#!/bin/sh function usage() { echo "$0" echo -e "\t -f test file type,server/client/tools/" echo -e "\t -m pacakage version Type,community/enterprise" echo -e "\t -l package type,lite or not" echo -e "\t -c operation type,x64/arm64" echo -e "\t -v pacakage version," echo -e "\t -o pacakage version," echo -e "\t -s source Path,web/nas" echo -e "\t -t package Type,tar/rpm/deb" echo -e "\t -h help" } #parameter scriptDir=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0)) version="" originversion="" testFile="server" verMode="communtity" sourcePath="nas" cpuType="x64" lite="true" packageType="tar" subFile="taos.tar.gz" while getopts "m:c:f:l:s:o:t:v:h" opt; do case $opt in m) verMode=$OPTARG ;; v) version=$OPTARG ;; f) testFile=$OPTARG ;; l) lite=$OPTARG ;; s) sourcePath=$OPTARG ;; o) originversion=$OPTARG ;; c) cpuType=$OPTARG ;; t) packageType=$OPTARG ;; h) usage exit 0 ;; ?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" usage exit 0 ;; esac done echo "testFile:${testFile},verMode:${verMode},lite:${lite},cpuType:${cpuType},packageType:${packageType},version-${version},originversion:${originversion},sourcePath:${sourcePath}" # Color setting RED='\033[41;30m' GREEN='\033[1;32m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' BLUE='\033[1;34m' GREEN_DARK='\033[0;32m' YELLOW_DARK='\033[0;33m' BLUE_DARK='\033[0;34m' GREEN_UNDERLINE='\033[4;32m' NC='\033[0m' if [[ ${verMode} = "enterprise" ]];then prePackag="TDengine-enterprise-${testFile}" elif [ ${verMode} = "community" ];then prePackag="TDengine-${testFile}" fi if [ ${lite} = "true" ];then packageLite="-Lite" elif [ ${lite} = "false" ];then packageLite="" fi if [[ "$packageType" = "tar" ]] ;then packageType="tar.gz" fi tdPath="${prePackag}-${version}" originTdpPath="${prePackag}-${originversion}" packgeName="${tdPath}-Linux-${cpuType}${packageLite}.${packageType}" originPackageName="${originTdpPath}-Linux-${cpuType}${packageLite}.${packageType}" if [ "$testFile" == "server" ] ;then installCmd="install.sh" elif [ ${testFile} = "client" ];then installCmd="install_client.sh" elif [ ${testFile} = "tools" ];then tdPath="taosTools-${version}" originTdpPath="taosTools-${originversion}" packgeName="${tdPath}-Linux-${cpuType}${packageLite}.${packageType}" originPackageName="${originTdpPath}-Linux-${cpuType}${packageLite}.${packageType}" installCmd="install-taostools.sh" fi echo "tdPath:${tdPath},originTdpPath:${originTdpPath},packgeName:${packgeName},originPackageName:${originPackageName}" function cmdInstall { command=$1 if command -v ${command} ;then echoColor YD "${command} is already installed" else if command -v apt ;then apt-get install ${command} -y elif command -v yum ;then yum -y install ${command} echoColor YD "you should install ${command} manually" fi fi } function echoColor { color=$1 command=$2 if [ ${color} = 'Y' ];then echo -e "${YELLOW}${command}${NC}" elif [ ${color} = 'YD' ];then echo -e "${YELLOW_DARK}${command}${NC}" elif [ ${color} = 'R' ];then echo -e "${RED}${command}${NC}" elif [ ${color} = 'G' ];then echo -e "${GREEN}${command}${NC}\r\n" elif [ ${color} = 'B' ];then echo -e "${BLUE}${command}${NC}" elif [ ${color} = 'BD' ];then echo -e "${BLUE_DARK}${command}${NC}" fi } function wgetFile { file=$1 versionPath=$2 sourceP=$3 nasServerIP="" packagePath="/nas/TDengine/v${versionPath}/${verMode}" if [ -f ${file} ];then echoColor YD "${file} already exists ,it will delete it and download it again " rm -rf ${file} fi if [[ ${sourceP} = 'web' ]];then echoColor BD "====download====:wget https://www.taosdata.com/assets-download/3.0/${file}" wget https://www.taosdata.com/assets-download/3.0/${file} elif [[ ${sourceP} = 'nas' ]];then echoColor BD "====download====:scp root@${nasServerIP}:${packagePath}/${file} ." scp root@${nasServerIP}:${packagePath}/${file} . fi } function newPath { buildPath=$1 if [ ! -d ${buildPath} ] ;then echoColor BD "mkdir -p ${buildPath}" mkdir -p ${buildPath} else echoColor YD "${buildPath} already exists" fi } echoColor G "===== install basesoft =====" cmdInstall tree cmdInstall wget cmdInstall expect echoColor G "===== Uninstall all components of TDeingne =====" if command -v rmtaos ;then echoColor YD "uninstall all components of TDeingne:rmtaos" rmtaos else echoColor YD "os doesn't include TDengine" fi if command -v rmtaostools ;then echoColor YD "uninstall all components of TDeingne:rmtaostools" rmtaostools else echoColor YD "os doesn't include rmtaostools " fi if [[ ${packgeName} =~ "server" ]] ;then echoColor BD " pkill -9 taosd " pkill -9 taosd fi echoColor G "===== new workroom path =====" installPath="/usr/local/src/packageTest" oriInstallPath="/usr/local/src/packageTest/3.1" newPath ${installPath} newPath ${oriInstallPath} if [ -d ${oriInstallPath}/${originTdpPath} ] ;then echoColor BD "rm -rf ${oriInstallPath}/${originTdpPath}/*" rm -rf ${oriInstallPath}/${originTdpPath}/* fi if [ -d ${installPath}/${tdPath} ] ;then echoColor BD "rm -rf ${installPath}/${tdPath}/*" rm -rf ${installPath}/${tdPath}/* fi echoColor G "===== download installPackage =====" cd ${installPath} && wgetFile ${packgeName} ${version} ${sourcePath} cd ${oriInstallPath} && wgetFile ${originPackageName} ${originversion} ${sourcePath} cd ${installPath} cp -r ${scriptDir}/debRpmAutoInstall.sh . packageSuffix=$(echo ${packgeName} | awk -F '.' '{print $NF}') if [ ! -f debRpmAutoInstall.sh ];then echo '#!/usr/bin/expect ' > debRpmAutoInstall.sh echo 'set packgeName [lindex $argv 0]' >> debRpmAutoInstall.sh echo 'set packageSuffix [lindex $argv 1]' >> debRpmAutoInstall.sh echo 'set timeout 3 ' >> debRpmAutoInstall.sh echo 'if { ${packageSuffix} == "deb" } {' >> debRpmAutoInstall.sh echo ' spawn dpkg -i ${packgeName} ' >> debRpmAutoInstall.sh echo '} elseif { ${packageSuffix} == "rpm"} {' >> debRpmAutoInstall.sh echo ' spawn rpm -ivh ${packgeName}' >> debRpmAutoInstall.sh echo '}' >> debRpmAutoInstall.sh echo 'expect "*one:"' >> debRpmAutoInstall.sh echo 'send "\r"' >> debRpmAutoInstall.sh echo 'expect "*skip:"' >> debRpmAutoInstall.sh echo 'send "\r" ' >> debRpmAutoInstall.sh fi echoColor G "===== instal Package =====" if [[ ${packgeName} =~ "deb" ]];then cd ${installPath} dpkg -r taostools dpkg -r tdengine if [[ ${packgeName} =~ "TDengine" ]];then echoColor BD "./debRpmAutoInstall.sh ${packgeName} ${packageSuffix}" && chmod 755 debRpmAutoInstall.sh && ./debRpmAutoInstall.sh ${packgeName} ${packageSuffix} else echoColor BD "dpkg -i ${packgeName}" && dpkg -i ${packgeName} fi elif [[ ${packgeName} =~ "rpm" ]];then cd ${installPath} sudo rpm -e tdengine sudo rpm -e taostools if [[ ${packgeName} =~ "TDengine" ]];then echoColor BD "./debRpmAutoInstall.sh ${packgeName} ${packageSuffix}" && chmod 755 debRpmAutoInstall.sh && ./debRpmAutoInstall.sh ${packgeName} ${packageSuffix} else echoColor BD "rpm -ivh ${packgeName}" && rpm -ivh ${packgeName} fi elif [[ ${packgeName} =~ "tar" ]];then echoColor G "===== check installPackage File of tar =====" cd ${oriInstallPath} if [ ! -f {originPackageName} ];then echoColor YD "download base installPackage" wgetFile ${originPackageName} ${originversion} ${sourcePath} fi echoColor YD "unzip the base installation package" echoColor BD "tar -xf ${originPackageName}" && tar -xf ${originPackageName} cd ${installPath} echoColor YD "unzip the new installation package" echoColor BD "tar -xf ${packgeName}" && tar -xf ${packgeName} if [ ${testFile} != "tools" ] ;then cd ${installPath}/${tdPath} && tar xf ${subFile} cd ${oriInstallPath}/${originTdpPath} && tar xf ${subFile} fi cd ${oriInstallPath}/${originTdpPath} && tree -I "driver" > ${installPath}/base_${originversion}_checkfile cd ${installPath}/${tdPath} && tree -I "driver" > ${installPath}/now_${version}_checkfile cd ${installPath} diff ${installPath}/base_${originversion}_checkfile ${installPath}/now_${version}_checkfile > ${installPath}/diffFile.log diffNumbers=`cat ${installPath}/diffFile.log |wc -l ` if [ ${diffNumbers} != 0 ];then echoColor R "The number and names of files is different from the previous installation package" diffLog=`cat ${installPath}/diffFile.log` echoColor Y "${diffLog}" exit -1 else echoColor G "The number and names of files are the same as previous installation packages" rm -rf ${installPath}/diffFile.log fi echoColor YD "===== install Package of tar =====" cd ${installPath}/${tdPath} if [ ${testFile} = "server" ];then echoColor BD "bash ${installCmd} -e no " bash ${installCmd} -e no else echoColor BD "bash ${installCmd} " bash ${installCmd} fi fi cd ${installPath} if [[ ${packgeName} =~ "Lite" ]] || ([[ ${packgeName} =~ "x64" ]] && [[ ${packgeName} =~ "client" ]]) || ([[ ${packgeName} =~ "deb" ]] && [[ ${packgeName} =~ "server" ]]) || ([[ ${packgeName} =~ "rpm" ]] && [[ ${packgeName} =~ "server" ]]) ;then echoColor G "===== install taos-tools when package is lite or client =====" cd ${installPath} if [ ! -f "taosTools-2.1.3-Linux-x64.tar.gz " ];then wgetFile taosTools-2.1.3-Linux-x64.tar.gz v2.1.3 web tar xf taosTools-2.1.3-Linux-x64.tar.gz fi cd taosTools-2.1.3 && bash install-taostools.sh elif ([[ ${packgeName} =~ "arm64" ]] && [[ ${packgeName} =~ "client" ]]);then echoColor G "===== install taos-tools arm when package is arm64-client =====" cd ${installPath} if [ ! -f "taosTools-2.1.3-Linux-x64.tar.gz " ];then wgetFile taosTools-2.1.3-Linux-arm64.tar.gz v2.1.3 web tar xf taosTools-2.1.3-Linux-arm64.tar.gz fi cd taosTools-2.1.3 && bash install-taostools.sh fi echoColor G "===== start TDengine =====" if [[ ${packgeName} =~ "server" ]] ;then echoColor BD " rm -rf /var/lib/taos/* && systemctl restart taosd " rm -rf /var/lib/taos/* systemctl restart taosd fi rm -rf ${installPath}/${packgeName} rm -rf ${installPath}/${tdPath}/ # if ([[ ${packgeName} =~ "Lite" ]] && [[ ${packgeName} =~ "tar" ]]) || [[ ${packgeName} =~ "client" ]] ;then # echoColor G "===== install taos-tools when package is lite or client =====" # cd ${installPath} # wgetFile taosTools-2.1.2-Linux-x64.tar.gz . # tar xf taosTools-2.1.2-Linux-x64.tar.gz # cd taosTools-2.1.2 && bash install-taostools.sh # elif [[ ${packgeName} =~ "Lite" ]] && [[ ${packgeName} =~ "deb" ]] ;then # echoColor G "===== install taos-tools when package is lite or client =====" # cd ${installPath} # wgetFile taosTools-2.1.2-Linux-x64.tar.gz . # tar xf taosTools-2.1.2-Linux-x64.tar.gz # cd taosTools-2.1.2 && bash install-taostools.sh # elif [[ ${packgeName} =~ "Lite" ]] && [[ ${packgeName} =~ "rpm" ]] ;then # echoColor G "===== install taos-tools when package is lite or client =====" # cd ${installPath} # wgetFile taosTools-2.1.2-Linux-x64.tar.gz . # tar xf taosTools-2.1.2-Linux-x64.tar.gz # cd taosTools-2.1.2 && bash install-taostools.sh # fi