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT: tmpP = calloc(1, sizeof(int) * MAX_SAMPLES); assert(tmpP); *(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray+ sizeof(uintptr_t*)*c) = (uintptr_t)tmpP; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT: tmpP = calloc(1, sizeof(int8_t) * MAX_SAMPLES); assert(tmpP); *(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray+ sizeof(uintptr_t*)*c) = (uintptr_t)tmpP; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT: tmpP = calloc(1, sizeof(int16_t) * MAX_SAMPLES); assert(tmpP); *(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray+ sizeof(uintptr_t*)*c) = (uintptr_t)tmpP; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT: tmpP = calloc(1, sizeof(int64_t) * MAX_SAMPLES); assert(tmpP); *(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray+ sizeof(uintptr_t*)*c) = (uintptr_t)tmpP; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: tmpP = calloc(1, sizeof(int8_t) * MAX_SAMPLES); assert(tmpP); *(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray+ sizeof(uintptr_t*)*c) = (uintptr_t)tmpP; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: tmpP = calloc(1, sizeof(float) * MAX_SAMPLES); assert(tmpP); *(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray+ sizeof(uintptr_t*)*c) = (uintptr_t)tmpP; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: tmpP = calloc(1, sizeof(double) * MAX_SAMPLES); assert(tmpP); *(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray+ sizeof(uintptr_t*)*c) = (uintptr_t)tmpP; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR: tmpP = calloc(1, MAX_SAMPLES * (((stbInfo)?stbInfo->columns[c].dataLen:g_args.binwidth))); assert(tmpP); *(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray+ sizeof(uintptr_t*)*c) = (uintptr_t)tmpP; break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: tmpP = calloc(1, sizeof(int64_t) * MAX_SAMPLES); assert(tmpP); *(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray+ sizeof(uintptr_t*)*c) = (uintptr_t)tmpP; break; default: errorPrint("Unknown data type: %s\n", (stbInfo)?stbInfo->columns[c].dataType:g_args.dataType[c]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } char *sampleDataBuf = (stbInfo)?stbInfo->sampleDataBuf:g_sampleDataBuf; int64_t lenOfOneRow = (stbInfo)?stbInfo->lenOfOneRow:g_args.lenOfOneRow; for (int i=0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) { int cursor = 0; for (int c = 0; c < columnCount; c++) { char data_type = (stbInfo)? stbInfo->columns[c].data_type: g_args.data_type[c]; char *restStr = sampleDataBuf + lenOfOneRow * i + cursor; int lengthOfRest = strlen(restStr); int index = 0; for (index = 0; index < lengthOfRest; index ++) { if (restStr[index] == ',') { break; } } char *tmpStr = calloc(1, index + 1); if (NULL == tmpStr) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, Failed to allocate %d bind buffer\n", __func__, __LINE__, index + 1); return -1; } strncpy(tmpStr, restStr, index); cursor += index + 1; // skip ',' too char *tmpP; switch(data_type) { case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT: *((int32_t*)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray +sizeof(char*)*c)+sizeof(int32_t)*i)) = atoi(tmpStr); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT: *(float*)(((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray +sizeof(char*)*c)+sizeof(float)*i)) = (float)atof(tmpStr); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE: *(double*)(((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray +sizeof(char*)*c)+sizeof(double)*i)) = atof(tmpStr); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT: *((int8_t*)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray +sizeof(char*)*c)+sizeof(int8_t)*i)) = (int8_t)atoi(tmpStr); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT: *((int16_t*)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray +sizeof(char*)*c)+sizeof(int16_t)*i)) = (int16_t)atoi(tmpStr); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT: *((int64_t*)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray +sizeof(char*)*c)+sizeof(int64_t)*i)) = (int64_t)atol(tmpStr); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: *((int8_t*)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray +sizeof(char*)*c)+sizeof(int8_t)*i)) = (int8_t)atoi(tmpStr); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: *((int64_t*)((uintptr_t)*(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray +sizeof(char*)*c)+sizeof(int64_t)*i)) = (int64_t)atol(tmpStr); break; case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY: case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR: tmpP = (char *)(*(uintptr_t*)(sampleBindBatchArray +sizeof(char*)*c)); strcpy(tmpP + i* (((stbInfo)?stbInfo->columns[c].dataLen:g_args.binwidth)) , tmpStr); break; default: break; } free(tmpStr); } } return 0; } static int parseSampleToStmtBatchForThread( threadInfo *pThreadInfo, SSuperTable *stbInfo, uint32_t timePrec, uint32_t batch) { uint32_t columnCount = (stbInfo)?stbInfo->columnCount:g_args.columnCount; pThreadInfo->bind_ts_array = malloc(sizeof(int64_t) * batch); assert(pThreadInfo->bind_ts_array); pThreadInfo->bindParams = malloc(sizeof(TAOS_MULTI_BIND) * (columnCount + 1)); assert(pThreadInfo->bindParams); pThreadInfo->is_null = malloc(batch); assert(pThreadInfo->is_null); return 0; } static int parseStbSampleToStmtBatchForThread( threadInfo *pThreadInfo, SSuperTable *stbInfo, uint32_t timePrec, uint32_t batch) { return parseSampleToStmtBatchForThread( pThreadInfo, stbInfo, timePrec, batch); } static int parseNtbSampleToStmtBatchForThread( threadInfo *pThreadInfo, uint32_t timePrec, uint32_t batch) { return parseSampleToStmtBatchForThread( pThreadInfo, NULL, timePrec, batch); } #else static int parseSampleToStmt( threadInfo *pThreadInfo, SSuperTable *stbInfo, uint32_t timePrec) { pThreadInfo->sampleBindArray = (char *)calloc(1, sizeof(char *) * MAX_SAMPLES); if (pThreadInfo->sampleBindArray == NULL) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, Failed to allocate %"PRIu64" bind array buffer\n", __func__, __LINE__, (uint64_t)sizeof(char *) * MAX_SAMPLES); return -1; } int32_t columnCount = (stbInfo)?stbInfo->columnCount:g_args.columnCount; char *sampleDataBuf = (stbInfo)?stbInfo->sampleDataBuf:g_sampleDataBuf; int64_t lenOfOneRow = (stbInfo)?stbInfo->lenOfOneRow:g_args.lenOfOneRow; for (int i=0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) { char *bindArray = calloc(1, sizeof(TAOS_BIND) * (columnCount + 1)); if (bindArray == NULL) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, Failed to allocate %d bind params\n", __func__, __LINE__, (columnCount + 1)); return -1; } TAOS_BIND *bind; int cursor = 0; for (int c = 0; c < columnCount + 1; c++) { bind = (TAOS_BIND *)((char *)bindArray + (sizeof(TAOS_BIND) * c)); if (c == 0) { bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; bind->buffer_length = sizeof(int64_t); bind->buffer = NULL; //bind_ts; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; } else { char data_type = (stbInfo)? stbInfo->columns[c-1].data_type: g_args.data_type[c-1]; int32_t dataLen = (stbInfo)? stbInfo->columns[c-1].dataLen: g_args.binwidth; char *restStr = sampleDataBuf + lenOfOneRow * i + cursor; int lengthOfRest = strlen(restStr); int index = 0; for (index = 0; index < lengthOfRest; index ++) { if (restStr[index] == ',') { break; } } char *bindBuffer = calloc(1, index + 1); if (bindBuffer == NULL) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, Failed to allocate %d bind buffer\n", __func__, __LINE__, index + 1); return -1; } strncpy(bindBuffer, restStr, index); cursor += index + 1; // skip ',' too if (-1 == prepareStmtBindArrayByType( bind, data_type, dataLen, timePrec, bindBuffer)) { free(bindBuffer); free(bindArray); return -1; } free(bindBuffer); } } *((uintptr_t *)(pThreadInfo->sampleBindArray + (sizeof(char *)) * i)) = (uintptr_t)bindArray; } return 0; } static int parseStbSampleToStmt( threadInfo *pThreadInfo, SSuperTable *stbInfo, uint32_t timePrec) { return parseSampleToStmt( pThreadInfo, stbInfo, timePrec); } static int parseNtbSampleToStmt( threadInfo *pThreadInfo, uint32_t timePrec) { return parseSampleToStmt( pThreadInfo, NULL, timePrec); } static int32_t prepareStbStmtBindStartTime( char *tableName, int64_t *ts, char *bindArray, SSuperTable *stbInfo, int64_t startTime, int32_t recSeq) { TAOS_BIND *bind; bind = (TAOS_BIND *)bindArray; int64_t *bind_ts = ts; bind->buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; if (stbInfo->disorderRatio) { *bind_ts = startTime + getTSRandTail( stbInfo->timeStampStep, recSeq, stbInfo->disorderRatio, stbInfo->disorderRange); } else { *bind_ts = startTime + stbInfo->timeStampStep * recSeq; } verbosePrint("%s() LN%d, tableName: %s, bind_ts=%"PRId64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, tableName, *bind_ts); bind->buffer_length = sizeof(int64_t); bind->buffer = bind_ts; bind->length = &bind->buffer_length; bind->is_null = NULL; return 0; } static uint32_t execBindParam( threadInfo *pThreadInfo, char *tableName, int64_t tableSeq, uint32_t batch, uint64_t insertRows, uint64_t recordFrom, int64_t startTime, int64_t *pSamplePos) { int ret; SSuperTable *stbInfo = pThreadInfo->stbInfo; TAOS_STMT *stmt = pThreadInfo->stmt; uint32_t k; for (k = 0; k < batch;) { char *bindArray = (char *)(*((uintptr_t *) (pThreadInfo->sampleBindArray + (sizeof(char *)) * (*pSamplePos)))); /* columnCount + 1 (ts) */ if (-1 == prepareStbStmtBindStartTime( tableName, pThreadInfo->bind_ts, bindArray, stbInfo, startTime, k /* is column */)) { return -1; } ret = taos_stmt_bind_param(stmt, (TAOS_BIND *)bindArray); if (0 != ret) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, stmt_bind_param() failed! reason: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_stmt_errstr(stmt)); return -1; } // if msg > 3MB, break ret = taos_stmt_add_batch(stmt); if (0 != ret) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, stmt_add_batch() failed! reason: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_stmt_errstr(stmt)); return -1; } k++; recordFrom ++; (*pSamplePos) ++; if ((*pSamplePos) == MAX_SAMPLES) { *pSamplePos = 0; } if (recordFrom >= insertRows) { break; } } return k; } #endif static int32_t prepareStbStmt( threadInfo *pThreadInfo, char *tableName, int64_t tableSeq, uint32_t batch, uint64_t insertRows, uint64_t recordFrom, int64_t startTime, int64_t *pSamplePos) { int ret; SSuperTable *stbInfo = pThreadInfo->stbInfo; TAOS_STMT *stmt = pThreadInfo->stmt; if (AUTO_CREATE_SUBTBL == stbInfo->autoCreateTable) { char* tagsValBuf = NULL; if (0 == stbInfo->tagSource) { tagsValBuf = generateTagValuesForStb(stbInfo, tableSeq); } else { tagsValBuf = getTagValueFromTagSample( stbInfo, tableSeq % stbInfo->tagSampleCount); } if (NULL == tagsValBuf) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, tag buf failed to allocate memory\n", __func__, __LINE__); return -1; } char *tagsArray = calloc(1, sizeof(TAOS_BIND) * stbInfo->tagCount); if (NULL == tagsArray) { tmfree(tagsValBuf); errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, tag buf failed to allocate memory\n", __func__, __LINE__); return -1; } if (-1 == prepareStbStmtBindTag( tagsArray, stbInfo, tagsValBuf, pThreadInfo->time_precision /* is tag */)) { tmfree(tagsValBuf); tmfree(tagsArray); return -1; } ret = taos_stmt_set_tbname_tags(stmt, tableName, (TAOS_BIND *)tagsArray); tmfree(tagsValBuf); tmfree(tagsArray); if (0 != ret) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, stmt_set_tbname_tags() failed! reason: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_stmt_errstr(stmt)); return -1; } } else { ret = taos_stmt_set_tbname(stmt, tableName); if (0 != ret) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, stmt_set_tbname() failed! reason: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_stmt_errstr(stmt)); return -1; } } #if STMT_BIND_PARAM_BATCH == 1 return execStbBindParamBatch( pThreadInfo, tableName, tableSeq, batch, insertRows, recordFrom, startTime, pSamplePos); #else return execBindParam( pThreadInfo, tableName, tableSeq, batch, insertRows, recordFrom, startTime, pSamplePos); #endif } static int32_t generateStbProgressiveData( SSuperTable *stbInfo, char *tableName, int64_t tableSeq, char *dbName, char *buffer, int64_t insertRows, uint64_t recordFrom, int64_t startTime, int64_t *pSamplePos, int64_t *pRemainderBufLen) { assert(buffer != NULL); char *pstr = buffer; memset(pstr, 0, *pRemainderBufLen); int64_t headLen = generateStbSQLHead( stbInfo, tableName, tableSeq, dbName, buffer, *pRemainderBufLen); if (headLen <= 0) { return 0; } pstr += headLen; *pRemainderBufLen -= headLen; int64_t dataLen; return generateStbDataTail(stbInfo, g_args.reqPerReq, pstr, *pRemainderBufLen, insertRows, recordFrom, startTime, pSamplePos, &dataLen); } static int32_t generateProgressiveDataWithoutStb( char *tableName, /* int64_t tableSeq, */ threadInfo *pThreadInfo, char *buffer, int64_t insertRows, uint64_t recordFrom, int64_t startTime, /*int64_t *pSamplePos, */ int64_t *pRemainderBufLen) { assert(buffer != NULL); char *pstr = buffer; memset(buffer, 0, *pRemainderBufLen); int64_t headLen = generateSQLHeadWithoutStb( tableName, pThreadInfo->db_name, buffer, *pRemainderBufLen); if (headLen <= 0) { return 0; } pstr += headLen; *pRemainderBufLen -= headLen; int64_t dataLen; return generateDataTailWithoutStb( g_args.reqPerReq, pstr, *pRemainderBufLen, insertRows, recordFrom, startTime, /*pSamplePos, */&dataLen); } static void printStatPerThread(threadInfo *pThreadInfo) { if (0 == pThreadInfo->totalDelay) pThreadInfo->totalDelay = 1; fprintf(stderr, "====thread[%d] completed total inserted rows: %"PRIu64 ", total affected rows: %"PRIu64". %.2f records/second====\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows, pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows, (double)(pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows/((double)pThreadInfo->totalDelay/1000000.0)) ); } #if STMT_BIND_PARAM_BATCH == 1 // stmt sync write interlace data static void* syncWriteInterlaceStmtBatch(threadInfo *pThreadInfo, uint32_t interlaceRows) { debugPrint("[%d] %s() LN%d: ### stmt interlace write\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__); int64_t insertRows; int64_t timeStampStep; uint64_t insert_interval; SSuperTable* stbInfo = pThreadInfo->stbInfo; if (stbInfo) { insertRows = stbInfo->insertRows; timeStampStep = stbInfo->timeStampStep; insert_interval = stbInfo->insertInterval; } else { insertRows = g_args.insertRows; timeStampStep = g_args.timestamp_step; insert_interval = g_args.insert_interval; } debugPrint("[%d] %s() LN%d: start_table_from=%"PRIu64" ntables=%"PRId64" insertRows=%"PRIu64"\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->start_table_from, pThreadInfo->ntables, insertRows); uint64_t timesInterlace = (insertRows / interlaceRows) + 1; uint32_t precalcBatch = interlaceRows; if (precalcBatch > g_args.reqPerReq) precalcBatch = g_args.reqPerReq; if (precalcBatch > MAX_SAMPLES) precalcBatch = MAX_SAMPLES; pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows = 0; pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows = 0; uint64_t st = 0; uint64_t et = UINT64_MAX; uint64_t lastPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); uint64_t startTs = taosGetTimestampMs(); uint64_t endTs; uint64_t tableSeq = pThreadInfo->start_table_from; int64_t startTime; bool flagSleep = true; uint64_t sleepTimeTotal = 0; int percentComplete = 0; int64_t totalRows = insertRows * pThreadInfo->ntables; pThreadInfo->samplePos = 0; for (int64_t interlace = 0; interlace < timesInterlace; interlace ++) { if ((flagSleep) && (insert_interval)) { st = taosGetTimestampMs(); flagSleep = false; } int64_t generated = 0; int64_t samplePos; for (; tableSeq < pThreadInfo->start_table_from + pThreadInfo->ntables; tableSeq ++) { char tableName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; getTableName(tableName, pThreadInfo, tableSeq); if (0 == strlen(tableName)) { errorPrint2("[%d] %s() LN%d, getTableName return null\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__); return NULL; } samplePos = pThreadInfo->samplePos; startTime = pThreadInfo->start_time + interlace * interlaceRows * timeStampStep; uint64_t remainRecPerTbl = insertRows - interlaceRows * interlace; uint64_t recPerTbl = 0; uint64_t remainPerInterlace; if (remainRecPerTbl > interlaceRows) { remainPerInterlace = interlaceRows; } else { remainPerInterlace = remainRecPerTbl; } while(remainPerInterlace > 0) { uint32_t batch; if (remainPerInterlace > precalcBatch) { batch = precalcBatch; } else { batch = remainPerInterlace; } debugPrint("[%d] %s() LN%d, tableName:%s, batch:%d startTime:%"PRId64"\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, tableName, batch, startTime); if (stbInfo) { generated = prepareStbStmt( pThreadInfo, tableName, tableSeq, batch, insertRows, 0, startTime, &samplePos); } else { generated = prepareStmtWithoutStb( pThreadInfo, tableName, batch, insertRows, interlaceRows * interlace + recPerTbl, startTime); } debugPrint("[%d] %s() LN%d, generated records is %"PRId64"\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, generated); if (generated < 0) { errorPrint2("[%d] %s() LN%d, generated records is %"PRId64"\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, generated); goto free_of_interlace_stmt; } else if (generated == 0) { break; } recPerTbl += generated; remainPerInterlace -= generated; pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows += generated; verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d totalInsertRows=%"PRIu64"\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows); startTs = taosGetTimestampUs(); int64_t affectedRows = execInsert(pThreadInfo, generated); endTs = taosGetTimestampUs(); uint64_t delay = endTs - startTs; performancePrint("%s() LN%d, insert execution time is %10.2f ms\n", __func__, __LINE__, delay / 1000.0); verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d affectedRows=%"PRId64"\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, affectedRows); if (delay > pThreadInfo->maxDelay) pThreadInfo->maxDelay = delay; if (delay < pThreadInfo->minDelay) pThreadInfo->minDelay = delay; pThreadInfo->cntDelay++; pThreadInfo->totalDelay += delay; if (generated != affectedRows) { errorPrint2("[%d] %s() LN%d execInsert() insert %"PRId64", affected rows: %"PRId64"\n\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, generated, affectedRows); goto free_of_interlace_stmt; } pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows += affectedRows; int currentPercent = pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows * 100 / totalRows; if (currentPercent > percentComplete ) { printf("[%d]:%d%%\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, currentPercent); percentComplete = currentPercent; } int64_t currentPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); if (currentPrintTime - lastPrintTime > 30*1000) { printf("thread[%d] has currently inserted rows: %"PRIu64 ", affected rows: %"PRIu64 "\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows, pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows); lastPrintTime = currentPrintTime; } startTime += (generated * timeStampStep); } } pThreadInfo->samplePos = samplePos; if (tableSeq == pThreadInfo->start_table_from + pThreadInfo->ntables) { // turn to first table tableSeq = pThreadInfo->start_table_from; flagSleep = true; } if ((insert_interval) && flagSleep) { et = taosGetTimestampMs(); if (insert_interval > (et - st) ) { uint64_t sleepTime = insert_interval - (et -st); performancePrint("%s() LN%d sleep: %"PRId64" ms for insert interval\n", __func__, __LINE__, sleepTime); taosMsleep(sleepTime); // ms sleepTimeTotal += insert_interval; } } } if (percentComplete < 100) printf("[%d]:%d%%\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, percentComplete); free_of_interlace_stmt: printStatPerThread(pThreadInfo); return NULL; } #else // stmt sync write interlace data static void* syncWriteInterlaceStmt(threadInfo *pThreadInfo, uint32_t interlaceRows) { debugPrint("[%d] %s() LN%d: ### stmt interlace write\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__); int64_t insertRows; uint64_t maxSqlLen; int64_t timeStampStep; uint64_t insert_interval; SSuperTable* stbInfo = pThreadInfo->stbInfo; if (stbInfo) { insertRows = stbInfo->insertRows; maxSqlLen = stbInfo->maxSqlLen; timeStampStep = stbInfo->timeStampStep; insert_interval = stbInfo->insertInterval; } else { insertRows = g_args.insertRows; maxSqlLen = g_args.max_sql_len; timeStampStep = g_args.timestamp_step; insert_interval = g_args.insert_interval; } debugPrint("[%d] %s() LN%d: start_table_from=%"PRIu64" ntables=%"PRId64" insertRows=%"PRIu64"\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->start_table_from, pThreadInfo->ntables, insertRows); uint32_t batchPerTbl = interlaceRows; uint32_t batchPerTblTimes; if (interlaceRows > g_args.reqPerReq) interlaceRows = g_args.reqPerReq; if ((interlaceRows > 0) && (pThreadInfo->ntables > 1)) { batchPerTblTimes = g_args.reqPerReq / interlaceRows; } else { batchPerTblTimes = 1; } pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows = 0; pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows = 0; uint64_t st = 0; uint64_t et = UINT64_MAX; uint64_t lastPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); uint64_t startTs = taosGetTimestampMs(); uint64_t endTs; uint64_t tableSeq = pThreadInfo->start_table_from; int64_t startTime = pThreadInfo->start_time; uint64_t generatedRecPerTbl = 0; bool flagSleep = true; uint64_t sleepTimeTotal = 0; int percentComplete = 0; int64_t totalRows = insertRows * pThreadInfo->ntables; while(pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows < pThreadInfo->ntables * insertRows) { if ((flagSleep) && (insert_interval)) { st = taosGetTimestampMs(); flagSleep = false; } uint32_t recOfBatch = 0; int32_t generated; for (uint64_t i = 0; i < batchPerTblTimes; i ++) { char tableName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; getTableName(tableName, pThreadInfo, tableSeq); if (0 == strlen(tableName)) { errorPrint2("[%d] %s() LN%d, getTableName return null\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__); return NULL; } debugPrint("[%d] %s() LN%d, tableName:%s, batch:%d startTime:%"PRId64"\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, tableName, batchPerTbl, startTime); if (stbInfo) { generated = prepareStbStmt( pThreadInfo, tableName, tableSeq, batchPerTbl, insertRows, 0, startTime, &(pThreadInfo->samplePos)); } else { generated = prepareStmtWithoutStb( pThreadInfo, tableName, batchPerTbl, insertRows, i, startTime); } debugPrint("[%d] %s() LN%d, generated records is %d\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, generated); if (generated < 0) { errorPrint2("[%d] %s() LN%d, generated records is %d\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, generated); goto free_of_interlace_stmt; } else if (generated == 0) { break; } tableSeq ++; recOfBatch += batchPerTbl; pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows += batchPerTbl; verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d batchPerTbl=%d recOfBatch=%d\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, batchPerTbl, recOfBatch); if (tableSeq == pThreadInfo->start_table_from + pThreadInfo->ntables) { // turn to first table tableSeq = pThreadInfo->start_table_from; generatedRecPerTbl += batchPerTbl; startTime = pThreadInfo->start_time + generatedRecPerTbl * timeStampStep; flagSleep = true; if (generatedRecPerTbl >= insertRows) break; int64_t remainRows = insertRows - generatedRecPerTbl; if ((remainRows > 0) && (batchPerTbl > remainRows)) batchPerTbl = remainRows; if (pThreadInfo->ntables * batchPerTbl < g_args.reqPerReq) break; } verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d generatedRecPerTbl=%"PRId64" insertRows=%"PRId64"\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, generatedRecPerTbl, insertRows); if ((g_args.reqPerReq - recOfBatch) < batchPerTbl) break; } verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d recOfBatch=%d totalInsertRows=%"PRIu64"\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, recOfBatch, pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows); startTs = taosGetTimestampUs(); if (recOfBatch == 0) { errorPrint2("[%d] %s() LN%d Failed to insert records of batch %d\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, batchPerTbl); if (batchPerTbl > 0) { errorPrint("\tIf the batch is %d, the length of the SQL to insert a row must be less then %"PRId64"\n", batchPerTbl, maxSqlLen / batchPerTbl); } goto free_of_interlace_stmt; } int64_t affectedRows = execInsert(pThreadInfo, recOfBatch); endTs = taosGetTimestampUs(); uint64_t delay = endTs - startTs; performancePrint("%s() LN%d, insert execution time is %10.2f ms\n", __func__, __LINE__, delay / 1000.0); verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d affectedRows=%"PRId64"\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, affectedRows); if (delay > pThreadInfo->maxDelay) pThreadInfo->maxDelay = delay; if (delay < pThreadInfo->minDelay) pThreadInfo->minDelay = delay; pThreadInfo->cntDelay++; pThreadInfo->totalDelay += delay; if (recOfBatch != affectedRows) { errorPrint2("[%d] %s() LN%d execInsert insert %d, affected rows: %"PRId64"\n\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, recOfBatch, affectedRows); goto free_of_interlace_stmt; } pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows += affectedRows; int currentPercent = pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows * 100 / totalRows; if (currentPercent > percentComplete ) { printf("[%d]:%d%%\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, currentPercent); percentComplete = currentPercent; } int64_t currentPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); if (currentPrintTime - lastPrintTime > 30*1000) { printf("thread[%d] has currently inserted rows: %"PRIu64 ", affected rows: %"PRIu64 "\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows, pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows); lastPrintTime = currentPrintTime; } if ((insert_interval) && flagSleep) { et = taosGetTimestampMs(); if (insert_interval > (et - st) ) { uint64_t sleepTime = insert_interval - (et -st); performancePrint("%s() LN%d sleep: %"PRId64" ms for insert interval\n", __func__, __LINE__, sleepTime); taosMsleep(sleepTime); // ms sleepTimeTotal += insert_interval; } } } if (percentComplete < 100) printf("[%d]:%d%%\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, percentComplete); free_of_interlace_stmt: printStatPerThread(pThreadInfo); return NULL; } #endif // sync write interlace data static void* syncWriteInterlace(threadInfo *pThreadInfo, uint32_t interlaceRows) { debugPrint("[%d] %s() LN%d: ### interlace write\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__); int64_t insertRows; uint64_t maxSqlLen; int64_t timeStampStep; uint64_t insert_interval; SSuperTable* stbInfo = pThreadInfo->stbInfo; if (stbInfo) { insertRows = stbInfo->insertRows; maxSqlLen = stbInfo->maxSqlLen; timeStampStep = stbInfo->timeStampStep; insert_interval = stbInfo->insertInterval; } else { insertRows = g_args.insertRows; maxSqlLen = g_args.max_sql_len; timeStampStep = g_args.timestamp_step; insert_interval = g_args.insert_interval; } debugPrint("[%d] %s() LN%d: start_table_from=%"PRIu64" ntables=%"PRId64" insertRows=%"PRIu64"\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->start_table_from, pThreadInfo->ntables, insertRows); #if 1 if (interlaceRows > g_args.reqPerReq) interlaceRows = g_args.reqPerReq; uint32_t batchPerTbl = interlaceRows; uint32_t batchPerTblTimes; if ((interlaceRows > 0) && (pThreadInfo->ntables > 1)) { batchPerTblTimes = g_args.reqPerReq / interlaceRows; } else { batchPerTblTimes = 1; } #else uint32_t batchPerTbl; if (interlaceRows > g_args.reqPerReq) batchPerTbl = g_args.reqPerReq; else batchPerTbl = interlaceRows; uint32_t batchPerTblTimes; if ((interlaceRows > 0) && (pThreadInfo->ntables > 1)) { batchPerTblTimes = interlaceRows / batchPerTbl; } else { batchPerTblTimes = 1; } #endif pThreadInfo->buffer = calloc(maxSqlLen, 1); if (NULL == pThreadInfo->buffer) { errorPrint2( "%s() LN%d, Failed to alloc %"PRIu64" Bytes, reason:%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, maxSqlLen, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows = 0; pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows = 0; uint64_t st = 0; uint64_t et = UINT64_MAX; uint64_t lastPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); uint64_t startTs = taosGetTimestampMs(); uint64_t endTs; uint64_t tableSeq = pThreadInfo->start_table_from; int64_t startTime = pThreadInfo->start_time; uint64_t generatedRecPerTbl = 0; bool flagSleep = true; uint64_t sleepTimeTotal = 0; int percentComplete = 0; int64_t totalRows = insertRows * pThreadInfo->ntables; while(pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows < pThreadInfo->ntables * insertRows) { if ((flagSleep) && (insert_interval)) { st = taosGetTimestampMs(); flagSleep = false; } // generate data memset(pThreadInfo->buffer, 0, maxSqlLen); uint64_t remainderBufLen = maxSqlLen; char *pstr = pThreadInfo->buffer; int len = snprintf(pstr, strlen(STR_INSERT_INTO) + 1, "%s", STR_INSERT_INTO); pstr += len; remainderBufLen -= len; uint32_t recOfBatch = 0; int32_t generated; for (uint64_t i = 0; i < batchPerTblTimes; i ++) { char tableName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; getTableName(tableName, pThreadInfo, tableSeq); if (0 == strlen(tableName)) { errorPrint2("[%d] %s() LN%d, getTableName return null\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__); free(pThreadInfo->buffer); return NULL; } uint64_t oldRemainderLen = remainderBufLen; if (stbInfo) { generated = generateStbInterlaceData( pThreadInfo, tableName, batchPerTbl, i, batchPerTblTimes, tableSeq, pstr, insertRows, startTime, &remainderBufLen); } else { generated = generateInterlaceDataWithoutStb( tableName, batchPerTbl, tableSeq, pThreadInfo->db_name, pstr, insertRows, startTime, &remainderBufLen); } debugPrint("[%d] %s() LN%d, generated records is %d\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, generated); if (generated < 0) { errorPrint2("[%d] %s() LN%d, generated records is %d\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, generated); goto free_of_interlace; } else if (generated == 0) { break; } tableSeq ++; recOfBatch += batchPerTbl; pstr += (oldRemainderLen - remainderBufLen); pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows += batchPerTbl; verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d batchPerTbl=%d recOfBatch=%d\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, batchPerTbl, recOfBatch); if (tableSeq == pThreadInfo->start_table_from + pThreadInfo->ntables) { // turn to first table tableSeq = pThreadInfo->start_table_from; generatedRecPerTbl += batchPerTbl; startTime = pThreadInfo->start_time + generatedRecPerTbl * timeStampStep; flagSleep = true; if (generatedRecPerTbl >= insertRows) break; int64_t remainRows = insertRows - generatedRecPerTbl; if ((remainRows > 0) && (batchPerTbl > remainRows)) batchPerTbl = remainRows; if (pThreadInfo->ntables * batchPerTbl < g_args.reqPerReq) break; } verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d generatedRecPerTbl=%"PRId64" insertRows=%"PRId64"\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, generatedRecPerTbl, insertRows); if ((g_args.reqPerReq - recOfBatch) < batchPerTbl) break; } verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d recOfBatch=%d totalInsertRows=%"PRIu64"\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, recOfBatch, pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows); verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d, buffer=%s\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->buffer); startTs = taosGetTimestampUs(); if (recOfBatch == 0) { errorPrint2("[%d] %s() LN%d Failed to insert records of batch %d\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, batchPerTbl); if (batchPerTbl > 0) { errorPrint("\tIf the batch is %d, the length of the SQL to insert a row must be less then %"PRId64"\n", batchPerTbl, maxSqlLen / batchPerTbl); } errorPrint("\tPlease check if the buffer length(%"PRId64") or batch(%d) is set with proper value!\n", maxSqlLen, batchPerTbl); goto free_of_interlace; } int64_t affectedRows = execInsert(pThreadInfo, recOfBatch); endTs = taosGetTimestampUs(); uint64_t delay = endTs - startTs; performancePrint("%s() LN%d, insert execution time is %10.2f ms\n", __func__, __LINE__, delay / 1000.0); verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d affectedRows=%"PRId64"\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, affectedRows); if (delay > pThreadInfo->maxDelay) pThreadInfo->maxDelay = delay; if (delay < pThreadInfo->minDelay) pThreadInfo->minDelay = delay; pThreadInfo->cntDelay++; pThreadInfo->totalDelay += delay; if (recOfBatch != affectedRows) { errorPrint2("[%d] %s() LN%d execInsert insert %d, affected rows: %"PRId64"\n%s\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, recOfBatch, affectedRows, pThreadInfo->buffer); goto free_of_interlace; } pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows += affectedRows; int currentPercent = pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows * 100 / totalRows; if (currentPercent > percentComplete ) { printf("[%d]:%d%%\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, currentPercent); percentComplete = currentPercent; } int64_t currentPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); if (currentPrintTime - lastPrintTime > 30*1000) { printf("thread[%d] has currently inserted rows: %"PRIu64 ", affected rows: %"PRIu64 "\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows, pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows); lastPrintTime = currentPrintTime; } if ((insert_interval) && flagSleep) { et = taosGetTimestampMs(); if (insert_interval > (et - st) ) { uint64_t sleepTime = insert_interval - (et -st); performancePrint("%s() LN%d sleep: %"PRId64" ms for insert interval\n", __func__, __LINE__, sleepTime); taosMsleep(sleepTime); // ms sleepTimeTotal += insert_interval; } } } if (percentComplete < 100) printf("[%d]:%d%%\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, percentComplete); free_of_interlace: tmfree(pThreadInfo->buffer); printStatPerThread(pThreadInfo); return NULL; } static void* syncWriteProgressiveStmt(threadInfo *pThreadInfo) { debugPrint("%s() LN%d: ### stmt progressive write\n", __func__, __LINE__); SSuperTable* stbInfo = pThreadInfo->stbInfo; int64_t timeStampStep = stbInfo?stbInfo->timeStampStep:g_args.timestamp_step; int64_t insertRows = (stbInfo)?stbInfo->insertRows:g_args.insertRows; verbosePrint("%s() LN%d insertRows=%"PRId64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, insertRows); uint64_t lastPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); uint64_t startTs = taosGetTimestampMs(); uint64_t endTs; pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows = 0; pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows = 0; pThreadInfo->samplePos = 0; int percentComplete = 0; int64_t totalRows = insertRows * pThreadInfo->ntables; for (uint64_t tableSeq = pThreadInfo->start_table_from; tableSeq <= pThreadInfo->end_table_to; tableSeq ++) { int64_t start_time = pThreadInfo->start_time; for (uint64_t i = 0; i < insertRows;) { char tableName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; getTableName(tableName, pThreadInfo, tableSeq); verbosePrint("%s() LN%d: tid=%d seq=%"PRId64" tableName=%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->threadID, tableSeq, tableName); if (0 == strlen(tableName)) { errorPrint2("[%d] %s() LN%d, getTableName return null\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__); return NULL; } // measure prepare + insert startTs = taosGetTimestampUs(); int32_t generated; if (stbInfo) { generated = prepareStbStmt( pThreadInfo, tableName, tableSeq, (g_args.reqPerReq>stbInfo->insertRows)? stbInfo->insertRows: g_args.reqPerReq, insertRows, i, start_time, &(pThreadInfo->samplePos)); } else { generated = prepareStmtWithoutStb( pThreadInfo, tableName, g_args.reqPerReq, insertRows, i, start_time); } verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d generated=%d\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, generated); if (generated > 0) i += generated; else goto free_of_stmt_progressive; start_time += generated * timeStampStep; pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows += generated; // only measure insert // startTs = taosGetTimestampUs(); int32_t affectedRows = execInsert(pThreadInfo, generated); endTs = taosGetTimestampUs(); uint64_t delay = endTs - startTs; performancePrint("%s() LN%d, insert execution time is %10.f ms\n", __func__, __LINE__, delay/1000.0); verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d affectedRows=%d\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, affectedRows); if (delay > pThreadInfo->maxDelay) pThreadInfo->maxDelay = delay; if (delay < pThreadInfo->minDelay) pThreadInfo->minDelay = delay; pThreadInfo->cntDelay++; pThreadInfo->totalDelay += delay; if (affectedRows < 0) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, affected rows: %d\n", __func__, __LINE__, affectedRows); goto free_of_stmt_progressive; } pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows += affectedRows; int currentPercent = pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows * 100 / totalRows; if (currentPercent > percentComplete ) { printf("[%d]:%d%%\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, currentPercent); percentComplete = currentPercent; } int64_t currentPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); if (currentPrintTime - lastPrintTime > 30*1000) { printf("thread[%d] has currently inserted rows: %"PRId64 ", affected rows: %"PRId64 "\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows, pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows); lastPrintTime = currentPrintTime; } if (i >= insertRows) break; } // insertRows if ((g_args.verbose_print) && (tableSeq == pThreadInfo->ntables - 1) && (stbInfo) && (0 == strncasecmp( stbInfo->dataSource, "sample", strlen("sample")))) { verbosePrint("%s() LN%d samplePos=%"PRId64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->samplePos); } } // tableSeq if (percentComplete < 100) { printf("[%d]:%d%%\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, percentComplete); } free_of_stmt_progressive: tmfree(pThreadInfo->buffer); printStatPerThread(pThreadInfo); return NULL; } // sync insertion progressive data static void* syncWriteProgressive(threadInfo *pThreadInfo) { debugPrint("%s() LN%d: ### progressive write\n", __func__, __LINE__); SSuperTable* stbInfo = pThreadInfo->stbInfo; uint64_t maxSqlLen = stbInfo?stbInfo->maxSqlLen:g_args.max_sql_len; int64_t timeStampStep = stbInfo?stbInfo->timeStampStep:g_args.timestamp_step; int64_t insertRows = (stbInfo)?stbInfo->insertRows:g_args.insertRows; verbosePrint("%s() LN%d insertRows=%"PRId64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, insertRows); pThreadInfo->buffer = calloc(maxSqlLen, 1); if (NULL == pThreadInfo->buffer) { errorPrint2("Failed to alloc %"PRIu64" bytes, reason:%s\n", maxSqlLen, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } uint64_t lastPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); uint64_t startTs = taosGetTimestampMs(); uint64_t endTs; pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows = 0; pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows = 0; pThreadInfo->samplePos = 0; int percentComplete = 0; int64_t totalRows = insertRows * pThreadInfo->ntables; for (uint64_t tableSeq = pThreadInfo->start_table_from; tableSeq <= pThreadInfo->end_table_to; tableSeq ++) { int64_t start_time = pThreadInfo->start_time; for (uint64_t i = 0; i < insertRows;) { char tableName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; getTableName(tableName, pThreadInfo, tableSeq); verbosePrint("%s() LN%d: tid=%d seq=%"PRId64" tableName=%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->threadID, tableSeq, tableName); if (0 == strlen(tableName)) { errorPrint2("[%d] %s() LN%d, getTableName return null\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__); free(pThreadInfo->buffer); return NULL; } int64_t remainderBufLen = maxSqlLen - 2000; char *pstr = pThreadInfo->buffer; int len = snprintf(pstr, strlen(STR_INSERT_INTO) + 1, "%s", STR_INSERT_INTO); pstr += len; remainderBufLen -= len; // measure prepare + insert startTs = taosGetTimestampUs(); int32_t generated; if (stbInfo) { if (stbInfo->iface == STMT_IFACE) { generated = prepareStbStmt( pThreadInfo, tableName, tableSeq, (g_args.reqPerReq>stbInfo->insertRows)? stbInfo->insertRows: g_args.reqPerReq, insertRows, i, start_time, &(pThreadInfo->samplePos)); } else { generated = generateStbProgressiveData( stbInfo, tableName, tableSeq, pThreadInfo->db_name, pstr, insertRows, i, start_time, &(pThreadInfo->samplePos), &remainderBufLen); } } else { if (g_args.iface == STMT_IFACE) { generated = prepareStmtWithoutStb( pThreadInfo, tableName, g_args.reqPerReq, insertRows, i, start_time); } else { generated = generateProgressiveDataWithoutStb( tableName, /* tableSeq, */ pThreadInfo, pstr, insertRows, i, start_time, /* &(pThreadInfo->samplePos), */ &remainderBufLen); } } verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d generated=%d\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, generated); if (generated > 0) i += generated; else goto free_of_progressive; start_time += generated * timeStampStep; pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows += generated; // only measure insert // startTs = taosGetTimestampUs(); int32_t affectedRows = execInsert(pThreadInfo, generated); endTs = taosGetTimestampUs(); uint64_t delay = endTs - startTs; performancePrint("%s() LN%d, insert execution time is %10.f ms\n", __func__, __LINE__, delay/1000.0); verbosePrint("[%d] %s() LN%d affectedRows=%d\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, __func__, __LINE__, affectedRows); if (delay > pThreadInfo->maxDelay) pThreadInfo->maxDelay = delay; if (delay < pThreadInfo->minDelay) pThreadInfo->minDelay = delay; pThreadInfo->cntDelay++; pThreadInfo->totalDelay += delay; if (affectedRows < 0) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, affected rows: %d\n", __func__, __LINE__, affectedRows); goto free_of_progressive; } pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows += affectedRows; int currentPercent = pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows * 100 / totalRows; if (currentPercent > percentComplete ) { printf("[%d]:%d%%\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, currentPercent); percentComplete = currentPercent; } int64_t currentPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); if (currentPrintTime - lastPrintTime > 30*1000) { printf("thread[%d] has currently inserted rows: %"PRId64 ", affected rows: %"PRId64 "\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows, pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows); lastPrintTime = currentPrintTime; } if (i >= insertRows) break; } // insertRows if ((g_args.verbose_print) && (tableSeq == pThreadInfo->ntables - 1) && (stbInfo) && (0 == strncasecmp( stbInfo->dataSource, "sample", strlen("sample")))) { verbosePrint("%s() LN%d samplePos=%"PRId64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->samplePos); } } // tableSeq if (percentComplete < 100) { printf("[%d]:%d%%\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, percentComplete); } free_of_progressive: tmfree(pThreadInfo->buffer); printStatPerThread(pThreadInfo); return NULL; } static void* syncWrite(void *sarg) { threadInfo *pThreadInfo = (threadInfo *)sarg; SSuperTable* stbInfo = pThreadInfo->stbInfo; setThreadName("syncWrite"); uint32_t interlaceRows = 0; if (stbInfo) { if (stbInfo->interlaceRows < stbInfo->insertRows) interlaceRows = stbInfo->interlaceRows; } else { if (g_args.interlaceRows < g_args.insertRows) interlaceRows = g_args.interlaceRows; } if (interlaceRows > 0) { // interlace mode if (stbInfo) { if (STMT_IFACE == stbInfo->iface) { #if STMT_BIND_PARAM_BATCH == 1 return syncWriteInterlaceStmtBatch(pThreadInfo, interlaceRows); #else return syncWriteInterlaceStmt(pThreadInfo, interlaceRows); #endif } else { return syncWriteInterlace(pThreadInfo, interlaceRows); } } } else { // progressive mode if (((stbInfo) && (STMT_IFACE == stbInfo->iface)) || (STMT_IFACE == g_args.iface)) { return syncWriteProgressiveStmt(pThreadInfo); } else { return syncWriteProgressive(pThreadInfo); } } return NULL; } static void callBack(void *param, TAOS_RES *res, int code) { threadInfo* pThreadInfo = (threadInfo*)param; SSuperTable* stbInfo = pThreadInfo->stbInfo; int insert_interval = stbInfo?stbInfo->insertInterval:g_args.insert_interval; if (insert_interval) { pThreadInfo->et = taosGetTimestampMs(); if ((pThreadInfo->et - pThreadInfo->st) < insert_interval) { taosMsleep(insert_interval - (pThreadInfo->et - pThreadInfo->st)); // ms } } char *buffer = calloc(1, pThreadInfo->stbInfo->maxSqlLen); char data[MAX_DATA_SIZE]; char *pstr = buffer; pstr += sprintf(pstr, "INSERT INTO %s.%s%"PRId64" VALUES", pThreadInfo->db_name, pThreadInfo->tb_prefix, pThreadInfo->start_table_from); // if (pThreadInfo->counter >= pThreadInfo->stbInfo->insertRows) { if (pThreadInfo->counter >= g_args.reqPerReq) { pThreadInfo->start_table_from++; pThreadInfo->counter = 0; } if (pThreadInfo->start_table_from > pThreadInfo->end_table_to) { tsem_post(&pThreadInfo->lock_sem); free(buffer); taos_free_result(res); return; } for (int i = 0; i < g_args.reqPerReq; i++) { int rand_num = taosRandom() % 100; if (0 != pThreadInfo->stbInfo->disorderRatio && rand_num < pThreadInfo->stbInfo->disorderRatio) { int64_t d = pThreadInfo->lastTs - (taosRandom() % pThreadInfo->stbInfo->disorderRange + 1); generateStbRowData(pThreadInfo->stbInfo, data, MAX_DATA_SIZE, d); } else { generateStbRowData(pThreadInfo->stbInfo, data, MAX_DATA_SIZE, pThreadInfo->lastTs += 1000); } pstr += sprintf(pstr, "%s", data); pThreadInfo->counter++; if (pThreadInfo->counter >= pThreadInfo->stbInfo->insertRows) { break; } } if (insert_interval) { pThreadInfo->st = taosGetTimestampMs(); } taos_query_a(pThreadInfo->taos, buffer, callBack, pThreadInfo); free(buffer); taos_free_result(res); } static void *asyncWrite(void *sarg) { threadInfo *pThreadInfo = (threadInfo *)sarg; SSuperTable* stbInfo = pThreadInfo->stbInfo; setThreadName("asyncWrite"); pThreadInfo->st = 0; pThreadInfo->et = 0; pThreadInfo->lastTs = pThreadInfo->start_time; int insert_interval = stbInfo?stbInfo->insertInterval:g_args.insert_interval; if (insert_interval) { pThreadInfo->st = taosGetTimestampMs(); } taos_query_a(pThreadInfo->taos, "show databases", callBack, pThreadInfo); tsem_wait(&(pThreadInfo->lock_sem)); return NULL; } static int convertHostToServAddr(char *host, uint16_t port, struct sockaddr_in *serv_addr) { uint16_t rest_port = port + TSDB_PORT_HTTP; struct hostent *server = gethostbyname(host); if ((server == NULL) || (server->h_addr == NULL)) { errorPrint2("%s", "no such host"); return -1; } debugPrint("h_name: %s\nh_addr=%p\nh_addretype: %s\nh_length: %d\n", server->h_name, server->h_addr, (server->h_addrtype == AF_INET)?"ipv4":"ipv6", server->h_length); memset(serv_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); serv_addr->sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr->sin_port = htons(rest_port); #ifdef WINDOWS serv_addr->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host); #else memcpy(&(serv_addr->sin_addr.s_addr), server->h_addr, server->h_length); #endif return 0; } static void startMultiThreadInsertData(int threads, char* db_name, char* precision, SSuperTable* stbInfo) { int32_t timePrec = TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI; if (0 != precision[0]) { if (0 == strncasecmp(precision, "ms", 2)) { timePrec = TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(precision, "us", 2)) { timePrec = TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO; } else if (0 == strncasecmp(precision, "ns", 2)) { timePrec = TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO; } else { errorPrint2("Not support precision: %s\n", precision); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } int64_t startTime; if (stbInfo) { if (0 == strncasecmp(stbInfo->startTimestamp, "now", 3)) { startTime = taosGetTimestamp(timePrec); } else { if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != taosParseTime( stbInfo->startTimestamp, &startTime, strlen(stbInfo->startTimestamp), timePrec, 0)) { ERROR_EXIT("failed to parse time!\n"); } } } else { startTime = DEFAULT_START_TIME; } debugPrint("%s() LN%d, startTime= %"PRId64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, startTime); // read sample data from file first int ret; if (stbInfo) { ret = prepareSampleForStb(stbInfo); } else { ret = prepareSampleForNtb(); } if (0 != ret) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, prepare sample data for stable failed!\n", __func__, __LINE__); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TAOS* taos0 = taos_connect( g_Dbs.host, g_Dbs.user, g_Dbs.password, db_name, g_Dbs.port); if (NULL == taos0) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, connect to server fail , reason: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_errstr(NULL)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int64_t ntables = 0; uint64_t tableFrom; if (stbInfo) { int64_t limit; uint64_t offset; if ((NULL != g_args.sqlFile) && (stbInfo->childTblExists == TBL_NO_EXISTS) && ((stbInfo->childTblOffset != 0) || (stbInfo->childTblLimit >= 0))) { printf("WARNING: offset and limit will not be used since the child tables not exists!\n"); } if (stbInfo->childTblExists == TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS) { if ((stbInfo->childTblLimit < 0) || ((stbInfo->childTblOffset + stbInfo->childTblLimit) > (stbInfo->childTblCount))) { if (stbInfo->childTblCount < stbInfo->childTblOffset) { printf("WARNING: offset will not be used since the child tables count is less then offset!\n"); stbInfo->childTblOffset = 0; } stbInfo->childTblLimit = stbInfo->childTblCount - stbInfo->childTblOffset; } offset = stbInfo->childTblOffset; limit = stbInfo->childTblLimit; } else { limit = stbInfo->childTblCount; offset = 0; } ntables = limit; tableFrom = offset; if ((stbInfo->childTblExists != TBL_NO_EXISTS) && ((stbInfo->childTblOffset + stbInfo->childTblLimit) > stbInfo->childTblCount)) { printf("WARNING: specified offset + limit > child table count!\n"); prompt(); } if ((stbInfo->childTblExists != TBL_NO_EXISTS) && (0 == stbInfo->childTblLimit)) { printf("WARNING: specified limit = 0, which cannot find table name to insert or query! \n"); prompt(); } stbInfo->childTblName = (char*)calloc(1, limit * TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN); if (stbInfo->childTblName == NULL) { taos_close(taos0); errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, alloc memory failed!\n", __func__, __LINE__); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int64_t childTblCount; getChildNameOfSuperTableWithLimitAndOffset( taos0, db_name, stbInfo->stbName, &stbInfo->childTblName, &childTblCount, limit, offset); ntables = childTblCount; // CBD } else { ntables = g_args.ntables; tableFrom = 0; } taos_close(taos0); int64_t a = ntables / threads; if (a < 1) { threads = ntables; a = 1; } int64_t b = 0; if (threads != 0) { b = ntables % threads; } if ((stbInfo) && (stbInfo->iface == REST_IFACE)) { if (convertHostToServAddr( g_Dbs.host, g_Dbs.port, &(g_Dbs.serv_addr)) != 0) { ERROR_EXIT("convert host to server address"); } } pthread_t *pids = calloc(1, threads * sizeof(pthread_t)); threadInfo *infos = calloc(1, threads * sizeof(threadInfo)); assert(pids != NULL); assert(infos != NULL); char *stmtBuffer = calloc(1, BUFFER_SIZE); assert(stmtBuffer); #if STMT_BIND_PARAM_BATCH == 1 uint32_t interlaceRows = 0; uint32_t batch; if (stbInfo) { if (stbInfo->interlaceRows < stbInfo->insertRows) interlaceRows = stbInfo->interlaceRows; } else { if (g_args.interlaceRows < g_args.insertRows) interlaceRows = g_args.interlaceRows; } if (interlaceRows > 0) { batch = interlaceRows; } else { batch = (g_args.reqPerReq>g_args.insertRows)? g_args.insertRows:g_args.reqPerReq; } #endif if ((g_args.iface == STMT_IFACE) || ((stbInfo) && (stbInfo->iface == STMT_IFACE))) { char *pstr = stmtBuffer; if ((stbInfo) && (AUTO_CREATE_SUBTBL == stbInfo->autoCreateTable)) { pstr += sprintf(pstr, "INSERT INTO ? USING %s TAGS(?", stbInfo->stbName); for (int tag = 0; tag < (stbInfo->tagCount - 1); tag ++ ) { pstr += sprintf(pstr, ",?"); } pstr += sprintf(pstr, ") VALUES(?"); } else { pstr += sprintf(pstr, "INSERT INTO ? VALUES(?"); } int columnCount = (stbInfo)? stbInfo->columnCount: g_args.columnCount; for (int col = 0; col < columnCount; col ++) { pstr += sprintf(pstr, ",?"); } pstr += sprintf(pstr, ")"); debugPrint("%s() LN%d, stmtBuffer: %s", __func__, __LINE__, stmtBuffer); #if STMT_BIND_PARAM_BATCH == 1 parseSamplefileToStmtBatch(stbInfo); #endif } for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { threadInfo *pThreadInfo = infos + i; pThreadInfo->threadID = i; tstrncpy(pThreadInfo->db_name, db_name, TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN); pThreadInfo->time_precision = timePrec; pThreadInfo->stbInfo = stbInfo; pThreadInfo->start_time = startTime; pThreadInfo->minDelay = UINT64_MAX; if ((NULL == stbInfo) || (stbInfo->iface != REST_IFACE)) { //t_info->taos = taos; pThreadInfo->taos = taos_connect( g_Dbs.host, g_Dbs.user, g_Dbs.password, db_name, g_Dbs.port); if (NULL == pThreadInfo->taos) { free(infos); errorPrint2( "%s() LN%d, connect to server fail from insert sub thread, reason: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_errstr(NULL)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ((g_args.iface == STMT_IFACE) || ((stbInfo) && (stbInfo->iface == STMT_IFACE))) { pThreadInfo->stmt = taos_stmt_init(pThreadInfo->taos); if (NULL == pThreadInfo->stmt) { free(pids); free(infos); errorPrint2( "%s() LN%d, failed init stmt, reason: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, taos_errstr(NULL)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (0 != taos_stmt_prepare(pThreadInfo->stmt, stmtBuffer, 0)) { free(pids); free(infos); free(stmtBuffer); errorPrint2("failed to execute taos_stmt_prepare. return 0x%x. reason: %s\n", ret, taos_stmt_errstr(pThreadInfo->stmt)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } pThreadInfo->bind_ts = malloc(sizeof(int64_t)); if (stbInfo) { #if STMT_BIND_PARAM_BATCH == 1 parseStbSampleToStmtBatchForThread( pThreadInfo, stbInfo, timePrec, batch); #else parseStbSampleToStmt(pThreadInfo, stbInfo, timePrec); #endif } else { #if STMT_BIND_PARAM_BATCH == 1 parseNtbSampleToStmtBatchForThread( pThreadInfo, timePrec, batch); #else parseNtbSampleToStmt(pThreadInfo, timePrec); #endif } } } else { pThreadInfo->taos = NULL; } /* if ((NULL == stbInfo) || (0 == stbInfo->multiThreadWriteOneTbl)) { */ pThreadInfo->start_table_from = tableFrom; pThreadInfo->ntables = iend_table_to = i < b ? tableFrom + a : tableFrom + a - 1; tableFrom = pThreadInfo->end_table_to + 1; /* } else { pThreadInfo->start_table_from = 0; pThreadInfo->ntables = stbInfo->childTblCount; pThreadInfo->start_time = pThreadInfo->start_time + rand_int() % 10000 - rand_tinyint(); } */ tsem_init(&(pThreadInfo->lock_sem), 0, 0); if (ASYNC_MODE == g_Dbs.asyncMode) { pthread_create(pids + i, NULL, asyncWrite, pThreadInfo); } else { pthread_create(pids + i, NULL, syncWrite, pThreadInfo); } } free(stmtBuffer); int64_t start = taosGetTimestampUs(); for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { pthread_join(pids[i], NULL); } uint64_t totalDelay = 0; uint64_t maxDelay = 0; uint64_t minDelay = UINT64_MAX; uint64_t cntDelay = 1; double avgDelay = 0; for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { threadInfo *pThreadInfo = infos + i; tsem_destroy(&(pThreadInfo->lock_sem)); taos_close(pThreadInfo->taos); if (pThreadInfo->stmt) { taos_stmt_close(pThreadInfo->stmt); } tmfree((char *)pThreadInfo->bind_ts); #if STMT_BIND_PARAM_BATCH == 1 tmfree((char *)pThreadInfo->bind_ts_array); tmfree(pThreadInfo->bindParams); tmfree(pThreadInfo->is_null); #else if (pThreadInfo->sampleBindArray) { for (int k = 0; k < MAX_SAMPLES; k++) { uintptr_t *tmp = (uintptr_t *)(*(uintptr_t *)( pThreadInfo->sampleBindArray + sizeof(uintptr_t *) * k)); int columnCount = (pThreadInfo->stbInfo)? pThreadInfo->stbInfo->columnCount: g_args.columnCount; for (int c = 1; c < columnCount + 1; c++) { TAOS_BIND *bind = (TAOS_BIND *)((char *)tmp + (sizeof(TAOS_BIND) * c)); if (bind) tmfree(bind->buffer); } tmfree((char *)tmp); } tmfree(pThreadInfo->sampleBindArray); } #endif debugPrint("%s() LN%d, [%d] totalInsert=%"PRIu64" totalAffected=%"PRIu64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->threadID, pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows, pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows); if (stbInfo) { stbInfo->totalAffectedRows += pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows; stbInfo->totalInsertRows += pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows; } else { g_args.totalAffectedRows += pThreadInfo->totalAffectedRows; g_args.totalInsertRows += pThreadInfo->totalInsertRows; } totalDelay += pThreadInfo->totalDelay; cntDelay += pThreadInfo->cntDelay; if (pThreadInfo->maxDelay > maxDelay) maxDelay = pThreadInfo->maxDelay; if (pThreadInfo->minDelay < minDelay) minDelay = pThreadInfo->minDelay; } if (cntDelay == 0) cntDelay = 1; avgDelay = (double)totalDelay / cntDelay; int64_t end = taosGetTimestampUs(); int64_t t = end - start; if (0 == t) t = 1; double tInMs = (double) t / 1000000.0; if (stbInfo) { fprintf(stderr, "Spent %.4f seconds to insert rows: %"PRIu64", affected rows: %"PRIu64" with %d thread(s) into %s.%s. %.2f records/second\n\n", tInMs, stbInfo->totalInsertRows, stbInfo->totalAffectedRows, threads, db_name, stbInfo->stbName, (double)(stbInfo->totalInsertRows/tInMs)); if (g_fpOfInsertResult) { fprintf(g_fpOfInsertResult, "Spent %.4f seconds to insert rows: %"PRIu64", affected rows: %"PRIu64" with %d thread(s) into %s.%s. %.2f records/second\n\n", tInMs, stbInfo->totalInsertRows, stbInfo->totalAffectedRows, threads, db_name, stbInfo->stbName, (double)(stbInfo->totalInsertRows/tInMs)); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Spent %.4f seconds to insert rows: %"PRIu64", affected rows: %"PRIu64" with %d thread(s) into %s %.2f records/second\n\n", tInMs, g_args.totalInsertRows, g_args.totalAffectedRows, threads, db_name, (double)(g_args.totalInsertRows/tInMs)); if (g_fpOfInsertResult) { fprintf(g_fpOfInsertResult, "Spent %.4f seconds to insert rows: %"PRIu64", affected rows: %"PRIu64" with %d thread(s) into %s %.2f records/second\n\n", tInMs, g_args.totalInsertRows, g_args.totalAffectedRows, threads, db_name, (double)(g_args.totalInsertRows/tInMs)); } } fprintf(stderr, "insert delay, avg: %10.2fms, max: %10.2fms, min: %10.2fms\n\n", (double)avgDelay/1000.0, (double)maxDelay/1000.0, (double)minDelay/1000.0); if (g_fpOfInsertResult) { fprintf(g_fpOfInsertResult, "insert delay, avg:%10.2fms, max: %10.2fms, min: %10.2fms\n\n", (double)avgDelay/1000.0, (double)maxDelay/1000.0, (double)minDelay/1000.0); } //taos_close(taos); free(pids); free(infos); } static void *queryNtableAggrFunc(void *sarg) { threadInfo *pThreadInfo = (threadInfo *)sarg; TAOS *taos = pThreadInfo->taos; setThreadName("queryNtableAggrFunc"); char *command = calloc(1, BUFFER_SIZE); assert(command); uint64_t startTime = pThreadInfo->start_time; char *tb_prefix = pThreadInfo->tb_prefix; FILE *fp = fopen(pThreadInfo->filePath, "a"); if (NULL == fp) { errorPrint2("fopen %s fail, reason:%s.\n", pThreadInfo->filePath, strerror(errno)); free(command); return NULL; } int64_t insertRows; /* if (pThreadInfo->stbInfo) { insertRows = pThreadInfo->stbInfo->insertRows; // nrecords_per_table; } else { */ insertRows = g_args.insertRows; // } int64_t ntables = pThreadInfo->ntables; // pThreadInfo->end_table_to - pThreadInfo->start_table_from + 1; int64_t totalData = insertRows * ntables; bool aggr_func = g_Dbs.aggr_func; char **aggreFunc; int n; if (g_args.demo_mode) { aggreFunc = g_aggreFuncDemo; n = aggr_func?(sizeof(g_aggreFuncDemo) / sizeof(g_aggreFuncDemo[0])) : 2; } else { aggreFunc = g_aggreFunc; n = aggr_func?(sizeof(g_aggreFunc) / sizeof(g_aggreFunc[0])) : 2; } if (!aggr_func) { printf("\nThe first field is either Binary or Bool. Aggregation functions are not supported.\n"); } printf("%"PRId64" records:\n", totalData); fprintf(fp, "| QFunctions | QRecords | QSpeed(R/s) | QLatency(ms) |\n"); for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { double totalT = 0; uint64_t count = 0; for (int64_t i = 0; i < ntables; i++) { sprintf(command, "SELECT %s FROM %s%"PRId64" WHERE ts>= %" PRIu64, aggreFunc[j], tb_prefix, i, startTime); double t = taosGetTimestampUs(); debugPrint("%s() LN%d, sql command: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, command); TAOS_RES *pSql = taos_query(taos, command); int32_t code = taos_errno(pSql); if (code != 0) { errorPrint2("Failed to query:%s\n", taos_errstr(pSql)); taos_free_result(pSql); taos_close(taos); fclose(fp); free(command); return NULL; } while(taos_fetch_row(pSql) != NULL) { count++; } t = taosGetTimestampUs() - t; totalT += t; taos_free_result(pSql); } fprintf(fp, "|%10s | %"PRId64" | %12.2f | %10.2f |\n", aggreFunc[j][0] == '*' ? " * " : aggreFunc[j], totalData, (double)(ntables * insertRows) / totalT, totalT / 1000000); printf("select %10s took %.6f second(s)\n", aggreFunc[j], totalT / 1000000); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); fclose(fp); free(command); return NULL; } static void *queryStableAggrFunc(void *sarg) { threadInfo *pThreadInfo = (threadInfo *)sarg; TAOS *taos = pThreadInfo->taos; setThreadName("queryStableAggrFunc"); char *command = calloc(1, BUFFER_SIZE); assert(command); FILE *fp = fopen(pThreadInfo->filePath, "a"); if (NULL == fp) { printf("fopen %s fail, reason:%s.\n", pThreadInfo->filePath, strerror(errno)); free(command); return NULL; } int64_t insertRows = pThreadInfo->stbInfo->insertRows; int64_t ntables = pThreadInfo->ntables; // pThreadInfo->end_table_to - pThreadInfo->start_table_from + 1; int64_t totalData = insertRows * ntables; bool aggr_func = g_Dbs.aggr_func; char **aggreFunc; int n; if (g_args.demo_mode) { aggreFunc = g_aggreFuncDemo; n = aggr_func?(sizeof(g_aggreFuncDemo) / sizeof(g_aggreFuncDemo[0])) : 2; } else { aggreFunc = g_aggreFunc; n = aggr_func?(sizeof(g_aggreFunc) / sizeof(g_aggreFunc[0])) : 2; } if (!aggr_func) { printf("\nThe first field is either Binary or Bool. Aggregation functions are not supported.\n"); } printf("%"PRId64" records:\n", totalData); fprintf(fp, "Querying On %"PRId64" records:\n", totalData); for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { char condition[COND_BUF_LEN] = "\0"; char tempS[64] = "\0"; int64_t m = 10 < ntables ? 10 : ntables; for (int64_t i = 1; i <= m; i++) { if (i == 1) { if (g_args.demo_mode) { sprintf(tempS, "groupid = %"PRId64"", i); } else { sprintf(tempS, "t0 = %"PRId64"", i); } } else { if (g_args.demo_mode) { sprintf(tempS, " or groupid = %"PRId64" ", i); } else { sprintf(tempS, " or t0 = %"PRId64" ", i); } } strncat(condition, tempS, COND_BUF_LEN - 1); sprintf(command, "SELECT %s FROM meters WHERE %s", aggreFunc[j], condition); printf("Where condition: %s\n", condition); debugPrint("%s() LN%d, sql command: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, command); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", command); double t = taosGetTimestampUs(); TAOS_RES *pSql = taos_query(taos, command); int32_t code = taos_errno(pSql); if (code != 0) { errorPrint2("Failed to query:%s\n", taos_errstr(pSql)); taos_free_result(pSql); taos_close(taos); fclose(fp); free(command); return NULL; } int count = 0; while(taos_fetch_row(pSql) != NULL) { count++; } t = taosGetTimestampUs() - t; fprintf(fp, "| Speed: %12.2f(per s) | Latency: %.4f(ms) |\n", ntables * insertRows / (t / 1000), t); printf("select %10s took %.6f second(s)\n\n", aggreFunc[j], t / 1000000); taos_free_result(pSql); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } fclose(fp); free(command); return NULL; } static void prompt() { if (!g_args.answer_yes) { printf(" Press enter key to continue or Ctrl-C to stop\n\n"); (void)getchar(); } } static int insertTestProcess() { setupForAnsiEscape(); int ret = printfInsertMeta(); resetAfterAnsiEscape(); if (ret == -1) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); debugPrint("%d result file: %s\n", __LINE__, g_Dbs.resultFile); g_fpOfInsertResult = fopen(g_Dbs.resultFile, "a"); if (NULL == g_fpOfInsertResult) { errorPrint("Failed to open %s for save result\n", g_Dbs.resultFile); return -1; } if (g_fpOfInsertResult) printfInsertMetaToFile(g_fpOfInsertResult); prompt(); init_rand_data(); // create database and super tables char *cmdBuffer = calloc(1, BUFFER_SIZE); assert(cmdBuffer); if(createDatabasesAndStables(cmdBuffer) != 0) { if (g_fpOfInsertResult) fclose(g_fpOfInsertResult); free(cmdBuffer); return -1; } free(cmdBuffer); // pretreatment if (prepareSampleData() != 0) { if (g_fpOfInsertResult) fclose(g_fpOfInsertResult); return -1; } double start; double end; if (g_totalChildTables > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "creating %"PRId64" table(s) with %d thread(s)\n\n", g_totalChildTables, g_Dbs.threadCountForCreateTbl); if (g_fpOfInsertResult) { fprintf(g_fpOfInsertResult, "creating %"PRId64" table(s) with %d thread(s)\n\n", g_totalChildTables, g_Dbs.threadCountForCreateTbl); } // create child tables start = taosGetTimestampMs(); createChildTables(); end = taosGetTimestampMs(); fprintf(stderr, "\nSpent %.4f seconds to create %"PRId64" table(s) with %d thread(s), actual %"PRId64" table(s) created\n\n", (end - start)/1000.0, g_totalChildTables, g_Dbs.threadCountForCreateTbl, g_actualChildTables); if (g_fpOfInsertResult) { fprintf(g_fpOfInsertResult, "\nSpent %.4f seconds to create %"PRId64" table(s) with %d thread(s), actual %"PRId64" table(s) created\n\n", (end - start)/1000.0, g_totalChildTables, g_Dbs.threadCountForCreateTbl, g_actualChildTables); } } // create sub threads for inserting data //start = taosGetTimestampMs(); for (int i = 0; i < g_Dbs.dbCount; i++) { if (g_Dbs.use_metric) { if (g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount > 0) { for (uint64_t j = 0; j < g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount; j++) { SSuperTable* stbInfo = &g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j]; if (stbInfo && (stbInfo->insertRows > 0)) { startMultiThreadInsertData( g_Dbs.threadCount, g_Dbs.db[i].dbName, g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision, stbInfo); } } } } else { startMultiThreadInsertData( g_Dbs.threadCount, g_Dbs.db[i].dbName, g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision, NULL); } } //end = taosGetTimestampMs(); //int64_t totalInsertRows = 0; //int64_t totalAffectedRows = 0; //for (int i = 0; i < g_Dbs.dbCount; i++) { // for (int j = 0; j < g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount; j++) { // totalInsertRows+= g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].totalInsertRows; // totalAffectedRows += g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].totalAffectedRows; //} //printf("Spent %.4f seconds to insert rows: %"PRId64", affected rows: %"PRId64" with %d thread(s)\n\n", end - start, totalInsertRows, totalAffectedRows, g_Dbs.threadCount); postFreeResource(); return 0; } static void *specifiedTableQuery(void *sarg) { threadInfo *pThreadInfo = (threadInfo *)sarg; setThreadName("specTableQuery"); if (pThreadInfo->taos == NULL) { TAOS * taos = NULL; taos = taos_connect(g_queryInfo.host, g_queryInfo.user, g_queryInfo.password, NULL, g_queryInfo.port); if (taos == NULL) { errorPrint2("[%d] Failed to connect to TDengine, reason:%s\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, taos_errstr(NULL)); return NULL; } else { pThreadInfo->taos = taos; } } char sqlStr[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN + 5]; sprintf(sqlStr, "use %s", g_queryInfo.dbName); if (0 != queryDbExec(pThreadInfo->taos, sqlStr, NO_INSERT_TYPE, false)) { taos_close(pThreadInfo->taos); errorPrint("use database %s failed!\n\n", g_queryInfo.dbName); return NULL; } uint64_t st = 0; uint64_t et = 0; uint64_t queryTimes = g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.queryTimes; uint64_t totalQueried = 0; uint64_t lastPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); uint64_t startTs = taosGetTimestampMs(); if (g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.result[pThreadInfo->querySeq][0] != '\0') { sprintf(pThreadInfo->filePath, "%s-%d", g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.result[pThreadInfo->querySeq], pThreadInfo->threadID); } while(queryTimes --) { if (g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.queryInterval && (et - st) < (int64_t)g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.queryInterval) { taosMsleep(g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.queryInterval - (et - st)); // ms } st = taosGetTimestampMs(); selectAndGetResult(pThreadInfo, g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sql[pThreadInfo->querySeq]); et = taosGetTimestampMs(); printf("=thread[%"PRId64"] use %s complete one sql, Spent %10.3f s\n", taosGetSelfPthreadId(), g_queryInfo.queryMode, (et - st)/1000.0); totalQueried ++; g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.totalQueried ++; uint64_t currentPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); uint64_t endTs = taosGetTimestampMs(); if (currentPrintTime - lastPrintTime > 30*1000) { debugPrint("%s() LN%d, endTs=%"PRIu64" ms, startTs=%"PRIu64" ms\n", __func__, __LINE__, endTs, startTs); printf("thread[%d] has currently completed queries: %"PRIu64", QPS: %10.6f\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, totalQueried, (double)(totalQueried/((endTs-startTs)/1000.0))); lastPrintTime = currentPrintTime; } } return NULL; } static void replaceChildTblName(char* inSql, char* outSql, int tblIndex) { char sourceString[32] = "xxxx"; char subTblName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN]; sprintf(subTblName, "%s.%s", g_queryInfo.dbName, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.childTblName + tblIndex*TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN); //printf("inSql: %s\n", inSql); char* pos = strstr(inSql, sourceString); if (0 == pos) { return; } tstrncpy(outSql, inSql, pos - inSql + 1); //printf("1: %s\n", outSql); strncat(outSql, subTblName, BUFFER_SIZE - 1); //printf("2: %s\n", outSql); strncat(outSql, pos+strlen(sourceString), BUFFER_SIZE - 1); //printf("3: %s\n", outSql); } static void *superTableQuery(void *sarg) { char *sqlstr = calloc(1, BUFFER_SIZE); assert(sqlstr); threadInfo *pThreadInfo = (threadInfo *)sarg; setThreadName("superTableQuery"); if (pThreadInfo->taos == NULL) { TAOS * taos = NULL; taos = taos_connect(g_queryInfo.host, g_queryInfo.user, g_queryInfo.password, NULL, g_queryInfo.port); if (taos == NULL) { errorPrint("[%d] Failed to connect to TDengine, reason:%s\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, taos_errstr(NULL)); free(sqlstr); return NULL; } else { pThreadInfo->taos = taos; } } uint64_t st = 0; uint64_t et = (int64_t)g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.queryInterval; uint64_t queryTimes = g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.queryTimes; uint64_t totalQueried = 0; uint64_t startTs = taosGetTimestampMs(); uint64_t lastPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); while(queryTimes --) { if (g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.queryInterval && (et - st) < (int64_t)g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.queryInterval) { taosMsleep(g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.queryInterval - (et - st)); // ms //printf("========sleep duration:%"PRId64 "========inserted rows:%d, table range:%d - %d\n", (1000 - (et - st)), i, pThreadInfo->start_table_from, pThreadInfo->end_table_to); } st = taosGetTimestampMs(); for (int i = pThreadInfo->start_table_from; i <= pThreadInfo->end_table_to; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount; j++) { memset(sqlstr, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); replaceChildTblName(g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sql[j], sqlstr, i); if (g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.result[j][0] != '\0') { sprintf(pThreadInfo->filePath, "%s-%d", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.result[j], pThreadInfo->threadID); } selectAndGetResult(pThreadInfo, sqlstr); totalQueried++; g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.totalQueried ++; int64_t currentPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); int64_t endTs = taosGetTimestampMs(); if (currentPrintTime - lastPrintTime > 30*1000) { printf("thread[%d] has currently completed queries: %"PRIu64", QPS: %10.3f\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, totalQueried, (double)(totalQueried/((endTs-startTs)/1000.0))); lastPrintTime = currentPrintTime; } } } et = taosGetTimestampMs(); printf("####thread[%"PRId64"] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[%"PRIu64" - %"PRIu64"] once queries duration:%.4fs\n\n", taosGetSelfPthreadId(), pThreadInfo->start_table_from, pThreadInfo->end_table_to, (double)(et - st)/1000.0); } free(sqlstr); return NULL; } static int queryTestProcess() { setupForAnsiEscape(); printfQueryMeta(); resetAfterAnsiEscape(); TAOS * taos = NULL; taos = taos_connect(g_queryInfo.host, g_queryInfo.user, g_queryInfo.password, NULL, g_queryInfo.port); if (taos == NULL) { errorPrint("Failed to connect to TDengine, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(NULL)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (0 != g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount) { getAllChildNameOfSuperTable(taos, g_queryInfo.dbName, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.stbName, &g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.childTblName, &g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.childTblCount); } prompt(); if (g_args.debug_print || g_args.verbose_print) { printfQuerySystemInfo(taos); } if (0 == strncasecmp(g_queryInfo.queryMode, "rest", strlen("rest"))) { if (convertHostToServAddr( g_queryInfo.host, g_queryInfo.port, &g_queryInfo.serv_addr) != 0) ERROR_EXIT("convert host to server address"); } pthread_t *pids = NULL; threadInfo *infos = NULL; //==== create sub threads for query from specify table int nConcurrent = g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.concurrent; uint64_t nSqlCount = g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sqlCount; uint64_t startTs = taosGetTimestampMs(); if ((nSqlCount > 0) && (nConcurrent > 0)) { pids = calloc(1, nConcurrent * nSqlCount * sizeof(pthread_t)); infos = calloc(1, nConcurrent * nSqlCount * sizeof(threadInfo)); if ((NULL == pids) || (NULL == infos)) { taos_close(taos); ERROR_EXIT("memory allocation failed for create threads\n"); } for (uint64_t i = 0; i < nSqlCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nConcurrent; j++) { uint64_t seq = i * nConcurrent + j; threadInfo *pThreadInfo = infos + seq; pThreadInfo->threadID = seq; pThreadInfo->querySeq = i; if (0 == strncasecmp(g_queryInfo.queryMode, "taosc", 5)) { char sqlStr[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN + 5]; sprintf(sqlStr, "USE %s", g_queryInfo.dbName); if (0 != queryDbExec(taos, sqlStr, NO_INSERT_TYPE, false)) { taos_close(taos); free(infos); free(pids); errorPrint2("use database %s failed!\n\n", g_queryInfo.dbName); return -1; } } pThreadInfo->taos = NULL;// workaround to use separate taos connection; pthread_create(pids + seq, NULL, specifiedTableQuery, pThreadInfo); } } } else { g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.concurrent = 0; } taos_close(taos); pthread_t *pidsOfSub = NULL; threadInfo *infosOfSub = NULL; //==== create sub threads for query from all sub table of the super table if ((g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount > 0) && (g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.threadCnt > 0)) { pidsOfSub = calloc(1, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.threadCnt * sizeof(pthread_t)); infosOfSub = calloc(1, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.threadCnt * sizeof(threadInfo)); if ((NULL == pidsOfSub) || (NULL == infosOfSub)) { free(infos); free(pids); ERROR_EXIT("memory allocation failed for create threads\n"); } int64_t ntables = g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.childTblCount; int threads = g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.threadCnt; int64_t a = ntables / threads; if (a < 1) { threads = ntables; a = 1; } int64_t b = 0; if (threads != 0) { b = ntables % threads; } uint64_t tableFrom = 0; for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { threadInfo *pThreadInfo = infosOfSub + i; pThreadInfo->threadID = i; pThreadInfo->start_table_from = tableFrom; pThreadInfo->ntables = iend_table_to = i < b ? tableFrom + a : tableFrom + a - 1; tableFrom = pThreadInfo->end_table_to + 1; pThreadInfo->taos = NULL; // workaround to use separate taos connection; pthread_create(pidsOfSub + i, NULL, superTableQuery, pThreadInfo); } g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.threadCnt = threads; } else { g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.threadCnt = 0; } if ((nSqlCount > 0) && (nConcurrent > 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < nConcurrent; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nSqlCount; j++) { pthread_join(pids[i * nSqlCount + j], NULL); } } } tmfree((char*)pids); tmfree((char*)infos); for (int i = 0; i < g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.threadCnt; i++) { pthread_join(pidsOfSub[i], NULL); } tmfree((char*)pidsOfSub); tmfree((char*)infosOfSub); // taos_close(taos);// workaround to use separate taos connection; uint64_t endTs = taosGetTimestampMs(); uint64_t totalQueried = g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.totalQueried + g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.totalQueried; fprintf(stderr, "==== completed total queries: %"PRIu64", the QPS of all threads: %10.3f====\n", totalQueried, (double)(totalQueried/((endTs-startTs)/1000.0))); return 0; } static void stable_sub_callback( TAOS_SUB* tsub, TAOS_RES *res, void* param, int code) { if (res == NULL || taos_errno(res) != 0) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, failed to subscribe result, code:%d, reason:%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, code, taos_errstr(res)); return; } if (param) fetchResult(res, (threadInfo *)param); // tao_unsubscribe() will free result. } static void specified_sub_callback( TAOS_SUB* tsub, TAOS_RES *res, void* param, int code) { if (res == NULL || taos_errno(res) != 0) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, failed to subscribe result, code:%d, reason:%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, code, taos_errstr(res)); return; } if (param) fetchResult(res, (threadInfo *)param); // tao_unsubscribe() will free result. } static TAOS_SUB* subscribeImpl( QUERY_CLASS class, threadInfo *pThreadInfo, char *sql, char* topic, bool restart, uint64_t interval) { TAOS_SUB* tsub = NULL; if ((SPECIFIED_CLASS == class) && (ASYNC_MODE == g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.asyncMode)) { tsub = taos_subscribe( pThreadInfo->taos, restart, topic, sql, specified_sub_callback, (void*)pThreadInfo, g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeInterval); } else if ((STABLE_CLASS == class) && (ASYNC_MODE == g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.asyncMode)) { tsub = taos_subscribe( pThreadInfo->taos, restart, topic, sql, stable_sub_callback, (void*)pThreadInfo, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeInterval); } else { tsub = taos_subscribe( pThreadInfo->taos, restart, topic, sql, NULL, NULL, interval); } if (tsub == NULL) { errorPrint2("failed to create subscription. topic:%s, sql:%s\n", topic, sql); return NULL; } return tsub; } static void *superSubscribe(void *sarg) { threadInfo *pThreadInfo = (threadInfo *)sarg; char *subSqlStr = calloc(1, BUFFER_SIZE); assert(subSqlStr); TAOS_SUB* tsub[MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT] = {0}; uint64_t tsubSeq; setThreadName("superSub"); if (pThreadInfo->ntables > MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT) { free(subSqlStr); errorPrint("The table number(%"PRId64") of the thread is more than max query sql count: %d\n", pThreadInfo->ntables, MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (pThreadInfo->taos == NULL) { pThreadInfo->taos = taos_connect(g_queryInfo.host, g_queryInfo.user, g_queryInfo.password, g_queryInfo.dbName, g_queryInfo.port); if (pThreadInfo->taos == NULL) { errorPrint2("[%d] Failed to connect to TDengine, reason:%s\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, taos_errstr(NULL)); free(subSqlStr); return NULL; } } char sqlStr[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN + 5]; sprintf(sqlStr, "USE %s", g_queryInfo.dbName); if (0 != queryDbExec(pThreadInfo->taos, sqlStr, NO_INSERT_TYPE, false)) { taos_close(pThreadInfo->taos); errorPrint2("use database %s failed!\n\n", g_queryInfo.dbName); free(subSqlStr); return NULL; } char topic[32] = {0}; for (uint64_t i = pThreadInfo->start_table_from; i <= pThreadInfo->end_table_to; i++) { tsubSeq = i - pThreadInfo->start_table_from; verbosePrint("%s() LN%d, [%d], start=%"PRId64" end=%"PRId64" i=%"PRIu64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->threadID, pThreadInfo->start_table_from, pThreadInfo->end_table_to, i); sprintf(topic, "taosdemo-subscribe-%"PRIu64"-%"PRIu64"", i, pThreadInfo->querySeq); memset(subSqlStr, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); replaceChildTblName( g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sql[pThreadInfo->querySeq], subSqlStr, i); if (g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.result[pThreadInfo->querySeq][0] != 0) { sprintf(pThreadInfo->filePath, "%s-%d", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.result[pThreadInfo->querySeq], pThreadInfo->threadID); } verbosePrint("%s() LN%d, [%d] subSqlStr: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, pThreadInfo->threadID, subSqlStr); tsub[tsubSeq] = subscribeImpl( STABLE_CLASS, pThreadInfo, subSqlStr, topic, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeRestart, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeInterval); if (NULL == tsub[tsubSeq]) { taos_close(pThreadInfo->taos); free(subSqlStr); return NULL; } } // start loop to consume result int consumed[MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_QUERY_SQL_COUNT; i++) { consumed[i] = 0; } TAOS_RES* res = NULL; uint64_t st = 0, et = 0; while ((g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.endAfterConsume == -1) || (g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.endAfterConsume > consumed[pThreadInfo->end_table_to - pThreadInfo->start_table_from])) { verbosePrint("super endAfterConsume: %d, consumed: %d\n", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.endAfterConsume, consumed[pThreadInfo->end_table_to - pThreadInfo->start_table_from]); for (uint64_t i = pThreadInfo->start_table_from; i <= pThreadInfo->end_table_to; i++) { tsubSeq = i - pThreadInfo->start_table_from; if (ASYNC_MODE == g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.asyncMode) { continue; } st = taosGetTimestampMs(); performancePrint("st: %"PRIu64" et: %"PRIu64" st-et: %"PRIu64"\n", st, et, (st - et)); res = taos_consume(tsub[tsubSeq]); et = taosGetTimestampMs(); performancePrint("st: %"PRIu64" et: %"PRIu64" delta: %"PRIu64"\n", st, et, (et - st)); if (res) { if (g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.result[pThreadInfo->querySeq][0] != 0) { sprintf(pThreadInfo->filePath, "%s-%d", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.result[pThreadInfo->querySeq], pThreadInfo->threadID); fetchResult(res, pThreadInfo); } consumed[tsubSeq] ++; if ((g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.resubAfterConsume != -1) && (consumed[tsubSeq] >= g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.resubAfterConsume)) { verbosePrint("%s() LN%d, keepProgress:%d, resub super table query: %"PRIu64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeKeepProgress, pThreadInfo->querySeq); taos_unsubscribe(tsub[tsubSeq], g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeKeepProgress); consumed[tsubSeq]= 0; tsub[tsubSeq] = subscribeImpl( STABLE_CLASS, pThreadInfo, subSqlStr, topic, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeRestart, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.subscribeInterval ); if (NULL == tsub[tsubSeq]) { taos_close(pThreadInfo->taos); free(subSqlStr); return NULL; } } } } } verbosePrint("%s() LN%d, super endAfterConsume: %d, consumed: %d\n", __func__, __LINE__, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.endAfterConsume, consumed[pThreadInfo->end_table_to - pThreadInfo->start_table_from]); taos_free_result(res); for (uint64_t i = pThreadInfo->start_table_from; i <= pThreadInfo->end_table_to; i++) { tsubSeq = i - pThreadInfo->start_table_from; taos_unsubscribe(tsub[tsubSeq], 0); } taos_close(pThreadInfo->taos); free(subSqlStr); return NULL; } static void *specifiedSubscribe(void *sarg) { threadInfo *pThreadInfo = (threadInfo *)sarg; // TAOS_SUB* tsub = NULL; setThreadName("specSub"); if (pThreadInfo->taos == NULL) { pThreadInfo->taos = taos_connect(g_queryInfo.host, g_queryInfo.user, g_queryInfo.password, g_queryInfo.dbName, g_queryInfo.port); if (pThreadInfo->taos == NULL) { errorPrint2("[%d] Failed to connect to TDengine, reason:%s\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, taos_errstr(NULL)); return NULL; } } char sqlStr[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN + 5]; sprintf(sqlStr, "USE %s", g_queryInfo.dbName); if (0 != queryDbExec(pThreadInfo->taos, sqlStr, NO_INSERT_TYPE, false)) { taos_close(pThreadInfo->taos); return NULL; } sprintf(g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.topic[pThreadInfo->threadID], "taosdemo-subscribe-%"PRIu64"-%d", pThreadInfo->querySeq, pThreadInfo->threadID); if (g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.result[pThreadInfo->querySeq][0] != '\0') { sprintf(pThreadInfo->filePath, "%s-%d", g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.result[pThreadInfo->querySeq], pThreadInfo->threadID); } g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.tsub[pThreadInfo->threadID] = subscribeImpl( SPECIFIED_CLASS, pThreadInfo, g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sql[pThreadInfo->querySeq], g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.topic[pThreadInfo->threadID], g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeRestart, g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeInterval); if (NULL == g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.tsub[pThreadInfo->threadID]) { taos_close(pThreadInfo->taos); return NULL; } // start loop to consume result g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.consumed[pThreadInfo->threadID] = 0; while((g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.endAfterConsume[pThreadInfo->querySeq] == -1) || (g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.consumed[pThreadInfo->threadID] < g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.endAfterConsume[pThreadInfo->querySeq])) { printf("consumed[%d]: %d, endAfterConsum[%"PRId64"]: %d\n", pThreadInfo->threadID, g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.consumed[pThreadInfo->threadID], pThreadInfo->querySeq, g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.endAfterConsume[pThreadInfo->querySeq]); if (ASYNC_MODE == g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.asyncMode) { continue; } g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.res[pThreadInfo->threadID] = taos_consume( g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.tsub[pThreadInfo->threadID]); if (g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.res[pThreadInfo->threadID]) { if (g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.result[pThreadInfo->querySeq][0] != 0) { sprintf(pThreadInfo->filePath, "%s-%d", g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.result[pThreadInfo->querySeq], pThreadInfo->threadID); } fetchResult( g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.res[pThreadInfo->threadID], pThreadInfo); g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.consumed[pThreadInfo->threadID] ++; if ((g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.resubAfterConsume[pThreadInfo->querySeq] != -1) && (g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.consumed[pThreadInfo->threadID] >= g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.resubAfterConsume[pThreadInfo->querySeq])) { printf("keepProgress:%d, resub specified query: %"PRIu64"\n", g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeKeepProgress, pThreadInfo->querySeq); g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.consumed[pThreadInfo->threadID] = 0; taos_unsubscribe(g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.tsub[pThreadInfo->threadID], g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeKeepProgress); g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.tsub[pThreadInfo->threadID] = subscribeImpl( SPECIFIED_CLASS, pThreadInfo, g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sql[pThreadInfo->querySeq], g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.topic[pThreadInfo->threadID], g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeRestart, g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.subscribeInterval); if (NULL == g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.tsub[pThreadInfo->threadID]) { taos_close(pThreadInfo->taos); return NULL; } } } } taos_free_result(g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.res[pThreadInfo->threadID]); taos_close(pThreadInfo->taos); return NULL; } static int subscribeTestProcess() { setupForAnsiEscape(); printfQueryMeta(); resetAfterAnsiEscape(); prompt(); TAOS * taos = NULL; taos = taos_connect(g_queryInfo.host, g_queryInfo.user, g_queryInfo.password, g_queryInfo.dbName, g_queryInfo.port); if (taos == NULL) { errorPrint2("Failed to connect to TDengine, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(NULL)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (0 != g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount) { getAllChildNameOfSuperTable(taos, g_queryInfo.dbName, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.stbName, &g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.childTblName, &g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.childTblCount); } taos_close(taos); // workaround to use separate taos connection; pthread_t *pids = NULL; threadInfo *infos = NULL; pthread_t *pidsOfStable = NULL; threadInfo *infosOfStable = NULL; //==== create threads for query for specified table if (g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sqlCount <= 0) { debugPrint("%s() LN%d, specified query sqlCount %d.\n", __func__, __LINE__, g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sqlCount); } else { if (g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.concurrent <= 0) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, specified query sqlCount %d.\n", __func__, __LINE__, g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sqlCount); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } pids = calloc( 1, g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sqlCount * g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.concurrent * sizeof(pthread_t)); infos = calloc( 1, g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sqlCount * g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.concurrent * sizeof(threadInfo)); if ((NULL == pids) || (NULL == infos)) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, malloc failed for create threads\n", __func__, __LINE__); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (int i = 0; i < g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sqlCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.concurrent; j++) { uint64_t seq = i * g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.concurrent + j; threadInfo *pThreadInfo = infos + seq; pThreadInfo->threadID = seq; pThreadInfo->querySeq = i; pThreadInfo->taos = NULL; // workaround to use separate taos connection; pthread_create(pids + seq, NULL, specifiedSubscribe, pThreadInfo); } } } //==== create threads for super table query if (g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount <= 0) { debugPrint("%s() LN%d, super table query sqlCount %d.\n", __func__, __LINE__, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount); } else { if ((g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount > 0) && (g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.threadCnt > 0)) { pidsOfStable = calloc( 1, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount * g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.threadCnt * sizeof(pthread_t)); infosOfStable = calloc( 1, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount * g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.threadCnt * sizeof(threadInfo)); if ((NULL == pidsOfStable) || (NULL == infosOfStable)) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, malloc failed for create threads\n", __func__, __LINE__); // taos_close(taos); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int64_t ntables = g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.childTblCount; int threads = g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.threadCnt; int64_t a = ntables / threads; if (a < 1) { threads = ntables; a = 1; } int64_t b = 0; if (threads != 0) { b = ntables % threads; } for (uint64_t i = 0; i < g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount; i++) { uint64_t tableFrom = 0; for (int j = 0; j < threads; j++) { uint64_t seq = i * threads + j; threadInfo *pThreadInfo = infosOfStable + seq; pThreadInfo->threadID = seq; pThreadInfo->querySeq = i; pThreadInfo->start_table_from = tableFrom; pThreadInfo->ntables = jend_table_to = jend_table_to + 1; pThreadInfo->taos = NULL; // workaround to use separate taos connection; pthread_create(pidsOfStable + seq, NULL, superSubscribe, pThreadInfo); } } g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.threadCnt = threads; for (int i = 0; i < g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < threads; j++) { uint64_t seq = i * threads + j; pthread_join(pidsOfStable[seq], NULL); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.sqlCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.concurrent; j++) { uint64_t seq = i * g_queryInfo.specifiedQueryInfo.concurrent + j; pthread_join(pids[seq], NULL); } } tmfree((char*)pids); tmfree((char*)infos); tmfree((char*)pidsOfStable); tmfree((char*)infosOfStable); // taos_close(taos); return 0; } static void initOfInsertMeta() { memset(&g_Dbs, 0, sizeof(SDbs)); // set default values tstrncpy(g_Dbs.host, "", MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE); g_Dbs.port = 6030; tstrncpy(g_Dbs.user, TSDB_DEFAULT_USER, MAX_USERNAME_SIZE); tstrncpy(g_Dbs.password, TSDB_DEFAULT_PASS, SHELL_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN); g_Dbs.threadCount = 2; g_Dbs.use_metric = g_args.use_metric; } static void initOfQueryMeta() { memset(&g_queryInfo, 0, sizeof(SQueryMetaInfo)); // set default values tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.host, "", MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE); g_queryInfo.port = 6030; tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.user, TSDB_DEFAULT_USER, MAX_USERNAME_SIZE); tstrncpy(g_queryInfo.password, TSDB_DEFAULT_PASS, SHELL_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN); } static void setParaFromArg() { if (g_args.host) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.host, g_args.host, MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE); } else { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.host, "", MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE); } if (g_args.user) { tstrncpy(g_Dbs.user, g_args.user, MAX_USERNAME_SIZE); } tstrncpy(g_Dbs.password, g_args.password, SHELL_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN); if (g_args.port) { g_Dbs.port = g_args.port; } g_Dbs.threadCount = g_args.nthreads; g_Dbs.threadCountForCreateTbl = g_args.nthreads; g_Dbs.dbCount = 1; g_Dbs.db[0].drop = true; tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[0].dbName, g_args.database, TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN); g_Dbs.db[0].dbCfg.replica = g_args.replica; tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[0].dbCfg.precision, "ms", SMALL_BUFF_LEN); tstrncpy(g_Dbs.resultFile, g_args.output_file, MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN); g_Dbs.use_metric = g_args.use_metric; g_Dbs.aggr_func = g_args.aggr_func; char dataString[TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW]; char *data_type = g_args.data_type; char **dataType = g_args.dataType; memset(dataString, 0, TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW); if ((data_type[0] == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) || (data_type[0] == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL) || (data_type[0] == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR)) { g_Dbs.aggr_func = false; } if (g_args.use_metric) { g_Dbs.db[0].superTblCount = 1; tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].stbName, "meters", TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN); g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].childTblCount = g_args.ntables; g_Dbs.threadCount = g_args.nthreads; g_Dbs.threadCountForCreateTbl = g_args.nthreads; g_Dbs.asyncMode = g_args.async_mode; g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].autoCreateTable = PRE_CREATE_SUBTBL; g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].childTblExists = TBL_NO_EXISTS; g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].disorderRange = g_args.disorderRange; g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].disorderRatio = g_args.disorderRatio; tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].childTblPrefix, g_args.tb_prefix, TBNAME_PREFIX_LEN); tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].dataSource, "rand", SMALL_BUFF_LEN); if (g_args.iface == INTERFACE_BUT) { g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].iface = TAOSC_IFACE; } else { g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].iface = g_args.iface; } tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].startTimestamp, "2017-07-14 10:40:00.000", MAX_TB_NAME_SIZE); g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].timeStampStep = g_args.timestamp_step; g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].insertRows = g_args.insertRows; g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].maxSqlLen = g_args.max_sql_len; g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].columnCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_COLUMNS; i++) { if (data_type[i] == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL) { break; } g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].columns[i].data_type = data_type[i]; tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].columns[i].dataType, dataType[i], min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, strlen(dataType[i]) + 1)); g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].columns[i].dataLen = g_args.binwidth; g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].columnCount++; } if (g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].columnCount > g_args.columnCount) { g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].columnCount = g_args.columnCount; } else { for (int i = g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].columnCount; i < g_args.columnCount; i++) { g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].columns[i].data_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].columns[i].dataType, "INT", min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, strlen("INT") + 1)); g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].columns[i].dataLen = 0; g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].columnCount++; } } tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].tags[0].dataType, "INT", min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, strlen("INT") + 1)); g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].tags[0].dataLen = 0; tstrncpy(g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].tags[1].dataType, "BINARY", min(DATATYPE_BUFF_LEN, strlen("BINARY") + 1)); g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].tags[1].dataLen = g_args.binwidth; g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].tagCount = 2; } else { g_Dbs.threadCountForCreateTbl = g_args.nthreads; g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].tagCount = 0; } } /* Function to do regular expression check */ static int regexMatch(const char *s, const char *reg, int cflags) { regex_t regex; char msgbuf[100] = {0}; /* Compile regular expression */ if (regcomp(®ex, reg, cflags) != 0) { ERROR_EXIT("Fail to compile regex\n"); } /* Execute regular expression */ int reti = regexec(®ex, s, 0, NULL, 0); if (!reti) { regfree(®ex); return 1; } else if (reti == REG_NOMATCH) { regfree(®ex); return 0; } else { regerror(reti, ®ex, msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf)); regfree(®ex); printf("Regex match failed: %s\n", msgbuf); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return 0; } static int isCommentLine(char *line) { if (line == NULL) return 1; return regexMatch(line, "^\\s*#.*", REG_EXTENDED); } static void querySqlFile(TAOS* taos, char* sqlFile) { FILE *fp = fopen(sqlFile, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("failed to open file %s, reason:%s\n", sqlFile, strerror(errno)); return; } int read_len = 0; char * cmd = calloc(1, TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW); size_t cmd_len = 0; char * line = NULL; size_t line_len = 0; double t = taosGetTimestampMs(); while((read_len = tgetline(&line, &line_len, fp)) != -1) { if (read_len >= TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW) continue; line[--read_len] = '\0'; if (read_len == 0 || isCommentLine(line)) { // line starts with # continue; } if (line[read_len - 1] == '\\') { line[read_len - 1] = ' '; memcpy(cmd + cmd_len, line, read_len); cmd_len += read_len; continue; } memcpy(cmd + cmd_len, line, read_len); if (0 != queryDbExec(taos, cmd, NO_INSERT_TYPE, false)) { errorPrint2("%s() LN%d, queryDbExec %s failed!\n", __func__, __LINE__, cmd); tmfree(cmd); tmfree(line); tmfclose(fp); return; } memset(cmd, 0, TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW); cmd_len = 0; } t = taosGetTimestampMs() - t; printf("run %s took %.6f second(s)\n\n", sqlFile, t); tmfree(cmd); tmfree(line); tmfclose(fp); return; } static void testMetaFile() { if (INSERT_TEST == g_args.test_mode) { if (g_Dbs.cfgDir[0]) taos_options(TSDB_OPTION_CONFIGDIR, g_Dbs.cfgDir); insertTestProcess(); } else if (QUERY_TEST == g_args.test_mode) { if (g_queryInfo.cfgDir[0]) taos_options(TSDB_OPTION_CONFIGDIR, g_queryInfo.cfgDir); queryTestProcess(); } else if (SUBSCRIBE_TEST == g_args.test_mode) { if (g_queryInfo.cfgDir[0]) taos_options(TSDB_OPTION_CONFIGDIR, g_queryInfo.cfgDir); subscribeTestProcess(); } else { ; } } static void queryAggrFunc() { // query data pthread_t read_id; threadInfo *pThreadInfo = calloc(1, sizeof(threadInfo)); assert(pThreadInfo); pThreadInfo->start_time = DEFAULT_START_TIME; // 2017-07-14 10:40:00.000 pThreadInfo->start_table_from = 0; if (g_args.use_metric) { pThreadInfo->ntables = g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].childTblCount; pThreadInfo->end_table_to = g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].childTblCount - 1; pThreadInfo->stbInfo = &g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0]; tstrncpy(pThreadInfo->tb_prefix, g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].childTblPrefix, TBNAME_PREFIX_LEN); } else { pThreadInfo->ntables = g_args.ntables; pThreadInfo->end_table_to = g_args.ntables -1; tstrncpy(pThreadInfo->tb_prefix, g_args.tb_prefix, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN); } pThreadInfo->taos = taos_connect( g_Dbs.host, g_Dbs.user, g_Dbs.password, g_Dbs.db[0].dbName, g_Dbs.port); if (pThreadInfo->taos == NULL) { free(pThreadInfo); errorPrint2("Failed to connect to TDengine, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(NULL)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tstrncpy(pThreadInfo->filePath, g_Dbs.resultFile, MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN); if (!g_Dbs.use_metric) { pthread_create(&read_id, NULL, queryNtableAggrFunc, pThreadInfo); } else { pthread_create(&read_id, NULL, queryStableAggrFunc, pThreadInfo); } pthread_join(read_id, NULL); taos_close(pThreadInfo->taos); free(pThreadInfo); } static void testCmdLine() { if (strlen(configDir)) { wordexp_t full_path; if (wordexp(configDir, &full_path, 0) != 0) { errorPrint("Invalid path %s\n", configDir); return; } taos_options(TSDB_OPTION_CONFIGDIR, full_path.we_wordv[0]); wordfree(&full_path); } g_args.test_mode = INSERT_TEST; insertTestProcess(); if (g_Dbs.aggr_func) { queryAggrFunc(); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { parse_args(argc, argv, &g_args); debugPrint("meta file: %s\n", g_args.metaFile); if (g_args.metaFile) { g_totalChildTables = 0; initOfInsertMeta(); initOfQueryMeta(); if (false == getInfoFromJsonFile(g_args.metaFile)) { printf("Failed to read %s\n", g_args.metaFile); return 1; } testMetaFile(); } else { memset(&g_Dbs, 0, sizeof(SDbs)); setParaFromArg(); if (NULL != g_args.sqlFile) { TAOS* qtaos = taos_connect( g_Dbs.host, g_Dbs.user, g_Dbs.password, g_Dbs.db[0].dbName, g_Dbs.port); querySqlFile(qtaos, g_args.sqlFile); taos_close(qtaos); } else { testCmdLine(); } if (g_dupstr) free(g_dupstr); } return 0; }