system sh/ system sh/ -n dnode1 -i 1 system sh/ -n dnode2 -i 2 system sh/ -n dnode3 -i 3 system sh/ -n dnode4 -i 4 system sh/ -n dnode1 -c transPullupInterval -v 1 system sh/ -n dnode2 -c transPullupInterval -v 1 system sh/ -n dnode3 -c transPullupInterval -v 1 system sh/ -n dnode4 -c transPullupInterval -v 1 system sh/ -n dnode1 -s start sql connect print =============== step1: create dnodes sql create dnode $hostname port 7200 sql create dnode $hostname port 7300 sql create dnode $hostname port 7400 $x = 0 step1: $x = $x + 1 sleep 1000 if $x == 5 then return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_dnodes if $data(1)[4] != ready then goto step1 endi print =============== step2: create dnodes - with error sql_error create mnode on dnode 1; sql_error create mnode on dnode 2; sql_error create mnode on dnode 3; sql_error create mnode on dnode 4; sql_error create mnode on dnode 5; sql_error create mnode on dnode 6; print =============== step3: create mnode 2 and 3 system sh/ -n dnode2 -s start system sh/ -n dnode3 -s start system sh/ -n dnode4 -s start $x = 0 step3: $x = $x + 1 sleep 1000 if $x == 5 then return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_dnodes if $data(2)[4] != ready then goto step3 endi if $data(3)[4] != ready then goto step3 endi if $data(4)[4] != ready then goto step3 endi sql create mnode on dnode 2 sql create mnode on dnode 3 $x = 0 step31: $x = $x + 1 sleep 1000 if $x == 50 then return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_mnodes $leaderNum = 0 if $data(1)[2] == leader then $leaderNum = 1 endi if $data(2)[2] == leader then $leaderNum = 1 endi if $data(3)[2] == leader then $leaderNum = 1 endi if $leaderNum == 0 then goto step31 endi print =============== step4: create dnodes - with error sql_error create mnode on dnode 1 sql_error create mnode on dnode 2; sql_error create mnode on dnode 3; sql_error create mnode on dnode 4; sql_error create mnode on dnode 5; sql_error create mnode on dnode 6; print =============== step5: drop mnodes - with error sql_error drop mnode on dnode 1 sql_error drop mnode on dnode 4 sql_error drop mnode on dnode 5 sql_error drop mnode on dnode 6 system sh/ -n dnode2 -s stop -x SIGKILL $x = 0 step5: $x = $x + 1 sleep 1000 if $x == 10 then return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_dnodes print ===> $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 print ===> $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13 $data14 $data15 print ===> $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23 $data24 $data25 print ===> $data30 $data31 $data32 $data33 $data34 $data35 if $data(1)[4] != ready then goto step5 endi if $data(2)[4] != offline then goto step5 endi if $data(3)[4] != ready then goto step5 endi if $data(4)[4] != ready then goto step5 endi sql_error drop mnode on dnode 2 system sh/ -n dnode2 -s start $x = 0 step51: $x = $x + 1 sleep 1000 if $x == 10 then return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_dnodes print ===> $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 print ===> $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13 $data14 $data15 print ===> $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23 $data24 $data25 print ===> $data30 $data31 $data32 $data33 $data34 $data35 if $data(1)[4] != ready then goto step51 endi if $data(2)[4] != ready then goto step51 endi if $data(3)[4] != ready then goto step51 endi if $data(4)[4] != ready then goto step51 endi print =============== step6: stop mnode1 system sh/ -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGKILL # sql_error drop mnode on dnode 1 $x = 0 step61: $x = $x + 1 sleep 1000 if $x == 10 then return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_mnodes -x step61 print ===> $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 print ===> $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13 $data14 $data15 print ===> $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23 $data24 $data25 $leaderNum = 0 if $data(2)[2] == leader then $leaderNum = 1 endi if $data(3)[2] == leader then $leaderNum = 1 endi if $leaderNum != 1 then goto step61 endi print =============== step7: start mnode1 and wait it online system sh/ -n dnode1 -s start $x = 0 step71: $x = $x + 1 sleep 1000 if $x == 10 then return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_dnodes print ===> $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 print ===> $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13 $data14 $data15 print ===> $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23 $data24 $data25 print ===> $data30 $data31 $data32 $data33 $data34 $data35 if $data(1)[4] != ready then goto step71 endi if $data(2)[4] != ready then goto step71 endi if $data(3)[4] != ready then goto step71 endi if $data(4)[4] != ready then goto step71 endi print =============== step8: stop mnode1 and drop it system sh/ -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGKILL sql_error drop mnode on dnode 1 $x = 0 step81: $x = $x + 1 sleep 1000 if $x == 10 then return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_mnodes print ===> $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 print ===> $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13 $data14 $data15 print ===> $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23 $data24 $data25 $leaderNum = 0 if $data(1)[2] == leader then $leaderNum = 1 endi if $data(2)[2] == leader then $leaderNum = 1 endi if $data(3)[2] == leader then $leaderNum = 1 endi if $leaderNum != 1 then goto step81 endi print =============== step9: start mnode1 and wait it dropped system sh/ -n dnode1 -s start sql drop mnode on dnode 1 -x step90 step90: $x = 0 step91: $x = $x + 1 sleep 1000 if $x == 10 then return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_dnodes print ===> $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 print ===> $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13 $data14 $data15 print ===> $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23 $data24 $data25 print ===> $data30 $data31 $data32 $data33 $data34 $data35 if $data(1)[4] != ready then goto step91 endi if $data(2)[4] != ready then goto step91 endi if $data(3)[4] != ready then goto step91 endi if $data(4)[4] != ready then goto step91 endi $x = 0 step92: $x = $x + 1 sleep 1000 if $x == 20 then return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_mnodes print ===> $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 print ===> $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13 $data14 $data15 print ===> $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23 $data24 $data25 $leaderNum = 0 if $data(1)[2] == leader then $leaderNum = 1 endi if $data(2)[2] == leader then $leaderNum = 1 endi if $data(3)[2] == leader then $leaderNum = 1 endi if $leaderNum != 1 then goto step92 endi if $rows != 2 then goto step92 endi print =============== stepa: create mnode1 again sql create mnode on dnode 1 $x = 0 stepa: $x = $x + 1 sleep 1000 if $x == 10 then return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_mnodes print ===> $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 print ===> $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13 $data14 $data15 print ===> $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23 $data24 $data25 $leaderNum = 0 if $data(1)[2] == leader then $leaderNum = 1 endi if $data(2)[2] == leader then $leaderNum = 1 endi if $data(3)[2] == leader then $leaderNum = 1 endi if $leaderNum == 0 then goto stepa endi if $leaderNum != 1 then return -1 endi $x = 0 stepb: $x = $x + 1 sleep 1000 if $x == 10 then print ====> dnode not ready! return -1 endi sql select * from information_schema.ins_dnodes print ===> $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 print ===> $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13 $data14 $data15 print ===> $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23 $data24 $data25 print ===> $data30 $data31 $data32 $data33 $data34 $data35 if $rows != 4 then return -1 endi if $data(1)[4] != ready then goto stepb endi if $data(2)[4] != ready then goto stepb endi if $data(3)[4] != ready then goto stepb endi if $data(4)[4] != ready then goto stepb endi system sh/ -n dnode1 -s stop system sh/ -n dnode2 -s stop system sh/ -n dnode3 -s stop system sh/ -n dnode4 -s stop