################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. # No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, # disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as # expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao # ################################################################### # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os import os.path import subprocess from util.log import * class TDSimClient: def __init__(self): self.testCluster = False def init(self, path): self.__init__() self.path = path def getCfgDir(self): return self.cfgDir def setTestCluster(self, value): self.testCluster = value def cfg(self, option, value): cmd = "echo '%s %s' >> %s" % (option, value, self.cfgPath) if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) def deploy(self): self.logDir = "%s/pysim/psim/log" % (self.path,) self.cfgDir = "%s/pysim/psim/cfg" % (self.path) self.cfgPath = "%s/pysim/psim/cfg/taos.cfg" % (self.path) cmd = "rm -rf " + self.logDir if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) cmd = "rm -rf " + self.cfgDir if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) cmd = "mkdir -p " + self.logDir if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) cmd = "mkdir -p " + self.cfgDir if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) cmd = "touch " + self.cfgPath if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) if self.testCluster: self.cfg("masterIp", "") self.cfg("secondIp", "") self.cfg("logDir", self.logDir) self.cfg("numOfLogLines", "100000000") self.cfg("numOfThreadsPerCore", "2.0") self.cfg("locale", "en_US.UTF-8") self.cfg("charset", "UTF-8") self.cfg("asyncLog", "0") self.cfg("anyIp", "0") self.cfg("sdbDebugFlag", "135") self.cfg("rpcDebugFlag", "135") self.cfg("tmrDebugFlag", "131") self.cfg("cDebugFlag", "135") self.cfg("udebugFlag", "135") self.cfg("jnidebugFlag", "135") self.cfg("qdebugFlag", "135") tdLog.debug("psim is deployed and configured by %s" % (self.cfgPath)) class TDDnode: def __init__(self, index): self.index = index self.running = 0 self.deployed = 0 self.testCluster = False self.valgrind = 0 def init(self, path): self.path = path def setTestCluster(self, value): self.testCluster = value def setValgrind(self, value): self.valgrind = value def deploy(self): self.logDir = "%s/pysim/dnode%d/log" % (self.path, self.index) self.dataDir = "%s/pysim/dnode%d/data" % (self.path, self.index) self.cfgDir = "%s/pysim/dnode%d/cfg" % (self.path, self.index) self.cfgPath = "%s/pysim/dnode%d/cfg/taos.cfg" % ( self.path, self.index) cmd = "rm -rf " + self.dataDir if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) cmd = "rm -rf " + self.logDir if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) cmd = "rm -rf " + self.cfgDir if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) cmd = "mkdir -p " + self.dataDir if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) cmd = "mkdir -p " + self.logDir if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) cmd = "mkdir -p " + self.cfgDir if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) cmd = "touch " + self.cfgPath if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) if self.testCluster: self.startIP() if self.testCluster: self.cfg("masterIp", "") self.cfg("secondIp", "") self.cfg("publicIp", "192.168.0.%d" % (self.index)) self.cfg("internalIp", "192.168.0.%d" % (self.index)) self.cfg("privateIp", "192.168.0.%d" % (self.index)) self.cfg("dataDir", self.dataDir) self.cfg("logDir", self.logDir) self.cfg("numOfLogLines", "100000000") self.cfg("mgmtEqualVnodeNum", "0") self.cfg("clog", "1") self.cfg("statusInterval", "1") self.cfg("numOfTotalVnodes", "64") self.cfg("numOfMPeers", "3") self.cfg("numOfThreadsPerCore", "2.0") self.cfg("monitor", "0") self.cfg("maxVnodeConnections", "30000") self.cfg("maxMgmtConnections", "30000") self.cfg("maxMeterConnections", "30000") self.cfg("maxShellConns", "30000") self.cfg("locale", "en_US.UTF-8") self.cfg("charset", "UTF-8") self.cfg("asyncLog", "0") self.cfg("anyIp", "0") self.cfg("dDebugFlag", "135") self.cfg("mDebugFlag", "135") self.cfg("sdbDebugFlag", "135") self.cfg("rpcDebugFlag", "135") self.cfg("tmrDebugFlag", "131") self.cfg("cDebugFlag", "135") self.cfg("httpDebugFlag", "135") self.cfg("monitorDebugFlag", "135") self.cfg("udebugFlag", "135") self.cfg("jnidebugFlag", "135") self.cfg("qdebugFlag", "135") self.deployed = 1 tdLog.debug( "dnode:%d is deployed and configured by %s" % (self.index, self.cfgPath)) def start(self): selfPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) binPath = "" if ("TDinternal" in selfPath): projPath = selfPath + "/../../../../" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(projPath): if ("taosd" in files): rootRealPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(root)) if ("community" not in rootRealPath): binPath = os.path.join(root, "taosd") break else: projPath = selfPath + "/../../../" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(projPath): if ("taosd" in files): rootRealPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(root)) if ("packaging" not in rootRealPath): binPath = os.path.join(root, "taosd") break if (binPath == ""): tdLog.exit("taosd not found!s") else: tdLog.info("taosd found in %s" % rootRealPath) if self.deployed == 0: tdLog.exit("dnode:%d is not deployed" % (self.index)) if self.valgrind == 0: cmd = "nohup %s -c %s > /dev/null 2>&1 & " % ( binPath, self.cfgDir) else: valgrindCmdline = "valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --show-reachable=no --track-origins=yes --show-leak-kinds=all -v --workaround-gcc296-bugs=yes" cmd = "nohup %s %s -c %s 2>&1 & " % ( valgrindCmdline, binPath, self.cfgDir) print(cmd) if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) self.running = 1 tdLog.debug("dnode:%d is running with %s " % (self.index, cmd)) tdLog.debug("wait 5 seconds for the dnode:%d to start." % (self.index)) time.sleep(5) def stop(self): if self.valgrind == 0: toBeKilled = "taosd" else: toBeKilled = "valgrind.bin" if self.running != 0: psCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w %s| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" % toBeKilled processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") while(processID): killCmd = "kill -INT %s" % processID os.system(killCmd) time.sleep(1) processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") self.running = 0 tdLog.debug("dnode:%d is stopped by kill -INT" % (self.index)) def forcestop(self): if self.valgrind == 0: toBeKilled = "taosd" else: toBeKilled = "valgrind.bin" if self.running != 0: psCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w %s| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" % toBeKilled processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") while(processID): killCmd = "kill -KILL %s" % processID os.system(killCmd) time.sleep(1) processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") self.running = 0 tdLog.debug("dnode:%d is stopped by kill -KILL" % (self.index)) def startIP(self): cmd = "sudo ifconfig lo:%d 192.168.0.%d up" % (self.index, self.index) if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) def stopIP(self): cmd = "sudo ifconfig lo:%d 192.168.0.%d down" % ( self.index, self.index) if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) def cfg(self, option, value): cmd = "echo '%s %s' >> %s" % (option, value, self.cfgPath) if os.system(cmd) != 0: tdLog.exit(cmd) def getDnodeRootDir(self, index): dnodeRootDir = "%s/pysim/psim/dnode%d" % (self.path, index) return dnodeRootDir def getDnodesRootDir(self): dnodesRootDir = "%s/pysim/psim" % (self.path) return dnodesRootDir class TDDnodes: def __init__(self): self.dnodes = [] self.dnodes.append(TDDnode(1)) self.dnodes.append(TDDnode(2)) self.dnodes.append(TDDnode(3)) self.dnodes.append(TDDnode(4)) self.dnodes.append(TDDnode(5)) self.dnodes.append(TDDnode(6)) self.dnodes.append(TDDnode(7)) self.dnodes.append(TDDnode(8)) self.dnodes.append(TDDnode(9)) self.dnodes.append(TDDnode(10)) def init(self, path): psCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w taosd| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") while(processID): killCmd = "kill -KILL %s" % processID os.system(killCmd) time.sleep(1) processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") psCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w valgrind.bin| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") while(processID): killCmd = "kill -KILL %s" % processID os.system(killCmd) time.sleep(1) processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") binPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) binPath = binPath + "/../../../debug/" tdLog.debug("binPath %s" % (binPath)) binPath = os.path.realpath(binPath) tdLog.debug("binPath real path %s" % (binPath)) # cmd = "sudo cp %s/build/lib/libtaos.so /usr/local/lib/taos/" % (binPath) # tdLog.debug(cmd) # os.system(cmd) # cmd = "sudo cp %s/build/bin/taos /usr/local/bin/taos/" % (binPath) # if os.system(cmd) != 0 : # tdLog.exit(cmd) # tdLog.debug("execute %s" % (cmd)) # cmd = "sudo cp %s/build/bin/taosd /usr/local/bin/taos/" % (binPath) # if os.system(cmd) != 0 : # tdLog.exit(cmd) # tdLog.debug("execute %s" % (cmd)) if path == "": # self.path = os.path.expanduser('~') self.path = os.path.abspath(binPath + "../../") else: self.path = os.path.realpath(path) for i in range(len(self.dnodes)): self.dnodes[i].init(self.path) def setTestCluster(self, value): self.testCluster = value def setValgrind(self, value): self.valgrind = value def deploy(self, index): self.sim = TDSimClient() self.sim.init(self.path) self.sim.setTestCluster(self.testCluster) self.sim.deploy() self.check(index) self.dnodes[index - 1].setTestCluster(self.testCluster) self.dnodes[index - 1].setValgrind(self.valgrind) self.dnodes[index - 1].deploy() def cfg(self, index, option, value): self.check(index) self.dnodes[index - 1].cfg(option, value) def start(self, index): self.check(index) self.dnodes[index - 1].start() def stop(self, index): self.check(index) self.dnodes[index - 1].stop() def forcestop(self, index): self.check(index) self.dnodes[index - 1].forcestop() def startIP(self, index): self.check(index) if self.testCluster: self.dnodes[index - 1].startIP() def stopIP(self, index): self.check(index) if self.dnodes[index - 1].testCluster: self.dnodes[index - 1].stopIP() def check(self, index): if index < 1 or index > 10: tdLog.exit("index:%d should on a scale of [1, 10]" % (index)) def stopAll(self): tdLog.info("stop all dnodes") for i in range(len(self.dnodes)): self.dnodes[i].stop() psCmd = "ps -ef | grep -w taosd | grep 'root' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") if processID: cmd = "sudo systemctl stop taosd" os.system(cmd) # if os.system(cmd) != 0 : # tdLog.exit(cmd) psCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w taosd| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") while(processID): killCmd = "kill -KILL %s" % processID os.system(killCmd) time.sleep(1) processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") psCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w valgrind.bin| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") while(processID): killCmd = "kill -KILL %s" % processID os.system(killCmd) time.sleep(1) processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") # if os.system(cmd) != 0 : # tdLog.exit(cmd) def getDnodesRootDir(self): dnodesRootDir = "%s/pysim" % (self.path) return dnodesRootDir def getSimCfgPath(self): return self.sim.getCfgDir() tdDnodes = TDDnodes()